Pr= Hie plans. We” laid in the’iomniencement, were frustrated hen succession of unlucky accidents. Before he could venture to set his immense force in motion. according to his instructions, so as to envelope the ther tttrbed districts'un every side. it was neow esseryto. lav'.in an ntnplo‘ store of‘provis inns; With this object. an agent “"5 36M tertrntchnn. with a rriillion ul silrc‘r run . bles"(ebitttt 187900;?) to purchase the nec~ . essary supplies. 'l‘her-ommissaryantl”'9 money bo‘th disappeared. and. were never heardolafternuls. ”null" had his loss. he“). With much difficulty. made good. Mien a native prince. hitherto esteemed one ofthe most faithful adherents ol'Rns sia~DenielMthc Sultan of Eltsui, a small but important province on the south stile Quito mountains—suddenly threw all his allegiance, and joined the patty ol Shamtl. Aidivision of the army was sent to reduce ‘ the province.,_and.the general plan of ope raiions {or the year 1844 was entirely bro .. lt-e'nv 'up. A few Villages of the enemy were destroyed. and somerevolted districts were subdued; bttt no real progress was made'towards the general paetficalionyl' “the country. ' , ' Early the following year N‘etdhardt was : recalled, and Count (now Prince) Woron zofil-sent to supply his place. 'l‘hts noble tnan'is one of the few men in Ritssia whose ranltgéwealth. and abilities exact some con sideration even from the autocrat himself. The Count received his education In Eng land. where his father was for some years ”the, Russian ambassador. l’lo possesses immense- riches. and is thus enabled to maintain‘that outward state whtch is so important an elementin all Oriental gov ernments. He ruled for many years the extensive provinces oi New Russia and fissurabia. including the Crimea and evin t‘tedidmiiiistrattve talents 0! a high order. In addition to these personal qualifications. he.teeeived, as has been already stated, almost absolute powers in all that related to'the prosecution of the tier. .It is not surprising, therefore. that he should have indulged a confident expectation ofspeedi lyt putting an end to the contest. Three years. however, have since passed away. and that consummation seems as distant utever. -Woronzofl’s first undertaking was. as usual. an expedition against Shamil's ordi nary place of abode. or rather. of rendez ‘_!‘9_l!§_-.—_th.ewvillagee[.Dargo......,o.n the 12th June. 1845. the governor-amoral set out, at‘the head of a division ol 20.000 men. to Metrate into‘ the central mountains. At {very pass which he reached on his march hoilound a barricade of logs defended by a considerable force of mountaineers. But afiiisoon as an attempt was made toturn them, or the artillery was brought to bear "jinn, their defences. they immediately ro-_ treated. A detachment was lelt to guard tbepass, and the army. thus diminished, ctintthued its advan:e. Gradually. how ever. the. resistance ol’ the enemy became firmer and the barricades increased in num ber and strength. Within the last twenty miles of Dargo there were no less than eighteen; and at some of them the moon. taineers melted down sabroj in hand. upon the bayonet: of the Russians, and bloody struggled took place before the numbers & discipline of the murders finally prevailed. Al. length the lorm of lhe expedition was reach ed. ,Dargo wan found In be e hamlet of some filly henna. lilnntcdyon n lufly plalcnrr,'and surrounded by, i 'wood orgiganlic beech-Ines. Nolhing who! ever was gained to repair Iho labors and losses 01 (be incursionrexcept lhe edvanlage of being ena ble‘d'lo'jén‘d a despolch to SI. Polar-burg, annouu~ cing lhe destruction of Shamil’s famous strong hold. Bu! it won became somewlnn questionable whelher lhe governor 'would ever have on upper lunity oflransmiuing Inch on nnnouncernenl.- He now found lhe! Iho mosl difllcull par! of his enlbrprlse'vrel lo come. Shamil had relrenlod lo I neighboring height, which no rumplerely ,(‘om- Inlnded lhe plaleau of Dargo Ilmtseveral ol lhe Russians. rnonly officers, were picked ofl‘by lhe Lesghian tharpshoolern. hand Woronzufl' was com polled to remove his camp to a safer locality.— Flnding.’ a! 1119 sonic lime, lhnl his provisions were about Io fail. he despalched five battalions, under General; Von Klukcmu, Pareek. and Vicrorofli Io bring up. u lupply ol' 'ralion'e which had been lan at a depot on the way: The dolachrnenl, in retur ning-oven '55: upon wilh resisllcsl fury by lhe mountaineers: Generals Punch and Viciorufl'were killed; end almusl the whole ofthe provisions were captured. ‘ Count Woronzell’e silualion now be~ coolealrnly alarming. “would be hardly possible for an force diminished as it was.' and nearly doe» lilull‘ol provisions. lo figluli‘ls way lhrongh lhe boeliefenemics-lhal encompassed it. Fortunately lbe'govérnor succeeded. by large offers of reward, in inducing me man, rualives ofthe Caucasus, lo rrreh an attempt to elude Iho vigilance ol' the hoe 'trl'q hands. and carry , iho’ inlelligonce of his alma tion lo'ihd. ton of Carrel Aul. whore Freilagmno ol‘fbidhlnc and meal. experienced of rho subordi ughlopeerelr corpmendcd. V ' ' ‘ The _snernpr succeeded. Froirag did not loose I'lnoheat. Drawing logelher all the forces iro- Mindy. I! hand—abeul 8000 mon—he-hurriad to: I,“ relief of lhe governongenerul. éhnmil heardofhis advance. and attempted. but 100 lnle. ‘ ‘Pjnm’cfipl him. Freuag. error a bloody encoun ‘rer. in which he Inflered severely. broke through I'lh..»°PP9'inK l""‘30- Pulsed on rapidly over the mountains. and reached Woronzofl". encampment. fl’lreunited column lhen look up lheir llne in march fer'lhtlvl‘uuien llne. pureuedand harassed all lhe «mi-to lhe-edge or the forest .by (hair ”lama. CHOU“). On Ihe'dlh of .Augl‘lll. Woronzufl" wilh hii'ilifii-om and famiéhed troop-r found , refug‘e wlih‘nl’mq; w’ang pr.‘cqnpl-Aul-‘ ,l-‘rorn thence 1.0 despich‘edio Sr; Polorsburg intelligence‘ol his lalo ””90513'3‘3 rho Russian newsgapara announ cod Io ‘rho {world ”the; capture of. Bambi-"and lhe cgqplelq pvorllrrpw. of lShsmrl. ~Woronzoa; in 10. kenrof'lhe value which lhe emperor affixed :0 hi." -. I= Latest Arrival 22 lIIORE NEW GOODS Jl'l' THE CHEAP STORE. THE undersigned h'asjust revolved and opened, at Beccaria JUN/3. a large slack of Dry Goods, Groceries, &c. &c. which will be nold as low hr CASH or acceptable COUNT RY PRODUCE. 0' LUMBER. as can be purchased in [he County. ' mulludies 8: Genllémen will do «ell to come and examine his stock. and he dbubla nol Ihc-y will find every thing to please. ' ADAM HARSHBARGER. Beccaria Mills, Jan. 7. 1848. f AP AGENTS WANTED—The M subscriber wishes to engage in the sale of his Maps h number 0! young and middle aged men of moral and‘bualneu xhabitsi. as travelling agents. Having: tom plated new and greatly improved editions ofliis Universnl‘ Atlas. '73 Maps; large Mapol the World. Relerence and dis tance Map ofthe United Slates. National Map ol the United States-waist), a variety 0! other ;‘IJPS. including several Maps 0! Mexico. the .übscribur is prepared to (ur niph agents, lur cauli.'at the lowest posai ble prlces. ' Address. Doc. 23, '47,..pd New Fall and Winter GOODS. CRANS (9' BROTHER, Curwcnsvillc, Pennsylvania, ' AVE. and will keep cunslaully on H hand, a large assortment of Dry-Goods, Hardware, Queens ware, Groceries, Drugé and Dye- Stufi's, T iniware, Bookmfi- Sta tionary, Hats,~'Caps and Bonnets, Boots and Shoes, Tobacco and Segars, Umbrellas, Carpetand Carpet and Cotton Yarn, Con lectionaries, Paints," Oils, Teas, &c. &c., , ‘ ‘ All ol which they are prepared lo sell _on the "IDS! reasolluble"lerms. Cams 8:. Bno'runn arerlhe Agents lot the male of Dr. Jaynea'. ; celebrated lani'ily‘ medicines. ‘ » ‘ @Gumls exchanged for Lumber. Pro duce and Furs.‘{or which the h'ighesi pri cell will be ggven. . Meeting of County, Comm’rs. PERSONS having business lotmnahct with Iho board 0! Commissioners of (flung-field county. will take notice. that said Board-w: I be in session at their Whom: the borough ol‘Cleurfiuld, on Monday, tho 8d olApn'l, (nan) ~ ' w~ . Allcat.—H. P. THOMPSON. (Il’k. Comm’rs Office, 15th _ ~ Janudry. 1848. ' mwévwwmmwmm‘i S G. W. HECKBR, .A. ;s 5' fl! to_r n cg, at Liz-20,353 s‘ , cLEAnnELn. PzNN'Ao * ' ‘ 3‘. 'July. 20, ’47. \ ’ s ' ‘J-rJ-ImJ-rr J‘J‘J‘J‘J‘J‘J‘J‘J‘J‘ .r-IV‘J‘JL uuéceu. wnn mipcd‘fh' the rank or prince. No_| lung nflarwnrdn ncwstnrfilwd that Sham” had broken out ul‘ lho‘ unuunlnl‘nfl rn‘Vngad fhe north. é‘rn pllnim. and vnrriad hfl‘nm'cmwoy ofprov'ininnu fronmmder Iho guns of one of mmmninn for lronea. ‘ ll wnuld he unclean lo purauo Iho hinlory of lhe war Iluougli Ihc lu'u fullnwing yonrn. \vhlch ofTor liulo vnricly of even! and nothing docinivo in up snlls. It in clear Ihnl Shumil'o power becomes or cry yenr more extended and consolidnled, and Ihnl all lhe projocls of I‘ho Rumnn commanders, how- ‘ ever Well deviled nnd gnllumly prosecuted. have. failed In produce any. [immanent oflocl favorable to Iheir cnuno. 'l‘ho lnleu authentic advices from Iho sent 0! war are dn‘led lhe 22d of Oclober Inn. On lhe 26”“)! the preceding monlh Iho Russian had succeeded, after u 'sloge of noverul dnyo, in capluringn small Village. Weiln Sallo. in Sonlh l Dnghcllnn—prolmbly no: fur-{mm Slmmll'u enrlicu ‘nmnghuld. Achulko. ’l‘ho village mils! have been well lorlificd and desperately defended ; fdr it was only taken nflor wvcrul unlucces-ful annum., though aided by a Ilemendouc bombardment from 80 pound mortars. ln lhrco‘ days—from Iho ISM) lo the Ely—lho Rumnm lonl 24.10019”- nnd 480 men. killed and wounded. Tho lolal Id" of lhe enemy Is not duwn nl 3000; but an lhe German papers cauliounly remark. llns numbol mun! be taken wilh Iho ununl allowances lnr Iho Runian accounu‘ ‘ By an nniolo of Iho lrcnly ol Adrianople. Iho Sublime Puxlo mndo over lo Russia all its nghll and pnsscuions on the cons! of .Circussin—-which, in Incl, “oro confined to n {my ilolnled Imdmg fury). enlani-hod wilh Iho consent ofl'no nauvca. [l itmuinly in virtue oflhis "only Ihnl Rusnia hu si'lco advanced a claim lo Iho dominion of lhe] whole olCircnlsin and the Caucasus. Had it been ‘ _l.he sacral delign of Iho Ollomnn government In Inkovn nubllo bul aural revenge upon in triumph nnl udvcnnry for his nggreulom. and ul the sums time to prevent him lrom repealing Ihem for mm ny your: lo cume. ll could not have hil upon a more up! nml elfeclivo lmelhod. So long on tho Caucasian war shall conlinuo—und llnoro Mo nl prcuenl‘ no nigns of in; speedy lorminnlmu—Runin is not lnlmly In be an uhjecl ol nlrend to any olheg power of oillu-r Europe or Asia. ’l‘huu. n. has been before observed. lhe world own: no Ilnnll obligation: Iu Iho nhrcwd and dnunllcu Imam, and hi: wild llOl’llo of palriolic freabnolerl. S. AUGUSTUS MITCHELL. Norlhcnal Corner of Markelnnd Seven Sireeln. l’hilndolphm. December. 2, ’47.—-lf List and (I F Retailer! to! and Liquurn‘ 848. , ' MEI RETAILERS CLARE LIQUOR Brady lawns/zip; Arnnld S. 51 George 14 Barrrll Dnniol (In Munro R. \V. Bch Lyon!» Jon-pl! do Boron h 0 Wear eld. {Biglor 8: Co. g flB fir Kralzvr & Burrcus Y 9!” Irv-‘3‘" E & \V'. F. Ha > Hlfl'xlhnl F. I’L (In Lithuania: Moore . «_lu . Shaw Richard _Un Pike (owns/nip. lrvinJuhn 12 Liquor Patton Juhn ‘ l 2 Cram & Brother 13 Seligsbetgcr &- Blnom 13 Lawrence towns/up. Jnmvs Forrest l 4 Baccaria (owns/zip. Cnnper l-rnel 14 Harshbnrgcr Adam do Boggs (owns/zip. Barrel! l. L. 81 Co. 14 Karl/mus lawns/tip. Lebo Jacob G. 14 Liquor 10 50 Covinglon lowna/n’p. Lulz Levi l 4 anonle Alfnnzo du annnlc A. M. do P Ruler ' do Lmnull Francie Burnside lawns/nip. McMuuny James 14 Waller Au“. (In Brady \Vm. (In Irvin & Mcßride , l 3 ‘ Puchen John do Girard township. Puchcn John 14 Bradford township. Graham & Wright 13 Ferguson towns/tip. J. P. lloytéz W.Sul| I 4 Bell tawny/zip. gler & Cu. M Jordan lawns/u'p 14 ,nhn Chue 7 00 ‘AKE nolico that an Appeal will be fl held. allhe Comunlssioners’ oflice. ran Friday lhe Slot day of March next.‘ by the-..'Awocinle Judges, when such as find lhem-elvesagrieved by We above Ap praise-ment “I” attend if they Ihink pro per. SAMUEL JOHNSON, [Mercantile flppraiser. Februnty '26. '4B. Bellefonte Foundr STOVEb', AND OTHER (MXBQ‘HNCBQ. “fEiJCH dz LEYDEN, would on _ nouore to their lriends and the publrc, that they will continue the busi ness ol IRON FOUNDERS, at the old stand. where :they intend to keep always on hand a large and varied aslortment 01 @5189??? @139 A We have lately erected andure now fitting up an extensive ? MACHINE SHOP, with three Lathes. lor turning and fitting up all kind: at Machinery. web as Grist and Saw-mill Coatings. Machinery lor Forges. Furnace“;- RoI/r'ng Mills. inclu dim; [10! Bids! Pipes lor Ibrnaces and Bloomerics ; and will be prepared to lur ninh on the shortest notice and in a satis lactory manner all kinds of Machinery.— Now on hand a large assortment ol I’flT TEENS, ol the latest'and rnoul Improved atylefi. including tltetlillErent size». ol the Durkec 6‘ Brice Reaclion ”'atcr H'lrccls [lf/“Patterns not on hand, made on short notice. ' STOVES. “e have now‘and intend keeping ul- W8}!!! a stock 0! the omivnlled V'E'l'O and FULTON Hot Air Cooking Stoves, dif terent M 195 ; also flir Tight, Fancy Par lor (5, Nine Plalc Wood Stoves. ot differ ent was together With loo'r sizes ofa vu perinr Balloon Coal Slave. tn well as Cyl onder and FANCY Coal Stoves. \Ve ‘ will add during the coming season, never ul New patterns of. Cooking, Aif'Ttght‘, and Patlor Stoves. -. PLOUGHS. Always on hand a good assortment o PLOUGHS. to which we are adding seV oral new pallerns this wring. Hollow wara of all kinds. Sleigh & Sled Soles. Wagon Boxes. Smoothing Irons.&c. (S'CL , lr‘fAll the above articles. and eve:y lhing‘ in our lune Will be sold on the most reasunable terms for Cash, or Country Produce. lronmaslera’Ordern, Old Metal, &c. Gliders from a distance promptly attended 10. , ; ,3; " _ GEORGE WELCH. DANIEL LEYDEN. ‘Bellefome. Feb. 18, 1848. .‘ Mllesburg Warehouse. HE Spbscriber has the new Ware- T ,house olJudge Burnside. on lhe Ca nal. in Milesburg, (being the only one in ‘ or near lhe town.) . The Judge has finished the house in the butinnnnere nnd spared no pains in ren de'rin'g it convenient for loading and un loading Boats and Wagons. The Bald Eagle and Spring Creek Na wgalion is now completely repaired. and in good navigable order. and will beoopgn ed m n lew days; Strict attention will’be given lo all goods enlrualed to his care. ' BENJAMIN D. HALL. ; ' Milesburg. Fem-22, 1848. ‘ ”Wit-““0" “I NORTH AMERICAN, Furvigu chlmndizcl ["0]? TOWN flNI) COUNTRY mglmficm OWN)" Aweekly kapapnr, dcdicaled 1;) Politics. Liter , alure. Science, Commerce. Ncwi. Agriculture, and woman. “[5O Fina and quul'Arls. , $7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 O 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 O 00 0-00 875 250 000 000 7 00 700 7.00 700 700 7 00 700 7 00 JUDGE McLEflN BEflRS (lie FOL LOWIA’G TESTIMONY. Columbus August. 11. l 8”. My Dear Sin—All on any concerning the North American. In Philadelphia. meets my cordial nppm vnlnnd concurrence. I regard that paper nunmong the very nhlest and most influential advocate: ofthe Whig cause, and tho oxtenaton cl 11l circulation in nllqnarters of the Union.-would m my judgment, be among Iho mostemcianl menu- oldmeminntuig those great pnncnplca. upon which the party nftho constitution and the country stands, With every deltrc thnt it run much the fire-Bldes of the West. and aid in tpromflng general intelligence and sound pollllCul truth, lam yours, very truly. JOHN McLEAN. To —'-v - , Esq. New York. 7 00 7 00 ,7. 00 10 00 10 00 7 00 10 00 7 00 , Extract of a letter from the Hon. Jo/m J. ‘ Critlemlm; to a friend, dated Frankfort. August, 12. 1817. "I hope to hear ofevon n all“ greater increase in lhe circulnlion of the North American. 1 hu \'o been for some lime n auhncriher for. and render oflhnt pa perumd consider it one ofthe sounder! and nhlcal advocates of the Whig cause. and eminently entitled lo the support/and pnlronngo 01 lhe Whig party." 7 00 As a Literary Gazelle. the ‘ North American, ’or Town and Country,’ challenges competi tion. lts ample columns are stored with Tales, Essays, Poems, Cntz czsms, &c. &c. - from the pens oi the ablest writers. in its Commercifil and News Departments it ‘stands unrivalled: as its ample arrangements, both by the Magnetic Telegraph and Extraor dinary Expresses, combined, with Its extensive correspondence, enable it to furnish the latest and most accurate intelligence, both Foreign and Domestic. . To the Politician it supplies spirited and fear less disquisltions on all topics of public interest. To the Man of’l‘aste. a choice repository of the mast refined'nnd elegant literature—and, To the General Render an agreeable k most extensive variety of miscellaneous information ; While the Farmer, the Manufacturer, the Mechanic, and the Operative, will each find in it instruction nndnmusement. The ' Nari/i American, for town and munhy.’ is elegantly embellished with Engmvings. in tended to illustrate great National events. and striking objects in Art and Nature. Each number contains a carefully prepared Revnew o! the Philadelphia Markets; A; a sum mary ofthe Markets generally in the U. States, digested at the latestam‘bment from the Tele graphic despatcbes received by the proprietors. To make this valuable and desirable paper as nCCessible, as it must be acceptable TO ALL cLAEsxs. the Publishers offer it Upon the following most reasonable TERMS Single Copy, one year, Two Copies, -' Four Copies, “ Ten Copies. ‘- Twenty-lwo Copies, one year. Letters with poalagc pre-paid. cobtaining or ders and (he money, are to be addressed to GRAHAM & McMICHAEL. North Amelican Buildings, N. E. corner 0 4th and Chestnut streets, Philadn, feb. 11, 1848. ROBERT R. WELSH, I ) ESPECTFULLY inlurms lhe citi ll‘, zens ol Clea! field county lhil be Is ilucuted in Curwensville, where he wil carry on the business 0! CLOCK 6~ W'flTCII maklng and repair mg. ENGRflVING. / TUNING ol _ygflmis musical instru menls, such an 8.60 PIPES, flCCORDEONS. MU SIC'flL CLOCKS, ORGflNS flND DULCIMERS. Also. repairing ol MflTHEMflTICflL INSTRUMEN'IS. making GOLD JEN!) SILVER WflRE, &c. DIPHe will also teach and give lessbns on the Accordeon. ' (PAH his work fhall be done in the Very best style. and upnn Ihe lowest terms Curwenuville. Jan. 25, ’48.71 yr M MARBLE WORKS J 1! MILESBURG, Centre counlyr Pa . ARON PARTE,RAGE-lale.of Pm; A ladglphinubegs to inform lhe citi zens of Clearfield county that he intends herealter to visit the boruugh u! Clvurfield regularly twicen year. (or the purpose of receiving orders lor ‘ MflRBLE MflN TLE-PIECES’. M 0 N UME N TS. ‘ TOMBS and TOMB-STONES. .Ev er] glescription of CUT:STONE. lor' buildings, &c., will befurnished Vin lhe first style 0! wurkmnnship. and on the most reasonable terms. ‘ l . r‘ ‘ Trade. “suitable, willbe‘tp‘ken in part PU? ‘ f ' ‘ ‘lG‘Hc'may Be Wind. al' the Mansion House‘on court Weeks. , {janQO—tl ’l'his populnr periodical. though published but lor a few months, has already obtained an immense circulation in all parts of the U. States, In its politics it is broadly 62, nationally Whig, devoted to the principles of that great party, wlnch'lt maintains in all their integrity, with zeal, spirit and ability. ' As evidence of this, it may be mentioned that it has received Ihc sanction of the entire WHIG Delegation qunth branch" of Congress, who testify that “ by the force of superior tal ents. energy and enterprise, it has deservedly assumed a high position among the most en lightened and influential Journals of the coun try, and may be classed in the front rank of-the most important auxiliaries and defenders of Whig principles." _ ‘ it has also received the unqualified commen dation of Henry Clay. John J. Crittendcn. and John McLean, who severally recommend it as follow OPINION OF HENRY CLAY. I l have recoiverl and attentively pcruucd {hr mnnf' momhu Iho Norlh Amorinnn.publnshcd m Philnde - phia. with which tho Unilcd Slnlcs Gazette is now auocinlod ; and] take pleasure in bennng my llum~ ble testimony lo the cunwmmnle ability with which II In generally ednod. and ‘ to the soundness ol the rrinclplel whirh it labors tn illualrule and culnbliun. lhmk il eminently merits übllc patronage. and an Eecinlly Wlng auppnrl. lflhnl gran! muse should a triumphant. us more u: now ground for confidenl hopes. that paper must be regarded as one 01 ils mos! fearless champions and enlighlened auprortem. August.lB47. {. CLAY. l TllA'l-‘BIG-GOIJI- \rsg M 013 TE R, if} STICKS out to let you know V :L‘ that there is A parcel (v! ’ , n ‘ , ’_ z' ‘ FRESH DRUGS , ,u we old smrc m-tween Hemphill'n and‘ufia (harmjust arrived from the city. FRI-IS”, NE! AND 000]). A firs: rate. assortment of ”In: Medicine-3, oi[.-, Painlt, Vandal], 'lurpmlim, I While Lear], Dye Stufi, Confeclionary, I) ' Perfumery. Palm! Medicines, and Palm! an’ H of a very great variety, among which in; much celebrated ’ ' @323. (MT? £3©AlPa V , :, A never tailing article for removing 'grcnne, lnr pentine or paint spots from cloths, silk, 4.- wilhout injuring the cloth or varying the wig ALSO—One loc hem nrticlcs of ~ vmmmnwmmm ' Ever olTered to the public. It ‘is the regu. builtwormjcrker, which never-fails to relieve i ‘ little aufl'erer when properly administered There is on hand a variety ofcthcr articles (1... dedly too numerous to mention.‘ therefore: would invite all who wish to procure any oft above articles. or family medicines ofany , every Variety, (and be sure otgettingg good a. cle.) total! at the sign at the Big Mortar, fox-u have them, and are determined to sell them] {or cash, and nothing else. . A. M. HILLS. N. B. All those old tc'clh repaired or pullq out and new ones pu! in the place 2! liliemnby . . A . .‘. Aug- 14. 1847 REID & BROWN PILLS. HE demand lo‘r the abovqmedicide T in the‘ last’ 2 or 3 years. is deem“ a sufficient apology for placing it now fnl. ly before the people ; and the diseases lo} which it is applicable have become so prg. valent in this country that a remedy enti. tled to confidence. is a great desideratum The diseases l allude to are Hepatitit, (Liver allection,) Dyspepsia. and lemalg complaints in general. ' grjb'l‘he above pills will be kept con. stamly lor sale by ' Ric/tard‘S/law, Clem-field, Bigler &- Co.. Bell township. Graham (5- W'rig/tt, Bratllotd James Ilchirk. Philip-burg. J. Fl’. Ali/(er. Cleatfield B'tlge Oct. 20. 1846. THIRTY ROMANCESI FOR TWO DOLM 8, ~ WHICH is all that is asked. per annum. log the greatest paper in the world, which willbe ssued the first week in January, 1848.1"de he title or THE NEWS OF THE WORLD. It will contain forty columns of the most val; unblc and interesting Romance readingcvc; presented to the American public. Among its contents will be the celebrated novel of - Robert Macaire in England, - By G. W. REYNOLDS, Ihccclebntcd author of lLift: In London,’ and Ellen Munroe.‘ ... ALSO, Alexander Dumns' lnstand best pro: duction, BRAGELON NE, THE SON OFfl THUS. Translated expressly for the New: 9/" (he llbrbl. by one ofthe best lingmsts ofthe age, THOM AS [VILLIAIIIS Esq. Our space will not permit us to give any dc lailed list of the grant store of reading that its mammoth columns will contain; but every fame ilythat Wishes to have a whole library of read ing. will be sure to subscribe immediately. All subscribers who remit their 82 prior to Februa ry 131., will receive a copy or DICK‘S superb stccl engraving of S 11? W'flL TER SCOTT IN HIS $2 00 83 00 $5 00 $lO 00 $2O 00 LIBRflR‘Y. _ the selling price 0! which is $2- TERMSnfiR‘Z per annum. invanallly in ad vance. Spe‘cimen copies will be sent to any post paid order. SIX COPIES. 10 DOLLA RS. Each subscriber will be entitled to a copy DI dera sho’uhl be addressed to WILLIAMS BROTHERS, I’ubhshers,2-l Ann strcgl, New York. jail. 7. 1848. Gl-m R. JAYNE MEDICINE. KRATZER & BARRETLI‘Sy. Cleaqfield, Pa.--aml I. L. BARRETT& Cox, Clearjield Bridge,» Are lhe ~regularly uuihurized agents!” the sale 0'? the above valuable medacinu’, and have on hand a very la‘i'ge supply- They aim intend keeping constantly on and a‘ full supply. June 10, 47. ‘ Fashionable Tailoring. NI. A. FRANK ‘ ESPECTFULLY informd the cili~ ' zensof Clearfield and vicinitylthll , he 8 no‘w plepared to execute all oldfl" ‘_in the above business wilh neutneis, and despntch, and in the mast substantial alld vlnshionable manner. Hm shop is slum: on 2d street. adjoining Geo. D. Lanichl Hotel. where he will be happy to attend to all who,, may lavur him with a cullr‘? The New Yomk and. Philadelphia fashion! will be received regularly. ,' *' _.3 All kinds of counttylpqoduca taken” exehnnge lnr work. at the highest mull." prices.. ‘, t 'Auguat/ghe, 1847. ‘ ' ~ lEF‘Perry Davis’ Vegetable Pain-W!" ‘ can be had Irom lhesubscriber at thew"?! “and. M. AnF-M 5000Ib8. Gbod Dried Bacon. AIQO Dried Apples and" Peaches. ' lnr Mlle by ' ‘ '. ~. f JOHN ’PA‘TFH’NVQ Curwcnavilie, Feb! 1.1448. " R. 1;. GREENS U