' _ From ldeouon Argm. Emmet Vs. (JorWin. "an no’mnn dare. whén I nm‘dend.,m charge mo will. rdilhénjnr‘é-lcl no man nnnhxt mJ mgmdryr‘W. ‘ liohng Ihnl I could hhvo engage in any cause bul thul of my countvyi' ‘Lot no man write my op!- “Ph-" 1 " ' "33:: Such was the nnblc and patriotic lun ‘ifllige of ihnl martyr to hiah Libeuy, “Robgrt Emmet. In his last moments. he made a burnmg nml eluquent address be lor‘é'his God and the lvmnmCal “Lord" who sank-need him, which. Io thlsdny. causes the heart at every Irithman to by!!! ~with indignation against that country which mnsigned him’ito an early grave. th tingian'd proud to die {or his country. and - hiarcountry onlvi he wished to leave he; hind him the only legacy he could leave 77-h trepulation (or patriotismuunslatned with suspicion—an untaroiahed name for “no! country andthut liberty he sought in hidently to obtain for hta brethren.— But knowing that no one who knew his motives could dare vindicate them then. he asked the silence of the world unttl of. ter-agea could do him and his character inalice. lHe desired his tomh to be on filtered with anything but his ownhum- No name. until pusterfiil‘y could engrave thereon a tablet worthy ol his memory. ; Fix your eye and mind tor a moment heart Thomas Corwin. Can he say, to t e‘languageot the immortal Emmet; ‘let no man dare, when I am dead. to charge the with dishonor 9’ Can lie. when his heat! is white with the age ol years. and hia limbs tremble with the weight of ma ny Winters, claim to have led the lite at a lttle Entriot? No! In after years, when the nger of acorn points to him at a Traitor to his country. and singles him out as one who declared to our soldiers in, a loreign land,that he would neither clothe‘no'r “leed them. he will feel that he in detested by all honorable and patriotic men. ‘Vhen he hears the solemn truth caat into the teeth ol his children's chrl« dren.,lhat at.- denounced our brave volun teerism” Robbers and Murderers.”'rrtnat he will feel that no credit of the true pa triot belongs to him. ' :7 ".Ca‘fi 'Corwin exclaim : “let no man at liin‘t my memory by believing that I could h‘lVe engaged in any cause but that ol my country P” No! If he did, one thousand voieea would arise from the patriot graves. upon the bloody field of Buena Vista, to reprove him for his treachery. The sand hilla of Vera Cruz. the heights at Cerro Gordo, the battlements ol Contreras would nnlwer : “ Your memory ahall be attain ted. You itold the Mencansto ‘welcome ua with bloody hands to hospitable graves ;’ half the blntne ol our death rea'a upon your head.” Oh, we would not descend to the grave with the sin and treason ol Torn Corwin upon our head for one-hall the possessions of the entire world. We would not for all the world, that our an ce‘atora had so disgraced themselves and ‘ the land that gave them birth. Should the tomb ol Corsvirbe unletter ed? Should his epitaph remain unwrit ten? No! Let his infamy be known to the country and the people. his written elreldy—mitlen on‘the panes ol his coun iiy’eihiltoryewritten in the records°ol the United Slates Senate—written on the minds ofthe American army and in the hhrtlxot the American people. Upon the white marble of hintomb should be en -smm :_ r mm: Lu: Tlm‘mzmms - §@23l'l'llol‘lll3 CORWIN. 53.917012 TO HIS COUNTRY. ’PREDICTIONS FOR THIS YEAR. , According to a new almanac. the year of our Lord. 1848,'ia to be an eventful one. We extract from said alumnae the follow in; eagacioua predictions, which will doubtless be fulfilled: ‘ Through the whole course of the com» in year whenever the moon wanes the night will grow dark. 0n aeveral'occa lions, during the year, the 800"Wlll rise before certain people discover it, and eat before they have finished the day’s work. his qutle likely that when there in no business doing many will be heard to com plain of hard times, but ttis equally cer tain that all who hang themselves wrll el cape starvation. ll’ bustles and hoops go eat of fashion. a church pew will hold now than tmee ladies. I! dandiee wear glrlbeir beards, lhue will be less work for «Elihu barbera, and he who wears muuachloes will have something to mean at. There till be many eclipses ofvinue. some moi. ble. dlhen invisible. Whoauever is In love will think his mistress a perlect an gal, and will,on|y finod out the truth of his flnqpicion by gelling marl-lad. Many deli mnn.-ladies. whom no one would suspect, nillhe kissed Without telling their ma’s, 7’ , There wtll be more books [lllbllalled than will find purchasers, more bills ma'dc thin will find payers. “the incumbent ’O‘liflt’ office should die. than; will be u .'ilpgen' (eetteady to atep‘lnzo one pair at ,QhQu‘glJl nfyoung lady should happen It) ;hlnnh.‘,..|he wrll‘be‘ opt to'look‘ rcd,in,tlle lice. .mthoul the use of paint; it alle‘ dream 1 {if {young than three nights in sliceesalon. ‘ 1t ml! be a algn'ol'somettlingl ll she dream ‘ 91315!!! [our times, or have the toothache, lt'la‘tec _to onetlhe will be a long time in l fitting either at them out of lltu‘ headJ— ‘ r anyvpeolwlp will drink more strong,”- -quor than mll be necessary to keep them lobergand take. more mgtlmtne than will ;bp‘rcquisite to" tho "erl’jolylnrent:"ofl "good xhgplth. , "Dinner;and:entertainments am hill-given to, lhnpelliyho, hnvfe J enti'ilgtl .'.“ A hyme. and the pouritvlll- réceive much m. l vice gratinlogal andi'ln'édi'cal excepted— ‘ Thef pohlic debts Olthc‘repddiuting Slate's WI” hatflly he'_prtjillte,d.’ and the Ballltlhlé will very 'prubibly'gntleng mdny' prilv‘atie ‘ contracts in this latitude. He v_who mtg» ‘ fie; this your will run a great risk. espe ‘ciallvjf he does it In a hurry, ‘ He who l steals a which. gives. laillors‘ o'ccosmn .tu. gussip, and will bu upl‘lo involve himself and piideln disagreeablorelnlions. There “will he a grant noise all worth country when it Ihunders. and n tremendous dun will be kicked up occasionally by conch horses, Many young ladies, who hope (or it. but‘little expect it. will be married; and mnny'who confidently anticipate that glorious consummation. willbe doomed to await another war. Finnlly, there exists little doubt. this will'be a 'most wonderlul’ your. surpass ing inilnterest all .thntrhuve preceded it. Politicians will make fools of others; nml many women with pretty faces will make foolsol both. The world Will go round as usual. nml come back to thcplnce wlicncc it set out. no will many a man who engages in business- There Will be great cry nml lltlle wool, both at the shearing ofpiga, and the meeting 0! Con- gres%.' M’filllister’s Oinlmcm. ~._:=.~- g m .~‘——- ‘/’ =1? way-2:73 “ M7162} Insensible Perspz'ration. HIS OINTMENT HAS POWER to cause all T EXTERNAL SORES SCROFULOUS HUM. ORB. SKIN DISEASES, POISONOUS WOUNDS. to diachnrge their puirid matters and then heals them. it is rightly termed All-healing, lor there in scurcelyn disease. external orinternal.thnt it Wlll ‘ not benefit. I have used it lor tholnat fouriecn years tor all direaiies oi the cheat,consumption. liver. invol vmg the almost danger and reuponaibiliiy, and l dc~ clare before heaven and men, that not in one single case has it tailed to benefit. when the patient was within the reach at mortal means I have had physicians, learned in the proieeaien. l have had Ministers offlieGospeLJudgca of the Bench Aldermen, and Lawyers. gciiilemen of the highest erudition. and uun’ri’runss ofthe men use it in eve ry variely of way, and there has been but one voice. one united, universal voice. saying. “McMi-iter. your Ointment is GOOD." CONSUMPTION. It can barely ho credited that a salvo can have any effect upon the lungs. seated as they am within the system. But if placed upon the chest.“ penetrates directly to the long: separates the potsonoul particles that are consuming them nod ex pols them tram the system. It Is cuting persona of consumptton continuully. HEADACHE. Tho Salve hnacurcd persona of the Hendnchoof l 2 Kear‘utunding, and who had tt tcgu' lntly every wee . so that vomtting otton took place. Deafncsa and Eat-Ache are helped with [lke auc‘ C 053: RHEUMATISM. ltrcmovcs almost immediately the Inflammanon and swelling ”when the pain of course ceases. _ . COLD FEET. Consumption. Liver Crmpluinl, poms in tho chest or side. fullmg offal the hair. one or the other. always accompanies cold feet. It is a sure sign ol'disonsa in the system to have cold feel. This Ointmem is lhe lruo remedy for scuorvu ERYBIPILAS. an}; mlzuu. vazn COMPLAINT. sou anthems-v. so a THROAT. QRONCIHTIS. 13110sz on non BREAST. PlLzs,ull cuzsr mamas. such as ABlll - orrnusxorv. nuns. also. soul: LIPS, cmrrzb HANDS. Tunonu. cannons :nunxosu. nxnvouu planets. and o! the stunt. There Is novmedxcmo now known so good. 6 SCA LD HEAD. We have cured cases that actu ally defied every thing known,” well an the nbnlily o! fittoen or twenty doctors. Ono mnn‘told us ho had upenlBsoo on his children wilhoul nny benotil. when a few boxes oflhe omtmc-m cured lhem BALDNESS. It will maloro the hair quicker than any olhor llung. BURNS. 11. m Iho bout [hing in tho “orld lor Burns. fllcml lho directions urouml Iho box ) WORMS. ll wxll drive every vesngo ul [hem n wna'. (Rand the direction around the box.) ‘ORNS. Occasional use ollho oinlmenz will ul wnyu keeplcorns lmrn growing. People need not be lioub'ml with them il'lhey wnll use il. FILES. Thousands are ycntly cured by this Oink ment. 'l‘E'l‘Tl-IR. There in nothing boiler (or Iho cure o! Teller. JAMES' McALIS'I‘ER. & Cg” Sole propnelur ol the above medicinc.-\ CAUTION. ”Nu Olmmom Will be genuine un~ Icm lhe name-"0| James McAllialer or Jame: Mc- Alliuer <9 Co.. are wm-r-rzn with a nu upon svsm 5432].." PRICE 25 CENTS PER BOX. Read lhe Followmg Communicah’on, Received (mm an old, respected. and well known cilizon of l’hlludelphin. and than judgo to: youmoll. _ _ Philadelphia. 10m mo. 18"., 1846. To 'l‘. B. Pozcrson No. 98 Clmalnul meet : anmg been requested lo give my opimun on (he meme ul Mu ALIS’I‘ER'S SALVE 1 am willing to enumerate some ofthe benefits which l have experienced in (he use .oflho nmcle. In the sprung of 1845 I had an attack at Eryaipalnu in my face which became very painful. and enondod imo cm at my eyes, b 61113 uuondod with fever. my distress was great and I became to ho fearful afloa lng my eye. . - Allhoirgh not much u bolicvcr in what is tormad quack medic-mes, I purchased u box and made nppli~ cnuun to my face. To my surprise the pnm soon ü baled and in u week's limo l was entirely cu'md,nnd I firmly believu it was tho snlvq undor Providence Ihnl cured mo. From ~that ume lo.lho present I have used Iho uni cle nu occupier; rcqunred. and in every case where l have used}!, [have lound a decided benefit. " Alone tinmin gorng to bed at night. my throat was sailor? that] Swallowed with difficulty. but by an ap plrcutlon of the unlvo I was rolreved buforo morning. lhuvo used rtm cases of burns, bruiseampmms and flesh cuts all With tha‘hn'ppiest eflecls. and bus bush 0! poisoning byu “11d vrne in the woods has been dried up and cured by n (my applications. , Front my own _expenonce I would strongly recom mend rt‘ to nll.-ns n .chenp convenient mcdrcrnd. It requires no preparation other thun to rub It on thou‘t flicled part. ' . ' '~ ~ I have becogno' so pnrtml to it that I' expect to keep itconstantlym mi lumily. . '1 ‘ .. .l . Though not'um itious to appear In print, yo! I can not refuse to have this comrnunicuhon made public il' judged best to serve the cause olhumnruty. ‘ . ' Rospecllully thine. V ' ,“I .-. ‘ « - WM. ADAMS, No.26oldYork‘Rond. ‘ j wPrwe 25 cents per bnx. ', -‘ ' lf' flGENT&..‘x ’E. &r W. E.lrwin.- o!earfleld.l 1' . : Mes-tars. .flrnolds, Luthersburg; j ,i ~- Jqlm Patton, jr. Cur-winsvillcl‘ L L‘cpz Lutz. lunchtime. ‘ . , ‘ '_,: C(cmfigli], Dec. 25Ax1847.-ly.. ‘6‘ New Fall and Winter r CRANS &BROTHER, Curwonsvnlle, Pennsylvania, ’ AVE.nnd will keep constantly on H hand. a lame nasurlmcnl of, Dry-Goods, Hardware, Queens ' ivare, Groocries, Drugs and Dye " Stuffs, Tin-ware, Books & Sta— tionary, Hats, Caps and Bonnets, Boots and Shoes, Tobacco and Segars,‘ ‘ Umbrellas, Carpet and Carpet and Cotton Yarn, Con feotionarics, Points, Oils, Teas, &cgg'cw I All ol which they are prepared lo sell on the most reasonable lerms. . CRANS 8: BROTHER are the Agents lor the sale of Dr. Juynca' celebrnlcil {auxili meilicmro. mjanmls exi‘hnngml lor Lumhrr, Pm (luce owl Furs, for which lhe highest pl‘l~ ces will be given. December. ‘2, ’47.-11. Bellefonte Foundry. "@éASfl‘flNC‘iQo HE Subscribers, having purchased Tum interest of J. D. M’Lannhnn & Geu. “’elch in the Bellefoute Foundry. wull continue' the buisineas at the old place. under the name at WELCH & LEYDON, where they mli be happy to see the customers oi the late firm. tngrlh or with all others desirous oi tarnishing themselves with anything in their line a! very low rates. 'l‘hey willkeep constant ly on hand— . ' Stoves qf all lands, viz : -:- .=-"?' :2; ---;-2:-3 The Improved Hot Air Cook Slovea, Air-Tight Fancy Parlor and Ten Plum Wood Stoves, 0! all sizes; lhe unrivalled Balloon Stove,lour sizes; and Cylendcr and Fancy Coal Stoves ol all knnds. MISCELLflA’EOUS JIRTICLES. uch as a numerous assortment of Plow Patterns; Hollow-ware consistingol large and small'Kettles. Pots, Skillets. Pans. Wagon Boxes, Sled antl Sleigh Soles; Smoothing Irons, Stands lor' Umb'r’ellai; all kinds 0! Grist anti Saw Mill Castings oiapproved Patterns. together with an as sortment oi Brice and Durkee's Reaction Water Wheels. &c. Castings ofal kinda filled up to order on the shortest notice. [;:ff’Every article in their line ol busi ness will be sold on the most reasonable terms. and all kinds ol marketable pro duce taken in payment, | » D. WELCH. ‘D. LEgDON. Benerome. Sept. 9, 1847,-—ly " ‘ CRANS 85 BROTHER, GENTS for the mic of Dr. Jflg’NS A’ Family Medicine: ; ‘ ~ Dr. CULLEN’SmJndian Vegetabe Rgm edy—Panacea, Specg/ic and File Rem edy ; Dr. flPPLETON’S Remedy for Deaf- new ,- CflNTRELL’S Compound Medicated Syrup of Sarsaparilla ,- - CfiN’lRELL'SflnIi Dyspeptic Powder; C‘flN'fRELL’ S fillerative Pills ,- SflNDS‘ Sarsaparilia. 6-c.,&c.. &c. Havejust recewed a [rash supply 0! lhe same. W-Curwinsville. May 10. MARBLE WORKS fl! MILESBURQ, Centre county, Pa. ARON PARTERAGE—IaIe 0! PM A ladelphin—bcgs to inform the chi- Zeua ol Clehrfield county that he intends herouller (u visu lhe buruugh 0| Clearfield regularly mice a year. lur the purpose "I recejving orders lor flIflRb‘LE AMIN TLE PIECES. 1110 N .UMEN TS, 70111138 and TOMB STONES. Ev -ry description of CUT-STONE. lur urldings. &c.. will be furnished in the rat slyle ol wnrkmanship, and on lhe mos! reasonable terms. ‘ Trade. If suitable. will be taken in parl pay. 7 acrfle may be found at lhe Mansion uggon court weeks. jan2o—tf Fashionable Tailoring. 3". A. FRANK RESPECTFULLY intorml the citi zensapf Clearfield and vicinity that he I now prapured to execute alt orders in the abuvg business with neatness and deapatch, and in the most substantial and lashionable manner. Hts shop is situate on 2d atleet. adjoining Geo. D. Lanicha' Hotel. where he} will be happy to attentl to all who may tavur him with-a call.— The firm York nml Philadelphia tashious will betreceiv'ed regularly. , > 'All kinds df'coun'try‘tprdduéu taken‘ in exphange tor work, at the highest market prtces." ‘ . , Auguut,2B, 1847; ' ‘ ' ECPPgrry Davia’ Vegetablé Pain-killer can be had Irom the suhscriber at the nbov’e stand.“ ' . h , M. A. F- ROBERT. WALLACE, IW, A.'WALLACE. ‘ uoumusnuno, PA. ‘ topmngxgw. PA , R. 81.. W. ’A-.: WALLACE. fittpr2‘zigas‘ézt Lizu'l. WILL-priciicein 'th'e aevéf‘al courts , .DfZClCu‘rficld. Blair 8; Elk coun lies‘. ‘Bu'sin'gss‘ ’euitrdétefl :lo "c'ilhér’of thg pnrwe‘rs'. «em fat-ave“ thé ’cxary'é'nvndlntleh' liou of bolh. " ‘ ' ' -§ep."16."47,' G 690!) SI; Latest. .T‘An‘ri'Val 2’! MORE {NEW ,ooous 111' _THE - CHEAP, STORE; I HE» undersigned: hasjjuut; rer‘elvcd' T and opened, at Beccaria Mills. a lnrge stock of X ' ‘ , ' I Dry Gowns, GI‘OCBB‘HGS, ~ &c. &c. ' - . which will he mm on low lor CASH or nrcepmmo COUNTRY PRODUCE, ur LUMBER. as can be purchased in the County. ~. , - ElT'Lndies & Gcnllcmen will do well I 0 come and examine his Mock. and he doubts nol lhey wil! find every thing to pit-use. A DAM HARSHBARGER. Beccnriu Mil)», Jun. 7. 1848. g TO it ENT. 7 ‘HA'I‘ highly Valuable pmpergy allu- E nled on me Su‘s‘quehnnnn river, in Burnside luwnship. Cleurfield county. and known my the estate of Matthew Irvin. deceased. Said properly conaists ol A Grist-Mill, Saw-Mill and FflRM, . W ith a Store-House, Blacksmith slzop and several Tenant Houses, Which will be rented separately or all together. as may be deemed most suitable. As a lumberm; establishment, this pro perty. in connection with the Grist Mill on‘d Farm, possescs advantages over any other intlie county—being situated im'-R mediatcly on the River, and in the midst of on extensive timber region. and in o populous section ofthe county, F' , The above property will be rented eith er lor one year, orohscnes of years, and possession given on the first ol April next. [CP'l‘crms made known, and any fur ther mlormatiou given, on application to the subscriber, at Clcurfield, on or before the first day of March next. JAMES T. LEONARD. - Guardian of the Minor Heirs. Dec. 80. 1647. . " AP AGENTS WAN'I‘ED.--'l‘he RI subscriber wtehea to engage in the sale of his Maps u- number ol young and middle aged men of moral and buuness habits. as travelling agents. Having com pleted new and greatly improved editions olhia Universal Atlas. 73 Maps; large Map ol the World.‘ Relerence and dis lance Map of the United States. National Map ol the United Slater-also, a variety 0! other Maps, Including several Maps ul Mexico. the subscriber is prepared to lur‘ uish agents, lor cash. at the lowest poasi ble pnces» Address, - S. AUGUSTUS MITCHELL. Northeast Cumor of Market and Seventh Slreeuwkpiladelphm. Dec. 23, ‘47.-—pd. . ~ ' THIRTY ROMANCES FOR TW'O DOLLflRS, WHICH is all that is asked, per annum. for the greatest paper in the world, which will be issued the first week in January, 1848. under the title of THE NEWS OF THE WORLD. It will contain forty columns ol the most val uablc and inlexealing Romance reading ever J . presented to lhe Amencnn public. Among its contents will be the celebrated novel of Robert Macaire in England, By G. W. ~HEYNOLDS, the celebrawd author of 'Lile in Lundon,’ and ‘Ellen Munroe.“ A9BO, Alexander Dumas' km and hes! pro ducuun, , BRAGELONNE, THE SUN OFflTHOS. Translated expressly for the News of the World. by one ofthe best linguists ofthe age. THOM AS I‘VILLIAMS Eng. 7 Our space wianot permit us to give any do tailed list of the great store of reading that its mammoth columns will contain; but every fam ily that wishes to have I whole library 0! read. ing, will be sure to subscribe immediately. All subscribers who remit their 82 prior to Februa ry lst.. will receive acopy of DICK'S superb steel engravmg of _ SIR WflLT/‘Elf SCOTT IN HIS LIBRflRI', the selling price of which is $2. ’I!ERMS.—B2 per annum, invariably in ad vance. Specimen copies will be sent to any post paid order. SIX COPIES. 10 DOLLARS. Each subscriber will be entitled to a copy of the magnificent Premium Engraving. All or der: should be addressed to , WILLIAMS BROTHERS, Pubhshers,i24 Ann street, New York. jun. 7.1848. sz-m , stray .54? “enter. _ . rugs—«s9*- ~ ‘ «DAME to the preuusea of (he‘subscri ,ber residing in Lawrence township. about the ‘middle at July. :1 White and Red Heifer, mntkedeilh tar. and suppo sed lo be two years old. The owner is requested to come forward, prove proper. ly, pay charges, and take her away. um rewise shewill be disposed or according ‘0 law._ , ‘ AMOS REED, sen. .} anencé. lp.,Nuv, 24, ’47. [Healing of County Commms. ERSONS having business tolmnsnct with the P board of Commissioners of (tleurfiold cqunly. will take non‘co; lbnt. fluid Board lwxll berin session a! lheir office. In the borough or Clonrflold. on Monday. the 21810! Fobmury,(insl.) ~. ~- - ‘ , 4, . ~ uAtxcql.~H.;fl-THOMPSON. Clk- Comm'ra omco. 15m: . '. . . , ‘1 January. 1818. .' " ‘" “ ,.‘ L H.‘ ' ~' ‘ ‘ . “ ' BLflJVKS fbr agent this' am}: COMMISSION &Ironvyagpmw , ‘ AGENCYQL "“4 r ‘iHE undersigned havingtdcaiwiw fl ' aoiiler- ut' Milesborg. Ii! lhe‘iiifad’ Bald Ezigie Canal Navigation; immd'r'hii (luctingthe For’wurding and Commig‘fia Business. and solicit the friendship 0! ti. Farmers, Merchants. and ‘othero-htiv’iii‘ produce to forward from ' the countiu‘ii Centre. Clenrfieldvkfll’fflum' and our» parts, and lhe patronage 9' MQTQM'M'WR may want htoruge on thtitr good: porch}; oil in the ciiica. ' g "3 From thirty yearn' experiepce: m 1 oi; Commission and Pocket Businecs'iu ii): city of Baltimore, they hope‘ tube note b] strict attention. to render satisioctlou'u "those employing them. The] willbe pm videtl wuh store-house mom for Groin and Goods. and yard roum’ [or storing Plaster, Cool. Lumber. Iron, &c. Grain and Lou. her wi|| lie-forwarded to a branch of their house in Baltimore. or to Philadelphiapn an experienced house there. whichever xnnrkct may uiTcr the best inducements having quotations three timcsa week fr'ou each city. ‘ ..;) Assuring those who favor (hem'wifly their business, (hat no ’eflort shall be mu. ling to give satisfaction. and Ihnl lhey ‘93! depend on quick sales. and returns of lands prnmmly made. . ,1 ELY BALDERSTON a; (.0., (menu, Camera] the Canal and Turnpike, Mllburg, REFEnzNCEu.~~~VALEN'I‘INE & THOMAS. Gen. JAMES IRVIN. ROTHROCK 6.; LEIB. I Waugh! and storage to be paid on delivery offiouds. ' sen. 25.-6 m. - TIIA'I‘ am; «on,» ' \-:—_:.' MO3TER;§% STICKS out (0 let you know that there in a parcel of FRESH DRUGS ' ' At the old store between Hemphill’a and Uurx thal’s.juet arrived from the city, FRESH, NEW AND GOOD. A first rate assortment of Drug. Malicinu. Oil-r, Pain“, Varnilh, 7ummtine, Di, White Igad. Dye Stufl'l, Coqfeclianary, limb, Perfumry. Patent fllcdccinea, and Patent with; of u very great variety, among which ii the much celebrated @1332, @111? §®Al99 A never failing article (or removing grease} run pcnlinc or paint spots from cloths, silk," &c., wilhout injuring the cloth or varying the color. ALSO~One of the best articles of vmmmmwm Ever offered to the public. It is the regular built wormjerker, which neverfnils to relieve the little sufferer when properly administered.— I‘here is on hand a variety of other articles deci dedly too numerous to mention, therefore we would invite all who wish to procure any of the 'nbove articles. or family medicines orany and every variety, (and beaure ol gettinga good ur clc.) to call at the sign at the Big Mortar, for we have them, and are determined to sell them low [or cash, and nothing clrr. N. B. All those old Ich}: repaired or pulcd out and new ones put in the place of them by A. M. H. , Aug. 14, 1847 0% E. GREEN’ S RED &2 BROWN PILLS: ‘HE demand lor the above medicine '1 in the last 2or 3 years. is deemed a sulficienl apology for placing it now ful ly before the people ; and the diseases for which it is applicable have become so pre valent in (his country llmt a remedy enti tled to confidence. is a great desideratum. The diseases I ailude to Ire Hepalitio. (Liver allection,) Dyspepsia. and female dumplninls in general. figm'l'he above pills will b: kept con stanlly [or sale by Richard Shaw, Clearfipld. Bigler G! 00.. Bell township. . Graham 8; lf’riglzt, Braglord James McGir/c. Philipaburgl Oct. 20. 1846. trimrrwrwrr¢rm~nrrrww§r¢§i s G. W. BECKER, ' s s .flttornegatLaw,‘ 5 s CLEARFIELD. rENN'A. , g 5 July. 20. ‘47. .- '2 Lw¢¢r¢rw J‘J‘J‘IJ‘IJ‘JIN NJJ‘A DR. JAYNE, MEDICINES}- KRATZER & BARRETTS, ,- . Clearjficld. Pa.—-.aml. I. L. BARRETT & 00.," Cleargfiéld Bridgm,‘ Are the reguiarly authorized agents {9? the sale of the above valuable medicinal, and have on hand a‘very' large supple-{j- They also intend keeping‘conbtantly un and a full snppty. June 10.:47. ' LIST of LETTERS temnining in .th Post Office at Clear'field. .Ppu Jam“ ary 18!.1848. ‘ " ”’ ' ' Butier.\Francis‘ Hun‘tiugtpn. 'Wm~ Begger. Samuel ' " Hnl|,"Jo'hn. i Brink, Daniel ,' Lmé. Mrs. Theresa' Carson, Robert More. Levi L.' . Downs, Robert S. Marks. 'Audrew Dufiey. Dnniel' Ober. Martin ' Derick, John Pelera.‘ Joseph "'1 Ferguson. David . Spanni'l‘ho's. H. Full: Esq. \Vm P..S‘onn'.‘Charlep - Garrison. David ‘. ” Sherman, 149}!!! H....._ Hilqmau, Jacobi , lei'p. My“, _ . WANTED.- APERSON 9r persdns Io cut one hunt ' ”1m! :candsxaf W 001). for ~ which I. renpqnabl¢ mice Mill he.- paid ;in CASH. {. ‘Jf “(3! WE“ IRV‘N‘ ‘I Chrfiemville, Nov: 8. 1847. . N .J‘.‘ ;.~}‘ A. M. HILLS.