Democratic banner. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1837-1849, June 10, 1848, Image 4

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\thl'xsdnath I "I'm In he {ran ;
No. mnmlu wu- ,qr ' ',or four ;
‘l‘ojmn lhodrund «pqlmlitof';
ML'nH ullko me humble Ihoro;
. 'l'hamt 'hly wnyp .
\erips inn! and slave; .
Nunpru‘ln.‘ nor povony dnros mnn
‘Wll’lfll Ihnl relugn-hbuso. lhe lamb.
mm M Ihedroop‘ng wing.
And the cvobu-cepiug "Y”-
Tpun o! n“ liuijh's kings url_ RIDES
.En‘mirea m thy-foolslml I!“
I The" mulmudo
Wonk like waves upon tho shore.
I'm-ma :lan never wuso Ihno mum!
IVlmt'n‘lho gmndeurpfthe earth
To tho grandeur round thy throne!
Rich“. honor. glory. bmh,
To lh kingdoms allure gone;
, [lslam thee slnnd
'l‘ho wundmna hnnd.
Bards. homey, Rages, side by sudo;
Who darkened nnlinns when ”my drcd
The universe burns with Deity. All na‘
ture seems vocal to declare a Great First
Cause. The night sun. as he pursues llld
never ending course. proclaims the great.
ness of an Invisible Being. The pale and
silvery beams of the sister orb. as she seats
lets the gloom of night. seem to non men
to acknowledge this great truth. The
countless host of stars, as they gem the
heavene.-like diamonds set in the coronet
olderkness. all declare that their lamps
were lit at tlte shrine of Divinity. 'l'he
hoarse voices of tlte angry billows, in their
ceaseless rise and fall. murmur that they
evidence the fact. The bone and muscle
of every beast of the field—the wavtng ol
the wing ofevery bird ofthe air—the beans
ty ofthe smalles insect which floats in the
breeze, attest the solemn truth. Every
tree. every plant, every flower, alike wrt
ness the same l'act. Every thing is tndel
libly stamped with the impress ofDeity.
God hat prospered you, and is still a
bundantly proapering you. When conni
ing Up ymr gains, when looking on your
wealth and splendor, when silling In your
beautiful Temple, and rejoicing amid rich
religious privileges, O'rhink ol the dew
rule, millions on millions.l Remember,
God is no respecler of persons; he loves
“’Q'Wiheni as well as you; his sun shines as
brightly on-Vlheir fields; Iho Saviour em
braced them in his last mossage; and his
Gospel can prepare them. as well as you,
form: second coming and glory. Enter.
men; fully into his greal plan of mercy. &
‘r'euinolflill he has the whole earlh [or his
That you may not speak ill of any, do
nol,dgltght to haul” of them. Give no
oottpt'enance to busy bodies, who do talk
of‘blbefrimen’s (nulls. Those who deltght
tb'heai‘ill’ol'others. will soon (all m lhe
habit afxupdaktng ill of them. When busy
bodie- run outol‘ matter of fact. they“ will
soon resort to conjectures and idle stories.
id‘plgale these 'who are fond of hearing oth
e'woboken agatnsl. Suoh characters are
comm'on'nuisonces. often destroying good
neighborhood and the fellowehtp of old
friendly If we endeavor in good earnrsl
lg lpjud. ourselves. we shall have work e
uottghl and but little time to talk of others.
- -Tnzmmnous Coxsmonnxou.—The
cily of Delrou, was lecemly waned by a
very deslruclive fire. 107 dwelling houses
have been binned. besides offices. shops.
and holiness places of various kinds. Be
tween three and {our hundxed families are
rendered homeless. The loss in ealimaled
‘al ‘aboul $200,000. only $42,595 of which
llcqv‘ewd by Insurance.
Samepne having very warmly express
ed himself in respect to the numerous ac
cidents on railroads in this country. said
that. in England the penalty for wallttng
upon the tat] toad track""waa £lo—a wag.
quietly remarked : Pooh.’ is that all? The
penalty int/11's country is death.
é‘eoannvxcar-Dr. Franklin recom
mehds a young man. in the choosing o! a
wile; to belecl'ller from a bunch, giwng as
a (5859!). that “have [have are many
dpfighfers. Ihey Improve each olher. and
from emulation. acquire more accomplish
meollrand know more and do more, than
a single child, spoiled by puletnal kiml-
Dell. '
GENTS for the sale a! Dr. JA YJVS
A Family Medicine: ,- _
Dr. CULLEN’S Indian Vegetabe Rein
4-egy~Panacca, Specific and Pile Rem
e ,- -
V BrnyflPPLIs’TON’S Remedy for Day'-
neu ,- ‘ ‘ -
CJNTRELL’S Compound Medicated
Sic}? of Sarsaparilla ,- “ ‘ '
OJI ’ RELIISflnti Dyspeptic Powder;
CJNTRELL’S filterative Pit/3 ,-
SflNDS’ ,Sarsapariila. &c.; &c.. &c.
Hayejust recewed a fresh supply at the
lame." ‘ ' - '
Cutwinaville. May 10.
' ' CRANSxS' BROTHER, , ' "
.‘ AVEjuat tecei‘ved frt'im Philadelphia
1!!“ “assoruuen‘l .uf' CHEAB lain!
mu IIONABLE . _ , V
Spring and Summer Goods,
To which ‘lhe'y‘ivo‘uld‘cal! the attention of
their lormer patrons and ;the public gen
erally} " ‘ A '
‘ Cgmeqsyille, May 10, '4B. I
119*). T if? ~.
mm“ 18 baA'rH.
n rum owner: canny
Bonomh 'ihoo strew'd
Always_on hand a good assortment o!
PLOUGHS, to which we are adding sév
oral new patterns lhis spring. Hollow.
ware of ull"kin’da. Sleigh, & Sled Sales,
Wagon Boxes. Smoothing Irons.'&c, &c.
~ ECPAH lhe’above Articles, and ever}?
‘ [lung in’ our'lmomll beqold- on theimosl
reasonable (erins for Lbs/5,1,0!“ 'L'olungrg
'Pi'oduce; Ironinuslera’ Oi‘de‘rs, Old Mom.
&c’.- Qwersf/fr'oxn a distanco’promplly
lnlmhdodto.‘j ~ -- ‘. - .
33351;": ngtw'fle“
”Ru'A. M.. lIIIJIIS,’fr,6In I’lxil’a.
ITHFa largb Imin! new and most
WV vmpniwd Demo} Ilnlriumfnts.
ALSO. 11‘ large Huck ol‘curelully solu-
Ic'cted pmmium (cell) from Slucktuu’s
Mnuul'uctory. ~; 3’,
~ ‘ DR. s. .W. STOCKTON
lhas drawn the premium lur mauulacluring
lhe best Metallic. Anificiul Teeth. nut on
ly in the Umml Slum. but in London
anult‘Pnris , nml Dr. ”H's hns taken par
ticular pains‘to selecl a ‘choice lot of Ihcm.
in that his patrons may be nss‘ured of gel.
ting a good and subqlunlml article.
Dr. H. him ulsu procured a very large
variety nl Extracting instruments, rnaile
occurriing tu Hnrm’ latest puttvrns. and
he C({mcunfidently ussurc all those will:
'are trfinhlerl with them abominable pests.
idecayed (eat/i. thnl the Forceps nre nut un-
Ily a much more sale and easy instrument
wilh which to remove a tnuth. but they
{cause much less pain at the tune, and
comparatively nn Stilt'ofisB»~l6iin\ving.
Dr. Hills has alsn a variety of nlher
’Dentnl requirements, such as Gold Plate.
Gold Foil. Tool/i Powders. [Washes and
Brushes. and he is lully prepared tu per
tnrm all operations in the line 0! DEN
TISTRY. such ~as» in~orting nn Gnltl
Pluto. or on I’ivutn, Plugging, Exlrncting
and Cleansing. And from past experience
and success, he. feels cnnfiilcnt at giving
entire autislnctiun. nnd \vur'runts all ills
wurk well dunv. and tn plea§c his patrons.
A refilsnnnble length—til time given lur tri
alto nlljubs over $5, and il not found to
unswerall the purposes promised. no pay
will be required.
Office at the New Drug Store, the sign.
of the GOLD 3101871513,
P llshl‘d 15 years ago. D DR. KINKELIN' The
oldest. sures! nnd host humrlo cum all lo:ms 01 score!
disc-uses. dimmer-s n! the skin and uolilnry huh!!! of
youth. is D". KINKELIN. N. W. corner 01 THIRD
um! UNION Sm. bolwcrn Spruce nnd Pino, one and n
halfyquarcsfrmn the Errhngzc. l’hxludclphin.
TflIL'E I’flß TICULflR N 0 7105'.
Youlh who have injured themselves by a certain
prncnco indulged m—u balm frequent] learned from
evil compumons. or at avhcol——lhc (“K-vols 91 which
are nighlly lell; even when asleep. nnd deslruy both
mind and body.should apply immcdinloly. Wonk
ness and cunsliluuunnl dcbxlilyimmadmlely cured.
and full vigor restored. All letters roar mm,
' Ilyuuvulue your lile,or your health. romombcr
lhe «Inlay or 11 month. nay. wen a week. may prove
your ruin, bum oi body and mind. Helicclcl nu lulsc
modesly deler you Irom making your case known In
one who, [rum education nml respectability. um in.
lane befriend you. "0 \\ ho places himself under
DR. KINKELIN'S lronlmr-nl, nmy religiously cou~
Me in his honor as n genllomnn. and in whose bosom
will be for over looked Iho secret oi the panic-nu.
Too many think they will hug the secrel lollicir
own henna. and euro lhemsclvcs. Alas! how olten
islhis a fatal delusmn. and how many a promising
ynung man. who might have been on urnumem Io so~
crely, has lnded from the earth.
findingil inconvenient to mnko personal opphcaliun.
can. by stating their case explicitly, together mlh all
their symptom. (per loucr. past-paid.) lmvo lorwnrdcd
to them a chest containing Dr, K.’u mediclncsappro
primed accordingly.
Poe/rages quedm‘nes forwarded to any part of the
United States nl a moment's nancc.
[’o3l‘ mm Lawns, addressed [0 Dn. Kxxxzus.
Philadelphia. “11] be promplly attended [O.
Sue udvorlisomonl in the l’hlladclphm S in! Urdu:
Times. 0 jun. 28. ӣlB. ly
Bellefome Foundry.
WIELCH <35 LEYDEN. would an
nounce to their lriemls nml lhe
public. lhal‘lhey will cnuiinue lhe busi
ness 0! IRON FOUNDERS, at lhe old
gland. where they Inleml to kcvp nlwuys
on hand a huge and varied nssonenl ul
I'll- l\ mrrn a). ~. ..‘
We—hnve lately erected and are now
fitting up an extensive
with three Lathes. lor turning and filling
up all kinds of Machinery, such as Grist
and Saw-mill Castings. Machinery lor
Forges. Furnaces (Sf Rolling Mills. inclu
ding Hot Blast Pipe; lor Furnaces and
Bloomeries; and {will be prepared to lur
blah on the shortest notice and in a antis
lactory manner all kinds of Machinery.—
Now on hand a'large assortment o! PflT
TERNS, of the latest and most improved
Myles. including the tlillerent sizes. ol the
Dar/rec GA Brice Reaction W'aleMV/leela
ECf'Patterus no! on hand, made on
short notice.
We have now and intend keeping alo
ways a stock 01 lhc‘unrianled VE'I'O and
FULTON Hot AiPL‘oo/t'ing Slaves, dtfg
lereot sizes; also flir Tight, Fancy Pur
lor t} Nine Plate Wood Stoves, ol dilfer
ent sizes together with tour sizes ofa su
‘ perior Ifalloon Coal Slave, as well as Cyl
endgr and FANCY Coal Stoves. .We
will add during the coming season. sever
al New patterns of Cooking, Air’l‘lght,
and Pntlor Stoves.
;..;;. g‘ ‘ DANIEL LEYDEN.
Belldonfie‘, Feb. 18, 1848.
99. In Clearfield counly.
IN puruuum'o ol tho ls! nouliqu nflhc Act of
Assembly 0H3”: Mam-h.~ 1815. ehlillod “An AN
lo nnmnd an Act providing the murmur ol selling
Unscmml Lnnds {or nuns, and {or olher purpuma,"
lhoro null bccxpmcd [0 sale. on the 2d Mundny
at June next. nl lhe cuun-houno. In Iho boruugh oi
Cicnrfiold, (and adjourned from day to day until
the whole nre sold.) Iho followmg Irncls ot' Um
sealed Lnnd. nnd 'l‘uwn Lots. in umd cuumy, .’ur
the amount 0! In: sol ophasilo each tract:
Boccaria [aims/tip
Ants. Pr's. H'ununrec.
lfil 50 Thomns Kellund
200 146 Abraham Wilmer
234 66 Michael Musser
235 153 Jucoli Krug .
236 145 John' Gibson '
1:27 144 Jeremiah Masher
238 6 Peter Gulz
210 84 "Marlin Foutz
296 195 {Jacob Fuulz
3'28 153 George Musser
433 (In Rubcrl “'ilaon
(S 6 12 Thomas Gibson
324 84 VMutlhius Burton
433 153 Edward Huml
483 do John Ewing
274 75 Puler Miller
133 153 Michael Fou-Iz
88 60 Juhu Malls
H 133 Marlin Mails ‘
355 133 Emanual Reiglmrt l 2 n
259 43 George Moore 10 58
433 153 Gcmge Muurejr. 17 74
3'25 John Funk 13 73
‘39 113 Henry Landis 604
as: as Fmte‘rsck Hnbley I 5 6‘
2:“ 79._ John Bausman .‘0 24
433 153 John VVhitmer I 7 74
155 135 Frederick Honman 6 82
85.7156 Phllip Gloningcr 3 17
232 Philip Meascncope 9 48
197 68 John Messenoope 5 07
108 55 Adam Mesaencopo 4 56
259 157 Wm. Bausman 10 69
453 153 John Bean 17 74
201 Jacob Mussersmith 3 70
176 46 Jeremiah Mushcr 7 18
9.88 120 Jacob Krog ll 73
138 8 Thomas Billington (3 57
399 40 John \Vhitmer 10 35
do do Henry Whitmer [5 36
do do Herman Whilrner 16 37
177 150 Thomas Billmgton 8 16
334 145 W'tlllam VVilaon l 3 68
193 53 Sarah Billington 7 98
251 William Brown 10 95
433 153 David Barton 17 74
176 ‘l7 John Shank 7 18
130 Martin Fuutz 2 47
79. 120 Sol. Lyons (undiv. i) 301
9.56 58 John Baker 10 67
17:2 \Vm. McMurtrie 3 85
108 Plunket 4 ‘lB
50 David Younkin 2 06
. Bell (owns/lip.
No Acres. Pa.
3566 648 John Nicholson $23 10
3565 35‘] John Nicholson 153 37
13 John P. Hoyt 49
175 Thomas Drunolnn 5 69
433 153 Jon}: Dunn-odlo I 2 29
300 Muhnfl'y & Daugherty ll 05
200 Walters & Elder 7 0t)
Boggs township.
ap.lB, ’4B.
Acres pcrclxesl
174 ”6 John Montgomery -1_ 19
177 102 Richard Thomas 4 72'
100 Richard Thomas 4 38
IN John Taylor :2 85
Lots in Borough of Clear/fem.
Jacob Kline 2 75
Lindley & Hoofnugic 1 41
Jacob Kline l 36
A". B.'Recd l 16
Hugh Wilson l 17
Benjamin Wilmer l 37'
Daniel Hrubakcr 99‘
A. B. Reed 1 19
Pelcr Burg 2 58
R. McClure 44
l 37
l 70'
1 02!
54 P. W. &A. Reighnrt
72 John M. Miller
110 John Slrnuflcr
112 John Bumgnrdner
115 Samuel Muller
“6 M. Gundecker
159 Benjamin Shaw
45 R' Elder
46 Tobias Rrider
:65 J. Hopkins
8 J. W. Sumh
Bradford township
202 140 Jane Campbell
202 140 "
197 35
370 12
254 61
John Campbell
Aaron Levy“
Matthew Foicey
'Jumea Dundnn
Brady towns/zip.
No. Acres,
250 ”2 Robert CHrroy
115 Sumuul Johaon
7 08
4 21
2 47
8 45
9 74
3 70
’ " (4 years) 21 28
Christian Lowor do\ , 29 75
Burnside towns/tip;
433 144 61 David Kennedy
328 Peter Smith
100 Frederick Shepherd
Cavinglon towns/rip.
‘ 897 875 Morris 6; Stewart
398 1040 do , do‘ ,
899 'B9O do ‘ do '
903 1052 do do
902- 970 do ‘ do -
942 545 do do
894 56 45 Mon-ink Stewart
890 '
89231100 do do
894‘ ‘ ' “ ' ' ‘
195 77 Cnnper Sliver
5681 263 Jowph “non
150 Woodsldo'a [him
100 George Gamer
110 370
218 .501
, ‘ (J/zest township.
483 153 Ge'm‘ge Russ -
433 153 JEhn'Musser
433 158 Matthias Bil-ton
433 153 Henry Muss‘er
Tnjcaslgl'cl"; Sale
west ,'s
5 65
15 49
13 43
7 ll
14 24
9 55
38 46
45 76
.31 15
46 26
34, 05
, l 4 14
'36 70
.13 29
13 30
13 2B
I . , Decqlur towns/zip.
“7 124' 'l'h‘unmu' P. Cope "
364 70 Hugh Eh ‘ ' '
299 40‘ John Skyron“ _,
216 3!) Jam: Skyrnn
‘274 8 Thomas I’. Cope
1 306 49 “'m. Snnsum
‘307 Joseph Sunsum
210' 12 John Skyron ‘
408 1:37 Ridmnl Thomas
408 137 John Downing
430 John Eli,
391 159 Thomas Bullington
400 Joseph Ru per
80 ‘6
8 '2O
U 56
9 62
9 54
5 83
Iv‘crgtlson [owns/lily
233 139 Jnhn Humbrighl 5 05
200 William minke-r , 505
132 122 John Mussvnmilh 3 82
200 l’. Gloninger
433 [53 John Stine
For [owns/zip.
9 72
AM Arms
4272 639 hunes\Vdaou
4200 990 do do
4182 990 do do
4181 990 do do
4188 990 do do
4971 900 do do
4183 990 do do
4241 937 do do
4938 947 do do
4242 642 do do
4340 188 do do
4090 923 do do
1534 170 d u do
1535 600 do do
4398 216 do do
4399 372 do do
4400 44 do do
b‘ 61
10 98
13 04
17 74
3 44
13 79
I 7 74
I 7 74
II 47
5 57
3 '75
2 90
Girard township.
200 Samuol Fulton
187 do do ‘1
1930 103 Morris dz Simmrl 1' 151’.
1919 227 Morris & Slownrl
115 William Murray
. Huston lowns/u'p.
5069 990 William Powers 843
5065! 990 do do 8 413
5673 1041 81 Moore Delany 21 53
5674 1041 81 do do 21 58
5067 990 William Powers 90 51
5066 990 do do 20 51
5675 1041 Moore dc Dclfllly 21 58
195 Davul Caldwell 6 41
4:257 888 15 James Wilson 7 72
A 1261 990 do do 771
4193 927 28 do do 761
4254 927 28 do do 761
45350 8150 do do 770
4905.). .120 Wilhelm Williok 693
4931 770 James Wilson 11 77
4934 796 do do i wl2 10
4235 989 do do 16 29
4236 990 do do 16 30
11926 990 do do 15 30
41299 965 123 do do . 15 88
4230 7:28 112 do do ‘ . ll 99
£1225 990 do do 16 3'l
Mass 723 Wilhelm \Vlllink 594
5070 1041 80 Moore & Delnny 22 47
5071 1041 50 do do 22 47
5079 1041 80 do do 253 ’l7
5672 347 1.17 do do 858
300 203 John B. Smilh 0 (16
4859 267 Wilhelm \Villinli (cusi and) -1 36
Jordan township
316 156 Adam Reighuii 7 52
197 80 Silas “'ilcol ,7 67
398 Charles High! 10 97
627 107 Daniel Tunncr 8 78
87 Ruberl Smock 8 28‘
100 G. &M. McCormick 38 95
600 Donald McDonald 6 l 5
Karl/lam towns/op
3 NO. .Ilcru‘
1900 1080 Moms 6; Slcwurl 38 88
190] 816 do do 39 34
1943 507 I? do do ‘ 18 130
1093 200 do du / 21 (so
1093 79 ‘22 Charles “’llth 290
10233 88 do ‘do 3 23‘
3463 .
3.415% 6.381117 u.. do
1095 7 W
James Burns
Lawrence [OWNS/lip.
Nu. Arr”.
I 907 5 7
Martin Nichols
413 John Heed
lOU Robert Unggs
1956 65 Rnbrrls &2 Fux
Morris {owns/zip
.Ilcrcs. 12.9.
430 44 chhmd R. Sluilh 3 96
327 PhilipNVngcr 10 28
310 Bernard Grail 11 10
332 148 Reuben llalneo,jr. ll 95‘
382 12 Joseph Simona IS 75
438 40 \Vllllum Stewart 15 70'
447 Ill.’ Josrph “only 16 09
445 H 2 Uuspcr Shufl'ncr 16 06
442 16 H illmln Moms 16 ()0
428 91 W ullcr Slcwnrt 15 40
436 114 Robert Show 15 69
93 47 Andrew Douglass 3 S 4
466 87 Reubon Major), .16 77
417 15] Jacob Krug 15 01
261 80 John Moon: 939
33] 27 Robert Morris 10 62
433 153 James Wilson J 15 62
323 91 John Morgan 11 80
193 47 Jacob Morgan 6 93
43! 114 Hyman Grnlz 12 97
466 as Jacob \Velzel 13 14
41! 44 Charles Hall 14 79
420 68 George Moore 15 I 2
225 86 Hilary Baker 8 10
201 135 Christopher Baker 11 70
444 45 Poul Wclzel ' 15 98‘
474 105 David Hull 16 92;
443 67 Simon Gralz 15 98‘
451 120 Blair McLanahan' 16 23
200 150 John Nicholson (west &) 7 20
446 24 George WeilZel 16 00
238 110 Wmv. I). Kerwin 856
4:33 153 Casper “H. 089 15 62
385 2B Chliolophei‘ Baker 1386
388 115 John Barron 13 90
239 Somuel Mules,jr. 8 64
1881 . _Sqqyuol Mules , 676
16,1' 80 CharleaSmigh’ 5 79
218 John‘Price‘ . 3'91
;421 , JesselYarnell ' 15 12‘‘
150 Cluigtmn’ Musscr 5 40;
.300'. . ‘ Pelgr Yornell ' . l .1635‘
283 44 Wm. Drink'é‘r' ‘ I'o 34
402 92 11. S,'Drlnk§r ' . 1447
130 ‘63 'R. Thomas ‘ . '4 98
360 50 John Read a 12 96
360 - MiohaelSfinfler ' 12 96
313 ‘ Patrick na‘ya ‘ 11 44
x; ‘H i , ..
‘272 16 Robert Glenn
125‘ WiilLXEvunn '
_ lf‘oodzdard lawns/iiy.‘
436 145’ John McCuhen
196 ' Umiolv 'Oflhy
119 44 John L'mipblnck
231 65' Plggol Showl V
223 61 Thomas Edmunson
385 108 Benjamin NVllsou
336 96 George‘Baker
413 143 Benjamin Wilson
216 137 George Baker, jr.
193 122 Matthias Young
436 145 Piggol Show
436 145 John Mchhcn
431 147 Thomas Edmunson
221 86 Benjamin W'ilaon _
215 Thomas Neal,
131 Mary Conelly
339 70 Mary Neal
333 153 Thomas Yedlnr
216 John Musser,jr.
216 Sebnsliun Grafl
438 73 l‘homaa Edmunson
433 153 Thomas Groves
297 Philip Defledaflcr
119 26 Christian Sluke
433 153 Christian Hague
436 145 Joseph Ashbrldgc
433 153 John Burg .
436 145 Timothy Puxlon
3% John Drinker
408 107 Jacob Downing
387 30 Hemy Drinker
101 30 W. Montgnmcty
57 10 David Zeigler
191 59 John Cannon
236 28 Jacob Downing
2’ll 106 George (3th .
100 Richard America
130 Maria Alberli
427 30 Mary Sundnich
431 85 Joseph Clarke
160 Wm. Wislar
100 Lisle McCully
300 John Morgan
327 30 John Cannon
00 I'l. Hegnuy
Penn township.
1,8 47
13 32
10 92
16 64
15 18
15 n
1 29
9 72
a 15
8 60
4 23
6 06
6 47
6 47
6 48
6 47
24 79
2] 02
18 98
20 54
13 35
4 68
8 25
7 05
2 38
3 56
4 82
No. Acrm.
583 400 Andrew Kees
582 200 do —do
1615 Greenwod Bell
)959 430 John P. Hoyt
5951 10 Nickvlin&ériflilh
P’lre (owns/up.
5778 1020 John Nicholson 888
4250 600 James Wilson 397
4250 323 109 do do 300
4251 850 do do 739
4252 957 85 dn (10 524
4258 583 15 do do 774
100 100 Robl‘r‘ _.Taylor 309
5777 1020 24 Juli” Nicholson 888
18 John P- Hoyt 73
13 do do 58
60 do ‘do 203
100 Wm. Hartshorn 3 55-
268 47 Juhh McFerrun 340
487 Abm. Harlsock 422
ISAAC BLOOM, jr.. Trs’r.
Treasurer’s Office. Clear
'fi'eld, March 10. 1848. g
VHE demand lor the above medicine
1 in the last 2or 8 years, is deemed
in sufficient apology for placing it now ful
ly before the people; and the diseases lor
which it is applicable have become so pre
vulent in this country that a remedy enti
tled to confidence. is a great desideratum.
The diseases I allude to Ire Hepatitis,
(Liver allection,) Dyspepsia, and female
complaints in general.
firj’The above pills will be kept con
stantly ior sale by
t Ric/tart! S/iaw, Clearlield.
Bigler «5‘ Co.. Bell township.
Graham 6' W'rig/il, Bradlord
James Achirk. I’hilip~burg.
J. [7. [Mil/er. Clenrfield B'dge
Oct. 20. 1846.
20 81
3 60
U 24
15 0|
I Gold & Silver Plating.
) R. WELSH embraces the pres
-1‘- en! occasion to inform his cuslu
mers and friends. that he has a new mode
0! Plating Gold and Silver fire. which
he will warm"! to be superior to any oth
er mode ever Used—nu kind 0! acids hav
ing the least effect upon it. His prices
are reasonable.
Curwensville, March 24. ’4B.
ESPECTFULLY informs the cili-
R zens at Clealfield county that he Is
loculed in Curwensville, where he will
carry on the business of - 2* '
CLOCK 6- W'flTCH making and repair
‘ mg.
EzVGRflVING. .‘ ‘
TUNING o! avofiqus musical instru
ments. such as " V
Also. repairing of MflTHEIUflTICflL
, AND SILVER W’flRE, &c. ‘
Wiley“! also teach and givelleasona
'on the Accordeon. ' '
RITA” his work [hall be_ done in the
very best slyle,nnd upnnlthe lo‘waot lemma.
Cumcnsville. Jun. 25, ’4B.—-l yu- - >
' flttorm'es at. Law. ' '* "
V ‘ ILL practice in lhe several-cams
‘ ‘ :"lof Clem-flew. Blair &Elk'counj
lies; Business entrusted to when ofthe
partners. will receive the care and men
ion ofbolh. sep- 16. ’47'
l 5
l 7
10 .l
H 2