E": Irßorough'Ol'ttihtalnée.‘ ',~\ “ 11:“): [tullow‘tttgVttxrt‘littah'gc' ’tu‘lnti’n'g td Hie; [flap Walks \vns'pa‘s’t'fil~ at a meeting 6f lttle; hurgess unglfl‘u'n’nl Cduncil.‘ liehlxin ‘lbéfiwning u! (M fl‘Blh 'itxst : ,A 1‘ ”LEE 1'! ordained.(trudge-metal. by the » :‘f ‘ liurgcss mul'Tm‘m Cminc‘ilo/l'l/m ,WOTOHg/t 0f (I’lcarfitld. and}! is hereby I‘Cm'l’cled and o'rduin'éd 71y t‘h'e' mu/mri/yfol' Ute'S(lllic—-'l'hul"|n Mitil'h‘l'ull I 0 tlu- l't‘uztltk' I‘Wnlk‘s alrmuly nuldin’ud tu'he u‘tadv. “39 :99")? “5"” he thwulo-d ill “"1", “f L‘hs N 011!) 81 47 un'S‘t-cuml Atrwl to" the cur tter ul Seenml und'lawn-"#11121" ”‘0 cor uéetuf Set-nml nml LQCU-t '" “W WW" 0f anfiwt and Third. on tho nm'tlt {Me—- tron} the comer n! 'l‘hird nml Lucust to the‘curncr uf Third and Cherry on the tugging-[mm lhe cururr 0‘ Thin] um] Cherry to Second, an the nurlh side— frm‘n the curner 0! ant and Cherry to Walnut. on the east uidc—lrnm the cur. her at ant and Wahx‘ut tn A. It. Rea-(P9, Im the vast side—(rum the tumor 0! Front and Market to the (tuner at anl and Lawn. «m the cunt side. All the abm'e walks to he at least 3 feet aide. am! to be t‘anelPd m or bctme thu first day «I May urxt. ' , \Y 31.-C. \‘\ ELC 11. Burgess. ATTESTED. ‘ 1).; W. Momma. Cl‘k flour! E’rol‘lalmuiun. ‘ WHEREAS llm lluu. Geo. W. Wmulwnnl. l'res ‘ , \lchudgouf Ihc (‘nur' 0] Common Plan: 0| the 4thjullir‘inl Almlrlcl. annum.-sod nl lhe counlicx ol C~|lnllon. Mllllln, Comm mu] Clunrlicld. and the Hun James T. Leonard nml Abmhum K Wright. Esq'rs.Asswcmle Judgva in Clx-urficld cuumy. hnvo dnundlhpn' precopl. bearing date the 3d duv‘d-Fcb‘y ;1848.‘ to me dii‘vmédJm lnmhng n' ' .Caurl or Common Pleas, Orphan; (burl, Court ' n! Quarler Mariana, and Cour! of ()ycr .y ’l'cr ' miner and General Jail Delivcry, m Cluurflold 'l‘uwnJhrlho County 01 ('lcnrfiuulwn .lho lat Monday ul May next, (110 mg the 15! day of the inomh.) . Nance iadhercfore, fisrcby' given. luthoL‘oronvrsJusticea ohho Pence, (c Gunsmhlos In and for the (qumy qulenrfield. to appear in lhcit own proper panama, with RUHH, RecordsJuquisilmns Examinations and otherl!¢lnenxbmncca,m do lhuse things Much their ufliccv & 11l their helm“ uppoumn to be done; and u“ \vnncuscsnml olhorpcrsnna pro uqcutng In bclmll 0| lhaCommnnwonlth ngumut nny prisoners urerequired lo lye than and Ihcrcnucnding “,_nn‘J noldepnrt without lenvc. ntlhcn pom. Jurors ulfofeuuesled to be punctual in then ulu-uduucc ul 'lhe appoinledlime agreeable lunulicc. V amen under my hand-m lhcumnot Cluurfieldnhia ~-2.'7(h day 01 Mnrch,ln the ycdr of uur Lard one V thousand eight hundred nndJurly ci vhl, and lhe wevenlywemnd year of American lnjepcndonco 1 JOHN‘ STITES. Sh'fl‘ Sheriff’s Sales. 3“ .Y virtue of a writ of Vemlinoni Ex- B ponns, issued out at the court of Com ,lnonj’letis oi Clenrfield county. and tome \tfll’fiCfl‘d. will be exported to pubiic sale at the court house in the borough 0! Clear ,fteltl, on Monday the lhtdu) of May next, _n_ceqtain tract 0!, land situate in Clear ,figld county. beginning at a post on the .ggstcrnmost line of warrant No. 3466, :whiph post iu the south 8: east corner of u )9! intended to be conveyed by 1.5- Keat- Ving, to John Ruhn. and is 1'76 perches _gouth ol the wothern line 0! No. 3467, thence wast 160‘ perches to a red oak. Ihcnge south 110 perqhea to a red oak cor ;nfr,~.:thence cost 160 perches to u post 5.9"!" on the eastern 11inch! worront'No. 3466, thence north Ht) pt‘rcht‘s along said Jim; to the beginning. containing 108 acres and _l3l perches, wnht home and barn thereon.’ Seized, takenin execution and to he sold as the property of Jeremiah 9Gains. L'.‘ 1 ; ALSO BY virtue ofa aimiiar writ. to me rli ‘ reeled, will be exposed to public We at the same lime and place, a certain tract 0! land. situate in Ferguson town §hip, Clezirfield county. containing 110 Itireé. being part at tract Warranlml In the Mme oi 'I humus Grafl, known HS theJett kins tract. hounded by [and of Edward Vyilliams. Joseph Straw. George Scott, John ‘Gteen and Jacob Kuozer. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property at John Tour. by 1 - » t - . JOHN S'l'l'l'ES. Sh’ti. _ _Sherifl's office. Clenr- - ' 'field,‘ M arch, 8} 1848.- 'Regz'sler’s Notice NOTICE is heiéby given to all per sons interested. that the lollowine u_cchunta have been filed in the Register’a ofiice. in Clenrfield, and will be presented [(3th next 'o:phnn’s Cuurt. to be held at C‘lén'rfieltl on the first Momlny,’ the 191 db] qf May next, for confirmation and ul lbttqa’nce, viz: :"l‘he account _nf James Ferguson and William Dunlap, executnrg o! the Inn! \fill rind testament 0| DnviJ‘Leggm, late of‘Pilte township, Clemfield county. dc c‘fia‘aet}. ‘ ’ '_‘The administration account of Alexan dgin, Reed, administrator of the estate og‘the' Rev' Frederick .‘G. Belly law of lhéborough uf Cleurfield, Clemficld Co.. deceased. . , - 7" ' ‘ The account of Ferdinand P. Hurx lhll. adminislvalnr of thé eptale 0! Lewis WrSmith. Egiqq , [Me 0! thé' Borbugh of Clealfield,. 'déceased. " ‘ > " - jihv‘WMHC. .WELCH. Rogister.’ Result": omm". Clenr- ' ‘ -. field. March, a, 1848. 2 ' "HW‘ WANTED. ' ' s’GEN'I'S Io canvusu (or some Nzw Amhd‘ Pentium Wouxs, in evgry County ‘ throughout «he A wuziued' States.— To~Ag¢rita.- the‘ mom liberal 'encuufrugo meflt‘iloflerel'-Wilh fa small mriml ul‘ from,s2s to $lOO. ‘* ’A: Chance-3M ufl'eréd, whfareby an Agent Vcnn‘ make lrum'SlO lofls2s.pe‘r wh’ek. " "" ‘ ” "‘ ‘ ‘mFor’ mullet; pprticnlnis; ‘mm'regé _(pouzpuiuuw'wéx «WasamLEARYr ' “ .rthzdfi‘B Nari/o'"Se‘Ll‘oiidflreel, ‘ ” ~' ;I V’ ('3: ‘3 PHILADELPHIA. I. Match, 8, 1848.-s3m ' ==== * [mum VQBAGAZINE. ~;. ~ ‘ I l 7 Lilnrldi‘é’fihd‘Arlv—mlllgnl 'hy Mm'C. M.‘ 05' KIRKLAND. uuih’ur of Now’ Ham’s.-"Furoall-Ll‘lo. &c.—[mil filled “uh mmlrjhulions ftbm Ihu mum cmim‘nl \\ rilars uf ilmtounlry,‘ ‘ 'l‘lm FN'UHII vulumq «rolmuvncoa wilh llw Janu firy number. 1818. Al llu' ‘cunclusiun 0| 1110 find m.” ynnr m ilu- Unirm . Mngnzinn. Ihc publirher 'l'eclé impelled In mnko someacknuwlmlgmoul ol his ueuao of Ilm luvurnhlu recupllqn Aucmnlcd lo ii ‘hy ihn publin lls succcrs lma certainly boon un pjprmlemml, nml whilo il Inn? ho pardonnhlo In iiuuriho lhiu m part in the marina uf Iho work, ii mus! no! he lil'nll‘d llml [\uhlit: guod will and kind nous have hem abundantly dvmonniruiml. 'l‘ho plus! in all pans of lhe cuunlry has given in mice lilu‘rnlly nml hearlily in lnvor (,l Iho now nupiranl. 'l‘u llng ufler lhin. \muld he diulmnurnbio imlvml. 'l‘hn Unmn Mngnzino will he publinlivd rogillur ly on Ihcfirat 0| each munlh- Dealers in [\i‘riudicula lhwnghuui lhr Union and Canada. who “ish In become ngonls {or Illa l'niun Mugnzum. “11l please in apply In llm [Hllilla‘lmr immediately. All pnnhnnutoni nro druircll In nrl no agema for il. nnd |ho usual dlmlunl “11l he made l 0 llwm. A specimen nnmlmr “ill he wont Io any one mulling In sue H. on dpplll‘ullun \u lhe publlmhur. pusl paid. Terms 0/ the Union Illagazinc. Ono Copy nm- year (in advance) $3 00 -«()no Cupy l\\‘l| (lo :35 (lo—Two Copies one yu-nr do 85 00— ‘ Fn‘a do do $lO {lo—High! do alu Sl5 00— ~‘- Twelve do dn $2O 00. ' GREAT NATIONAL I‘ICTL'RE. We “ill gtvo tho penuu sending us the lnrgnnt club ut‘auhucnhcrs tothis mngnzmo. \‘llli tho cmh ut Ihcnhuvo rntcs «luring the limo muting the lat of Mny 1848.1h0 ongrnvmg of tho Unttml Slnlt'l Sc. mite Chamber. containing the correct portrait: (ll 97 distinguished gentlemen than in the Chamber at the time of Mr. CLAv's Furowcll Speech. The ungruvmg mouwros 32 by 401nchcs. engraved by Thomns Duney. and puhhnhed by E. Anthony. with n splendid gill frame. the engraving coating 5‘27, which ttl? will deliver free 0' {might or (‘l~ ‘ pcnso in any “my to tho pcrmn entitled to it, in any-plum: Within the United V.Slntos-—nml_it> will also commute the person sonding the money, it lilo subscriber to the Union Mngnzmc. 'l‘hu pwture ‘ and {mono run his men at any time at It) Anthony's ‘ Dngucrrwlype Establishment. 247 Broadway. New York. Address (post paid.) ,1 ISRAEL POST. HE) Nasauu Street. Nu“ York Jnnuury 9‘2. 1848. Mary Goodwnll] IN the Counul Cum by her next 1 mon Pleas ul Cleav friend ' field county. vs. ? flh‘as Sub. sur. 1);- GeoygeEfiood- | vorce. No. 16, Janua walt. J r Term. 1848. CLEJIRI'IELU 30UNTY. SS: The (.‘ommonwcallh of Pennsylvania lo George E. Goodwall. GREETING: WHEREAS. Muly‘ Goodwult, fur merly Mary Lmes, by her mm: and next lriend. Jobeph Low. .3 4!. on the 30th day 0! November Ids; p. ~.:. 1 1c ler her peflllon to our Judge: u: Hir (.‘.mrt ol Common Pleas of the mum}; m Ctraf field, at a court held at Cat-mtmtl HI and tor said county, praying, that [or the Lou:- es [herein be! lollh, ahc might Lo divurtcd from |he bonds or nmtrununy L'ntcrt‘d mm “llth you the said George E. Goudwolt : We therefore command you. as We ot-turc commanded you the said George E. (3 mt]- Walt, that. setting undo all olhcr buamt-n and excuu‘s whataoever, you be and ap pear In your proper person bcl'mvtml' Judges, at Clearficld, at our Uuult ul Common Pious. there to DC. Lulu In! \hu said county. on the lit»: Mmdn} ol May next. (1848.) to answer the pouwon, or H bel. ul the Shit] Mary“. fllhi m shttw Cuun‘, ”any you have, whv the and Mary, your wife. should not be divorced (mm the bonds of matrimony agrveobiy to the out of Ahembty in such case Home and pro vided. and hereof you are not to lull.— thncas. George W. Woodward, 1941.. President of our and Court. at Clem'iold. the 5d day of February. A. D‘ 1848. \\ M. C. WELCH. Proth’y. And in pursuance ol lhe elder o; the Court, the testimony ol witnesses mil be taken below Wm. A. \Vallacc. vxunin er, at his office on Saturday the 29 h day 0! April, 1848, at lhe borough 0! Clean field. \ JOHN S'I'I'I‘ES, Sh’fi. Sheriff's office. Clear field, Feb. 4, 1848. AFFLICTED, READ I HILADELPHIA MEDICAL HOUSE—l~lalnb~ P lxehud 15 yours ago. [3! DR, KUNKELIN' ’l‘ho o|do3l,surosl and best hun to cum all 10m: 01 secret (11380395, dxscuses ol the skin and aoluury ‘ hnhns of youth. is D“. KINKI'ILIN. N. W. mrncr o! 'l‘mnD and UNION Sm. between Spruce and Pine. one and a hulfsquurea from the Ezchngc. Philadelphia. TflKE I’flRTICULflR 1V UYICE. Youth who have injured themselves by a curtain practice indulged In—u Imhit lrequently lonrnod Irom evil comromons, or m school—tho effects oi which are night y lell; even when asleep. and destroy bolh mind and body, should a ply immodiutoiy. Wonk ness and constituuunnl 50!)”in immedlutely cured. and full Vigor restored. All toners POST PAID. YOUNG MEN ." ”you value your lilo or your health. remember. the deluy oi 11 month. nny, Mon 0 week, may prove your ruin. bom oi body and mind. Ilcncolel no false modealy deter you irom making your man known lo one who, lrom educulion and respectability. um u lone helrinnd you. Ho \\ ho plucos hnnsoli undor DR, KINKELIN’S lronlmem, mny religiously con‘ flde in his honor as n gomlomon, and in \VhOSfl bosom will be for over locked Iho socrol oi the puliem. Too many think lhey wiii hug the score! (olhoir own henna. and euro themselves; Alas! how often mine a fatal dolusmnmnd how mnnyu promising young man. who mighi have been on ornnmcm. lo sa cwty‘, hil: lnded from tho earth. ‘ 00 UN TR Y [N VALIDS, finding it inconvenient to make personal application, can,‘ by slnling their case explicitly, together wilh all [heir symptom, (per lquer. post-paid) have lorwnrdod lo 1:;T_;-~ Bellctonti: Foundry, 1' s'I‘OVES, AND OTHER CDAQQEWQQ. ‘~ ‘ “I ELCH & LEYDEN. would an . nounce In their lrivmls nml the pubhc; that they “i“,rnu'inuc the bud nm ul IRONIv'OUNDERS. n 1 lhe ohl stand. when: Hwy Intent] (0 keep ulguy; on hand :1 huge and varied uswtltfi’entyl @ASBQREJQESQ V We have lately eclectcd nml nfe no“ fining up an t’xlennive ' MACHINE SHOP, wim ”H9O Lnthea, lnr turning and filling up all kinds 0! Muchmcry. nuch up Gris! and Saw-mill Custingu.’ Machincly lm Forges. Furnaces &- Rolling Mills. mclu- Ihnl; [10! Blast Pipes lor Furnaces um! Bloomcrics ; nml will hé prepared to lur "lhh un ”19 “mum notice and in n sans lnclory manner all kinds uf Machinery.— Nuw on hand a lnrgc assurnnent of I’.’7T-, TERNS. n! (he lutvst and most improved Myles. including {he (liflctenl ki'LPB, of lhe Durkcc 3' Brice Rruch’on W'alcr l'V/Accls yijl’nHerns not (in hand. nmde 0n short nolice. STOVES. “e have now nml intend keeping al ways a aluck ol Ihc unrivalled VE'I'O and FUlll ON Hut Aii' Cooking Stoves, dif lereul sizes; ulao flir Tight. Fancy Pur lor 6' Nine Plate Wood Stovea, ol difl'cr eul 811.05 logelhcr wuh lour sizes ofa su perior Ifallpon Coal Slave. as well as Cyl cndcr nml FANCY ‘Cual Stoves. We \vill odd during the 'cbmmg season, sever al New patterns ol Cooking, Air'l‘nght, und l’allor Slaves. V P LUUGHS Afways on hand a good assortment 0 PLOUUIIS, (0 which we are adding sev ernl new pallcrns this spring. Hollow ware ol all kinds, Sleigh & Sled Soles. Wagon Boxes, Smoothing Irons, &c. 61: ;:‘]“AH Ihc nbme muclcs. and evefy [lung in our line will be uuld on the moat reammblc terms {or Cash, or Country Produce, lromnnslera' Orders. Old Metal, &c. Undws from a distance promptly nllcndtd 10. GEORGE WELC", DANIEL LEYDEN. Bellclunte. Feb. 18, 1848. Milesbwg "firehouse. 7 ‘HE SUbSCfIUBf has the new Wow 1 house 0! Judge Burnside, on the Ca uul. in Milesburg, (being [he only one In or near the town.) The Judge has finished the house in lhe beblmnnner, und -spured no pains in ren dering it convemenl lor loddmg and un luudnng Boats and Wagons. , The Bald Eagle and Spring Creek Na~ vlgation Is now complelely lepnlred. and in good nawguble order. and win be ()pt‘fl‘ cd I!) a lew days. Slric} attention‘yfll be given (”0 a|l goods entrusfl‘ed to his Euro. BENJAMIN D. HALL. Mllesburg, Feb. 22. 1848. l Latest Arrlval! :_ l » MORE NEW” GOODS 37’ THE ‘ CHEAP STOREe T HE undersigned lmsjust [CFCIVPd f and opened, at Beccaria Mills, a large stock of Dry Goods, Grocerles, . &c. &c. Which will be sold as low for CASH or acceptable COUN'IRY PROUUCE.O! LUMBER, as can be purchased in the County. {@Ludies 8; Gentlemen will do well lo come and rxumine his stock, and he duubla not they will find every thing to please. ADAM lIARSHBARGER. Beccaria Mil)“ . Jan. 7.1848. i New Fall and Winter GOODS. CRANS «S‘ BROTHER, Curwensvillc, Pennsylvania, ' AVE. and Will heep conulaully on a hand. a large assortment of Dry-Goods, Hardware, Queens ware, Groceries, Drugs and Dye- Stufl's, Tin-ware, Books «Sr-Sta tionary, Hats, Caps and Bonnets, Boots and Shoes, Tobacco and Segars, Umbrellas, Carpet and Carpet and Cotton Yarn, Con fectionaries, Paints, Oils, Teas, &c. &c., All 0! which they are prepared to sell on the most reasonable terms. A ‘ ~ CRANS 8:. Bnonmu are the Agents (or the sale of Dr. Jayneu' celebrated family medicines. " 4 , ~ , , 3360 mm exchanged for Lumber, PlO duce and Furs. for .which the highest pri ces win be given. '5" 2 - December. 2. ’47.-tf. DR. JAYNE MEDICINES KRATZER Le; BARREagT‘é} ‘ ' Clearfield, Pacfi‘zand I. L. BARRETT &‘ 00., - ' -- ; aCleazg/icld Bridge, 5 Are the regularly authorized agents for, "the saleof the above valuable medicines. and have on hand-n very large allpply— They ,ahao inlendkeeping co‘nsl’amly on and Null supply; ' Jun 010,47, ‘ vun‘omsn'r"ll4.;WELS“, ' V' P ESPEC'I‘FU'LLY 'i'uior‘m Ihd‘tiii ‘ 'zelys .ol‘Clc‘mfiL-ld 'cdunw' um h}; I: 'luculcd' in CurW'ensvi‘llé, wh'crc Incl will; (-nrryim'l the busincys nl w - , CLOCK I 2 ' ' . 5 IflTQ‘II mnging’qlml rb'pair. ENPRJ) VIM}. . TUNING u‘l vm'inuy‘gnusi'cm infirm}; n'wnla, web as I ‘ V-T' 11/10 PIPES, flCCQRIHZ'ONS. MIL-E 510/) I. CLOCKS;- (ma/INS .4 1m E I) ULCIMERS. ' " Alan. n-pnlnn'g M 151.477119'1”i 10.01,; INS'I'RU/UEN'IS. “"1“”: GOLD ’1 JIND SILVER ”7.771313. &C- . .‘7’ gljc’llc will also leach andlgive lesson! ’. on [M Accurdeon. . V , WAN hié wurk {hall be donclln 111 i: vcrv but slylcmml upnn the lowest lt'rllla. Curwenwille. Jun. 25, ’48.—1 yr A P AGENTS . WANTED.—-—'l‘hc M subsctibcr wishes to engage In (hi; ante of his Maps :1 number 0! young and middle ugcd nit-n of mural and business habits. as travelling agents. Having cum pletod new and'grcatty improved editions ol’his Universal Atlas, 73 Maps; huge Map oi the “’orld. Reference and dis.. tnnce Map of the United States. National Map ot the United States-4150, in variety 0! "ther Maps. Including seicral Mapé of Mcxicn. the subscriber is prepared to (ur nihll nggnts, tor cash. at the lowest. possi ble prices. Addtess. S.‘ AUGUSTUS MITCHELL. Northeast Corner of Murkclnnd Seventh Streets. Philadelphia. Dec. 23. '47.—pd. MARBLE WORKS Jll. 111/LESBURG, Centre coumy. Pu ARON PARTERAGE—IoIc o! Pm. A ladclphia—begs to inform the cili zens ol Cleatfieldl county [but he intends hereoller to visu the borough ol Cleaxfield regularly lwnce a year. (or the purpose 0!" receiving oeders lor M/IRBLE .MflN TLE PIECES, M 0 N UMENTS, TOM/38 and TOMB STONES. Ev cry description of CUT-STONE. {or DUlllllngh. &c., will belfornished in the first style 0! workmanship, and on the most reasonable terms. Trade, if aultable, will be taken in pan pay. wile may be found at the Mansion House on court weeks. jan2o—lf THAT BIG 001.1) E MORTER, STICKS out lo let you know that there is a parcel of FRESH DRUGS Al the old sloro bctwccn llcmphill's and'Hurfi, llnul's.just arrived from the city, FRESH, NE" AND GOOD. A first rate assortment of Drugs, Medieqncs. Oils, Pointy, Varnish, 'lurpmh’nr, Dry H’lu'lc Lead, Dye Slujfs, Confectionery. Fruilt, Perfumery, I'alcnl Medtcinea, and Palm! artirlu of a very great variety, among which islhe much celebrated v 433.31% @9 23®A¥1§a A ncvcr failing article for removing gycnsc, (Uh punlinc or paint spots fijom cloths, silk, &c.. without injuring the cloth or varying the color. A LSO—One of the belt»! nrticlcs of ‘ VLRMHQWBE Ever ofl'cred to the public. it is the regular built wurmjcrkcr, which never fails to relieve the little sufl‘crcr when properly administered.— Thcre is on hand a variety of other articles decic dcdly too numerous to mention, therefore we would invite all who wish to procure any of the above articles. or family medicines ofany and. every variety. (and be sure at getting :1 good ar cle’.) to call at the sign at the Big Mower, for we have them, and are determined to sell them (m lor cash, and not/ring else. N. It. All those old (roll: repaired or pulled out and new ones put in the place at them by _ A. M. n. Aug. 14. 18.17 DR. E. GREEN’ S RBI) & BROIVN PILLS. HE demand lor the above medicine T in lhe last ‘2 or 3 years. is deemed a sufficient apology [or placing it now ful ly before the people 3 land the diseases lnr which it is applicable have become so pre‘ volent in this country that a remedy emi tled to confidence. is a great desidernlum; The diseases 1 allude to are Hepatitis, (Liver amnion.) Dyspepsia, and female cumplaints in general. . . . -- trf’l‘lm above pill‘s will he kept coné stunlly for sale by ' ~"1 Richard Shaw. Clearfield. ' Bigler (Sr Co.. BelHownahip. Graham ‘9‘ Wright. Bradlord' ‘ James McGirk. Philipsburg. J. W'. Miller. Clealfield B’dge ,o_ct. 20. 1846. ‘ fr¢¢rfi¢f¢¢m¢m¢¢r¢ré¢rlri s_' G. w. iiECKEii, ' z», S'Jlttorney at Law, ‘ 'B' s CLEARFIELD. rENN'A. 8' 8 July, 20, '47. 5;. )erv-Jxarmw J‘J‘J‘J‘J‘J‘J‘J‘J.’ J‘J‘J’)’ Howfiq’s Celebrated Cement,.- , FOR. mending Glass,'ohina. and Ed!“ then I'Vare. up _ entire new arllclf: .and warranted superior to any other at?! ale oi the kind ever olten-d to lhe public-... » . For sale at the sign of the: B I G. G OLD M 0 RT A “Ni-:- ‘ , a; . 4 ‘ Feb. .10. '4B-41'1': 5000"”. Good Dried Bacon“ AIS!e Dried Apples and. Peacheohgfo'r, ale" by _ .‘JOHN P,A"l"!‘ol\l’.flz Cu rwenéville. Feb, 15, ’4B, . INN A. M. HILLS.