Democratic banner. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1837-1849, February 19, 1848, Image 2

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to .Wuhtngton,‘ . he. . “flight!” filth! we.
‘ ~ ' ‘ hueitttr Ind.dottvn.sev’ery.dey;é-.peec‘e‘fil‘ml
‘ Int elte'tjnuely'giifleheve nothing you":
froth thin city ttt lthaptqtéfll? timefititffithie
» urgent. for I nature. you no'one. unleet' it‘
' ‘ie en. "Scott. o'er. 'l‘rittt. lt'now‘e'e’nyfi
thin: .t'nnm‘nhott‘t" it? than" 'ttto."tn‘inigi fittié
~qonnt’. and "I!!! .etntlenieh‘ero cxctdinas
' ly nautiotte. in. eyerythtn‘g totaling to‘the
’ movement-3% the" .tt'r'frny,‘ qdd‘p‘terpMnfl
«unmet! With-tit ‘- ‘ 'l‘h‘etiéit‘eet‘thtti‘ [4"]!
" ~ .eotne-to. the pretentx mite urinal": it {5931)
. my .oovreepu‘n'dont' et‘Q'tteteto'rofi"‘Wlmn ;
. form, me that: there it“ memo t‘rutyl'eon-j'
chided; htti «‘h‘efladde: "{l‘hewtholef‘tub»
' is“.metewith;the-Unlt‘edi'Statee-Ah!iSO-‘f.
‘ eminent at Mexico ie-nilllng 19 mm a
treety’r‘fandgu'o? prepared» Indf‘lfllfonltf'.‘
"c nengb to enetetit "it.';’.f "Malt!" 0‘ ‘ “Who"
toluentieltin'enit‘t the'r'epublic; whothave
heretofore; heed3’VlOlen'lY ' “PM!“ ‘0 me;
' xtting otreetygnre now “meeting it strong:
1,..- :Thou pmone' who formetly belong-l
- 'e'dto their!” and‘ have been dieeerdeds
bytttogov'ernment, are pitifully prostratev
their influenoe in nothing on either‘eide of"
. th'eeoelei The'Congreujhad'not‘yetmet:
’ 'athere'te'romt the latest dam. butit-t’v‘ae‘
expected ..tliero.woultl be olull meeting by.
the9lsth ormth. '‘ fi’ . “ ”l " '
, - The brigade of Colonel Riley is still at
:Te‘eubeytipend the btigntlo qt Gen. Cush
’ tug-It San ‘Angel'. No movement ot troupe
for 8m LuiStcen takeplacebelore than
of Febtueq; even if Gem Scott molt ttr
\ tlentlnleetred it. The commend. betore
~ 5" itjetlrte lrotn here,: tn'tttt be lull} appoint
‘ 36 [or five or fix months. no it mill take
thettime gt le'ut'belore they would'be n
‘ hietotnnke n roadt‘rotn Sen Lots to Tent
‘p’icot bylWhich they would'be enabled to
bring supplier from the letter place. 'At
- ante-eat; ’they'are without one of the mutt
neeeunry articles, clothing. tot- ouch ttn
expeditton, ,Gen. Scotthu twiee lent to
~Yern;oroz (unit. and both time: hu re
ticeiVetl .|_ '~‘.very:{-meegre supplylgtherelnre
helm bed to resort to one' at th'e"puorest
mean: .01- procuring. "whoring it made
"have.“ Capt. lite-Kitten], ofthe quarter
tnuter’e depertme’ht,hu now’ about l 000
men and women e'ngtgetl in making cloth
._ in: tor the eoldiere. and [understood they
' ~_willbe-u least until the let olFehrnery
4 before efeuflieientiqulntity" will bereetl].
; It is,» very ene'y matter to move armies
- (tamper, but mutediflicult in the field. ' t
; £398.91] ofclockn-Cnlrhck Hl]! hu
”returned; he routed Pldfc vJlranto ~lrom
' .'- oneolhis deu‘se-nitilling some") .or 12 of
hie ;tttm _lnd. _wttuntling about lsotnere.
‘ 91110] the men that at: the Padre—whethv
.er' they killed him. lam ttut jnrnflflfll;
. they‘ltro‘ughtfhie horse. fildlllérlnd bridle.
_ 'tandfcloeki'nnd other.:trinltete belonging
to theme; Father. . .
.Weltevereceiyed ~the intelligenee ol
.th Whit: on Colt, Milee'e min. find are
Ooflj‘llo‘iglfllblt the line .compony‘ol
amounted rifle: has, been, eutupt -‘»We sup
pogo tt to be ijlotn .Ruti. ume do not
habitat no, company at mounted rifles
, downthere exe’ept- lill. The gellentty oi
;.Cl_pilin,Bttfi,nntl his comma} in teverel
. 599‘. thefimottlmpottent.bullet to this roun
tr}. ha been severely tested, end elm)!
highlygdittinguiehetl .thetnselven; .fl-the
Menitzenetlditltu we we inlortned. ."cut
‘ hint up,,’?;‘you_otay rest nesoretl they hetl
.nitleerlh'ergein ofitv No men in the m.
5 ytee: use, ellllitheir _amutbetter than this
Voogplnyejfi _.. . “1'; j . .t
-;.j:., ..'“?qu the police ‘guatd ditcnveretl
Amalgam loetl ~ol';otusltete concealed
"Winnie":infirthisieiggfxlzm 'v ._.
" ;;7:Mt'g'»Tript . duel [not Vii)" "ha—me with the'
ujlltllngoing dofwntto‘ntorrow. .t .
Thogellant Qa‘pt, "Welter. o! 6th‘in
‘lentt'y, to eeuerely. wounded. et-El Mali
.l nodel. Rey. wilt be sent thnt n. He gnett
_ ineglittetj-jgtill being ton neat: to travel
.qlhertrittfi; ;_. , . . MUSTANG.
. ' ._Jl’nettgrint. otnlotter to the Delta dated. ‘
-, 9. «YIRtCBUZ. 110.20. 1848. l
3’ “Sc-Bitter), writing .the above; l hltl a
, ywnvemtion’hith Cept. Che-evohhom
'l‘ went Iho"; " ,He-geie me'tome impor-
Jnnt (let-11l about theeepttwe‘ ul'Velencth
a, a: CttlrflélMt, Wynkoop. at the 2d Penn
:_:sJl!sml .‘Mll'mlcetflu having learned by e
{Mystelnvhtend‘ thnt Padre-Jerome will:
. :V'Qettt‘Rn; were]! Tlilnepenetleiohout 5
Igleegnee il'tqmvjl'tea-cit] oh-Mexlco.‘ applied
.19, fight, Scott. turpenmiuion, tuteke twen?
;:'!C'Rlcnlflll} ctpme them. ramming.
, {.‘WflxfinntedifltheColonel/set not? on the
~ 132,359:tht.§§;fl‘_ex’ttn;_renaert; .u'ntler 'cotn
, Inn‘nqyfio! ;Lteuter Daggett. ;Burltet. . and
.~'Jtttte§,;j,_ggUmn breiymg; not? and .:eherging
t {..'l‘lelnepa‘nmle; thdflmling not one there;
5‘ 2‘3?! ..lettrnt'tglg that , Ree ‘entl, Jeri-ate glued"
jal; iel’t. [or.;.Tot,tt_ett,‘j I, lew haneyptevioue: to
9'ztheiwfix-L...2Cot.;.wlakp¢.p. here: lmn -'
«eQsth‘eltg,figtit3..§;\flelencin -, end his} ”‘6’"!!fo
talkllitirintlt when!» lea-tut,» «Intent-2+,
v_Hatfiflttlhlelx‘mtphvitlt. hit wily. Ind.
jfifififfifldaflr;!.llDA-§§cj§htl§,~ _‘whielt they out?»
154994! ‘it..i‘A(lttt.tttonee Into. the lion-ems,
{lemflfdtdb!’‘£9_!l.lttt flint-tint]; put;
#3 3!” .'P'i Qtlififigtflllfldqylt’ett Quin Bilen
9.:3stfltttletlg..,llletl¢httittlfi set; «it; .pitltl‘tm‘,
“Rd.” - ' ‘ l 1; 00"w’”_
3” .tZzM'e
Ml ‘ it .9
than: gum
Em” “ a“ «;:'ifié.
~;dy .»
~arfijh,t ‘1
mun! .‘.;TI‘“.
mum-'mbmbit7:i‘jimgn* ”was: i ‘3l.
agiidfia.l:2lgf-‘jhén'i’iéfilmsiléifiq Hibimugfiymr
2'artjtggia-jno’rtimyl‘ck i’rwin’am.:ihéfifiafics‘iiffid
, mayor m 4 lumilyrigifij'the‘ "dé‘udfi' hm? m
file Bight! V'Vl‘he‘ .Cnlon’et a‘nuwtred,‘ th'au'il
weighs _o'nlyfway he could b‘a‘ capturqd -—'
.cqularrexsmuialm upturn! in we «are
.lngcl‘gndq qn‘Jthlght.‘ » ‘ ‘Ynurp';',;, A
' The London caret-imam: of (MN. Y.’
Goui-ier‘. inlhin letter ofthe Hill of Juno
"o‘ij‘; i'eninckt'i-A-J 7" i f _ k ' ‘
. Fromßoine theiCCOonte'nte ‘vety in
tercsling, '~‘~ The-mo r'chrnl' cieilization ind
lihcl'dlisfli is 'lhltihgfile fitm bug ‘tne‘uured
otepe'through the bridal the Cp‘iecei mu
theliber’al party iegnining 'ground. ‘while
lheiwyhole‘worltl is louking formed to the
limowhen. this, nation, on lo’n‘gcnmnetl
and lettered. ehell be‘ able’egeini-‘io'nnk
amongst the tree kingdoms ol'l’he earth.
{the _ne'w edict publishédlby lhe-Pope
[qr'the organization of lhe ministry en'-
peere to have been hailed‘ with the most
lively, ea'tieloctton. For the lotur‘e the ad
ministration of the Holy See it to comic!
0' nine departments. ‘viz Public'Wnrke. ‘
War and Police. Foreign 'M’fein. Interi
_or.- Public Inniu‘clton. Grace end Juetice. ;
Finance ond‘c‘omnierce. Ftne Arte, Man- 1
ulecture'e'end Agriculture. '. fl .. l
h The council ol mihieteu is tube com- ‘
1 posed of the chiele '0! these“ depaetmenle. ‘
Stole efleire are not to be brought belotc
‘ that council 'until the L'omullai (oi-Depu
ties) hue'exunined them and given then):-
opininns lheteon. Subaltern oliice'ri'ti'te
to be accountable («the execution ol‘th’e
ordeil'they teceive. and ministers respon
sible for the note of their reepective ad
ministrations. The council to eppoint 11l
public functionaries and officere, the Cori
euls General. the Go’iiernurp JD lhe Coun
cilloro. of the government." the Ptofeseoee
ul lhe' Univenity and Colleges. theMtli
te'ryCummendere and Ofiicere. The Pope
teeervee to himself only am: nominations
ol Caitlinule and Nuneioe‘.,- ' . I.
The Couhcils‘ol minister: is to meet
every «colt. the Secretary ollheStnte be:
ing the l’teeident of the Council. The
Secret-I] tnhhe n Catdiunl—hie deputy u
Prelete; but the otherumey be,clevgymen
o'r laymen. 'TWentytfour auditor. are It
tached to the' counul of minister—l 2
clergymen‘ and 12 laymen. On the 27th.
(St. Juhnfu thy) which is the lent Vol the
Pt‘tpe. a grand tlemunitntion tool; place
in his honor. Mote'tbl'u. £O,OOO penoas
proceeded with lighted lit'rchn 10-the Qui~
rival. to nlute the Puntill. when Ptuu IX
nppeared at the balcony and gne his blee
ungto the assembled multitude who dis
petsed in In oulerly and quiet manner.—
Some little time ago his holinme gavel
prtnte audience to the English Vtce Ad
miral Pulm- Illd ,Geuenl Adam. , The]
uprnud to him sentiments ufadmite-
tion and leepect,~in'lerm3 of Ihe greatest
sincetitn and his up! an lo the eflecl
"Rh-Lb: was pruuddi‘lhefeympuhv his
govemmem had met with in Great Brit '
aim”; This. joined to lhe love of his pet;-
ple, and to the loyal eincere co-operuion
of all good cilizem. would. he Irueled
give him urcnglh lo‘ontcome all the ob
melee in his my to accomplishltheqrenl
l'a‘ek he had commenced. He added. “l
mu": uithud, and] shell therefore euc
ceed.” . ..
l A Paris leller- in the Courier” hn lhe
[allowing paragraph: .‘ , .
A! uprootof. Ihejeeling generally m
spired in- Alum-1 by we Iliberal meuqrel
0! the Pope. it is mud in: va'Tmm Jourg
08th3! an ofiicer'aecing é, hmker In the
meet: telling imlgel ol ihe‘Pnpal Saver
.(eigh. drew hil word and cut ofllheit
head-Jen laiming—f' Scoundrel, the Pope
is a-revolulioniu, und that is what he me.
till,” “A'crowd soon Humbled. and the
oflicer would have been ranghly handled ‘
had he no: been retcued by q petrol which ‘
ume 1:"th lhe‘lime. v 1 '» . J
MEXICAN comnmun‘ons.
We are pleued'to have been so furlu
ml: :0 lo place'our ’hand- on lhe urlicle
alludegto in {hr-[mer 9" our common
de‘nl, 'w'hichg- with great plenum. M: '3]
below our renderu.'lhus showing ‘very
conclusigely um oomq 03 me matures lot
which the adminigtmiun have been mun
I'counteinwed, were infant recommended by
LWhig-fianenll :-—'Dam:é' Union" "‘ ‘ "
‘ "'l‘th Vice President Inn! before 'lbe
Senate: niemge Iromfihm-Pregidcnt o"
the Unilgd 8:91“. tr'anomiuqd in'colmpli;
qnce with a "solution bl the‘ 201h'Jnuuq‘,
I], asking Ihesh'e: the gene“! order. N 9:
378.. Jun. iuuegl-T nudgi- mmuctions 'lfém
lthWal-Depptlguem.‘ Jug"; ‘- .1' -
~ I‘l‘lw Sectglury, bl Way-4 nyo‘ that: "no
‘panicnlqr innrucliont’ hive my. giv’tmlo
[Generot Scott for inuip§stgh¢i42r relax
«11319:th i! u pregumgdg'lfinlhe hula-1
kcqgmaq . lump in. goupegieuc'efpl the gen‘a‘
:grql’ ialrpcliuq‘s; gig"; to 311 m philho‘gubi
1:53:91, :levying ‘con‘tgihglhfiug: ‘ ;ddig‘f’iu'l
3i? ;!h°.'r9‘9'4-'°92Otih'efrwsui 3e'cfoufi'fy
mfi-hléfi- for u‘ my“hefwi‘thioirma'rmg.
bli‘civiiiyd mmnjél tu-‘ghefifiaibk’hinbg
olaofifikfifqu; in Munich: and délijflng'th'g
vaflhufiliinfildcmflh‘ Iboz-iprés‘em‘lta'gmbl.
hu-mmu” 1'
~ frhaieaaer‘é‘tirx:fiiqufin‘»geit‘rsérirr’m]
Gwfimnhi‘flamenfisiw=lBlh Stitch":
fic'ihncfiif ’E‘hii'hifil'fif'iéiiehcii “iifi'wfii’i
MWfim-y I:"ksrii'm,§s¢{'~m¢j'§!§
MW”; 1 31! 's9vciv'i99hi¥.*9?@!wfie
smut Amp, s*fi!‘!§¥;fl§§§gmb
' ~,;g@¢é‘ _ Imm .::; .;;. w».
. "gm. unjipie'ijt‘lll‘ssififf‘ls‘fli’s?7s%?“W: an???
mm?waste:,flictasie:s!€:~§izl&4:tha. Pa:
rm:Jaivsffi‘thn’mfinnitgg, ifd‘péfgarfikaw 2‘4-
Io ’ds: Cheat-xifié’qliigfiefiml'Wfli‘flri’zi
m in; glinébtltlv‘ti.!qf?'lhliV’t’ll‘fl‘l‘i’il‘iid; and":
«led thntrtfithi tnlpl'unl'”,thé:prin
clpil'mlni‘n'g'dit‘trl'ct -_ol {the y;9qntyy;_nipyj
a’lu‘t’» bé‘"dtéc'ttpigll.“lu'd tantra t'rinn'ltfgitvw
gntu gala-mt! diver bullion. which; payo.
i'n'g lhe'cu‘ttjothg‘ry‘ Juliet,” wbtl't’fifbyveifla
tonfidenblepirt ol'thg‘prenqés' 01 out)":
patio'n’.‘ ~. 3 3' ‘WEXXL
"Gin.- Scottifu’rth‘ertmneatl that. lairaugg
mutt the army, “550.000; Would'e'h’a‘bl'e" ll
toucc‘upy all the State ’cnpilnlyand‘pvin:
ciml thin. to drive gue'rt‘illn indfrobbihgr
1 partlujrgm__lhp_l “mt highwaylfll trade.
‘ to'aeize into our handl‘all thr' "who" at
the country.“ and to keep the antr‘al Go
ve'rnment In can-tinfmolion ‘pnd nlécm
until cqnmaihcd to It". for-pgacé._ " '
To withdraw the" army'Cfrom the interl
hr of the country. and atcupy the strong
potntu'wllhln the bnundndu ~which the-U
-ntied Slam in’teh’d to hold'permanehtl‘v‘,
and. in the act ol “tel'trinz'. to blunt 'up’ 'le
citadel‘in me capital. the long"! of Cha
pultepec. PerotnSqn Juan de Ulug. a'nd
the walls 0! Vet! sz; (unless it be me
ferml lo 'guniton the Int two.) deitroy
11l ivon‘gum captured; and cart-y all all
made'ol mnn.-with all ordin'ince otoru
(if value. (the only‘cannon ’loundty'lu the
‘republic we have already destrny'édQ ind
u strict blockade ol the pum not “garrison
ed by our ttoopn.‘ ’ would 'él' 'cuurne be ten
aentiul in the conquest o/ i: peace." ’
' ' Fromjho Wuhlngtobvpion.
Who is Responsible?
The Whigi are reipon‘aihle'at'tlte bar
otpuhlio'oplnion' the the continuation ."l
this war. 1! they hatl‘aotedpmmptty and
energetically ‘durtng the present Dongle“;
we ahoulttl hive had an early peace. This
rente'upon ‘the opinions of tome of the
most distinguiahed officer! in the army:-
Btit inntead ol c’oioperating‘in the vigor;
oua proreeutlun ol the war. they have utie~
played the moat reckless oppoaitlon. Let
lter alter'tetter. srtiele alter article. has
lheen poured from the pre'n against it.—
Speech lultowa, speech in both homes of
Congreu. , Near ton we‘eltehsve passed.
a'ntl‘nnt a‘ new aekiment haeiheeniaothor:
ized to be‘ raised; "Thaearueetreeom
mendatinn ol 'the' Secretary of War has
been ,dier‘rgardetll. .\ No'tnoney hsa been
raised} but difiieultles’ have been thrown
in the way ol railing losne. Thermoney
lean be obtained on: the beatvterrng. upon
9 the Se‘creta'ry-‘a plan. But the nhigt have
set their facereg‘ein-t t it. Speeches are
outgoing [oth 'to raise s panic in the
market. The chairmen. of the Committee
of Ways and Means is attemptinkto prove
that we'shatl {rant twice so much money
as the Secretary estimatel. and-the effect
will be to enhance the tlifilcalty of getting
it. Authorizeiadoty on tea and Acoflee,
and permit treasurylnoles tome ialueii. or
let one ot the" mess‘urea he adopted; and
the money can be obtained on excellent
term}. _as he Secretary want-it. There
can he undoubt about all this; and yet a
‘stumbling block it continually thrown in
till. hey at the loam. . . , ‘ ' '
" ‘For these political trenegreniona the
day of reckoning will ”come; and dearly
will the whine true their apparition-to the
honor-«J their country at the next‘Pteri
‘denttal'election.’ They are now lowing
the Wind, to reap the whirlwind; hut. in
the mean titaev.'thirf moral treaeon ’ local-o
culated to ‘piotluce its “went {fleet Upon
the enemy. , A'e'loon or they seethe‘diler
they will not vote the euppliee. the Mexi
eane (vilinot only ehandon'e'll'thoughte ol
negotiatioo.'h'ut they will begin torelly
their reattered‘foréea ‘etnd',.attempt tofeut
all" some, win‘g'n’r tletseh'm'ent 'or detach
ment of our army. When we tnuk‘ their
city. theyi perrevered in raising troupe.
and wanting us wi'h’their guerrillas. be
[entree thernaditnnt'lera Cruz talent on.
rand they were told that no more rriitttirée
men's were goingto our army.‘ As boon:
esth’ey‘diacnvered that these calculations
were vieio'nary :' that our troops were poo
ringin.’ and the road opened. they'_br3an
to flag in therrellorthantl to talk of peacel
“ But'a'reaetion'will probably take place
as won as they ~hesr'ol' the proceedings ul’
Congr'e’aa; they will conceive'neir' hopes
of, reaiatance.’ Their’fpirite willllbegin to
rally._sn'tl new vigor will he lnluaetl 'into
their operatione. I~Wo“tor’th‘e-whigefiil‘) a
Viin‘éle‘detachmenl 'ol‘ our a‘rni‘y‘ah'ould 'he
:cut 06'. “They trill‘he held responsible
lor‘the loa‘e’. At'all 'eyenteithey' will have
loaneweh‘at mother of their ,cou’hti-y for
the prolongation ofthe war. ' ‘, They "might
hue arrested the 'era'r by prompt antlyig
orous measures,- f Theirs to ‘the reaponlt-t
Eloy-r let that-heme i'an'd die‘grece he
em.‘ I ‘:- ' v * "
5 momma Ggo;v, Daimrf—Mfi .. ,Jéh’ug'
’ Whiphlé._,w' ébfihwiié ;er linilg’l' Whit;
who up; ‘cgouu‘uglg («ii-T the fits]; ivi'gt‘h'g gla’u
thde Moat-3m{wou’aingconclmw
'cmm'e toe “.::-We numb::‘py‘id'wq'tqi:
‘lofiyfiifewlfiimnm GOYglDorr.'Jd'!h¢m
hgv‘bas, btha‘.j=’tnd is on»:1119;619:1912»:
Ito-'dt- z
5.31:! lgdq 3.99% Mb"? WWI 11:11:11; :er‘
‘Wohinnle-mp‘mtcnl|'z antic" mm: W"
denstl-Mndlghfis: #45111; 1 WM 1
111-91, . ‘ 1391255941? hag-MW!» Imikwssmm ‘
Mm; ."lAcquinfi'egd.LVEMrTflple'." WW: :
sign-manslxmqg‘i Isaak! footage-gym:
an 4:; mg“, iii-Wl;“Bug‘flH'A‘véfi‘:
gaig‘mhssmyh #sl:}.u3xkfi‘éflahfah99flel:s339l;
: 5.- JWEEWJM: Milaniohmfli‘fnw‘.’
’9 ”.'«QllQEE'flg‘wt’Mzim, 1 1
“hi, 1 211.1351: ”'7'” a 5 3151!: .'.q
7.‘‘ V i I'3’3’s'4-3Vnt' iii," 3,: ‘2." xW;
' s ’. . 4 '_ fl ,4 - ,g,'.v',;
M gm???“ x
1" . I 'x:=*’.:;;"*vw~‘;ci;-::: “(:2
Clll 91%??? 'Enbflgfif'fi! ':%§l»j‘f94°‘.;
; , a: you )pnzsn‘SETv’r. 4:1;
MM“; Infill‘ccfldeca‘n‘dn ‘qf the National
‘ 21.).‘_W.ICA'_RIR;»Unhed. Sliln‘N6Wlpo'por‘ RPM ',
N: 8: firms: 'of : Third A and Dock mom. . Ph [mint
Fhm. ,1. our unbound Mont. to noun and. re‘qyxpt
or anhag"pglaqq,_qdyoglttomantl. M. ’- ‘ ' ‘ , ' .
x'l‘hoz Wiuhinatoniannfof Clemfiald 'coi’m'
hyjmgnd ,ceiebmlincgulw,.ll6")flanking;-
'1! quho I:3th .0! Wanhiniztbrfi.’_ pn‘ Tun.
day hubby a 'auppég , Iqlbe, [ire'pnrgd by
Mr. Flegal. The public qofldia‘lly.‘ amid:
what! lo participuie. '; ‘By .qrder of ;
, x ' . -, . Therm-idem. '
v BTW! continue :6luujvo‘mpudolig’hlfnl w‘u‘nhs
hr. No lan-‘flio mini—bu‘i'fium an}! balm.—
Thia In I" my plenum-ohm very dilconraglhg
to lumbormm. _ 4' ‘ ’ ‘ V .'
"Alcoon APt’oxNTMENT.
Gov. Sub": bn' pppolnlcd Swim. A. GlLnon:
Ma‘Prc-idapllngg 9!}th diuflc: compong'do
lhe cpnnliglvpf qu'gm. thingwn and 6min.
.. Whara‘il no now. [rim Mexico lulu film: I;
céntllnad in'ihoilongo’ing'coluphl. , A'lil'o' lptlor
from Montonyfhowove’nl [has I rufpor "’l'; ”1°
Mexicané wore Iklin c‘éll‘oclinfi'h fury; {cramm
plraloryV-lo‘ nnqlhar amok onjhup diviuipn of, our
Irmy.‘ The Wa-hmgtm. Unum places no ralilnco
in lhil rumdr. but nmnrh than nuolhor‘unlhning
of the {arena of the icnuucd Mohcm in gononh
ly mliolpniod n. the natural conuquentl ofthe
Federal opponillon in Cannon. ' A
M'Gov. Snow: ha: aumcionlly recovered (tom
his Illa dine}- u Io be able lo all-ad Io tau-inc".
”During lhe political hlnplign of 1846: to
have occnnd Iho Federal party; or o Federal cui
didl’lo. with oppolllion to Iho war. would have
ulnio-l required you lo mond a chullengo unord
lngto Iho “coda of honor." wu,‘ they were the
war pony. The] Ictoully otole our 'Depmocmie
lhundor. ihd Ihuorconioul ‘lho eloclion by atom.
'l‘hoy pointed tho people to Mulcotfor proof. when
many 0! Iho boron. Ihon‘ In Vtho field’w'oro whlgo,
and to our own Slate. whale 'hundredo ollhoir
pm, were randy to volunleor. In fool. Ihoy chi;
and loan credit for lhd our than Ihoy _wero wil.
lip; I_o oonndo lolhe Dampers". "Wopupporl
Iho in {or Iho honor and righloyol’ oucounlry.’
hid lioy. “whim Viho Duoocrm do no go oun‘rnin
Ihoir Pro-idem Ind only." , Thl luno his long ‘
olnco changed. The "whit horoeo"~ have n‘corly *
I" turned Democrats. '70:" country 1m no right: I
--no honor. Io eualoin in on- war. ~Al! II wrong I
1 on our lidl. Ind lhe, Mexiodm no in m‘. ri‘hl —»
‘ WO'hld no right'm [o inlo the disputed territory.
but Moxlco had." It ii. therefore. no longer or.
fomlvo Io ny ants-war. lo a whig. They ulie’it
romrkohly we". _ ' , ' , _
' But not." of llrlm! -No. no! Many-you
many. at tho - but ohd mall _imoll 3m: whip—. 4
than who rightly love their country. and 'who con
nol bo blinded ‘lo her‘ honor Ind ‘glory bi party
drill—ore with the Democrat: on tho om, They
have im‘iympnthy with “mi {who 0120-. it}; and
in Ihoiy hum they, homo and ‘dane Ihme of
thoir forroor mam. who are' p‘roioix'gu'vg~ lho war
by denouncingjha'conié o! Imm and century. _ ‘
. LEGISLATIVflr—In' Iho seam. on the an. m.
, sum; Mr. Snug-Inf n Ciplnin In our "my in'
M‘e‘xr‘uh-‘i‘eiflidnv'hia excellent rowiuriiiui-‘fiuil
l'iiinmgtha-tdqiniqmgjon in the manure; "com
[ mandcd for Iho firoiéé'n'l'mnhgilwtho war. arid ud
‘ dreuad Iho’Sanlto‘u lenglh in théit aupporL:"Af
-1 lat whicbauvcrull'ambndmenu were ‘oflored‘ by
I Whig Senators-all calculated to aid ind tom/or!
the enemy. when they warp undo the order of the
tiny for' chnaidax. (In!) Our Bonitor. Mr. 3
Jonumn. 6350er u qubuimrg for the qmgdmonr
arm. DAurg'b.‘ whip): we ré‘ud with much pleas
!iro PM“. no baguuo “the In: four or flu "nip.
‘whichjinu randy Ihq whola perfectlyimpnctic
.M:. by requiring Congma to forbid the bliuiinco
ol‘qkmy in any, ‘lorrilory‘ Ihnl we mnygp’l n in
demnity from Mexico—lhnl rendering ii {lm free
la Iho‘r-ilrixenn orano portion of Ihc UniJn'lFfir lo
than! of the other." A w I' ‘ ' ’ -
, ”In (lie Hon-0.011 (he ’ 10m; Mr, Wann- pl7O ‘
tanked a palflion from ‘citizéns 0‘! Cleufiold coun
uy.ror' m. mower-none: m‘o Glon Ham; ma
Limo? Bald ml‘afgm'aaiis mu —_éolnplfl7'.",'nd
unolper. {ford cinizegi bf'tln'd‘ivn‘nn._Cgmbti'a-lud
Clgitflbld'countlan. _for '3‘ new bonny] go ‘bu' culled
Pin'uff.’ .-
[HI Ifibugbi ihll'in a’cl‘p’rovidv‘ihk for, dihefidigi;
:b'chnj'lltnl‘léli, '9 .3 lo gifr‘ofilho deg-lion Bf Al 4
(Shiite? Judge-"lq'ghd pdopk. will’b‘o pniiqd in! ilgia
un'ionL :Su’ch I nihinrio whfildllgg'wry accumu
blpt‘quhop-oplo. “ -~
, . Thellevenumgw
.;,¢Tho;rollo.wing 10'}ng "tries“ fromgmoflcluer o'
'lhq'Wublngton Union‘s . Now ‘ Yo‘tklmihhi'u‘m
oqrmpandqnyaagau fun 9:): in‘u‘i ' r u
fine «mm: W gnfiifqui_eiigjifiéfiéfif
ihé heillh'ofi the, 61159913314.“ ‘lhfil _re'qgifipfi
of mgwie‘mryu L‘The'u" (dining iifinquhq
unin'z new!!!“firsté-‘tré‘dtréfld’wi-"ai
nil-infernal“ 8-?flififiifiiéi‘énfdink‘nééfin
mm n‘mfijlg7w 13:94:35; gags"
Mimiago”f;,;2;lmr"’“‘caxiom?~' 9“
. - n‘,:’ ;:'-i “*1“-
- - “wcwmmi-‘im'ifilbiaizso‘ 'n'i ISMI'N‘?"S?‘.IW:PM§ mung:
wag-13:3;wrmusuvyme*‘ai'iééki11.6mm? £3 ”WM-W.“ 9 'sssih'erfls"
*‘”-‘"’"‘l""*“"°7”We‘fifiifduit‘eza.“um-m ”WW-:7; -'|- firm-“yawn!
9“‘9‘3“‘"9?’~s;Fii‘?‘4?s3’r“‘fi'.it‘*-‘ifiiiiai-zfifii‘eea“’36; “‘"ssctizw’éo2"99t§s!2~2‘B9t-!
'Wh'mmfor«mom-mam ““0““
:fifltmraqu‘m:crtllizb‘mm:Haws-3,; '4’?WWWWWW?
"9",“‘3"SW9sflfiififif-fi'fififléifiil--hé%{my gang-mt ageing“ {fig-19w
Mi"ifiiiéiizgfifimi“fséiiélizé“é£smmax"wig; :I!so3mlnszflgzsfizsdmygm
figfi‘mmmuminadvggnqflwm “g .-memmbmme
9" lfiilh'ffifiup‘ ""hfifflsi ”Na: ,1. fiéfigflglgggflgq 3'1“," WW]
“‘l9“???“ii'i‘éiifii-h‘ih‘remaiiza?»no«Mate. sWeaning:gammar A»
f ' " 2 may): or 10.,» mm- m
i 35:19
1064348 ;tM 9 _
Capt. Charlel
We‘print below In:
Item this gcmleman. on:
‘n‘ the Second - Pcnmyh‘
II prelenl' Goret'nn‘r' o! I
ace in lhe city of Mexic
it known in ”no city! as 1
{her 0! lhe opponilel‘party
resentulivc ‘0! (he “ “'ll
here”! yearn ago; Hit
‘ooinled and powellnl ; it
My thank himscl! (bathe
'0! (be lavage lellnm "a!
Federa! 'pms. whu iate u
pen! to " pistols and calf:
Iho. pultimic qualifier It!
corded to them g—Pcnnq
. "I believe mat there I
l have. always; believed ; (1
Incl is confirmed by Ihc
laugh-11193.4.- Let ”me bl
adminnsir‘uiun; and. than
nqous-dichiun in ;h‘o art
.Whigs me. mad. , I hang
humiliation and shame»!
I have been Imemh'er oli
Webster’n spa-ch has I):
here. by thelMexium. i
of form. at well as h I;
Chg"; and. they hue‘
,loundnlinn M appeal! to it
nl‘e, confirming them in II:
flattering thgir hopes lbal
parties of our cquntryuill
eculion‘aflhe way. nml pl
qr. in my npiniolf.l|l pro;
icable ,aelllcment ‘ of il. _
that the . Whig laden .Il
worst kind '0! Hagan; 1
‘ed‘. here, (”but name qne in;
has had accessjo a!) lhe
W 9; sqnnkt’y. has. been j_n,..'
.9 hh‘ ;he Megicnn Secrqllr
has (unstained lo_hlm_.lll.
than 'Americm press, may.
inns and Mexican comm}
poneuiun ‘ nearly thug bu
Irliclei'. Many, otlhem {‘l
9nd. republished hymn 31;
an atligle ...lrprn lhe _Newgz
gun annual-10, tbeICASII‘DIkI
mm to oppose My, P 9“,
tionluponmhé ground, that.
nlic :‘tgiizipu; in: , Maxigog).
hm pubiiabnl in “the; Mm
mimvdg‘in ih-ndrbi!!!i and.
Jhwuuilu,n“-.11, um «um
signal. ;M.§;!¢9:~Ll.Whuéw
gang; tikgEShehc,-\hgw§m§i
mm humus!lamina
. -r~
‘ m;- . ‘ m »
. WWW“ i‘fi‘vwfiw
.- 19fifié‘1’8453’1%3"5'-25‘93
0093,9004?” : “2'7"" s
- «ni’ézi’ififipigefiififi-floé
in lhe nr'xli'vijxgi'gumgl
dintg' ;th .fllrflf‘fi‘i’g‘kfi m
0550 hail he‘rh ‘ycpliz‘é,
’ 000 in the. (impel-tin?
Ihr mnnindrr plum!“
! 006 :w M rek‘izéd. '8
aO. Initiatemainder' oh :
”emf tho'n’r ,nlfilujt ye
«up hemnhirq.‘ Jhnmop
i bévnm 886.000.000 L
‘ «hp-geybyi .S‘OOOJN t
‘nuerwiil mu: may .‘
vl‘ho'rinwnirirn':. M m:
m!’fi{fi'¢!"y'gtend (6 pr
cummu‘e In “I,“ {9",}
tum. : ‘an’dfl shd'nld Ihr
be by nympnfrudu
mg debt. I:).th dupe"
waéld 'upidly. . bul ‘an
vefled 'into Mock; ind
the power a! «he gnu
inuyenl] years.' "I‘h
'lhéro’fnre, Ihn- lhe pm
that (a be nu'hor‘ized. .
met-l lhe capacity oth
no doubt. aria" the fir
under the mullitndino
prcu it.‘ . 'v
' ; m 5. John-Donkeys?!"
Io good‘cbmp-ny. and no:
coniimm 1o porpalmo quc
u‘lho folldwmg: ‘ ’
.. ‘ A PROPER ‘
‘ 'l'hafienala rejected
Ibo (among Kn Came
lof Dragoons: and this'
‘informe‘d by tho Pbila
mane-n. non the gran
veralauzhiug‘ Ihrca ,or‘
Will Pomma. who:
, Ilium-glut an, Maxim,
lion! -’l‘ho allempt Io
filled pioneer. to In an
Ilemcn. donned tome
glad to ace the claim'of
taine'd. We hope the
ihon Iva or Ihrcc serge
caved comm‘iuinm. ‘l'
thonnks in highly on},
MW"; Point. and sh
In. Private soldier. u
go chare to fight. not 3
:uio'nl; and my anempt
_ig a specie. ol inloicncg
me matrimolemwnnd
ulmnrdinlty adminilm