Democratic banner. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1837-1849, February 12, 1848, Image 3

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    ,1 of
3:333 ~ ' Turnpike“ Meeting. ~ 3
5%} A “"89 "“1 fellioctable muting ur3m’o t‘itlznnu
53:3 0! Clearflgld wan held In tho court lmu‘u‘rtn 'l‘hurtr
-335; d.” °V°mnl the 3d inn. for tho put-phi" ut‘tlerh
33:33 ""3 mean! for tho canstructioh 0! n ’l‘urnpille3
.133 road tram lomo point, on the Central Rnilroml I 0
‘9 : this place. On mutton. G. n. BARREI‘I‘. Esq-p
35$ ' was called to the chair. nml J. Bowman. 3
33333 The object 01' the meeting “as thnt noted 1:},
$5 Col. Bigler. who. in connection wtlh R Wallnco. 33f
3353 Blair county. and Dr. w. P. llillu. nevorully ml
33?; drencd tho meeting. 3 3
3753: Aflor which tho [allowing resolutions. Il'lhmlln
“‘3 "who lhe meeting by Col. lliglcr. “era unnmmutw
M 3 ly ndoplcd:
3 Resolved, That “'0 have noticed with feelings ul
33‘: aincoro gratification tho 3 mpitl prngrem of the Com
,5 Mil Railroad to an early completion—«ml ”'9’ W“
W 4 lhllyapprcclato tho Imm-rlunce oft-unstrurtmg a
lift; gnnd turnpike from n nuitnhle point on said Rail
-7‘34 mad to tho town at (.‘lt-nrliuld. '
21/313; Retained. Thu: we fill: 1110 (‘lllchß rveitlent on
'3 5:33;- lhu contemplated lilm ul Ihia rmul In aid In it) its
Qfip conltructiqg-antl glint we willdo all within the
ff: tench ol'ottr limited; means to accomplish no duai~
rablo an Glycol.
3 Resolved. That I C-mmittco of live he nppuinlcd
:3 to take such measurrs an they may deem host cnl
33}: ruluted to'nt-t-ompli-h thu nhject ol llllx meeting.
"'33:; Whereupun Iho fullovting gentleman were up
-'3 pointed mud Commune. \‘izn—Wm. Utgler. Junn‘
than Boynton. Wm. l’. Hills. J. L Culllo and .l
W. Smith. '
On motion, the foregoing proceedings were or
dered to be ligand and published.
G. R. BARRETT. Prert
Hy ~
ic ‘
'it .
A largo and cnlhusinsfic menling oflho citizens
x-I'Clclrfield county was held a! Curwonaville on
tho cvoning of lhe 20”: of Jununry, {or lhe pur
vmonl considering and converting measure: for
removmglheucounly seal from Cleurfield lown Io
j -—\V.u. llux'rsnonn. Jon Exaunn and Smum.
Wu, Yico Preaideula. and John Panamjr. and
.3? JB3. A. Cnlhcnrt. Secrelnriou.
an •
111 Pj
On'mouon. A committeo of three were nppoin~
led lo wrile and dillrlbulo poliliom Ihroughoul lhe
cuumy. l 0 obluin lignlluros. praying the Logiuln.
mm to pnun a law for the removal of tho county
seal Irom Clearfiold Io Curwenavillo.
; Onmolion. It wnl agreed Ihnl n nuhlrripfiun be
.5 taken up to defray Iho expanse of distributing po-
liliona. &c.
0n molion. A commilmo ol mx potion; were up
poinlod lo dmfl resolutions exprcslivo of lhe vicn-n
ul'lhin meeting tespecling Iho removal of the
county real, and that mid committee report at lhe
next meeting
On mo'ion, That «his mealing adjourn to mac!
again on Tuesday evening nul. nl tlm place. '
” In
Tuzamr xvamc. Jun. 25. 1848
fit Mcelinz assembled purlunm lo ndjdurnmenl—
a” nfliren nll present—when Iho following preamble
3:: and resolutions were presented and unanimously
'5: mlopled.
“11;. Wusnun. The present position of lhe calmly
acui‘ofClenrfield counly render: it inmnvonicnl lo
5 lhe residuals o! the Eollérn. Suulléern and Wu
‘s‘? [cm section ofthe munly lowland/ho courn, and
i, In nl‘l'cnd lo buiincu of a public nature. And
{4’ WHERE", Should Ihc cuunly not remain when: ‘
if; it now in.“ Will be a names of comideruble el- 1
‘ 23 pcnm lo the people of Iho counly. lnnnmarh n
r 1; mm! oflhé public buildings will soon hnvo to be
: rebuilt, And Wuxnns. Ry Iho removal of lhe
11,? vounly son! from ClI-nrfiold lawn lo Curwonavillo
ré‘ II “I” occupyn more ceulral pavilion in lhe «return
i! ly. and be more convenient to Iho majority of lhe
mhabillml. nml also un’c Ilmn Iho expense 0!
"oi-ling public buildings—wince [hone in luvor uf;
Ihc mmovnl oflho county soul nro \nlling lo orccl
lhe public buildings by privalonubscriplinn.
Bail Resolved. That wo rcquall our fellow rim
:0"! ol Cleurfield counly to cull meolingl In Ihoir
huf ,
P'"’ 9’
lon v. 3;
:W ?
ayh if“,
offi- E}:
u‘lpcclivo lowmbipn, and sign and cirrnlnn- 'poli
unn- Io Iho Senate and House nl Reprolonlulivvl,
me I?
G 9"; 34!:
b. ’i :1
'0 :‘é'.
Im Iho purpovo ofurging upun Ihom Iho prnpriely
uf "moving lhe counly rcul {rum (Ilrmfirld luwn
In (.'mwenlvillofpynviding Ihnl Iho [-uhlic'hmhl
mg- be orecled gt Iho -olpenne of pri'rnlo individu
a all h
Resolved. That we will ho opp-um! lo the remu
\nloflhe county ant Upon nny mndiliun Ihnl
“ould incrcnlo Ihc expense. M lhe couniy. and
lhnl we nro anxious In nee Iho public buildings
noldnml Iho proceeds placed an Ihc Iran-my oflho
Ino -
u,l v
‘5: county.
r“ Resolved. Thlt, in the opinmn of this ml‘t'lmg,
3; thelploue'tt Itlttalion of tho county acnt hut ltutl u
5.1.; tendoncy to retard the settlement and ttnpmve.
: ; l ment of the county.
‘54 Resolved. That we hnliovo that If tho mumy
{33;}; not in removed to Curwemwllo. ntunlcd an it il
.9: m tho but forming. and- lumbering soctmno ofthe
countyllho county would lmprovo more rapidly
gig} than it over hnr dono~thercby mnhingn hotter
‘ , wt?» ,
‘ at; mavkot for Iho farmer. nnd~ more huntncna for the
be. '5; Inorchantttnd mocltanic.
"a at; "‘1 Remind. That the proceedings of thin meeting
{'com. “'“6 he uigncdhy the Provident and Secretary. nml
"'aml . £4»; publiultcd in tho Democratic Banner. 1
n, l a, wf‘fi‘iig ‘ JOHN IRVIN.'Pu-st.
5! 0" 35351;?“ J. It. CATHCART, Sec'y. -
mom if ‘s}; .._.
‘ hoe. lii-L33 Scum? Faun ulunlly commences with nuunon
lnion_vja:':§§§ir and aicknm; greatthiri'iflié‘d‘d‘iéfi, mam. om",
"‘ t". ‘
l‘tbe 5, ”align 9y". &c. In two or lhrtle tiny- n pricking aenuu.
"he ‘Ut: tion ll experienced, and an eruption ofa fiery redQ
‘t‘ neu' begins to appear. tint on tho face and arm-. 1
v "erg and finally to uniform redness cover! the whole;
‘. '9' i In cm: olScnrlet Fever. Wright’s lndlnn Vo
’ ~ , 755? uelablo Pill: ohould bo token-every night on go
‘ fie ing to'luch' douu on to produce copious
Tiff? evacuations by the bowelr. 'l‘httt couno. if pron
{3s3% ly followed up. will inn short time lubdue the
‘iw most violent attack of Scarlet Fat-er, nt tlteamno
glitz; timo the digs-lion will be'impruved. and the blond
fix? completely purified.
a)". 82mm»: op Coutyronrm-n AND lul’t‘ATlONflf—
""'.,llomomber that the original and only genuine In
t: ‘dr'tm Vegelable Filly have the nignnturo of Wu.
Wmau'r written with a pen on the top lnbelot'
eachbox., .. - f ' ,
,rrfl'he gmume for sale by R. Stutw.
*aole flgeitlfor.£lleatyield ,- 011'?th i 9 Bao
”man. szrwenavdk; DANIEL B/mttz'r'r.
;Lulhmbmig ,- . and wholesale cube 71/13::
;aml genera , depot"! 69 Race street. P "7%
ids/pitta; ;. , , ‘
: I‘m
4 ,7,»
x ,- 'v
, , “22“
‘s' {7“}
I? '- (2?.
5' :1 9
... »
x 9,
J. Box-non. Sec'y
Removal Meeting.
On motion. JOHN IRVIN was chosen Preliden
«- lherelote command you. as we below
commanded you the said George E. Good
wall, Ihnl. selling aside all olher burners
and excuses whalaoewr. you be and up
near In your proper person before our
Judges. at Ulehrfield. at our Goon «II
Common Pleas. [here to be held lor the‘
said county, on [he first Monday of .May‘
next. “848.) to answer lllc reunion. or “-1
bel, ol the said Mary. and lo shew cause,
If any you have, whv lhe said Mary,s«)ur
mle, should not be (livuln‘tl Irom llre
bonds of matrimony agreeably l 0 lhe nel
ul Assemb y In such case made and pro
Vidcd. and hereof you are out to tail.—
Wuneu. George W. \Voodwald, E-q..
President 01 our sald Courl. al Clear‘ield.
lhe Gd day ul February. A. I) 1848.
\\ M. C. VVELC H. l’rolh’y.
And in pursuance ol lhe order 0! lhe
Court, the testimony, r-l . wiloesses vnll be
laken belore Wm. A. Wallace. exunm
er, M his office on Salurdny lhe 9.9 h day
olApril, [B4B. at lhe borough ol Clear
7 ‘HE .übsuibcr uflcrs lo null his {arm
1 muatml in Penn (Imushtp, Clear
firld enunly, and on lhe bunk; (II {he Sus
quehanna river, luur mun-a Hum-c Cur‘
vavi'lr. on me mum rum] lwtllng hum
()nrwcng-ville In Indiana, containing abuul
[55 acres, ul which ”Inc are 125
acres Clo-cred. 80 0! which in “val (loan!)
ul river bunmn—nll'umlcr gum] lrncc and
in a high stale ul rulhvulion‘:
’ .uh‘i}. 'l'hrre‘ is (m (“we premium
fl}: . "f' LNG fIOUSES.
"iw‘3;*“‘ JIJVEU’BJYNK BflRN.
70 by 45 Inufl Large Sheep Slab/c.
I'l’agon Ilausr, ard ulhcr In-wssdu) (put.
buildings, a I finishrd on in gum] alj‘le—u
loge-ther will) a
'» f 3 ALSO. a Young Orchard q/
166 choice Am le hen—a I'NIC/J
Orr/lard. nml 20 rhuuc Pluml
Trees. All 0! which Ia nflurul low lur
arr Fur funlher palllculura inqunrenl
Ihc aubucciber residing on UIC premises.
tilhcr m porpnp or by lelh-r.
\\‘i»| bu: auhl by the aubacnbcl. a tract of
lam] allunle m Lamcncc umualup. mu
umc bvlmv Curuennvillc, uu Ihc bunk ul
Ihc Suulueuunnu tin", cumummg 20
acres. Then: is on said premises 3‘
.chlling Ilauac. and 4 «cu-a ul. dram-d
'lulld undrr goud lence. [out-Hlos} «uh a
Bank 0! flux rate STONE COflL.
'l'ea ms mill be low [or Cay/A.
Penn lp.. Feb. 10. 1848. ‘
WC’énlrc-Democlal muen w the annual at 82
and charge this ufllce.’
‘ ' Y lvmue of an Oldt'l' of (no Orphon’a
B Court of lhe county of Cleatfield,
Will be offered at public sale. 0! lhe court
Moose. in lhe borough ol Clearlieltl; on
Momluy (he lell day of May; 1848. a! 1
o’clock. P. Mn 50 Acres ul Loud, silo
ole in‘l’lke townnhip, Clearfield county.
-lhe largest portion of Which Is improv- 1
ell-known as lhe land belonging to lhel
hem! ol Ann Collins. deceased. :
, Trustee 9/ the Estate
C'emfield, Feb. 4, 1848,
‘ Howard’s Celebrated Cement,
UR mending Glass, China. and Ear-
F (hm ”hm. un’ entire newlnrucle,
and warranted mperior lo‘any ulhcr mli~
ch: 93‘”!!! luml ever offered m the public.
’ - ' .15r sale at the sign oft/ae‘ . s
. ‘Bnl G G 0 It” rM 0R1“ A R. j V
. . . , . Feb 10, '48..
~ 'MARR'IEDm-On ’l‘hmaday. the 27th
all. by lhe Rev: Algxundet Boyd. Mt.
Jumalhnof Jordan 1;). I 0 Miss JANE
DILLON. of MOum-pleasam.’
0n 'l‘ueaday Iho Slh inch. [W John I.
Cuule, Esq. Mr Ronan-r 'l‘Homwon. w
MISS'MARY DANIEL. bth o! LanOnl'L’ lp.
”‘oo‘7‘ho Cake: and complimcnla all duly I'N‘Oi‘l
vod and exchanged.
DIED.-—At the residence 'of her moth
entn thus place. on Monday mowing the
3lat Jmuaty. nftet an nffltctiun of at-vernl
years, which she bore uith that patience
whtnh in only manifested in the meek nml
lowly Christian. ISABELLA, daughter of
the late E. Magee. aged 22 team.
In Curwensville. on 'l'uesday‘th 4' lat!
neL. Hon. JOHN I‘A'n-ox. at an ndvfnced
112 e
Many Guodwnlfl Nwe Cnurtol Cum
b 3 hvr next | E mun'Pu-as oI.CIeM
llio'nd ' field roun'y.
vs. ? fl/ias Sub. sur. DI
Gauge E.Gum!- | vorcc. No. 16, Junua
Walt. J rv Term. 1848'
T/ze Commonweall/L q/ Pennsylvani.
(0 George E. Gaodwalt. GREETING
V‘THEREAS. Mmy Gnmlwnll. lur
nu‘rly Mary hum. by her lath»:
and next lricnd. Jmeph Linea. dul. on
the sum day 0' Novemberlasl payl. pre
lw her peunun to our Judges 0' lht‘ Cuuul
ul Common Pleas of the (uunly u! Clrm
field. at a court held at Clrnrfield in and
(M sud county, praying lhal [or the caus
ed lhmeln set luvlh, she might DCIdIVDICI‘d
from Ihc bum]: u! matrimony enlen-d lulu
wilh you the said George E. GuodwaH :
Sheriff's u-flice. Cleav- '
tit-M. Feb. 4, 1848. g
Farm for Sale.
Orp/ums’ Court Sale.
“-__”...w. _..- "-7 ”.1.-“.-. ——~—~*~~:‘=€“w%
. : , i _f ‘ ' ‘ lone hel’u‘v‘mlvou. Ho 'uho place» “"1350” “m 1" 'l‘hornolt Brndford do
NOR 111 Ai‘lE.ng__CANu ‘DR, KINKEMN’S lroalmenlnnny 'ralxgmnali; con~ John Slilu' Boggy do
FOR TOWN flND COUNTRY. ‘73!“ :1 1;“ “gnarlns’n ‘i'iwlomfn'lmi‘iiii 333:3. “m" David Wolly Brady .d 6
, ‘, A. _, .. ' m” o urn ur 00ml wise to 0 V '. H Mignm Cuvin lu do
Aweeklg Mwlpapcr! demented (o‘Pelmco. Lllcr. 7 lon many Ilnnk Ihoy WI”. hing, llxrlacc'rz‘lutogngg 8 William. Ch 5:. : d"
alnre. Sczcncc.-. Commerce. Acws. Agruulturc, and ownhearlu. and euro llmnsclus. . nu. _ . Wm Wi ‘
(/10 Fine and Useful Arts * ,- iullné‘ u fnlnl dolusmnmnd huw mnnyn prmnlßH-B '0 Pprguson do
. ’ ,' - . ' ynung mnn. annglzl hum been unurnumcnl lo 30- John Raye fem"; ~ ‘ do
b This popular periodical. (1101:1151) I’DUPI‘?“ cloly, mm (mlml from tho ehrlh. , 19:80 WI'GODL lluplnn do
"Hornfcw monlhs lms nlrea y 0 Cum: an -. J rwln . "Wrencu. do
immense circulation iniall arts ollhc U. States. C 0 UNTIIY INVflLIDb’ _B I“ Sloriing Pike ‘ «lo
~ -- - - p - || .W 1 ‘ finding it inconvenient to make personal nmnflt‘nlwn. W Mnilcn' 80cc ~
In us politics It {5 biondiy dz nnnona ) , ng. mm. by slnling thoir cum ”nml-“y. "mother wnh n“ wm 811 p Bonflrlfl 1847
devoted ‘0 fheyl'lrimplea 0‘ "If“ greet pally. lhcir sylnpluns. (per lellcr. post-paid.) have lurwnrllCli mcl Ba . d"
£5023“ ftnmnflnllgsrltn all ”lei? Integrity. “’"h lulli;clinn chm? cnntuinmg Dr. K 35 medll-men upprO- I]! ;L2)l|?)iil Buff} ‘ 3::
lana H . _ [mu m nccun Ing y. ‘ w _
A; evidence of (liis, it may be mentioned Packngct.qflilcdzmnes iorwurdod many pun ul'lha Jacob [lublcr Bradford: do
(hall: has received Ihc snnclion'of the «Wire Ullilnd b‘lnles Mn moment's num-o. D Lnbmdq BUNK ‘ do
WIIIG Dale alien beolh branches If Congrrm , 17"" "“0 LETTER“, “*"‘“’s"°" ‘0 Dn' "'“EL'N' J Bricklvr 3"“'*“’° “0
.5: - ihlindel luu. \wli bu pmmplly nuondcd 10. JWe 'o“,er Che!!! (in
who testify mud-a by the forge 10l staperml‘ :11}; Sea mii-crliliomcnl 11l lhe Philadelphia Spin! nltho J B Bzrmny Cnvingluu d"
: cnln cner yun Zenler rise nma euervc 'l‘imm, . jnn.28.1818. 1y ' ‘
unsuimrd agiligh position) am'ong the, most cn- _ _ _._ M ['ng'Cmck‘";°'K"""" 3° '
lightened and influential Journals of the cguln- LOVER-SEED nml BACUN {O, ihizl’fli‘eyu“, Giiiml - «l:
I . ' ‘. 0 lie ‘ - . ~
rigging]: (:31;sz ;ijafiihlffriruuyiu?o:33:3l” of 0 sale by CRANb & Bill)! HER. w M Hoyt "union (in
wbig Principles " Uurwmsville. May il. 1847. J Ron jr. Jordan do
it has nlsu received the unflunlilied commen- “ ~—- $31321? 55:23:; 3:
(ialion 0' Henry Clay, John J' Criucndcn,.und Jer. ”no-vet Moms do
John McLean, who severally recommend 1: as R mm.” pom, d”
follows : W Blunm sr. Puke do '
‘l and'enwn Wondnuni do
I have received nnd nllenllvuly penned for mu"?!
munlnu Iho Norlh Amnrivun.puhlxshml m l'hNudl‘ -
phiu. wilh Which the Unilml Slules Gazelle IN nuw
nhsocmlvd ; nnd I Luke pleasure in beunng my llum
ble lesnmony lo lhe vunxummnle nbllny will: whlttl-
Ills generally edited. and In llu-snnmlncsa ul Iho
principles which it labors lo lllullrulo nml eulahllsll.
I think il enuncnllylnmnls übllc patronage. and BB
pcciully Wlug uuppnrt. lelml grunt muse nhnuld
he niumphnm. an lhorc Is now ground (or confident
hopvs. llml pupur musl be n-gurllcd us one ol Ila mom
lenrlcss rhnmpmns and cnlugmonod uup orlcrs.
Augusl.lBl7. l}. CLAY.
JUDGE Mcle'flN BEflRSI/w ['ol.-
' Columbus. August. I]. 1847“
My Dour Sinn—Allyuu any mucormng lho Aurlh
American. In Pmlndelpln'u. mcels my cunhnl npprm
vul nml runcurroncc. l n-gnrd Ihnl paper an uni-mg
the very nulcsl und mml inlluenlinl mlvncaloa ul'lho
Whig came. and tho ens-nun" 01 Ha cucululiun II)
n“ «manor: ol the Union. would In my judgmvnl.
lm nnmng Ihc musltfi‘liucm menu: 0' dlnsuminulmg
"mac grant principles, upon wluch (ho party ufthv
comlilulwn nnd llu- rnunlry stands. Wllh every
domre Ilml it may rent-h Iho lire-nudes m Iho West.
and uid m spreading genera! Intelligence and mum]
pulnu-ul mun, lam yourn'. v.—rv truly.
'l‘u ——- —— .Esq. Non Yolk.
Exit-ac! of a letter from the ”on. John J.
‘--' (.'rillcndcn; lo a frwml, dam!
Frankfort. August. 12, 1847.
"I hope In hour ofevc-n :1 I'll“ greater increase in
lhcr-irrulmiunul Ihc North Amt-nun". l hu‘u been
[or sumo mm- " subscrihcrlor, and romler uflhnl pa.
per; and vonsnh'r it one uflne suundnl and nhlunl
mh-m-ulru u! flu: Whig cause. nml cmmenlly unlillcd
lo the support and pulronngc ol the Wing puny."
i As a Literary Gazette. the ' North American,
;lor Town and Cuttntry,’ challenges competi-
Itipn. lts ample columns are stored with
l_ 'lales, Essays, Poems, Criti
[ l ctsms, &c. &c.
from the pens ot the nblest writers.
tn its L'ommercialantl News Departments it
stands unrivalled.- nsits ample arrangements.
both by the Magnetic Telegraph nnd tixtrnor- t
dinnry Expresses, combined, with It: extensive
correspondence, enable it to furnish the latest
and must uccumtc intelligence, bath t‘ureign
and Domestic.
To the l'olitxcinn it supplies spilitetl and fear
leu disquisttions on all topics ut‘pnbhc interest.
‘ To the Man oanste, a rhoice repository of
the must refined and elegant litcuture-and,
To the General Reader an agreeable & most
extensive variety 01 miscellaneous infiormntion t.
While the Farmer, the Manutucturar. the‘
Mechanic, and the Operutit'c, Will each lind in
It Inatrucnun and amusement.
The ' .Yarl/t Amerimn.for lawn and counlry.’
is elegantly ctnhcllished‘wilh Engravings, m
,tendcdlo illustrate great Natiounlcvents. and
’striking objects in Art and Nature.
1 Each number contains a carefully prepared
Rcvxcw ol the Philadelphia. Markets ; (k a sum.
mary of the Markets generally in the U. Slales,
digeslcd at thelatcst moment uom the l'c|e~
grpphic despatches received by the proprietors.
To make this valuable and desirable paper
nSACCessiblc. as It must be acceptable To ALL
CLASSts, I/ta I’ubltxheru oflcr t! upon (lu’full wing}
muu rcasu'mlllc TERMS :
[ Smglc (:opy, one year,
‘ Two Copies, -‘
l-‘our Copley, '-
'l'en Copies. ” '
Twenty-two Copies, one year,
Lcllcr» with pulugc [)IC-Plld, containing or
ders and UN: money, are to be addressed lo
Norlh Amelican Buikhngs, N. E. corner of
«m. and Chcslnut streets, l'hilada_
lcb. 11, 1848.
I D ESI’EC'I‘FUULY Inlunlu Hn- cm-
L zen: nl Cleanlield enumy lhal he m
hauled m Cumcmul'lc, “new In; mll
jenny on Ihc buamuas U! ’r
, CLOCK 6' HUI 'I'CII making and n-pair
TUNING ul vmiuus musical insllu
lnenls, nuch as
SICflL 014001135, 011’ G/lA'S .z‘lA'l)
AL”. repairing o! .M/IT/lEfll/JTICJL
lA’STRUIUEAWS. making 00].!)
JIN!) SIL FER “I P 201310. (S-c.
glj’fle MM Man teach and gnvc Icasun
on the Accouleun.
51:75AM his \vurk {hull be done in the
very Deal‘ulyle, and upon the luweal Kenna,
Cumuuaville‘. Jan. 25, ’48.—l _vr
Pthed 15 your: ago. by DR, KINKELIN' The
oldeammqslund best hand to cum all loans olsocrul
diseases. dmeußl-s 0! Ihc skin and uolilury huhils a!
youth. is DH. KINKELIN, N. W. corner atrium)
and UNION $lB.. belween bpruco and Pine, one and n
‘mlf squgrea from the Ezrlmgc, l’lnludclphiu. -
7'llch I’m: TIOULflR N 0 7101;.
Youlhuwho nnvu injured lhslnuelvua by n curtain
prncucu Indulgcd m—u hnbn l'rcqm-nlly lournod Irom
evil companions, ur ut srhool—ule ctfcpla ot'whlch
urn mghlly lell; evon when “Reap. nnd doslro bolh
minuund budydllould npply immcdinloly..2{Vouk
new and conunuuunnl debilily immediately cured,
undfunwgurreswnjed. Alllenam PO3ll mun. ‘ i
1’ OUNG MEN .’
“you value your file or your health. remember.
the delay 01 a month, nay, eyen n Weehmuy prove
jmur ruin. bum 01 body and mud. ancalel nolhlse
mmleaxy dolor you lwrg making your case knownuo
one who, from edncuunn unmgxespecmhllilyrc9so.
Receipts and Expenditures
@33‘ @mimmrmzmmm Q©Wmflrfi
1m mama
JOHN IV. ”WIGHT, Esq‘. Trcamrcr
o/ Clear/i011! county in account with said
county from ”l 8 am (lay of January.
./I. I). 1847. up (0 the ”(day qf Jan
uary. J]. I). 1848. inclusive.
I'o amount rou-ivcd on unsra
Ird land»
(In Irom Culluclum
d‘o rum! 'mnm’y mvm'd to
credit 0] ('uunly
lln lrmn R. Lumvr un acnl
uf Strays 2 9.0
«In hum gauge for S. Milk-r l 37
do hum George Elllhgu’s
mm.- in lull
do how SUI]! ul 'l'cmln'r
’ uncc lur rent ul lull
du hum ‘‘l human Run on
prdlul fine
By amount paid Jurms
\lu Eleclluu l'X,)t’ll:L‘3
Ilu Rand vw w.»
~ 9 75
do Cunu-nanllc budge 250 00
Ill) Egan.- Ruuda $9 00
du Audnmg Pronhono
lat)". account» 2 25
(In Cuunacl lu Uumm’rs :31 U 9
du Ucp. Anouuq Ucn
‘ mal’a Ire:
[ln Slu-ufl's lees
Us. Beaming, pnaoucu
uu Fuel In: Jail. cuuu
lluu‘t', SU:- ' 35 57
(In Stuntman). Sic. * 75 25
du Repau's, flu. 01 70
(In J. H . \\ ugm's Coblb
“Hang land: 40 09
do New Jul 256 68
do Monty burnnved
Hum budge
do Rolands ,
do I‘lxunwullons ulhm
ed Culleclula
$5 00
SH) 00
820 00
“ii" 0.,- of 'l‘n'uaurer on
$|2.U7B 39 all 1:} -
By (Manu- due 'lncaauwr at
Ins! aeulmncm 10] 93
linluucc’duc count} hum 'l‘ta’r 151 39
OUTS'I'flNIHNG DEB 'I‘S due Coun
(y from Unsealed Lands and Calico
tors. r-
0n Umcnlcd Lnndu
V M b‘urcey Bradlurd 1837
A Gusa.jr. Dwulllr 1839
C Willomoycr l’enn 1840
Wm Rlyht'l Brady ’ do
Thus "only Furguflpn do
Ab'm Hen Bug“! 1841
Dame] Smith quon du
s J ’ruzer cum do
D Wnln ‘ Penn -’-db'.
D McCruclicu Bell do
G C l'aaambru Plko do
3 Jordan Jurdun 1842
J anborn ‘ Che-l. du
lJuhn Weaver Bell do
’l‘ Ovcnqu‘ Glbaon ~ do
Geo 'l‘ubba Fetguaon du ,
lauuc Loo Bunnidc do V
J ML‘QuiHun do 1843
C Shofl‘ Ducnlur ' do
ONO "0y! ”nanny d 0 .
W M Smiley Beccnhu' 18’“,
C Nefl‘ Burmido d 0
Jun Wuodu’ " Chm ', I’o
Fl’eurco ‘ Bradford 'lO
S Brilhnn Burmidq 1845
D McGeehen Jordan ' d 0
A anonle Girurd fdo,
J H Baylor Brady do
J V anborn Chou do;
J. Bloom jr,
A Irvin
Boxough 1846 '
Cummblca'nrugcn 183 29
Aneuuu’. smg“ 510 86
Cumm'lb' “I!ng 183 43
Audllola’ nugca 56 40
Pruning 105 68
Birth [0 Cumm'ta NO 85
l ""1” Puulun'a ”lg. SOO
Club; to Audllur: l 3 ()0
mukm: 'l‘leusulel’a
Land Bunk
Paul School dismal.» 333 5]
Unmmul prusmu
Hun (unis,
R. \\ allau: balance
due llun a, l'aa‘r 73 81
Cum! Cryeu 28 87
Jul'Ul: uh ‘llquiallinlla
Scalp Immune:
Prulnunulur) lrea
Repma Iu I’wlhon
ulal)’: uflicc~
Jymcra’ let‘s
Supcl Hsun’ruud (a!
Man] by Cnuuly
I’. Multrn lor dam
85839. 'O5
$62-16 54
89500 00
6 54
7 51
4 4G
9 00
3 57
226 14 83
l 00
. 9 32
1 12 '
14.72 ,23 65
- 7 01 158
24 12
21 44
5a 31
13 '94
Apprentice Wanted; ‘
? To the Blacksmitlu'ng- Business. '
"N Appremice m me‘f’above businfl‘m
A Will be takenfimnwdlatclyjby the”
subscriber, Ito whnm‘a' gum] chance Wm»?
be given. 'A bnv 16 or le‘yeara of 'ljg'e' ‘
\vuuld be prnterre'df -' f '
Ulaarficyq.-Ju'li. 7. 18474“
7 91 [‘B
9 51
16 27
10 50
23 92
6 27
86 05
38 63
49 09
41 49
15 35‘
a 03
19 09
14 60
' 53
13 59
. $6551 52 ‘
Amount uf unlalunding uuumy orders s9so!} 00
" Since paid.
Unscau‘d Road Taxes.‘ '
JOHN W. WRIGHT. Esq. 7reasum'
qf Clear/it'll! county, in. account with.
the menu (owns/tips in said bounty [of
Road money. ~-
$1431 02
4708 90
'0 balance due townships at last ~ .
sulllemcm, $139 15'
n aumuul received ham unsen
led Laudu.
12. 35
to 03
5y amount paid Buccutin 15)..
Icluding purcenlagc, 834‘ 54
do Bell do 5-! 68
do Bogus do 25 95
do , Bnadlord do 77 4.0
do Brady do 107 40
do Burnside do 30 76
do Cheat do 9| 53
do Cuvlnglondu 17 16
do Dccalor do 43 12
do ,Ferguson do 1653 ‘
do Fox do 4 69. ‘
do Gumd do . 75 68 ‘
(In Gushell d 0 34 14 ;
do Hus'on do ISI 91 -.‘
do Jotdau do ‘ 5| 3|
do Knrlhaus do 35 19
do Laurence do 55 74
do Morris do ‘ 69 86
do Penn do 52
do l’lke do 28 82
do \Voodward dO. 37 50
‘ 1667
25 00
56246 54
51155 94
922 78
134 ()0
10 00
70 25
Balance due tuwnshipss
5 00
197 81
116 63
School Fund. ' '~
JOHN W. PVRGHT. Eiqn’ Treasurer
o/ Clearficld county, in account with the
several School Districts in said county.
for School money.
35 00
10 50
['o balance due (li-(ricls at last
settlement 5122'70
['o amount rccewcd on unsalted
452 37
Hy nm’t paid Beccaria diifrict.
Including percenlagr. 36 79
do Bell ' dislrict 65
do Boggfi do «15 48
do Buol'ord do TI 82
do Bludy do 151
do Burnside do 42 07
do Chest do (52 33
do Coungloo do 547
do Decatur do 37
do Goeheu do 28 15.
do Gu‘urd do 44 45' -
do Huston do ' 69
do. Jordan do 85 08
do Kormuuo do 08 .
do Lawwncc do 25 73
do Morn: do 46 92 ‘
do Peon do; 08
do Puke do 40
edo Woodward do 33——---—-
.30 75
13 75
o 5 31J
10 75
o'2 3|
238 86
181 17
Balance due dishing;
I W'Equl!‘ undunigncd Commmiuncu of Clear
field county. lmung uiumitted the 'uccount- ‘of
John W. Wright. Esq“ Treasurer of mid county
{0r1847. do find them or above Ituled: and the
outstanding debt! due the county nmountmgtu
stx thounnd five hundred and fillyane dollars and
titty-awn conlu thnen our handnlhtu sixth day
of Januafi". 1848! '
J. A READ. Comm'rs
Alum—u. P. 'l‘npurao‘r‘u, Clerk.
, 4,»
WE, lhu undersigned Auditors of Clonrliold‘
couuly. having examined and rcmod Iho uccoumh
of John W-‘Vrixhl. Esq.. 'l‘rcn-uror only“ uoun- .
ly for 1847. do Roporl.v'l'hul_ we find lhcm u n.
have unled: and Iho outstanding dobll duo‘lho
lcounly amounting to six lhouaund five hundred
and tiflysuno dollunnnd lifiquo coma. Wilma",
our’ hands lhu'aixlh day ofJanuary, 1848, p x
' WM. ’l‘. 'I‘HORP. . '. fit}:
, JAMES M. SHAW. Auditqrvnf‘frv'
, . ROB'T WRIGLEY, Sr. ’ ’ ’
Allen—H. P 'l‘uomsou. Clerk. '
LflJVKS fin“ sale I this nficc.
56 M
46 60
121 60
20 35
‘ 44 54
51 42
6 47
20 5
11 8
,7 34
197 64
.177 05
151 09
141 88
41 so
.179 as
953 15
142 42
197 15
ea 12
so 15
3 73
57 65
16 91
203 21
64 75
257 56
145 11
219 83 95 42
53$ 12 239 18
70 95 1 1e
1 2o
5: 33-
25 B'.)
32 33‘
66 90-
H 10
35 35
46 68
35 02
l 00
25 53
87 56
29 25
6 7G
1201. 84
31340 99
$1022 ‘43
' 818 ’56
81340 99
783 18
8907 88
‘ :GRr
$469 ‘3B
43. 50
$907 88