Democratic banner. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1837-1849, August 04, 1848, Image 3

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‘ flag!»
‘l‘ Was
'n‘cmocralic County Meeting.
‘ .'l‘he Dem‘ocmrsol'Clcnrfiel-l (muhly nu requested
lilo meal In the court house on 'l‘nendny evening Sop
mniher .’rlll, (court unolafur the purpose of mapund
mg lo the rmniinnlion cl llre 30th Septerfihor Confi'n
mm. and to lrnnencrull olhor lmsrncsn nl imporlnnco
(o (the wellnro nndeuccnv of Iho .purly.
' By order ul Ihc Slandiug Cunimilleo. ,
' ' C KRATZER. Ch'n.
Orgn nlze !---organlzc !!
' :l‘he allenlion ofthe Democrnls ofClear
field counly is respectfully called lo the
proceedings of lhe Democratic S'l'rinalrig
Commilteo. We lmpe every man will now
prepare for the come“ in grind earnest“—
'l'he Comrnilleeu of Vigi'ancc should meet
immediately, and when they can-ml ihor
mighly canvass lhcir dislricle themselves.
appoint eub commillees in every sclrbol
dislvicl. II is high lime that the good ‘
Work was commenced.
f L ‘0”,l
.. Dye.
' I'm“.
: ,f' " film
”I!“ as
;J“"‘ lhe
‘ 1!!th
fihd ex.
‘- 6M6
.. Flies
.I y
11 of
" who
110 m
afr'l'ho condition) of Ireland is lruly
deplorable. Since mg conviction 0! Milch
ell. the young ornlor and paltiol T. F. Mea
gher, wilh th‘tee others, cdilors of Irish pa~
pars, have been arrested. and hue [galls
found against Ihem. ‘ How any people can
be made Io suffer no long and so much'is
hard _lo' imagine. espééiélly \\ hen the fu-I
"no is cmiroiy without hope.
-3;: lily
,' bad
in a•
'. llfolb lhe Pennsylvania Regiments have
telurvned and by lhio limo have been paid
off and honorably discharged from lhe der
vicd of lhe United Slates. Their Icc'ep
fio‘n e’v'c-r) where aiong the route, from Pim»
blurvg ‘lo .l’hitadelpnia- was glonous indeed,
and was. no doubl, themes: welcome, as
il was we" deserved. congratulations lhe
brave {allows received since they lefl their
homes." ‘
, T‘filn ~
, n:
5;: s;
‘ A determtnod effort was made by the
leading Whig presses to make it appear
that the vo'limeere would all go for Tay
i” when they would relurn. Indeed sev
eral mm; were given, said to have been
taken among the volunteers on board steam
bnéts,’shbwmg a preference (in 'l‘aylorvo
ver the Dembc’ralic candidates. But ,‘all
those islanders have been nailed to the!
counter. The volunteers are a'mosfunen
imons for Cues & Butler—at least nine out
of every tan. 0! {our companies 'ol'the
2d Penneylvanians, numbering 400 men,
only ten or twelve are wbigs. So with the
Massachusetts regiments—lhe Maryland
erslpnd nodoubt the entire forces. What
else‘coul‘d be expected. They rerl'ainlli
could not be expected to vote with the par
ty whose leaders look particular pride ih
'sbusingithe cause they were so bravely
serving~denouncing them in the herehe t
term. and calling upon the Mexicans ll
"welcome (hem wilh bloody hands qnl
[trespifdfble' grapes.” They Would natu:
l'r‘a‘lly "cling to the party that upheld, encoun
eged-,~;sppported dz sympatllized with theni
,GEN, ‘f;'4~vl.on HAS'IAC'C ERTEDJ
The logic! of Gen. Taylor, acknowledgi
jag the receipt 0! Gov. Morehoad’a leue;
Jnfolmifigllhifi ofmhip nomination by 1115
‘Whifi Nasiolgél'cpnvpnilivn.’ hm} al length
wachotha pubién .eye. ~11 '49}er abor}
.J-‘u‘cdulfl maké.’hbbuc'lwo aquaieskbu}, u?-
‘Jaa. il co‘n'léins‘nd pledge! ’l‘hgre' is no;
mingin iilaboqt Bank; Tar-pf. ‘Dishjibuf
{ign,"77/'eif’rv'§[9"ry,’l fi'of'fiéu' ribna’ .'bP‘? flier?
i' 9mm éh'w 0! nahenmdw‘meenni
‘ inafwhigics'n rend .il;wilhou: Ihol'ghounl
'John‘fl‘yjemlafing‘him fair in iha face; ' 4
,;.. 4.». -__._ . :r .:n :‘ A" i
'. -‘:l;§.':_Gen.‘ Keim=and Hon. John Jlitterr
ig‘ot'h 'ofvbeglg'd’cOhnl'y.‘ ,hgyé lefquqd'ihd‘use‘
oflhgnrli‘iLévin'ééwijn ,cqnnepljan ' w'ifl.’ the‘ né'x'l
001710 Democrat-'orJefl‘ernbd counly held Ihoii
(foamy Cofivenlibn "on Monday ‘tapr; und‘ inatyuc.
led nhgir Confereqs for Biaun aumeirfimibhgice;
Thillifl'ycl 193.90"?de onhq counsiomflclu‘rlqn,
Vénqqgégmlaloifcmonrudnding two doles-mi. ;.
flc-m‘ojc‘ratt‘c 33a 1171 31:.
at E 355 ‘m: [-1 L 0; PA Ma 1—4.1848
Gen ;L EW is CASS,
°"' ‘--‘"- ‘~ I“ 0/ Michigan. » " ‘
" Honwcn PRESIDENT. "
Gen. W 1“; 0. BUTLER
0/' Kentucky
Democratic Electoral Ticke
‘ Senatorial Electors.
, WILLIAM Blou-zn.of(llcnrfield.
. ~ ~ Dnm D. WAQENEn. of Northampton.
',l ,- ,1 ' chrcscnlntiva Electors.
Dis. ... ~ . H Dis V
" I.’ Henry L. Bonn". )3. John C. King.
'l. Horn R. Knoau, M. John Wculmnn.
3. Unfit: Shunk.‘ ' 15. Robert J. lewr, .
4. A. L. 'Roumlorl, 16. Frederick Smilh.
5. Jacob's. Yost. 17‘ John (‘roswelL
6. Ruby” E. Wright. 18. (,‘hnrlci: A. Black.
“I. “’Ol. “7. Downing. 19. George W. Bowman
8. Henry Huldemnn, 20. John R. Shannon.
9. Pelcq Kline. 21. George P. llumlllon
,IXOS-BHSgSChoonoyer. 29. Willmm H. [)nvis.
l‘lf'VVm. Swollnnd. 23. ’l‘imnlhy Ives. .
”Shiloh Brewster. 24. James G. Gnmfibcll.
I srael l’a Inter, of W’estnzorduntl.
nelui'n ol lhe Volunteers
.4 y'
I.x; L;’ 1412.113“
Public Opinion. The,vttjaqg,ltjeeting a} Cur
{J 'l'here_nro.iotne sixty-torlsoventy_'Dt-mocrattcvpav , .. umfi'ensville.
Penra'in Pennsytv'nmaf " ot’thoo‘efjh‘ut have How . ' 0L1): _PIKE IN MOTION! ‘
ed their preterenea for Governor. thirteen are for . I‘rhe .f'Demoeratio gathering at Curtiens'
BIGLER on their first cholce. Notjmoro‘than four' Villerbnhsatntt‘lay last WB. om? of the Most
or five have yet declared for either ofttlto .othler encouraging and “Heir-"cw”, meolinge'we
gentlemen spoken of And nearly all of those ever attended in the calm”. I"l‘o;_lsee_the
.that have named othen nu their first chotcchnve old " . . l h d
also named BIGLER on their second (hoicc. About plotteete of lhe calmly: 'tr wan ea '
one‘hm-hnvocxpmmd no Norman” : have grown gray in the eervrce ofthe Dem-.
Therefore. It‘the Press speaks the votco of’lho 00'3““ cause. "ml out in lhe mid“ 0f hilt
poople—ond it must be conceded that it doe;-- vest meet an example to those th i 839 ‘0
then in Col. Bigler the choice uta large majority ot follow {hem in the maintenance ol'corr‘dct
People, Hear what .the talented “drum of the ptlnic‘tplee‘, its all-ahmcient '0 I'l”er us that
Lancaster Intelligenccr says on this point in his pa~ . ,t .
per ot'l‘uosdoy lant: ~ .‘ ‘ all.” we”: ; ‘ ‘1: .. _
"Since we declared our preterence, in A beauttful polo, bearing abroad banner
our I“. number. 10, Cut. WM. Brown of the Stars and Slrzpes. writ) thoz‘nemes
’as the Democratic candidate for Governor, of CASS &, BUTLER inscribed, thereon.
owe h'l'e conversed “ml (lull? 1' Dumb” 0‘ was erected amidst cheers and shouts and
lD'emocrnts ”0m lhe couatry,and are 'o' the roar of cannon. After which, the
JOlCt‘tl to statcthnt our course,tswnrmly . .. . ‘ r
applauded. Col. Btgler is quite a flavor meeting organized m front of S. [Wane
itc with our Democracy. and will no” a hotel by appointing SAMUEL JOHN.
higher vote in Lancaster county; by home STON. of Penn township, President,-
211353;: :hnnua“y,”""did’l”e "l“ he? Wm. ‘Blootn. son.. James Elder. Ignatius
e 9! . ewt out on cotnmnm , ' - t ' '
lthe entire vote of Iris 0w" pargy, but will Thompson. Wrn. Dunlap-James Bloom.
make considerable inroads upon theopm- aem, and Thomas lleraphtll. Esq, Vice
‘aition. .'l'o many of our Democrats Cnl. Presidents; and Geo. Newson. W. T. Gil-
B'l-l'” )9 personally known. nntl thus to bert, Anthony Kramer and D. W. Moore.
know htm. ts synonomoun wuth confidence Secrelati'ew {I i,- _
and warm esteem. By reason of his pur- it .k, z . . a . .-
suit as one of the sunburnt , litmbermen .7 Aor the speaking. the folloutng resolu
lot the glorious Norm-u; he has been bro’t lions. “'9'," “pr?“- by oneof ”‘e‘ Secreta
ittlo close business relations With the peo- rice. uhich itiore separately read/figfid a
Pl.” 0' all ”"3 'iV" "’“Mhit’st WM” “9‘ dopted without a single dissenting voide:
'w'” run far above ”"3 party strength. U Wanner lly one of those lttscruiabte
te be our standard-bearer. he \ull poll l' t' f[hl) v" Gw t
such a vote in Columbia, Marietta, Mnnor, «fires/salt?” n e H 'lme thhergor' 0
Mount Juv. the llonenals West Hemp 1 e err. we are on 6‘ upont Is a) ‘0
.field, Conov,”antl ‘nll nltvn" shore ’ an moutn the loss l" one “I the purestantt
will very tn'uch ‘nstonish thne Nettie! ’ "tow": at‘tnen ”l the person (If the late
and the “hint to boot ~‘ , ‘ ' (,htel Magrstrnte-ot’ou‘r beloved’?ommon
f- 0 ' ' health, FRANCIS K. 511 mm. therefore.
The same may be said “herever Col. Bigler II [gem/um" That in common with the
personally knoun—oml his pernonnl ucqtlninlnnt‘c Republican party throughout the State and
is probably as extensive as any other men's in the Union. we flew the departure of “l". late
Stole. Besides thir. there are but very lew—we excellent Governor as no irreparable pub
have heard none-who willnot admll that he in the tie loss, as in his clnracter waagonrbined
most available candidate for an important contest, all those Sim ling virtues “Hell "30" ldUiD
and would receive a larger vote than would be He christian statesman and magistrate.
pnlled for any other man. Being sound‘nd unr 136301084 Tllll Dfo- 10h" P- HO.“ {N}.
que-tioned in the principle. ofthe Demoernttc par. and is hereby uppomlt‘d, Representative
1}" EII any “'Otldel'.lhen, that he should be l 0 gen- Deltignle {0 the 60'” of 598“" Slate Con
emuy poimed cm by [he people M [he mm pm ventton—ro connection wtth oaevto he se
pdr man to strike terrur into the comp ofthe'en'e. '9‘!“th [he Democracy 0' can"; c-mm'
ty—wtth power to appoint a substitute,
Resolved, That Wm. J. llemphill be,
and is hereb) recommended” as our Scn‘
atoriol Delegate to said Convetnion-—and
that in case of the non-concurrence of a
majority of the other counties of this Sen—
atorial distnc:. that l.. Jackson Crane and
l\ Lewra _Bnt'rett be, [and are hereby ap
pointed Conlet'ees to meet those of the
other counties to select a delegate—with
power to appoint substitutes;
Resolved. 3‘th our ‘Sénulorial and Re
pteseutotive Delegates be, and are hen-by
instructed ,to use all hair and honorable
means to secure the nomination of Colonel
WILLIAM BIGLER, as our candidate
'or Governor. , ‘ ‘
An furlher evidence of the truth of the above
statement! the lant Cnrlillo Volunteer contninl the
proceedings of a Democratic meeting held in South
Middle-town town-hip. Cumberland euunty, from
which we extract the following resolution .
Resolved. That Col. William Bigler. ol
Clearfield cuu'niy‘. is our first choice lo:
the office ol‘Gmetnur, at the approaching
election. A native 0! our county, the de
mncracy ol old Mother Cumberland Would
delight to honor him with their suflruges,
but in addition to this. he in eminently
entitled to our confidence from his exalted
tnlentn'. his honesty and integrity. his un
flinching demorracy. untl his long experi
ence in the Legislature of the State. he is
emphatically a,working man, a mechanic
who has risen to his preacnt emlnPnce by
the dint ol his own industry, 9!"?ng and
perseverance, and will make jus} such n
Governor M is required to fill the place
lelt vacant by the lamented Shunk.
“'e have not space to devote to the nu‘
merouo editorial notices or our favorite
caudidata for Governor, Col. BIOLER, but.
the following temarka are so just to the
man, and no appropriate to the oceanic",
and coming from one at the Democratic or
gana of old Berks, that we take pleasurel
in laying it before our readers.
From the Berks county Prone. V
A large number ol names have been pre
sented‘as suitable lor the office 0! Cover,-
nor. any one, were he nominated. would
receive our wat’m nml cordial support. A:
mong (hum we'fiml [lic names of Hon;
Enwann B. HUBLPY.’_U[;BeIkB, A'onutsl
LoNGITnETtt. present Canal Cummisgionl
er. and Col. WILLIAM Blown. ul'Clear
'field. allrgond meniuud true. Our choice
was Gen. Keim, but in“ view at his [Stea
‘e'ntpnsitionl “which. in justice to himsell
and his party, he would resign were he a
candidate. he' has Withdrawn --hts name
lrom the cannon. Cphwfliglel “is pvt-ell
known" to the people 01 this Common
wealth, as an intelligent hard-listed ad;
vocate' of 'Detnona'tic , principles. -We
know him for many years. and have ever
found him on amtable. frank. open heart:
ed. lociable man, 0 firm and cont-isle"!
democrat—a sell-made Statesman. of pure
integrity, and without a Single J'eruonal
enemy, He is_lree~lrom all cliques and
lactions, eminently popular with alleles‘
sea of people, and Me man to fill, the high
,post vacated by the lamented. Shunk'. He
is our 'cltoige, for the reqsonp ‘we‘hnv'e sta
‘te‘tl‘.’ 'Judgé' Longslrelh is‘aloo unexcelr
lent Democrat, and we would cheerfully
support ‘him‘ were be hot embarrailaetl try
the tepponsible otflicehe no“; fills- HI
servicedhrc wdntéd inv‘ the-Canal. Board
and it would be, in ou'r’ltumbleflvopinion‘
im'p'oli‘tic,’ 'lu c'reute’vn' "vachhéy in It. hf'lhll
timé.l neithe . .Eederalibtmflould have the
public works in their hund's‘ujntilatliemid;
me of next January; Ifli'e‘jregfi'eltyjltlp‘fltflfi
it will prevent many ol- ht's'lwnt‘ni‘fricnda‘
going lot him‘at this time; ~24 :l' W"
[ , Chloro'lbfhi in Lackjaw...—..At.h Nubua;
N. H. ajlnoat‘qhavllinptescape uflgcfcjgty WP?
cured 9 shot; umamuce I” the m 6 alighlos
roform. l.hhad_to;bg,repignled two or, ghree'
Jimea, and. lelt the arm 0! therpalienklimg)
which "a; nsodiszbnd beengtumamhn. er t;
almost molesana:yet‘.‘. ,c‘flfli I f
:21 73(31):". 1:1! l-‘Er’f'rl-L" v - '
[Names of officers omitted]
' Meeting onhe Standing Co'm
.' millee. . -'
The Democratic Standing Committee
of Clearfield cuunly met on Tuesday eve
ning August I'st.«lB4B. Prt’senf'. Riéh
nrd Shaw. sen . Chris’lnpher Kvatzer, M.
Nlchols. jr.. Esq. ”and Li 2., Henry B.
Bolssel and W. J. HemphiH.
The object of the meeting being Itated,l
It was
Resolved. That lor the purpose of more
effectually organizing the Democratic pur
ty of Cleatfield county. we hereby approve
and recommend the adoption tor the prey
ent year, the system of nominating candi
tlates for county vfliees known us..lhe
“Crawford (lowa/y System.” . - -
Resolved. That our Democrmthrientlg
in each township throughout .mé county,
are ehrncslly requested to practise the a.
bore s‘yetem tor the present year, and that
the subject at ntteringor amending vthr
present or old system. or adapting a new
one. be and is hereby referred tome gen
eral County meeting at. the September
jcour't. »~ ‘ 'e , ' r ' ‘
t Resolved. _Thnt’l‘Salurday the 2!! day of
,3 September. next. between the hours 0! _ane
and six o’clock,r':P. M.. be appotnted as
the day {or holding the Primary Electrons
r—a} the,,-qaua|.‘pluc,ebt, holding w-wnahip
elections, or pt euch other place ‘as n ma;
jaws] of the'Cot’nmiltee o! Vigilance my
upfibtht. 4 v
Resolved. , That the Retmp'gudlges (tom
enb'li' district'meet it; Cnpnt‘y Co'm‘emwn
on' Y‘ue'sdq cveiz‘ing'.‘ Septembwjt/i.’ '
Resolvetzt'rhat the toltuwing'bé. 'nntl
are'hcreby appointed. the Township Cm"-
mlttees 0t: Vigilnh’ce for they preuent year
-—whose (lutyjtjsw to'guve immgdiatefgo.
tice of [he‘lime and»‘place.ol holding"t‘lreir
primary election-eto'aupériqthd thebothe
eta. ho'ld’ frequent. mcelio'go. .circulate_.pu
litiéaL, information 3 and they are-tunher
requested to be nctiympd vigildn‘t,in at
teudl‘nkg‘ tog”.olhjva'fmatt‘cjrgcalculatbd In]
pecqi‘e the triumph not connectnprinciplen‘
frbrn thisluntil'lhe polls,.ar-.c closed onxthej
7lh of November nut :fl‘jf‘w‘ ‘
'Beccdrz'ai’aloh‘n' W Wfigh't,” Jn‘c'o‘b Lib"
nard, Andrew Shun, ,John,B'.‘-Stewurtl
:VV‘nvMunen" .t ,3.‘..,.».v ~zl-.t,-1-.\r.t.3'v. -
[lgllrE-fifIW? mgr-.:Jphnm‘,Lge.a._.w.m..l‘
~; 'lthpltp,J-J,MLCthckenu- «NW-1“”
Baggawoveph‘ surest.:;:.Jn‘ms,'s‘.‘c..‘Bfifném
fithni'eg wsmrw '". a '; !
deflqul~lacob ..Penme, «A n K v Wright,
{’l VB‘HO": V.. I“: .l_"“""‘; .‘_l_. :. ."l ‘
‘Eradzk-‘éma.a.c;nra'ncker.r B Bon'qam "M.
' H LuthemJoseph wrong"! Kun‘tzem’
BuinbidléA-Jstéph‘ .'M 9M urra‘ y. J ppob‘ftN Ed
Diiidésbhdeniu. Henry Bathhatitgflee
dQV'LK-m y." "."',:'.", z -- r ,
Eyi'fiw aet‘x‘. it; fine 'm\ «flit ,’,}s,,\\..'¢l‘
'CovingloanCourlriet, Adorn Riley. My lyelandandhel‘l'fahgrrg
‘ ‘."Schnell.‘ smarter. 3- ': ‘ 'j' I'.’ The New York; correspondent or «he
. ‘Docttturz—Johmmghflr 30"" .S‘hw'i' 30‘ waahiri'gia'n"'Union,'in"his. tartandatad Ju-
Fei‘gilagnfgzhfge McCracke'n. ‘Wm L ly 27' 184$ "a" thent'ollowmg indignant?
‘ 'Moore. Dr J P Hurt. ‘ language: _ ~
Fox—john] Bondy: James Moreht‘nd- The news from Ireland by tl'ne'Europß
'Gr'rurd—‘A'brah'am{Kylan G BSmith. has produced a remarkable “excflqment
Goa/ren—Jamés Ftegal. L Bumgsrner. l here. The arrestof Meagher and his as-
W Graham. ’ socrates, being almost all of the ;popular
Huston; th Morgan. Dr Vir'm Hoyt. P. leaders that were yet, at large. climb"? a
llevener.’ ' - ‘ settled design on the part at the Engllfih
Jordané—Peic'r‘ Bloom, F W Shoening. government. by cutting at? the heads of
David Wise. jr.. James McGrackcn. the movement. and'atittipg' tho presaand
David McKeeghr-n'. ’ all discussion. either to_cruih the spirit of
Karl/roUs—Vi’m Bridgens. Geo 'Bucher. thopeople. or to goadahem into prema-
Dimer Moore. Joseph Yothers. ture and unsuccessful insurrection.- It Is
Morris—John B Kylrir, Samuel Waring. eoougtv to make the blood boil-in the veins.
James Altpnrt. A Brown, Jacob. Wise. 0! every freemanhthal. at this day of the
A‘Kylsr. S C'l‘hompson. . ‘ . World, such practices should be used to
Peiinésamuel Johnson, Jonathan Evans, choke down thejust discontent of the most
jr. R Danver. Jss Ferguson. ' ' wronged and outraged people'on the face
Pr'lrc-—G C Passrnore. 1 Bloom jr.'. Dr M ofthe earth. by notation which. With all
E Wultdl. Geo-B Dale. Samuet'Evsns. professions of humanity. freedom. and en-
Samuel Way. " ' lightenment on .its lipS. is forever Up ‘0
Lawrence—John Long. Amos Read, sen.. its elbows in red rapine and murder by
Samuel Ctr-rte. John Irwin. Hugh Orr. sword, famine. and pestilenee. at home &
N K M‘cM'ullen. Josiah R Read. abroad. But. unless the signs ofthe times
Windward—George W Shutl. Thos Hen- are to pass like. summer-lightning. Eng
der'on. Wm Alexander. ~ ~ land’s hour is almost corri'e~.- Mighty as
Borough—Wm Merrell.J L Cuttle.'Jon she is to look u'pon.“s,;he bears with her
athan Buynlon. A.l Hemphill. . seeds of her destruction that have been
‘ ' ' C. KRA'I'ZER,Ch’n. tong ripening. Succeed or fail; an out-
W.J. 'HearanL.Sec'y. break in lreland will let loose the ele-‘
;___- > nie'nts against her from ‘thetour 'quarters
ot the world. The very, extehtof her do
, minion will be her. deadliest weakness.
. Canada would- not- be slow to lollow the
' example; and annexation has up there
been long a popular topic. Frahc‘e would
be but. 100 ready to drilt oil her turbulent
morass. and gratify the military spirit and
the hatred of England, which are equal 8:
component pound the nature of all her
children. by.a war with England.‘ Where.
then. would the tits! power in Europe look
for help in her extremity? Not a despot
in Europe. who is not down in the dust.
-or has his hands lull in protecting fora
little while his to'tering power. Not 6-
ven Russia can spare a particle of her co
lossal strength lrotn her own unquiet bor
ders. America. nhatever her sympathies
.with the English people..would rejoice at
the downfall oftliehlood-boistered empire
0! England. and the res‘toralion‘ofits parts
to the rightful owners. ' '
tn the same proportion as the measures
ofthe British government assume a deep
!erand darkenhadenfriolence and tyran
ny. and the crisis draws nearapd more
near, the spirit of the people rises higher
ahd higher. The quiet in the country
since Mitchel's transportation. which dis
appointed friends and elated enemies. has
been a deceitful calm—the lull before the
storm. The newa by the Europa_shows
this. it is more like. lighting—more like
a general and armed resistance on4he\
part of the peopter-than anything yet,—
‘Many..l know. have doubled rand hesita
.ted, whether this agitation 'n-ould [toppers
oil likethc rest. .. But the rising on the ar
rest of Meagherf—the ringing of the chap
el bills—the throwingupol barricades in
Waterford—the successful cutting-cl} of
one detachment of troops from another—
the difficulty of res'raining acullision~
all portend a deadly struggle. God grant
it may not be provoked by the outrages of
power, until every needful preparation is
complete. Prepared or not, that It will
come soon, is now (though it was not be
torej) next 10 certain. All triends of I're.
tan and ot, fre'etlmn in America had bel
ter‘bo convinced of this at once.
opinions o! lhe Press.
I ' '. l. . " V ,
The lollowing Dnmocrnllc papers huge declared
eir'prelhmnco fur Col. BIGLER us their chance
for (.'uvernor: ‘ 1 .
lnlelligencer & Journal—Lnnchsler
Ber/ca County Preys—Read“ 3.
’lrue Denm‘crat—Lewialown. '-
Dcmocral—Brouknlle. ‘
Republican-JerseyShpre. .
Hcgwler~Mlflluu .
Times—New Berlin. _,
Ben‘s/Hen. )GermanygAuomburg.
Stimme dea Vo/ka—-Orwigsburg.
Al Harri‘borz. ooithe morning 0! lhe
26th. W. F. Jomzs'ron, Speaker ofthe
Senate. and member of that bud) Irom
Armslrong countypwns sworn into office
as Governor o! lhe Slatqby W. F. PACK
ER. Speaker'of lhe House of Roprcsenla'
livenu This creates a vacancyin (he Sen
atorial district. composed of-the'coumies
of Clearfield,‘ Cmbrinrlmflim‘x'und Arm-l
ang.’ ' " '
Townsano Huxzs. of‘Chest‘er county.
was nn the same day appointed Secretary
of lhe Commouweuhh, in place 'of Juan
MlL‘mn. ‘ "'
"l‘he office of Attorney Genéral'has‘been
fende’red. ii‘iu understood. to4lhe Hon.
JAMES Coem'ri. It in nor knuiv'n Wheth
er he will acCPth_i', though it is general;
supposed tha! he c'annot we" declihe ser
vmg. ‘ '
The present Auditor General. and Sec
retary'bf lhe Liml nfiicr‘, hold office. by
law. for three years fromthe 10111 of May,
' We are permitted to make the lollow
iug extract Irom u letter, written at St.
Louis, 29th inn. by «gentleman from
t Baltimore to his friend. The Writer has
been traLvelHing on business since the first
ofJuhé. ttirough the States of Pennsylva
nia, Ohio. Indianun, lltippistlown and
Misasouti; and, to his letter on business.
adds tltevfulluwing pusmiptz—Pennsyl ‘
vaniun. . t
”Pennsylvania. 05w. Michigan. Wis
.consin, Indiana. Illinois. lowa and Mia
.suurj. are cumin lnr Cass and Butler 1)
urge majorities. The Whigs generally
are wry lukewarm nod indillerent. Mu
uy at them declare they will never vote
lor another "non commillal Jolm Tyler.”
Gen. Taylor, as a‘pollllqian. is COHSldt'rt‘d
'auiall potatoes’ in the great west. His
llQllllflJllufllt‘ll} upon the western Whigs
like a‘ wet blanket. ,{They had cleared
their throats [or a trernenduoa‘hprrah
for 'thal some old Coon,"”enry.tCluy, &
when the nomination of Taylor. came a
mung them.lhnirdimppoiatmenl was deep
ant) rlqmqingilo “numeral. Whiggery.
The \‘Vlligsruponflhe river boats, general.
ly Speaking, yield Tennessee tu‘tliu l),cm-.
ocrats. and many garlic-block] will go
for the-Demogratimnomiueea.. 'l‘he Dem
ocrats all look ‘hcadu up’-—-the 'Whigs
look “eyes duwn.‘ ” ‘ ‘
The un‘prin’ciplcii‘ ‘d‘éthafi'o'gues of Om
co’unlry meetingly IMkofGean'ms huy‘
:ingheen'n'll hiadlfe ‘in «fine: “Do they
large! that .Gen.LTAYL6n -entered mam
my“ lieutenant “’l9 years of'age’; and
being nnw 6‘2 years-of age-urban been in
the army. and in me pay , n! We govern
ment, {or 43~vyears. ‘Audsw'a'llhougli-‘nl!
hiaglil‘e-in-nffice. «thus norbeen‘in oflic‘u’
“hele he coulahleum'howwmnkd a‘l’re‘fi,
idermisvhi'c‘h’fle -nd’knowledges himsell- SL;
WILLGen. Case; has uq'eq (1“le ,(imciw
cmninggcpngléu in‘ Ihc; per’f’ifimldgcgiqf lhe;
highalnivil..dulics.-'l’en’nsylbauian‘. .7 ‘
;‘luKJYf‘fi‘é‘fiT i. . _ .
ER»; 9!;gtn,¢..lranah,, 0! ~.lm.:!es- Lavinnnn.’
was (was! mu in, t‘wmnwlearlns{new
on .‘tlié fi‘lh “in“,Hsggpnpgdd {thutkfiefl
”Wt-slides! bxwmwax was» iljwng
n (fsp§‘l_g,lmn,r_nml lguygs a‘lf'agn‘flgflfo
'lil‘KGuHifhikJ dual)». "A 7 negro ,°"PP?P~“-..((d
fiiéflg‘éénfi‘yl’iefi finl‘gfikl‘yfi" y‘aygy'hqn‘nxnlfléf
’fiié‘fidéiedxm 6pq’9lths plintahowrn
M‘r'. .Gi~,¥lmo§e,‘fand. Mum" afktg‘unpung gb’f‘sf
6511 M. ’i"boat. “was shg’t.‘ 'yy‘j“a.;lp{rr,fj3. ;1
numg‘aqgillaiil'mdw. 4;": . . w um!
Fnou onEGo~.~Sir George Simpson,
with his secretary and several ulher gen-
Hemen, arrived at Lake" Superior on the
16m i'ust” hum Walled Riveljsetllemem.
He [naught nilh him a file of lhe Oregon
Sprain/or, prinlcd at Oregon City. as late
as February 10. They contain. howev—
er, nothing In uddilion to what our Gov
ernment had already receiyéd by express
relative to lhe Indian (roubles in~that
quarter. '
Ju Curwenwil/é, ,C/emfield.-counly. Pa.
HOM PSONSJDALE & 06., having
:T putchused the. iron Foundty. at
CulWenSViHe, tespectfully inform their
lricutla and thé’ public'genernlly, that they
are .tmw- prepared: to make an kinds of
castings at the: bhOHEH nbtice and on the
most tensonabla terms. Their Plougha,
StovemHollowarc. Mill-Irons, &c.;e&c.,
cannot be surpassed either 'for beauty on
Satvice. , » ' '
, They, wuuld cnil'the particular allenfion
of larmers (o the Mill Ila” Plough -Pat.
tern-,wvhlch they have prorated; and—which
Is believed to be superior (9 any othefihbw.
rruse. ‘ - " ‘ ' "
.- They will supply all orders for cb'ltitigs
alxthe aburlesl notice. and as.¢he‘ap,:if not
cheaperfiman they can be procured else.
where. v .1 r , 'em’
- WA” k‘m‘dazzgfu Coun‘trydpmduce
cyen caslz-Will«'jbe- “'5!“ in ~exchange'for
wqub ‘ .. ; Aug. 4;}1’4819
. ~ "h‘d-V 1' M “‘"l‘." A
' ‘CEstate .~ ofJames Lord, idecM.‘ --
' ' bit-ran:rig-ne‘veuy-gwem'vxmlengro
; 'ar puminisrmiunlhavu Wed waffl
‘ ed to the sixbs’c'riher‘bn‘théfesv‘aré Mum’s
Lord, lple'bf‘Bev’éi‘firiq *ihflv‘u'ghipé’ db‘p'd.
and all pbrsms UCiti'g‘iMH'Méddlo guides
{'43}? Mélhér'L-‘by "“re'qubswd-xqoti'mnké my.
men: [wilhbu't delé'y,‘&c‘hosqhu‘fin’gflgims=
'willl'presen! lhéln-‘duly nultlfinlicale.dalor
settlement m. lheiayhpctib‘erg residingnin'
Jordammu-nslnp. .Clerllffitf‘d.COUOEJßJZ, _
m; .‘sLMUN-firImMRSOM. Ad’mr.-.-.
Ylv'JuneQQ, :18481P-pd-5 f 3"; _‘m‘, 511,-1’
x mien PEACHES; oi. gpfi‘dz-q'fin.
It4y,'for.oale‘al:the dlore ufhu‘ .- 1;!)
your: rumba”
v. , ‘
“"13“.” ‘)if/ 1n f»