Democratic banner. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1837-1849, February 12, 1848, Image 4

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    ‘, ham flu}: bphlin’Nit‘mn. , "
l'alyo ' -'
.} :fiiE pom-95 SPEECH.
“"e h’n'vc' only ovate to rotor—an we dO‘
’ic‘ith pleat, (it'llglll-éwlllilhk' rational aml'
quiet prpgresunl Liberty in Indy. lie
ot'dmi “lint the render it ill ‘ pupa}.- oi the
Inaugurnttnh oi the l’npol Stair-3. :u a gen.
th.'l)ttlt|it'lll (‘ttUltt‘ll luring atfuira “11h“
Pal‘rimony ol‘ St. Peter. and. above till.
the" l’op'efs opening' speech. we, tuniclo
rtatc. on oltat no cull otlicinl authority,
that ”Wind” of Mtntu. u Cabinet Minia
-tel. he it remembered. hm tutti ton intcr
vie-cyc- uiih his. l-lnlim-w. upon,fi ts‘utntcd.
theiat'l'airs uldht‘ ()utholic Church-iii (Sit'inl
Britain and lrelétnd. he well at. Mill a \ieur
Io asrure the Holy Father -ot the hympn.
thieazul the British people in hlSl‘flUM’,
:tt'd‘ the determination ot our Queen to
support him against all the enemih of tree
dbmg‘lnd religion. - ‘
. The (Park) Uniucrs publishes 1: letter
from Rome ol the 18th instant. giving an
account ot the tlpeningnl the (.ittttoullrt.—
At 9 o’clock.- A. .\t.. on the tsth. Cardi
nal Antonelli. Plenident 0' the Cotuulta. ‘
and Monsignor Amici. ilttVlce Preddenhi
with the twenty-tour Provincial De'lullt‘n.j
arrivedt-nt the Quirinnl. and took their
plécen in Walla” ol the Throne. “hich
the'l’ope entered shortly afterward. Ht.~
Holin‘ss having taken hot seat on the
throne. the Pipsidt-nt addressed to him.
in concise but suitable terntu. in thé name
of all present. their homage. and the assu
ratt‘testhat they would endeavor. by all
means 11l their power. to respond to the
confidence M their mvereign.
The Pope replied .in the following
“1 thank you [or your good intentions,
and a 1 regards the public welture. l es
teem them of value. It was tor the pub
lic good that since my elevation to the
Pontifical throne l have, in accordance
with the councils inspired by God. to do
all for the future. without, however, re.
trenching in'any degree the sovereignty ot
the Pontificnt'e; and. inasmuch on I recei
ved it lull and entire from my predeces
sure. so shall I transmit thistsacred depoafi
It to my successors. lhuve threernitlions
o.‘ rubjccts as witnesses. and I have hith
erto accomplished much to unite my sub
jects with me. and to ascertain and mm
wide tor their necessities. It nus particu
larly toascertain thore wants.and provide
better for the cxrgencics ot the public ser
vice. that l have assembled in a perma-i
ncnl council. It was to hear your «pin-t
ton When necessary. and to aid me in my
sovereign resolution, in which I shall con
sult my conscience, and confer on them
With the Ministers and the ncred College.
Anybody who \t‘nuld take any other yiew
olithc‘tunctiuns you are calted to tutftt.
would mistake materially. as well i‘,‘ he
thnt «cold set: in the Council ot Suite l
havecreated. the replixation of their own
Utopias. and theygenn ot aninstitution in
compatible with the Puntt'icnl sovereign
filo Holiness. having pronounced these
last wordswrth some uracil}, and some
heel, stopped a moment. and then resum
ing in his usual mild manner. continued
in lheJollowing terms :
"This warmth and these words are not
addressed to any of you whunt: noctnl edu
cation, christian and civil prohtty. or well
no the loyalty of your aenntnents and the
.fectitude ol your intentions; have been
known to me since the moment I procee
ded to your election. Neither do those
words apply to the majority till my sub
jects, for I an: note of their fidelity and
their obedience. I know that the hearts ul
my subjects unite with mine in the love
of order and at concord. But there exist.
unfortunately. some person: (untl though
low. they still exist) who. havtng nothing
to lure, lote disturbance and revolt, and
even abuse the concesoiona made to. them.
It in to those that my words are addressed.
and let them well understand their signifi
cation. lo the co operation at the Depu
tion] see only the firm support of persons
who. devoid of every personal interest,
will labor with me, by their advice. [or
the public good. and who will not be or
reot'ed by the vain language ot restless
nien devoid ol judgment. You will Didi
me with your wisdom to discover that
which“ t'nost-nselul tor the security of
tl‘t'etbrone and the real happiness at my
eubi'eetr.” _
' ‘he Deputies were ufterw'avds admitted
toiki'rsithe'leetof. the Pope. who, having
rigen,cooterred upon them his benedic
tion. and took leave at them in these
words :‘ ' '
"'Proceed. with the blessings ol Hem-n.
to commence your labors. May they prove
truitlul in beneficial results. and contorm
able to the desires of my heart.”
After an imposing ceremony and pro
union. the Deputies repaired to the Vot
icrn'aud took their seats. ' '
;They then immediately elected a euro
rntlteo-to um up on addreas in reply to
NIP-0:199 Speech, which was composed
o‘. Pytnce Odeoealchi, and Mess". Ming
_h¢,l"-' ”OWN." mid _Silvam. .'l'hat rom
~§t§tttl§e llaVlng retired to an adjoining hull.
.?r'1:1'.1.19‘f.0,9d. ll“only alterward with the
' drought of, that document, \‘lhlcll obtained
' the ounction ot the assembly. . '
"Fl’fifii‘jfibal hid trant-pi'red. ‘(if‘ [he can.
te‘nto ot the addr‘eer. lit-Would appear than
the Conrulta thud “pressed it ‘deane that
it: attributes, rights and duties should be
properly defined.-; It moreover asked it it
, y!” empowered to propose retotma and
éoptrol the acts-of the Government? -.on‘
the lollowiog day the Consultn mum on
the Percent: the'oddreest, whichhis no.
line“ handed to Cardinal Ferretti,lnlter o
' few. ‘lode ntaclrnowledgement. v
._ll‘he‘POPlPifixflgeech had produced a pain}
““""."”"‘”' , z. . .1 .. ‘~
V‘u'lli‘fipag'ggiun; \th‘h' ”)9 reply 0‘ ;[lhe Cnn‘:
sum. hm! partly Illfim‘Ucd. , g‘ " I
The l’npe, yieldmg' lo’lvhc advicvinf
Cnnlinul Amid. nml il- H believed.- uf
Count Rum. rrjecled Hw law on the plenty
prepared by M. Pu‘lro X’errclli, brullm' of
lhe Secu-lary ot Slaw. -
'l‘lu-Cnnsulm had fnrmml itself into FCC
nuns. 'l'lle h-ginl'nlive section was pro-i;
«In! over by M. Silvani; lhe section lur
mu inleuinr. by M. {Pmlucci ; ’llu- finan
cml .uycflun by M. Recclliynqd that ul
war. publlc “mks. &c.. by Prince Odes
ral‘rhi. ‘
'l'M‘rc was no lrulh in the repmt Illa!
Ihv l’upe lnlt'lldt'd l 0 bumucs: (he Onlw
Il' .lr'hlllh.
I’rivalv letters [rum Rome nl' Ihc 18'h
inst}. held nut Ihc hupe that ihc “Mir «1'
Forum wuuld be amicably and {-pi‘vdily
adju-ied. The Jewuh tesidenlo ol Rmno
had presen'ed to lhe Pnpe as an acknowl
edgemvni nl Ihc-ir humble grnliiude lur Iho
blessing~ he had conferred upon them, a
Copy 0! the Bible splendidly bound and
illuminuled, which had cost upwards ul
1.000 ncudi.
Lard Miniu had an audience of lhe Pupe
(in lhe Blh.
Professor Relii had been re-inslntvd as
consurml lhe press. A lele was in lake
place on lhe lslh to celebrate lhe inslallu
linn ul lhe Council nl Slate.
Accmding lo lhe lusl nccounls. n gnnd
deal «I disappoinlmenl WM lell in Runn
because nl same hesilalion observed in the
Government in respect (0 its prnpoaed
‘aysiem of relorm.
Flom the Portland fldverliser, We learn
lhal lhe shippingllials repon an Frankfort.
Dec. 10m. ‘° six small vessels loadlng'wilh
uawdual for Charlenon. Mass." The com
madily is designed for packnig ice at
Charleslown and Cambridge—lhe great
sources of lhe ice trade lor almost lhe
“hole world.
A renpectnble income is now derived, at
sct’i’éral places In that State, from the sale
of pine sawdust. tor this purpose. and the
tarmportauon gives employment to con
siderable tonnage. "l'hus the exigencies
of luxury wuhin the Homes and In many
of the largest ctties in the world are giving
encouragement to tho minutest results at
tndmtry In the ” down east" regiongul
: The report oflhe Snnilsry Commiuee,
jun} presented l 0 Palliamenl, at the last
advices. slales mar, according lo informs
lion received from" lhe English Consuls a
broad. ills pestilence is steadily advancing
upon precisely its former truck 0/ 1832
'l he Lord Bishop of London had address
ed rho clergy of his diocese at great length.
warning ihem of us approach. ,Wetrusr
our easlern cities will be prepared as far
as possible lor lhe viail ol this dreaded dis
‘ ease. Cleanliness olhouses and streets is
the best preventive on the part of commu
niues; cleanliness of person and regular
hsbns, on lbs! of individuals,
A Minna: ——"Some 0! the papers ume
that Col, Myers. 0! the 'Richmond trage
dy,’ was lalely married to some Mexican
Senoriia, of an unprononnceable name.—
All a mislak e—lhe Colonel Myers that has
been so forlunale. is “Tom Myers." of
VVesl Chester. In Ihll S|ale.' He is a
printer by profession. and graduated at the
-' Record o!fice."-—Daily News.
' From Iho Saturday Evening Post
The Washington correspondent of the
Bulletin says that Senator Cameron. ol ‘
Pennsylvania, has realized some 8300, l
000 by the sale at his lands in Vll‘glnla.
to some English company.
'1 here is a man in Pennsylvania who is
so lorgetlul of rountenances, that his wtlu
ts obltged to keep a waler stuck to the end
of her nose in order that he may distin
guish her trout other ladtes. Even then,
he occasionally makes a mistake.
Chirae. a distinguished physician, being
sick', lell hts own pulse whtle deltrtous. 6L
remarked ’hasttly.—" Why did not thts
patient send for we sooner? He cannot
recover now.”
‘ ‘ Give mo freedom in every ihing.’ said
a man ,tous a few days, since. "I have
by???" a member ol the chorcli for 40 years,
and up to 11118 lime n haa not cost me a
penny, That’s what 1 call a free gospel l"
lnou Sox.ozn.—-A new process hasjual
been invenied and brought inlo use in ihio
city, by which wrought iron and aleel can
he as easy soldered as lin, so that in a ehon
time we shall have men rambling round al
ier the manner of lhe travelling nuke”.
bearing in their hands small lurnaces, and
making the. air resound with “ any irou
were to mend-'l”—New York Eapress-
J]!- MILESBURG, Centre county, Pa.
A ludelpniu—begs to Inform lhe citi
zeua ot Clea-field county that he intend»-
herealier lo Vlall ihe borough oi Cle‘mfield
regulatly twice a jam. lur lhe purpnae 0|
rec'eivingvorderu lur fllfllt’BLE MJIN
2}] description of CUT-STONE. lor
buudlngs, &c.‘, will,‘ be tutniahed 10 me
first style 0! workluuusmp.aud on lhe moat
reasonable terms. .- . .
Trude. If «unablel will be tuken in part
pnx- ‘ , ~ ‘ ~ . . ,
KPHe'x‘nay be {band in} lhe Mansion
Hpuaq on épdrl weekw. . janQO—ll‘
Late“ Arrival}!
5‘10”? NW? 92,0003 ”777715
7 HE unilcrgignml lm’ejunt rerouted
1‘ uvmi opened. “at Iz’l’ccaria Mills. a
lnrge mid: of
Dry Goods, Grocemes,
' - v &c. &c. '
which will be ...m nu. low hr CASH or
nccvplnhit‘ COUN'I RY PRODUCE. nr
LUMBER. as can be purchased-.jfl the
County. ’ ,
fiff’lmdit‘s 8:. Gvnlli-mon wili (In Hell
lu cnme nml examine hm .nlm'k. nml he
ilnubls nul they will find uwry thing In
Brccnrin Mim,
Jun. 7. 1848. g '
.J- r \
'l‘ r‘ 3“” l l“N .'.
0 fighufié: { l
5 3:33.}
_ am! 00' the quuvhzmna run-r. m
Burnside township. Clcarficld cuunuy, nnd
kmnwn an the eslntc u! Mthew Irvin.
decent-(l. Said pwperty cumiau M
A Grist—Mill, Saw-111271 and
With a Store-. House, Blacksmith
s/iop and [several . Tenant Houses,
Which ,will’hu rented. acpiiratcly or all
together, as may be deemed most suitable.
As a lumbering establishment. this pro
pctty. In connection with the Grist Mill
and Farm. pusacscs advantages mer any
other in the county—being situated im
lllCtllalcly on the River, and In the. Initial
ii! an extensive» timber region, and iii a
populous audio" of the county.
The above property will be rynli‘d eith
er lur one year, or a series offi‘yeara, nml
[)OSBL‘HHOI) given on the first ol April next.
fifib'l‘crins made known, and any lur
ther iiilurmalioii given. on application to
the aubscnbei, nt Clenrfield, uii oi‘ bclore
the first day of March next.
Guardian of the Minor Heirs.
Dec. 80. 1847.
NI uube‘cubur mshes to engage In lhe
sale 01 his Maps A number ul young and
middle aged men of mural and DUBIIICM
hubun. as lruvellmg agents. Hal/int; com
pleled new and greatly improved cdluuns
ol Ins Unneraul Allan. 73 Maps; lange
Mapul lhe World. Relerencc and dis
lnllcc Map ul UH: Unued Stages. National
Map ul lllé Unned Slams-lily), a Vun‘ely
0! other Maps, Including sevcuul Maps ul
Mule". lhe subscriber is prepmcd lov lur‘
ni=h ugenls, lur cash. at lhe lowest poaai.
blc prices. Address.
Nonhcunl Curncr of Market and Sevenlh
Slrcels, Philadelphia.
Dcc. 23,'47.-pd.
. WHICH is all that is asked. per annum. [or
the greatest paper in‘lh‘c world. which will be
issued the first week in January, 1848. under
the title of
It will contain forty columns of’lhc most val
unble and imexeallng Romance reading cvcr
presented to the American public. ~
Among its contents will be the celcbtated
novel of
Robert Macairc in England,
By G. W. REYNOLDS, the cclchra‘cd nmhor
of ‘Lilc in London,’ and 'Ellcn Munroe.‘
ALSO, Alexander Dumas’ Instand bcsl pro
duction, ~
THE SON",OF #7710 S.
Translated expressly for the News of the World.
by one ofthe best linguists ofthe age. THOM
Our space will not [permit us to give any de
tailed list of the great store of reading that its
mammoth columns will contain; but eVery fam
ily that winlies to have a whole library of read
ing. will he sure to subscribe immediately. All
subscribers who remit their 89 prior to Feern
ry 131.. will receive a copy of DICK'S superb
steel engraving of
the selling price of which is $2
TERMS—62 per nnnnm, invariably in nd~
vance. Specimen copies will be sent many
post’Faid order. ‘
Each subscriber will be entitled to a copy of
the magnificent Premium Engraving. All or
ders should be addressed to
Publishers. 24 Ann street. New York.
jun, 7. 1848. 61-m
"’"%3»;,;?&»§ .
gtray fag Heifer.
0A3”) lo the premises of the subscri.
ber residing in Lawrence township.
übuur Hie middle of July, 8 W'hitc and
Red Heifer, marked with tar. and supp"-
sed.lo be two years old. The owner is
requested to come forward. prove proper
!y. [ray charge}. and take her away, ulh
rewisc she W" be disposed 0! according
to law. '. ’l. AMOS REED. _sen.
Lawrence, 1;), Nuv, 24, ’47. .
Nlecling offlouuty Comm’rs.
ERSONS having bubm‘ess "tolmnsnct with the
P board of Commissioners of (Elcnrflold cqumy.
will luko nollco, Ihnl said Board .will be in ecmonm
their office, m tin) bpruugh uEClonrfield. on Monday,
the 2m ofj‘ebruury, (inst) ‘ v _
- ‘ ‘ mnn.—H. P. THOMPSON. LI k.
, -Comm’rsomce.lslh ' ' ‘ ‘ _
January.lB4& ’ ‘ _ _
BLflNKS 'fbr sale at thisbqflicc
Neur Fall and Winter
' ' . CRANS & BROTHER, . ‘
Curwcnsville, Pennsylvania,
' AVE.nml will keep constantly on.
. ‘ lumd. a large nunrtment nl
Dry-Goods, Hardware,' Queens
ware, Groceries, Drugs and Dye-
Stufl’s, Tin-wore, Books «9' Sta
tionary, Hats, Caps and Bonnets,
Boots‘nnd Shoes, Tobacco and
Segm‘s, Umbrellas, Carpet and
Carpet and Cotton Yarn; Con
lcctionarics, Paints, Oils, Tens,
&c. &c.,
All (II which they are prepared Io sell on
lhe [no-l reasonable tmmn.
CMNS & llnorman are 'lu- Agonlo lnr
the sale of Dr. Jnyncs' u-lz-brutctl family
pTGmula c-xchnngml for Lumber, Pm
(luce nml Furs, for which lhe highest pri
(M will be given.
December. 2. ’47.—-tl.
Bellefomq Ifqundry.
HE Subscribers, having purchased
Tthe interest 0‘ J. D. M’lmnahun &
Gun. \Vetch in the Bellcfonte Foundry.
wtl| continue the buisiness'nt the old
place. under the name 0' WELCH &
LEYDON, where they Will be happy to
see the customers at the late firm. togeth
er wuhall othon desirous ol lurnishmg
themst-lws with anything in their line a!
very low mics. 'l'hey wullluep constant
ly on hund—
Stoves If all kinds, viz :
The Improved Hot Air Cook Slaves.
Air-Tight Fancy Parlor and Ten Plate:
Wood Stoves, ol all sizes; lhe unrivalled
Balloon Stove, lour sizes; and Cylender
and Fancy Cuul Slaves ol all kands.
such as a numerous assortment of Plow
Patterns; Hollow-ware con~ialingol large
and small Kettles, Pots, Skfilels. Pans.
Wagon Boxes, Sled and Sleigh Soles;
Smoothing Irons. Stands [or Umbrellas,
all kinds ol Grist and Saw Mill Castings
ol approved .Puttevna, together with nn as
sortment ol Brice and Durltee's Reaction
WatemWheels. Sic. ' Castings ol'al kind.-
;lilted up to order on the shortest notice.
l.‘ s'lt;7°Every article in their line ol buti
"9l93 will be sold on the most reasonable
terms. and all kinda ol marketable pro.
duce taken in payment.
l). WELCH.
Bellelonte. Sept. 9. 1847,—1y
AGENTS for the who! Dr. J/I YNS
Family Medicines ,-
Dr. CULLEN’S Indian Vogelabe Rem
«(y—Panacea. Specgfic and Pile Rem.
cdy ;.
Dr. flPELETON’S Remedy/or Deaf-
nesa ,- '
CflNTRELI/S Compound Medicaml
Syrup of Sarsupurilla ;
0.0 N 7']? E Ll.‘ S flnti DyspeptiaPowder;
CflNTRELL’S filleralive Pills';
SflNDS‘ Sarsaparilla. «‘5-c.,6-c.. &'c. -
Havejust received a lresh supply 0! the
Curwinsville. MM! 10.
LANDS belonging to the Estate
of Samuel Coo/Iran .’
’ ‘lll‘l Court of Cmnumn Pleas ol Ches
l ter county having appointedlaP. F.
Smith. . 'l‘runlee to «(-II and cunvey lhr
lnmls belonging In lhe Ednle ol Samuel
Cochtunuleceuacd, lalgol Chouler cuunly.
AH persnns mshin'g In purchnw any
pmlion ol the lumls In Bn'olly lownship.
will apply In Ihv subscriber. and all
Ihose who are Indvbu-d lur purchases from
lhe lormer 'l'nmee, are requesled Io come
fnrwunl and [MN pavma-m.
, JOSIAH W. SMI'FH, flll’y
for P. I". Smith, ’l'rustcc.
Borough qulemfiehl,
Sept. 30. 1847.—paill.§
Fashionable Tailoring
' ESPECTFULLY inlorms' lhe citi-
R mogul Clearfield nml vicinity that
he I now manual to execute all mdersl
in the show: business with nentness~ and
despatch, nml in the must substantial nml‘
lsshionublc mannerr llts shop is situate
on 2" street. mljn'mmg Geo. D. lmnichs“.
Hotel. where he will be happy tn atteml
In all who may luvor lnm Wllll a call.—
The New Yo-k nml .l’nilatlulphin'lusltlons
will be‘fPCL’th‘ll rcgulatly. .
All kinds of country prmlucu taken in
exghunge lur work, at the highest market
prices. . .
Auguu.2s.lB47. . “ ~
UTl’erry Du
can be had [rum
nomam‘ WALLACE, 1““. WALLACE. .
..' ‘ flttorm'es at Law. . ~
ILL p'raclice'in ’the aevnravl confli
' 01-ClcartieM. Blair 8L Elk. ,cuun
lies.. Business ,cnlrualed t 9 .culujt ufi_lhc
pmlncra. \yill rccc'm: the can: nml'nlten~
(mu 0! both. sep. 16. ’47.
tublé Pain-killer
'inM the above
' M. A. F.,
, ' xflfi undu'rsiam'd ha'vinglucnlévllhékm.
E “sum: _Milubu'flo: '3l "‘9 "“3“ "'
num‘mw Cun‘ul NMW‘WE‘W'N“ "‘"W
ducting “W FWWM‘JH‘S, “D,“ .Cls'nfmi“.'"l"~
Businesfi. nml salicil lhe [fiend-1h ‘4" 9” "[8
Farmers, Men-hams. and WW” "Midi:
bruduru m lurwnrll from the (cnunliu m“
Conhr. Clvmfiehl. “WWW"? ""d ""1""
puns. nml lhe palmnuzt‘ "‘ Merr‘h‘g’hls Who
muy wuul sturnge nn lhelr g‘m‘h‘ purcha's.
ed inthe cilies.' » ’. '.> "
From ihinv yearb' experience .in thy
Cvfllmifi‘ion tind Packet Buainess in that
cit)‘ at Baltimore. they hope to be obte by
91"“ ""0""00". to render sotislacliun to
”W“? "mlth'ying them.' They will he pru~_
viileil With store hu'ufcuuuunzfof Grain and.
Goods, nml yu’ul‘n‘mm for storing Plaster.
Cnul. Lumbrr. lloll.'&C. Gram'nnd Lum
her will be lilmarded to n blanch'of their'
house in Baltimore. or to Philadeiiihia. go
no oxpvlivucml houae there. Whichever
martin may oticr the best inducements,
Inn-mg quotations three tluws a week from
each city. ‘ - i -"
Asburing those who favor ‘ them' will;
their business, that m. eflort shall be wan:
ting tn give unlislauion. and that they may
tlcpvnd no quick sales, and returnspf
funds promptly Imuh'. »’ '
ELY BALDERSTON 6: t 0.. Agents.
Corner 0] the Canal and Turnpikr, Mileaburg.
Ri:fl:nr:~cr:s.mVALEN'l‘lNß & ‘ I‘HOMAS, Gen;
[CPFn-lahl nod ‘slorage to be paidoo
(lelnveiy ot Goods. sep. 25 -—6uo.
TIIAT BIG Gaul, _._.
STICKS out (0 let you know smv:
that there is a parcel of ‘
A! the old store between Hem v I
thal's.jus( arrived from the ci!)r",h}vl‘;lsl.‘?Bfll‘ll Kg;
AND GOOD. A first rate assortment of him I
Medicinu.oilv, Pain", Varnish, Ilurpcnline gr.
While 11ml, Dye Stuffs, Cm'fmlionary Emmy
Perfumery. Patent Medicines, and Patm'l article;
of a very great variety, among which mm,
much cclchrntcd ,
' @3312, (w swam ,
A ncvcr failing article for removing grease, tut.
penlinc or paint spots from cloths, silk, &c.;
wilhout injuring the cloth or varying the coior.
. ALSO—One of lhe best articles of
Ever offered to the public. It is the regular
built wormjcrlrer, which never fails to relieve the
little sufferer when properly admmistcred.—:
There is on hand a variety dfoth‘er articles deci;
dedly too numerous to mention, therefore we
would invite all who wishrlo procure any ofthe
above articles. or family medicines ol'nny and
every variety, (and be sure ot getting a good ar
cle,) to call at Ihc sign of the Big Mortar, form:
have them, and are determined to sell them Imb
lor cash, and natlfi'ng'elcc. ‘
N. B. Allthosc old (will repaired or pulled
out and new ones put in the place of them by
A. M. n.~
Aug. 14. 1&7
HE demand lur the above medicine
T in the lan 2 or 8 years, is deemedr
a suflicienl apulngy [or placing it now ful
ly before lhe people ; and the diseases [or
which it is applicable have become so pre
valent in lhis country that a remedy enti
lled in confidence. is a great des’i’deralum.’
The diseasec'l allude to are Hepalilin,
(Liver median.) Dyspepsia. and lemulev
complaints in general. .
V KT'l‘he übm'e pills will be kept con»
slnnlly lur snle by
[Richard Shaw. Clearfield.
Ih'gler «3 Co.. Bell township.
Graham .S- "’riglil, Rmdlord
James .’licGirk. Philip-burg.
(lcl. 20, [846. H
rfifJ‘J‘ffJfJK/‘J‘J‘I’IJ‘J‘J‘IJ‘J‘J< '
s G. w. lIECKER, - 2
2 flttorney at Law, 2"
5 July. 110, '47. a,
Clearfield, I’m—and
1. L. BARRETT & Co.,_
, Cleaflield Bridge;
Are “(the reguiartyynulhorized agents [a
the sale of the above valuable ntedlcints
and have on hand a very large supply
They also intend- keeping constantl!’°
and a lull supplyw Juhe 10. 47.}-
LIS l‘ n! LET TEES lcmuiniug in lb
Poe! Office at Clenrfield, Pan 33"
my Isl. 1848. "
Butler. Francis Huntington. Win-i
Belg". Samuel Hall, Jnhn
Brink, Daniel Lillc, Mma'l'herfll!‘
Carson. Rubber! More, Lefi L. '_
Downs, Robert S‘. Marks. Andrew
Duflcy. Daniel‘ ()hrr... Marlin}. W
Derick John PeterssJon-ph "v“
Ferguaon. David VSpcnsez. Thus. H;
Fulk E~q..Wan. SmunfCharu-s
Gnrrisi-n.“l)uvid Shaman; Jain‘ea‘";
Hileman, JuE’ob ;l‘hivrp._Mr.' m
, ~ w. L.. MOORE. p. M.-rp““'
" ‘.- PERSONvor'hem‘dnsm-‘c'm am If!
;A dud-words qf W 001). for “MC“;
.'reason'ablc price will be ‘puid'in'CASfl‘ik’j
y . ' ‘ wM. IRVINn'
' Cumwsvillr, Nov. 8. 1847.