Democratic banner. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1837-1849, August 04, 1848, Image 1

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Jig-Laws, an! Rules Order qf "Chin clcclamous clue
k A
Wu. whose namesnrc annexed? desirous of cemen
ling more ctosety the bonds of brotherhood in the Dr
der 0! the, Sons of Temperance. aflord additional aid
in sicknehs and adversity, cultivate teelingn ohiiutunl
respect, promote moral-nml mental improvement 3'7
mung nurset'Ves, and extend our social relations, do
agree to associate together. and adopt the following
Constitution and By Laws.
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E- our
This nasqciatinn shall be called the ”C/limlcclw
mouse/1e Temple ofllanor" No. 42, a] (In: Sons q/
'l'unpcrantc. 0| lhe Slate of Pennsylvania, and shall
mccl lm business at least mice In every monlh.
‘ ho
erc. I. All Suns of 'l‘rmpcrnncc in regular sliml
}ng HI :1 Subordinate Divisiun. acting under a legnl
nml unlmlclted chatter, shall lM' eligible to member
ship, nml nnnc others; nor shall any brother continue
his membership in the Temple. if he lurk-it his mom.
lmwhip in 11 Division.
Src, L’. Any brnthcr whn withdraws his cnul
hum n Davision, almtl dump“ the name in another
Dwismn within tour nmnths thereafter, or erase to be
a nuunbi'r ol' the Temple.
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The regular quautmly terms mull commence on the
first meeting in May. August. Nuvember und Febru
ary. and end on the lust «nesting In Aprll, July, oc
lubcr and January of each year.
. 4 I Ilily‘
7e bud
The officer: shnH be a W. C. 'l‘.; W. V. 'l‘.; \V’.
R; W. A. IL; W. F. IL; W. T.; W. U.; W. D. U.;
W. (1‘ ; and W. S.
•iII al
lot ho
The W. C. 'l‘. and \V. V. I‘. shall each nppoim
two .tuppuru-rs to unis! lhn-m in me ,perlurmance of
their dune-1, the I‘. W. 0.13. tu hme lhe preference.
0 un»
1 file.
SEO. 1. Nu brtither shall hold any elective office
under twenlymne years u! up. Nu brother shall
serve “to terms in the same office during one year,
except \V. R; W. A. R.; \V. F. R. and W’. 'l'.--
Alter the Temple has been instituted three full terms.
nu bruther shall be eligible to the office of W, C. 'l‘.
until he t-hnll have served an \V. V. 'l‘.:nor shall any
brntlier be eltuiblc to the ollice ol W V. 'l‘. until he
nlmll have served two leans an a suburdtnale ollice.—
No brother shall be eligible to office unless he be a
member ulu Division located in the same State With
the Temple; nor shall any bruther be inatnlled in at
fice, unless he is clear upon the book).
Sec 2. Nu mlember shall be eligible to serve as W
U. T. or W. V. 'l‘. until he shall have lnken the First,
Second and Third Degrees. ,
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The officers shall be elected by ballot at the last
quarterly meeting ol each term. & installed the mee
ting euc'ceediug it. l‘hey nhallhave a majority of all
the votes cast. and il line? or mute candidates are bal
luterl lor, the one having the lnuest number 0! votes
iihall be withdrawn 3: eath balluting. _A'll vacancies
nccurring during the quarterly term. shall be filled at
a regular meeting. The brutlter wltu fills such vacanr
cy to the end at the term, shall be entitled to the how
on; 0! a full term.
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Sec. l. The \V. C. T. shall preside at meetings.
cutorce the laws. rules and usage-p, appoint all com
mittees and oliicers nut otherwise’provided tor; he
shall have the .contr‘ol and possession of the private
books and papers, give the casting vote in case ofa
tie. excepting at an election of officers; announce. the
result otvoll votinga, fill _vacanciee. call special meet
ings when requested by lii'e‘member‘a in writing, and.
draw upon the W; fl'. for all appropriations made by
the "l‘cmple. ‘ n ,
' Sec. 2, The W. V. 'l‘. shall auperinlend the du
ties of tthW. G. and W. S.. and assist the W. C.
'l‘., and in the abience 'ot the W._.C. T., or any P.'
W. C. -'l‘.,'he shall preside? .. ' a 4' ,
See. 3. Thu _W. R. shall keep a true 'nc‘count ol
the proceedings olthe'l‘emple; write communications;
notily al|,.Sitbor_elnnte Temples not more. than: ten
miles lrom‘ its placeol‘meeting. within one week al
ter, ol‘!hc~name,. occupation. and relidence of every
person 'suspemled, rejected. or expelledp’t‘rom thie}
Temple; notify candidates at their eleetion within
.one'week '5 attend to all matters of correspondence,
.atteat to appropriations made by the Temple; and at
7 the end ot manna, present. atoll. statement» ol the.
prea'ent'numbeeof members ;, th‘elnomber proposed. ac.
cepted. initiated. forfeited, rejected, suspended, re '
inetntedr'or expelled, with the number who had viola
ted' the pledge during. thefiquarter. the” number. ol
deaths, the .'arnpunt otn’ett r'e’ceipts..and the amount
otfhe'nefitu paid dtiring his'térrr'tfwilh'the number who
trave.,taken Degrees; and‘pertorm vauehj other duties
7 ne‘th’é W. (3. Tier, the Temple may’reqoire. . i
.»;.ch.‘ 4., The W. A. R_. shall assist?»the‘*W.'
”the dihqharge'ot his duties. 8; act (‘ead‘er’tlis djreetio‘n’.l
"""'Si:‘ds”s.“"l‘he WXFJ R. , s.hall k’eep'co'nre'etfiae's'
counts'b‘ettVeen 'the ..'l’emplewund‘ each ;meihbemm‘
ceiye ,all monies amt pay‘ttie‘irpg'finge'r“to? the W_.T.
0 each meeting, telling his receipt therefdn' he shall.
‘ It)“
‘ 00d
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1..? .
raw, ‘
7e_mplc of'flonor. ’O. 42.”
ARTICLE 11. Members/nip.
AR] ICHC lH.—~— Terms.
AI“ ICLE lV.—oflicersL
A RTICLE V.— Supporters.
ARTICLE V|.-~Eligibilily la ()flz‘cea
AR nc LE v 1 l.—Elec!io_n of Ojicers
ARTICLE VllL—lhilics of Ofiicers
V“ r v " S ‘ 4-- r ' I. - , ‘, n. - . .l . , , A ~. ' . '
=' ”‘- F "47‘!" - , ..; ‘3 ',..‘ llna .. " ',_;‘ é ’ '_) "“1 '- f‘l' ~ '3 ’ ' . 3' V a." ' 7‘ .'d, "'.A ' :- , lust
.A” ..;. w‘ . .. _ a“ \_ F_ 31”,. \ ~—.Z~'ar‘4‘ u, ~‘ .-.. ; . _v“ _._; A, a; .1 u. .1».- 4,-:“b’ 3 «11"I‘ I. x . "‘l‘. » l
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before the’close of each meeting. read a tistnof all fines
of not mo're than three months standing. and an
nounce the amounts received and [mm what source;
he shall serve ul) notices on delinquent members and
make a full statement of his account; at the end ul
his term. . -
.320. 6. The W. T. shall receive ofthe W.VF. R.
all monies of the Temple, subject to the orders drawn
by the W. C. 'l'.. and uttetted by the W. R. at the
direction ofthe Temple. He shot! keep on account
of all receipts and disbursements, present a full re
port 0! the some at the end 0! his term, and give such
security as the Temple may approve. J
Sec. 7. The W. U. shall take charge at the ward
robe and properties of the Temple not otherwise pru-l
vided for, turnisli visitors Wlli) regulin. see that. the
ofliqern' regalia are in their proper places, and intro
duce candidates for initiation.
Soc. 8. The W. l). U. shall assist the W. 11. in
the pertormance of his duties.
Sac. 9. The W. G. shall attend the. insulc duor.
SEC‘ 10. The W. S. shall ulleml lht' oulaide door.
SEC. 11. Thu “I'. .T. 0 each lcun shullulns
he I’. W. C. 'l‘. ul (he EULCCCd'illg lerm.
A R'l‘l CLE IX. —— PropositiOna.
SEO. 1. All propositions {of membership must be
in writing. stating name. age, residence. occupation,
references. and the Duision to which he belong: ; the
subject shall then be refctred to a cmnmltte'e of three
for investigation, who shall report at the neitmeet
ing; the candidate may then be ballntcd for with ball
ballots. and it not more than four black balls nppeur
against him, he shall be declared duly elected. Il
aejected, he shall not again be proposed in any Tom
ple under six months.
SEC. 2!. An) brother wishing In lnkc a rlogrce.
shall make applicnliun for the same in npcn mreling,
personally or by pruxy, when his application shall be
referred to comrnillee of lhrPe, compuaed nfclegrce
members. reported one: the next meellng. and ballet
[ed for as in rlcclmn 0! members. . '
SEC. 3. Nu brulhcr shall be eligiblcln lake the
firs! degree. unlill he has bven a member of lhe Tem
ple in good standing. at least three monlhsmor shall
he be eligible lo e'Hher ul lhe nlher degrees unlil he
has held the preceding at least thirty (hymn—Prowl
(Ir-d, that lhe G. \V. 'l'. or his Dr'puly ahnll haw pow
er,lor sufficient cause shown, to grant In a “mlhy
brother a dirpensalion lo take any ur all lhe degrees
at any one lime “ilhuul probalrun. .
ARTICLE ELK-Fees and Dues.
Sec. 1. The unilla‘llou fee shall not be less than
ree dollars. ' '
8120. 2. The negular dues of each mombzfishfl
not be less than one dollat a quarter. "‘3
SEC. 3. On lhe death 0' u beneficial brolhor or his
wile, each member shall pay 10 cents to the Temple.
TARTICLE Xl.—2Degr:ea..
When a brother makes application, he shall pay lor
the First Degree. three dollars; lnr the Second Dc
grei‘. two dollars; 8:. for the Third Degree, one dollar.
ARTICLE XI 1.- Hem/il.?
In case ol sickne~s or disability. a duly qualified
brother shall be entitled to, and bound lq receive. not
less thanlhree dollars per we‘r-k. In care 0| death,
not lets Ihan twmity dullura shall be appropriated for
a funeral benefit. In the cvent ol the death ol a duly
qualified brother's «He, not less than filleen dollars
uhall be appropriated us a funeral bonefi'. Piuvided,
that. no brother hhu“ be enlllieti to any benelit in any
case 0! sickness produced by immural conduct or any
(lisgracelul practice.
{he "enemy. except for lhe benefits plovidcd (or, and
the actual necessary expenses M the Temple, unless
by 2: [Wu thir_d vole ol the membcrs [)ICSEHK at a tegu~
lnr meeting. 1
A R'I‘IU LE XIV.- Suspension
Members shall be liable lo suspension for non-pay
m‘enlol dues allcr‘six monlhssfur using laden-nudis
rc'sp'e'cllul or profane language ili‘meetings; lo: bring;
ing charges ngninslu brother withoul-ix reasonable
foundation; or luilmg to report 'll brother Whom he
knows to have violated the pledge. .
Alut'chE XV.-—E:cpulsion.
Aoy member who shall violate the pledge, illegally
disclose lhe prxivulc uflairs. knowmgly propose unwor
‘thy mambo“. lollow any criminal or disguc'élul pur
'sull,‘ be cohi’iclcd olwany felony. or violate anyprin
clple ol the Olden, shall be liable to _expulsiqu hy,a
two-min] Hole 01 member-s present at a legulqr mneiing.
; . .- ARTICLE m
When in charge ahnli be preferred against a brolhei
in writing. [or neglecting or violatin any '(luly.,llie
W. C. 'l‘. shall appoint a 'commiuée .0! live to exam‘
iueelheleviilence undreport, They shall nutily.the
accuser and Ihe'accused‘of‘thp lune and place of mee
ting; requirg their attendance; give the _accnserl a
written 'cljpy'olml‘lie filia‘rgea pr‘elerrcd inguinal him, and
;Hear n‘ll‘ léplimo'py oflered in proof or ‘ extenualluniol
the charges. ~ < - 4 , ‘* ' ’
,AR'l'iCLE‘XYll‘s—Quorum} I“
I. . __., 1‘ "IN-I: 41‘ ‘ ' A”, ‘1
"3. Tén'finempéfis" €l}§'l‘l|iq§n§liiuéte g' lawful quorum for
'lho'ln‘nns'ilc‘tion of biiniuess....':"l~‘n _-' ' ' “
Airman-iv"l‘:¥l)zssbz‘uuan.-» , '
. ‘- This"l‘emplé‘hhhlluii’bt' h'é'vfc? powqtfl? 93‘5“?!” 3.959”!
while there are 'l‘cn Idi'a'éediind meniniß") 1;“ WWW:
sigion be made to dissolve. it shall he‘upon {h}: '31"?
'fivu’f weeks. and: notice'therebf ‘eent to upcovesldence
0! each member, - V ’ - '
A,., AUtGUST 4.1848
ARTICLE XlX.—flmcndmcnls.
- No alteration or amendment shnll be matlo in this
Constitution.i _unlesa by a (WU-third vole-ol'lho mem
b'era present at a regular annual session 0! thevNulion
al 'l‘empic. ‘ ~ A -- 4
ARTICLE L—«Timc Qfmcch'ng
'l‘hi- Tompio shall meet on Iho In! and 3d Wednpsdnyol’evory
nonlh The houru 0! mcoling shall bu' from :ha Isl dny M No
vomlwr to the In! any of February. 11l 6 o'clock. P M.—frum
Iho lnl dnyvof February. lo the 1:! day of May. at 7—from Iho
lllvdny of May In Iho lutdny or August. at B—from Ihc lul day
ogkAuguu l 0 lho ls! dny of November, at 7. . '
Any oflicer "Ugh-clung Io nnond in his Vplnlco {or three succes-
Ilve maetingo. oxcepl’u rcnsunublo urusa be nfl‘ercd. may he
declared lo hnvo vucnlcd hm office. and an clecnon be had In
fill such vacancy, , .
ARTICLE 111. - Balloting
ln bulloling for candidates the ballot-box Ihnl! be imported by
Ihc W C T and R [I S before and after each voting;
ARUCLE IV.-—Jul7gcs and Teller
\Vhon officers me. to be elected the W C? aha” appoint two
brothers In no! nu Judges. and one lo act as 'l‘cllcr, whuso duty
it shall be m :eceivo (ho voles. count, xhcm. and announce lhe ror
ARTICLE V»- Rt-Cunsidtrafion
Nu mulmn for rc-t‘omidornlion ahnll he in order unlm-s fhnde
by a member who vulod with lhe mojuvily. nor Ihcn after lwu
meellng- surcceding lhe vole.
ARTICLE VL—chorliug Sic}: Brother:
I! dun" Bo lhe duly nf vnrh brother who mny know u brother
lo M- iick lo report lhe lump lo Iho Temple at its firol m'oeling
—prov:ded he he prouenl—auluecl lo a line 0! 50 can“: lor each
neglcclof anch duly. ‘
ARTICLE VII -—Board qf I'isl'lera.
The Board of Visilon Ihnllcominl of lhe \V C T—W V T—
\V 'l‘ and lour momheu lo he nppoinlcd by lhe W C 'i‘ on the
night of his inllnliulion. They shall be numbered from l to 7.
mulunvo e—lho W 'l‘ being number 1, lhd \V V 1' number (i, and
Ihc W C 'l‘ number 7—und Ihull visit every hrmhor who hm
been duly roporled sick. in the order as numbered.
ARTICLE VHI.— Questions chateable
“3 question shall be put or debated until seconded. \thn a
question yin seconded, it Ihull ho muted hy the \V C 'l‘, and all
rfilcvunl remnrlu precluded. No lnrolhcrohull speak more llmn
once on lho'mmeuuhject. unlcu by perminuun of tho W C ’l‘ or
tho Temple—worn than twice mthout the consent ol 0 mn
jorily of tho Tomplo. No member shall he intanuptnd “lulu
spanking, except by a call to order, or his romnrlu, in tho opiu
ion at tho W C ’l‘.n;o foreign to the nubJert before the Temple
ARTICLE lX.—-I’n'uile-ged Qucuions.
No molion shall be in ordet while u qqcuiun is under discus.
liun. except to adjourn. fer Iho pmvioui fiuealirm, to lie on lhe
tqblo. l 0 pnalpnm‘ mdcfinlloly or m n llulvd lime, to tefér. or
mncnd--nnd Hum lo lake precedence us here arranged.
ARTICLE X —‘ Admission,
Every brolher. on the night of Ins inilinhnn. shall sign ”)0
Conulnlulnon & By Lawn. and furnirh Iho W F H mm his age.
reudcnco and ocrnpullun. e
ARTICLE X! ~Bcnrfila
The benefits of Ihiu Temple shall be Three Dollars per week
fern nick brother ; 'l‘liirly Dollnrl lnr lhe funeral appropriation of
q deceased broiher—nnd Fifieeu Dollars {or the lunerul appro
priation of lhe deceased wile of n brolher. No ,brolhcr Iliell be
eniilled to receive honcfii- for more llmn one week previous to
his cane being reporled m lhe Temple—nml rug lienefiiu islmll be
paid lor a less mnn llmn one week; nor bllull nny'luullrer be on
llllqd lo recclye buiwlili when h}: airlumsn or disnlulily rlmll
have been bruuphiou liy immoral vunrlur'l. Nu brulhur shall be
enlilled Io receive lu-ncfiu unlil he shall have been a member 0!
min Temple one your. All nrreumgel, onher {or dues or lines Ie
be doduclcd. in every case, from the first pnyniclu.
ARTICLE X“.——-Iniliuliun I’m
The imliul'mn lees of this Temple hhu" In: as fullows. viz :
Undor 40 years of qfi. 33 From 40 lo 45 you". 25 cents nddl.
lionnl lor cut-h ycnr M‘er 40. From 45 lo 50. 50 con“ addlllonn!
for each your over 4:1 Frum 50 m 60. 61 uddnumnl lupuuch
year over 50. Over 60, none [U be uduuued. To his 'pmd us
wHuws z—Sl at m 9 limo ol prupuuiuon, und mo bulunco' bcfuro
initialion. ' ' w '
ARTICLE XIII -—l’ropotilian.
a! man be dew-new, *!!e,!,lqnd.s.,9f_w..l~‘. u b, Iho mm".
prowling-,0 anyidnlo. which shall be rqurned In (mo Iho ctindi~
dulo ip rejaollpd‘i‘ Any cnndidnlo neglecting to rmné forward‘fnr
initiation ‘for lfiyco monlhl'afldr being nolifidd 'o'! his‘clecllon‘nhhll
furr‘fcil hi- fir'opmil'ion'foe.“ ‘. ~. I ,p . -
A R'I‘ICLE‘ XIV.-—l’cnullica
Ahy’ mgmbor wyw is q”yc_r three months in nrrcun phnll not be
oligidlo In any office, not he 'brivilcgcd (‘0 volt: on any qu'cllinn
whnluver. ‘ "" u
Iqfll'flQ?E xv‘F—b'ulgiwu Excluded.
"thu'flj'cc‘: of!»1 heélpridn lonpulilica! churuclgr _ehnll bu dcbn‘lcg
in thib 'l‘emplo.‘ ' 'i _. V - . ‘ .
Mé’I'ICLE xvl;—'-c'l.c¢ks=
Ajl ordcru drawn oA‘tlid'l‘feh-llrb'r annihhwai‘guemhy ”me w
C 'l‘, and ullualod bywnm W Rl' "No3oldprullnll be dun-m or
cepl for diab'uséd- brollnefalkunlow aquwgqqd ;by. a yolqorth
Templar w‘ f'r'" ‘ '
Miriam anlz—mmmnu
«' {uwH' "4‘: 1. ,7“ ‘
when llhe'fl‘évfi‘p'e‘ becom- liable {oi-H ’funornl"!ifiwfll.lho .WL
FIR shall-immediately ademnncbmembpr 25 WU! onkeop Iho;
amqunl good 'iruho -'l‘t‘enury ‘
" A") (L m, pm ‘ ;. -
‘i‘'‘ v - 4 I"
, In Ihb‘nbnqucaorcbmpo‘om [nendlhoy._xolnl|vea, the W-L 'l'
shall take chnr'gwof Iho fuhera‘l ’ceremoniev- ""11 ."WP 1‘“ “WW”
oflho dish'unemcms. fl ~. ”y, 'n' ~;."L ”NV/v ;:' .41" .
.V_ . ~ .' ..;. [:1 . . .a . no- .
XAB‘TLCLE xlx.;-f3l}’i;loiw ailmfib’mhh
'l‘hg Wifiow ‘and 01mm!!! 91' over); deceased blather-Iqbal! be
{zr‘fj an. mi};
visited by the W C T (wilh power to dopulo a brother (0 go In
bls',piaco) m lan-I once u mgnlh, When lhoy "man within ;wo
miles of Iho borough ol Clpurfiold; when over two miler. and
wilhih tho caumy. onco in three monlha; Who .hhll 'o‘xtond lo
lhom'auch unlalunco as the 'l‘emplo muy direct. P ovidcd. That
duch widow and orphans aro faithfully obsorvumoflho total üb
slingnco Vplcdgo. , . 4 z . - .
Any bJ'Olhcr who‘ us unprbvidnd‘wilh watchmmr propor at.
len‘dnnlo, ahull‘ gi'vp ‘informnlion; In any onopf lhe Bo oI.V. who
shallimmediulnlywnolify Ihnw C Thond Iho W C. Tubal! than,
notify Iho brothron. ono ful: ench‘nighl. to attend and watch with
the nick brother. Tho W C 1' shall koop’n tin-of those who
have parlormbd such duty, for lhc'ulo of his'uudceqidr. Any
brulhar rofuning nr neglecting lo pcrlorm such duly; when noli~
Hod by lhe W C T. lhnll‘JPO liublo lo a fino ofso cents. Pro~
nidcd. _'l‘hm Iho provisions‘bl [his nniclqahull not apfly to any
case ufaickneu which is cbnlngiuu‘ir or dhqggroul lo 6 hon. V
Brolhera residing om oflhn bu§ough may receive benofill on
uymahingn anti-factory “moment ‘of their chin".
Any member who lhn“ impose on‘ this Temple b] {sl"nt
Bickncls or duabilily,ahall be expelled. -
Any member having been "polled. shall not be again propon
ed for member-hip undor one yenr—novenhalou. be m!!! b“ ‘°‘
manned by n lwo~lhird vulo on the payment of web fine 1- flho
Tem'ple shall declare. ' . .
This 'T‘cmplo shall have powu tn nllor, amend. or luapand any
urila Bvauwa on Io it shall loem proper for in intern-I or bone
fix, Provide/I. Thnl no pan of llmgp By-Law- Ihnl! bongealed.
nnnullod. ulvered. or luspcntlml, unlcm by n proponalvin writing.
presenlvd In lho'l‘emplo. And all amendment: shall be laid over
-unul lllc next noted meeting pru‘xoua lo being nclod on by the
Temple. when, u’ lwo-lhlrdl or lhe members voting on web ulter
ulmn or nunpcnnon volo in favor ofthe sumo, i! all!" be adopted-
Anor-rm May 18m. 1818. . '
RULE 1‘ When the presiding
officer lake! the chair, the oflicon
and mumbem shuli take their res
peclivo seals, and u: the sound 01
lhe gavel lhore shull be a general
mlunce. under the penalty of u
public repnmnnd.
ULE L’.—onnzn or BUSINESS
1. Roll 0! Officers.
‘2, Reports of Committees.
3. Bullpljng 10: Members.
4. Inninllun of Members
5. Election and installnnon o
6. ‘Rcudmg Minutes of last mee
, un .
7. Colfeclion of dues and mine
moneys. - '
8. Rcccpuon otCo-nmunicnlions
9. l‘ropusuls for Membership. ‘
JO. Reports of Bunfd ol'Via'llura.
H. Ari: any of lhe molhren sick
or Indnu-csal
[2. tin: nny brother violuled lhe
13. Heparin a! Special Cummib
14. Reports 0! Slunding (‘ommi~
15. Unflninhed Business. , ‘
16. (\c“ Bu-incss.
17. Reading he! of Firies. ‘
18. lieccuns ol lhe Evening. '
The W C 'l‘. may. at my mom
mg lmnsposo lhe order ol'busmosa
RULE 3. All questions'ul'urdm
shnll be decided by Iho W. (.‘. T.
suhg'ccl to an appeal Io the'l‘emple
lULE 4. livery motion shall,
ntf'equnrod by n member. be redu~
ted m writing; no motion shall be
subjecl lu debnlo unul seconded
Ind alnlcd. \
RULE 5. Before pullinguquea.
uon. the \V C 'l‘. shall ask. "'m the
Temple romly lor lhe qucslion."—-
H no brother speak. lhe W CT.
aha“ rust-um] propose n. ‘Nn bro~
thc'r shn I snunk allot ho has ons
.('u. \Vhen Iho queuliou In being
pm. the brulhcrs bhull bu sealed
und unlcnl. ‘
RULES Any membermny call
[or u division. when the W. U,
RULE 7. ”mo or more br -
lhrn I'lqu Xu upeuli. Ihc W C 'F.
shall dccrd'u Who in cnliiled ldih'é
flour‘ l-Ivorymcmbor. when Spcufi
Mng,‘uhull slum! up; ulm” uddrcsr.
the chair ,- shull confine himsoll In)
Ihc quualionwhull name no bfullh
j mile and Important fi'om Mexitm.
figule between insurgents and government troops,—
.”‘ ‘"" Insurgvnls ‘successful. "' , r,
. "m show .12 o'clock Inst night We '{ecfii'vhd'jfv'o tele
gmphic ‘de'sfmtches rmm our New Orleénb"q&i(§.pon.
dent, givihg us-very important inlellvgdhéé {thin-Maxi.
co, which we give _below; ~- , ‘(
‘- ' ' ‘New Ofleazza. July 21.
The inhabitants of Yuqntnn ltavo‘bevn’htyééénful in
several engagemtznti with Jim Indlgpq. The Indians,
having sutTered-échrely ' in 'killediund wounded, had in
every case retired discomfitad; ~ ,Ju'ii C! I: {l'}; ‘t‘ ‘
_ ‘ .n 4 ‘ .New Orleanagltluél 22.
_ lAn autval‘fmm Mexicobrihgd‘. ud lh‘reéudayi later
jtttalquencen '.l he dates {tomatheécapital‘ml‘eéum the
‘ um inalanh :. (an; '2‘?“ FUN} Um
. All pagaget‘nenthad takenrplacevbdtwaenth'éi'govem.
ment troopa,; ,commandedlbyt' Bustimgmewhnd the in
.putggnftqflunderutho lead df ’Pa’t'edéb.’. ’ihl‘fihiéwlha tot.
mqmyvhltflulgthh v'l‘he'loaritl' Pucdea’u stated-M27
[titled pm] 60 \vjoundedii. -.larutita is‘uid I 6 batimong
the quemly titthu’nde‘d ;. 76nd}; ptbbably. mortally no.
;, '-l‘,h road! throughaut.‘tliomh‘ola. ofl’Meiiod‘ ate Ita
tfidfio 3 befitgfevlesl ;with .tobbers.; wt"? ‘L'FW’PandOlinc
gttthat (aghté in th‘ota_'ws§'~z:' my?“ < ,5",
, .Auitttdr kit-rival." bt‘itiéih}! RSUflglayQ-Fpip‘r in‘tttlggenco.
43th ’9‘ floptlidély We" hbtiy‘tdfittte'llig’e‘dqo {ol‘ 6 auc
new at dthe' Vinsurgents,"‘itid"nflndttn'éetl mic/toy will
.probaUl] overturn ‘tbeflgqvqh'meflh éhd'dli‘ :Hbrrou
f:om.flowef'-.‘éhd diapqlvgztflo eafiatipg autho‘igieo.
Buutamente is i’tiid- to hbvb' lo‘at ft‘va‘ .hhy’lr'éd’ men in
the‘oonfliot that'ljad taken plgce, . .A 2'
I ARTICLE :XX.—7 Watchers
ARTICLE XXL—Ruidcnce at a Dillancc'
ARTICLE XXll.——lmpotill'on
ARTICLE XXlllw-Revlnxlaling
A nTlCLE.xxlv.—Amcndmnu
:r by his proper name, but Ihall
use the word “ brother.” wilh the
designation appnyxrinte to hit rank
Inzhe Order: an shall [void all
personalily, or dlamspecdul, or in»
dccmus language. ‘
RULE B. No member shall in
lerrupl another when 'hpeaking,
unless to call him 10-onder; nor
dialurb him by any rbfoiqder or re
mark: nurahull stunt ugfilor pass
belwoen him and the c mr.
RUL‘E 9.5 On 'the'chll'oflhree
membernlhe majority ofthe Tem
lple may demand that the pronoun
lqueallon shall be put. Whlch shall
always be in this {omuhnll the
mnln queano'n now be pull" and
umil'n is decided, shall preclude
all amendments to the main queh
non. and all further debate.-
RULE 10.. ll‘ .13 question pond
ing bu lou by ndjourngnenl. and
revived m u subseqnonl meeting.
in discussion shall be [abject to
tho sumo rule In"! no such ad
'ournmenl had taken place.
RULE 11. Any document per
nnom to a question; before the
Temple shall be read on tho cull
ul'uny brother, unless objected to.
when ilshnll be'delormm'ed with
out debate. '.-' . 'r
I 'IiULE 12. No m'embor shall.
by loud convomallon, or By lovitv
ol domennor, nr otherwise, intor~
rupt mung btngo ol the ;roccedv
ings. the “amass oltlm emplc.
In debate the consequences ofu
menaure may he repmbated,‘but to
urmign lhn motivca'ol those who
propose it. ts u personality and u~
gains! order. ~'
1 RUM-213. A motion to adjourn
shall always be in otfdpr, afler tho
rogltlnr business has bqen gone
through mm, which motxdn shall
be uctqd on without dobuw.
RULE M‘ A motion [or tho ro
considerution 01 any vote shall ho
inorder. unless it be moved and
seconded by members who voted
with the p'urty prevailingmnd to
decide in luvor ufu reconsiderm
tion.altqll require the Vbtqh 01 two
;hirda o! the membent present.
1 "RULE 15. Before any motion
‘is declutcd to ho decxded any
throomcmbon may require lllul
lit slmll bu tlpulthd bjcnlllng tho
yous nnd nnyu—w'hon every bro~
:lhor‘rreuent sh'nll-‘v‘utn unless ex
cuse by tho Temple; and tho
result shull he docisive, -,
H From the Uhhrleston Counor
4m! «‘l‘ p». qfi-l 4%,: r-“Jl’fi
v! 4 1
, .I, i