“FM” in c m n c t MN: 33 a urn e 1:. c L E A n m m L D. m JumTil‘iEEs “94-: GSA? ; 2 :4 A :v \ \ 4'l - FORPRESIDEN'I‘ " gen. LEWIS CASS, 4 FOR war: vmzsxch'r. "Gen. WM. OJBU'I’LI‘IR, V. ' 0/ Kentucky. . you damn. comusmowuu. ‘ Israel Painter, of W'cahnor’tlantl‘. Democratic Electoral Ticket Senatorial Electors. quuu BxaLxflmelcnrfidd. - DAVID D. WAGENER.‘OI Nurllumxptun. Rgzmcntatiw Electors. ‘ . Di: )3. John C. King. 14‘ John Wmdumn. ' 15. Robot! 3. Fisher. 16. Frederick Smilh, 17. John Crmnwfll. 18. Chnrlca A‘ Black. ‘ 19. George W. Bowmnn. 20. John IL Shannqn. ,21‘ Goorgo P. llunfllon. 22. Willmm=ll.‘Duvis. ' 28. ’l‘imolhy two, ~ 2M James G. Gnmphnll._ éf‘ Dim . 1. Henry 1... Bonner, g}; , 2. "om R. Knows. Ji 3. lsan‘c Shunk. {f}? 4. [LL Roumlon. if .5. Jacob S.Yosl. '; 6. Robert EJVnghl. .~ 7. Wm. W. Dowmpg. E ‘8."llonly Huldcmnn. 2‘ 9. Palm-Kline. { 10. I). S. Schoonnvcr. ‘ I]. Wm. chdnnd.’ § 19. Jonnh Browatct. 111. W.~CARR..Unjwd Scan-n Newspaper Mgenr Pt 1;. comm (if ‘l‘hitd and Duck .slrcua, Philado 11 In, is our authorized agent. to rem-lye nnd mom; (or subucnpuam,advorllacmoms, &c. ‘ . ' “hu‘flwg. . . . A¥L .. .. WA SIoN.--'l'ho whole lhroo Whig Congressmen from the Reserve in Ohio, are out against Gen. Taylor. mTTlra Whig and Abolition Com-en -uon 9! Worcester. Mash was an impo ung offafir. numbering from 5000 lo 8000 _anong. 1" cy passed strong resolu‘ione agu'in‘ol bulb Taylor 81,0083. in favor of the course of lhe Bumburncra in N. York. and appointed delegates lo the anti Tay lor Convention to be held in Buffalo on ,the 9th of Augual. ‘ 5:? We have wilh held the publication of on»: paper from Saturday until Tuesday with the hope of being able to put to um Iho rumor will» regard to the resignation of Gov. Shunk; but we hm finally compo". c-d to go to mean an” in doubt That he did rcnign on last Saturday. seems quite probable. The most able phy siciana, after thorough consultation. have pronounced the Governor's disease-incu rable; and in ordirr that the people of the State—lhe good old Commonwealth which Governor Shu‘nk town so much and has served 00 well-~mny have the benefit of n Governor of their own choice, he has ‘ determined to resign before the tenth 01 July, (yesterday) This one the substanre ofthe rumor that has been current {or the last eight or ten days. ‘ -'l'hc conalilulion pm‘vidchhal lhe Spea ker ollho Scnnlc shall act as Governm in case of the death or réeignalionof lhe Gov ernor elccl. If such death or resignalion lakenplaco more than lhree months (any belch lhe 10th .Julylpreuoue iolhc next annual election. a.Governnr «hull men by efecledgbul ifWilhin less lhen three months (any limo between the 10th July nml «he 10m 0! Octobet) lhen,lhc election of a Go vcrnQr cannm be held until Omaha: :1 year. Next Chilértjssnmn Amman GILMORE. Esq.. of Bullet; has been unanimously nominated by the Dem ocracy of _lhal county as the Democratic candidate for Congress. ML' Gilmore io highly spoken of by those who know him. as a good Democrat; a s'oqu lawyer, and. an able speaker. - , _ v G. W. SMITH, of Budardms been nom~ inntod by lhe Whigs of Butler; as their candidate. Too fast again. Mr. Smith-'- Yoo a‘te always first _in the field, and the 11m outof‘it. Sabbath School massing. AI-a meeting of lhe frii-nds of Ihc "Sunday School" in Iho borough ol Clemfiold, hofd nl lhe Anudomy.‘lhb..lullowo'ng ‘ proceedings were udoph od. viz: ‘ ’ G. PHILII" GULICH was called to lhe chair, and G. R. BAnnz'r'r nppuinlcd Sorrolnry.‘ Tho mootingfivnn oponod wilh prayer by tho Rev. Mr. Lune. uflor vwhich Iho' PrrggdL-ul alulcd Iho object of the meeting. A‘vory oxcollonl ad~ drcu wauhan doliiarod by tho Rostr. Lana. On‘mulio‘n. Received, That tho; Superfinlendgnr pm! (map! the Teachers, vi-iL every family in Ih‘o borough and vicinity. ro: lhb p'urpua‘o‘ or onli'nin'g more leehng in two: of‘ Iho Sunday Schbol. and flu" Mm Btfl's, Mrai Blown, and Miss Wmvzu‘. m appomled a commillao- w visit each family"; - tho borough for Iho Inmg’ purpoaa. w .:.: ' ' Resolved, William A, Wallaca, Esq. be. and hb in horaby appoiniad Socrolnry for tho Sunday a .School in Clearflald, farm? onlulng yeah; g Reached, That G. Philip Gulich' be appainlug Superintendam Iqr .Iho cmuing your. 3 Reaolvcd.‘ The! F. P. ‘Hunlhnl he appoinlcd' Treagqur a! .thp..",Bundu)-..,,Sgpqql Union,“ jn lh'o’ borough ofClanrflold for llm-onquinggqan 2 . . t Rosalind. 'l'hul Mm Saiuh‘ Weaver. Miss Re} I;,ch undulgrimary Ann Irwin, and Min Mar; garol Show, _ appolnlad a comnijllaogxo lo’lk-I't conmbunont lo Vlho Sunday 'School' lot tho purpoup ofpulchaalng books, &c...’ , , .__ ,' ’ ~ .‘ ‘Rualved. Thu! Alhad'Snth' ho unpoianlJ/L hjurian for’ the ~anauin‘g your. ' ,‘ _ ‘ ' Repolvad. Thal‘wawill horonner'hold a mac:- ing or Touchm/ Parenll- Ind "cmw'rqn a! ‘4-dfrluck an Iho 6m Monday‘ovenins-inioach , month. a: my Sunday School room. for a cancer: of pruyeriulbfol half o|"!th Sunday Schaal .'cp‘uuo; and Ihnl all pct,- ‘ofli.‘pfnll fibnommuinn‘g‘fqoling an inlereal in Ihc onward ’prograu‘of 'lhp _SuhhnUn Svhoo) 'cguam are Nlpeolfully im'lmdilo. mand; 3 :‘s'l' “'4" . G. PHILIP GUMCH. I’m, 5- R- BARNETT, Sec'y. ' m 0]" Michigan , Gen. Dodge’s Declination. The intent. the patriotic. the dietin gutahed'General _Henry Dodge. Senator from the young State of Wisconsin; epurna the trenionable and disnrgenizing nomina tton ofthe Uttc’a Barnbumere of N. York.‘ whoae motto seems to be that they would tether ‘rule in Hell than solve-in Heavenfl‘ Thus “ill Mr. Van Buren and his dieorh ganizmg' followers be deserted by all high: minded nnd‘ihonorable politiciana.—Har risburg Union. The W'aehington Union of the 30th ult. contains the following: “ Just as we are going to prose, we received the following card from General Dodge. Senator of the United Staten Train the 30th State. the youngest sister of the Republic. It is what we expected from that gallant man and in 4 (lomitable republican. It ohivera to pie net the schemes' which have been formed‘ at Utlcn and in Cincinnati. founded in thol use of his name: ' A CARD. lltnve seen in the publinhed proceed inge ofthe convention at Uttca, N. York. that my name in put in nomination for Vice President of the United States, on the ticket with .Mr. Van ' Buren. No inform ation has been given to rue by tho convcn tion, or its order, 0! threv nomination :- and l have waited some days for that inform: tion; as furnishing the snttable occasion for making my answer. But. beginning to doubt whether any such communication will be made. and seeing my name placed tn many papers on a candida'c for the Vice Presidency. by virtue ofthat nomination. l deem it proper to delay no longer, and to declare at once. and in this public manner. my inability to accept it. The State to wlitch I belong was represented in the llal~ ‘ ttmore Convention ; theyotc or lhal State was given to Messrs. Case and Butler; they were nominated; and as one ofthe citizens of that State. that nomination im wediately received my cordial concurrence and support. and Will continue to do 90. l have long been the friend. personally. as well as politically. oi Mr. Vnn Bitten. and, under other circumstances, would he proud to have my name associated wiih his in any way; but the acceptance of this nomination is impossible; and l have to request the members ofthe convention and the public, to receive this declination as my answer. and to exwoo this mode oi making it—being the only mode which thé want ofabommunication item the conven tion ieaiee open to me. HENRY. DODGE Washington City, June 29. 1848 From the Wnshlngton Unwn 01110. The following is an cxlracl of .1 leller us! received Irom Slcubcnvillo, Ohio, writ an by an officer of volunteers who served n Mexico: . " The Whigs here give this Slale In Cans. Old ‘Avnilabie' will find ILM he cannot lead ,ihe Alrzicuns Io victory here us new Allie did Iho Americana in Mexico. [ld will mc (lic day when In: mm that '(lie valunleara were no! worm their rulium " “t! faithful blndn hr: shtveretl them- Romunstrnnro would not hear; _ He would not strike tun muntry's ling—— 'l‘ur: muvx om vourn'ztzu. We copy the following from the Z'qpes ville (Ohio) Auxors.‘ it being the testimony of n' brave man who was present and wit nessed the horoic' conduct of Gena—Cass ut the timeof Hull‘s surrender .- r L‘et fedemhsm repeat her foolish false hoods against Lewis Cass! Her most ul ly one ts, that he'ditl not bresk his sword on hearing of Hull's surrender. Below we haves letter from Squire thlis. an old and highly esteemed citizen of this county. on the subject. We can get let lers from othets,’ we think. who were eye- ‘ witnesses, at the tranasotion. 'l'bis abuse of Gen. Cess ts not at all detrimental to his prospects of election to the Presidency. The enthusiasm and support of old com panions in arms is called out by these cow ardly attacks: ZANEBVIILE. Ohio. June 19, 1848 To the Editor qélltr .llurara : Sta; In the ancaville Courier oitliio date! noticed an article headed " The fire- Ir'eit Sword;” in Which it is stated that the honor of breaking his sword is "borrowed, or rather stolen capital ;” and that it one Gen. McArthttr,end not Gen. Lewis Can, who broke his sword at the time of llull'e surrender. Now it may be that Colonel McArthur did, break his sword. tor he was a patnot'attdbr'nvc'man ; but it'lte did. the writer 0! this 'did not goo or, hear of it at the time. But I did see Col. Case break his sword at the pickets where Gem-Brock -,-the British commander-~met Colonels McArthurdL Case above the Well Springs; below Detroit. ‘ 1, way standing within six feet of Col. Case at the time ; and i never will forget the indignation and mortifica tion be exhibited at the time. :: . ‘ . These etlly attempts to deprive General Cone of his patriotism and courage. made by men or the aorta of men who .ltept aha, dy inathoee dark- days.4.will»only than: the effect to rally to his standard all lhe-sol diets. of 1812, 00!. Care tt'nu ;loyed by if!" 'hil men... .It could not be otherwise. for-he loved them all, and indie” he could to promote their comfort. , Mygvoicoond my X 9" [are tor-Can and Butler: " , lmuons-nan...meNauru, Lo‘wmus ovx‘Suu; Ts, &c.—_‘Vpghl'n Alvud‘m‘n. Yggelpblo Pills are n ‘u‘nlurlnl .nVndeh’om‘lme ammuin Fuyo for Ilul‘l W")? ur_ uorvuuy Wants}; ‘hecnulo they complg'iely clonmtho‘slqmuch and bquls of those hiliom and corrupt, hu‘muu wluch‘nol oniy‘ pnmlvzufmjg wogkvqalllo digestivn organs. bul me the cuuu'nf “(011,1 norvéa. low «prim, d": Lijhl'w Indium Yogclubl(§\tl’llls nre nlnc e». thnt! punfiu: of Ilm .b'ood.‘und mun-{ow not. only impart henllhund cheerfulness lu lhe mind,_hul also give 00W Mo and vigur‘ib‘lhc body. .~ ‘ 1 BEWARE or (,‘mm'ranrzn's up [mnnxpm .'— Romcmhcr Ihnl Iho originnl uml unly genume In~ dian Vegetable Pulls hnvo Iho signnluro of “mg Wmon'r “rim-n wilh n pen on the W WWI!" ouch box. EC? The qen‘uinc for sale by R. Squ. sole flgcnlfor Clear/2dr],- CRANS 19' Buo -I'umu. Curwcnamlle; DAmm. BAnnmr. Luflunsburg ,- and wholesale at the Vice ‘7’“! general depot, 169 Race street. P n'la (lelphiu. ‘ Nlosl Extraordinary Work! THE MARRIED W'OMflN‘S PRIVATE MEDICAL COMPANION. BY DR. A. M. MAURICEAU, Professor of (I:s9am 0/ women Suxh Erlitx’nn. lBmo. pp. 250. Price 1 dollnr 30,000 Copies mld in Mn-a months. Yours ufunll'oring 0! physical and mental nngmvh to many an ulfcclionnle wilo. nml pecuniary dlllicul~ lies to the husband. Inlght have been spared by n timely possrauinn ollhis work. It In mlondcd l‘npcclully (or lhe nmrned. or lhuso conlumplullng marriage. an H discloses Imporluul lo crola which nhnnldkbn known to them purliculnrly. 'l‘ruly. knowledge in lmi’mr. ll is health. In .u- ‘ noss.uffluonco The rcvolnlu-na remained in 1h: pngt'fi hnw proved n bit-53mg In thousands. as Iho mnumcmhloloucrs r4-~ (‘eivod by (he uulhur u ill unesl. Hero. nlnu. cvory femnlo ~lhc wife, Ihc mother. the um- mlhl-r budding inlo \wnmnhuod, or Iho one in Nl9 [lot'hm' (If yrnm m “hum nuluro contemplate! nn Immrt'mt rlmngo—rlnu disrmo: :hv cans". nymp (mm, and tho mos! onion-m n'mmhou. nnd Inns! con mm mode of cure. In every (‘nmplmnl Io “hxch hu an i:- suqu-(I. ('npim will 6r. son! by mail [rec prmlage lo the pure/mur. (Horton lhuu-nnd mpms huw- boon urn! hy mnil 'wuhin lhror monlhs, with perfrrt safety um! ren minty, 0n Iho recnipl of Om: Dnlhur, l'no "Mnrrmd \Vm mnn'w I'nvulr Median] (’nmpnngnn" wal [m mm (mni. ltd/rev; In any part nflho United Smtas‘ All lam-rs mun b 0 post-pun! _(un-vm those mmnining n rcmih tnmo) and addressed In Dr. APM Mnuricmu. Box 1224. Now York cily‘ Publishing Office. 129 Lulu-Hy alrecl. N. York. , The "Mnrnml Wumnn'n l'rn'nlc Modu‘nl (Tum~ pnnion"is Fofd by {lool.sva Ihroughonl Iho I'ulled SlnlrF. July 10, 2 m. MARRIED—On 'lhuradny the 29m ull.. by B. F. waling, liaq.. Mr. anxa 500 mm, M. n., to Mrs. MARY Pnsmomz, of Penn township. ' -- ' On Tuesday evenhwg, the 4th insh, by J. L. Cuttle, Esq, Mr, JAMES GALE“. 0' Jordan lp.. Io Mina NANCY MCLAUGHLIN. of Lawrence township. ' On Sunday, Iho th inn. by W. Alt-x ander. Esq, Mr. JAMES M. “’ILLIAMS. to Miss MARY Com: 0! Lawrence tp. §trily COW. ’_ ~ #9.,0A31E lo lhe H‘Bldf’nfe :ézfisym "(the iUbbCllbt’f. almul ”,.Lfléfi the 25th 0! June Malaya good sized Rcd Cow. with crnukcd horns, and a white slreuk along lhe briske't. The owner is detain-d to come forward prove pfupefly, pay costs, and take her away. ‘ ‘ JOHN PARKS. liuatlfuid (p. July 10, '4B.—-pd ‘ F. J. Hoffman; LEWIS’IOWN. PAW. E'I‘AIL & WHOLESALE «11-ular in E Drugs/Jlahcines, Paints, Hurrl ware. Coach and‘ Saddlery ware; Grace rim. Huts, l.cu!/rcr,'l‘llororco. Paprr, Con fcch'onary, Coo/rinthovea, &c.. 81. July’ 10, 1848. [ST 0F LETTERS remaining in L the PO3! Office at Clearfield Pm. July 15! 1848 - A Adams, Jns. 11. ‘Mllls, Thomas Brockway, M. A. Nancy, John Harrell. Andrew Ogden, Nam/y Bruncr. John ‘ Owens. .Ith /' Builoy, F. H. Parkins Lymnn' Butler. Robert Pd'HQHUD. Goo. Dale. John Robeson Wm. Goodlcllow, Mary Russ, Thomas Gullnhel. Joseph Robeson. Jerome Hamish. Chrisl’c-E SWgrtze. l’ner jr. flyover, Susannah Shire Isaac 3, | Uuflmafi. John Smithy, Jacob L. llarshharger, A.-3 Silvnn, Joshua Hummel. Henry, A Spencer. Benedict Hummcl. Abraham Swan, Joh‘n or heirs Irwin, Joseph ' Tale. Wi'lmm Jackson. Mary Tylon or 'l'ylcr. D. Jacob. Gt'orge ‘ \Vood Thomas Lutz. Levi Williams, Jm. C. pd WM. L. MOORE, P. M. .4 TTEJV 'l'] 0W . [ OOI) Sole Leather at 17 cm. Goad G Brown Sugar 5 a 62}, best Rio Cof~ le'e 9‘c'e'ma. Y. H. 'l'ea. good 50 (u 75—- _purc White Lead _B2 per keg..Uopal Var.“ nish $2 pepgnllpn. Jersey Glass, 8 by 10. 84.25 per box —-Nail9 $5 per keg—~Blis" .(er Steel. 6:} per lb-S Leaf- Springs $5.- 50 per pair-Candles 14 per lbo-‘Slwe Pegs, 6.} ate per-quart—good Fur‘Haln usl—Fme Brush, 1,75, 8:, Fine Beaver.- 82.15.19r3a1c by ..A _ _ . "" “"' - ‘ F. J. 'II‘OFFMAN. ‘ Lewislown, July 10, ’49. J (”CDCDIKUNQ} QWQDWUREJQ GREAT" ynrlety ‘o! “COOKING; A *STUVES, 'Warrimled, mm $13.50 w 3532.00. tor-"sale by >' , *' '* -' ~»: ,= ,', as. HOFFMAN, Lelwislowu‘,J‘ulyllo..’4B. I. . E . _-.pl"llESll>-SUPPLY0IDR? aA, GOODS. ‘. (m()CER.IEs.~MAbK.- «REL; HERRING nml coo-ms“ jun" «“eci-iyed ;[mpy‘lu'ill . bc.,sold M“ low pug-..;] n: (M dump slui'c of” "H ' '" - JOHN PA'I'TON 5 ()umcnsvulc, June 16, 1848. SHERIFF’S SALES. l V virtue of a‘ writot Venditionl EX , pnnas. issued out at the Comt of .Common Plum of Clenrfiold county. and to ma dt ractad. will be exposed to public rule. at Ihc court hou-c._in Iho borough of Clonrfiolclmn Monday the 4th day of September. next. a czrtuin tract of luml situate in Jay township. Elk coumy. containing 100 ncroi. hoing part of tract No. 532 and bounded on the north by tract No. 531. on the cast by 100 areas of lund deodod by Potter Gufl' to Eugano: ,Wudo Kincaid (now in the mm of Euu-biuu Kin mid) on the south by lands lnloly in the possession of Potter Goff. and on tho won by lands in the you ace-lon of E. P. Goff. Soizad, taken in execulion and to be cold in tho proporty of Enacbiua Kincaid and Hezokin'n Warner. BY virluo ofn aimilni wtil iuned out of Iho same court. and lo mo diroclcd, will be l0l(l a! Iho sumo limo nnd placo. the right. title. Inn-run nml claim ofJuromiah Elm to a certain Inc! 0! lnnd nilunlo in lluolon township, Clcnrfiald counly' bounded by lnnda of John Hen-it on tho north. and an Iho mm by lands of Arnold min. &c., now in the pon aeuion of Arnold Bliss. with about nrren clonrcd thereon BY vinnu of a uinnlnr wm muud out of the anme courlmnd to mo directed. Will be sold at the some ttme and place, n (ennin tract of land. munla in Down town-hip. Clvnrfiuld county, containing 427 acres and 30 pen-hen and .nllawnucn. beginning at a whim pino. thence by land. nf William Gray and othm 230 pen-hm to 0 post. then”) by lands of William and anulh 315 porchea In a past. thence hy lnndn (IfJunru Stinehiser can 930 porches to a white pino. and theme by land: at Ruberl Stewart north 315 perrhao In tho place of beginning. with two dwelling homes. a burn nml ans! mill and a hunt 40 Her“ cleared thereon. Seized. taken in‘ ommlion and to be lold as tho property of David Adnmo. By vmue oh similar writ ”mad but nflho name rourl, nml lo mo directed. will be exposed to solo at lhn sumo lime and plum. all the lnlercal o! Du~ vid Mitchell in Iho land ha ha» In Burnside anal Chou lownnlnps, Clanrfiold counly. undur Ihc will orhiu fnllmr. David Mitchell. nml ulm 0“ hi. mm. ml u- ono 0f Ihc heirs to the land Ihnl wan leis~ ell lo the Mo youngral ('lllldfbfl of tho said David Mitchell, now deceased—Semen) nml lulcen in exc~ cunon and to lo lold u- the properly 0! the squ David Milchell. By “lrlllo ofa similar writ inuud out olthe lame court. and to too tlirortcd. will be expand to lttle at the some time and place. the following property. _nz :-—n certain tract of land nitrate in Knrtlitiun towmhip. Clcorficld county, and known as part 0! trot-t No. 1093, bounded by parts of mid truct.P. A, Karihuue and othoru. containing 79 new! with 4 email houses erected thereon. and about 5 ucroe clcnretlunlso. another tract 0! land situate in Mid towmhip, being part of No 1023. hounded by 'ana of tract: of P. A. Knrthntn and others. remaining 88 acres—llsa, another tract of land litunto in the name township No 3463, beginning at a liomloclt on the “'cnl ttrnnch of the Sulquelmnno river 396 pOlthel by the courla of the raid river hclowa port corner. being the soutlnwest corner 0! a pub out No 3463 and No. 3472. from the snid hemlock down the mid river by the several (‘ourlel thereof 768 porch" to u post corner on the bunk ofthe m-er, thonre north 56 degrees went 13 porches to a punt. thonco north 4] degrees east 13 perches to o muplo corner. thence south 56 degreu east 13 porches to n birch corner on the bank of tho river. i thenre down the river the lovcrnl course. thereof 44 porchol to a whim oak. thence north 38 porch. i as to a post corner, thence Well 5” perch" to a i post corner. thence louth 238 perches to n pant. i Ihcnco wo-IJG perches to u whitq pints. thence auuth 194 pcrchcl to atone mrner. thonco south 45 degreea east 40 porchn to the hemlot-k and plnca of beginning. containing 938 acres and 147 perch on Will) allowance of lix per cont. &c.—Seized and tnkon in execution and to be sold an the property of tho Cleorfiold Calm and Iron company. AllBO. ' HY virtue of n writ of Lu'ari Fuciaa. isnuvd cm of lhn nu‘molmurt. and lo mo directed; will be nohl at tho lama limo and place. a earimn messunge or (me! of land niluuto in Bogg- township. Cleuzfielil ‘ cunnly. beginning n! n uhno pmo. lhenco by land uf William Grny nnd olhcr lands 930 perches lo a post. lhonce by land of William and south 315 perches m a poet. theme by [and of Jena. Slinchu nor on! 930 porchca :0 u “him pine. and thence by land 0! Robert Slowan north 315 pcrchoulolha place of beginning. conluimng 4‘27 loft" and 30 perches nnd nllouunco. with Iwn «hvolling human, a burn and grilhmill. nhd nboul 40 acres clean-d (hereon. Seized. lnkon Ir. ueculion and lo be sold an Iho properly of David Adams. ALSO. By virtue of a similar wril Issued on! of lhe Inme courl. and lo mo direclcd. will ho expomd to sale at tho some limo and place, Iho following pro Kerry. viz- Ono lrsclol‘ 168 acres. siumlc on both side. of Cleurfield creek. In Bcccurin lawn-hip. on which is u grist-null. anwrmill. dwelling-hound. utuliln and who: homes. vulii nbuul 50 acres clsnr od lnml. being the mmn promises whirl: Jusiah W. Smilh convoyod to John B Smwnrl and other-. Onu olhur lrucl in sand township containing 269 acres, lu-ing ”l 0 sumo premises which was surVey. e; an wnmm lo Robert lilain. being part of mo ‘ Inigpngnuvncd tract-;(rel‘menCe (0 mo morlgngo ofJulm n. Stowsrl nhd A. r. Gn'cné, flaw! 9d AU-l gusl. 1845. recorded a! Clonrfield in Bank l. page 453. “‘l“ fully “Mann—Seized and Man In oxe culion and to be sold as lhn prope'rly of John B. ‘ Slowsnnnd Andrqw P. vans. . I ‘ ' ALSO. ’ By virlua o! a similar writ issued out of rho same court. and to ma directed. will be exposed Iu solo at lho Innis lime and place. the following proper ly. lu wil; A grin-mill Ihrou and a half slorieo high. wilh lhe Inossuogo und lonsmem silunlud in 80334: township, Clonrfiuld county, on Iho bank 0! Cosrfiold creek non: lhe bridge of Iho Philipsburg 'und Susquehanna turnpike. and adjoining lands of Robot! Elder, Jool Cadhury. &c.—Seized nml lu~ ken in execution and to be sold us mo properly at John W. Miller. by » . JOHN S'l‘lTES. Sh'fl Sherifl'f omco.Clenrfiold. July I, 1848. >r wff¢l¢J~¢v~ww¢¢¢vaxr Yul-I‘M 2 ;anrms'a'a: Y. .2 2‘ JAMES LIFOKE, s']. ID. 2 2 SURGEON DEN'l‘lS'l'.,willpas z: s ‘ {lively visit-Ullearficld at the en- 5 zsuing A‘ugustOuurt. S s Thane «leair'n‘hg'his sé’rvicc's"mual a zimakelenriyjpplicatimi. ‘ ' S k ‘Ruoui’s‘rut Merrell‘a"H9!el._"' "i If fiw¢frrrfrjfirlr§rrrffr .'rrlr I g. ' Late'stflé‘m Me. 1" ' , SEA-T OF- .WAR.» PEflL’E'aml PLENTY, ‘DEQ’LflRE/M' ' ADON nml W HEAT FLOUR m) B ham) and for $3lO by ' ‘ '_ ~' - CRANE 8: BROTHER. Cumtnsvillc. Jam 16, 18-18, -' ALSO. ALSO. ALSO, ALSO, “mfimmmfimo “7 E are authoritéd Io ‘n‘nnnuncq'thnt Cup'. Gnohan WAL‘TEna'figol‘Bell township} in a candidate {of ye-cleglio?) to the Assembly. subject to thc'uclibn of lhe' Democralic party of‘ Clenrfleld c‘ounly‘.’ June 23. ’4B. ‘ , , E are nulhorizcd to announce that W Roswzu. Luz-mm. E'sq.. o! Bra dy township. will be a candidate for the, omcc of County Co'mmiaswner, subject. to the action 0! lhe Democratic party of Clenrficld county. ju23. ’4B. [JUBILEE PICTORAL "RUPHER JONA ’I‘HAN.—A mum: Juan.“ nuunxn. Tho_ you uemi-mmunl Picloml Brother Jonalbén for Me 4!]! q/July. has been flint us by Wiluon 5; COl, Now York. It is n moat gorgeous Piclomlahcot. Afi mongfifly or ritzy other finely oxcculod engravings will be found a Mexican Baulo Piece, covering a surface of nearly seven rguarefcct ,- and so life-like and full of spirit in tho picluro, lhal Iho figures scorn l 0 man: on the paper. This Double Mam; moth Sheet also contains among its principal at? tractionn. an engraved fac-similo of (no Origina Rough Draft of the Declaration qf Independent—- a grcnl curmairy In in way. Also olcvon Origiua'l" Designs by Gavarm', Iho gronl French am". illue. lraling recent aconca in Pam. The Jubilee BIO")- u Junulhun al-o conlainl a largo number ofbo|u~ liful Fancy Picturca, well calculated to uni! Iho public laalo. A leucr directed la W’ilfln Q Co, l’ubli-‘non. New York. enclosing a ona dollar bill. will bring. by rolurn mail. ten copiol oflhil anon beautiful of Pictoral ahcoln. The following on! some of lhe commanla of Iho pron : . "PIC‘I‘OIAL Ban-nan Jam-mam—Tho present number carries away tho palm from all in predo canon. ll 1: groas-wandcrl‘ul-—in fact (if we, could not replace it) we would ndg'loao our copy (or lhrco dollard."——Plzilad.' Ledger. ' ""A malt gorgeoul Ptclornl, I rich memento of our glotiom Founh."-—-N. Y. Tribune: v "A about Ihnl mun came the wins of Europe In look to their lnurola."—N. Y. Cour. 4% Eng. "The gmmt pop“ or picture: first" the ma ove: new has jun boon iuuerl hyWihon &‘CoJ’ Oneida Democrat. . "Bayou-d ull compuliion Iho mon magnificent afl'air oflho kind we over no! eye: on."-—Ballimorc Republican. Huzzd for CflSS and CASE! N E W. GOODS: Cheaper than Ever; RICHARD SHAW is ju’sl now open ing [and selling very last] it his old stand. n large assortment ol the ched pest and best ‘ ' Summer Goods, , Graceries, &c. ever offered in the county. Thom who wish to be supplicd, must call immediate ly. . , WCounlry Produce,“ usual. will be taken in exchange {of gnodn.‘ and CASH never refuled. jun: 3. '4B. Estate of Thomas Spaclzman, dec’d NOTICE is hereby given that lotteru‘ of Administration have been grunt ed to the subscriber on the estate of'l‘hom as Spuckman, 'lnte of Lawrence township. Clemfxeld county, dec’d, and that all per sons Indebtcd thereto :re required to make payment Immediately, and those having: (lemunda against the same will present them dul ' authenticated for settlement. éENJ. SPACKMAN. Adrp’n Lawrence tp.. June 29, ’4B. ~ ' Estate of James Lard, dec’d.‘ OTICE is hereby given. that l'e'ii‘gh N of Administration have tried run!- ed to the subscriber on the estate organics Lord, late of Beccaria township. dcc’d. and all porsombeing‘ indebted to laid u tnte are hereby requested to make paj mrnt without delay, & those having claim) will presenl them duly authentica‘t'edvl‘or settlement to the subscriber residing in Jordan township, Clgnrfield count], ‘ SIMON THOMPSOM, Ad’mr.‘, June 29, 1848.-—pd. ‘ _ CAUTI O N . - ' HEREBY caution all persons against 1 buying or selling, or in any way med dling wi‘h, lhe followin deletibcdfpmp any; viz :-l Wind-milk; 1 log aled.‘ 1 10g chain. 1 ten-plate stove, 35' acres qf wheat and 3 acres of rye. now in the poasesion o! Mordecai Livugood, jr.. as lhe 'same belungs to me, and are in his possession on loan only. _ - , ELLIS LIVERGOOD. T 0 ‘MHLLERST' (Elm Subscnbcr ofleri f 0: aalgjghgg [ Entire Machinery fiecessaryfor a amam-E-amummo Wm: two' run-oi the beat Eredcly'anj-a. logelller Wimp SmutMachina, &c.;fic” an 0] which ‘5 as good. up, new, $3 itdm been run but a Ighur! .lilme. 'l'he'r‘obmgo‘c cupied by the. abort-being rcqqittffljjo'r another purpopg, 6 goal 'b'argaiu' Willlv‘ho. given ld‘lhoac who may wish lq‘figur‘éhi'sy'p. Abply by letter or in person to ' ' “CC-3'3 '- ' , ’ ' G.‘ \rV. KINZE". .731" ' Lock H’dyen,,Cliptqu.c'o‘.."l"9., June 23. ’48,. ’ :4K'Céd'.: ‘ “""“ DRIED PEAClll‘3B4.ol.n'kood"gin"; (y, (or salo‘nt "le store of ”91".» ; JOHN. PA'l‘Jl‘QNx'f Cumcnsvvillt‘June 23.’ ~ ; :'~"x'-«"= - DERS. for‘snie by 7'— .-: "4 ‘ ' LEONARILBL'MOORE; BLflJVKS fl» gale at I’tln‘q oficc. 0