Democratic banner. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1837-1849, June 24, 1848, Image 3

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C L E‘A R F’ E LD» PA JUNE 2X35];
Gen. WM. 0. BUTLER,
0f Kentucky.
.Esracl Painter, of li’estmoreland.
Belnocralic Electoral Ticko
Vl ,i;
Senatorial Elcdurs. ~
DAVID D. Wmnntu. ur Northampton.
qureacnlatiw Electors.
Dis. Din:
,1. Henry L. Bonner. 13. Juhn (2. King.
2 Horn R. Knonss, 14. John Wmdmnn.
3. lsnnt‘ Shunk._ .15., Rnbon J. Flflher.
4. A. L. Roumlort. 16. Frederick Smuh.
5. Jacob S. Yosl. )7. John Creme”.
6. Rnlwl L‘. Wright. 18. Charles A. Black.
7. Wm W Downing. 19. George W. [lonmnn
8. Henry llaldomnn, 20. John R. Shannon.
9. l’olerKliuo, 2]. Georgu I’. Humxllon
10. R. S. Sohumuvcr. 22. William 11. Davis.
M. Wm. Swuilnnd. 23. 'l‘imolhy lvoo,
J 2. Jumh Blewsu-r. 24. James G. Gnmphcll.
E. W. CARR. United Stun-a Newspaper Agency
N. E. comer of Third und Dork sirens, l’luludol
plnn. in our nulhorizcd agent. to rrcmve and rccmp
for on bscnpuuns. nd vcrusemcnls. &r,
Dcnmu‘alic Counlv I'leelmg.
Tho Dx-mmrulic cinzom a! (‘lonrfiol cuumy are
nqnoslrd In Incel in tho Courbhuuseou'l‘ueudny eve
ningnflhc adjourned mum. on Mm 271]: insL. {or Iho
purpose 0! responding lulho nominations made by
lhe lulc Democrnlw Nuliunal um! Slulo Conventions.
and lnr Iho purpose 0! effi‘vlunlly organizmg for (he
upprnm‘hlng cunteeL By order 0! Iho
Slnnding Commilloe. i
{K7 - lo (a yours‘l/‘as olhrr; so: you." you hnvo
only Io plop mm the mom! oer. Avsns. dnguoh
renn nniu. In Shaw's mrnor hnuso Ho will even
Improve your ugiy counlannncc
On Saturday [all Juan Lonn. n cilizen of Dec
cnrin township. was imlumfy killed “him al work
In his clearing. by Iho lap of n In. which he was
chopping down. fulling nn him. The defunct-d
\val young.;ual buginmng ii: the world, wilh fair
pronpefln and buoynnl hop", \vuu much calm-mo
and {cum 3 young widow wilh an infnnl child
Bmumx A. Bmucx. Minislet of the United
lulcl lo lhe republic 0|" New Granada. has nego-
nted a treaty “illt that government which. if our
x'cnty making power in not totally blind to the true
tnlchlll ofour country. will of inenlculublo bene
fit to u-. The treaty contuin- mnny enlightened
Itepulntion. which are highly requisite in a calm
morciul point of View. as Iccuring to u. an equal
advantage with other nntiom in the valuable trndo
ofthnt part of Southern American. and in some
relpet‘ll giving us a decided preference. But the
chief ndvnntngo—tho one paramount to all others
-—ll the Right (5f “”0y ncro-s the l-tlimu- of Pan.
tuna, from the Atlantic to the Pacific oeennr. All
the remuneration we nre required to give for this
inc-tunable ad vantage, is to guaranty to New Grm
rmdn the neutrality of (ill! portion of her territory
and lie! sovereignty over the lame.
The Panama llibmua in II nuuow strip of Innd
connoclmg Nunh and South Amen”, and in (he
uhonulwulo belween Iho lwo ocmml. and well
mlvuhlcd {or eilhor a nlup canal or a milrond. I
" "7101': James K Poll: 7" ‘”'”'\
'l‘hc fedora! Ruorhoclu huvo commenrod |hcir
v urk of dclrucunn and laluchood nlrcudy, nm! in
guod came-r Not content with nucning lhul
Gen Cu. womn Mad: coclmllc 49 y'enrs ago—
when he wan bul. 16 or_l7 years of ago—lhey’hnvc
no“ started a story, in [‘o shape of u lane! from
n volunteer in Mexico. that Gen. Cus mu hung
m offi‘y by the volunteers. The banso unsigned
was. that Gen. Cues. as chairman of tho military
romrmttoe in tho Senotu. had reported the DI“ ro~
rluctng the allowance ofB3 50 per month. {or clu
tlung. to $9 50—tho enmo us is received by tho
rogulnr soldiers. The (net. of the care. however.
show that in this imtunre, no la 01l othen. the Do:
mocmtic mndidnto stood forth the special defcn-I
der ofthe Volunteer. and with auccou, too. And
the lurthor foot in, that this mjmtico to the brave
:uldier was the reault of a min-construction of the
law by the Adjutant Gencrul—a thig qfliccr
nttd to counteract which, an oxplnntory low was
reporrcdlvy Gan. Case, and immediately possod.
This utory, bo it known. first appeared in thut
vile lheot. Baku} Schuylkill Journal, the iden
tical paper that pertonned so conlpicuoul a mm in
alnndering tho lamented Murmunno.
~699- ,
at:7°'l‘he treatment of Mnoumr., the
Irish patriot. by the British government,
is creating a tremendous excitement in this
country.-' Every man. whose veins con-
min a single drop of Irish blood."in the large
cities. is fairly frantic with "indignation.—
Meetings are held almosl nightly in New
York. Philadelphia and Baltimore. ofthe
moo! Ihrealening character. and may even
tually lead to some serious nnd‘narnealdo-
(non-(ration. Mitchell was nola tho
lic, but a Presbyterian. and it is a mista
ken idea with some that the dieaflocted in
Ireland are confined exclusively to the
Callhp‘lic porlipn of the cilzens. Smith
O‘Br'yanj'a'fn firoloolam, an are many other
leaders, and a perfecl.-nnd we hope a Inel-
ling,union seemed now to be efl‘ecled be
IWéen tho h'vb branches ofrepenllen
”The‘Pennng/lvanian ofthe 20m, re
éordo the déalhu of n'olobs‘than sixuper
none by‘ drowning while bathing. oVn Satin
dny last. . ..‘
c 33 a vim—é:
0/ Michigan
“Mr. Fillmore is a good man, and would
have been a thousand “men boner aeleclion
for President"than Gen. Taylor.
The Whig party is basely belraycdu
aye. sold to the southern alavcdriver;and
inemaina Io baseen how far the anmm
or THE non‘m will ratify the balgain.
For ouuelf. "mm on swm. LIVE on
””3,” 'we are against the nominalion l
mfg/u and main, hour! and aoul.
, Zachary Tag/lor.
“'11“ an outrage upon Gem-ml "l‘pylnr
it is fur the Federal prcsa to exprht him
to deny all the pletlge‘s like the above
which he‘lms given. in order‘fn slum] up
on their anti-war platform? ‘ How much
better will the country like him ilhe ape. P,
v . Pmmg/Ivdpiqn."
Save the Evidence.
_ Now, that ourlvolunt'eers are about to
- turning from their honorable carecrin Mex
100. Democrats should earefutly presérvo
.every whig paper they can get their hands
on. that is not more than a year or eigh
teen months old. "These brave fellows
will like to' know \that was said of their
exploits a! home, while they were surrOun
dad by every species ol danger in a foreign
land; and there is nothing uill give them
more correct infor’mation than to read the
files of newspapers of both political par
tiesi Whilst our soldiers were suffering
_all kinds of hardships. saerificing every
comfort, facing death in every form. and
straining every nerve to make the war hon
orable. glorious. and advantageous to our
common country, they will be surprised to
learn that one of the great political parties
at home were using every effort to bring
the war into disrepute, and in some instant
ces invoking the vengeance of Heaven Up
on those engaged in its prosecution. They
(no opeak of the rank and file) are doubt
loss under the impression that the two par
'ties were vieing with each other in speak.
ing praises of their prowess. and“ were ri
valltng each other in their efl'orts to in
crease lhe number ofW'ew volunteers. B
how great WI” be |hcir auvprise to learn
that ii has been the studied theme of Whig
presses and oralors to abuse and misrepre
senl the cause in which they were serving.
as unrighteoua and abhorred of God—thus
discouraging olhera from volunteering
giving "aid and comfort” to the open foo
& lending to divide & weaken our alrengii
8| 101110.
Preserve. then, we say, lhin evidence.
Plnco il in the hands ofthe honored volun
leer wherever you may find him. He
w: “an! Io vote this fall. “191 finving aer
ved his country. he will wan! to know who
are us friend-
Delay is Dn ngorous.
Can it be pouible that Congress intends
o adjourn without repealing lhe law lax-
ng newnpnpera under 30 miles? Surel
they might were that much time {or the
benefit of tho people. 1 here never was a
reform so univercelly demandede—end
there nor er was a reform, it seems to us, so
hard to be efl‘écted. There is no-body to
oppose it. excepts lew monopolize” about
our large cities. Delny is dangerous, and
we hope members of Congreu from the
country districtl (who compose eeven-eights
ofthe body) will press on the,good wmlt
until the battle i- won. .
The Fll’Bi and Second Regiments of
Pennsylvania Volunteers are now on Iheir
way home. and mny‘be expected about the
4th of July—lhe onc al Pillaburg and the
olher Philadelphia. The cilizene ofPhil
adelphia held a meeting the other day, lo
make the necessary arrangements lo give‘
them I soldier's Welcome.
3117-" We will publish lhe Biograph_yV of
Gen. BUTLER, perhaps next week.
{JG-We have not apacn for the hundredth purl o
lho ovidenre of lhe ropmliuliun nf Gon. Taylor as
lhe Whig randialnto. by Whig" nml Whig press".
In Ohio and in all Iho Whig Slam of lhe End, a
regularly organiled oppnuilion hm! been entered
into. nml prop: rations are making to holul nnolher
National Convention in July nr August. The: fol-
owing, however. is no pomled. and coining from
the "region round about CABS.“ Ihnl we cnnnnl n
void giving it a place. [I in from the loading
Whig paper in the Slam of lllinoin:
om Iho Lafayette (lndmnn) Journal, June 10.
\ . . .
“Gen. Taylor as nommaled lor President.
and Millard Elmore/hr Vice President.
We are indebted to Brother Bansman
for a slip from the office of the ” Whig
Tomahawk.” containing the result of the
first. second, &fourth balloting: {or Pres
ident by the Whig National Convention.
It will be seen that the first ballot was a
little differentfrom what it was reported in
our exlra of yesterdav. ‘
The nomination oijeneral Taylo: is a
disgrace lo the convention. and an insult
lo the mlelligonce and virtue ol lhe Ameri
cnn people.
Sympalltyfor Mitchel in N. York—A
"my large and enthusiastic meeting was
held on Tuesday night. and another on
Wednesday nighl. ih New York. to ex
!"993 I'Ympathy for lhe Irish martyr tolib
"W. Mitchell. Thousands wow present
1“ each meeting. and the interest was most
inldme. The True Sun says:
"The name of Milchell lhrow Iho whole
meaning into a paroxysm of excitemenl. &
we never hoard ouch shouts no wero kept!
Up for several minu‘es.”
Resolutions were adoplod to use all
means to bring Mitchell from Bermuda to
America, and Col. Ming ollered his servi
ces on lhe expedilion. The loculrly of
Bermuda was described. and it was shown
how easily “the/don" could be rescued.
Colonel Ming said Ihnl "he only asked 2,-
000.mon, which 35 000-would be able to
raise, and Ihia could all be done wilhonl
breaking any law of the United Stolen."
Arrangements were made for olher moo:
lings to carry out lhe suggeslions of lhe-o.
when the assembly separated. vowing ven»
goanco on England.—Ba/hmore Argus.
Sixty-two Homes in flakes!
A slip from lhe omce of the Norfolk
Beacon. was received nl our office ycslct
‘dny. It gives the paniculars of a ca'amit
nus fire in Ihnl city. supposed to be the
work of an incendiary, which broke out a!
five o‘clock on the morning of‘lhe 15d)
inst. and could not be arrested by the ef
forts oflhe firemen, unlil sixty-two hou
ses, including the Bethe] church, were con
sumed. The loss is estimated at nearly
$300,000. The fire commenced in a lum
ber ymdwlo which the torch of lhe incen
diary had been applied.—Pennsylvanian.
Mos! Euraordinary \Vork!
rnopuson or max/mm or WOMEN.
Sixth Edilion. 18ml). pp. 250 Pure 81
25,000 Copies sold in three mural/ls!
Your: of suffering, of physical and mcnlnl un
guuh to many an ufleclionnm wife. and pecuniary
difficullie- Io lhe hugbnnd. might have been spared
by n limoly pours-ion oflhu work.
h in inloudcd tapociaH) fur the mnrrind. or lhoio
contemplating marriage, u- h dmclolcs lmporlan
necrols which Ihoyld bo known to Ihem pnmcu
Truiy, knowledge in power. ll in health, hup
pines', affluence
The revalulinn- remained in in pagan have pro~
wad n blowing lo thou-undn. an Ilw‘innnmvmblo
letlen rcrcived by Iho author willhnut.
"are, also. ovary female—lho wife. the mother,
he one either budding inlo womanhood. or lhaono
in lhe decllno 0! your. in whom nature conlom~
plnlen an Important change—can dI-ruvor Ihc vuu‘
not, lymploml. and Ihc mml rfl'xcicnl rum-dial. &
mou cerluin mode ofcurc. in every complain: In
which her so: in luhjoct.
COPIES'wiI/ be sent by mail/rec of
poalage to (he pure/mur.
Over lon lhnuunnd copies have been mm by
mail within lhroa monlhl. wulh perfect safely and
On lhe rct‘oipl of One 0011:",th " Married “’0
mnn'l Privnlo Mvdivnl Companion" will he sen
(mailedfnr) to any pan of the United S'nlnu. Al
lelleru mull he pnannld (I-xr'opl lhnte containing
a remuunnco) and uddrcnod tnDr. A M. Mum~
roan. Ba! 1224. New Yurk Cily- Publilhing:of~
fise. 129 Liberty slreol, New York.
The "Married Woman'l Private Medical Com
pnnion" is laid by booksellers lhrnnghoul lhe Uni
’ ' May 26. '4B—lm.
tod Sinful
BlLloua FEVER generally begins uilh yawning.
almu‘hing. pain in Iho bones. lnngnur. glddinen, a
swelling nboul lhc region ol lhe slomnrh. biliuus
vomiting. and other unpleasant symptom; .
U’right'u Indian chelable Pills are one of Iho
hoax of madxcxncn {or Iho cure of Fave", because
they purge from the body than morbid humor
which we Iho cnuae of every mnlndy incident to
In cusoaul (ever. from four In eighl of Wright's
lndmr. Vegetable PIHI should be lnkcn avory nighl,
or. If lhe aymplom'a aro viulonly. night and wanting.
I‘hin plan. if properly carried out will, in n shun
limc,subduo Iho mnn violent nlltck 01 fewer; nl
lhe Inmo limo, lhe digealivo organ. “‘1” he renlvrcd
la n henllhy lone. and honllh and vigor given lo
he whole frame. 1
Bmvum or (.‘OUNTERFEITI AND lanmNH!
Remember that lhe original and nnly genuine In
than HAIL-(able Pills have lhe signnluro of WM
WmGuT wrulcn With a pen on tho xopinbcl 0
each lmx. '
[3l7]“ The genuine for sale by R. SHAW.
sole flgcnlfor Clem-field; omm & lino-
THEn. Curwensvt/le; DANIEL “Annm‘ r,
Luthcvoburg ,- and wholesale at'tlte'oflice
(nu/general depot, 169 Race street. P/n'luv
MARRIED.—On Thursday the 15m
inst. bv lhe Rev. P. P. Lane, Mr. Hmmv
GRUB, ofJefl'cvson co, lo Mins ELIZABETH
KUK'IZ. of Brady lownship.’
[NEIL—On Monday last, in Law ronve
mwnahip. after yearn ofnfihcnion. 'l‘HoMAs
SPACKMAN. aged about 40 years.
Latcstfiom Me I
AGON am] \HIEA'I‘.I~‘I.OU'R (m
B-‘hnnd nml for «Mr by . ‘-' - .
w- cuANsaz BROTHER. ;
Curwcnmllc,idunc 16, 1848.'- 4‘ " .
m if ~ . I
mum. wiazfléfifibfi:
“fauna! authorized to announce that
Capt. Gamma WALTanI, 0| Bell
to“ nship. ia a candidate for re-eleclion to
'lhe Assembly. subject to the action of lhe
Dmnocralicparly of C’lcnrfiéld county.
June 23, ’4B.
WE are authorized lo unununcc thn
Roswnm. Lu'rmm, Esq, uf Bra
dy iownship. will be a cnndldale for lh
office of County Commiaawncr. oubjec
to lhe acliun ul lhe Ucmocmlic party 0‘
Clearfield county. jO2B, ’4B.
Daguerreoty Desi
N R. AYERS, bring on his way from
I Albany to Columbus. has taken
rooms. and uill remain a law (lays. in
Clemfiold, for the purpose ol giving the
‘inlmbitauts of the place. 85 vicinitv. an op
portunity of obtaining a correct likeness
o! themaelves and friends. He has all the
imptuvemonts from the tliflcront dngucrr.
eun gflilt‘flt‘fl in Albany and New York.
This. connected with his variety and re
duced prices. allorde a rare opportunity
tor obtaining a torrect likeness. He will
take thou: usually taken at 89. 00 or
82 50, for $1 50; and those at 84 00‘
for 83 00
[G‘Onc um! All ure'invnnl to call and
examine lur themselves. us he has already
lakrn a number in thisplncv. ju22.
HEREBY caution all persons against
‘1 buying or selling, or in any way mlSd
(lllng wilh, the following described prop.
eny, viz :-] wind-mill, l log-sled. 1 log
chain, 1 ten-plate slave, 3; acres of wheat
and 3‘ncres of rye, now in the possesion
ol Mordecai Livergood,jr., as the same
belongs to m», and are in his possession on
loan only.
June 17th. ’48.-—p'd.
VIVHE Subscriber oflera [or sale the
Entire [Machinery necessary for a
_ (3333.19 311112-1209
\Vilh lwo run of lhe hrs! French Burs,
together WIN] a Smut Machine, &c.,&c.,
all of which is as good as new, on it has
been run but a short time. The room oc~
copied by the above being required for
another purpose, a great bargain [will be
given to those who may msh lb purchase.
Apply by letter or in person '0
Lock Haven, Clinton co., [’ll.
June 23, ’4B. Need.
.11! the Unionm'lle Infirmary,
Situalrd about six miles Wes! 13/ Ililetburg on the
road leading from Bellefonle to Philipaburg.
‘HE subscribera would rcspecttully
1 inform the public that they are now
prepared to receive patients at the above
establishment on the most reasonable
terms. They have fitted up a variety 0!
the most approved Baths, such as “'arm,
Cold, Shower, Douche, Medicated and
Vapor Baths, having a supply at the pur
est water. With proper attention to bath
ing, diet. exercise, and the addition ol
such Botanic Medicines as will aid nature,
they llatter themseli es that persons labor
ing under disease in its various terms
such as
Rheumatism. Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint
Jaundice, Inward PPM/mess. Palpita
(ton of l/ie Heart, Asl/mia, Fever q/all
kinda, Female Complaints. Coughs,
and all other diseases originating from
Colds, Salt Rheum, Diseases 0! the skin
in general, Nervous complaints, and a va
riety ol other diseases arising lroin impu
lies of the blood and obstructions in the
organs 0! digestion, may receive as much
benefit hire as under any other treatment
they may apply 10. All cannot be cured,
but most Wlll be benelilted, and many ext
tiaordiiiary cures have been performed.
Galvanic Electricity Wlll also be applied
in cases that would. be likely to be bene
fiited by that agent.
As no mineral poison nor deadly narcli
tics will be need about the establiah’i‘neul.
the afflicted who Wish to preserve their
constitutions (mm the edema of such
drugs. and those who Irom and experience
have proved what are their bitter lruits,
oould do well to come and give our mode
WM. UNUR“ UUD, M. 1)
June 130, 4’3.—
.; lUEU PEACHES. (I! a good quul
. ty. lnr mm: M Ihc Mun: 0!
Cumcun‘illc. June 23.
Huzza for 0.29ng azzd‘CASH
N E W G ()‘O .D S
Cheaper than Ever:
3 ICIIARD SHAW is just now opm.:-
h ing [and selling very Mal] M Ins
old slnml, a large naaormn'nt 0! Inc chea
peat and best .
Summer Goods, Grocerzes, &c.
evervufl'ercd in? me manly; Those who
Wish (0 be supplied, mual L-all‘immrdmc
ly. V ' - .
Wt‘omzlfil/ I’rorlucc, us usual. “ill be
[Mum illi‘XL-‘IGUSC for guudu nml GAS}!
ncvcr reluucd. - Junt 3. '4B.’
. TOR-Niuud 0A I‘S lnr mic by' '» V
Cu: wcnsviflc, June I6,"1$18. , "‘
received [and will be sold at low prices]
at the cheap star?) 0!
Curwemwille. June 'l6. 1848. .
1111110“ GUARI’S:
~ECU arg, ordered to meet at
UN; court house in the DM
)ugh of Clenrficld on Saturday.
at day 0! July. at 4 o’clock. A.
M., cacti member to be prepared
‘0 pay hrs quota.
7 order at the
June 16, 1848.
AUTION is he eby given to all per
-0 sons against purchasing a note, of
hand given by mo to John F. Williama,
{or about 825 dollars, dated about lhe lat
ofJune, instant, as l have not received
vnluc tor the same. and will not pay the
same unless compellrd by law;
Brady rownship, June 20. 1848.
lllS paper will be, na far nu practicable. a lull,
T fair, and candid racurll of passing ovum! ',"fhuz
im chivl‘prusonl purpose is In counlomcl Iho abolition
movement by unmasking Iho designs, motivesmnd
end 0! pohlicnl nbolixion; lu demonstrate lhnt lln
prlllt‘lplflfl are as hostile to the rights, plurcrly. Inlor~
can, prosrerity. and hberly ol the nor! has to the
rights nm property of lhe south ; and, by appeall Io
lhenrmlolligcnco and pnlnolmn, lounile (he who
and aoud ol all panics, In every women. in a common
effort to strengthen nnd crpclunlo the Union. ’
'l‘hn ’l‘mu will be puglished weekly in Washing
ton my. and can! to aubucnboru, through the mall. I'b‘:
For a Szngle copy, 82 50
For 5 cgpzea. 10 00
Publication 0 Ice l’onmylvnnin avenue. corner of
WA” parsnnu who n‘rprovo the purpose for which
the Twice: in esmblishe . are nqucllcd to act un
gcnla for übluining subscribers,
I)ROPOSALS will be rgceivcd by lhe
Prelidont oi the Saomhoc and Pack
ervike Turnpike road Company, on or be
fore the 21“ duly 0! June, man, [or bund
im: the I'Vood- Var/c of a Bridge new“
Cleurfield Creek. Proposals are desired
to be presented on the plan oi_lhc old one.
and nlau on the plan oi Ihc present Bridge
across the river at Clcurfield. -
Preaident ol the Board,
June 3, 1848. » .
New & Cheap Goods.
ERMAN. BLOOM. (Sr Co.. respect-
H fully inform the public that they
have opened a New Store in the town of
Luthorsburg, Clenrfield county. where
they have on hand 11 large assortment 0!
which they intend selling CAEAP.
The public are invited to call and en.
mine their stock. ‘
nj‘liurses. Cattle. Grain and Lumber
aken in exchnn e for goods.
Luthersbuvg, May 81h, 1848.
[ Estate of Philip flrnold, dec’d.
O'l‘ICE is hereby given that letter:
N testementery have been granted to
the undersigned on the estate of Philip
Arnold. late 0! Pike township. Clean-held
county. (lec’d—nud that all persomin
debted to said estate etc requeeted to
make payment immediately. and those
having claims against the same will pre
sent them duly authenticated to: settle
ment, to either of the subactibers.
May 8,1848.-—pd
AUKAREL. 1 Constantlyou
SHAD. hand and {or sale
PORK. >Bl. 00., Malket
HAMS 8:. SIDES, Ilreel whnrlJ’hh
SHOULDERS. I ladelphin.
LARD & CHEESE, J Ap. 18-3 m.
Estate of Joseph Heise, a’ec’d.
U’I‘ICE is herrby givcnth lcttcu
N of ndmmistra’iun have been granted‘
to the subgcnbcr on the estate 0! Joseph
”cu-c, tutu ’ul (iirard township, dec’d, and
that all PI‘fSOUS indcbtod to said «stateule
n-questcd to tnu’kc paynwnt without dc
)n)‘. and thusu having ‘detnnnds against the
Mill”! will wear“! tlu-m prnpt-rly authenti
cated tnr rctllcmcnt.
JOHN S'n ms. 4mm}.
May 3;,_15’13- ’ '
xs‘r OF LE’I‘YI‘ERS ruminiqgjn
L the l’os: Ofliuée at (Jimmy-{sl9.9}.
April lnl, [B-18. ‘ _ V 1... :,
Amur, Dumly . ”oft. Cullmiqg
Adams, Barnard lln'in. Jalficsv ‘
Amlvrsun Charles dean. Samu’ei
Buds. Adams ' -Kirk‘,‘lsnne a "
Boyer. llcmyß. ‘Lurrfn. Min ‘
ancr, Julm ’Mudtlen} Mich-Mt.”
CNNCH. Jnfnh . Mapvu, \Villiah)
Dixon. Grorge‘ ‘ . , Ruume. Mmy Ahn
DulislpLJacob ' ‘ R'eishcl, Wimjm ,
Fuliun. I'. [l3—2 Ru". Cld‘risia" r
,FentunLJulm‘ Slupkcnan. Daniel h
Frhukj'MirJrhel .Waule‘n‘anhn P.
Gallahur.“év.lA. ,VVIMM. J. “,.;,"
pll . I [W3]. 14- MOORELP';S-=
RMJVKS forflédile'agfi't'liis. bfiéq.
,a} . 4 ‘ .. f-