Democratic banner. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1837-1849, January 29, 1848, Image 2

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    _mentu. They will read them. " then we
1‘ Mild to them English documents. they dig.
trust—they have no confidenee—they will
not read. because they are.neter sure. but
it may contain some lrceh Yankee recom:
"mandatintt of pills. nontruma. or other hum
_birgae‘r'y; some device to draw mancy out
of their pockets. and take them in. Hence
the ltttle regard paid to your English tracts.
But give them the report.'in good. honest‘
Dutch. and they will read, carefully read.
and‘.poniler. .. The persons to whom far
the greatesteltato ofthe documents (print
ted atgieat expense to this State and the
nation) are sent, never read them at all;
nephew". They are used for mapping
pope}. and to wipe the rezorlupon. but not
"for instruction. Not so with my German
conllituency. They read and take care of
the» German public documents. laying
the‘mgby for reference. just what we pub
lilh them for. 'Yee.eir. l have seen them,
v‘ntln stringloop in the corner, hung up
undlr‘the glass. with the almanac;
From Iho N. 0. Picayune. Jun. 7.
later from Mexico;
The rchooner Eleanor. Capt. Jones. ar
rived laatevening lrom Vera Cruz. hav
ing satled thence on the 29th alt. She
was in company with the batque St. Ma
ry find the schooner Robert Mills, huth
ilor thia port. The United States trans
“port steamer Washington was to and on
the'same day.
‘ » From the Free American we learn that
Captain Fairchild. of the Louisiana moun~
tellqvolttnteets. returned from the city ot
Meiico on the 26th ult.. having lelt the
.j. capital on the 18th, four days later than
out-previous advices. We extract freely
from the Free American’s selections from
the papers brought down by Capt. Fair.
childttlre have not received any letters‘
by this arrival- v I
;The following orders, by Gen. Scott,
. require no explanation from us: ‘
"cannon-cans or: "rm: ARMY.
‘ ' 'h" 'Mexico‘. December. 15. 1847.
' 1; This army is about to spread itself
oreraad to occupy the republic of Mexi
co. until the latter ahall sue for peace in
terms acceptable to the government ol the
United Staten. - - '
' 2'. On the occupation of the prinripnll‘
point or points in any State, the payment,
to the federal government of this republic
ofnll taxel or dues, of whatever name or‘
kind.'heretolore-—say in the year 1844—,
payable to or collected by that govern
meat. in absolutely prohibited. as all such
taxes fur duel will be demanded of the
pmper cirit authorities for the support ot
the army of occupation.” ' ‘ .
-'= 3. The State anti ferleral district of
Mexico being already so occupied, as well
.as the:Statt.-s of Vera Cruz, Puebla, and
*Tamaulipae. the usual taxes or
tolore contributed by the same to the led.
eral 'government, uill be considered or
due aadtpayable tothis army, lrom the be
ginning of the present month. & will ear~
i) he demanded ol the civil authorities of
‘the said States and diatrict. under rulesl
aorta-penalties which shall be duly announ
ced-and enforced. .
74. Other States of the republic, as the
California, New Mexico. Chihuahua, Cu
.“abutla, New Leon. &c.. &t:.. already oc
_ ,cupied by the forces of the United States.
.though not under the; immediate orders oi
the general-in-chief. will comtorm to‘the
prescriptions of this order. except in such
State or States where a diflerent system
baa been adopted With the sanction ut the
government at Waahington.
5;: The internal taxes or dues relerred
to are i 1. direct taxes; 2. duties on the
production of gold and allver; 3, melting
and‘assaying does; 4', the tobacco rent;
5. the motel stamped paper; 6. the rent
on the manufacture of playing cards; and
7. the rent of post offices. ’ t
6. The rent of national lotteriea is a?
_bsliahed—lutteries being hereby prohibit
.C ch 5 ‘
~ 7.’. Import and exportduties at the porta
ofthe republic will remain as fixed by the
government of the United States, except
.lhatjhe" exportation ol gold and silver in
barror ingots (plala 3] am. an pasta) ta
prohibited until the further instructions of
the goyernment on the-,subject.
j 8.? All imported articlea, goods. or com
’ynoditiea, Vtrhich have once paid. or given
;aufiicient security lor the payment of du
r tiea t‘ofthe" Unitcd'Stutea at any port at
only of the republic,‘ shall not again be
:lbut ,ened'with any tax orduty in any part
of Ihia’ republic occupied by‘the forces of
'the United , States. -
,9. The levying ofdutics on the tronatt
‘_o,f'.anirnals, goods, or commodities; wheth
pe'rlpf‘fqreign or domestic growth. from onet
_:,St‘ate.oi this republic to another. or on en
'tering or'leavin'g the gate of aoyctty with
in the republic. wrll, from and alter the
{beginnin of the ensuing year, be'prohib
'tte'd. a’s fir as the? United States torces
may have the power to enforce the prohi
:bttt‘on.flg Other and equitable means. to a
;‘rnbderate extent. must be resorted to by
;:th’eSl‘atcand city authorities for the nee-l
'79!!!" ‘lllpport of their respective govern
Jonas; 1 a » . ,
ifio- the, tobacco, playing-card. &atatn
;:ttyd.;nane,r coma. twill‘be placed for three,
Q‘jé‘lffil'ei'fimohlh9.‘under contract with
dill’fill'fihflt bidders. lenpectively, for, me
199??!” “States: _the'State and tedmt 45,.
:,'tri'c"t;.9f Mexico being considered asonew
‘:A_rc¢orditl'gl_v offers" or, bids] lot those renta‘
“\t’githi'n each State. or‘any oueatfthetn; are
iittr'rt‘edp:Theylivvill‘be rent in as early as
“firiissible; sealedggto‘ the headquarters at
continuum of. departmentaexcept tor
“thajfede'rall district and: St’ute'Of Megtco.
’Forttliie'ftwo latter," the, allure or. bids will
'tfa‘a'ddreased to the gen‘eratéin-chiet.
11. Furtherldeyailg for, the execution 0|
Um lorégoihg nymm of government and
revenge willflaoon' be given in genera'l‘or
dermfi ' . ' ' , '.-\
By command of Maj, Gen; Scoli. '
H. L. 8001"!“ A. A. A. G.
The following letter from f'Munlnng." tho Now
Orlenn Bella's correspondent. contain: Iho very
Intent advice. from Iho oily ol‘ Mexico-being «Inn,
led m Iho cily ofMoxico. an the 27m 0! Dolccmbcr
l The prospects for negotiating a peace
‘increuues dolly. and. in tact. we lune ev
ery reusuo to believe the Mexicans will
conclude It during the next munth. Ii our
Government will accede to the terms they
olferml during the nrminttce. An entmu
Iy different opinion exiats in the cunnseh
or the Mexican government, and with a
large majority ol the people. My corn-s
-pendent at Queretnro svruee me. under
dnte oldthe 20th. metH thnt nbnut thilty u:
the new' deputies haul alreudy lll'tht‘ti. nml
that by the sth or 10-. h ol Janumy, there
would not only be u q'umum. but nearly,|
if not the whole of the Congress present;
that there is no nppusitinu to the "Pgutm ,
tion ol 8 peace. except among the (lepu
tienlrum the States ul Sun Luuts Potusi
and Jaliscu. The new Piesident llerre
in. is known to he in l‘uvor nl unmedinte
negotiations. The pl enenl Guvernnurn
has succeeded in destroying the old army
and has organized a new one, compmed o
the National Guard, lhe organizatil‘rn’ ol
whichl tend you. This new army will
enable the government to keep down Ilw
old one. and also will be its support in
any measures it determines upon.
I iolo'rmcd you in a lormer letter. that
man: would be no movement lrom this
place upon Sun [mole and Zacaté‘cas or
Querclaro before the middle of January.
and I now repeat it. although the city is
lull ol rumors every day about the march
ol 0 large column upon ‘lhoae places.
‘ICI , C '
The speeches of Mr. Clay and Mr
Vebvsler have been received here. I
Ilene gentlemen want lo aid and nasist the
enemy, uhy do they not go into their ranks
at once. ll they had Mexican musket: on
their ahouldhs. they could not amat the
Mexicans us much.. or do as much harm.
as they have done by their apeeches. In
the name ol God. will the politicians ol
our country never cease gambling lor lhe
Presidency upon the blood of our country
men P Our army dreads not danger. nor
do they tear to die in dq/encr: oft/reir
country. but they do dislike to be racrlfi
ced to the unholy ambition ol aspiring po
liticians and political knaves. Is there
no way by which our lrieuda at home can
put a stop to the unpalriutic conduct ol
politicians, who would sacrifice the whole
army in order to gun: lone to the next Pre
sidenlial election P The army will delend
and light the battles of the country; then
let their lriends at home deleud them
l‘rom the injuries arising Irom such speech
as us these. or the conduct ol such men
From tho Washington Union. January 25.
Our express has arrived. bringing dates
From New Orleans to the 18th tent. The
news Will be found unimportant.
The-ship Tahmaroo has arrived at New
Orleans, having lelt Vera Cruz on the Bth
inch, and consequently bringing four days]
later newa. A part of the train‘which left
lnat for the capital had been attacked by
’guerillae near Santa Fe. Some accounts
say that the guertlla force numbered 400;
another 250. The guerillae took 300 pack
mules, and 8100;000 in properly. The
Americans lost 10 men out or the 30 en
gaged. Lteut., Walker had gone in put
euttof the guenllas. with reinlomemente.
‘ ‘ By an arrival at N. Orleans Irom Ktng
ston, Jametcewun the 6th. we learn the to
tal deetructionfof the city at‘ Chagree by
fire. The customhouse. which contain
ed much valuable property, wan also dee
troyed. Major General Lambert. cam
tnander-imchiel’ of the British forcea it
the island of Jemalca, died at Kingston or:
the 14th. at the age of 66. He was bu
tied the same day With military honors.
The Army Troubles.
A VVashinglon currespondent uf lhe
BaHimoro Sun slates as a hot, which may
be nnph'citly relied on :
lat. That all- the diffucnces belwoct
Generals Scott and Worth will be sub
millet] to a Court of Inquiry.- to be hl‘ll
In Mexico, Both office” will be relicvct
from command and duty lor'this purpuar
-2tl. General Ptlluw and Colonel Dun
can will be brought belore a Court Mar
tial. These are'l’acta. -
It may big, that General Taylor will be
put o'ver erico.‘ as commander-ip-chia-f
of the army. and having civil powers con
fided to his judgment. '
The New York Post’s.Washlngton wri
ler gives lhe lollowing as the gist ofthe
controversy belween lhe lwo Generals—-
Scott and Worth. We have rcosuu' to
believe lhat it is correct: ~
f' The difficulty is believed to i have n
meo out‘ul‘ the issue, by the commanding
general, of the general order against letter
‘ writing., It appeqred. lobe the general
impression ofthe officers ofthe mmy in
Mexico. that General Worth was alluded
to as "RUN,” “'yain, conceited and en.
viatte heroes.” Gen.- Worth addressed g
may respecttul note to Gem Scott. asking
a (rank avosval lrnm him, whether‘hemust
consider h'ih’isell obnoxioustq‘ therrepmul
conveyed in that order._ , Gem-Scott evu- ‘
ded edirectreply. but answered thenole.
Gen.‘ Wo‘rth‘regpéellully repeated the re»
quest. To, this, second note GengScmt
declided'giVing a more speCifictnnswer. &
{informed hi: correapnmlrnt’thnt he could!
i not hold him‘selt responsible [er the infat
‘ences it might please the ;uflieere to dine:
I Irom his phrnueoloay'. ‘ Gen. \Vorththere
upon drew 0;” statement at the entire
currexpnndence between the commandee
in_-chiet' and lnmnelf,u‘nd. addressed it to
the Secretary"! War. with remarks ofhie
own as in the injustice with which hchail
been treated, and filming the Secretary
that but tnr hiw regard to the public aer
viee. he shnuld file cltntaes ngnius Gener
al Scott. This statement. directed in _an'
appeal to the .Secretacy uf War. he nent
unsealed to Gen. Scutt. Gen. Scutt re--
iused tu torwnrtl it. at the request 0! Gen.
Worth. but inrthwlth put Gen. W. under
arrest. nml teported ill"! to the War de
nartment lur insulence tn ilttt hupetior iii;
ticer, &r., and to aunnint the charge:
transmits 'lhe statement dnlwn up by Gen!
‘ral “'oth ”
From Washington
[Correitpotideiica of tho Pcnn-ylvauiand
WASHINGTON. Jan. 11). 1848. ‘-
It is a startling iiict, Well known to ma
nv oi those who accompanied our triumph
uiit army to the city oi Mexico. that am
ong the the army oi curious documents
nhich were brought to light. on examining
the nrcliiVi-s oi the government, there weie
iounii, neatly bound together, all the Whig
speeches that have been made in the Con
gressol the United States. since the war
commenced. 'l‘hose passages most remap
kable ior bitter animosity toii'iirdi the Pie
sident. and evincing the strongest symp
toms of sympathy with the ioes of our com
mon counlrv, were carelully underlined,
a~ haying afiorded subject matter (it many
a Mexican orator in his harratigues again:
the justice of our cause. Copioul margin
al notes, commenting with great acrimony
oi leeling upo’t'lfljht! conduct of our Gov
ernment, itirV'Wiiging a war oi aggresstm
yantl' oi conquest. ofl'orded melancholy
prooi'ol' the truth so irequently dwelt up
on by the patriotic conductoisoi the Press.
that the bigotted atid utiprincipled oppo
sition of Whig legislators at home. ilth
given 'aid and comfort ’ to the enemy.—
iii short. it was throughout evuient, trom
the character oi the remarks appended to
theie interesting reminiscences of Ameri
can apostacy to American rights. that an
ittipreasion had gained upon the Mexican
mind, that as soon as Mr. Polk’a admin
istration hail passed away. our armies
lwould be recalled. our dearly bought ad
vantages basely surrendered, and everyi
title ol claim to the country already con
quered, am” as all pretensions to in
demnity for 10-s. cowardly and miserably
abandoned. This is a sad and mortiiying
reflection {or an American to indulge in,
but the fact is nevertheless incontroverti
blt‘. that the misinterpretation of public
sentiment. which is the disttiiguii-htng trait
ol all Whig speeches on the subject of the‘
warrhas induced those who control pub
lic opinion in Mexico. tojump at conclu
sitins as fatal to themselves. as they are
likely to prove troublesome to us. The
same disgracetul game ls still carried on.
with no likelihood oi its abatement.
'l'o-tlay. inthe House oi Represents
‘tives. Mr. Tompkins. iii Mississippi, hav
ing oblaitietl the floor while the House Was
in Committee oi the Whole tor the pur
pose ol discussing the President’s annual
message, irittered away his hour in a hint
less attempt to heap ridicule upon the ad
ministration. Hts arguments ware thei
most pointless and disingenius. that We:
disgraced a mere schoolvboy‘a essay. while
the extreme vehemence oi hismanners and
utter absence ol dignity, both in his deport
ment and language. gave him more the ap.
pearance ol a Chinese Mandarin in a tow
eitiig passion, than any thing belonging to
a civdtzed nation. And yet these are bra~
zen idols. whom a misguided people are
Called upon to wor~hip ior true gods!—
’i‘liese are the creatures who Contrive to
prolong the war with Mexico. by tile pro
mulgation oi alanders upon the country
that gave them birth, and the institutions
which give them consequence 1 As an oil
M’l to this melancholy exhibition oi impo
tent wrath and Federal blustering. the at
tention oi the bcnate was enchanted tor
nearly three hours. by a masterly address
from the junior Senator from Mississippi,
who most ably and eloquently vmdicatetl
the honor oi our country in the war. so
justly and unavoidably undertaken against
‘lreiicheious Mexico. Mr. Foute woiilat
once into the merits oi the question. With
the determination oi onevwho hail well and
dispassitinately examined the subject. and
amply did he repay his auditory tor the]
undiVided attention with which he was list
tened tin
You have no doubt been made arqoain
led below this. with the fact oi General
Scott’s recall. General'l‘oivaon took out
the despalches himself. & will wait iorthe
Cominander-In-Chtei at l’pehla, where the
Court-Martial is to convene. instead oi
Perote, as previously determined. The
motives ior Gen. Scott’s recall. howeven
have been erroneously stated. than: the
highest authority for asserting that his pre
jsence here is deemed indispensable to at
proper understanding of the mode in whicn
the .war is to be herealter pursued. This,
and none other. is the cause oitiis iecall.
But, oi course, the Wings will not let so
glorious an opportunity for ”getting up a
little urtihciah excitement. slip through
their fingers. it has also been stated that
Geo. Woman’s presence as a"member oi
the Court Martial about to assemble at
Puebla. would lead todifliculties, because
he was a civilian. This is egregiously
“fang again: (Gen. Towsu'ri" is a Brigg.
dfer-Geftflql by bteveti. and. served with
:itsttactiou In. the late nae with Great Bri- .
Generals 'Qditmlun‘und Shields. 'wlhro
have been almost a‘mmherediuilh kindnen; Thou Holt ‘ Bradford do
since Iheir adth in thy ineuopulin, slnrl' 30’"! 5'5"“. 8°35“ Id"
tomorrow for Richmond. when: thev will "0""! Wally Bu” do
be entertained tor a lowdaw as lhe‘éuenla gwhflfiflfl,c"vc',?§:f" Z:
of lhe legiflalure. Gen. Shield. has Inleo wm wm, 'Ferguaun do
l_v been noymrmng at Mr. Secretary Bun John.Royo lerd ‘lO
chnnnn'u. but on his relnrn. will take up Jeu'e Wilwn Huston _do
his quarters at Mr. Benl'u the popolar J 'fWi" .. ”men“, do
Sergeant uI-Arms nl 'Vlhe Senate. . Bl' SWIM“ ' M". d”
.. MACROBIUS. Wm Mullen Boccuno 1847
Wm 801 l 801 l do
ll Wnplo Bogg- do
T Hoynphill Boro' do
Jacob llnbler Brmlfmd do
D Lnbordo Brody do
J i'Brickley Bnmlido do
J Wealuver Chou do
J B Burmoy Cuvinglon do
'l‘ McCrnckon Ferguson do
‘J Moorlmnd Fox do
‘A Murray Glrord do
W M Hoyt Huston do
J Rea jr. Jordan do
J Schnom Knrllmm do
8 Ardery anteuco do
Jor. Hoover Mom: do
R Drmvor Penn do
WABlonm sr. Pike do
ll Henderson Woodward do
The In" wmler in 019 mm hull been one
ofhnuauul oeverhy. Much mmw had lul
len. and in cum-equencc 0f the rcmc‘uy ul‘
[nod and bad weather, 6000 ca'tlle hail”
‘periphecl—n severe Inn to the neu'egg.
Flnur “as 88 per bmrei. by ulmlesnle. &
$l2 by retail. The ulmemenla ul Cull
lurnia papers relative to lhe ntnrvatiun of
emigrants and Iheir eating human fled: in
lhe mnunluinn were greatly exaggerated. ]
Receipts and Expenditures
(My @mmammzmmm Q®WWEW
JOHN IV. WRIGHT. 19qu Treasurer
o/ Clear/ish! county in account will: said
county from the em day of January.
fl. 1). 1847. up to the Is! (lay qf Jan
uary. fl. I). )848. inclusive.
l‘u amnuul received on unsea
u-d lands
(In from Culleclurn
do fond mum-y turned lo
credit of cuunly
dd lrmn R. Luther on and
of Slran‘s 2 20
(ll) Irom aa'medur S. Miller 1 37
do from George Ellinger'u
mm- iu lull
do lrom Sum ol Temper
ance lur rent olhall
do llmn 'l‘homuu Runs on
pcdlar fine
' OR.
y amount paid Jun-r. 81155 94
do E'ei'liun expcmes 9'22 78
(In Road views 134 00
do Comtublnl'wagn 183 29
do Auennn’ wages 510 86
do Comm‘u’ wages 183 43
do Auditors’ wages 56 40‘
«In Printing 105 68
do Clerk to Comm'ra 140 55
do 1 copy Purdon'n Dig. 800
do Clerk to Auditon 'l3 00
do making 'l‘rensurel’a
Land Bunk
(lo Paid School dimma 283 5
([0 Criminal prosecu-
Hon cos's
do R. Wnllare ba'nnce
due him a: l'u'r
«In Court Cryen
Jurors mi lnquisiliuns 500
Scalp bounties MN 81
Prolhonulnrv {pad “6 63
Repairs in Prolllon
oury’s office
Ju-«ices’ feeq
Supervusnrs’mnd in
used by county
P. Mullen for dam
Curwenaville bridge
Stale Ruods
Auditing Prolhonn
- lary'a accounts
Counsel to Cumm’rs
Dep. Allovne} Gen
ern|’< lees
Sherifl’s let's
Bnnnllnz prisoner:
Fuel lnr Jail. couxt.
hnucr, 81?.
Slallonnrv. 81c.
Repairn. &c.
J. W. Wright's cnsls
selling lamln
New Jail
Money burrowed
{rum bridge
Exunerntions allow
ed Collectors
$5832 05
By pPI' cent. of Treasurer on
312.078.,59 M Li
By balance due Trcnnurer at
lml settlement 10] 93
ulance due county from Tra’r 151 39
qusmzvnma DEBTS .lué 05cm.
‘l3] from ‘ Unsealed Lands and Collec
fors. ' '
On Unsealed Land.
M Forcov Brndfiml 1337
‘ A Guamjr. Decnlur 1839
‘ GWilloumyer Penn 1840
Wm Rinhel Brody do
Thus "only Forguwn do
Ab'm "en Hogan 1841
, Daniel Smkh Gib-on do
8 J ’l‘uzar. ' Chou do
D Wnln Penn do
D Mchclten Bell do‘
G CPusamoro Piko do &
8 Jordan Jordan 1849 n
J anborn. Chou. do ~
John Weaver Ball do
'l‘ OVorlorf Gibson' .do
Geo 'l‘ubbn Ferguson do
luunc Loo' Burn-Me do
J McQuiHun do 1843
C Shofl' Docmur . do'
0110 Hoyt Houon . do
‘ W M Smiloy_ Boccnrm 1844
‘ C Nefl' ' Burnsido- do
Jan Woods Chest - do
F Pearce Bradford do
5 Brilhnrl Butnlido 1845
DMcGeahen Jordan do '
A Lucanle Gimrd ‘ ‘ (do
Jl] Soylor “Brady do
'J-W Lumhom ‘Chou' dd
J_ Bloom jr. ~ Pike do .
A Irvin Borough 1846'
F 0” 118(5ro
31431 02
4708 90
86246 54
10 00
70 25
'73 BI
28 87
10 50
452 37
9 75
250 00
39 00
50 75
I 3 75
85 29
36 57
75 I’3
6| 70
40 09
256 68
10 75
62 81
238 86
181 17
66246 54
coun'rv.‘ an'rz.
89500 00
6 54
7 51
4 46
9 00
3 57
2 26 -14 83
' 100
. ‘9 32
I I 12 ,'
I 4 72 23 6.5
7 01 l 58
,4 06
24 12
2| 44 ' 13 SM
58 31
27 23
10 50 9 8]
23 92 16 97
6 27
86 05
38 63 'l2 29
49 09
47 49 , 53
15 35 13 59
19 09 15 75
14 60 v
38 35 17 91
86551 52
Amaunt nf outstanding county onion 02.500
' Since pmd.
[lnsemcd Road Taxes.
JOHN H". WRIGHT, Esq.. 7reaau
qf Clear/20111 counly. in account w
the several townships in said county
In’oad money
‘0 balance due lowmhipl at In!
svlllrmenl, 8139
'u amnunt received {lpm umea
In] Land«.
42 35
19 03
By amount paid Brccufin lp..
'ncluding percentage, $34 54 ‘
do He” do “54 8.
do Boga! .do 23 95
do Bradlord do 77 40
do Brady do 107 40 '
do Burnside do 30 76
do Chen! do 9| 53
do Covington do 17 16
do Dcculur do 43 I 2 .
do ngusun dd 10 58
do Fox do A 489
do Gnald do 75 68
do Goshen do 34 14 '
do Huu'on do ISI 91
do Jordan do 5| 3|
do Kmhau. do 35 19 '/
do I»: tm-nce do 55 74
do Morris do 69 86
lo Penn do 59.
lo Puke do 28 32 .' .1
‘o Woodward do 37 50—-
$1022 48
318 56
16 67
25 00
Balance due townships
. School Fund.
JOHN W. WRGHT. £29.. Treasurer
o/ Clear/kid county. in account with the
several School Dietrich in mid county,
for School money.
0 balance due diuricu a! In!
selllrment ' $122 70
o amounl received on-mnqaud
By nm’t paid Beccnrio didlricl.
including percentage. 86 79
do Bell district 65
do Boggs do 46 48
do Budfotd do 7! 82
do Bind] ‘ d", . l 51
do Burfi'aide do 4'2 07
do Chest do 62 33
do Counglon do 547
do Decatur do 37
do Goaheo do 28 15
do Guard do 44 ‘35
do HUSHIn do 69
do Jordan do 85 03
do Kurlhaug do 08
do Lawrence do 25 73
do Mor'iu do 46 99.
do Pc-on do 08
do Pike do 40
do \Voodward do 33-—'--*
9469 38
43. 50
Balance due districts
y WE. Iho undenigned Communion". of Club
‘ field counly. hnung elaminodflho accounla of
50h." W. Wrighl. 15:11.. 'l‘r'a'amrer of said 'couhly‘
f0r91847. do find lhemm above llnled: andlh'fl
onlslnufing debln duo Iho cuunly amounting!!!
SIX lhnun’md five hundred and filly-one dollars and
flfly-lwo cenll. Wilneu our hand-thin lillh day
ofJanuary.lB4B. ' '
, J. A READ. sComm'n.
Allen—u. ‘l’. 'l'uburlou. Clerk. n
WE. Iho undersigned Alldilors'of Clearfle’d
county. having examined and revund Iho accounl
of John IV. Wright, B:an Tzcaauror of said com"
‘ ly for 1847. do Report. Thnl‘wo find them II
have unled: Ind lhe oululnnding dohlo duo lb
counly umounling m six ‘lhonannd {in hum"
nnd fiflyumo dullnuaud fifty-mm coma?) Willl
our hands Ihio sixth day «I January.) 49. '
WM. I'. 'mom’.’ “ ‘
' . JAMES M. SHAW. gAudilon.
, ROB"? WRIGLEY. Sr. 3 ~
Allen-41. P 'l‘nomsun.‘Clork. '
Apprentice :Wameql
To the Blacksmilhing Busing
' N Apprentice“) the wave bouinr ’
A Will be taken imlnmlmcly .byr' -
Subscflbl’f, ‘0 ‘thm. gnu“: Ch'ncc‘ll"
be civen.‘ A buy '6 or 17.,car' 0‘ 3‘.
would be prelornfl; _ . . .
C'éul’fieldJunr‘T‘ 1817, , - ~ .
BMJVKS far saint this We;
>5B 14
46 so
121 60,
44 54
51 42
- 647
‘ 7 34
197 .64 5
' 177 05
Is] 09 3‘
141 88 s:
4] 80
179 36
353 15‘
142 42‘ j
107 15 3
88 12 .4
60 I 5 35
3 73 1
57 65 95
203 21 87
64 75’ .29
257 56 6
145 H
219 83 96
538 '2 239
70 95
$1340 99
785 18
3907 ‘BB
8907 88