Democratic banner. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1837-1849, February 26, 1848, Image 3

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3' Fr'qm‘ihh Péhhlyivnfiinfi. -"-‘
» «331' ‘
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”In the 111197 n‘peééh;6l "6n." Swami»: N
EvItr‘UGLASB. ol Illlimia. he paul hit reaped"-
CSennmr Clnywn In Ihe lullowing man
-I_l 3." Our readvru will recount that Mr?
«Myron. in hus'lalo rpccch.'lm-k «i’él‘miun
‘fhtgésplay upon Iho, wotdn. " lmlemni'v ‘o’
Qfipl’nst and firflirily [or lhe Future." “H
mm o] 'someihing bum (u say. Judge
'figbucu'sanwhmo npeerh we huvv roml
figflgh profnpml 'Q'illii'af‘iih". Ihuu lak'oa ufl
.‘fm’2é'dislinguished l’eJt’wnrivn.) We think
a“! may [nifly bc,(a|lcd " turning the la
‘ "‘ c"
‘(Q’lvnuw wish In inVile the Intention nf
thiSenate~crpetinlly thruc Senators who
lhfie hitherto euppnr't‘tl the our. and now
‘nfioge'it upon the ground that the Presi
d§nt has recently alttlted pmiltnns bv gm.
fifig up a claim for indemnity—to tlie lot.-
”Angina extrarts from a document which
vet‘s sent to Gen. 'l‘nvlor. Irom the War
*‘imparttnent. on the 4th of Juno, 1846, &
ilifilttm promulgated to the Mexican pou
‘g' A Proclamation by the General com
"lflgnding the Army of the United 'States‘
infilmerica. to the people 0! Mexico:
..;“;Utcr many years of pa'ient endu
‘,._|'fijnre. the United States are at length
hieginstrained to acknowledge that a war
lfifiw exists between our government and
Egg» government of Mexico. For many
.ifiars our citizens have been subjected to
imprinted insults and injuring our veéxelr
,3: d cargoes have been seized and cunfih
fated. our merchants have been plunder.
1' ‘l. maimed. imp’risotted without cause &
.'.“uf'ithout reparation. At length your'gov
‘Efnment acknowledged the justice of our
:éfiiims. and agreed by treaty to make. sut—
’ inaction. by payment oi sevoral million
hlgdullaru; but this treaty has been viola
ted by your rulers, and ;the stipulated
'fiymenls have been withheld. Our late
gigbrt to terminate all difliculties by peace
ift‘il negotiation has been rejected by the
{dictator Pareden. & our mtnisterol' peace.
"gitom your rulers had agreed to rereive.
lb?! been relused a hearing.
~'3§§Tbis is the first statement nhich our
,G’oiemment ever made to Mexico. ol lhe
"flrposca for which lhe war—the heri
fiéde upon us—was to be“ pron-outed on
oyr part. ~
-:";"Let me read another extract from~ihc
i" e document—n is a choice mnrsel.
if 1" We come to obtain reparatinn for re
p ted wrung and injuries: we come to
, .ain _indemniryfor the past and securi
l for the future." a
fafi'l‘he identical words which have high
-1: ed lhe Senator from Delaware from
Q; proprietyy if not his duly. nml which,
Eben lound in the President’v late mes
iiige. have, converted the Senator {mm a
(vim lriend“ln=hn irrewncilable opponent
;gthe wqr. upon the grguntl that they (on.
{H‘gsh evi‘rlbnce «if a change nfpolicy on the
ffi‘artol the Executive! ll- imle'mnity. lur
.(ge past means one-hall of “Mule". and
;fifgcurity for the future the other hall. “by
iljd not the Senator then are n. clearlv as
“he now sees. thati: was the object ol Gen.
Taylor as well as the President. In Cun'l
fiber and‘ to hold the “hule cl Mexico?—
fihy did he nut then. as well as mm. de-
SMunce‘ the war as a ulupendoua rcheme
nf rapine nml rubbery? Again, eir. ii
iii” be remembered. in l have already re
if‘garkcd.‘ that the official rrpods‘. contain
f'li‘ijg the detailed hinlmy of uur conqueus
it) California. New Mexico. Cnabuila.New
;licun. 'l‘amaulipat nml Tobasco. were be
]pre us at the last session «if Cougress...
13"1- film hatl before us at the home time
lhe voluminous Correspondence belwu-n
Ihr Departmenlu of War and Navy. and
{fiur generals and commodore-o, cumi‘mn’d
:‘Ein: our armies and navieg in Mexico. and
19pm: her (035%. The Senator fn-m Nurlh
fin‘puroli'na. who fuvoréd Iho Senare with his‘
é it'Wl a few do)": ngu, quolwl largely lrnm‘
“film! correspondence. 3» published 'ln lhe
(Kiucumenls of lhe In“ Congresv, In &hnw
_l.§§hat lhe President designed from the be.
{inning to conquer and MM a large por
fiiffion ol (heterritury of Maxim. He Mi
véjifiitau'd himself llm! ”he had established
'fiifiahis position beyond all cuolrovei‘ny. b)
“'3‘ xlracts‘frum the inmuctinns of We Navy
i cparlmcnl to Commodores Conner. Slun!
%) d Stockton. and from the War Dem"!-
en! :0 Genérals Taylor and Kearney.—
ndeed. all (he argumenis upon uhich
vnators rely to prove that lhis in a war
Ego! conquest nml robbery. repugnant _lo
figure ueniurd pod legal to the permanence
23319! our _inslirurions. are founded upon in-
;:Fiunntiun commuuirnted at {he} lusl sea
;fiéionmnd which wugor ought to havelbeen,
IS familiar’ld them llu-‘n‘as nuvfi.’ Besides.
1". lhéiqcl lha! the President. ‘ut the o
lgfiéfllflliflg of; (lug last sea'swn, renéwud hil-
Eggfifac'coniuieuilyllun _ol_lhe lime million bill.
‘gfjfifi‘lm‘ihe disllnct mumnlum ‘h‘E‘ it was-in.
figlcnded an lhe firbl instplmenh. in part pay
"’j'vi'g'igfiu‘le‘ni ofvzivlhalcver' igrnlpry we. might ac
_~f§;:f§§quite‘ lr‘nm Mexjtjomby'm ll'l'illY’ '0! pence
';‘§§v;%filid limits. nflér deducting all claims for
_fggfgfiiiulemhily-wad suflicicnt notice limlllw
vffgifglcjxcculive dill. a'l Ihal' lime. contemplate
I’jiiggfp'cession =of ‘territdry' b)" Mexi‘Cn, ;lo lhe
‘_.{}§;‘é§wnluc oil lllqee Ini_llions“ul dollar! at least.
gfiijgver: mid above (be Imlrmnily lm injuries
“ 0 our ,ciliZens.“and 'llic "upenses nl- [in
,;i:s2§§3r. 'l’hus,'wilh a full knowledge’of lhe‘
.Ji'éfifigln'and higlnry‘u'f'ihe Mal—fol the or
fjifféfil‘enrul‘ odri capq’u‘ypls‘and the hue of puli
icy in rt‘lcmn'tie {o‘ ild ld’ilhér-pvmerufioh.
’ he wnr bill: nl the last sessiun were pans
flit]; making lion-"rid pr'uvifiimr in» mén aha
"Emails,- not only for holding whal'wc had
‘ unqucrcdfbuthr milkingxiéw ‘cquueaii
. u‘ lhc‘vcrl' hm! 10f Mexis'v'e' “:'l’lifi§?‘di"B
555;"; eceived lhe-cpgdinl nngl powerlul 5 ppm
K‘Eflsenators'iivlib now ‘l‘ell Zud‘lhgl‘lwepught
3;": wilhhuld all lurllier sh’ppliémj Dilemm
che President has clmngcll liinglwle poll
, ;cyfiqconire'ltedsill inlom ‘war'lof c'onque'el.
“L.“ a
f' In'ivh’o'Ausitiahtiempirb..‘nfié‘midri’am‘at
”county-eight In a anuliev ; ijnJhe kingdom
of Gr‘enl Brilain and itsfléfiehdenciumne
'0 four hundml nml 'twflnjfix; In “‘O5
United States, nhe in ma Ihousand‘niue
hundred and lorly-uewn“. ‘ ~'.,
There are 1555 papers and periodic-9'“
printed m we United Staten. andlvbm 189'
for the rent uhhe wvnrld --oniy 336 mu":
for the 930.000.000. Ihun for out-20,000.-
000 of Anglo-Salami.“
who labor wnhin doors are compelled to breathe
an impure atmosphere. whlt‘h u wholly upfilfor
the proper oxpnnllon of the lungl.‘ and. owing lo
wnnl of exorciuo. the lumen become somllpfiled.
Iho pnrea_ of the ‘kill cloned. and. indeed. I" thin
funcliona of lhe body become derangvd; honco
proceed nalhmn. cough, pmm In Iho bronu &aide.
palpilalion oflho heur|,rheumaxic paint in various
parts of the body. guldluén. nml a variety of oth
er (“:lerng complainls‘ commpn lo thaw ofnal
vnlurv hubiu. Wmcm's INDIAN Vina-run: ”LLB
ditpfl'le all [hou- unplenlnnl nymploml, A single
done will In all cams givo relief, and. il renamed a
few limcl. will mou nlluradly restore the body
lo health.
BEWARE or Coux'rxnrarrl AND lmnmom 3
Rememberthnl lhe original and only genuinc‘ln
dian Vegetable Pills have the: aignaluro of Wu.
men'r written with n pen on Iho lop label 0!
each box.
if?“ The genuine for sale by- R. SHAW.
sole flgentfor Clear/Few“,- Cmu'ds & Bno
'num. Curwcnsfi/Ie; DANIEL anmr.
Lulluev'sburg ; and wholesale at the «Igflice
and general dcpot, 169 Race street. 1’ u'lu
dclphia. ,
" MARRIED— On Sunday Iho 20m inn., by Iho
Rev. P. P. Lune. Mr. hum Mun. lo Min Lhmi
Dnl-zssum. both of Brady township
On Thursday. Iho 3d inu.. by J. M.Shuw. Enq.
Ml. JOHN B. Sumuu. [0 Miss PRISCILLA Cnoa
cnovz, bolh ol Bogg- township. V
On Sunday. lthOlh insl.. by Iho: name. Mr
Juan DIXON. lo Min SARAH ANN Snmnm. bolh
of Boggl township.
DIED—On Solurdny night, Iho 19lh inn. in
Lawrence township. Mrs. JANE, “ifs of Leonard
Ogden. nl'lor n lingering illncn. ul' Cunlumpliun.
aged nbuul ‘2O you".
On Monday lan. ulloin Lawrence town-hip, Mr
Cmnuzs LVTLE. at on advancrd ago‘ The do
con-rd hu uufl'orcd [or many your: with cancer in
the new »
“fELCH &L LEYDEN. Would an
‘ nounce to their lrlends and thy
public. that they will cnutinue the bud
m-ss ul IRON FOUNDERS. at the old
stantl, win-re they intend tn,keep always
on hand a lunar nml varigd/n tortment ol
_ ‘ @élßfi‘llEfCElfilo
“’c. have lately erected and are mm
fiuiug up an extensive
with three Latin". lor turning and fitting
up all kinds nl Mnchtnety, auch as Gris!
nml Saw-mill Canines. Marllinory lor
Forges. Furnaces & Rolling Mills. inclu
(ling; Hat Blast Pipes lor Ihrnacea nml
‘Bloomcriea ; and wilt be ptepart'd to lur’
nigh un the shortest notice and in antis
{lclnry manner all kinds of Machine”.—
an_ on huml in large assortment of PflT
TERNS,‘OI the latest and mnstimptnvetl
styles. including the tlillerent dun. ol the
Durkee «5- Brice Reaclion "’aler I'Vheels,
girl’atterus not on haml. made on
sltntl notice. .
“9 have now and intend lumping nl-'
want a "m’ll ol the unrivalled Vl‘Z'l'O and
FULTON Hot Air Cooking Slaves, tlil'?
lerent nizes ; alto flir Tight, Fancy Por-
Ia): 6' Nine Plalc Wood Stoves. nl difl'er
cm can together with [our size: of a su
periur Balloon Coal Slave. as well as Cvl
t-mler antl FANCY Cnnl Strives. We
will add during the coming season, seven
al'New paltrms of Cooking, Air Tight.
and Parlor Stoves. ‘ .
Alwnvn nn hantl a good auorlmcnt ol
PLOUGHS, In which we ’ate adding wv
t-tnl n'ew'patlt'rm this npyinc. Ila/low
ware ul all kinds. Sleigh &: Sled Soles._'
Wagon Boxes; Smoothing Irons;&c., &c.
ECFAII the nbnvc. articles. and very
thing’in uurfiltne will be sold‘ on the most
tt'zmumb't‘__ terms {or flash, or Country
"Produce. l‘rnnmnsters‘Ordet-s, Old Metal.
&c. ()ulers2from- a rtlista‘ncc promptly
utlentlt-tl to '
Bellelimlc. Feb.'lB, 1848. ’
Milesburg Warehouse.
'. ‘HE Subscriber has Ihe WWW?”
110““ ofJudge Burnside, on the Ca
nnL in Mileéb'urg; (being lhe’unlyhne In
nr hour We town.) .. 1 _ . 1 '
'l‘ho Judgehaa finished we hqpsgm xhe
bl‘fitmpnner. nnd’visplifed no pains )0 men:
«lering it 'cnnvenicmj for loqflingvgaqd un
"WVHI': 39513 find,‘V_n:gons.,z 7,. ,1: -. ‘
‘ The “QUlEa‘gle and Spring‘Cree’k Na;
wgminn is now {complelely yennireq,,pml
in good nayignble‘prfl‘ér. nml will bé upen
\‘(l in n lethay's. _Sl‘ric‘l allpminnwil‘hbl‘
given W all good»: enxrusml to his rang, ,
1' M’lh'fibllfg.‘ Fé‘b,‘22.,]B‘4B, '
5000“}8. Gooul‘Drigd Bdcnl). Also
Driéd‘Apples and 'Pealchg, J“), “h."
b? ‘7'' .‘ ‘ “‘.,IQH‘N" PWfi’TONfi
flur‘vens‘vill‘e‘; Feb. 15; ’47: u
BLflWm 'j‘for, 89k, 9!: {447%, (117.36.6-
I .fiuaumumj MAGAZINE
‘oF.Litgrtttre._nnd Ari—edited bvars. C- M
, . Ki‘a'ttmun. authorbl‘quHome. Fore-t LUG
ilac.—and filledvvuth contribution! from the mo»
lemlnent writer- oflho country.
i The "com! volume confluence! with-tho Janu
nrynllmbl‘r. 1848.- m the emulation of the am
hall year of tho Union Magazine. lhe publirlter
fecln impelled to mako some acknowledgmentnl
hll some or the favorable reception accorded to it
by the public. Itn success has certainly been un
precodonlod. and while it may be pardonable to
ascribe this in part to the merit: of tho work. il
must not ho dented that public good will and kind
neu havo been abundantly ilcmon-trnlod. The
pro" in all parts ofthe couniry hal given iln‘tveico
liberally and henrlily in [ever of tho new alplrant‘.
To flag after this. would be dishonorable indeed.
The Union Magazine will be publlqhqd regular
ly on lhe first 0! each manlh- .
Dealer: in periodicals throughout the Union and
Canada. who‘ wish to lrcmmo agantn forlhe Unlon
Magazine. \\'tll pienno to apply lo Iho publisher
imntetliuloly. All pmlmnnlcr‘a are desired In or!
as agentn for it, and tho ueunl discount will be
made to them. A specimen numbor will he want
to any one wnhing Io lea it. on application ‘0 lhe
i puhlinbor. peat paid.
Terms of the Union Magazine.
Ono Copy one year (in advance) $3 00 lon Copy
two doss OO—Two Copier one year do 85 00—
Fi\'a do do 810 OO—E‘ghl do do 315 00—
Tuolvo do do $2O 00.
We will give the person tending u- the lnrgnl
club ornabacriberl tolhis magazine. with tho cult
at theahovo rater duringthe time ending the In of
May 1848. lho engrnvmg of the United State: Se
nnlc Chamber. containing the correct portraite ol
97 (illlinglllahfld gentlemen than in tho Chamber
at tho ttmc of Mr. Cmv'a Farewell Speech. The
engraving menruren 32 by 40 inches. engraved by
Thnmel Dom-y. and publtrhed by E. Anthony.
with a splendid gilt frame. the engraving coating
62". which we will deliver {roe ol freight or fl~
pence in any way to the per-on entitled to it. at
any place within the United Slnlel—nnd it will
alw commute the pnrlun landing the money. it lilo
nuhscrtber lo the Union Magazine. The picture
and frame can be Men at any time at B. Anthony'-
Dnguerrcutype Eulahllrhment.247 Broadway. New
York. Address (post pnid.)
149 Nulsun Slrcel. New York
Jununvy 92. 1848. .
Mary Gondwall‘] IN}he Courtol Cum
by her next | mun Pleas"! Cleat
fiiend ' fiehl coumv.
, vs. F fl/ins Sub. sur. 1);-
Georgr E.Gmnl- l vorcc. Nu. 16. Janua-
WDH. J rv Trim. 1848.
The (.‘ommonwculllz of Pennsylvania
Io Grorgr E. Gaodwnll. Guam-mo:
HEREAS. Many Goodwalt. for
s 5 morly Marv Limu, by her lather
and next lriond. Jowph Linen. did. on
lhe 301!) day 0! November last pm. pre
lcr her petluon to our Jud-4m oi the Court
M Common Pli'a-I of lhe rouoiy 0! Clear
fn-M. at a court held ‘3! Ch-axfield in and
(or said county. pinging that for 1h? caus- ‘
us then-in ~59! fmll), :ho mighl be dnvmced
from Ihc bonds of mullimony volcrcd Inlo
With you the said Gvorge E. Gomlwalt : ‘
We then-{me Command you. as we before i
commanded you file Quid George E. Good
man. Ihn'. il.-Hing m-idu n“ ojlwr busines
nml rscuws whuwowr. you b» and ap
penr in ._vour proper peroun bol'ore our
Judges. nl Clentfiéld. at our Cuun ol
Common Plane. Iho-rc- to be hold [or (he
said rounlv. on lhe fin! Mondav 0' May
"nil. “848.) On answer the reunion. or li
bt-l. o! the mid MM)“. and m \ht'W caunj,
if any you hth, uhv Iho soid Minty. your
wifé.’¥hnuld not be divorced (rom 1h?
bonds of Inalcimony ngrreab|y 1o du- at!
of Aesembiy in such cmre made and pm
vidcd. and hereof you me no! to (oil.—
qun-u, ‘George \V. \Voodwatd, E-q..
President 0! our sand Court. al Clem'ield.
(he 30 day of Februatv. A. D 1848.
“’1“. C.AWEL\(LH. Prolh’y.
And in pursunnce ol lhe order ul lhe
Coun, lhe leilimuny'u" witnesses will be
taken bviore Wm. A. Wallace. emmin
er, n! hlh office on Saiuulay lhe 29‘h_ day
of April, 1848. M lhe borough 9! Clear
Sl)Cr»fl"s ({fliqe. Clem-E
firm, Feb. 4, 1848.
Farm for Sale.
7 ‘HE uub~cvib¢r uflurs lo bl!” hiw [arm
1 situated in Penn. mwnohip, Char
ficlll Cnun'ly. and m) Ul9 bunlu 0! {hr Sus-
Q'l'lha."fih! n‘vgr.‘ 'fu'ur mules nbmu Cur
wcnbville. on the mam-”mud chgllfig'li‘oiin’
Curwrmville‘m Indiu‘ufi. cuulaiuingpboul
155 acres, oi Much lhere arc-'12!)
néws clrurell. 80 of MIMI in fiul quullly
ul fiver bqum—all under guowcnce aim
in a high stifle M cullwuliunL :
afizi ‘ Then is on the [in-mises'
;9 m 1 TWO GOO!) mmu,
“‘43? ‘ ' ING HOUSES,
“3'34"“ .0 NEI'V 13/Ivi ‘ _B/lln‘N.
76 by 45 lecl, .0 "Large Sheep Slab/c.
Wagon 110 m- ‘und u‘lhcr "enmity ‘uul‘
buildings. all'fimshrd ufl in good style-
Ingelher with a ' ~ ‘, ‘
2!? . gé‘ Lflli’GL' *flPPL-E ()RC'Hfl/II)
3535“ - A150,}: Young Orchard of
“1 ' 160 choice Apple [lees—u Peach
law—on Orr/lard. and 20 cholce Plum
7,7688. AIIuIv-whfich ih oflercd luw’ lur'
Cal-h. ' .
« Eff? For luullei' ~harticulunl inquire ol
the subscriber residiqgvn ‘.lhc premises.
either-in per-on or by lellur.’ . '
‘ A 1509“; .
:Will be 50'“ ‘bxjhejutpc’r‘iher. outrun! ,nl'
,land‘supme in Luwfin'cel \ltnyvngh'lp‘unne‘
mik'e’b'é't-KV' Cumensyille, on Ihe'bnukdu'i
ithe ,Suuquelmnna «river;rrcomainiugm2o
;:I'C|'cs.“,'~’l‘here is bn‘r daidfl prenmi‘e» n
:thqlliazfizffiézehpg ”End" My??? utipgnfim
gland uh 957 ngfilfnt-g Aqgulwr win; 3
:Isank otfiufihyefiwm :CQM:
g 9" 'Nfinsl'g'yflr W‘jgiv ;lprjcaq’h‘. * ,53-‘5
‘ ”MES: .63 'bCOFlkglfi-Dév:
; : fi‘PEim‘ffiZ.’ WW )0.” 1848;”: ,‘,'“"'*” ‘ '
« ,wwvmre 1731:1de magma“; a‘mawriwam
’10.!” éhirg'éihlqbfflcy ‘I ..ikallfi‘x‘q “aw
'_.P ihpsburg any Susy ehanna‘r
~ flrnpifie fin Com any“ ' '
_OJIQE ifi/hereby given to the stock-
Imtdfirrin'thiuowl. that an PIQCIIOH
will be held tat-the house 0! William Parr
k". in Philipnburg. on the first Monday
9f Marc/3 next. between the hnura'ul 2
and 5 o’clock, P. M.. to elect Managers
(or the ensuing yenr.‘
' By order of "w Bnnnl.
Philipsburg. Feb. 10. 1848.
Howard’s Celebrated Cement,
FOR mending GlaaarChina. and Ear-v
(ken Ware. an entire new article,
and warranted superior to any olher nrfi
cle M ”w kind ever hfl'ered m the public.
For sale at the sign of the
Orphans’ Court Sale. '
BY virtue of an ordpr 0f the Orphan’n
. Cnurt of the county of Clearfield.
will be nfl'eml nt pubtic "'9. at the court
hnunv. in the borough 'nf Clenrfirld, on
Monday the lat dav of May. 1848. at l
n’clnck. P. M.. 50 Acres of Land. situ‘
ate in Puke township, Cleavfield county.
——-Ihe la'geat pnrtinn of which is improv
ed—knnwn an the lam! baton'gingjo the
heirs of Ann Cnllinl. deceased.
’ Trizsle'c of the Estate.
. Receipts and Expenditures
«5):? «smmxmizmmm <B®WWE
i F 01? 38am
JOHN W. WRIGHT. Esq.. Treasurer
of Clear/held county in account with said
county from the 8!]: day of January.
19. I) 1847. up to the Is! day of Jan
uary. .17. D. 1848. inclusive
To amount received on unsea
ml lands
do from Cullecturl
do road money turned to
credit of mumy
do {rnm R. Luther on and
of Strays 2 90
do 'frnm some for S. Miller 1 37
do from George Ellinger's
note in full
do Irom Sons of Tempor
ance [M mu 0! hall
do from Thomas Ross on
pt‘dla" fine
' OR.
By alnouol mivaurors 81155 94
do E'enion expenses 922 78
do Road View: 134 00
do Constables' wages ‘B3 29
do Amuun’ wag” 510 86
do Cumm’rs’ wages 183 43
do Auditora’ “ages 56 40
do Printing , - - 105 68
do Clnk lo Comm‘rn 140 (sf
do I copy Purdon‘s Dig. 8,0
do Clerk in Auditors 13 00
do making Treasurer’s
.Lnnd Book 10 00
do Paid School dislnsls 233 5|
do Criminal prosecu»
Ilon costs .’0 25
do R. Wailace bounce
due him as l'la’r '73 81
do Cour! Cryers 28 87
do Jurors on lnquisilions 5 00‘
do Scalp bounlics 197 81 ‘
do I’rolhonola‘rr foes HO 68
do Repairs in Prolhou- ‘
olat)’, oflice 35 00
do JUSI|CE:' fees 10 50
do Supewwu.‘ road lax
used by County 452 37
do i’. Mullen for dam
ages 9 75
do Curoenbville budge £l5O 00
do Slalc floods 59 00
do Auditing l’roxhono- "
lory’s uccouula 2 25
do Counsel lo Comm’rs :1] 09
do Dep. Allolue} Gem
ernl’: lees '
Shenfl’s lees
Buonho; pusum-n
Fuc| lm’ Jail. couu
houw, &c. -
Stationary. &c. ,
Repnixs. &CI ‘
J. \V'. \Viighl's costs
M'ng lands
New Jul
Mom-y liorunwed
[rum bridge
l‘lxouevalionq .allow
cd Coilecluu
(1 , 1
By per cent. of. Trusurer on
$12,078 5-9 at I.}, ,
By‘ bplancc due 'l'l‘casmer at M >
Just settlement ‘ . . ~4101 95
Balance due county [rpm 'l‘ra’r. '"l3l' 39
OUY'S'I'flNI)ING [2337's ilchéun
13/ from Unsealed Ldnds'uml (_lallccr
lara._ , A . .' ~'_‘ ‘ a
" "‘C‘KCOUN'I‘Y.
On- UnnnmdLn'n'du ..‘. $2500 00
M Furcoy Brudfurd [637 1j 6 s'l‘
NCOIMR gDnculur-LIBSD ; 7 51,
,G Willvmuypr‘ Pv'n'n’ 1840 ' ..«1946
Wan-mane: 'm'say do‘ ~ V 92 00W ,
Thou Henry ‘l-‘ar'yuuon do ’=357 ‘ A \
'Ah'm Heu- ”3. Bogan‘rlzviefl .' i-- ,6. 2|}
Daniel Smilh"Giu-on do 12,126 5 ‘l4. 83
~‘S‘Jfl'qzerh , 10w!“ “do ‘ v ‘3‘ ‘, 100
‘sD“W'aln"""““ Péuii‘i.l”dvf“"' ‘7' -, =- ,1 n 32
"DMCCfidKOfiFBGu" 1:": «dbxlfn‘ . £23,, ~ ,1; {all
,0 c Pmp‘o'mfiko am. ~;-.yyaxa:n.l,:g. ;
, s,Jnxdfi¢l*¥%-"*7"E’§¢“" Idem “1483.9. ...,3335
:1; V, ‘Ln ;:’! . “GEL”; 9‘: J: ;:‘."n." z; 1 , ;
WM .. M”
TOM r‘ 1.6., mi ~ do" 2412 »
1 Goo Tubhn. ~ * Ferguson 'doia. .- :Sm 444;?13?!"
"MC-L99" ”Burn-ids: do_
J McQuillnn ‘‘ do ‘ 1843
C Shofl' . , Doenlur do
0“” “OY3 ‘ 'Hoilon "'do
W M Smiley Boocum' 1844
C Nofl' Bnrmldo do
Jun Woodo. Chan do
F Pearce , Bradford do
8 Brilhnn Burnside 1845
D McGeahon Jordan‘ do
A Lucanle Girord do .
J[l Soylar Brady do
J W Lumhorn Chou: do
J Bloom jr. Pike do
A Irvin Borough [B4G
Thmlloll _ Bradford do
John Smu' 8033! do
David Wally Brady do
H Mngnol Cavinglon do
8 Williams Chcu , do
Wm Wire Ferguson do
John Raye Gil-Md do
Jouo Wilson Huston do
J Irwin Lawrence do
B F Slorling Pike do
Wm Mullen Bcccurin 1847
Wm Bell Bell do
H Wnplo Bogg! do
T Homphill Boro' do
Jacob llublor Bradford do
D Lnbordo Brady do
J Brir‘kley Burn-inlo do
J Weslover Chest do
J B Barmoy Covington do
1‘ McCrnckon Ferguson do
J Moorhend Fox do
A Murray Girnrd do
W M Hoyt. Hullon dd
J Ram _in Jordan do
J Schnnm Kurlhuun do
8 Ardory Lawrence do
Jar. llnovor Mom- ,dn
R Danver Penn do
W Blonm ar. Pike do
I! Hondenon Woodwardvdo
86551 52
Amount of nulnmnding counly ordan 852.500 00
' Since paid. ' - . '
Unsealed Road Taxes;
JOHN W. WRIGHT,an.. 7reaaurer"
of Clearfield county. in account with
the several townships in said county for
Road money
$1431 02
4708 90
[‘o balance due (owmhips at last
settlement. 8139 l 5
[‘o amnunt received from ume:
tcd Landd.
42 35
19 OS
8] amount paid Becca'ia to"
including percentage, 834 54
do Bell ,do 54 '6.
do Boggs do 23 95 ‘
do Bradford do 77 4Q _
do Brady do [O7 40’" .
do Burnside do , 30. 76 ..‘f‘ H ‘
do Chest do 9| 53 " "
do Covington d 0 ’l7. 16 ...
do Decatur do 43 )2 :1,
do Ferguson do 16 53 > .
do Fox do 469' ' ,3 .. ,7,
do Guard do 15 68 4 .‘.; _P;
do Goshen do 34' 14' I
do Huston do ‘lBl 91
do Jordan do 5| -31 ,5 7'7: ,
do Karthauo do 35 1.9 I 1.~
do Laurence do 55 74" ‘ ' l
do Morris do 69 86‘ "3‘ ' ’ .-‘
do Penn do 52
do Plke' do 23 '32. ‘ '
do Woodward do 37 504—34— .
$1022? 43‘
' " ,_318'56"
16 67
25 00
36246 ‘54
Balance due township!
JOHN W. WRGHT. Esq.. Treasurer
of Clemy‘icld county. in account with (he
scveral School District; in said county.
for School money. ' '
To balance due district: at last '
setllemenl 512270
To umnuul received on unseatetl “ ' ”
lands 785 18
By am’k paid Beccarih'didflhict.
mcludmg percentage. 36 79
do Bell district 65
do Bogg~ do 46 48"
do Braoloul do 71 82"
do B'ady ‘ do ' I‘ 51""
do Burnside do 42 07 _'
do Ch’n-st do 62 33
do Coungmo do “'5 47 ‘
do Decatur do " 37' "
do. Guzman do‘ '2B 15 f
do qu-hrd do“ 4415 ‘;
do Huston do 69' '
do M Jordan do 85 08
do Karmaus do 08' =
do_ Luortuce do '25 73 "; ._.,.rpn
do Morus do 46 92 "7 ;; 12.33
do Penn . do. 08 ,_ ail
do I’ll“). ' 'do ‘4Q' ,»‘ ‘2‘”:
do \Voodwnrd do ' ' 33-—-_—--«-:-x
.‘ 34.6%52‘39;
' ‘ my;
50 7-5
13 75
55 :29
30 57
75 25
6| 70
256 68
10 75
02 SI-
238 86
$5832 05
leancc‘duc dishicts
181 I 7
. le-J. the undersigned ‘ Commi‘svknmn‘‘9!a Lqfii't‘i'
Gold‘ counly. 'hunng ciumined ‘hc‘iWuhHs6Y
John W. wright. Euq.. 'l‘rouhve‘roriuluifluhw;
m 1847. do find them a: above “and: “MM:
unmanding delm duo we munlylwuwmg'fly‘
six lhounnxl livo hulldfl‘d um! filly-one dollar} nnd
filly-two cunlu. Wunou nut hanxhlllil,gixlh guy
orJ'ummy‘ 18‘8. s ‘ r’ t ..
' - “Ax-KYLRR. a"?
l - ,- » : J. 'A READ. WOomm‘n-sm
-» : - .J.‘\S.liL‘DEß_ , , :- ‘,~
Anon-41. l'. 'l‘l_lu.\wsqN.Clcrk. K ‘
$6246 54
‘ . )VEV I 133; mlulcraigniul Auditors «If .Clonrflg“
‘c‘oumy. Imvmg exbminéil and few-ell Ih- accqgmn
of'Juhll w. an‘hu 15w. 'n-oamm or «id. con-:6
ity for 1847: «lo; Regan, Thu um Slim}. {hemuné
‘buvejlnlfll Lfind, me gpmgmflps ,_dvlytq .dug Aha
jqqunlqukumnng .m um" {IMHQQQLWO bagging
igllg.‘éfléninfi “WEB?" W". Mum'-
; _t'n'r"u‘nfi'!;lnté"oi 1)» day ul'flnlllm 1,348“ V’
7““ twig. "qu‘flOßß-"w »- 1
fry; ;:ng myéhlflMKSfl-Mg SHAW? '- :~ Audilour
:ezfit' ‘3: v,:4I39B3'BMRIGM-Imsn =l> :.
final-”II.3'I'IWQIPBOMC'WM . ~
58 31
10 50
23' 92
6 27
86 05
38 G 3
8 44.
49 09
47 49
15 35 '
5 03
19 09
M 60‘
88 35
56 'l4
46 30
121 60
20 35
44 54
51 42
6 47
School Fund.
27 23' '
16 27”
12 20
13 59
17 91
3 eld
20 51
ll 86
l ‘2O
5t 33
25 89
32 33
66 90
5 85
35 35
,45 as
as 02‘
H 1 oo
\95 53
87 56
29 25
6 76
'96 42
239 18
' 18
J ?
11., .‘.H