GI 13 M..».‘wgyfl‘w (”many a ‘ . . 7, ._,,::§-;‘-:;;~-—:‘:—..t~--;:1-—_2+:;:: .... ._jlf'fh‘: "‘Frbm lho’Narlh_.-\morlc'unl ‘ ' . JOHN MITCHELL. 1‘ The deed ofinfumy «I done! ‘ And. England! kindling M Ihy shumg». ‘ The soul of every [rec horn mm W ' _ 7 Must breathe a tuna upon (by name?— By every hdnn Ilml ham: (or right- By every hvurl. uhmo halo in Ilirrm'. When Iyruula munch their creed uf-night. Thy nuule mual own he uphorrcd! ‘ . T 1” Judi! dam-Land he who aloud. ‘Wlih dfllfillHNLhonrll tu plead xln- (uuuo 0‘ {.’"d‘NP- and his ”cunulvy‘n good. ‘ lu‘crush‘p‘il bcn‘ckxilh'h lym'ul‘s tum! Thmi‘ur‘le‘d from hilt-follow mén; ’ - m cbu'vic‘l. o'er :ho‘ruggod mn‘n; . "in hand Ihnl “hulumc grn-pod Iho pen, Now {uttered vu'lh Iho felun'u chuin! 'And shall mnn Ihuu be crushed to onrlh Shall all hit righll bcvuwopl away, For manly daring lo give 54'th To hh: owl: lhuughls. and lo übvy Tho voico which bidl him In ho {rue-- 'l‘ho voice of nmuru and a! God '— Muu be for thin a many: be. And lcuurgcd beneath oppressiun'a I’m] No! {ruin a millinn spirit! ye! ~ The Ihuul of lriumph mll he ment. A- ”[oan mlghly phulnnx mot. Shall bid lhe cuplivo‘a hands he n-nt. And swear. Ihnl. while one puluu remuxns - While life one lhmh ofnlronglh allurdu. Man almll nol lhua he found In chums [for ullerong u Pnnnrr'a words! DAYS wrmour man‘s AND‘N‘mn'rs . wrmouw DAYS. \Dr. Baird. in a recent lecture at ”art l'ord. Conn.. gave some interesting facts.— Z'l‘hére its nothing that strikes a stranger more fereibly, if he visits Sweden at the 'i‘eason ofthe year When the days are the longest. than the absence of night. The sun in June goes down at Seckholm a lit tle Micro ten o'clock. There is a great illurriihationynll night as the sun passes ‘round the North Pole, and the refraction .of‘ilo rays is such that you can see to read! at midnight. Dr. Baird read a letter in the forest near Stockholm, at midnight, with out artificial light. ' ' There is a mountain at the head of the golf'of‘llolhinia. \t hero on the {Slat ofJune. the son does not go down at all. 'l ravel lou go ltp-tht‘ro to see it. A steamboat goes up from Stockholm fur the purpose of cargfipgthose ttho are curious to «itness atliefphenomenon. It only occurs o'lo NB!”- ‘tt‘ “Theitin goes down to the hortzon.youl “can see the whole face of it, and in five minute-it begins to rise. ' Milly North Cape. hit. 72 degrees. the lunidoes not .go dattn for several weeks. In lime it tt'otild be about 25 degrees above “19 horizon at midnight. The way'lhe People there know it is midnight, they see the sun rise. The changes in those high latlituded‘froin'slimmer to winter are so} “g'rutthat- no can have no conception at them at all. ' In the' winter time the sun disappears. and Is not seen for six weeks. Then iticomcs and shows its face. After ‘Wagd it remains [on ten. fifteen. or twenty minu‘tei, and then descends. and finally i don-noun at all, hot makes almost a cir ‘cl9‘rlound the‘heavens NAVAL TANECDO'I'EI ,yxuéfnre the, war, (can the Natiunal Ma Ignite.) Capt. Canton and the Macedonian WQIOth-Norfulk ,' Decatur was there too, and‘a warm intimacy soon joined in friend ‘lhip two kindred hearts. While discus :ltng naval alTaira one day, Carden said : {.'.Deratur. wur pliips are. good enough, andimn era amianr set (mfg-Hows ; but what précltce'bavp you in um ? 'lhere’o the rub. , One ofthese days ne will prob ably MW.“ brush together. and if I catch an‘r‘ship at sale, I will knock her into ‘tzo’cked hat, S:ep|ien.” _ “div““ifill ”you ?” aaid Decatur; "I‘ll be! ‘gé'tfla by! on il.”_ . ‘ j'll'hg net .tvae agreed on. and the convpr entity!) changed. But a lew months elap _iggdl‘qigthc Era: that had been threatening 'CQQQGQFed., and the Captains, by some [lingnlar éoingidenre, met. The results of tlit‘t'it‘tipnygre known. Capt. Carden. on ggtngon board the United States. was re- ‘ catvéd by a lieutenant in the gnngway, to whom he tendered his sword. """N'ot l 6 me. sir," said the nmcer, "but to the Captain.” ‘ ‘. «Where is the Caplain ?" asked the cm bammed Englishman. ..“H'o'u alanding uh. ume; lhn! is ”)0 gentleman. nih'inva larpaulin hat and round jacket.” , 1 n- - r. :Carden "wenl af!--nnd his fcciinga on mceling,‘ under such-circumstances. his old triend, may be .imagmed. As he olfered his sword to Deéntur. Ihal officeruaid : :‘ZrNo, Ca’rdebfil n'ever iake the award of a brave man-you. have fought .gallumly. Bul.?.’.Jaid he, laying ma band on lhemh : er’a shoulder; "I will-‘lake that 'lzal, my‘ dearlféllOWl" f : 1: :ELK. _ACOUNTI‘Y . v “‘ {545 Acres of mania FOR Stile 'm Gibbon (ofvh’shipf Elk _ 1; county. sikualcq‘ n'éa‘r- (he‘ Sinuom'a ho‘nibg;_ olgék, béinQ‘p'art of (ract‘ No. ,s.42’4}ls'var_ram‘cd ,in' lhe name of George McidhmAboutflOO pcreqol this hoot is; good {in-in ,lg'nd,‘ and thc’ balan‘cé‘la vsl'uaa bla onv‘accounyg othe-Pine 'l‘nmber-u'n it: {mic oivaei'. who rés‘gdes in Phitndelphiu} Mr. Pike 17.: Patton. as nn‘xmus lo «Impose: 01 it, Add MU .52”. H low.‘ The ’underf uigned Ia .notlu)r_izgd;tov§e|{ ilt. Io whom, applicalinh can be madcdurjermu. ritual}: applearficld, ;:‘”? (on court weekii) nu Ridgeway. ' 1-. G, “.‘.”.BiA‘IRRE[I‘VILLVAg‘L'n'v‘fl ‘1 .1 Aprllfl2, 18,485.: 5 2S ’mi‘j 11’. n . . Ta??"*'77"7s"7'-“T7 BflflNKfS'vfor salaat t/u's oflic'e. HIS OIN'I‘MEN'I‘ HAS POWER lolcnusu nl T EXTERNAL SON-IS SCROFULOIH HUM ORR. SKIN DISEASES. I‘OISONOUS WOUNDS, [u ullsrhnrgo Ihvxr putrzd mullc-rs nml than honPs Ihvm. It 'l3 nullify Icruwd All‘hvnling. lnr lhotu l 8 .u'urm‘ly u dlsonsv. mlcrnul‘ur mloruul. thnt H \Hi) no! hcncm. l huvc mud Il [u’r lhe lust {uurtucu your: lur ull diseases U! 1110 Chest. consumption. In'cr. xnvuh \‘mg the mums! danger uml responsibility, um] 1 dm clnre hcfuro' heaven and man. that not In one single case has it (nilod In begofil. when the panunl \vns “'ilhin lhe rem-hut murlnl mum". l hm'u had physimnns, luurnnl in Ihc )rulrusmn. l have had Minlsu-ra ul lthSuspulJudgos 01 the Hem-h ‘ Ahlrrmcn. nml Luwycrs. gL-nllvmvn u! the Light-M crudmun, nud MULTl'rumts urlhv Mon 1150 nin en:- ry mmly of way. nnd lhcrv has been hul one mmo. uncunitedmnivtrinl \‘OlCO,Sflying. “Mu/\lislur.your Omnnom Is 0000.” CONSUMPTION. I! can hnroly ho crediled Ihnl n Fflh'c cun have any cllcct upun lhe lungs. sonlod us they urn within lhc ayslcm. Bu! il plnccd upnn Iho chest. il poncuulcs dlrcclly in [he lungs scpnrnlcu lhe puxsunous particles Ihnl nro (-onsummg lhcm nml v.\‘- pole: lhcm Imm Iho synlcm. It IS curing pom-na- ul consumption cnnnnunlly. HEADACHE. 'l‘ho Snlvv has much porsonsul lhol llcadunho of” rur's standing, and who had I! n-gu lurly vvcry “TOE. in that vomiting ”Hon look plncc. Deafness and Eur-Ache nrc» helpml wilh hko mc~ 'css. RUEUMATISM. I! rmnuvcn nlmom Immt diuloly ho mlhmmatmn und swelling when lhn pom uf ‘nun-c cons-pm —- COLD HLE'I‘. (.‘nnsumpnun. Ln'cr ‘Cnnpluinl, mm; in Ihc chm! nr Rule. (ulhna ufl‘ul the hair. (Inc r the olhur, ulwuyu nucompunma mhl for! I! is me mgn M'dmouao in Iho system In hm'e (o'd {OOL 'l‘mn Ointment islhc lruo remedy for BCILOFU E‘ M H mnn-nus. SALT nIIEUM. lenu COMPLAINT. son: was. uumsv. numttnmmn BRUNCHITIS. BRUKEN on sum: unus'r, “1423.34“ cm:sl* magmas. sun-h as ASTH nu. orrnEssloN,‘ “ms, ulsu. sour: Lxrs, cunrnv nuns. Tununu. summons sum-Tums. NEnvous msmszs. and oi the sums. There :5 numcdlcmv now known no good. SCA LD HER D rally defied cvcry thing knuwn. us we“ no Iho ammy 01 (”wow lwcnly doclurn. Ono mun luld us he had 9110“le on In: children wiihuul any henofil. \\ hm u lew boxes oflho omlmcnl cut-ed lhcm BALDNESS. ll will restore the hnlr quicker lhnn any olhcr lining. BURNS. ll In tho boat lhing in lhn uorld lur Burns. {Rcml Iho direclimls um‘uml Ilw hon WORMS. ll \nll drive every \‘csllgc ul them u way. (Rand the diremiuns around the box.) (JOHNS. Occnsumal use 0! 1110 oimmeut “l“ul waya‘kecpcorns Irom rowing. People need um ho lruub'ml with lhnm lffiwy m” use 11. FILES. Thousands mo yearly cured by [his Oink mrm; 'PET’I‘ER. There is nothing better (or the cu” m «In-r. JAMES McA LISTI-ZR, 6; Co.. Sale prupnelur oi the nluwe medicine. CAUTION. “Nu Ointment \VIII be genuine un~ less lhe nnmor 0| James McAlliatc-r or Jamu Mr. Allimr .5, Co.. nro wnx'rnzx with a ran upon new LABEL" HUGE 25 CENTS PER BOX. Read lhe Followmg Comnumicala'on, chclved Irom an old, respected. and well known enfzcno! l’hlludelplnu. um] lhrn Judge 10: yullrSL-H. ‘ Pluluflelphin. lum mo. 1811:. 1846. To I‘. 8. Peterson NO4 98 Chestnut street : “Mung been rcquesled In gwc my oplmun on lhe moms 0! Mc ALIS‘I'EK'S SALVE 1 am willing to enumerate some oflhc benefits which I have experienced m the use of tho nrnclc. ln lhe sprmgof 1845 I had an ulluck o! Eryeipelms in my face which became wry pmnfnlmnd cHemlcd imu um: 01 my eyes, bmu utlcndcu wnh lever, my distress was grcul and l gccumo to be luurlul 0! lo:- EUZIE Although not much u believer in what is termnd quack medic-mes. I purchased a box and made Gpplh cunen lo my face, To my surprise me pam noun n buwd and m u weck‘u lunu l was entirely cured, and I firmly believe it was me anlvu undo: l'rovndencc Ihnl cured me. from that mm.- w the prescnl I have used lhe aru pln as uccusml, I’Cqulred. and m every cmc where l have uurd il. l haw lound a derided hem-fit. Al one nme'in omg 10 bod ul mghl, my throat was so sore that] swafluwod with diflicully, but by un npo phcnlmu n! [he salvo l was mhoved before morning. I have used ll In cases 01 burns. bruncmspmma and lush cuts a“ wuh lhu happiest efleclumnd uuu cum) 0! Hug by u \\ 11d mu: m lhu \\ uuds has been dried g and curud by a law applications. From my own experioncc I would strongly rccum~ mend ll lou". as a cheap convuluvnl medwmo. ll rcquxrea no propumliun ulnar than to rub H on the M. llxclod pun. =II l have become so partial to it that I expocl m koe [constantly In guy lugmly‘ Though not umbnwus lu appear All prml, yo! I can ux’refuuc to have um cummumcunou made public I migcd best lo Herve the ammo ol humanity: Res )acltully lhmc. WM. ADAMS. N 0.51“ Olu Yurh Road. ml’nce 25 cents per box. 'fl G E N 7‘ S.- ' E. (5" IV. E Irwin, Clearfield. Aleesrs. .flmolda, Lut/acrsburg Jo/m Patlonv'r. Curwinsville. Levi Lulz, [lrene/wilh. Clemyield, Dec. 25, 1847.-—ly. _ Vi‘HE Co-Thrtnérehip'herclofore exist . iug between [he bu'bscubera, trading under the firm of G. IV. & S. flrnoldt iu‘lhe mercantile business, ms (his day dissolv'cd by alumni-consent. The ac: cuunts'bf th‘eflhfile 115 m urglqfl with Sam~‘ uei &F. K. Arnold,“ thepldatund, who are duly uulhOlized to settle lhe same. ’ ‘- ' ' "GEO. W. ARNOLD," ‘ » SAMUEL ARNOLD. 3 Lumersburg, May”: 1838' " NEW GOODS. .7 ‘HE Subscribers‘coulinue in the above i business at' Lhe_o|d stand _under'me finm of HS" &LF. K. flinold! gvhe'rénlheyf wish their old éuulomers to give lhem ul cu“ below purcnq'qingelqe‘bhere;' ‘ ‘ ; l‘lpey 'urc'jdstf'now ‘recgiying yandv'opcné mg ti", [sng an}! wéll? Bellic'lcd. gsa(»rgmcn( 01 SEASON ABLE. _GOODS. 'Mwic‘li Hwy} “inl ucll‘phcap lpr; flash, or ;Cuunlry Pro? dare. yj-(ilvc us a call. -7 = H : 53- .& F 5 K7.ARNQL.D' Lulhcrsburngay"l9, 1848. . . _j. . \. ...1 M’Allis’lc‘r’s' oinn’ncm. r.- ;.' :32?ch ZV‘N' ‘ 1' gm? :5“ ' ' "NEE/:73? fig-3443' 4' "£5.35. :l‘fr'fl ‘ " ' 2'. 11:1 . r:- -::'~ .‘. : {.3 ”Ira—Ry; ‘ '' ‘ ' - ; 1357.352.“ \ - ‘ éfiil‘u ‘,.- a ;e2,=:‘=—-‘ . . m33"—'*‘<‘ ‘5" ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘2 14:15:": FTSr-.-.” (4,1 \ ;:‘:nrl'l'; 3’" “5" - ‘ ’ ~~ :r», 35:1“: gut“: gar—=2:— ‘?F‘?‘, saga—:3 '4’l'l-7753.“ - -‘ . x; E-_';§}':—;EZ: “rs? ,—. .+- “~23 "~‘—?iiJ¢CJ£-3§£§i-Eartz§f= %;Et=""°—ffi=? Insenszble Pcrspzratzon We have cured macs mm not: Dissolution. C‘R:ll\'§‘& BROTHER§ ' ' ‘GEN'I‘S lnr the 531:; of Dr. JA YNS 1, Email. Medicines,- ‘ Dr. (TULLZN’S Indian I'vgrlabc er ody—l’a'nacm. Spmfic nml Pile Rem 6(1)] 7: VI '- D'r. .‘JI’I’LE'I'ON‘S Homrdyfor Dwf um ,- ‘ CJA'TRELL'S Compound Jledimm S't/fup of b'arsuparil/a ,- , . ' CJIN'I'RELL'SJJMI. Dyspcptic Powder; C'flN’fRELL’S .‘I/temtz've Pills ; SJINDS‘ S'm'sapariflu. &c., «S-c . ‘S-c llavejus‘ reccnved A fresh supply of the smurf. Cunvjmvillc. May 10. ~ > MM Gli’Efl 'l' Nfl 'l‘lO/Vfl I. W'ORK. .’I History ofthe Revoluh‘on & Lives of the Heroes of the [War of Imlepmdmce, m’ CHARLES J. PE'I‘I-zItSON. ‘Aucliganl volume with 18 line Steel Hal 5, i and nearly 200 beautiful Wood Engravinggl’A “ This is :u splendid book‘ A valuable addi tion lo the Historic Lilcrnlurc ol our country. “’1: are much mnstakcn if it does not lake runk with (he works of Irving 8: Prcscotl."-—l«‘mnk. fun! Herald. . “ M surpasses any similar work yet offered (0 [lie American public."——Ncal's Gazette. “ ll may be properly considered n pnpulur iscd Military History of lhe Rcvolulio lrcmcly mall andJudEciuusly written A mur rm 7: " The present work on lhe Revolution, and Is Heroes. is superior. bolh in extent and de sign to any that has heretofore come under our notice."—lnquircr. A well connected history of that cvenlml pe riod -—-L¢'dgcr. " Dccidcdly lhe best popular history of the War 0" the Revolution and its Heroes. Hm! has )et been given to Ihc counlr)‘.”_.Slxlllrday Evc~ lung I’ml. (ITAGENTS \VAN'I'ED In Curlvaufurl/m a bove: L’lcganl Work, in ctcrg County and ’l'num m the United States. to when} the mos! liberal inv duocmcma will be oflered. Price only 83. Address post paid; WM A. LEARY. No. 158 Nari/t SECOND Sl‘ PHILADELPHIA Hwy ‘26, [Bald-(Sm. NEW GOODS. JOIIN PATTON, Jl', Elna removed hss store to lhe building lately occupied by Juhn lrvine. at the river near Curwensville. uhrrc he has 'ust Opened, a large lot of Seasonublq Goods, such as ‘ ' Dry—Goods, Hardware, Queens ware, Groceries, Drugs and Dyc "Stull‘s, Tin-ware, Books (8‘ Sta tionary, Hats, Caps and Bonnets, Boots and Shoes, TobacCo and Segars, Umbrellas, Caypct and Carpet and Cotton Yarn, Con fectionaries, Paints, Oils, Tens, &C. &c., which he is now. 81 is (lulu-(mined to co linue selling AS CHEAP as they can bl‘ bnughl elsewhere in lhe coumy. [CPAII he naksisn cull. . Curwensvillc. May 10. ’4B. A NEW RECRUI'I‘ Oi OILS, PAINTS, and PAINT BRUSHES. DYBS’I'UFFS, DRUGS, MEDICINES, CON FECTIONARY, FRUITS. PATENT MEDI CINES of various dcscriptiun, and FAMILY MEDICINES of almost every kind. A large ussqumcnt of ESSEA'CES of umcriov quality, u choice selection ofl’lz‘Rl-‘UMERY, & a good variety of BEVERAGES, among which are LEMON/30E. MINER/2L 1m TEE, and a most crack article of E&RSAIP&M&E& 533368195; together with u large assortment of FANCY 51 other nrticles by tar to numerous to mention, has just arrived at the sign 0’ THE BIG GOLh E MORTAR, ANI) (or sale a little lower llmn you can imagine. ' ALSO, first rate LESIONS, for twenty-five cents per dozen. . Persons wishing any of the above articles may be assured of‘gelting a first rate articlel as the stock is emirely NEW Clenrfield, May 3, 1848 NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! CRANS «&- BROTHER, ' I I AVEjust received from Philadelphia an ns'sorlmen: of CHEAP 'and FASHIONABLE Spring and Summer 'Goods, To which Ihcy would call the anenlion of their lurmcr pnlruns and the public gen ernlly. Curwcnsvillc, May 10. '4B. >J¢¢J¢¢¢¢¢¢J¢¢J¢r¢¢¢¢llz 2 u. w. .:mcmm, t 2 flttorney‘at Law, 3‘ 2 . dbmnnELD. PENN’A. ‘, 2 8 July. 20, '47. S XIIIJKI‘J‘J‘J‘ a-vang-wJ-av- .rN-rJ't New and very Cheap A G 901) S; ABIGLEB &cq. urcjusjgngpged in ppé‘ning _n vcry‘ lgrgqund very mall assorted lot of ; SPRING ‘6' SUMIIIER GOODS.“ 3 consisting of the usual vnrielynf . , Dry Goods, Groceries, &a; ’l‘hclr stock of’SUMMER ‘llde are pal-lieu?- 1 lnrly worthooking nt—and—so ura4hcinßOM ;NL‘TS. To be. briqund‘siniuus‘, meu- usfiorl" {3sllth qujtc.lurgq.'und;lhcy,fla_tter‘tl)emseltfc§ mm the beligfthul they. cunpa‘org to sell; filem a LITTLE CHE/{PEA 't'hujnitic fimé‘drslcieb have been 6.0 m be'fote {ln the' (mainly.. ' ‘ ‘' ‘ } May 3,1848. . A -‘ ,2 ~ , ' . ex- Nari/l V HE demand lnr the above medicine F in the last ‘2 or 3 years, is deemed a auflicient apology for placing it now ful ly before the people ; and the diseases (or which it is applicable have become so pre— valent in this country that a remedy enti tled to confidence. IS a great desidcratum. The diseases l allude to are Hepatitis, (Liver aflection,) Dyspepsia, and female complaints in general. ~ grf'l'he above pills “I“ be kept con stamly lor sale by Ric/nml Shaw. Clearficld. Bigler & Co.. Bell luwnahip. Graham 5‘ H’rig/11, Bradlonl James Jlchir/r, l’hilipsburg. J. W. Miller. Clcufield B'dge Oct. 20, 1846. Gold & Silver Plating. w R. \\ ELSH embraces the pres- R. an! oecaaion to inform his custo mers and friends. that he has a new mode 0! Plating Gold and Silver waretwhich he will warrant to be aupenur lo any olh~ .er mode ever used—nu kind 0! acid: hav ing the lens! eflect upun it. His prices are reasonable. Curwcnsville. Match '24. ’4B. ROBERT R. WELSH. ESPECTFULLY informs the cili- R zcns ol Clemfield county that he 13 located in Curwcmville, where he will carry on the business at CLOCK 6- IFflTCllmaklng and rcpair _ mg. ‘ ENGln’fl VING. TUNING .0! various musical instru ments. such as 11.40 PIPES, flCCOIf/JEONS. MU. SICflL CLOCKS, Ola’GflNS JIND DULCIMERS. Also. repairing ol .MflTHE/lIflTICflL INSTRUIUEN'IS, making GOLD ..HNIJ SILVER ty./IRE, &c. Wile will also teach and give lesnom on the Accoudeon. A. M, HILLS IG‘AU his work {hut} be done in the "1:! bC-‘i‘ style, and upon the lowest (arms. Uurwensvillq, Jan. 2§, ’48.—l yr Marble Manufactory, . flt Lewistown, Pa. - THE subscriber reapecllully informs 4 the inhabitants ol Clonrlicld count) that he ”_lill conliuuea to supply a” orders (or TOM BS, “EA D and FOOT STONES, MARBLE‘ MAN'ITELS. and a“ ulhcir "(Mk in his lihc at modern": priccu and out 0! (he beat mulcxiul. ‘ E’lnformnlion Will be given“ Io pri' ces. &c., 'on ’ppplicaliun to J; L. Cultle Esq.,-al Clcurficl'd. who will recgive or der: and give all inlorma'tion tequihd.’ " CHARLES S'I'RA'I'FORD. ,' Luwistown. May 20. 1848. ‘ ‘ . -7‘ ' nonuu'r wA'LLAcu, I mix. WALLACE. 9 HOLLIDAYIEDURG, I'A- CLEAnI’IELD, PA]; WIRI & w. A: WALLACEI " ' , flttoa‘m'es at Law: ' " I'LL praclicc in lhe aev‘eral co'ur‘ta ol Clemfiehl. Blair & Elk Coup; lies; Business entruucd (o-cilher of'thg pulpcrs, will receSVe. mature and men;- lio'nol both, ~ j - up. 10,147,“: The W'arfitiflfla gas“,- ;; ;‘rvßut‘notjn’Mgica 7. so mllch as ,at Pomemagainst H 1 gh Prices for s STORE. GOODS. . E New and splendid nfisnrtmcm .(.| GOODS has just arrived. and‘nrc now up for sale at lhe " " CHEAP STORE ~ OI SELIGSIiEIz’GER 4‘ 81,001". ;HI Gurwcnavillc, collblsling o! the Usual vuf 2|er at . ’ ‘ Spring and Summer DRY Goods, Groceries, Queens wnre, Hardware, Drags, Dye-tufl's, Medicines, Huts, Boots & Shoes, (30 Also. 0 splendid stock of W‘éll’a‘iyl'f Alfifl‘ugmlflfio Such an BON'NE'I'Y'S, Sll/lII'LS. SILKS, lIIIIBflNDS. 1,1105), Fringe. [’flRflSOL-S', GLOVES, &c. Also, a lnrge stock of Ready-Made cloth mg Such us COATS. VES'I‘S, PANTS. &c. The Inhscribvrs an: uowrnnnml to sell goods CIIEflPER than: they can bc pur. chased elsewhere in the county. and they flatter themsehes that they can please any and every person «ho nmy lnvnr them with u (all. both as tn the PRICE and th? QUALITY of Good». ‘ “'9 are u ell aware that we have excl tcd the indignation ol certain persons as guged in the business to the highest pitch by reducing Ihc price at gumls to the low est point. But we do not care. as the pooplc loose nothing by it. Goods can be nml we bought cheap in lhe cilies, and can be’sold cheap here. \\’e_rcapccllully invite the public to give us u call before they purchase else where. “'6 have for sale. albo. ’I‘OWNSEND'S SARSAPARILLA. An invaluable medicine in cases of Folds, Coughs, flat/”nu, Consumption, &c.—- Also, u 10l ol first rule Acconlenns. We inlcml keeplng up our assortmenl, and calling cheap. ‘ pjbln exchange (or our gnods We wil akallnrges. Cattle, Grain. Lumber, &c mr which the highest price» will be given { SELIGSBERGER 81 BLOOM. May 10m, 1848. on. E. GREENS man & mmww PLLS. Just light-mad =Eli DR. A'. I". 1111/LS,’ from l’lail'a, TIT-H a large‘ lot 0! new and mu" ‘w i'mpruvul Dentnimshumcnu. , ALSO. a large stock 0! carclully smm, uwml ptcmi‘um '{L‘L'HL Imm . Siocklon'g Mn'nulaclnr)‘. \ , "‘" . [)R. S. .W.-’.B7'OCKTON has drawn the premium lnr [manufacxuriug the best Metallic Artificial 'l‘cem.,nm q"; Iy in Ihc Uniud Suites, but in 'London and Paris , and Dr. Mills has taken par. liculur pains tb selett n _chqicevlut of them, so that hi's patrons may be'nssdred'ofgel'. ling u gum] and substantial article. __ Dr. H. has also procured' a' veryAhir‘g'o variety of Extracting instruments, mum; lnccoriling to_ lhrris’ latest ‘ patterns. and he can confidently assure all those who are troubled with those abominable pestl. (lawyer! [eel/r. that the Forceps are not on; ty .1 much more sale nml easy instrument with which to remove a tooth, 'but they cause much less pain at the ,timcqmd comparatively no soreness following; _ Dr. little has also a’vnrirty ot ottm Dental requirements. such as (10/ll Flute, Gold Foil. Tooth Powders. Ilbs/tes,,rtiiyl ”rushes. and he in tully prepared to pm. lorm all operations in the line at DEN TISTRY. s'ueh n 5 inrorting on" Gum Plate, or on Pivots, Plugging, Extracting untl Cleansing. And Irom past experience and udccess.‘ he feels confident ol giving entire satisfaction, nml warrants all his work well done, and to please his patrons. A reasonable length 0! time given tor tri al to all jobs over $5, nml it not found to. answer all the purposes promised. no pay' will be required. ‘ Office at the New Drug Store, the sign ofthe GOLD filOll'l’flß, AFELICTED, READ ! !HL;\DELPIHA MEDICAL HOUSE—HaIaI»- P ln‘ahud 15 years ago, lav DR. KINKELIN Tho 01dcsl.’auresl and beat hnn lo euro all terms olaccu-l discufli‘fl, dmomwa at the skin and solilury habits ol youlh. in DR. KINKICLIN. N. W. corner 01 mum and uxlox Sm. bclwcm Spruce and Pine. uno und‘h’ hulhquareafram (In: Ezrlmgc. I‘hlludclphin. mm; PflR new.” AOYICE. Youth who have injured lhemsclven by a certain pmclxco indulged m—u hub" frequent?! learned from evil cumrumons, or at school-4M c feels 0! which nro nigh! y toll; own when asleep. and deslm ' bolh mud and body,should apply immcdinloly. {Va-11k. neas nnd constilulmnnl debilily immediately cured, and full Vigor restated. AH lcuers Post PAID, YOUNG MEN! l “you \ulue your lilo or your health. rcmcmhcr l the (11-lay 01 n monlh. nay. men a week, may prove your rum, bolh ol body and mind. Hem-clot no {ulna modosly dolor you lrnm making your case known In one who, lrum cduunliun and rcspoclnbxlily. mu 1:. lune helrinnd you. Ho “ho plat-cs lumsoll under DR. KINKELIN'S lreulmu-nt. may rollgioully can. fido In his honor as n gcmlomnn, and in whusa bomm will he {or ever locked the secret ol Ihc palmm. I Too many lhlnk lhoy will hug the secret lulhrir own hcnrls, and euro lhemnclvol. Alas! how ullcn “this a final delusmn. and how many a promising young mnn. who might have been an ornament low~ cmly, has faded from Ihc cnrlh. CO UNTR Y INVflL/DS, findung it inconvenient to make personal npphtaliun. can. by nlnllng lhcir cane czplwilly. logt‘thcr mlh nll Ihoir aymplons, (per letter. wax-paid.) hnvé lorwnrdcd In lhem in chest conlnimng Dl‘, K.'a modicum: nppro prinh-d ncmrdm ly. Packages (J )fcdwincs forwarded to any pan a! lhn United States M. a moment's nonce. Posr run LETTERS. nddicascd Io Dn. KINKELIN. Philndclphin. will be promptly nllondcd In. Sec ndvcrxiacmem m the Philadelphia S in! ul’lho Times, jan. 28. 1&8. ly Bellefonte Foundry. STOVES, AND OTHER, ®&§@3W®§o fELCH & LEYDEN,. would on- V‘ nounce to their friends‘and the public. that the will coutinue the busi ness 0! IRON ;‘OUNDERS. at the old stand. where they intend to keep always on hand a large and varied assortment of QQB‘Q‘RE‘IQQQ We have lately erected and are now fitting up an extenéive . MACHINE SHOP, with three Lathes, lor turning and fitting up all kinds ut Machinery. such as Gris! and Saw-mill Castings. Machinery tor Forges. Furnaces «5» Rolling Mills, inc|u~ ding Hot Blast Pipes tor lirrnacea and Bloomeries; and will be prepared to lur uish on the shortest notice and in a satin lactory manner all kinds of Machinery.— Nuwtm hand a large assortment of Pfl'fi TEENS, of the latest and most improved styles. including the diflereut sizes. oitlxc Durkee rS~ Brice Reaction W'ater ”’lzeelx. BEFPutterns not on hand, made on short notice. STOVES. V , .- \\ e have 'now and intend keeping al ways a stock ol the unrivalled VE'I'O and FULTON Hot Air Cooking Stoves, dil fereut sizes; also flir Tight, Fancy Pur ‘ (or «3- Nine Plate Wood Stoves, ut'diffcg eut sizes together with {our Sizes ulia su perior Balloon Coal Slave, as wellm Cyl endur and FANCY Coal Stoves. We will udd-duriu’g the coming season. sever ul New patterns of Cooking." Air Tight. and Pastor Stoves. l, ' PLOUGHS; Always' on Imml‘ a good 11550} uncut", PLOUG 115,.t0/which we pro adding 9°" etul 'ncw_‘pn_l‘lcrn§ ‘ghisiphringl "Ho/lou" ware of all, kinds, Sleigh .&.s!ed Soles. H’agon Bares, Smaollzing~lrons,v&c.l 6’o AEL'3‘"A|I tluj übpyc -:nli'cl,t"B‘."_ and PLVP-‘J'. llfing in‘our [line will" be mu m: (thvmwfl reasou‘ub'q lwmp‘, Tigr' guy/.‘.; 91,", .C'ONWTL! flroducehlr‘thaéléréf,ollmm:Old M913”- &c. O..ders.-.:fromt a :dislanc‘e' promptly ntlendcddofi '» > "A' ‘ ' ' . "GEORGE wane"; ~ .‘ ‘ DANIEL LEYDEI‘L Belleionte. Feb7.le, 484:}. .- , 111 8 ’4B.