Democratic banner. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1837-1849, July 11, 1848, Image 6

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E'Rl’FF’s - SALES”;
{Y'fi‘ntuc ‘o'l‘ud w» if ol"‘Ve,luli"b'ni ‘Efi
2 \ppnas. issued on“ of :lhe Conn 01
Comgn Plcns ul‘ CIA-union] cqunly. ‘nnd 10 mo di‘
vqcledhx‘sill he cxpunvd l 0 public onlo. nl lhn} calm
hdilie. in lhe borough uf (.‘leurfiold. on Mundny 1h!)
41h day «if Svplemher. non. u v'arluln lmcl ol lund
lilti'l‘lb’ if) ‘Jny ID“ nslup. Elk counly, conlnininfl
‘ 100 a’crm. being purl uf tmrl No. 532 and bounded
on the north by Irncl No. :531. on the null by 100
out: of land deeded by Pnuer Gufl' tn Eugene v
Wadhimncmd (now in lhe mm of Euwbim Klin
and) on lhn south by lands Intoly in Iho poswmun
oonNer Goff. and on Iho won hy lnlldu m tho :IfW“
which of E. l’. Gaff. Snimd, lulwn In unculan
011“qu b 9 sold an Iho properly of KUlL‘bll's “"9de
gnd flczokia‘n \Vum‘or. 7
BY Villllo ofa uimilar “'lil iuucd (ml of Iho same
5997': End 10 mo dirorlod, will ha sold at tho unmo‘
"mo and plnco. Iho right. title, micron and cluim‘
of Jeremiah BIIHS to a certain mm! u! [and lilnulo
in H'uolbn township. Clcnrfiold COUIHY‘ bounded
by lands 0! John yjowll on the north. nnd on Iho
mm bylunfll'ormn‘fild Bliss. 610., now in the po
uujou 0! Arnold Blisl. with about
e!¢pred' thereon
BY v_inuo o! a limilur writ luauonl out 0! ”l 0 sumo
courl.nnd to mo directed, wlll be sold at the ammo
“Hound place. n (orlain tract of land. munlo in
Boggd ioivmhlp. Clonrfleld county, containing 427
ncru nml 30 perches and ullowuncc. beginning at
n while pino. rhqnco by lands of William Gray
and olhau 230 porches to a porn. ihcnco by lands a!
William Yard soulli 315 porches In a port. [hence
by lands ofJonnn -Blinolxiaor oil-1230 porclie- to a
while pine. and [hence by lands of Robin! Srawnrt
norlb 315 patches to the place 0! beginning, with
two dwelling houaoa. a burn and gnal mill and n
lroul 40.ncrel cleared Ilrorcon. Seized. lnkon in
ulsdtilion‘hnd to be bold is the properly of David «
‘ A LSO.
By virtue ofn limilnr writ. issued out ofthe same
court; mo directed, will be emu-oil to sale
at'the Coma'timo and plum. all Iho interact ol Da~
vid Mitchell in tho land ho has in Burnside and
Chest townships, (Ilaurfleld county. under the will
of his father. David Mitchell,:nnd nlw all his intor~
out no one ofthe liaiu to tho land thnt wna dovib
ed to tho two youngest children of tho said David
Mitchell. now dbcenled—szad and taken in oxe~
cumin and rtu ho sold as the property ol the mid
David Mitchell.
By Virlue of. similar writ issued out ofthe same
court. and to me directed, will be exposed to sale
It the name time‘and place. the folloning property;
vu ;H. certain tract of land situate in Karthaua
township. Cleartield county. and known as part of
"act N 0.1093. hounded by parts of vnltl tractJ’.
A. Karthanvand others, conlaining 79 acres with
4 Iran houses crected thereon. and about 5 acres
cleared—else, another tract of land situate In sen!
township, being port. 01 No- 1023, hounded by parts
of tracts of P. A. Kartheus and others. containing
88 acres—also, another tract of lurid eituate In the
some township No. 3463, beginning' at n hemlock
'en the West Branch ofthe Susquehanna river 396
perch" by the course of the said river below a
postcorner. being the southwest cormr ot-a pat
ch! NO. 3463 and No. 3472, from the said hemlock
dbwn the said riVer'l by the several courses thereof
768 perchee to a post corner on the bank ofthe
rtver'. thence north 56 degrees west 13 perches to
I poll. thence north 4] degrees east 13 perches lo
a motile corner. thence south 56 degrees east 13‘
perches to a birch corner on the bank ofthe river.~
ther‘tce'dotrn the river the several courses thereof
44 perchea to a while oalt, thence north 38 perch‘
on to l post corner. thence west 51]. perches to a
post corner. thence south 238 perches to a post.
thence west 16 perches to a white pine. thence
south 194 porches to stone corner. thence south 45‘
degrees east 40 perches to the hemlock and place
of beginning. containing 938 acres and 147 perch
es With allowance ofsis per cent. &c.—Seized and
telten in aseculion and to be sold as the property
ofthe Clearfield Coke and Iron company.
BY virtue of a writ of Levaril’acias. issued out o!
the sam‘ekourt. and to me directed. will be sold at
the came time and place. a certain messuage or
treat el‘leutl situate in Briggs township. Clcarfield
county. beginning at a White pine. thence by land
of William Gray and elherJands 230 perches to a;
_p£3{._tllgnce by land of William Yard south 315‘
hatches to a post. thence by land ofJonas Stinehi.
set not 930 perches to a white pine. and thence
bylantl‘of Robert Stewart north 315 parchestothe
place 0! beginning. containing 427 acres and 30
porches and allowance, with two dwelling houses,
a burn and gristxmill. and about 40 acres cleared
thereon. Seized. taken It'. execution and to be
sold esthe property of David Adams.
By virtue of a similar writ iuued out of lhe
same court. and to me directed. wil be exposed to
sale at the some lime and place. the following pro
perly, viz ' Ono Imct OHBS acres. silunte on bolh
’ I‘idel of Cl'carflold creek. In Beccarin township. on
which is a grist-mill, saw-mill, dwelling-houso.
stable and other houses, wilh about 50 acres clear
od land. being tho lame premises which llaiah H
Wurick conveyed to John B. Slewnn and othern—
One other tract in said township containing 269
acres, being tho aamo premises which was survey
ed on warrant to Robert Blain. being port 0! lhe
aforemenuoncd tract—(reference to the mortgage
nl'lJol'rnß. Slowarl and AP. Owens. dated 2d Au
gtrst.lB4s. rocordcd ai Clcnrfiold in Book 1. page
453. Willzfnlly explain)—Seized and taken in em; '
cdlion‘and‘fi‘fiu sold as thoyproperly of John 8,
Stewart and'Androw P. Owens, by > ;
JOHN STITES, Sh 'a. » ‘
lßhorifl's omc_e,Clear!ield. July 1. 1848. ' '
GREfl 7' Nfl TIONflL WORK.
, [,4 History Zl/ze Revolution 85 Live: _f
‘ ' ”"Q/QIIJe ‘ erqea ofthsWar of
.i .r‘fl'fndependence. . ':
‘ ' area/laws J. PETERSON.
An eldgnnl‘sblume'wilh 18 fine Stee‘lAPlules,
Ind nearly 200 beautiful Wood Engmvings..
."LThisin a splendid book. A valuable addil-l
lion to the Historic Literature of out-country}
;Wernumuch _mnsgakqn if it does not take rank
yllthh‘e ;wprlks ‘o‘fjrving 8:. Prescolt."-—.Fran~
'V“ J" lt “sinuses any “similar \vorlr yet offered
:40 the A'mesicnn public."—Neal'a Gazelte.
. "It may be propel-W considered 1: popular
ue'd :Mililsry:Histoi-y of we Revolution, ex
vlremely well and judiciously written."—Norl/a
14.11491:an *
V ; ,
, ‘ lkv’fiheiprggent work on the Revolution, and
h‘flero'u, is‘ superior. both. in "_qxtent nn’d des
”kn Milky!!!“ has heretofore come undct our
qihotiqc.”,,,lugyirer. ',. ‘ ‘ ' , "
"A wefl-connected history of thatevemful pe-T
rioy-l- {duct , . ::
..‘.“Fcidedly the best pnpulnr history of the
Wu- of the Revalution gnd ilu names. Ilia} hail
_ yup‘befii‘figivén to Ibq‘ pounlry."eSaturday Eve. _
«infirm-cw - , = ‘ ' "
' ’ “nAGENTS \VANTED to Canvaufortlze a;
{W'dEGnL'Workin 'cvcry County and Tow" m
Iho United Slatu‘joflvhom [he mosh llbeml in;
“Magenta will be enema}, tam fifi ,;
"7"“ ",fe§iii"33't;."id; .WM..A.., r.
;|':Y.l4(—'-.}:':n :31? .- £2,158 NW”! SECOLIVD Si. :‘
. \ - Vf'l' ' IPHIMDELPHIA is
‘ ;mr‘u’figmerasm; ..
Dry-Goods, Hardware; Queens-
V V “ware, Groceries, Drugs and Dye
: ‘sStufi'sgxsTin-ware, Booke‘v&--Star
,v utionary, Hats, Capsand Bonnets,
v Boots and Shoes, Tobacco and
"Segars, Umbrellas, Carpet and
Carpet ,{md Cotton Yarn, Con
_ ,fectipnaries, Paints, Oils, Teas,
. &c- &c., I U , . _‘
Which he is now; 8L is determingd to con;-
linue selling‘AS CHEAP as they can be
bought elsewhere in he county. ‘
'IZPAH‘ He asks iS’n cnll.’ 7'
Curwensvillc, May 10, ’4B. ‘ 7f
flip/woo Lamina] lathe CourtolCOm
~ . t rnon‘f’leas of Clear.
v. 2 >field county No. l9}
.' " i"? t No‘V. Term, 1847,‘
[.’lvguslus Laconled Writ of’l’artition.
W”; T a Court""of Common
ng Pleas held at Clearfield,’
51M“ and for,tlie county o'f_C|ear
field. on the Bth day ofJoly
1848, Joliii Stiles, Ea‘qq High
Sheriff of Clearlield county. having at a
court of Common Pleas belt] at Clearfield
on the second day of May. A. D.. 1848,
returned an inquisiiion taken by the oaths
and affirmations oftirclve free, honest and
lawful men of his bailiwicft by which it
appears that a certain messuage. lot or
piece of ground situate in Girard town!
ship, Clearfield county. beginning at a
Hemlock. thence south 4! perches to a
post, north 85 west 14 perches lo a ham
lock. south 70 west 32 perches to a $1 hite
Pine, souih 47 west 32 perches to a hem
lock, north 26 west 20 perches to stories,
north 67 east 15 perches, north 47 cast
26 perches. north 55 east 5i to a post—
containing ten acres oNand more or less.
with a Grist Mill thereon erected with the
appurtenances &c.. which Alphonso La
conte & Augustus Laconte holds in fee as
tenants in common and could not be par-‘
ted and divided without prejudice to. and
spoiling the whole. And the said inquest
aforesaid had valued and appraised the
same at the sum of three thousand two
hundred and eighty-seven dollars. and
the court having confirmed the same, and
neither the said Alphonso Laconte nor Au
gustus Laconte having appeared to take
the said messuage or piece at land and
Grist mill with the appurtenances. at the
valuation aforesaid, the court granteda
rule on the parties aforesaid. requiring
ihem to appearat an adjourned court to‘
be held on the Bth day ofJuly, A. D.',‘
1848. to accept or refuse the same at the]
aforesaid valuation. At which time and
place both the above named parties ap
pear and refuse to take the premises at
the appraisement aforesaid. Whereup
on the said court do rule and order. that
the said Sheriff do on the 22d day of Au
gust A. D. 1848, expose to sale by public
‘vendae or outcry on the premises, the
said messuage or piece of land. with the
appurtenances &c., and sell the same to
the highest and best bidder. upon the fol
lowing terror; to \vitz—One half the pur
chase money to be paid on confirmation
of the sale, and the balance in one year
thereafter to be secured by bond & mort
gage on the premises, wiltiniiiterest from
day of sale. and that due public and time
ly notice ofthe time and place of sale be
given according to law. Witness the
Hon. George IV. W'oadwartl. President
of our said court at Clearfield this Bth
day ofJuly, A. D. 1848.
WM. L‘. WELCH, Prol/i'yi
Prothonotary’s office,
Cleaifield, July 8, 1848.;
Whereas, in pursuance of lhe nbové
writ, to me directed. I. John Sliles. High
Sherifl'o! Cleurficld county will proceed
lo sell the said property al the lime and
place directeq by said writ.
Sherifl’s Office, Clear— .
field. July 15, 1848 g J
Dissolulion of Partnership. j
THE Partnership hetctofore ensling
between lhe subscribers. trading unf
der lhe firm of PATTON. SMITH and
STEVENS. is hereby dissolved by me
withdtawal 0! Wm. Patton. Mr. Stevens
having purchased his (Patton's) interestin
Sunburn Mill'a, &c. .
The business will be conlinued by lhe
subscniberl in lhe name of Stevens and
Smith. who will settle nll claimsagaiusl
lhelormer partnership. Wilnessourhnuda
(his 13m day 0| July, 1848.
Sunburn Mills. Boggs d
tr» July 14, 1848. ‘P
LL persons are hereby cautioned &-
A gains! buying or selling or in any
way meddling with the followmg proper
ty now in lhe'care 0! Wm. Reed. of Fe:-
gusontownship, Clearfield co., n 5 lhe same
belongs to me. viz: One Black Home «5-
Two Red Cows, one a mulcy -
July 18. 1848.,—'pd ~ , V
JollN PATTON', Jr,
as removed fuss store to lhe building
H lately occupied by John Irvine. at
the river near Cyrwensville, when: he he:
juqt open‘e‘d‘nJarge lot of x
. Seasonable Goods,
mica-u - . -
‘Just‘ ‘thsaturne‘d, ‘
maxi. m. HILLS, frbm mire“.
WITH n'lu‘rge lot of new and mom
imprbved Dental Inslcumvnts.
ALSO. a large stock 0! cnrelully sel'ec
(ect'ed pvcmium teeth from Slockmn’s
Mnnufoclory. 1
has drawn the premium lor manulncturing
lhe best Metallic Arlificinlv'l‘celh. not on
ly in [he United States. but in L’bndnn
and Paris , and Dr. Hills has taken pur
licular pains to select a choice lot of them.
no that his‘pntrnns may be assured of'geb
ling a good and substantial urticle.
Dr. H. has also procured a very large
variety of Extracting instruments, made
according to Harris’ lnt'est patterns. and
he can confidently assure all those who
are troubled with those abominable pests.
decayed (eel/t. that the Forceps are not on
ly a much more sale and easy instrument
with which to remove a tooth, but they
cause much less pain at the time, and
icofnparatively nu soreness following.
Dr. Hills has also a variety of other
Dental requirements. such as Gold Plate.
Gold Foil. 'l'aallt Powders. H'asltes and
Brushes. and he is lull} prepared to per
lorm all operations in the line oi DEN
TISTRY. such as inserting on Gold
Plate, or on Pivots, Plugging, lfixtrncttng
and Cleansing. And from past experience
and success. he feels confident ol giving
entire satislactiun. and warrants all hisl
Work Well done, and to please his patrons.
A reasonable length at time given lor tri
sl to all jobs over $5. and il noHound to
answer all the purposes promised, no pay
will be required.
Office at the New Drug Store. the sign
of the GOLD MOR’I'flR,
llshcd 15 years n o' b DR. KINKELIN' The
oldest. sures! and beninnj’lo cum all forms olsecrcl
diseases, discus“ n! Iho skm and aolilary huhit- all
youlh. in D". KINKI'ZLIN, N. W. come: 01 Tum!)
and UNION 515.. between Spruco and I’m». one and a
‘lnlfsquuresfrom the Ezrlmgc. [’hllndclphin. ‘
TflKE PflR not/um NO 7103.
Youth who have injurrd lhemaelvca by u cerluin
practice indulged m—n hnbu froquenllélcnrnod from
evil comrumona, or at nchool-—lhc e eels 0! which
are nigh! y loll; even when nsloop. nnd doxlro ' bolh
mind and body,ahould nJJply immediately. {Venk
neaa nnd constilulmnnl ebllilyimmedmlely cured.
and full Vigor restored. All leuexa roar PAID,
“you value your lite or your health. remember
'tho delay at n month. my. oven :1 weekmuy prove
your ruin. both 01 body and mind. llencolet no false
modesty deter you lrom maktng your case known to
one u ho, trom ’cducutinln tun] respectulnlity, um u
lono hefrioml you." Ho “ho 'pln’res lnmsell undcr
DR, KINKELIN'S treatment. mny religiously con~
fido tn his honor as a gentlemen, and in whom bosom
will bo for over locked tho secret ol the patient.
Too many think they will hug the secret totheir
own hearts. and cure themselves. Alas! how olten
iatlns u fatal delusmn. and how many a promising
young man. who might have hcon an ornament to am
ctcty. has tndcd from the earth.
finding it inconvenient to make personal npphcaliom
can. by stating their case explicitly. together wrlh all
their symptom, (per lcuer. WI!-pflld.) havo lorwarded
lo lhem a chest containing Dr, K‘s mcdlcmcsnppro
printed nccordmgly.
Packages quor wine: forwarded to any part of lhe
Unilod Slnles M. a moment's notice.
Pos‘r run Lmzns, addressed to Dn. KINKELIN.
Philadcl hin. will be pmmplly attended to. .
'Sco mfi'cniscmcnl 11l lhe Philadelphia S int oflhev
Times. , jun. 28.11:?18. ly
Bellefonte Foundry.
“VELCH 85 LEYDEN. Would an
‘ nouuce [0 their friends and the
public, that they will courinuc the busi.
ness 0! IRON FOUNDERS, at lhe old
stand, where they intend to keep alwnyp'
on hand a large and varied assortment oi
' We have lately erected and are no“
“filling up an extensive
5 with three Laihea,. (or turning and filling
up all kinds oi Machinery. such as Grist
and Saw-mill Casting“. Machinery lor
Forges. furnaces «9' Rolling Mills. inclu
ding Hot Blast Pipes lor Errnacea and
illloomeries ; and will be prepared [0 (ur
niah on lhe shortest notice and in a salis- "
{pclory manner all kinds of Machinery.—
Now on hand a large assortmeul of [o27'-
’TERNS. of lhe latest and most improved:
_Myles. including the dinerent sizes. of lhe
DurkeaWJJrice Reaction U’aler IV/ecels: ;
‘ Krl’uuerns not on hand. made on
short nollce. i
11. B. S.
J. W. S.
.3 STOVES. .
Vlc have now and intend keeping ul
um I a‘stock 0! (he unrivalled VE'I‘O and
FUYLTON Hot Air Cooking Stoves. dif
ferent sizes ; nlqo flir Tight, Fancy Pur
lor «Sr Nine Plate Wood Stoves, ol differ
ent sizes together with (our sizes ofa su‘
perior Balloon Coal Stove,” well as Cyl
ender and FANCY Coal Stoves. We
will add during lhe coming season, sever.
al Newpotlerooo! Cooking, Air’l‘ighl.
and Parlor Stoves.
Aanys onhaml a good assortment o‘
;PLOUGHS. Io which we are adding sev
'ernl new patterns thiswpring.‘ Hollow.
ware of all kinds, Sleigh &- Sled Solos.
Wagon Barres. Smoothing lrans.&c. as-c
. arr-All Ihe‘ubove articles. ‘ond eve:y
Ihingiu our lmewill be sold on the most
reasonnb'e .teims for Cash, or Counh‘y
Produce. lronmnstera’Orders. 01d Metal,
&c, ()ndeys from a distance promptly
attended/to. ‘ ’
:~ , ~ , (;Eoncfi-WELCIL,
B'cllelont’c, Fcb.'lB, I‘B4B. ’ '
The Wm'fitill‘R‘ageSg
' But not in Mexico“ ' ,
New and splendid assortment 0!
A GOODS has just arrived, and are
now up‘for sale n! the 5
Curwensvillc, consisfing ol the usual va
2|er of .
Spring ,and Summer DRY
Goods, Groceries, Queenah
ware, Hardware, Drugs,
Dye-tufl's, Medicines;
Huts, Boots & Shoes, (S'c.
Also, a splendid stock of
Such an BONNET'I‘S, Sllflll'L.S‘,
PflRflSOLS, GLOVES, &c. Also, a
Harge stock of l
Ready-Made clothing]
Such as COATS. VESTS, PANTS, &c.
The subscribers are determined to sell
goods CHEflPER than they can be pur:
chased elsewhere in the county. and they
flutter themselves that they can please
any and every person who may favor them
with u call. both as tn the PRICE and the
QUALITY 0t Goods.
We are well uwnre. that we have exci
ted the indignation of certain persons oa
goged in the business to the highest pitch
by reducing the price of goods to the low
est point. But we do not cure. as the
people loose nothing by it. Goods can
be nml are bought cheap in the cities, and
can be.aold cheap here.
\Ve respectfully invite the public to
give us a call before they purchase else
where. \Vehuve lor sale. also
up.lB. ’4B
An invnluable medicine in cases of Colds,
Coughs, flat/"nu. Consumption, &c.—-
Alan, :1 10l 0! first tale Accordeons. “'9
intend k‘éeping up our assmtm'enl, and
selling cheap.
[Gin exchange lor our goods “9 wil
ake Horses, Cattle, Grain. Lumber,.&c
[or which lhe hiahcsl prices will be inrn,
May 10m, 1848.
HE demand for the above medicine
T in the last 2 or 3 years, is deemed
a sufficient apology for placing it now ful.
ly before the people; and the diseases to?
which it is applicable have become so pre
vnlont in this country that a remedy enti'»
tied to'confidrncc. is a great desidcratum.
The digcascs l allude ,to,are Hepatitis,
(Liver aflcction.) Dyspepsia, and female
complaints in general. A
'bZP'l‘hn above pills will be kept con,-
slnnlly {or sale by _
Ric/lard Shaw, Clearfield,
Bigler «S- Co.. Bcll township.
Graham 6- "Wig/1!, lhndlord
James AlcGir/r. Philip-burg.
J. U”. [MI/er. C!(‘fll‘fil€l(l B'dge.
Irvin & Achride. Burnside}
Seligsbergw,& Bloom, Cur~
. - wensville.
Oct. 20, 1846
Gold & Silver Plating. '
R. WELSH embrhcru the pres-
R. ent occasion to inform his ruslu-
Iners and lriends. Ihnl he has a new mode
0! Plaling Gold and Silver ware. Mhlch
he uill wurrnnl [0 be superior lo any oth
er mode ever uncd—no kind 0! acids hav
ing the lens! eflecl upon it. “is prices
are reasonable.
Curwensville, Match ‘24. ’4B.
'ESPECTFULLY informs lhe cili
1{ 2203 a! Clemfield county that he 18
located in Curwennville. where he Will
carry on the business 0!
CLOCK &- [VflTCII making and repair
'6 Ina.
TUNING of various musical instru
; menls, such as
13.40 PIPES, flCCORDEONS, 1110-,
Also. repairing ol fllfl'l'llE/Ufl'l'lCflL
ICPHe willvalso leach and give lessons
on the Accordeon.
HTAII his work {hall bc‘done in (he
very best spyle, and upon the loyveal terms.
Cunvensville, Jan. 25, ’48.~l yr
Marble Manufactory;
. fl! Lewistown, Pa. .'
HE subscriber respectfully inlorms
T the inhabitants ol Clearficld county
that he still continues to supply all orders
MARBLE MANTELS. land ail-other
work in his line at moderate prices and
out 0! the best material. ‘ ' r 3
mulnlormntion will be given as to pri-3
cel, &c.. on application to J.'L. Cutllg.
Em, nt Clearfieid. who will receive orf
tiers and give all information required. .5: 3i
Lewistown. May '2O, 1848. ;:‘.
. ' - K,
SUGAR ~can be purphaséd at Hard?
.. low prices by callin nt'lhe store 0]
-- - ‘ Jams PAT’I‘ONJB
Gurwonavillc, June 16. 194% _
so mgch hs at panic," against ‘
M’Allisler’s Qin‘tmem.‘
Insengz’ble perspiration.
UIS OIN'I‘MEN'I‘ HAS POWER to [cause all-
E lo discharge ”It!” pmrul mutton; and lhcn heals them:
f ”mi”, rightly lormod All-healing, lor ’thorc i 1
srnrccryn dlsOflfiO. oxlvrnnl orinlcrnnl,lhal itwill
not benefit. I have used It (or the last fourteen yuan
{or all discanca or the chest, consumption, ln'er, Invol.
vmg tho ulmosl danger and responnibilily, and him
clnro before heaven and man, that not in one single
case has it failed to benefit, when the patient was
within lhn reach 0! morgnl mcana.
' l lmvc hud phyricinnx’,~ learned in the prolcssion,l
5 have had Minlslora ol lhoGuspclJudgon of Iho Bench
Aldermen, und Lawyer". gcnllemcn of Iho highest
orudmon. and nwmn'uoza ofllno roan use u in cm.
ry vnm-ly of way. and [hero hus been but one voice,
one united. uniurunl vowe. mying, "McAliHlor.yuug
Ointment Is Goon." '
CONSUMPI‘ION. ltuun lmrcly 1m crcdilcdlhul
u salve can have any ollccl upon the lungs. as
they urofivilhln llm syslcm. But if placed upon Iho
chest.ilponolmlcsdnrcclly lulhc lungs bopumlcslho
pomonous particles that am consuming lhcm nml ex
pcls lhcm (tom the nyulom. ll 15 curing persons of
consumpuon continually.
HEADACHE. Tho Salvo huscurcd persons ol'hu
Ilendnchool l 2 cur'nmnding. and whohndnugu.
lnrly ovary wcolc’. so Ihnl vomiting olten look pl e.
Deafness and liar-Ache uro helpml wilh lxkégfixcs
RHEUMATISM. [lremcves almost immediately
the Illn'lmmflllon and swclhng when Iho mm of
(‘ouro 000503.
COLD FEET. Consumption, Liver Crmplaim,
pmns in the rhea! u: “(10.11)”ng ofTol (he halt, one
or the olher. always accompanies cold rug-é. It in,
my: sign ol'discaao in the nyatem to have co (I feel.
l'nns Oinlmcnl is lhe lruo remedy for senor-'0”
EM'SIPELAS. SALT nusuu. vazn COMPLAINT. sonz:
' EYES. uumsv, BORE THROAT, Buoscnrrrs. BROKEN our
son: BREAST. Plus, all cuss-r nlszAszs. such as AS111.“ ‘
HA. orrnzssxon, “ma, also, none LIPS, (mum)-
DISEASES. and 0! lhe srmn. There I: no medxcmo
A now known so good. 3
SCALD HEAD. We have cured cases that new.
ally defied every lhing knuwn, as well as Iho ability
of filleen 0r lu'enly dul'lors. One man told us he had
spenl 8500 un hm clnhlren willwul any benefit, whco
a low boxes ofthe omlmenl cured them -
BALDNESS. II will restore the hair quicker than
uny ollzer llung. '
BURNS. It Is the best thing in lho “orld lur
Burns. {Read 1110 directions around Iho box.)
WORMS. It “'1“ drive every \‘csllgo 0! 111 cm a
men (Rand lhe dirocliuus nmund lhe box.)
'OHNS. Occnsiunal use 3! [ho oiulmcnl willnl
ways keep coma lmm growing. People need not ho
lroub'ed will: lhem iflhey “I“ use il.
l’lLl'lS. Thousands aro yearly cured by this 0111!.
TET’I‘ER. There in nolhing boner {or the _cure a!
Solo prnprtetor o! the above medicine. V
CAUTION. "Nu Otntmenl WI” be genutnc un;
less lh'o name: 01 James McAllialer or Jamcl ch-
Allister .9 Co.. are wan-ran with n PEN upon Evan!
[had (he [bllou'zng Communication.
Rerett‘cd [mm on old, respected. and well known
ctttzenot Hnlndclplnn. and thou judge {or yourself.
Philadelphia, 10th mo. tam, 1816‘ -
To 'l‘. B. Pctetson No. 98 Chestnut street: Hurmg
been requested to give my upimon on the ments of
Mt: ALIS'I‘EK'S SALV'E I am willing to enumerate
sumo ol'tho benefits \t‘htch I have expt'rienced in the '
use ofthe nrttclc.
In lhe spring of 1845 I had an nllan o! Eryaipelu
in my [hoe which became very pninfu|,nnd cylonded
Inlouna of my eyes. bcmg nllcndod wilh fever. my
distress was great and I became lo be [curful oflom
mg my eye.
Allhuugh not much n believer in what is termud
quack medicines. I purchased u box and made appli
cnnun to my face To my surprise the pam soon n
hnlcd and in n week's linu- l was entirely cured. and
I firmly bohcvo n was the salvo under Provulencc
Ihill cured me.
Frum Ilm nmo m the present l have used the uni.
clc an occasion required. and in every case where l
have nurd il. l have lmnd a decided benelil.
Al one limoin gomg (0 bed a! nlghl. my thmnl was
so sure lhnll swallowed \vim difficulty. but by an up
pliculinn of lhe salve l was renewed before morning;
I llch used n in cases 0! burns. bruises. sprains and
flesh cut: all with lhe lxnppicsl eni'L'llelld unu vase of
puisomng by n “dd vine m Iho “was: bun boon dried
up and cured by a low npplxcuuous.
From my own experience I would strungly recom
mend it In all, as 1: cheap convenient mudu‘mu. It
requiresno prvparuliun oxhcr than lu rub Hun lllcal
tliclcd purl.
l have become so partial lo it that l cxpcctlu keep
ilcnnslantly m mt lumily.
Though no! um “ions lunppcnr In prim. yol I (gm)-
nol refuse to have lhiu connnunicnnon made public If
judged best In nerve lhe cause u! humunny.
Rcsccclluu ”mm. M
\ M. AKAMS, No. 26 OM York Road.
WPnca 25 ccnls per boss.
.4 a 1; N T S.-
E. «S- IV. 1". Irwin, Clearflcld.
Messrs. .flrnolds, Lullxcrsburg.
Jolm Pal/on, jr. Curwinsvillc.
Levi Lulz, Ivrcnclavillc.
Clewjield. Dec. 25, 1847.- ly.
CINES of various description, ,and FAMIIJ
lIIEDICINES of almost every kind. A large
assortment of ESSENCES of superior "qunlllyn
:\ choice selection of PERFUMERY. Br. n 300 d
variety of BEVERAGES, among which are
and a mos‘ crack articl’é of
3&mg&m&mamm& WEN”?
together with 'nlurge nssortment of FANG} &
other articles by lnr to numerous to mom“!
has juapgrrived at the sign of
Tuna nu; «mun is
M 0 R 'H‘ AR. ~ 2((
AND for sale u liulc lower than
you can impginc.‘ ' ' I H‘fi e
ALSO; first rate LEMONS, for twenty- V ‘
cents per dozen. .~ . ‘
. Pclflpns ,wiahing any of the abovemrlgcle’
may [’6 assured ol'geuing a first rate nljtlfilc:
name-stock is eulirely NEW.~> » ' '
[w ‘ ‘ - ~\ , . ,W, ‘ .‘:A.:M' HILLSI_
Clearaem. my :3, 1848. . , -