Democratic banner. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1837-1849, January 15, 1848, Image 4

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, Warm
some; on :zm E, , snow Bum.
Th} firéimd wall MI 66%er \hlh nnnw nuoilny.
And lwo_ lilllo‘sislora were busy n! plny.
Wh'qrf fism‘mfimjd'f \ynapiuinn plum by 01m "00.
And mer'nly singing his c lliCk-n~t!t‘:qlv.
5’1." H ,- ‘
50341111!" [montnu'lglngtlhnt lum- vcry lung”
‘ve 'izmuy hcnrd hilmsn loud \th mm smm. L ‘
'I'O alslcrrlauk um‘hflhc Mufmc,“ yum "1,“;‘75 ‘ ,
"Hél‘e'é n deur lilllo hm]. amgmg chick-n «iv-doc
"P9O: Mm? ! ho rWll’k! in the anw nml lhp slam
And hug Illu-r~.llluclxinms nor snnw'a on} his In»):
‘lnl‘llllfllfllllmw ,wldllm musl lm' .; v
'And )‘chllg ligépmin;;ing mflrCllll‘k‘llz-délflll‘f" “i,
. ...M , _ :
.4“;va d,lvare-lmntnd.anmwmm‘, ( know A. V .
I would not slay out In lln- cold nml snuw; , .
I wonder what makes him so lull ol'lma glut".
He‘s gall Iho Um'o airiging‘llln‘l qh‘lckngdcqle.
--0 mother! 110 gm ham some locking! gull shun-s.
vinyl? him liltlo frock. nnd4ns3'm. ll lm choose;
11 “1'!“ MN dome Him {no pnrtnr nml 39f: "
Ho‘wfinrm’wo would make lum. poor {:lm'k nulg-de.
The bll’d had flown down For komc pit-cos (film-ml,
AM héard'ove: word lilllé‘Emnyl mid :' ' . *‘
“Wham figure {'d that dress!" though] ho.
And he laughed as ho warblcd hm (-hit-k-n‘deqls. ‘
"I'm ficnleful." ho'sniu'. “for Ihc wish you express.
Rm no nccnsmq fur such a fine, dross;
[huh-uh" tomainc-wuh my lxmha all. two. ‘ ‘
“WNW.” guyblq aboul, singing chuck usdo.d(p.
"There is ONE. my dear child. lho’ l Lanna! n-ll ivho,
flu cgqtgwd (gm qlrendy, and warm (-umgh mu.
Good mumlhg! '0 whd are so hnpp’ as we I"
‘And may he-‘lwenl‘. singing his chmfi-u-(ln-do.
is”) '.: GOING TO! BED.
’G‘éin’lflltu bed wt- have alway- considered
united the most sober. serious,' and sol:
_(rliinbiierlslions which a mttn‘can be en
gsgrd in...dorinz the whole twentyt‘uur
hours. Wizh n3ol'm2 lady it itnltogelher
a difle'lfe'nt' sort «Lllnng. ' When bed linu
nrriv'e‘s', the trips up luirs. with a candle
ifihéf lllud. attilfldhe has had pleasant
corn an ”(luring the eveninv. “ith some
sgréglfia‘ ideas in her heml-fthe candle is
plated on the toilet, and her luxuriant
hair is speedily liberated lrnm the ”Hill
iln‘t'n‘olf'fornhs and pins. ll’ rhe u~uallv
preys,.:fynte'rcurls.” or use the "iron.”
her hairlls brushed carefully from her lurc
«align the whole mass compactly se
curediil‘n‘ot. why then her lovely tress
el i‘rié‘tiooh‘rhid in innumerable bits ol pa
per. This l3sk.a¢compllsllt‘d. n night-cap
mges‘itsg'pprnrnnce, edged. may be, with
mu lttlnor Jilly be with levy lace. which
h’lili‘s ill: Bsie‘her 'own', sweet countenance.
A‘s soonlss she'ties the strings. probably
sh‘e‘iakes a peep in her glass and half
smiles. half blushes at what she sees.—
‘Thsllght is out—her fair, delicate lorm
gently-presses‘the couch—and like a dear
innocent. "lovely creature as she is. she
falls gently into- sleep, with it sweet smile '
on- her still sweeter lace. A man. of
course. under the same circumstances.
sch quite diflerently. Every moment in
his chamber indicates the coarse. rough
should of his-lullen nature. When allis
rend.” he snuff: the candle out with his
“fingers like'a cannibal. and then jumps in
to bed like asavage. Far 3 lew moments.
he thinks olall "thepeccndilloes he may
haveé‘ommitted-during the day—vowsu
you toetnend soon-~gronns—turns over—-
stretches himsell—and ,then the heavy
breathing of the slumberer. Is there not
something preternsturally' solemn about
sleep? A something about itoldreul and
gppr’ehemion? The recumbent poslllon—
the closed eyes—elhe parted lips—the pal
lid .coun‘lenacce—then Operations at the
mind suspended—and the hall heard
pretth alone indicating the vital principle?
, .‘ll in aptuundlng to see how wall a man
may live on a small income. who has a
hand]. and industrious wife. Some men
live and make a better appearance on six
or eighulollaraa week; than others do on
fifteen or eighteen dollars." The man does
his part well; but the wile is good lur no
thing. She will even upbraid her husband
filoeuol living in as good style as her neigh
bor; while the lault is entirely her own.
”_in-neighbor has, 11 heat. capable. and in
yultripus wile. and that makes the duller
,e‘hgeruwflisvwile, on the other hand, I: a
fillirlpool, into which a' grentmany silver
glans might be thrown, and the appearance
3)! the wtters would remain unchanged. '
The Glasgow Journal states thata per
oonin‘ business died lately in that city.
when life was mam-ed for £30,000, ltn’
modutoly after his death this sum was laid
cloim to by no less than three families,
counittiug each ofa wife and children: and
who! is, singular, the onevfamily seems not
to hévo beencogniaant ofthe other; Which
faintly is the legitimate one nobody at pres
ent can sayl'until further inquiry is made;
but it seems that each marriage was ccio
brated bya clergyman in this any, and the
Win-have been maintainedflinxa respecta
lilo‘ manntar. It appears that he 'Wa‘awif‘t the
hébitol living a fortnight at a.tim6 'tneach
.ltooio auéceuivaly. t ~ .
”:J ;9LFQSifW" j, @5552;
in. A. FRANK
RESPECTFULLY worm.- "Hie. cili
' ‘zgns of Clea'rfiqldfad] vicinity that
‘he’iznow plepared lo' 'gx'ec'ute all md‘ers'
in me nbovg‘ business ,wilh ‘rica'lness m 1
dgspatch. and inhthe u'mt Substantial and
fashionable manner: - HlB Myo‘p'ié'sfluults
6n-~2dy‘qtr‘eel. 'ndjuinmg G’w'fD. Ilmuich‘pf
Hotel; :whéfe he «in be Mpp'y' to étwn‘d
to all WWW! Invor him "wnurw‘caug’;
The Ndwabvtk’éml l’hijudélpl‘fia l'néhjoné
_willw’lw"receiV‘e'd‘fegqlarlj'i.“"‘ “ ' ' "L
:"‘A||lkindé_"gf counuy‘ pkgduc'b‘lgke’n'in
egchhnge’lur“i6ork;"all ‘llye‘highgs‘ i'ndrkEl
phiéeleim " ‘ ‘ ' ‘
=; @u'gukt,‘2B,'lB47. ‘ ‘ /
'WPc-rry DAvi‘s’ Vegegupge‘l’ainfkiner
can “had lrgm ,lhcyuubs‘c‘ribcr‘nt‘ the above
stand." ,‘ ‘ -1-. u-‘J 4" -7 ”MFA. I";
I ‘ -Rl’Al'l‘istci—"s—oi'nlmcl'lt.
’ ' .3??? " " .
‘ ’ "E—sh—Wfiflgfiéfi
. m E! A” , trig—'s'
“Em-$l 3 ' y. -:-'.—7;
' $235 , 'H ..;-7
VTQTELS- . \\'
; Eisfafi-zv ‘
I r: ' 4m _
>E3' ”5-1.3
1' r.;-.._—::'—:‘. -‘ ‘5 A -
I- =_—.zs~_.—_—:_—_- a); ‘1
' " Edi '. V)
Egg-'l'; . ‘A \
' éfifig é g.
1 $353: :“I‘ ‘
EEE=s=¢=flfcg (£1
! Insenszblc Perspzratzon. ‘
HIS OIN'I‘MI'ZN’I‘ IHS POWER In ct‘nuan nll
to discharge their puirnl mum-rs nnd lhcn heals them.
I! is rightly Icrnwd All-hauling. [or more, in‘
scarcely n dismiim. «.xu-nmf, or internal, lhnl il Will
not hauefil. I him; mad ll [Or Iho Ink! lhurleen yen!»
for nlldisenwns ol lhq rlwut.consumption. hvnr. un'uL
nng 11w ulmusl danger und Jespunsibilily. and I dc~
l'lm'c bgflne‘hcm-cn nml mnn. um! um In one single
cusplms it lnilcd lovhetmfil. when the pulium nns
\vilhiu lhu rem-ho! umrlnl momm .
‘ l have Imd [lll}'-l(tltllls. learned in Ihc profession. l
have hml Miulsu-m ol xhvGuspelJmigru ol' the Bench
Aldermen. and anyru. gomlenwn ul Un- highoul
orudmon. and MULTITUDE! uflho ruon use n in ovo
ry \‘nru‘ly (If wny, nml more lnlu lwcn bul mm to re.
«mounilcd. univcruul voice, saying. -‘l\l(,-Aliulur,your
Omlment' Is 6000.", , 5. ‘
CONSUMIYJ'ION. llgnn hnroly ho (ncdilcglllml
u salve cun hnvc nny cflecx upon the Inngsmonwd an
they um wilhlu .llw system. Bul if placed upon Ilw
chvsl. il penalmlcaditcctly (n Ihc lungs sepurnlea the
noxsunoua partirlcs'lhm nro consummg'lhem and ex
pels them [rum the system. “‘lB curmg persons of
donmlmpnon mnnnunlly.
HEADACHE. The Salvo hnscurcd persons ollhc
Headache OH2 year's Handing. and who hnd ll regu
lullyovory work. so lhat vomiting ollen took place. ‘
Dcnfnuss nml liar-Adm um helpml wilh like uuc~ }
0095. ' - -
RHEUMA'I‘ISM. It removes almost immediately
Iho gllflmnnznllon and swelling' when the min of
murse cranes. -
COLD FEET. Consumption. lnver Crmplninl.
pntns in the chest or side. l'ulhng ulfol the hutr, one
ur the other. nlwnys accompanies ’culd lovt. It is it
sure sign ol'discnse in the system to have cold l‘cet.‘
'l‘nlu Ointment is the true remedy' for BCRUFULA
Ent’slt'zLAs. SALT tutwnt. LIVE". COMPLAINT. sotu:
EYES. qumn', some THROAT. BRONCHITIS. ttttOKEN on
emu: nnms‘r. “LEI, all CHEST DISEASES. such on ASTH
MA, ormEsstox. rams. also. gout-z Lit-e, CHAN'ED
HANDS. TUNOM. CUTANEOUS EllUl'Tloxr. Ntzttvous
‘ DISEASES. and of the SPINE. There Is no medicine
I now ltnown so good. ‘
SCALD HEAD. We have cured cases that octu~ l
ally defied every thing ltuuwn. us well on lho ability
of filtocn or twenty doctors; One man told us ho had
spent 8500 on his child ren' without any benefit, when
a lew boxes oflhe Ointment cured Ihom .
BALDNESS. It will restore the hair quicker than
unfiother thing.
URNS. It Is the best thing in tho “nrld lor
Burns. :chd tho directions around the box.)
\VORMS. It Will drive every vesttgc 0! them a
way. (Read the directions nruund tho box.)
(JOHNS. Occasional Use ol the ointment will al
ways kcepcoms ltom growing. ' People need not be
troub'ed with them ifthey mll use it.
FILES. Thousands nro yearly cured by this Oint~
ment. - , ~. -
'I‘ETTER. There iznothing beller [or the cure of
Tonér. ~ v ' ~ '
Sole pmpnelur ol the above medicine.
CAUTION. “No Olnlmam WI“ 09 genuine un~
less lhe names 01 James McAllislcr or Jam: Mc-
Allislcr i} 00.. are wan-nu wllh n rEN upun xivzm
Read the 'Follawmg Communication.
Received (mm on old. respected. and well known
citizen 0! Hnlndcl bin. and lhen judge {or yourself.
lPhllndelphin. 10m mo. 18“], IBIG.
To 'l‘. B. Pczelson No. 98 Cbeelnul street: Unvmg
been requoalcgl to .give my upimun on Ihe mom» 0!
MciALlSl'ElL'S SALVE I am willing lu anumcmlo
some ofthe benefits which I have can» nenccd In the ‘
use ol'lhe-arucle. ‘ ‘ ' ‘
In the sprung of 1845 I had an nllack ol l‘Zrysipelas
in my face which became Very pamfulmud onendcd
unknown 0! my eyes. hemg uueudcu wilh fever. my
disli’ess was great and I. became to he Icnrlul of lon
mg my eye. .7 , -. - ..
Although not much a believer in what is lcrma’d
quack mediunea. I purchased a box and made appli~
when wmy face. To my surprise the pum won a
bmcd and m a week’s limo l was entirely cured. and
I firmly balievo it Was tho salvo under t’mvidgpcc
that c‘ured me. '
‘, From that ume to [he proscnl 1 how used Iho nrn
cle us ucuusior. required. und in every case whom I
have used u,l have lound a chlUt‘d hem-lit.
Alone linwm going In had a! nlghl. my throat “nu
Susan-e (nml swallowed with dfflivully. but by an up
plicnlinn of the salve I, nus lOIIOVCL’ before morning.
I have used n in cases of burns. brumoawpmlnu and
flesh cuts all mil- lhc hupplesl cfloclumnd one 01:30 0!
poisonmg by a “dd "”10 In Iho woods has been dried
up and cured by u few upplncnlions.
me my,uwn cxpencnco I would slmngly recam~
mand ll luull, us a cheap cunvmnen! moon-mo. It
requires no propnmlion olner than In rub n nu ”ma!-
flicléd pun. ' '
l have bucumc so partial 10 ii that I expect (045.00]
ilcnuslanlly w my lumlly. .
Though not umtiuiuus xuappcnr In prim, yel I cum
no! reluqo lo have this cummunicauon mndu pubnc ‘i
judged beslrlo serve the uuuso a! humumty. . ‘ ..
' Huspcclluflfilhuuu . .'1 ‘
\E'M. A )ABISLNO. 26 Old York Ruud.
wl’nce 25 cents per box.
J 1 GEN T 18: g -,
E. ‘9' IV; I'. Irwin. Cleargfield.
fl’lessrs. .flmojda,» Lullmraburg. , .
' Jo/m Patlonijr. Curwinsvi/le. ‘
{Levi .Lulz. li‘enclmi/lc. ‘ ,
. Cleary‘ield. 'Dec. 25, 1846._- ly'.‘
LANDS belonging tat/w ‘Estatc
. of Samuel Coo/Iran“! ‘ .
HE ”out! 0! Column"~ l’lvus ol'Chew
T ter county hinviqg‘ appointed P. F.
Slullh, 'l‘wsteeh; svll un‘d convey the
inmlg belongiug'lo Ihé Estate 0! Samuel
Cuchrulmlecenaed, lulelol Cheater {ounlyJ
All persons “[3“ng do purchase "any
portion 0! the lands urß:_udy luwnshin.
will lapply [o‘ "the,: Hubscg'wer.“‘hm_ll9H.
thine Whpka‘r’éylml‘ébted (of puflhaseq (mm.
the mfihkrg'l‘rpplveefire .‘équeated (o'come
P'urwnrd and makepnmww, , .
‘JOSIAHQW.’ SMITH, “if“? .1
. “ .’"for P. F Smitlifflfrustqe.
Boréuzh‘qf C'P‘nnfie‘ld... ~ -
$8p!r_30.‘1847.,-:-[)nld.§3u \. 1‘
E... “-"7l‘ '
' a :. @x
,4 . . lama-mm W
a!“ , ;:'[S he:ebijgfiqbnffi‘gfal}339,l7:
”f.- " "'ls°"slW‘fi9‘“Wt'é'.sl99!.
(\ " Of‘lylln'y‘hfikbullW-{i @Qflainboy
"“' 'l‘m't‘n’ed 'fie‘u’rgc Burneruwbn
"“15" apfi’conded lrbm me; Said-boy
is‘;ab9m.~l7 years on gage. ‘and‘yJas Indep
mred to me until» .hu‘ allameil"lhb"a'ge 'of
211““sz . - “WM, QIRVIN'.‘
Bike. lp. NW. 5, 1847. " " '
- Q 7313:
, ‘Gi‘xfééatz
{3;- - . ——
:7; =2?" 351‘“
~:—';-._ -‘- ...:‘f—E‘
:25? “—.-_x. ‘
100 a ' ‘
.d :Przze, m. thflLottelfiyv»of-Lltez'-
. » -l unturej « - _.~ ‘ ~
l V . '.‘. > » . u
'I‘IIa greal Philadelphia Coolie, lllj'eclr/y.‘
and, Museum of FUN ! .'
S d'oenlellly mperiorlo nll muempornrienvin polnl
I (ll wh-hrny. nnm'rml ‘pupulnrllv. nml gnullillo
nnrlh provoking lnu'mormmmenln; and though 11 run
om llousl Ihe ‘ lmhu llnhlwr llepnmivenem’fil' Ihe
Vhlnnhel wheels. yvl m: H good nrlieh's goncrul'y
vmue 11l mnull pm-kugeu.‘ nml lilllc people fire nlloll
[EORHI‘NSI'iI ol the nnmt-‘rpiril; Iho Guluxy "my be pre~
aumell lo bu “om-y (II the nueunun nml generous
‘ptilronngo ol: the «nml lliqoernlng' pulllu'. .Cum-cu-
Urumm, (omlensuliou. nml hrovilymro lln- uruml elmr~
norcrishes of Ihnl ngo bl oleuml nml: Iho Guldxy ‘fuirln
kngnwply ol these [Prllllfll‘llll‘flgr('fln|lolllSCß‘ u‘ null
q'unmily ol"h‘.nl|erlnlo lho’ Hulnllcsl' pnsuihln spam:
'l‘hhn Ihogn whomhy mnlle Iho’uize ofthe (;:llnxy nn
ulljuulion, urn huluhow ill hterl. nn'rl look no! lo iha ro-1
nl inlrimie excellence“ €Voro Iho Gulnxy Iho‘sizn on
mum (luor.'\\fé'mlghr lw us'dull and prosy u'a num
,berlasscornnilnlionlmfllm prorent‘dny yolopl'ucwa.
‘puperdw » , u : 3 r
‘ Look or our columns week nllor week, Aro they
nnlfilled with aborldirigfirney. splcv‘. unty.nnd hu
morous nr‘lwleu. m lnrger ‘proponlou lhun may he
lound In any ol our gzompqlhlrfi 'l‘ho , ehoieo opirrlu
ollhin poodly’Quolmr oily. liFo our" ever remly eon.
lrihumré, nnrl no "ore grnlili'ed "lo p'r-rccivo Ihul Ili'cir
ellorls meet wilh n gunerduu npprovnl. fr , v
Em'rW'l-(‘l‘lll uilh llw opirilol the age. stored “ill!
:1 npiee ol guml lmnvoregl unemlolq.l-vern'nlly M u hit,
yclrolieved by a (lush ol Menthol-n! nml nu eel pot-Hy
nudromnnee. no look upon the (lulnxyrm boundlo
homme inlime. ono ol‘ Iho lourllng Jourulllh‘ 0“ ”to
country. ~ ' '
Lovers olgeuuino unforced run. \u'tnnd humor.
' you cunnol mlml-nlw lor u lleuqr pnper Ihun PAUL'S
“WEEKLY GALAXY. ll “ill nuuiuhli n-unun. drive
l nWoy the gloomy hm-erlng qlnnlown ()l‘r‘nrc'.'illfil)4!l
[he llhmons of undue", and clear away Ihc I'ohwolm
‘ol Iho lvrnin. ‘
llyror-hnnalrlnosjl'ynu would enjoy Iruo henlll. hlld
i nn'ulloyml plouxu o. Inlw Iho Gnlnxy . ll in better than
Iho nmlrnm nl uny emplrll'll. nml nover-lfuils lo pro
mote henlth hy inspiring‘wholebomo luughler.good
humor nml mirth-. 3 'l'hrow nnny your lmlllt‘x uml
your [llll hum. peruse the Gnluxy every “eck. nod
you will ho “isor'nnd holler men. ‘ y '
HEADS OI“ FAMILIES! ll you would snlmenho
loru cheap. Irnluahle nnd 'populnr weekly. looh at tho
Gnlnxy. ll in just what you wnnl. 11l contents nro
Innocent. humorous und enlrrlnnnng; nno' uluqnivl
evening. when raining by your firoshlc.surrounded hy
nll you hold most dear. you can enjoy Ihe nloosnnlesl
ehitchnr of the only. mm o u‘holexome guslu Ihnl
know»: no d rn what-k. ,
PEOPLE OF ALL CLASSES. l'rum Iho merchunl
? tolhe laborer. lhe Gnlnxy in n rmulrul groundwhere
you cunull meel “uh pluunuru oulluyod wuhony
[hing Ihnl can nnnoy orgwo you pum. Morchnnlauls
you emerge lmm the shndony gloom ol your ctounhng
home. where can you look lur nn hours unlorlunn
ment with more L-erlmnly ol enjoyment. than in tho
penisnlol'lho Gnlnxy. Lovely belle. no you m In
yourholnloir. surrounded hy lobnhlul hoqnels, fine
looks nnd awecl winging hinlu. enn you look upon any
oflhorn \\ilh more delight Illun you look upon the
pages 0! the Gnlnxy. I’ulilieinnn. when you grow
Ixredol Iho vexotion nml lroohli‘ nl' pohucnl nlfulm.
und seell n briel reluxnlion. “hora do you look mm
more eertnnny ol snnslucuun, Ihnn lo the Galaxy
Mechnnies! when your dolly loil in over. do you no!
hunl up Iho Gnluxy with eogerdclighl.
Every yearly subscriber!“ the Galaxy will he rc~
nomad wilh ncopy of "Phi: Vlllogo Somnnm'lullst.’
n llmlhng romance, by one ol our meal ndmlretlnu
thorn, ll wrll ho lung-orded hy mml immedmlely on
lhu only-eruption money hcin . rem-in d.
ln orderlom-commodnle all lhom who may desire
to lorm clubs. Iho publishers have fixed as me hulls
lor clubhlog, Iho lollowlng low
One copy. 81 00 Twenty COPIES, SIG 00
' Five copicq. 4 00' Thirty cupil-s, 19 00
-'l’en l‘OplL‘B. 700 : Forty mpws. 2G 00
SpeClmen numbcu 0| the Galaxy wxll be sent lo
anyone on upphculion by letter (wan paid!)
A ll lellors un'd communicnnnnn must .he nddrcsscd
(post mm!) 10 ‘ HENRY I’. PAUL 8:. CO.
. . Publisher», Philadelphia. K’n, :
Doc. 23. 1817- 2 m
I V HE uudenigned having located thum-
E when at Mtlcshurg. at the head ul
Bald EaglcCannl Nuvlguttun, Inland con
tlucttng the Forwarding und'Commtsston
Buuucse, and sulICIl the tttuttdahip ol_ the
Furutcto, Mctcttutttu, and uthcra-huvmg
product: to lotwmd Irutu the cuuuttra ul
()pttttc, Cleatfield. Jeficrsun. and other
party. and the patronage 0! Merchant: who
may wauthtumge on their guuds pttrchuav
ed in the cities. ‘
me lhlrly yeara’ experience in (he
Couunmiuu uhd Packet Business In the
cily 0! Baltimore, they hope m be able by
stncl allcnhun. to tender ealislacuun to
those Empluylllg them. The} wm he pru
vided mm alole-huune mum lot Guam and
Gouda. and yanl room tur blouug Plaster.
Cuul. Lumber. lnm, &c. Gram and Lum
ber “H! be lulwaldcu to a bland) 0! then
noun: In Baltimore. or In Philadelphia, to
an experienced house thw.’ Mhlchrv’el
hmrkel may ull‘cr . (he beat unducunehla,
hqylug quoluhhas lhrrc llmuaa neck hun
eiicljunu 7‘ . A ._,._ w.
. Awaiting those. who {m or lhrm will!
then _buuucaa, ('lal uu ellml shall be Wall
lihg fiu 9‘l: 3 (Ismcuon, and that they may
d’ep‘und my quic}; bulca. and} Lulqtua 0!
quUs puunpnj manly. , . V
‘ ELY BALDICRSTON & l 0., Agenla.
' ' 'Corlncr o/ the Canal and Turnpike, Mllcbburg.
”JgA'ths [RV/IN, ROI'URUCK &'LBIB. - . '
BlPFnglu auq alurnge In be pnidmn
dthvgrypl unda. ,aep. 25—16:".
’ v-DR. I'}. 'GREEIV’S A - '
‘ ' RE” _& BRO‘VN PILLS.
_F HE demand lupllhe‘ ghovegnedicine
E in the. last 2 ur Syvugfihis Menu-d
h shfliciuhl aleugyl’ur "damn-4“ puw'lulv
ij' b'c‘fu'rg_lh‘é’pco'plle :_ "7"“;“N'; djgmnses [qr
‘w'hjch h ‘is applicnblg have become winge
vp'lg'ul lI’I‘IIIIS‘I'C'IIIIIIIfy lhartza reuwldy enti
tled lb Confideucél. in a firm; defldcrmum.
7.44' -- w Wiv‘ ~ ‘ ..
,1 pg dls‘gflgsul ‘lulv‘l‘pdze (gareLUepah‘us.
(Iviver anyway.) ,Dyypc‘plsla, and leauple
cud'u'plnik‘l'l‘s ittllligenler‘a‘lfh, .5 I : _4 .
’gajq'hq‘ubom p‘lllixwil'l. be kcpt .cun-
Mainly Ibr‘énl'evébylt, .‘ , ‘ ..‘ , .
j , _ ‘Yi’ichd'rtl Sfiqw, Clearficldw .‘
- '’l ' '(l2;glé,{ 5400.. mu ("Wynn
' "Gm/Quail?- Wrighg,‘ Bradford
" , 4.1.7.; "Jt'imfzs' MCGiz‘l‘sf...l?,m‘,urg..4 ‘
" 069-; 2.0,: ӣ465.33! . I
12. ~ chaw.‘ lIECKER',.~ -' s
$.34! to}? ne‘yiat. ,LWME
, .~ 7 umnmznm PuuN'm. ' ‘ ' ‘B'
i July;‘2o,"47J" .: x,. 2
.ru-Juxnnnr .rrva-J-J‘Ju'w mJ'JL
WITH the commencement ol'thé 30th, Con
gress, we pmposggtp ,conlinucfihe‘ Con.
grcsaionhl chlslcr on the snmc’ pln'n hé‘pdfiligh.
ccl durin‘g the last se-ssion. It will comxiin a full
and nccurulcV-xeport of the buslncss pmcecdinga
of Congress. together with sketches of‘ the dc.
bulgs which take place ,in' each house. 'l‘he'
"ch Con rrcna will be one of the most impor._
lnm \yhlcfi has assembled for years, ‘nnd it is
our détcrminmion m give Ito the people a com
plete‘ history ofthpir proceedings, at such nlow
:pn'cc lluu every person who takes an inlcrcn in
me nels olllml body can procyrc a wry. It is
believed Unit, the m session of the 'pm Con
gl'esb will c'ontinuc at least eight monllu'; and we
‘lhcreforc propose to issue weekly. on n mam
‘molh sheet, oclnvo form. their pyucccdinga at
lhc unprecedcnled lowuralc of .w
One-Dollar per Copy [ant/u: Senior
This publication is "not only the cheapest. b‘ut
it contuins more valnublc reading matter than in
to be found in any other Weekly published at
the unvne price in the country. Besides the po-
lilies 0! line day. it contains all the [are and fur
parlanl new, bolhfarcign and dumtmc ,- and its
camnwrciul articles are no! equalled. ll will al
so conlnin a complcle ay'lapliml summary ofthe
proceedings 01 both Houses ofCongrcss, and be
.lgrnishcd to subscribers at the low rate of ‘
One Dollar and twenty five cents per copy
. for (In: Session. .
Clubs will be furnished with [en copies fur 810.
All subscriptions must be paid in advance. \,
Vl’os-rniunns. by sending us live subscribers
lnr cilher ofthe above publications, will be en
iillcd lo'onc copy onA'ns. ‘
Subscription price ofDuily Union per
year - -
Subscription prlce of ScmMVcckly,
published lri-wcckly dunng the
* sessions of Congress - , - 500
Subscription price of Weekly - . .2 00
. L‘Luus will be furnished will:
5 copies ofthe Duilyfor - - 840 00
5 do Semi-\Vcekly - ' 20 00
10 do ‘ do . . 35 00
4 do Weekly - . 8 00
10 do do . . 15 00
Dislanl Subscribers may forward us money
by lcllcr, Ihc poskagc on which will be paid by
us. and all risk assumed by ourselves in its sale
Postmastm are authorized to act as our :1-
gcnts; and by sending us live Daily subscribers
with 850 enclosed. or live SL‘mi- "'cckly subscri
bers with 825 enclosed, or five Weekly subscri
bers uith 810 enclosed. will be entitled to one
copy of the same edition as they furnish us suh~
scribers for, gratis.
Norwi—A'ewspaperl. by publishing our pros~
pcctus, wnh this notice attached, until the lst
of Dccembcr next, will receive, during the ncx!
session of Congress, the Congrcm'anal Regutcr
and '[li- chkly Union. ,
Washington City, bept. 1847.
Bellefonte Foundry.
HE Subscribers. having >puvchased
Tllw Interest ul J. D. M’Lanuhin &
Geo. Weigh In the Bellclo'lle Foundry.
mll cuntmué'lhu buiaineas a! the old
place. unuler lhe nulne nl “‘ELCH &
LEYDUN, where lhey will be happy in
see Ihc customers M the lale firm. lugclh
er-mlh all others derirnus ol lurnismng
lhemselvbs with anything in lhrir lme (I!
very low rates. 'l‘ney “I“ keep commut
l)‘ on huml~ _
Slaves of all kinds, viz:
'l‘hc Improved Hot Air Cook Stoves,
Air-'l‘iaht Fancy Parlor and Ten Plate:
Wood Stoves,'nt all sizes; the unrivalled
Balloon Stove, lour 812.85; nudlClylender
and Fancy Coal Slows ol all kands.
such us a numerous assortment ul Plow
Patterns; Hollow-ware cnn~istingol large
and small Kettle“. Pots, Skillets. l’nns,
Wagon Boxes. Sled innrl Slough Soles;
Smoothing Irons, Stands lor Umbrellas,
all kinds ol Grist and Saw Mill Castingsl
ul approved Patterns, “mother with on us
-ortrnent ol Brit-e and Durkee'a Reaction
Water Wheels. 811:. ,Cnsttngu of al kinda
fitted up to order on the shortest notice.
{Ljhl‘lvcry article in their-line ol busi
net-s will. be sold on the most reasonable
terms. 11an all kindsol umrkctublc pru
rlucc taken in payment.
D. “'ELC U.
~ ' , I). LEYUON
Bellelunle. Sept. 9. 1847.-1 y
GENTS for the sale 0! Dr. JflYNS
I“ Family Medicines ,- - -
Dr. CULLEN’S Indian Vegetabe Rem.
uly—Panaccu.jj-Specgfic and File Rem
ed ~ _ V H 4
Dr. y/IPI’LE'I'ON'S Remedy for Deaf
‘ness ; ‘ ‘ ‘ . -
CflN’I’RELL’S- Compound Medicated
'Sj/rup of Sarsaparilla ,' ‘ -
(M N 'l‘]? El. I.’ S Jlnli Dyspeplic Powder,- ‘
CflN’fß/s‘LL’S Jiltemlive Pills ; . 1
AWN/)6" ‘Su‘rsaparilln. ‘S‘cuxfi'rc . s‘o. ‘ ‘
~ Hainfjusl zegewcd a fresh supply'ul-Ihq
sanw-,- ‘W‘ '.~3
Curu-inwillv. MM“"|o.‘:-’
DR.’ JAYNE-Mgp‘lcmss:
, ‘ n ,3. . ‘,_ Clea'm‘clgl, Rflz‘anfil. 5
1 1 BAR R ls'l‘fn» & .00.,
‘ " 7 V Glemfield Bridp"
_ trillge." ,
Arc theyreg'ulbrly uutlmrized- a'gemwl‘o'r
lhn-‘snlcrui-me-about Vulbable‘nivdlcines.‘
and have on hands. Very Jar'ge mpply.-‘--,
-'l‘-hey;lnisn» intend keeping-constantly 'un
hand‘aflull supply.l- ~ n ~ Jude-10.".47'.-w
CRANS‘BL BROTHER huv'e Just'rlea
3 c'pi's'e‘d a‘npw'iu‘p'pl'v uf Mf‘s'.‘ Bélls’
New Fall and Milittie
Cm'wcnsville, Pennsylvania,
.HAVE. and will keep. cun'tanuyrom
. hnnd. n .large nfiunrln‘p'" n! ,
Dry-Goody Hardwarcl Queens
. ware, Groceries, Drugs and Dye:l
Stufl's, Tin-ware, Books &- Sta:
tidnary, Hats, Caps and Bonnets,
Bodls and Shoes, 'Tobncc’o hnd’
Segars, Umbrellas, Carpet and’
Carpet and Cotton Yarn, Con-1
, fectionaries, Paints, Oils, Teas“
I &Co &C-, VI I ,'
A” 0! which they arevprepargd to ac” on
Iho must rensnnubié mnn.
Cmms 81 line'msn are iho Agents got
the sale of Dr. Juynea'v. celebrntcdlamlly‘
medicines. '. ‘ , ‘ , ‘ ;‘
uj’Gnmln exchanged for Lumberrl’my
duce and Furs, for which the highenpri
cm; M” be gwen. ‘
Fall and Winter
JollN PATTON,jr. having Juu
returned lrmn Philmlciphia. ifl now
recviving ,n wry large and well selected
«lock ol FALL and WINTER GOODS,“
Cnnlisting nf "
Dry Goods, Hardware, Groé
ceries, Quecnswurc, Drugs
and Dye-Stuffs, Saddlery,"
Books &~Stationary, Hats,
Caps and Bonnets, Boots
and Shoes, Tobacco and
Cigars, Umbrellas, Carp.
ets, carpet-chain, cotton
yarn, Confectionaries. Oils,
Paints, Clocks, Sole-leath-
810 00
er, Nails and Glass, Stoves
and Stow-pipe; Ropes, (S'c.
In a mud. evety arucle usually kept m a
country store, which qul be sold LOW
ER than eve: nflered in Clvnlfivltl couhir
[G’Counlry produce. LUMBER and
FURS 0! all kinds. taken in exchange for
goods. '
Thankful (or past lavnro. he invites Ihe
public lu call and examine [or lhemsclven',
bolh us to quality and pnirv.» Ilia mick
Is unusually large. and ALL FRESH
nu 01d gnnda on hand v '
Cumensville. Oct. 4. 1847.
T A N N E R Y.-
ESPEC'I FULLY informs lhe cm-
R zens ul Cleufielal county ”:3th
has leased the well known Tannery of
William Harlshorne In Curwinavillr. aml
Ihnlhg in prepared to carry ‘11) the busi-
ness in all in branch". Oadcra can bu
supplied at the shorlesl nolic’e. for Coun
try or Spanish Sole Leather. 'Upper and
Calf-skin. ul lam-r prices lh’an cur ufl'cr
ed below 11l the Counly, lor canh.
An assurlmcnl nl neatly made BOOTS
and SHOES will be kepl cunslnnlly 61)
hand. Hides and country produce who
in exchange {or work. ~ '
rf'Please give us a call.
' S'. B.‘ 'l'-
Curwrnsville, Sept. 9. 1847.-—pnl
New Fall & Winter
IGIAER &: CO. are just now te
cehing at their old stand In the boo
lungh ul Clcmfield. a largr.exlennive and
carelully selected assortment of
FflLL gr ""1 NTER GOODS.
And ulllwugh Ihc 'ch ol trnnsporlulion il
greater, they will dispose of their Block 5;
as reasonable rate: as they haverlonem
lune pasl. ‘ '- _' _
'l‘heir stuck consists of the usual vuno~
lies of Groceries. Dry Goods, &c.. Sic-i
but their assortment of. *
Deaetvc‘parliculu attention. .7 ~ ‘
EEAVE just received Irom-Philade
‘phla a negvmand Splendid assortme
Dry Goods, Groceries, Drugs,‘ Dy
, a St‘ufi’s‘,’f Medieines, Ready ma
_;.Clothing, Shirts; &~c.‘,' ,Tobacc
' Snufl‘& Cigars, Clocks,.Hats
‘ Caps, Boots and Shoes, Ha 1
Ware; (China, Queensw'ars, 810
"Hwy win sell' liru' quality Syrup ‘
lastes.‘ (of 87;}? cenmper gallon. and 0!"
kimls in pruporiion. ' . 1 ‘
‘ I‘he]J-Wl" dispose‘nl 'lheir g'oodsp
low Ibr cash —-almuul at cost and cam:
‘Couulry ~pruducexlakeu xii) 'exchw
andlhe highest price pull} (or Timber
Sawed Lumber. ‘fll'ra and .'(‘lover Seed
part Gas/J. Also Hurhen and Cullle.
, Cu'nvensnlle.Nov.r4ths‘-‘1847. ~ -
. , PERSON ur peiSonVs'covgulion‘elqu
A ~(hi-ed cards (3" WOOD; Ingr' Which
reuauuablve'piiég‘will be pmd in CASH?
. - ;‘f i “ ' M 1%. IRVIN.'
‘ Curwgngvillc, NM. 8. 1847.
December, 2, ‘47.-—lf
DOV. 4“,. '47.}