Democratic banner. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1837-1849, March 04, 1848, Image 4

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if '.: v‘ f - .
I a! M, r. Tux-um
.i‘ Era flu maffiwficaa "Mr" gin up "
-- NWT-9" lb! 5631: he laugulne and t-henrflll;
.4"; 913 a- nn’i!_n_‘7tm\\' an.- Mendu m .limuiw;
'(u'Nofhxm‘bm t‘glly guninuhlru and Maria! :
‘. 2‘ equtgpe foyg‘vgpin happy npd win; ‘
_ Allflcfi‘ndhebME-ira mnn would bul know n;
V vaidqnm‘vinhn us a" to by: ble-t;
This In hoflrenm‘ol ma pundn or M; '
{Saigon i-gmeiuus. nnd—-All'n I; tho but!
MI'I for the bill! eel lhig on “Ln" standards
86mm 0! Inddass, or pilgrim of love.
"he In tho shards ofDelpair niny hnvn wunderrdi
A way-waded mallow. or heart-stricken duvo .-
Ml’yJor Iho ban s—!» a man but confiding.
l’nvldonco lendi‘tlv governs lho‘rosl.
A dxhb. fmill b‘ltquo o! "In crauluro 1m guiding.
“Moély and wurilymfllm the bust.
A! ‘n fouho pm! than flung away xenon.
"_xgll your (can and yourlon m the van.
Al 'in the mldst oiyour danger: or anon. '
/ Twat Me 11 child. while you atrivo like a man;
All”. (or the best. ! -unblnm-d. unbounded.
Provideucg reigns from lhe Emit to tho Welt.-
And by bolh madam and mnrcy nut-rounded. ‘
übpo‘nnd be puppy Iho: All'n tor the best. 1
Defending; the Mulltematicinn.
'l‘he-t‘olloetng letter from this famous
"eypherer" ha: been tent to the papers:
Phrheps you have noticed in some of
motley» York pepen. a atatement concer
ning'“the remarkable powers ofa mathe
tuatieian" in that city. who nddn.’ subtracts.
tnttl'tlpli‘tle. anddivitlcs. and performs all
all)“ mathematical operations with a re
pidity that seems almost mtraculnut. Ae
l ltttttbat peteon. l will endeavor to atte
you a correct statement or the facts:
Brit; let a column of figures. 5000 to
length. and? 10 or 90 in b'readth. be not
being menand in lean than five seconds 0!
Jill.“ mill~gtve theeum total, ulwuya oom
meDcingnnthp- lelt hand side to place the
atti'e‘r'e down. It matters not what length
th'GQlUmn il. 0! what breadth. I “i“ give
the auto tatal as fast as the ligurea can be
writtenidewn. '
Second. let a sum be written in multi
‘ plimion. with 1000 figure! in the multi
plim‘ndu many in the multiplicnntl. J;
I trill commence on the left hand. a; write
the'aroduct underneath. rind in one line. as
tall as the figuree can be wrttten dotttt. .
Third. let worn be written in division.
“with any large amount for a divisor. and l
cit-uterine writing down the remainder
firat, then the quotient. Interest. at any
per not. can alw'be'petl'ormed in the same
manner. without any extra figures. Frat:
none of every-denomination. _can be cum
and up instantly. yithout reducing them
to a cont-on denominator.
The roles can the learned In one half
hour. by anyone having the prtnted tn
atrttetiotte. Any: person wiehing these
mice. trill enclose ten dollare through the
New York poet-‘oflice. Please forward
fle'one paper which :ontaine this. and on
the ncetpt ' thereof. 1 will forward you a
fallen ot theae"rttlea gratta‘, by which yon
can become an expert in figurea as I am.
‘ Your obedient servant.
. 'PE’I‘ER M. DESHONG. , ‘3
. ..,. .. , . Mathemah'ctmt
[:81 ~ Stilton copying the above. and forward.
i It urgbe'ahong the paper which cont'nina it.
«:3th fiirtttihed with a full let u! rttlea.
‘fliétt‘hw 0F NEWSPAPERS
1. Subscribe" who do norgive expms
halite 19 lhe contrary. are cqn'sidered wish
ing-@wminuo their lubscripliona.
fit Ihnbncrihou order the discontinu‘
am of their prpm. {he pnblinher any
«mine to lend them unlil all artoérageo
unpaid. '
3:. lf'lubscribere neglect or refuse lo take
Ihcit paper: {tom the offices where they
1” flircgled. they no held responsible lill
fill] hnvoeeuledtbe bill and order their
Mr dinominued. ' '
3.')?" subscriaen remove lo olher places
tubal.“ infoxming the publishers. and (he
piperiie um 19 the fo‘rmer direction, they
3:" bald tenponuble. '
“’5. The Comm have decided ma: refu
-70191.10 take a paper from Iho‘oflice, or re
fipfingand leaving it unealled for. i- pli
glficie evidence of intentional fraud. l
-' ‘lnmmma MEDICAL "oust--9...»
gulliht’dl52OB5ll5O.?{DRKINKELIN' The
,quAI and but Inn to cure nll {b.lll- ol were!
;. ' ‘ . Iguana of lhe skin and solitary habit: of
w_ R. KINKELIN. N. W. corner of 11mm
$331.10}! 518.. helm/ecu Spruce and 'Pinoflona and a
{affirm W'Ezflmge, Philadelphia.
fig mgr/cum)? NOYICE- 1
?hth Who h'nvdin'u'red lheme'vu by a certain
" ' ' i'ndnlxédlnL-é’hnbllfieqmntléloamrd from \
fin Mriujmlpr at school-4M 9 em 0! whxch ‘
gunfight y lell: gun whenulcop; and dwmlvbo‘h
mind-ad bodynhould 93m? immedinlely. cak
‘ and- commuuunnl ob lhylmmedmely cured.
Manage: refluxed. All letters ron mo,
(g; .:I YOUNG MEN!
~.llgnu value your lila or yqur henilh. romombor.
lip, elayoi a month. nay. even :1 week,mny prove
v Mr min; homo! body and mind. Hencolat no false
._ modesty deter you Irom making you! can known to
"" ..lyho. {min .educalinn and respectability. can a.
1 ‘;Mfiionti‘¥ou. Ha “ha places .hmuelf under
‘ _KINKE N'S’uennnenß, mny' religious! con~
' In hi _h‘pnoras a genllomu. and in. when {mom
‘. _ "1h finnér locked the were; 91 lhe patiem.
"~. flay-flunk Ihry will hug the new! lolhcir
bFDMRIqumm lhennelvel. Aim! how out-n ‘
Mail; 1?: must?“ .:aw many a promising
, , .i . In lwe eon «mum em loan.
:31. Mod 1:03:59 .mb. ‘"n -.
é COUNmmmmLms,
' it incomanlem “'l' make puma! apphmlioa.
fl; mating ""i' can "Plicilly. tozmwr wuh all
'1 7 plans. (9” 19“” I'M-Pm.) have’torwnrdad
_ lhplhappcn oonmnmgpg, x 4. medium-appro.
M’lcconllgig." , . , ‘
- "2’ 2mm forwarded tom, part omm
”gal Junta moment's mace; .‘ : , _ .
‘33 imu’n-wmddmd to D 3. Emu-um.
.W-Mllzbupmfipgg 1“???" lg. {A '.
"glincmo'm'nn.l,o_ A".°? "I 'rnpnho
.‘ « :1 ~ : Jamaalgs, 'yy
Ma’s-.2Wmanm; 100
5“ lam-«w ' Pélch’el. («EA-ale
by .. ..: FJOHNVPAT‘IION. ,
Commune;Feu-‘lsy‘u‘r. ’* '1 '
9 s
. , QI,
i 3:
' , fir," 51’: ._
u'W -
.urgmn"! T
2*"? ;D {
frufr ;:‘: ‘.
“if“? } U ‘I,
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‘_ ‘ cm
Insensible _Berspifqtionl
to discharge their putnd matters and then heals them.
I! la rightly termed All-healing, for there is
namely a‘ tseuso. external or internal, that it will
not benefit. I have used It tor tho lnnt fourteen years
for all diseases at the chest.conrumption. lrver. Invol
vmg the utmost danger and muponsibilily. and I do.
clnre before heaven and man, that not in one tingle‘
cusehnn it failed to benefit. when the patient well
within the rent-h ol mortal mounl ‘
l have lmd phyniciuns. learned in the protesnionJ
‘ have had Ministers ol theGoapelJuu‘gc-s of the Bench
Aldermen. and Lawyers, gentlemen of the highe-t
erudman. and ntuurt'wnm ofthe roon use nin eve
ry variety of way. and there has been but one voice.
one unltedmnivernal votce.naying, "Mcr'tlinter.your
thment 18 noon." ' ‘
CONSUMPTION. It can barely be credited that
a naive can have any eflect upon the lungs. rented as
they are withln the system. But if placed upon the
chest. It penetrates directly tutlte lungs separates the
pomunnm partieles that are cunmtmtng them and ex
pel-them tmm the system. It rs curing person: of
connumptlon continually.
HEADACHE. Tho Salve halcured penom al the
Hoadacheof l2'yeur‘s trending. and who had It regu
lnrly e‘verv wee r. so that vomiting olten took place.
Deafness and Ear-Ache are helpout with lrke auc‘
RHEUMATISM. ll remaveu nlmml immediately
Iho Inflammation and swelling when the pain of
mune reuneu. -
COLD FEET. Consumption, Liver Cnnplnim,
pains in the chest or sldo. lollmg olTol the hour. one
or the other. 'ulwoys uccomponiel cold feet. It ila
mm sign ol'disenso in the opium to have cold feet.
This Ointment is the true remedy for acnoruu
“momma. son: Tnson. noncums. BROKEN on.
sou: miner, mum, nll cum'r msmum. such on ASTH
uA. orramlos. PAINH. also. no“: LIPB, CIIAPPED
nuns. unions. CUTANEOUI znvrrlom. mun-ova
Dunstan. and 01 lhe srmr. There Is no medicine
now known so good.
SCALD HEAD. We have cured case- thnt actu
ally defied every thing known. as well on the ability
‘ ol filteen orttventy doctors. One man told no he had
spentBsoo on his children without any benefit. when
a few boxes ofthe ointment cured them
BALDNESS. It will restore the hair quicker than
nag other thing.
URNS. 11. ll the besi thing in the “arid tor
Burnt. (Rood the directions around the box.)
WORMS. It Will drive every value 0! them a
“66 (Read the directions around iho box.)
RNS. Occasional use 0! the ointment willol
ways keep corn: ltom rowing. People need not be
troub'od with lhem iffiioy will one it. '
PlLl-IS. Tliouumdn are yearly cured by this oint~
TEETH-IR. There innotbing belle: {or the euro 0
Teller. '
Sole proprietor ol the above medicine.
CAUTION. “No Ointment WIII be genuine un~
ten the name: ot Jame: McAUt'eter or Jam" Ms.
Alliuer 4 Co. are \VIITTIN with a nu upon zvnr
Read the Following Communication.
Received from an old. respected. and well known
citizen at Philadelphia. and then judge tor younelt'.
‘ Philadelphia. 10th mo. 18th. 18“;
‘ 'l‘o 'l‘. 3. Peterson No. 98 Cheatnut alreet: Henna
been requested to give m! opinion on‘ the menu at
McALISTEIt’S SALVE em willing to enumerate
some ofthe benefits which ! have experienced in the
meal the article.
In the upnng of 1845 I had an attack of Erytipeliu
in my face which became very painfulmnd enended
intonne of my oycl. being extended with fever. my
distress was great and! became to be l'eurtul afloa
ing my eye. _
Although not much a believer in what il termed
quack medicines. I purchased it box and made uppli~
cation to my time. To ‘my lurptiite the pain soon I
bated and in l week’s time I was entirely cured. and
[firmly believe it wan the salve under Providen’ée
thnt cured me. » --
From that time to the present I have used the urti
cle us occiilior. required. and in every care where l
have used it. l have lound it decided benefit.
Atone timoin going to bed at night, my thmtit wn
ensure thail swallowed with difficulty. but by on up
plicetinn til" the salvo l was reltlved before morning.
[have used 'it in cue- ol bume. bruises. eprnim and
flesh out: all With the happiest eflrclemnd one can 0!
puiwntng by it u-ild Vttti' in the wood- hau been dried
up and cured by it lew applications.
From my own experience I would strongly recom
mend it to tilt, m a cheap convenient medicine. It
requires no preparation other than to rub it on then!-
flicted part.
I have become _lO partial to it that I expect to keep
itcnniitantly in my tumily.
'l‘lioughnut nm itioua to nppenrin print. yet I can
not refuse to have this communication made public if
judged best to nerve the cause at humanity.
Respectlull lhtne.
WM. AEAMS. N 0.26 Old York Road.
SL? Price 26 cents per box.
E. i? W. F. Irwin. Clearfield.
‘ Maura. .flrnalde. Lttlherehurf. ,
John Pal/OILJI‘. Curwmavi'l e.
Leo: Lulz. Fruit/wills.
Clear/field. Dec. 25, ,1847.- ty.
New Fall and Winter
. .- . , GO OD S .
CurWensville, Pennsylvania,
HAVE, and will skeep ' consla'nily un'
, hand, a large assortment of
Dry-Goods, Hardware, Queens
ware, Groceries, Drugs andDyea
wStufi’s, Tin-ware, Books &, Sta~
, tionary, Hatsg'Caps and Bonnets,
; Boots and:Shoes, Tobacco and
; Segars,_Umllre,llals, Carpet and
‘ Carpet {and fCOtton Yarn‘,jC_onl
'1 lectionaries, Paints, Oils, Teas,
&c.&c., -,‘
All .0! which they are peepared to tell on 3
the most reasonable mnn. " 2,.
' {Cu/ms 81 ' Bnomxz'u are" thu‘Agenu'lof
the sale of, Dr. Jayne’s’ celebralledllagnil'y
n‘Wdicmem ! ' I -
: EPGundl exchanged for Lumbér. Pin;
“ace and Fun. for: which the highm pri
~r=.-,.~.vm he z‘mn: - .r" =., 2 ~
Décet'n'bcr. ‘2, “73-1112
293:5.” ‘
-'.=.”;‘:=:—"-r ;. ‘1
- ;:EE.
'53:, £333:
.... ;:‘:z‘hx
, 2%??ng
’3‘ “fix-1:? '
~:.;-‘-—_'-_~ ""~.=
‘ @913; ~
1 Columhun AugmlJl. 1847.
My Denr Sin—Allf'ou ny concerning the North
American. In Philada phin. moon my curdml nppro~
vnlund concurrence. lregnrd that paper nsnmong
the very nhlesl and mos! lnfluenlinl advocates ofthe
Whig cause. and the ulcmmn 0! ill circulation in
nllqunrlcn of lhe Union. would In my. judgment.
benmong Iho mmlemclenl mean: ol disseminating
Iho. prom princnpleumpon \Vhll‘h the party nflha
con/Ignulion and lhe country nandl, With every
demo that it run ranch Iho fire-Indra oflho Well.
and aid in Iprontzng general mlolllgonco and sound
polllil‘al truth. lam yours, very Imly.
Emect of a Icllerfram (he Hon. John J
Crittenden; to a frtend. dated
Frankfort. Anguet, 12.1847.
“I hope to hear nfevon n utlll greater increase in
tho circulutlon a! the North Amenunn. l have been
{or eotno time a lublcriher for. and nude: ofthnt pa
per;end cunnder it one ofthe noundeet and üblen
advocate: pl the Whig came. and eminently entitled
to the eupport. end patronage ol the Whig party."
As a Lilcnry Gazette. the ‘ Norlh Atheriénn.
for Town and Counlry,’ challenge: competi
tion. It: ample columns are stored with
.. Yales, Essays, Poems, Crili
cisms, &c. &c.
from she pem of the Iblest writers.
,lnitl Commercinlnnd News Departments it
:tnndn unrivalled; nits ample arrangements.
both by the Magnetic Telegraph and Extraor.
dinnry Expreuee, combined, with it: extensive
correspondence, enable it to furnish the latent
and most accurate intelligence, both Foreign
and Domestic.
To the Politician it supplies epiiited and fur
len dilquisltiona on all topics of public interest.
To the Mnn'uf’l'nate. a choice repository of
the man refined and elegant literature—And.
To the Genenl Reader In ngreenble & most
extensive variety 0! mucellnneoul information 3
While the Farmer, the Mnnufacturar.~-the
Mechanic, and th% Operntive, will each find in
it instruction and nmunement.
l The ‘Norlh American. [0:- town and _caunlry.’
i: elegantly embellished with Engnvings. in
tended to Illuatrate great Nalionnlevenla, and
striking ebjecte in Arum! VNalure. .
Each number contain‘s‘h carefully prepared
Revxew olthe Philadelphia Market: .- dawn»,
mary ofthe Mil-ken generally in lhe U. States.
digested at (helgteu moment "om the Tele~
graphic deepatchca received by the proprielors.
To make this valuable and desirable paper
as neoccsible. as I! must be acceptable To an:
GLASS“, like Publidlere qfl'er I'l Upon (he following
nml renewable TERMS:
' Sungle Copy, one year, 82 00
Two Copies. " 83 00
Four Copies, “ 85 00
Ten Copies. " 810 00
Twenty-two Copica, one year, 820 00
Letters with postage ptc-puid. contlining or
den and lhe money, are lo be addressed to
North. Amclicnn Buildings, N. 8. corner 0
4th and Chestnut slrcels, Phi ads,
leb. 11,1848
ESPEU'I'FULLY Inlurma lhe cilio
R Zeus nl Clenutield county that he I;
muted in Curwensville, where he will
any on lhe buuinesa ul
CLOCK & WflTCH making and repair-
Iflz. .
TUNING ol variuus musical instru
meliu. such an
Alto. repairing M MflTHEMflTICflL
flNI) SILVER WflRE. &c.
v Wiley“! also teach and give lessons
.onthe Accordeon. . , ‘
03°15" hll wark‘fhall be done in the
very but ayyle. and upon lhe lowest terms.
Curwrm‘ville. Jan. 25, ’48.--l yr '
fl! MILESBURG, Centre'coun'ty. Pa
A. lndelphia—begs‘ lo inform lhe’ ciu
zeuo ol Clemfield cuuo‘ly.lhat he intends
hereotqér“lu visit Ihc bo’rupgh o! Clentfield
tegularly (me: a year. luv the purpose of
deceiving ‘urders'lur MflRBLE MflNé
cry ‘1 denim lion of CU'I‘SSTONE. ‘lél‘
buildingg,‘ &c.! willfdg 'furnishéd‘in the
first uylevol mukmh‘nnhiphnd on the most
teuonyhbl'emilfi-r “" ” "‘v 1
'i'i-A’ll'eafifiéiflul‘exwill' be taken in am
p’y' __ ‘ -' .1 " , rt‘ .'2 1
"'I3P“: may 52' {oumfio‘ at ihg'Miv‘p‘li’udv
Huuwoncwn veg“. '. .' jn‘nfl‘étf‘fl;
Nom‘x‘r A MEIR (CAN;
A weekly wapaper. dedicated to Politics. Limi
azure, Science. Commerce. New. Agriculture, and
the Fine and UsefulArtc. ‘ ‘ ‘
'l'liis papdlnrperlodicnfi thpugh published
bul-tor a few monlhs, has already obtulncd’a‘n
immense circulation in all parts ohhe U. sum.
In ils politics it is broadly dz nallonnlly Whig,
devoted to lhe principles oi that great party,
which it maimnina in all-llielyeimegrity, with
zeal, npirit and ability. ,
“'Aa evidence of this, it may be 'mentioned
thatit has received the sanction of the'enu’re
WHIG Delegation Jbolh branchu 9f Congress.
who teaiify that “by lhe force olauperior Inl
cmn. energy and enterprise. it has delervedly
innumed a high position among the most en
lightened nnd influential Journals of lhe coun
n-y,’ and may be classed in the front rank ofthe
moat important auxiliaries and defendera, of
Whig'principlea." __
It has also received rhe unqualified, commen
dalion 0! Henry Clay. John J. Critlenden. and
John McLean, who Icvcrally recommend it as i
follow: : i
l have recoived and ntlentit'ely perured fur mnn '
month: the North Amerirnnmnhltshed m Philadel
phla. with which the United States anetle in mm
amounted ; and] take pleneure in'heunng my hum~
ble teltimonr to the ronmmmnte ability with whit-h
II II general y edited. and to the soundness ol the
rlnciplos whlt‘h it labon to illustrate and eutshlisn.
rthmk iI eminently merit-[public patronage. and or
Racially Whlg support. I that great came Ihould
ottiumphnnt. as there u! now ground for confidant
hop". that paper must be regarded as one 0! its most
fearless champtnnl and enlightenéd lupportcrn.
August, 1847. 11. CLAY.
To -- - . Esq. New York.
L « Latest; Al‘l7!Val!’!' ‘
:-;‘<"‘MORE NEW goons Mfr/‘11? ,
HE underuigned hnsjp-varemw’d'
I and opened, at Beccarc'u Mills, a
large flock of .. ‘ ‘
Dry Goods; Groceries,
V I &c. &c. I I‘ ‘
which will be mm as, low [M CASH m
arcrntabk COUN'I RY PRODUCE. or
LUMBER. as can bc p|il§|ldneu in the
Coumy. ’3 . ,
.::?”Ladin 8; Gn-nllemvn Ml! qln «(H
m came and unmim- his ullu‘k. and he
duubla n‘ot Hwy nil! find “9."? thing m
plenum > _
Brcén'tin Mills, '
Jan.-. 7.1848. g
'H‘o .
VI‘HAT highly Valuable properly anu’
uled un lhe Surquchunnn river. in
Burnside umnghip. Cleurfield cuumy, and
known on lhe estate a! Mnuhew Irvin.
deranged. Said properly run-ish; M
A Gristan'll, Saw-Mill and
‘ FflRM,
TVit/i a Store-House, Blacksmith
shop and several Tenant Houses,
Which will be rented separately or all
together, as may be deemed most-suitable.
As a'lumberiog establinhmenl. this pro
perty. in connection “ill: the Grist Mill
and Farm. possesrs advantages over any
other in the county—being éitualetl. im
niediately on the River. and in the midst
of an extensive timber region. nml in a
populouq uection ofthe county.
The above property will be rented eith
er lor one year, or a series of yearn. nml
posnension given on the firlt ol April next.
fijfi'l'erms mule known. nml any lur
ther information given.‘ inn application to
the nubicriber, at Cleaifirld. on or before
the tint day of March nexn l
Guardian 9/ the Minor Heir:
Dec. 80. 1647.
l subletiber wishelio engage In lhe
sale of his Map: a number ul young and
middle aged men of mural and business
hnbilu. as travelling agents. Having tom
pleled new and grenlly improved editions
of his Universal Atlas. 73 Maps; large
Map oi lhe World. Relerence and dis~
lance Map of lhe United States. National
Map ol lhe Uniled Slates-also, a variety
0' other Mupll. Including ne‘erll Mam 0!
Mexico. the whucriber ii prepared to lur
ni~h agenls. lvr cash. at lhe lowest porsi
ble prices. Addreu. ‘
Norlhaul Cami-r of Marina! and Sorgmh
Sim". Philndalphm.
Due. 23. '47._p.1
WHICfl is all that is naked, per annum. tor
be greatest paper in the world. which will be
asqu the first wcek in Jnnuary, 1848. under
he'title-or "
It will contain forty columns of the man vnl~
qnble and intclesling nominee reading ever
presented'to the Americm public.
Among itscontents will be the celebrated
Robert Macaire in England,
By G. W. REYNOLDS. the cclcbntcd-author
of ‘lee In London,’ and “Ellen Munroe.’
ALSO. Alexander Dumas' lnuund beul pro~
duction, 1
Translated expressly for the New: qf the World
by one ofthe nest linguuts ofthe age, THOM
Our-space will not permit'ua to give any de
tailed list of the great store of reading that its
mammolh columns will contain ; but every fam
ily that wishes l 0 have a whole library of read
ing. will be sure to subscribe immedialely. All
subscribers who remit their 85! prior to Febnm
ry hm, will receive acopy of DICK‘S superb
steel engrnwng of
the selling price of which is B‘2. ,
TERMS—B 2 per annum. invariably in ad~
Vance. Specimen copies will be sent to any
passzmid order. . '
Each subscriber will be entitled to a copy of
the magnificent Premium Engraving. All or
der: should be addressed to .
Publishers,94 Ann street. New York.
jun,r7.'lB4B. Gl-m ' ' "
Fashionable Tailoring
M. A. mum;
; ’ESPECTF‘ULLY mlormu lhe cili-
R, zen: of Clearfield and Vicinity [but
he I now prepared lu‘ execute all mdera
in lhe above business \vilh mama” and
llespalch‘, and inallle mo‘al substanlinl uml
lnshionab‘le manner. Hus ahop'ls:§ltuule
00*2d alreel. mljoimng Gep. D. lmnichs'
Hotel. where he will be. happy [0 mend
to all who my lavor him With n'cull.-
The New Yorka‘ml. Plulmlelnhia tulhlunu‘
wullbo‘teceivelllregulnrly. .\ .\ . a l
All kinds ol‘couutrywpruducu lulu-win l
exphange lur mull. a‘rlhe highest market I
priceu- ‘ , ‘ " l 5
Augufl.2B. -1847;.;.= ‘-- , ', 3
_ illiqurr‘y Dn‘ii.’ Vegetable Paiqvkillglf'
om be had-Irom the subscriber 111 we abou
mnd. j; . ’ M. AJF.
pawns m.» swim“.
» ‘,l‘.‘ w. .i
‘5 ":T AGENCK- -r.I ;:’!
, I HE‘undersiuned having iocale'lii'hm“
l ["wflverdi Mileyburg; u: lhe hemlm
Bald Eagle‘Canni Nafiguliun. intend 'cogio‘
hurting the Forwardinggund- Comniiuion,
Bunion-w, and soiicit (h afriendship'oi the.
merp. Men-hymn, aud'mheru having»
motion In (oiwuul from :he counlin‘uf;
Canine. Clemfieiil. Jeflerson.‘ and other”
pail». and the patronage ul Men-ham“: whi:
mm mm! onumge on their goods porch.”
cil in'the cities. ’ ‘ ' ,1
From unuy yénu' experience in "..;
Couuninim; nml Packet Buuineus’in (he.-
cily ol Bullimuw. Ihey hope \u be able by.
s|;ch alienliun.“|u re’mli-r Iniiniuclioh i1.,~
thou employing them. They will be pro;
wide-I wuh Mme hon-p room fut Grain and!
60min. and yaqil loom lnr aiming Plasler,
Coal. Lumber. llnn,&c. Gmm and'LumJ
1 her oil! be iorwardul In a branch of their
house in Bahimore, m to Philadelphia. $O7.
an upnienceil home Ih'ere. whicheu‘n'
market may oflcr the but inducememfl‘
having quotation: three'timeu ugck. irony
each city. , '
Auuring lhosé who favut them with”
their bunineu. that no eflotl shall be mn'.
ling to give Inliulaction. and mu they may,
deflend no quick sales, and relurmm'-'.
lands promptly made. . .
ELY BALDERS’I'ON & (0.. Agenln. _ '
Corner 0] (/1: Canal and Turnpike. Milnburg,‘
Rznmsccs.-~VALENTINE 6.: THOMAS. Gen: *
~pj°Freight null storage to be plid on.‘
delivery of Gouda. sep. 253—0"). _
\\ ,_ K‘ ,
THAT BIG (30L!) "1' 5/:
M 0 .R Tl9ll.
STICKS out to >ch you‘ know
that there in n parcel of
At the old store between Hemphill'c and Hurx
thal'sJust arrived from the city. FRESH, NEW
AND GOOD. A first rate assortment of Drug.
Medicinu. Oils, Pain”, Varnilh, hyperfine. Dry
W/u'le Lead, Dye Slufl't, Canfcclianary. Fruilc,
Pufumcry, Palem filaitcinra, and Palm! Mil-€lO
of a very great variety, among which ilthe
much celebrated ’
. @l3B. w 23©A1P6
A newer failing article for removing grease. iurL
pentinc or pninf spots from~ cloths, silk. &c.,
without injuring the cloth or varying the color.
ALSO—One ofthe best articles of
Ever offered to the public. It is the regular
built warmjerkcr. which never fails to relieve the
little sufferer when properly admnnistered,—£
There is on hand a variety of other articles deci-'
dedly too numerous to mention,‘ therefore we
would invite all who wish to procure any ofthe
above articles. orfnmily medicines ofany Ind,;
every variety, (and be sure olgettingn good ar
cle.) to call a! the iign at the Big Mortar, for we
have them, and are determined to sell them lot:
lor cash, and nothing «In. .
N. B. All those old teeth repaired or pulled
out and new one: put in the place of them by
A. M. H.
Aug. 14. 1847
' HE demand lor the Ibd've medicine
T in lhe lam 2 or 3 _n-ars, is dernml
a suflicignl ap’ulngy lnr placil'u: it now ful
ly before lhe people ; and the dilenses-fnr
which it is applicab'e lune become to pre
valent in this country that a remedy enli
lled lo confidence. is {areal desidermum.
The disenes I nHudc to are llcpatiliw.
(Liver amnion.) Dyspepsia, and lenulc
complaints in geueral.
nj°The above pill: will be kept cun
nlanlly lor snle by
Richard Shaw. Clearfielul.
' Big/er & 00.. Bell luwmhip.
Graham 45- IVrighl; Bradlonl .
James McGirk. Plnlipuburg.
Oct. 20. 1846. -
s G. W. BECKER, ‘
2 fittorney at Law, a
a OLEARFIELD. resx’A. z
8 July. 20. ‘47 S‘
, Clearfield. I’m—and ,
1.. L. BARRETT.& 00.,
Clear/kid Bridge. A:
Are the regululy anlh‘o‘riz‘od agemnfor
the sale of the above valuable medicines.
and bug on h'and a way lli’g‘e. supply—-
They alio inland hogging conutaplly on
and a [all Ksupplj.'vl» ', Junfi 19. 47. v‘
J R. &z.wl A! WALLACEI ‘
. » flttornies (It-Law; .. {
TILL practice in Ihc several coum
N g -‘ nlwearfield. Blair'&"Elk cull".
ties. Business» enlr’um-d m eithev ofthe
parlnern, will receiv'ehlhe car‘e amfa‘ltfl‘
tinn‘olb'ulh.“ ‘ ‘> .1“. 'pr, 16. ’47"
flleeliug- of County Comm’l‘s'
PERSONS having bummer. Iquuguacz' wilhT'u“
'l‘ihbllzar'd'bl Cuffimmiizné: :r- Gle‘arfibld 1:911“?!-
w n e lOIICOJ at \ ‘ar . I; eiqlqssl? 3
“fair office! In‘ Ihc bo'm‘sgh or Clbflénihd. on‘ Moné‘l)“
lhe 13ml Mag. men)“ P ;132 _ '1“ (Pk-7
's' = um- ~ .VTID‘I ”JAE.
Cumm'nOffic'fJfilh . ' .950- 3 1".4 .
“Jun'uamle .. ¥ "-‘ " .
01.93%ng a
. “I e ‘ J J . I .
Cutwinévyims; Mtg. "to, (1%,? .5 I