Democratic banner. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1837-1849, January 29, 1848, Image 4

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    -_-_ -_...-“ , 7.59... .._..E'." fl '
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' lllS OlN'l‘MEN'l‘ HAS POWER to onuso nl
toflychurqo thelr putrnl mntters nndlhcn hcnls them.
It 'is n htly termed All-healing. lor there is
u-nrdelyn gimme. external nrintornnl. thm itwill
“otbeneflt. l have used 1: tor the lust t‘ounren years
tor all dilenscs ol the chest. consumption. liver. mvnl
vmg the utmost danger and responsibility. nml l dc~
rlnre'befure henvcn nml mnn.’ thnt not 11l one single
cnuhna it tailed to benefit. when lhc pullout wns
“within thn much 0! murlul mcnns " ’
" I have hnd physinifius. learned in tho prolcssion, l
have hld Ministers of thoGnspelJudgc-s of the Bench
Aldermen. and Lawyers. gentlemen of the highest
audition. and MULTITUnI-Lx ul‘tho roan use It in ovo
ty vnmly of way. nml there hns bcon but one vorco.
onounitedmnivcrsnl \‘olC(‘,2layillg. "McAlislcr,yuur
Olntmont ls coon.”
CONSUMPTION. It can llnrcly be credited thnt
n salvo can have any oflcct upon tho lungs. nonlcd nu
they pro within the system. But if placed upon the
chat, it penetrates directly tn the lungs xcpnrulcx tho
poisonous purlfticlos that are cunsunung lhom nml ex
peli'tholn from tho aynlcm. ll ls curing persons 0!
conmmptton continually.
Huththcofm enr'sstnuding.
lady ovary week]. so Ihnl'vunulil
Dame. and Ear-Acho nro
RHEUMATISM. 'lt rclnovcu almost immediately
thq Infinmqmlwn and swellmg when the pain 0!
course c'e’n'm. -
COLD FEET. Consumption, Liver Crtnplnint,
pains in finches! or side. fulltng ofl'ol the hair, one
or another. always' accompanies cold feet. It is o
lIII’Q ignofdiscnyo in thoflystem to have cold feet.
Tait Ointment is the true remedy (all) when)“
nutrlua. nu nttwn, LIVER COMPLAINT. soot:
nqquuur, sour: 'rtmou. BRONCIHTIB. menu on
roman". nus. all curse msmsrs. such as ASTH
lu. ggrlpsaton, runs. also. sour: LIPS, CHAPI'ED
Imm. 'rtmou. CUTANIOUB ERUPTIONS. mnnvous
um. and of the srmz.‘ There is no mcdwmo
now known so good.. .
SCALD HEAD. We have cured cases that own
Illyldofied every thing known. as well as the ability
dflWrtwemy doctors. Ono man told us helmd
went on his children without any benefit, when
I low‘boxu of the otntmcnt cured them
BALDNESS. lt'wili restore the hair quicker than
together thing“ ,l « ‘
URNS. It‘ In the best thing in the “arid [or
am (Read the directions around the box.)
WORMS. ltwtlldrivc every veattgo olthcm n
-1733 (find the directions around tho box.) V
‘ 3NB. Occasional use of the ointment willul
finkupeorm from wing. People need not be
Med with them “my Will use it.
P 1333, Thousandl era yearly cured by this oint~
man ' -
‘TETTER. There is nothing better {or the euro 0!
'llrtun- ' ‘
, Sole proprlelor ol the above medicine.
CAUTION. “Nu Ointment Will be genuine un~
Int Iho lumen 0! Jam: McAlliater or Jam: Mc-
Alh'uer «9 Co. are WRITTEN with a nu upon zvznr
Read lb; Fallawmg Communication.
Rmtved from un uld, respected. and well known
citizenol Phdndeé’phin. and than judge [or yourself.
’ hilndelphia. 10th mo. 18gb, 1816.
To 'l‘. B. Petanon No. 98 Chestnut slroet: flavmg
been [quested to give my opinion on Iho menu 0!
Me AUS’I’EK’S SALVEI um willing to enumerate
some ofthe benefits which (have cchrienccd in tho
uge of the article.
'ln 3110 sprung of 1845 [had an attack of Eryaipolus
in my lice which became very painfulmnd «mended
inmono of my eyes, bemficnuondou with fever. my
distress was great and] came to bo fearful of loa
my llllgooya.
Al ugh not much n believer in what is lermud
quack medimncs. I purchased 1: box and made nppli~
cannula my fac'o. To my surprise the pam noon :1-
bated audit: a week’s time I was entirely cured,nnd
lfinnly bolievo it was the salve under Providence
that cumd Ina.
From that time to the present l have used the urti
cto "occasion rcqulred. end in every case where l
hove med it. I have tound a decided benefit.
. Atone timein gotng to bed at ntght, my threat was
macro that I swallowed with diflicultg. but by an up
pliution of the anlve I was relieved efore morning;
I have used it in cases of burns. brurses, nprnms and
flesh cut: all with the happiest efleclsmnd one case of
poisoning bye wrld vine m the woods has been dried
up’nud cured by :1 low applications.
. From my own experience I would strongly recom~
mend it well, as a cheap conventent medicine. It
requires no preparation other thun to rub it on the el
fllctnd part. i
l have become so partial to it that l oxpcct to keep
it constantly tn mi family.
Though not am itieus touppenr In print. yet I can
net refuse to have this communication made public if
judged beat to serve the cause at humanity.
, , Reapectlullg thine. U
'; ' ‘ WM. A AMS, N 0.26 Old York Road.
nuPnce 25 cents per box.
-; flGENT&
- --E;‘>&- W; F. Irwin, Clearfiéld.
_ t Messrs. flmolds, Lutlwrsburg.
_Jolm Patton. Jr. Curwinwille.
_ ‘Lem' Lutz. Irene/milk. .t
C(qqrfielzg flee, 25. 184 L— lg.
’- = ' ~ Cleaqfield, Pap—llml
«1. , ' T ‘ Clearj/ield Bridge. ,
Act} thejé‘gulafly auihurizqd agents for
the _lglg of the above-valuable medicines,
and hgve 09 hahd a very 'large supply.—
They also Intend keeping constantly 'on
“I'93!qu supply. V ‘ Jum; 10, 47.
s‘: ~:' 181" 'o', LETTERS" temaining in the
‘»-‘ .:{qut Office a Cle‘arfield; gm, Janu':
q 1.1.1849. ~ ‘_»
_I “if. ‘Fraliqisv Huntington. Wm; "
B¢FgenB3mdgf Hall; John ‘ . '
Winifbnqicl ,1] ’ Lute. Mrs. Theresa
-C‘l.|:lion,.Robtl¢’ M'ovre.Levi'L_. " "
;Intgwhfuikobhnfis, Mnrkl.And‘rew ~ v
’7‘ WGfifliuiel ’_ 'obth‘Ml‘rlinf '
,Dgfififldhn‘ .' ' " "PclerßJo'aeph “ ’
.ggfguwgmavid ' V’s ‘ 'gnsé.‘ Thug. ll; ._
qu: ang'wu'n a "353.35, Chum ~ :
Ggii-iddnibuid' ”Sheinja‘nflh‘me‘s'fl; '
Hllupap, Jacob :. Thofrfi.’ Mn. , .
'< " “w. W‘MODRE,‘I'..‘M.’-'-pgl. .
' . ls‘l‘"gfs'Gi‘itld' Jlur'ma’dm" jJa‘n‘unry
‘ L Te'i‘m'. 13434.“. -“"' .. .3997!“
(menu Dmen‘ ‘ Farmer. _ - 'Mtiri‘is
le'kfirnold Chainiunkbr ' , Brady
Amos Bonsall Fannie-q" do
[' pfi Dale, _> ‘ 110'“ " ‘ ' (In
.'lgnvid “'clly ' ‘do
Thonms Ro'slnn ‘ (l 0
.Wm Ogden do
J‘nlm-d Daoghmly do
J H Caldwell _‘ . do
Ab’.n Pearce ' do
l-nzlc Kline V do
John Young do
Jnlm McMurrny do
Julm MrQuillo'n do
Henry Nefl' do ~
Ch’n l’ollmll' Cabinet mnkgr Hmong...
Ch’n Hamish Lumbermnu Decatur
Ruhr" Roms Fnrmer Pike
John Dale do do
John‘Pnllon jr. Merchant '"’ do
.Pclvr Genrhnrt Farmer Buggx
David Cree - do ”I‘m-arm
Jon’n Evons jr. Shormakcr l’cnn
George W Hctsc Farmer Girnrd
:47: _ "
lS‘l' ol 'l‘ravis Jurors lor January
L Term, 1848.
Samuel Gunsnllua Farmer Kartlmus
Wm M Smiley do Bercnna
Hrß “'riglil do do
[Robert Whileside do do
'l'homus Con'en Laborer do
‘ Wm Somervillc Farmer Chou
Samuel McEwcn do do
'l'homfl "all do Brndlord
John Bruoer do do
George B Dale do Pike
David Fleguljr. do Briggs
Gl‘orgo 'l‘urncr do do
John Adams . _ do do
J S Rndobarh Laborer Borough
D W Moore Printer ,- ' do
J H Hdburn Cordwuincr do
IW. Shogun Wugonmakcr do
R. llenderaon Former Woodward
Henry Swan do Jordan
lcremiah Hoover do Morris
lohn B Kylar do do
Cling Herd do Bell
Russell McMurray do do
Jesse Hullon do Burmldc
Thomas McKee do do
Joseph Lovelace 'l'ailor do
John Thompsan Farmer Brady
Joseph Seller \ do do
J l’osllelhwait do do
Eli Rishel . v . do do
'l‘honizls' Kirk‘ ‘ do do
Benjamin Carson do do
Jesse Wilson do
John Russel Tanner
:15 currd persons 0! the
and who hnd I! legu
ing ollcn look place.
hclpml with llku suc‘
TIIAT BIG 601.1) E
STICKS out to let you know
at there is a parcel of
A! [he old sloro between Hemphill’s and Hunt
tlml’s.just arrived from lhe city. FRESH, NEW
AND GOOD. A first rate assortment of Drugs.
Medicines. Oils, Paint], Varnish, Turpentine. Dry
While Lead, Dye Stufls, Coqfcclianary, Fruih,
Perfumery, Patent fllcdicinta, and Palm! artidu
of a very great variety, among which islhc
much celebrated ‘
@1212; 49!? BflMAIPu
A never failing nnicle for removing grease, tur
pentine or paint spots from cloths, silk, &c.,
without injuring the cloth or‘vnrying- the color.
ALSO—One of the best articles of
I Ever offered to the public. It is the regular
built wormjer/rer, which neverfnils to relieve the
little sufferer when properly administered——
There is on hand :1 variety—ogother articles deci
dedly too numerouw-tc’menfion, therefore we
would invite all who wish to procure any of the
above articles, or family medicines of any and
every variety, (and be sure at getting a good ar
cle,) to call at the sign oi the Big Morten for we
have them, and are determined to sell them low
lor cash, and nothing else.
N. B. All those old teeth repaired or pulled
out and new ones put in the place of thcm by
A. M. H.
Aug. 14. 1847.
Fashionable Tailoring.
ESPEC'I‘FULLY inlorms llic cili-
R zcns of Clearfield nml vicinity that
hei now prepared to execute all orders
in lhe'above business with mutant; and
dcapatcll, and in the moat substantial and
lihhionnblo manner. His shop is situate
on 2d street. adjoining Geo. D. Lanichs'
Hotel, where he will be happy to attentl‘
to all who may lavor him with a call.-
The New YOIk and Philadelphia fashions
will be received regularly.
All kinds of country produgp taken in
exphnnge lor work, at the highest market
August. 28, 1847'.“ '
EEPPerry Davis’ Vegetable Pain-killer
can be had from the subscriber at the above
stand. ' M. A. F.
I ‘ @mwmm
1 «1,313; IS hele‘by given to all per
“-9": ~ sons no! to harbor or trust
‘ I\ - ‘ _ou’ my account, a certain boy
"~- "‘ named George Barnet. who
”7" -, “nbsconded from me. Said boy
is hbo'ui 17 years of age, and ‘was Inden
lured to rue-until he altalned‘ the agepf
21yeara. - ‘. Wu. IRVIN.
Pike tp.‘ Nov. 5. 1847. .
~ R. an MA, WALLACE.
‘lflttarme‘s'atLaw.’ .. ’ ‘
~WILL prpcticg- iri 'hQaeveral‘cpflrla,
. "OI Cléar’figldelnir 8: Elk gouty
lies‘. ‘. qu'inejé’ ‘en’lj'p’gted (o ‘eilher of");
guinea". will r'ecpéivc “Iho care and "alien.
(who! both. ' $1211.18; ’47.‘
#2 Prize mt/ze Lo‘flq‘fy qf’Litcfi- New ‘Fall‘amlz Mute]?
r»wm'fi~ S'GOODB~
TI ‘2 Pl"! d'lp/n‘ (' "W‘ '5l CRANS ‘2' R THE“,
, 1c grm , I; a c a ..amzc cc ‘3}. , .- C Pcnns , .
- and Museum (JFUN! .’ CPI.“ en!“ I" ’ “Vanni:
’ . ' AVE.nml Will ket-p CMNlnnHv on
' S dondully superlorlo nll colampornrirs in point hand a hive luor'mem "f -
Io! velobnly. ungvorml ponujnrilv. and genuine " ' ' ' ‘
mlnh prowl)“ngllll'IFIOfihlllfllnlcrgn; and though ”fen:- DrY’GOOdS’ Hardware, Queens‘
! 'I le“ um unr-r fix an ivrnp ' to . .
mnifff alllc‘flls,lykol na ‘ 110;»: sl,“?!ng Elva-y ware, GI‘OCCPICS, Drugs and Dye
- mu ncncs/nn illco r I: " "_ - .
;gxgégdsgflhgmuatgnrirjl; (the Gnlgxgprgn; ficnprif btllfl's, 1:11] Will-‘B, BOOK? ‘9' Sta
" v ') ' '
Brad for
ltlmOtl to be worthy ol the attention and generous
patronage ol‘ the most discerning puhlic. Concen
imtion. condensation. nml hrevitymre the grand ebor~
neteriehea ofthii ago ol'slcnm, and theGnlnxy partn
king largely at these pociilinritieu. condenses a vast
iinntity di"mnttorinln the smallest [menihlo epaeo
fl‘huii those wliomny make the size uf'ihe Galaxy an
objection, are butaliori- sighted. nml hinli not to its re~
ol intrlnaie excellcnre. Worn tho (lolnxythe size ol
ii cellar door. we might be an dull and proxy on num
herleeseonipilationsofthe present day yolept new»
in writ.
I lumli at our columns week alter week. Are they
notfilled with txptll’ltling, racy. epicv. wittymnd llll'
morons I’ll’ltl'lcs. in larger proportion than may be
lound iii any ol our competilure. The choice upirtte
oltliin goodly Quaker city. are our ever ready eon.
inhuimu. nml do are grniilied to perceive that their
cll'ortw lttt‘t‘l with n generouu approval.
l‘im'rvriu‘ent with the npiritol the age. ulnrcd with
a spice 0! good liiiniored anecdote. ever ready nt (1 hit.
yet relieved by a dash ol M‘lllllnl‘lll and street poeuy
and romance. no look upon the Galaxy as bound to
hecomein time. one of the loading Journals of the
Lovers olgenuino unforced fun, wiiand humor.
you cannot subscribe lora better pnperthaii PAUL’S
WEEKLY GALAXY. lt will asuiatdigcstion, drive
away the gloomy hovering shadows ol care. dispel
thei lunions ol‘imdiieas, and clear away the cobwebu
oltlie hrain.
lllypoehendrlnceJl'ynu would enjoy true health and
non loyed pleasu'o, take the Galaxy. It in better than
the nontrum o! any empirlck. and never fails to pro
mote liealili hy inspiring wholesome laughter, good
humor and mirth. Throw away your bottles and
your pill boxes. peruse the Galaxy every week. and
you- Will he wiser'and hclter men.
HEADS Ol“ FAMILIES.’ lt'you would subscribe
[or ll cheap, valuable and popular weekly. look at the
Galaxy. ltiejuet what you want. ltii contents are
innocent, humorous and entertaining; and 01 uquiot
evening. when sitting by your fireaidemurmundod by
all you hold most dear. you can enjoy the plenanntoiit
chitchat of the city, Will} a wholesome gusto that
knows no drawback.
PEOPLE OPALL CLASSES, from the merchant
to the lahorer. the Galaxy is a “mural ground when
you canall meet wrth plea-are unalloyed Withany
thing lliat can annoy. orgive you pain. Merchantl. as
you emerge lrom the shadowy gloom ofyourcounting
house. where can you look tor an hours entertain
ment with more certainty of enjoyment. than in tho
pcrusolof the Galaxy. Lovely belle, as you sit in
{am boudeir. surrounded is beautiful boqucle, fine
die and sweet sin mg birilixman you look upon any
orthom with more 50h ht. than you look upon the
pages a! the Galaxy.~ ll’oliliciane, when you grow
tired ofthe vaxation and trouble of political afl'aira.
and seek a hriel'relaxation. where do you look With
more certainty ol sanslactiun. than to the Galaxy.
Mechanics! when your daily toil iii over, do you nui
hunt up the Gala: with eager deli hi.
Every yearly suliscriher to the Galaxy will be {me
seated with a copy of "The Village Somnamhu ist.’
a thrilling romance, by one ol our most admired au
thors. It Will be lorwnrded liy mail immediately on
the snhaeripiion money being received
ln order to accommodate all those who may desire
to term clubs. the publishers have fixed ammo basis
tor clubbing. the followmg low --
One copy. 31 00 Twonly copies. 816 00
Five copies. 400 Thirty copies. )9 00
Ton t‘opnea, 700 Forty copies. '26 00
Spemmon numbers of Iho Gnlnxy Will be um lo
any one on upphcnlion by letter (posl paid.)
All ballots and communication: must be nddrc-cd
(post paid) lo HENRY P. PAUL 5: CO.
Publishers. Philadelphia. Pa,
Doc. 23. 1847- 2 m
HE undersigned having located them-
T selves ut Mileshurg, at the head oi
Bald Eagle Canal Navigation. intend con
ductingthe Forwarding and Commission
‘ Business, and solicit the friendship of the
Farmers, Merchants, and others having
produce to forward from the counties 0! ‘
Centre, Cleartield, Jefl'erson. and other
parts. and the patronage 0| Merchantswho
may want storage on their goods purchas
ed in the cities.
From thirty years' experience in the
Commission and Pocket Business in the
city of Baltimore. they hope to be able by
strict attention. to render satislaction to
those employing them. They will be pro
vided Wllh store-home room for Grain and
Goods. and yard room for btoring Plaster.
‘Coal. Lumber. Iron, &c. Gram and Lum
‘ her will be lorwarded to a branch of thei:
house in Ballimore, or to Philadelphia, to
an experienced house there. whichever
market may oll'er the best inducements,
huvmg quotations three tinteaa week lrom
each city.
Assuring those who favor them with
their business. that no eflort shall 'be won
ting to give antislaction. and that they may
depend on quick sales, and returns of
funds promptly made.
‘ ’ Corner of [he Canal and Turnpike, Myleaburg.
Rsznmczs~~VALENTlNB dz. THOMAS. Gen.
”Freight and storage to be paid on
dclwery o! Goods. . sep. 25:—6m.-'
HE demand lor the above medicine
T in the last 2 orl3 years, is deemed
a sufficient apology lor placing it now ful
ly before the people ; and the disguises lur
which it is applicable have become so pre
‘ violent in lhis’ country that a remedy eliti
lled to confidence. is a great deailleralum‘.
The diseasés l allude’ {0 are Hepatitis,
'(Liver alleclion.) Dyspepsia. laud {éioaic
complaints in general. ' i '
517‘“th above pills will be kept con
‘slnnlly for sale by ‘ ‘ ‘ l .
i Richard Shaw. Clenrfiehl,
Bigler 5- 00.. Bell lownship.
_. Gi‘uham‘ & ”’right, Bradlord
' JamesiMcGir/c. Philipsb'urg.
Oct. 20.- 1846.“ V ' i
; ErNJNerJ4¢fNLlv¢fiJ¢
'2 “rauw-rnmmts: “’3
2 4" for» n“ 6y? 4:1 1.99%". 1:2,.
'8 unmmsnnaimnn’m - s
‘5 Ju1y.20,'47; - ‘ S
tionary, Hats, Caps and Bonnets,
Boots and Shoes, Tobacco and
Segars, Umbrellas, Carpet and
Carpet and Cotton Yarn, Con
lectionaries, Paints, Oils, Teas,
f &c. (90.,
All at “hich they are prepared to sell on
the most reasonable torm‘.
CnAxs 8.: lino-mun are the Agents lor‘
the 9an 0! Dr. Jayncs' celebrated lomily
7 [IL-PGnmln exchanged for Lumber, Pm
(luce nml Furs. fur which the highest pri
ces will be given. ~
Desemhen 2. '47--"-
Fall and Winter
OIIN PATToN,jI'. having Just
returned Irom Philadelphia. in now
receiving a vary large and“ wellselected
stock of FALL and WINTER GOODS,
conlioting of ’
Dry Goods, Hardware, Gro
caries, Quecnsware, Drugs
and Dye-Stuffs, Saddlery,
Books & Stationary, Hats,
Caps and Bonnets, Boots
and Shoes, Tobacco andl
Cigars, Umbrellas, Carp
ets, carpet-chain, cotton
yarn, Confectionaries, Oils,
Paints, Clocks, Sole-leath
er, Nails and Glass, Stoves
and Stove-pipe, Ropes, "We.
n a word. every arllcle usually keep! in a
country store. which Will be sold LOW
ER. than ever=oflered in Clenrfield county!
33°Country produce. LUMBER and
FURS of all kinds. taken in exchange {or
Thankful for pm! lava". he invites the
public to cull and examine for themselves.
bolh uto quality nml price. "is "ad:
I 5 unusually large. and ALL FRESH—
no old goods on hand
Curwensville. Oct. 4. 1847.
RESPEC'I'FUI.LY informs lhe cm
_ zen: ol Clearfielcl county lhnthe
has leased the well known Tannery of
William Harlshome m Curwinnville. nml
tiathe is prepared to carry on the busi
ncu in all its branches. Orders can be
supplied at the shortest notice. for Goun
lry or Spanish Sale Lent/m. Upper and
Calf-akin. at lower prices than ever ofl'er
ed betore in the county. lor cash.
An assortment at ready made BOOTS
and SHOES will be kept cunstantly un
hand. Hides and country pruducetuken
in exchange for work. I
BLTPlease give us a call.
S. B. 'I
Curwensville, Sept. 9. 18472—111]
New Fall & Win?
IBIGLER & Co. are just now re
'ceiving at their old sland in the bo‘
rough of Clearfield. a large. extensive and
carefully selected assortment of
Aml nlttmugh the cost at transportation is
greater, they Will dispoae of their stock at
as reasonable rater as they have done in
Mme past.
Their stock consists of the usual varie
ties of Groceries. Dry Guods, &c.. &c.
but their a’usortmént of
”UN _T ER HJ] TS and CflPfi—BON
Deserve particular attention.
lIAVE just received from Philnde
phia a new and splendid nssortmeu
Dry Goods, Groceries, Drugs, Dye-
St‘ufi's, Medicines, Ready made
Clothing, Shirts, &c., Tobacco,
Snuff & Cigars, Clocks, Hotsand
Caps, Boots and Shoes, Hard-.
- ware, China, Queenswars, &c.=
'l'hey will'nell firu quality Syrup Mu
lahses, tor 87w} cents'per gallon. and other
kimlsinproportiun- " ' ‘ ‘
They will dispose of their good; very
low for cash—almost a! cool and carriage.
' Country prorluc'e taken in rexchn’nge.
land the highest price paid lor‘Timber and
Sawed Lumber, Em and Clover: Seed—J
par! Cash." 'Also Horser- amlCMlle. ‘ r
~ Curweosvllle. Nov. 4th. 1847. ,
~-' LWANTED-m '.
A PERSONb‘I-‘pers'dné to-cu‘t dug/1w;-
,drcdicjo'rdauqf Wooo,’lor whie’ly‘a
reugionablc price will be paid in CASH. ,
. 21 ‘_ .‘ WM. IRVINE
Curwenswlle. N'ov. 8.")847.‘
HE Subscribers. having purchased
Titu- interest of J. D. M’Lanshan &'
,Geo. Welch in the- Bellefoute Fopndrj.‘
will continue the buisiness at the old
lplace. under the name at WELCH 611
LEYDON, where they will be happy to
see the customers 0! the late firm. togeth
or with all others desirous oi tarnishing
themselves with anything in their line a!
very low rates. They will keep constant~
iy on hand— ,
Stoves-of all lands, viz: >
The Improved Hot Air Cook Stoves,
Air-Tight Fancy Parlor and Ten Platet
Wood Stoves, 0! all sizes; the unrivalled
Balloon Stove. tour sizes; and Cyleuder
and Fancy Coal Stoves at all kands.
such as as numerous assortment oi Plow
Patterns; Hollow-ware consistingol large
and small Kettled. Pots, Skillets. Punt.
Wagon Boxes, Sled and Sleigh Soles;
Smoothing Irons, Stands (or Umbrellas.
l all ktndsol Grist and Saw Mill Castings
ofapproved Patterns, together with an as
sorttnent ol Brice and Durkee’a Reaction
Water Wheels. &c. Casting‘apt‘al kinds
fitted up to order on the shortest notice.
wEvery article in their line at busi
ness will be sold on the most reason'ablc
terms. and all ,kinds ol' marketable pro'
duce taken in payment. -- , ' _
GENTS for lhe sale 0! Dr, Jdl’N.
A,V,Famil_ Medicines ; I i
Dr. CULLZN’S Indian Vegetabe Rem
egy—Panacea. Specgfic 'and Pile Rein
e 5
Dr. '%PPLETON’S Rem‘edyfor Deaf
‘ ness ,- ' ' ‘:
CflNTRELL’S Compound Medicaib'
Ski/Ul], of Sarsaparilla ; ' ' '_"
OJI ' RELL'Sflnti-Dyspepticfowd _
C'flNTRELL'S Jilleralive Pills ,' , ‘
SflNDS’ Sarsaparilla. «$l., G-cu Wv
j Huvejus: received a fresh sqpply ol'll
same; . . ‘ ~l‘ ‘. 1 .
, Curwinsville. May; 10. ' : - ;
nov. 41h, '47.
LANDS belonging to’tlte EBl4l.
of Samuel Cochran .'. ‘
THE Court ul Cmnmun Pie“ 0! Ch
ter county ' having appointed Pf"
Smith. Trustee to sellaonml'rouveyw‘
lauds belu‘nging to the Estate ~oIJSIIII
Cochum, deceased. late 0! Chéatcr COW
All person.- .wishing Am .purchnsp, A;
portion of the lands .in Brady tom"h
will apply, to. the. subacnber; and:
those who are tndebted (or; purchase! I"
the lnrmer Trustee. are requestefil '.° 9°
forward and malte‘paymem, ..H '} . «an.
. , . JOSIAH W SMITH. 951.59.”
, . mP. F... Smith TM“
Bumugh prlgpvrfielthg‘y , .211,
Sept. 30,'.184,7.'-'pa" .1
' PR‘O’spEdTUs'oF'nmg' "
[l‘ll the commencement of the 30th con.
. W green, we propose to continue the 0.9"...-
‘grossional Register on the same Plan as Qllblllhé‘
ed during the last arsston. lt'mll contatn strum
‘ and accurate report of the busmcas proceeding. :
of Congress, together mt]: sketches of the dew}
bntes which take place In each house..' :l‘hén;
next Congress will be one or the 'moat tmporm
tnntwhieh has assembled for yenrunnd it is“
out; determination to give to the people a’cem,‘
plete history uftheir proceedtnga. at ;suchnl'qw‘i,
price that every pet'son who takes an Interest ing
the note at that body can pro'clurc‘a 0013'. _ t: it"
believedthut the lat seisioln‘ of the 3 lh'Con'i“;
grcsa will continue at least eight mom/u ; and we}
therefore propose to issue weekly. on '2 mm.
moth sheet. oclnvo lorm. their proceedingut‘?‘
the unprecedented low rate of ‘ . .
One Dollar per Copy [or (he Sonia»; ‘
This publicnti n is not only the cfienpnt, but(
it contains more valuable reading motter than iri
to be lound in any other Weelvly published at
he same price ip the country. Besides the pm
itics of the,<daiy. it contains all the [ale and im.
portant new, both foreign and domestic ; end its
commerciEl articles are not equalled. It will :1.
so contain a complete rynoptioal summary althe
proceedings or both Houses of Congress, and be'
furnished to subscribers at the low rate of
One Dollar and twenty-five cents per copy
for the Session. ‘
Clubs will be furnished with ten copies for 810.-
All subscriptions must be paid in advance. ‘
l’osnusnns. by sending us five subscribers
lnr either of the above publications, will be en‘
titled to one copy aunts.
Subscription price of Daily Union per
year . - - -
Subscription price of Semi-Weekly.
published tri-weekly during the
sessions of Congress - - 500
Subscription price of Weekly - -2 00
Cwss will be furnished with '
5 copies ofthe Daily for - . * 840 on
5 do Berni-Weekly . 20 00
10 do do - . 35 00
4 do Weekly - . 800
IO do do - - 15 00
Distant Subscribers may forward us money
by letter, the postage on which will be paid by
us, and all risk assumed by ourselves in its salsi
Postmallcrl are authorized to act as our 1:.
gcnm and by sending an five Daily subscribers‘
with 850 enclosed. or five Semi-“’eckl subacri.-
bets with 825 enclosed. or five Wee/r}; aubsc'ri.
bcrs “itb 810 cncloacd. will be entitled to one
copy of the same edition as they turniah us nub.
scnbcra for, gratis. ’
Noncn.—Mw:papen. by publishing our pros;
pectus, With this notice attached. until the llt‘
of December next. will receive, during thegpext
Session of Congress, the Congreuional Regina
nnd 72:1 H'cckly Union. .
1:117;pr KLHEISS.
Washington City, Sept.lB47.
Bellefonte Foundry.
D. “’ELCH. ' a
ellefonte. Sept. 9. 1847,—1y
SID 00