“,5: pl on“); g-hfi'ii} [_b‘ée'n. ‘imll‘yj ‘prmi! am], by 95"?“ 'h" ' ' I', i ' ' “ .2? in lamb 9 gay nil-“LE. ..‘. 323% The forums mm] ihal‘blrwuthv "irri ‘lw bl " " ' 9219*- a [lands ihnt [muted [mm the clouds— a; lhe :‘mpfemoun nml irresistibie i-unen! 0‘ ’~§}«- "ratings, which everywhere Overflowed ‘35; 'hegfibanks—lhe ‘smrowiul penapntx, WQW rg dermg fugm one nine to women?" '0'":- a» Jude 0' gathering their lnmilies ancf cat -3% "e. to save lhem from ihin terrible hurri i; cgnE. presented a uni. lhnugh imposing 1,: plclur'e. , i V 9%? Subscriptions have been Named in raise ‘24 relief for the diatresmd. by "I? people 0' ‘ 8“ J'BO- . LEI $ Trouble among the Indians. .: gs Threatened attack upon Ibrt Bent. Loss .X = of horses and cattle.-Desertions. . J, . (Correspondence ot‘ the Plttaburg Gazette.) 3’ - S'r. Loam. Feb. 7. 1848. g A messenger has "arrived from Fort if? Mann. with news from that place. dates - i 10-Ihe 20th of January. ten days later that. 7%; the advices received on Saturday. Max By- the messenger we - have news at . 1 much importance. and learn thatCnlonel “f Gilpin was still at Fort Bent in much z troubles The Indians in New Mexico bid fair to 7:5; be very troublesome. It is said that the Mexicans and Ca lf“; manche Indiana are gathering in the aouth ’» in great force. about 260 miles lrom Furl ' Bent. andwere preparing for an attack upon that tort. ' ‘ Col. Gilpin was making every prepara tion. not to receive them; but to march a gainst them and attack them in their ren dezvous. " ‘ , The means at Cal, Gilpitl’s command were very limited3but he hoped to be a ble‘to march by the middle at February. The greatest diflicatty' was experienced at the tort in obeying the orders at Cal Gilpin. His home are all dead;and at 800 cattle. only 70 now remain. and the valves are daily lessening this number. An attempt was made at Fort Mann to lend store-"to Col, Gilpin. but 'with little success. A detachment ottroopa. (Lieut. O’Hara.) which was ordered to escort in autler’a train. deserted toa man. A court. martial had been Ordered. but the result had not been ascertained- !!!M Pm t ii. ,ln'g lhm lice. ifu,‘ a dc- y in: . i! it tolm‘ n 0! hey m Lu“? 3 if ‘ 55 23-27 ' \Trsconsm—wamo.——'|‘ho constitu tinnsl convention of this 'l‘errttory. now in session. after an excittng debatn. have a dopted an article authmizing the general assembly at any time to submit the ques tion of "bank" or, "no bank" to the peo ple; and providing that. should amajority ofthe votes then but beJound in favor of banks. the legislature may passe general tor’epeciai banking law, .which. if sanction ed ‘by a majority of the votes given on the question. ohall go into effeu. This pro vision was agreed to by a very largo ma .jority. and will doubtless be incorporated tnto the constitution. which the convention are now engaged in framing. t , i am. lion 1h!- Yunnan—Louis Jo'seph Papineau in 1836 was ")9!ka nf the Canadian parlia m’eht. with a majority of‘twenty to nag-oat his back. In t 837 he was an outlaw, with £1.090 on his head. In 1888 he was to t» pntsto-death. untried. if found in Can nda. In 1847 lie lnlmimted once more ’hi- anathema: again»! colonial rule. In 1848 he will be the successor ol Sir Allen ‘McNab. the hem of For! Schlosser, nu Ipeakn'ol lht third united parliament of Cnmda. - my f lhe I 1"]. rail t ac- N 33$ ;:’: '. 3‘ ' :2. lée. \ be es of the n . T 5: with ,lhnt - Sunnm CHAchr.—Tbere in nothing more lry~ Jug lo the humln constitution lhln luddon chan gel of weather. Hm rarificl the blood. and in "qu lho perspirulion '. but when luddenly choc )ted. than human which should pun 06' by Iho skin. In! Ihrown ufl' inwardly. causing coughs. roldu. consumplion. dimcully of breathing. walery and inflamed Veyra. lon throat. and many olher complain". _ ini‘hl'o'lndian Vrgclablc Pills are adelighlful medicine for carrying ofl‘coldl-becnulo they ex pell'ronji lhe body lholo humor! which are the ,cwso ol Iho above complain". Four or live of mid Indian Vegetable Pills lakan every nigh! on going to bul will. in a lew dayr, carry ofl‘lhe moan ohnunnlo cold ; a! Iho ulna lime Iho digellivo or glnl will be. roalorod to o heallhy lono, and new life om}; vigor will be given lo the whole frame. BEWARE or Couu'rznm'n AND [MITA'HONB : Remember that Iho original and only genuine In dian Vtgdablc Pills have Iho signature of Wu. “(man-r written with a pen onrlbo lop lubclor ‘ucb hon - -~ - - ' ' fiT/te genuine for sale by R. SHAW. sale flgentfor. Clearfield ,- Cums <9 Bao- Tnnn. Curwenwxlle; Dunn. BARRETT, Lulhmburg ; and wholesale at Ihc zfiice and general depot, 169 Race street. P ita delphia. , . 5000Ibs. Good Dried Bacon. Als‘o’ Dricd Apples and Peacheo. for sale by , . JOHN PATTON. Curwensville. Feb. 15, ’47. ‘ Phihpsburg and Susquehanna ' ' Turhpz'ke' road Company. OTIOE ie hen-by givm to lhe stock. N holders in thinned. that an elecuon will be held at lhe home ol William Par. ker, in'Philipsburg. on lhe first Monday qf March next. between the huure ol 2 and 5 o’clock P. M., to elect ‘Menagers 'lor the emuing year,- ' ' . ~ By onle‘r of the Board. v ' , EDWARD F. LLOYD, Tra'r. * 'Pbilipeburg. Feb. 10. 1848. ‘1 ' lii-fit A ; ’;‘~.«i - ~ :4: V MI ’lvm ma 1h!“ "1 3);- * Howard’s Celebrated Cement,‘ ’ FOR ime‘hdin’g? Glaaa,'China. and Ear then Ware. ,pu e'nlite new article. indfiprrnnted s‘uperior 19 any other mi ue oltho kind ‘e‘gcr‘jofiered to _lha public. .. ' Ibr'éhle at the sign ofthe~ . y .1} I G .6 OLD MO R'l' A R. -‘ ‘. ‘ . ‘ ‘ ' F 212. 10' ’4B MI am. .;, 1°?" ‘. »’ .In'tl in» fail. ME j}: -mtu— ME ' v ' Tm. "}.-I'P.§»,':l-‘ 9")“ .~‘( 3'“ .. txixfimfx ~HJ UNIflN: MAGAZINE 0F Litortuiooml Art—edited by Mrs. C. M. _ KIRKLAND.'nuthor of Now Homo. Forest Life. awn—nod tilled wtth contributions from the most eminent writen ofthe country." ‘ ' Themocond volume commences with tho Jann my number. 1848. At the conclusion ofthe first ‘ hall yen! ol‘tho Uplon _Mogozinog the publisher fools impelled to moko some acknowledgment 01 his sense of tho favorable rocoption accorded to it by the public. Its success he certainly bson un precedented, and while it may ho- pardonnble to ascribe this in port to the merits of tho work. it must not be dented that public good will and kind ncss have hoon abundantly demonstrated. The press in all parts ofthe country has given its voice liberally and heartily in favor ofthe new aspirant. To flog after this, would ho dishonorable indeed. Tha‘Unton Mogazinotiill be published regular ly on the first at each month- Deslera in periodicals throughout the Union and Canada. who wish to become agents for the Union Mogoiino. WI” please to apply to‘ the publisher immediately. All postmostors are desired mom no agents for‘ it, and tho usuol' discount will be made to them. ‘ A specimen number will be sent to any one \vuhing to see it. on application to the publisher. post paid. Terms of the Union Magazine. Ono Copy one your (in advance) 83 00—0ne Copy two dOB5 OO—T‘vo Copies one yo or do 85 00— Fivo (do gio 810 OO—Eight do do 815 00— Twolvo‘do do 820 00. * - GREAT NATIONAL PICTURE. We will giyo the penon lending “11l Iho large-t club ofeublcrihon tothis magazine. with the cash at Ihubove rntoe duringlho limo ending the In of May 1848. the ongrnvmg of the Unit (1 States So. nnte‘ Chamber. containing the comic? portreiu ol 97 dielingutlhod gentlemen then in tho Chamber at the tune of Mr. Cnu'e Farewell Speech. The engraving men-urn 32 by 40 inches. engraved by Thomas Doney. and publllhed by E. Anthony. with n eplendid gilt frame. the engraving coeting 99]. Which we will deliver free 0! freight or on Dayle in any way to the ponon enutlod to it. at any place within the United Sluice—end it will also commute the per-on tending the money. a lile oubec'riber to the Union Magazine. The picture and frame can be uen at any time n: E. Anthony'- Dagnetrcotypo Eetubliehmcnt. 247 Broad way. New York. Addreel (pout paid.) ' ' ISRAEL POST, 149 Nuuu Slreot. New York January 22. 1848. Mary Goodwalfl N ‘he Court of Com b; hrr next | I mon Pleas of Clear fliend ’ field counly. vs. , F Alias Sub. m. 0.. George E.Good. | vorce. No. 16. Janua walt. J ry Term. 1848. CLEflRFIELD COUNTY. 85: The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to George E. Gaodwall. ,‘anzrmc: WHEREAS. Mary Goodwall. for merly Mm Lines. by her {other and next lriend. Joseph Lines. did. on 1 the SUlh day 0! November last past. pre ‘ fer her pellllnn to our Judges of lhe Court 0' Common Pleas of the county of Clear field. at a court held or Clesrfield in and for said eaounly. praying Iho! for lhe caus es therein set forth. she mighl be divorced Irom lhe bonds of matrimony entered min with you (he said George E. Goodwnlt 2'— “’e therefore command‘you. as we before commanded you the said George E. Good wolr', lhn'. veiling aside all olhDerpusineu and excuses whnrroever. you be and ap pear in your proper person before our Judges, or Clesrfield, at our Court of Common Pleas. there to be held for the said countv. on the first Monday of Mayl next'.” (1848.) to answer the petirion. or li bel. oi lhe said Mary. and lo shew cause.‘ if any you have, win the said Mary, your Wife. should not be divorced from the bonds of matrimony agreeably to lhe acl 0! Assembly in such case made and pro vided. and hereof you are not to fail.— Wllness. George W. Woodward. an.. Presiden! of our said Court. or Clear‘iol'd. the 80 day of Febvuorv. A. D. 1848. WM.-C.WELCH. Prolh? . And in pursuance ol the order nlylhe Court, We testimony u! wilnesscawillhe taken before Wm. A. Wallace. examin er, at his office on. Satutday the 29m day 0! April. 1848. n! the borough 0! Clear field. JOHN STITES, Sh’ff Sheriff's office. Clear-2 field. Feb. 4, 1848. Farm for Sale. HE lubscriber oflera to sell his farm T situated in Penn township, Clear field county. and on the banks ol the Sun quehanna river. four miles above Cur wenlville. on the main road leading from Curwenwitle to Indiana, containing about 155 acres, ol Which there are 125 acres cleared. 80 0! which is first quality of river bottom—all under good lence and in a high state at cultivation. L; There is on the premises 3”” > TWO GOOD DWELL. f3?;,{,,'"‘fl“,'_r‘ “If ING HOUSES, ”21"“9“ .4 NEW BflNK BflRN. 76 by '45 feet, .0 Large Sheep Stable. Wagon House. and other necessary out buildings. all finished 06 in good style together with a .::-'3‘“, LflRGE flPPLE ORCHflRD Eggs} ALSO. a Young Orchard qf ‘P’ 160 choice Apple trees—l Peach =M€