I: M'W'P w .‘. Arrival ofthe Hibernia." _ “Eight , days later from Europe‘é-Eflwolui tion In Sicilly— Mossina. Pélermo. and Syrqmse in the hands of“: maple—- ’l he King‘s troops rcpulacd— The King glint 'lorlu’oméfi, . ' - From the N. Y. 'l‘nhunonl 17m Th 9 CUMHI .‘h'anu'r Hibmnia mild! frnm’ljvrrponl an the 30 h ull. al ‘3 ram. Shej wan aim-Himl in .1." ml 11w,291h.‘ b“! We" defninnl n‘mn' m caanoénre oi lhe {new «i hminr-‘l a" Ihr post uffire, rausellf by lhe ‘unpxpéclecl afrlvui‘ M :lhi' Calgd‘oniu. Tim ship rm'ulei ihe pnaénfie "M ill low-mm ilayo. - The Hibernia nr lived at Halifax on the 13m. nml um um 'flraplml here at half~pasl [our yeflpnlay nliernonn. She reached hl'f “hail in' this hatbur a: :I lillle put right last evening, ailet {past-age of a little more ilinn sit-v -enm-n days. She brings eight days Ig ier Idvicén. ‘ IRELAND. The speciatmmmiuiuners for the "in! ol those guilty in the recent outrages are proceeding'in the discharge ollheir chilies uilh a just severity Hm! Inn already had its CHE! in the parlih‘ restoratinn nl gum! orclcr. . ' ' It is gratifying to übxe'rv'e. on referring to the reversal lridi local juu:nals, n mar. lied diminution of crime generally ;-and this in more visible in those district» which have formerly been the scenewrl the most atrucmus uflencen; Even in Limerick, the lulilade at small fire nrrm'luhich used to disturb pearenble inhabitants of rural district! every night; lmm sunset to sun riseghes totally ceased since the lord heu tenunt’e proclamation. and. the repurt of a random ohot'il now, indeed. a race. occur‘ ronce’. By a skillful combination, n gen eral Ind simultaneous search for arms has been beam throughout the pruclutmec’ dil trictl'; a d though no great numerical 3- mount of weapons were lound. still enough has been accomplished to show that the nuthbrities are in earnest. and that the law will he put in force. Pauperiem is increasing to an alarming extent in'the south and west. Tipperary, Limerick & Mayo appear to be the cuun~ tie: more severely et-ir-ited. At Cluugh jordun‘. in the'firnt named enuntv, scenes almost" to parallel those of ‘Skibbereen hove been disclosed at the toroners’in‘ quuts. At an inquest held at Borriskune. on the body of the daughter ul a school muter. her lather declared, on his oath, that for a week previous to herdeath she could get nothing to eat. and thnt. \ihile expiring In his arms, at he gazed on her pallldillceand {inched iips, she won cal. ling 9n him to give her a drink. and In ad. minister to her food nhich he had not the mum of procuring. And this is by no meanslnn isolated cese. ‘3 ‘ ‘ l italy. Ail'Sicity isin a state ul’rcvdlt. The Piedmontéae- Gazette hf the 20thi'atvt'r the fotlrming details: Musinn began the inatirr'ection-nn the 4th. right days before the‘ general rising. and had organized a civicfguard. and Julian pnuessiun of the_ for! at St, Salvadurc. At Palermu, coun try‘peopla flbckcd in arms to the capital, headedlby the priests. with crucifixcs in théir‘handl,:haranguing the multitude. 31 saying that. as Chriat du-tl lor them, they should die for their country. The cavald ry attacked the people, but were repulsed with a Inn. of fifty men; tltc_' people only lost,t,wenty. Some persons were wen pqqfijigl boiling oil on the soldiers. tmm the‘fiyindowa; and among the pieces at turuiture that nsraitetftlteir heads from abort. there was a piano! ' 'Agleller from 'Maraeilés dated the 22d. ”it: “The passengers from Nan!“ “hp left on the 18th. and are just arrived lwte. state thatNaplea,‘ was it} a state a! great anxiety as to the intentions nf the govern» meal, Artillery had been placed in front 91', 9|! lhe guatd-hausn, ,and patrol» of 100 men each were constantly in motion." 'lth Jounal (123 1126013 says that the trooptwhich had been sent by the steam aquldmnvfmm Naples ware diaembarked without-difficulty near Palermo, where theyslooka position on the show and in thefom» ..Gen. Snuget, who commanded them,.efi'ected a‘cnmmunication with the Dncfda Majo and Gen. Vial. who were in the Candle Beale. ' It was thus ascertaim p'd Ibgt the inborgema had appointed three _rnrhilteer, which had~st=nt to the Due de ‘ijoj'nbte. declaring that the people de minded‘the constitution hf 1812. andtthe lilierty of the press. :Tbia demand being Minted, it. min decided to bombardthe any ;‘thl the Count d'Aquila. who hmlthe com'pnnd in chief of the expedition, did not; think fit to radon Id this measure with out farther instructions from the King: 6; accordinglyreturned to Naples on the 17th. Allthggfiforeigners at 'Palenrm had left the city..and embarked. - 4 . ; ;‘Pha‘fllb‘a..of Florcnge. ofthe ' 18m, in “.’“mmary of news respecting the insur wfilion‘ in- Sicilyways that the' people hgd declared _to,» the memem, “It?! “Film“ ‘El'vdafllhc )fl orms demanded were not granted. the .4 would n} .iu‘arrmr. .'l'he governme‘n'lghavtug reuurerled nn "ther, an afltyyerr to this.- "a cept,tlne;r\qrall 01, General Y‘ial, g proclammon was p‘lacardefd at Pa leffiggo‘f-“hic‘h Ilhthollo‘w'ng is H trangla. Mali-«- 5 f- ~ ~ . lid '_‘ Sicilianolfll‘ho. “mag“ f pglitinn’ing jg ‘gorwhy. ;:--.Prol9§,|ati,on.o. pttppltgatqgn§,,-pa.‘l .gitimdgmonsl‘rationv. arenreleuyg, Emu.“ ‘ hand bag} trantgdrll. th'esy Wilhfiqntggfip” Mime, the, people,-.,bntn._lrec, mtgww .lqfiétmwjthwhains. and. minced Jo mam 17M!!! gyrheait‘rte toplainour legillmalé ,IthqL fKIWI); arms! sons of Sicily-[om ,cqmbmad, tomes will ba invincible. The .1124!“ Jammy. 11848.1 he break of day. will mark tho glorious era of our regeneration. 'l’plcrmo‘will receive with transport all the 'Sicriilh'§]"3h arrhixih’o will presenl,|hem'- solved lo'lupp'p‘fl lh‘a commt‘m pcnuava and anguish Ihcre‘fdrms' andin‘slinuione which are in acéordahco with rhe progress and the well-being of Europe. of Italy. and 0! ['ma IX» Union, order. obedience Io Hm éh'wfi. (since! for properly. Robbery In high "man ‘ng’ninsl the country. and will be punished as such. Whoever ia.in want. Mill be relieved m Iho columnn charge. "raven cannotvlail to favor our juplcause: Sicilians. to arms!" , ‘ ll Gealio tlelle ()ntle. tlte steamer which hatl been seized by the insurgents, and on Awhieh they raised the- Sicilian llag. “a! rent to make a tour at the islands, to white to revolt all the nraritimeltowrm. ‘ 'l‘hie perfectly succeeded. At t'l'rapani. Cate at. &c., tho inhabitants were lound in arm: on the arrival of the steamer. The pro vtstonnl government at Palermo tlistribu‘ ted lrcelyrmoney and arms. 0n the arri val of the ‘n‘ctrs at Naples. plararde were ported to ‘the following efleet: “Neapolttuns! Rouse yourselves from your tnrpor! Follow tho example of Sic ily.” &c.. &c. On the 18th the léing of Naples was expected" in Rom" on the 19th. to confer with the Pope and Lord Mintn. and, if possible. to devise some means of coming to an emit-able arrangement wrth his re volted subjects. ' Other letters from Rome; of the 18th. any that‘the Pope has nominated Gen. Ga briellt. formerly an officer in the French army. minister of war. 'l'ht-t nomtrtatton ofa member of the laitv to a ministry has produced the best ellcct. It In the beat Icommentary on the very remarkable molu propria. which we gave a few days since. on the reorganization of the counctl ol'min isters. Letters from Turin announce that the King of Sardinia had ordered an entrench ed camp to be formed on the heights of Valenza. upon the PO. in order to defend the country againsteny attack ofthe Ans trinn troops. and to ltoltl alao the governr ment at Milan on the qui viva against a poeeible invasion ol the Milanese. by the Ptetlmunterse troops. This camp is to consist 0130,000 men. The evacuation‘ol’Ferrara'would eeem to be anything but bonafide. if it is cor rectly stated in the Conlemporanea. that in optto ofa proteatstion ofthe Cardinal Legate. the Austrians continue in military occupation of the Piermle of S. Benedetto. which they are‘about to root over. The situation ofthe town is described as ex tremely critical. . Lcuem hon) Rome of the lllh mention a lepon Iha‘t Auslria had démanded per ‘missidn to march‘3o,ooo'man lhmugh the Papal dominion: to lhe Neapolilan territo ries. and thnla large nu'n-ber of lhe cardi nalu wele ‘in [mm of consenting to this. bul that me Pope peremplonly [efused it. W hethertho reckless opposition in Can. lgress shall succeed or not in starving ofl ? and preventing a successful negotiation for peace mth Mexico—whether‘t’h’ere sliall be or not one ' inch of soil. ‘_ or all the land the administration may ask as indemnity in any treaty with Mexico—the Executive wt” have credit from the people and the whole world. to be written and carried down in history fonthe benefit of our chil' dren. tor having successfully repelled an unjust invasion, and conquered an enemy with less men, and a more judicious appli cation ufrneans. than“ the annals of “ar [are tn any other country can present.— The lesson of this war upon that proud arrogance of the European crowned heads, who have brought all the wars of the last century upon these once colonies, but new independent States. is worth ten timesthe amtiuntof money that has been or is _tot to he experrded to this Mexrcan war;'antl‘if there be any human consideration that cart atono'for the precious blood spilled, and the valuable lives which have been lost. we wrll say that not those who fell at Les: inglqn. or Bunker Hill. wtll be more cher ished by posterity than the memory of the slaughtered heroes of Buena Vista and Mo lino del Rey.——lVas/riugton Union. Murd: m'n Paltsvillea'yAbo‘ut inill‘niulll on Saluadny “Isl. some sort n! nnmncmury cnuiniun occum’gll begwegn‘ Jacob Guru-l am! a mung man, named! Banach. In ”19 encrt. It; was bnlnn instant. and Guru was cno.’lully blqbbyd pt Ihc Ingml u! lhe spinal column, or page 0! lhe brum. I! ‘wuulpne up quickly.,thul two persons in company could nnl nbscne lhe act. The “qundydfl map ran :übout «me .hundretl yattis,'[el!,§ntl Isonn cxpirul. Rum and (he beer show. which have apréiu] a yes lilcuce in every dviycclipn, had amnelhhg to do will: ,llgia’lrigagedy, us "my [be inteh rcd lrmn 'he midnight hours kept by lhe pgrtics. i'lhe‘ mpposgd perpetrator wzn alreated and hen! to bail.--Ledger. . Recmpts' of . Customs in Tampico.— 'lflwkeceupty of. (he Customs at .'l‘uuwicu. hccordmg ”lo ‘thefillellaprre, bince Hie l‘stol May. but. 3291.000. The receipls' Inf. Ibe‘snmq lilpe at Vera Cluz mun have rcuphed film”! $1,000,000. which. con.- puleripg Vibe unsemed condilion o! ihe chantry; and lhe'enlire inlerrupiion of me .cmm‘nupggagiuns with fine interior. are we‘- iy, fumuablg indicmigns: olv‘whg‘tlmny be rewind luhunlfi "8:61;;er of levenuc when 1156‘ \yl‘lelelcbuhlry ‘ lilaccupied by Ameri ,(.:_a'ulav‘mlL ‘, .‘ ‘ .. . ~Falal FoalekyJa-A tpr’ivate ‘ of the ht Royal‘s lust week, at; _Warrtugtqn. lltuv‘i‘n’g ma‘dg 9 Mt nth pubrlicfiouse this} tug WWW. tlirtlst‘glmfli 'his thiroat,{a‘,§tigk‘ two teat Vl‘mggthefcmnvmenc‘ed the fegl._npd actually dlruvge the ati’gk,‘(lotvn to the le‘dgth-ot'cigh teen iuchc’s! but “0 died bluntly ulter wards. ' ‘; ~ Bzmocratlt‘isunngr. CLEARFIELD. PA $1526.18“. , ,FOR PRESIDEN'I‘.. ‘ ..‘ JAMES BUCHANAN, ,‘O/ Pa. gS‘aly'ect- !o lhe-debisién Q] the National ‘ ‘ Convention. E. W. CARR. Uniled Sum-s Newspaper Agenry. N. E. corner of- 'l‘hml and Dockulruln, l’hilmkh phxn. is our authorized agent. to I’OCUIVO and recoup! for aulmcnplmna. advertisements, &c. {KI-Hon. A. lnvm will accolll our Ilumlu for a copy 01 n documonllrom Iho \Vnr Dopnrlmorll den. criplive oflho Commerce 0! llm \Veuorn Lake. and Riven. ‘ Mm". \VALTERB and Krwrumf Iho Slate Ln~ giulnluro. will also accept our thanks for unclul documents. Dfr'l‘he Hun. Wu Cos-r JOHNSTON. ul Maryland. 'hillmrln n ”Em; and involoralo Whig. at Iho 1930 Tnylur moaning in Now: Yurk. cnmo oul opekly in Uppulillml In several 0! :ho lending menaurcl herelofore ndvoculed by lhl! Federal puny. luch an n Nulimial Bank, a Pmloclivo Turifl. lhe Dim lribulion oi Iho Land rovonun. &c. Ho 10 nlunn favor ol‘u vigorous pro-eculiun of the war. Mllnmor has it. Ihnl Maj. VAN Bunlm hu ur rived at Wnahiugiun. hum Moxico. lmvingu prop osilion ofpence from lhe Mexican Guvornmenl.—- llgiveu Iho Moxicnn- (on or twelve million. of dollars, and we go: Iho two Cnlil'urniu and New Mexico. We don't believe a ward ofil. WWO have good nulhonly [or stating Ihnl Inc old mail ruulo Irom‘lhil place to Karlhnul. in In a fun way to bo ro-ulnblilhed—lo go down one side oflhe I'IVEI’. and up Iho olhrr. This runle never should have been suspended. _ Dir“ in said that tho nppoinlmcnl of V. E. [’lo LET. no Paymnslcr in Iho army. luu been rejected by lhu U. S, Sonnlo. Sorry for it. W'l‘ho Wauhingtun Union. of Iho l9lh. use. the following language in relation Io Iho Loon Bill, which polled Iho House of Reprqmnlnlivel on Iho 17m. Whelner no wished.pr l 0 dengncd. or not, the nlmon cerlnin effect ofthil acl ofCongrou— which luckily yet require: Iho comemof Iho Son ole and Executive to perfcclil—will be to deprcu Iho credil of lhe National 'l‘reuury. cramp the cf forl- of Government._ 9nd prolong the wan-e Where". had Canyon? udoplcd lhe plim recom mended by tho Prehident and Secretary at tho Tronlury. lhere mu ovary run-on lo believe, Ihnl money could hovo boon obtained on quite an ad vnningooun mum an ll wan In! year. when iku obtained at u premium. Such a rouull. however. would no! nmwcr Iho puma-o of Iho Foderuhm 'lheir object is In bring Iho Admininlrnlion inlo diuopulc, oven at lhe cxpemo of damning lheir cuunlry. The Bill aulhotizel 1: loan of nixleen milliom : i V ' Thl; “’hii; Loan Bill. It will be seen from our congressional tepttrt ot yenerduy, that the Whig majori ty of the House have perniated in torcing upon the government. In direct uppusition to the recommendation of. the Executive. a loan. bill in a nhape [or which no one' precedent can be‘Tound in the financial hielury ol ”tin or any other government, otter twenty months of war. The whine have voted thin 'uea-ute in the lace oflhcir own arguments plainly condemning its form. It not intended directly to cripple the tteaeury. it I; not denied‘bytthe whigs themselves thaLthis whig financiering “ill cause the supply 0! money to the govern ment to lelljual as hanerously impossible on the business of the country! It is a most pregnant admission. Let the coun try walk it We”. and temomber it. ' It will be tech that Mr. McKay. lor the mlnnrlly oi the Committee ul Ways and Means. prupuml as a qubatitute lur the “In: bill. the cntnblned stuck and treusu-o rv note plan at a loan. 'wuh the addition til a small temporary war tax‘nt: tea and cutlee. to laculttate and pustatn the loan. as té'cntntnended ' by the Ezecutive. For thiuaubslllulc tnurethan ltmr-lilthr‘t oi the tletnucmtlc tnetnhegn gavcmthetr vntes.--_ llut,it Wan deleute'il by the whigs It: un brnlten.cntumn-—the vote being, ‘nyett 82. nues 104. Mr. McKay ulterwnrdn mnd died hlo prnpuued substitute. on at to an thnrize a compound loan ul'treaaury notes and stocks. without the tax on ten and cullee.' 'l'nis. tun, was vutedtluwn by the Whigs by at tnajottty at one vale. Ever) detnnc'tat 'present, we believe. voted in it: luvnr; "Every whig present, we believe. voted agatnut tt; preletrtng. in a time ol war, tn. lurce upun' the treanury and the cuuntry the issue ul a naked alx per cent. stuck 1 The vute stand 104 tn 105.- When the bill, as thua lrumetl by the the whigs. came out ul the committee, rm nppovtunity rwzts given to Ihedemocrats'tn ructml- thetr names in lavnr‘ ol' either ol Mr. McKay’s plophnitiuns. "I‘he‘ previ uus question was sprung at' once by Mr. Vinton.: and thetmn‘oriry were obliged tn vote for tIIe-‘bill as it ume from the cum ‘lllltlt’e. or to record their names against u measure apparently intended for the reliel of the treasury. .Under these circumstan ces. the democrats tn! the House .tuteil lnr its' puafiage. Only fourteen votes* 'were given againstit—utl:tvllig-'-at.d not a few of them luu'nd tlmtjng therlamousfourleen' also given In the: House against the nude ‘ age ul thebill-‘ul' Mii'y 13.31846; t-‘r't‘wgtti-i zingthepwar ns.existitvg_f'hy the act at Mexicm.” and pru‘vititng' turfits'vlgui'ons and effectual prnnecutiun.‘ "a 3 ' ' ' .’* Considering the claseuessol the vote by Which the gqverntnentpli‘tn at u 'com’pountl lulu ul stocks and notes wastat laaturejec~ ted in the committee.‘ 'we-étruit that when the bill.uhall be sent back from the Senate in that shape. the whigs will not again W'éhl'u'w In uvjrcl "r "llfflwy do “'3‘ they, uanJhey only. twill he "‘Slmmible I'm whdlévrr empanamment iuul ‘eyuljheif men-me niay pn'uiure. At all. Wi‘nls, they have nneudy suflicwnt'y defined ille'lr party policy in "w pre-eut cum ul lhe (nanny. In net llmu In their lruv lighu ble lure a palnulic pcopie. , - _ LEGISLATIVE —ln the llobrc. on the 14m inunnl. Mr. Meek presented Iho pelilion of Joseph Eerlamo old loldicr for relief, ‘Mr. \anlers pre eunlcd‘lhrco peliviona—uno from Burn'a‘ulo luwn~ uliip. Clenrfiold geunly. (or a change in the place oflmldlng their election- ; one for lhe erection of Pine county; nml one for the removal oi lhe goal ofjuelice of Clenrflald uoooly. Mr. hit-Night. one from Indiana. Cnmlirie and Clenrfield. fur a now calmly-lobe (-ellqd Pine; Ind one Irom lmliano county. ngelm' Fife erccliun ofihe proposed coun ly of Mnhoning. Mr. Wnllorn read in pleco. an act relative to lhe place of holding electionlin Burnside [own-hip. Clcnrfiald county. On lhe 15m. Mr. Benfdicl. from lhe Commillee on Banks, ropuned adversely lo rc chnrlering sev eral Banks in the Commonwealth, whoeolchmt‘err will goon expire. On moliun of Mr Krick. the re~ port wu- rcucummiucd lo Iho Commiuee on Banks. (Elbe next day. dGlh.) Mr. Benedict made the name report, wllh n roaololinn Ihnl lhe commillee be discharged from Iho {urlher con-iderfieliun of lhe rubjecl,lo far on rclnlcu lo the churlerl of all Books. whore chnrlera do not expire until after Mny.1849. 'l'hin govt-rile loan nnnimnlud debate. u reporled in me Union of lhe mm. and Irom which we make lhe {allowing cxxrncl: Mr. Benedict, in support of lhe reaulu- Hon. said he was oppu-ed lo legislallng for the pufpuxe u! extending charters which do not rxpitc lor yeata to come.— Was lhu lUeh lur re charter made in an: licipaliun of upusureu which might be made hen-aim? He knew ul some bank. in Ihé Slain. which Were mum and were not in n cnndniun to “and lhe lest of an invemiganon, and had has and figures a! Im command to prove if. There was no (canon why the Lrgidalurc should give notice In lhe banlu «of the lime 0| their diwnluiiun. 'l'llusc mslitulinm which required such notice were nlraiil to meet lhe-public gaze. Some bank- dill not need it. lur they were ready to wiml up at any time. But it was urged that withqu such no tice the banks would suddenly curtail their ilbuffi and the people would be distressed; The same argument was used in relerence to the United Slates Bank. but the histo ry (II that institutiun, was the. but cum mentnry on the argument. The people ul lhls Sme hm! hm by that bank Ihmv-five million‘. and five millions by the Girnrd Bank, lle wampposed loan banks “hich gave no arcurny lur lhe l'edt'llllpliuu of lheir nom. He Was nppused in lhe preacul banking uyslém. lhuugh not to all banks. Under the present ayslem they denlunded secmily rmm their (lg-blurs. but gave "99,9 'lur (he paymenl nl their own name. ' He Said ”m. in many iuatanxs. the re turns made by bank officers of the com]: (ion of lhe bankh. were (also, and doubled whether any man could be cuunecled wiih banks for many years, and yet be petlccl- Iy huneM. . ' The indivulual Inabilily clause. he lhu’l cquld be easily evadéd. l'hc indlvidual liabilily uluckhuldens would be among "I? missing. when the c'r’za‘h cam: ' There were some ‘uhu‘. clnitnetl to be Democrats 0! pure hlnml, who uerenp’pu sad to all banks, but when their bank came up lor're-chntter. they would reply. “Ulla is it special case. this is our bank. We know all the men connected with it. it is well managed. and is needed ; we “I” there lurc busluin It.” This kind 0| Demucw cy was a guuiusity in pulilitu. Ilc “lid the people reqniretl this Legis lature to grant nn new clturteiu. to re charter nn oltl hanks. hml tn pas: u gen eral banking law. by nhich 'ndemnity ahnuld be given fur the (edemptiéh ol bunk ltules. ' Mn-Swarlzu'cldcr, from the‘ minority ol the Committee on Banks. made report. Mr. fllh'son mitt he \‘vas'not a book man under all cirrumstooces. though he had been approached and asked to take put in the dtacusston. because he was a whig. but he would say in the language ul tcn used by the hunters. ' let gvcr; hun ler akin hia ouo rkUllk.'—hc ouuld not therelme enter into the dtscuaatott. Afr. Hill. isnid‘ that the Logidature came hereto make laws tor the peopte. 'not tor party, The Bank of Mohtgumery' county, was solvent, and Well managed. and Wes entitled to the aupportof the Dr toocracy of the House._ ”I: said he had advocated the Pt: chattctf of._thehßelka routity Bank. and it trtnhincd to .bt- svfn whether his ,t'rienda t‘rotn Betks county wen} disposed to reciprocate lavor‘s. 4w. . The committee on Banks had mad? at political coat [or him hhich tic‘whuld _pttt on it he thought [MPH-n: llcaésenledthnt he, had nut-r logorutted mice huhad h'seal in the chtg‘lnture. ,Ho ,waaio. lawnot utendihg‘th‘é‘ chartet dignllfiutvent banks V “Mr. Marlon, in opposition-Au the rest) lotion, mid ttmtdte“qt-presentmhthe,Dela ware county With-. 3911 ‘lhot county was deepivlinterrsted in. it; late. It; has Sound and, Shiv-rot, ‘nndphutluogedjt Avpuigntinu; ‘ ;,_fllf.;lll,yera. to support‘omhg ”solution. ”“11";59'4‘m9tl "I it them 2was in be a bank “WWW” W! ‘Huww. 'V‘Vi'i‘t‘iil. might ahnke ““3{CPmflwtm'vuhhtuin. c‘chttler v '. I""..l4‘fgtslttture had tno'viaht to atttici pate 'fi'altintign- on charters not yet ripir 19"" He “Wham the-Farmed ,Bahknof B"“.‘outi‘y WM = lite-th’rstgin thustttit‘. “mi-‘5 “9 "Hf! Q 0!" existed were injurious, and the system of (no ‘ banking-proposed by, the committee. on ~baoks was 15 resort from bad to 'worne. ’ Mn Benedict said it wateuspiciuus‘tur Ibonk; Iq 'nsklfnr an excensiun “their char- Iprs 90' long [Mun- they c'x'piml. ‘He (de not "k 9 HIP Ian!” M il. ' -, Was it Dmuunury to [flu-e new char. lerl. nml _vefl u-ncw m:- «M onvl? If a; bunk hm! bet-u mall manngul an-l yawn rich a! me pmple's expenui, ”nu" ma! lm wmmn why it almuldflue Are-churteredm- H n um, runny lhe wmwr i! was Wnuhd up the bmwr. Let lhe 'nld bunk- betcha. .ul up um! clmvlmn grnméll In web as will (liflum new file nruuml. V 'l'hemlhnger bunk- “we lulemtedlhe more corrupt "WV became. __ - , ' Mr. Lilllcauid Ilmt the princip‘e Which the te-oluliun invuivml was «I general up pljcalion. lle wnu happy that he cupid Comply wiuh Ilw remmMrances against lhe tocharlpr "I any 0M bunk! wilhoul disturbing lhnsP nmiv mining, The pres rm banking system “an wrung m princi pl9 nml nvuchcv. ' Mr. W. Y. Roberts said that thcdia cuuinn had taken a wide mngé, and hncl assumed some \er lingulnt lenluren lo the cuuvae of the debate we have had an exemplificulion of the tact that “extremea sometimes meet :” in sup. port of the report til the majority. we find the radical admit-ate at free banking, and the opponent: of all banka of every name and nature. The first. with a view at leaving the held open to the tree banking project—the latter. with a View ol dea tmying the whole system ul banking. un der whatever form it mnv be presented. Members had taken the liberty ot delim ing their positionl. and some had even gone so for as to define the position of the Democratic party. The freeirbahlttng pro ject liad been called a " Democratic boyg" whilst. on the other side. radical unli bnnkism had been proclaimed a cardinal principle ot the great Democratic creed. He. as a Democrat. repudiated alike the former and the latter, and he watt cooli 'dent that he would be sustained by the great body of the party here and through out the State. No man. said Mr. il., would contend the bankineinstttutione‘ol our country could be suddenly wound up without producing great crtntrulaione in the monetary attain ol the country. Let the opinion go torth. that an extermina ting war wee to be carried on against all banks. and the State-would be thrown in to conVulsmna, and the great mass of the people would feel the evil consequencea. Mr. R. proceeded to dileuss the nub'ect‘ of banking. and the questton involved in the report 0! the rmjarity of the Commit. tee on Banks. at some length. and con cluded by saying. that on members hail embraced this occasion for defining their positiom. he would take the liberty of de fining hie alaoz—hatl he the power. he thulll charter no new tannin; rechartec on old bankn. with increased capitalsre charter on old banks. however huth-nt & well conducted. without lthe individual liability principle : and in reference to the free banking scheme. uncompromininghoa tility. He was not vain enough to say that this was the creed ol the Democratic party. but he was willing to More it Mt his creed. and would detend it,‘ when called upon. by argument. and sustain it by hie vote. ' Mr. Kerr said he did not rise to repre sent the interests of our bank or corpora. tinn. He did nnt know ol 3 single can. stilnent nl hi! who owned a tingle dollar of bank stuck‘zin or not ul the State, and were his prayers heard and answered. there never would be a bank in hi: dis trict. He rme merely to defineh‘u pnsi. tion on this mnmeutnuc question. He wan npp “'l‘ to any increase of banking capital in file State. and in Inornl a gradual re duction oi the oxiuting capital, by relu sing to recharter any old bank: that have \‘lnla't'tl any 0! the provisiom of their char tern, nnd chartering no new ones a and at to the general banking law reported by the Chairman of the Cnmmittee on Bankl. he believed the evils tn be removed. and the muchiol tn be remedied would. in stead nl being healed. he quadrupled. In addition to that. he was. clearly at the o pinion there was a strong Constitulinnll nltjectinn In the bill. ' Mr. Kn'ek heartily concurred in the views nl hit colleague. In general, he was nppnned In hunks. The people did not want a syctembaseil nn indebtedncn. Free banking waa not it Pennsylvania mea sure. nur wat it Democratic. He was in lnvnr nl rcchnrtering solvent hanks, and took, as ltlh .textl—bunk; the npininnaxi' presced by the Governor. in his message, Mr. Ziegler moved that the ennaiderm tinn ofthe rewlutimihe pn-thotiedvfnr the Oren-ht, nnd,thnt ‘b’nth thcnrepnrl 'nl'the» nlanrity‘mitl that ol the minority' be kill"! ted : which m agreed to-‘-When the Hone. adjourned. .. l l ‘ ; > Manges-ma young Dme named Ch». Grqmeam bul tecnnlynrrivml at‘N. Yuyh visifing a imugemlT ill'hme ‘in [lnt culy. lull in Inve‘vwilh ume nf Ihc lallpn inmate». ”e; endeavored to; induce hm; m go In Denmatk, with him, buuhe,‘ refused; uml .he, lhe:eupnn,.dr_ew.n piuol and slim him self inlhuidm .' Hinwound is so 41:"ch ous thuic i- learn! 'lhat he cannot live:— “He dieth ”the tool dieth," , _f 'l‘he'vNaumkeng Sham Cnuon- Mnlkifl Salem,-Masn., contain» 87,000, spindlfl mivrnbv, Menginc moo hone powero! " cmnlnyv- 575,hnnd§.. whureceivein mg" 3120.000, 0 \year. .nml. manufactures 5", 00.0.,OOO‘hy‘anla annuallym This mill.” uelieve, iuho largest in. the country. _hu ins.“ copihl ~[.5609.,000. 2K 4 _ 'lfhe Milleritea, havcfixell'fijmh'nnoth' er day, [or fine gum! bum- up of Inorldly, afln‘irs.‘ his _lu come in Mayhem. whcm according In" their chlguMlimu the war!!! will be 6,000 gram 0! age for I’I‘IIIiII. ' '