. ‘--—‘-- 7”"*W . ,V"" . " , V .. Ev“ 9 5:95. 'i 37“ _— E . .',land uocmed to call 1931115130 afggml. inbgut lhe dejencexxnl' llpg4_»cli'y.‘ ~§gnnlgw.’the day lhey,.]e{t M‘nl'nmo’lgfls an ”press .i‘Bßice; and obeying lho‘ihiqippliljffi‘qf'difigfiqfiwanli'e',he"‘riyinjp‘F‘dJM‘fiiéré 393'; arrived nomifljg. cit???” Wkicogfidflhlctf fills henrt.hclurned aside frotfijthc iiii‘iit ndg‘hofgflofjgé'cefiul réiqat fi’ce,§‘ill¢p§§§~}{tors to Mexicapgisme'éhampfg’sf mi; flee. entered «he consecrgtell «byilflingmqfih fcfiédij mqétguilfcitrqsimmzlvlheph‘ipfigggl‘ latntingthal‘G‘cfptrqlfibollgfipet (figs/hn ' knelt in devout and huifiblc fil‘fiycr lié‘Fch lh'ar'e ":kf’écide'r .lli’é- coh‘tésfiifSnnih"‘Afilnh‘. cannrmy at‘fiifi‘Fr‘l’fi'hndfh‘Ml a'bfi‘u‘li; in :dhninhnnmzrxxérkcn :::~:-~- ;_-::::JWUuld;nol> ngrcciozibiuyso -.n0.:-opposili.dn trhiqhglhe enemy. wereclefealjed and tolal- I [my [)9 'l7 p‘ ;,_ iq ,- gpjg ce wnsmpdeg‘ ; ~ ' - _ ‘r utcd_._ . it) a {lq‘aso‘n‘ ‘1 ea: o[ the. .hic‘cfiéfibét‘fiOéfl’fl'bféytlgdlhb‘ «103155;! “"’l‘li'a'éfi‘tfiance‘xff Gen. Scott Into~Mexi-‘ ‘Xmgfliwhim’lßOO-‘menrrafler“finial.Chin}, i~:3nring.t.qflssflqn.gq :;:.l.¥3;=:{hi.e:shut-1159.23.43.12:- :99 39 a.-r.umos:_r yogi). {Qwetief 0! ~lh¢.-_~l_»sm. chu,».wi_lh‘ Thin-“mm" ~"oomrentered 394359.... F 193. millLfiifiiElgfii'ii'ifi'hlfihidégfi ~ .~.- 27-“ r 1: 1.»;nzl-w-ngw , .H'l‘Tgmer‘. “‘.'?fili.9.~J?"%‘J?'B¢.‘.’f-uhP'IQS-f Anew-It's dqg; ,qrogfigyp 3113 mm!) ,asito‘kllgbjmga.ibga “LRET‘JihaVflnna‘ysefiJdégs.l3‘,sdz;§.m 3.12% ”mp :wen,r.¢.a.m.'nsigiw cfivir.v.z,+w!l.difia nimicd‘ ‘nd qmmimmc mew. Hyman. Mimi-EEVM4l6,,blagprsagnéifi':.'iTEliéiznw coe'fl‘ne‘vhfiiféflm‘l he'fhnd "‘°'!'.tbs;v’e';= ackesqmei‘pwnifinc. liéféfs': "7f!is;;fwc.nfln any!“ leiluq:n.s‘f¢r;'glv.lpg lII'PJMWNu "0M ‘Jt’hc I?:l_u‘tbqjjsovcroggu.‘ ‘u'hgznrnul‘bu “any? 63 J2l 6. ',ds'io'r,lutexrrntfifight‘ma, 0 new»: 53;“ .11"? :kio‘x’fl. WW“...!!égp‘ehswe Gonzalés,’ pdlg,‘:t!§‘m'§lllpig.l m3}: ,qnfifiprL-sq sion .0! .nn.us;§§rd.b¥°‘-h§{r9" dwi’afysu‘dllgv‘ 1 calm wares; gthpslin"7‘6¢wc Mai-U .114!!!» hellfhfrhédéhifi. ”eyes. ‘tqw’isrds his rm! max-‘1 tevr‘,‘,li.é,w;9’}"lgl,lyfi‘kgi’b‘e‘cnfi My]! mugq‘gst'm‘. inhe‘q.‘ fit”; I; figmessmn hquo'ignlgbimp‘é‘ Wdra ps;li¢',r'é‘_c,tfig.tilm‘. ' 's‘" Pram mhg fi‘lfikt‘ (hp: king;]’a;oq§l .niu'f'g‘; nml .‘ytibl'mhhsg'with, um‘g‘i‘étfighl‘.‘ .‘. odinpcgdg unlfl.’ bendipg his kéee‘gséjp in tinkering :‘oissrzwrz syn; Nikki? Qbélsflfi Sits F 6411! .irnvam; 6.9;": rude,” "WWW" "IT 'hcnc‘h‘g.d'_'lhpV‘llirqclkiln in;)lignqxgg'h’g9§‘x‘l)“s_,gp‘n‘g'hz’cr§,.’>," He‘ 31ml. de'r'ed; (ind. cdnl'l'npggl',‘ _nhcr unlitfltq'rifiq‘ pnuh‘en '_';Tfie mqrdégeyé-f—‘l c‘rgv'p‘ 56m" G'rnce’a'phffiqnfi-‘h'fi cxg‘q'u‘tinfigfis bliq‘rjgt-‘j‘lv mgfilb inflo‘rlr'p ftvhéiii-jiking.”_lhat_ when 'bc', foulidf‘i'éslsjancefnn‘d ‘entren'ly'v vnin‘. .uie' miq‘gigblt, ,Berfmgdd' Incflkdmvlfédgfili‘ 'e ju‘ilice_'o,lft'i,)_ié"[a}.e ; 'x't‘n‘d'his Ipé’i Aggie, wgr‘di‘,;g'.léé‘.‘réd’JhnL he qu'AYrlopg',‘ ‘ .Ihé qu‘senn“angifémiuy:"murmur numb" raldéhood4>ttt -‘ x. r ~ 2‘ ' In§é’rno;tibh'.l‘oo g're‘atf fog-j: apqc‘ph,"Dmgié o[.fldit'fi’gul'htéva”r(lljhig‘ eflnmhfiim'v'ngom’iv mpqiqglio‘fi, :flh'ri‘dfwhen‘ht"lpst' fie“: (90ml words; it 'wfla’"'to' mm. n'¢'{_‘ejazpmi‘qn,ol th nksgpying ”(9 the. Diyipe‘;‘?rokiddn’ge wfiich‘: _h'iifd'.’ saxjt'd i Mm {at “@152 2lrg’z‘lfiHKlW ‘ guilt hf; sshé‘clslinwfiocm(blow! -, ‘ "1,; ’.’ ...A‘loo‘g“;hodccn-rprul...inqvjr‘y'exp'mn'cd. th‘afm'i'létim whflitufiqns r'§"'“¢l",|!iinitl in; fngg‘s; wadjlpqng, 'and ‘ ere. Gpnglegihaq qqifl'egl‘fifie 91:3ng Bernnrfloi“baiting“ m‘a'g .-!lglmu;s,t.t;9 already Hind,’,léh.,!.h,t;jbgd-;; ‘ncéié gg'q‘bfpfieqfquqflhé kiln'a.‘.’l&ilfg.r,agnfy‘i his: figndl'sfi malice',‘b)" necé‘rla‘ivnlhg fi‘llél‘l‘nq‘ hyiLnd‘lo'n‘ggij'hlfly‘aL' "V'Hg ‘in'dj eil_hcr‘_‘hd( hea'r‘dg‘h'é WO'rdk'iiiZircéd "P 9“? 05,1915") [hi ,5 nuggg‘alfjinafie‘r‘ihdc’é."(hp; figs’t- ~qp‘eqjumi’ win} [gimmjhifiga will: donefl‘agd j- 'm'q liigégburhgfa, réqogquihg’thci'gigh. 3} mg}; aq’nge'd~ himiatiq; if: 'spi‘le‘ovfyp'rS‘ ' entrenneg and'Jeffib'nflyun‘ééb} _i'nfliigtéd {in him .I!an fa'fe jiite'd'dpd f6r'bip‘bgujayed Eqmrfide’." ‘l‘. ';fl',hfi§’f¢‘ai;fulflé‘w’soii hag-:‘jdt'xyh'any‘lpgt; oh Denis-f Hifiéwfib'fi ‘i ‘. n.sr'.:’ritir.cly~ sias'pa'r'finlly'cuteq‘fgudfingaflé‘r‘mng‘u dgpcg qt. the; lerrifle’d‘viaxiflflflluck‘e’d"‘léab‘e!-‘ la’ga'ié‘ oi‘t‘qdfiidh’l’gr'ilh _‘ilii "'lgay' qif i'l’é'gén arol.” Gofsz‘iszé cehxéd,"a§iar§énflv; tbftiu hEEEfaiffo‘tite'i‘but‘jiWrising_Jorlqfi‘é's’ Hid, n’q'j .lfi'ef‘ql'éi‘e'kr (fer. "due b'éca'mé, ,‘ih Imm yea'gl; ‘6. pmfi’r‘ ul "n'fg'd ‘cdn’fi‘denliil- 'niifliié' té’fl'ahd“cbn'nsdllo'?%f lhé ’k'uh'g‘i‘ tfic‘féimi’ der‘ ofa noble hunil in his agopléd ’c'ofiibi (ff; “A'ndfi'éve‘r dlg‘gfigT—agéjd Tn‘o’b’é’héa‘v. with‘pgg 'pnyih‘gfdev’dut pbe‘dianqeml-‘ixs whinéo'qii,’ rtha’ Voié'e’of tbg‘finfififi‘lficllx!':3‘ ' ffiYQgth'g'y ' {tlhié‘js’ifi'gfili'af Iggén‘a ‘ up“: nup eigélbgrfikfi; ifj'a‘ al‘fllfityiié.’ ic‘m'ref, of n' .rudgjfind‘lyefi'fl‘]"p‘wl,¢§'§fu§e; gnit i 315 MchE wrylp‘g‘éqen;itdlo’l‘pilr'f'lr'ggfi r§"'lrlty‘c,’.‘m‘r'g nigr'gtjm;striking.infirnpé‘p‘nl3%l‘é'»’wliti£é wquggpgpffifig; Di'vjn’e waefgw ig:b,_:tiot)i; bii’f‘o/rj Hm! vexpé'rjien'cefc'éajchjp.4”, 'tfreqdfo‘m: ly’blSUsé's‘Nßb‘wiclc‘édnie's'é 0H: ‘tfia’r’ilii‘lall oplllislqwnlhea’d ;’ sthat in ‘ the [ihfh‘é hquprivny 'digée'd‘ror 'ad‘oth'e'ri" mgiufvn {got would’ve gakfc’b.‘ ‘ .‘ “ V M ' GeififiScai‘ 255 mg Mann _ih‘ mi: n;_;rz:-;PEZUMASr!-'!!! - «‘1 ""51? lin “it: 1} 3114—44133?! 3m é ; .’u' aminkFromlhe: MO...Ndfionnl.:Augnu-l; :w -anylnppor’lfintulnielllgencer—“v Gé‘néral 5" "Sail! (in; Who; '"c {lf "16f Meiti c 0421; I’Qfldfflel’~b6leén ’Sqnlaiféfina‘fihd’ o&s} {ifidyzolm Rim: - '17:! ' W "i: 'H—r‘ «‘Th‘éid‘idifiefia‘in _thlezciff’ffi'hhx’ he city o'flMe iéo23‘dfi‘lnf'e‘ agfl’uty—l7ls;““at'ba’vne thibbgh‘-‘b’ysuiME§jchnr couridlfi «hbbcan’i'e, by'lhe‘way of oazsmvmsa t,once." hccause:Gene'r-. fitnscotthfétltlbtw guys to teachthc city.~ undivit is possible hi}: was not. (llth the ml: Vina, '_ll; the , ‘fSpnntsh gentlemnncnme thwpghtq Y 9”- quz , the Jatnpa‘ read. .he. hymncty] aotthehjghegl impqrtance t‘eld. tittctp a; ccmmunieutivn,;consitlcred clos ”d. :.g'p; .‘.-‘S3P! 40' : a algrgc . nrmedtforce. —.- He ,dtdfinhnt. cmne ,hy the_ waywt’ Tampico. 999!!!” the ,Mgapachugqtta'did (not stopnt that phage-..' How did thejnfqrtnnnt'of the Pthgune, that saw .GenetaLScntt at Pue bla on the 14th. ‘get to Vera Cruz? We ask-tllgse:,qucattons. because if theyjnre anstvleteditnr. fell, ,thevamay-throw tight upon the subject under consideration. ' Arrival ,0! Xhe «“’nshinglon. Coq/irmafion (3f Gen. Scott's enlranc‘e'i'fl' -. M ‘lhe' cily*a/., Mcmc'cd‘J—‘Lbss-qf‘ ’l’fiyec ' Hundred menl—Exprém frgin 1811/: ‘Fermmdo'lorMalam‘ofdsF?‘ ‘ " "-'“" " - runs .s'wmsmp' Washingtonrcapffin Pratt,=sfrtfld‘yefl6tllby.‘(sl ”cé 'lhé’dbové 'whs in'llyp‘t’.)’fr'uln ‘Vern' Cr'u'z".}vl"a' 'lfan’lpia in and the Brazos. By lier‘ weyhu'i'eflv'et celve’d the'Suri ninAnullua'c 6!"!!!é'226'ulL, lh‘é 'l‘dmpico Semiiigl' om‘he 25m, arid the Matamoras Flag of thé'i27l'h‘.‘ ' 'l'hc‘aé'gpaV 'pp‘rstt'bmain «Shining 'ol-purliculh'r‘idfér’cs't. zßut lhdfollow‘idr-fletMr. ricei'ved bf}; aéiflhn’ijen ofh‘lhm’ 'vz'ilyutur'r'liafi'é'd ”us :léx'fl publiéatiomfils " of"'o‘xcigi.n‘g inié're's‘fi' éh'd‘ fully confirms_lhe news ‘wc"‘ga"v'é ‘ifi‘ aim .extra of Samrdaw lMLG‘ene'ral Show hzid .mg‘cr'e‘qwfi'e 'cilydifi-M‘exi’cq‘r V 3"” ‘ ’ ‘, ‘.iaxz'fi'w BnAzosI‘SANTIAGOL'JI'IU'ZI‘"‘ Sm: lhqslen to inform you (hMIMi‘. Fiséhcrhas‘just"arriVe'd’fhgre’lrom Malp fnimayrand wantinfor’megli'ghntjh‘é; c‘élod‘eli ‘com‘mandidg I'naddmadx-Bantfidb la§t e’iéi‘ ‘din‘gu'mm Gen. _Scowhnd bn:ercd‘tliB ch‘y 'of» Mexico;w‘ithfilziosé‘ot- 309‘ 'méri."‘ Th’e' ‘nedslwns-bfou’ghhbybxpre‘nd (d Malfiixib= mum. Sa'n‘i-Fa'rnan'dofiby h'M‘ékicafi (if Ith‘e’ alcnldégco'nd Was‘g‘e'nerall'yheli'eved'm b6.'lfU‘a;"‘* 4‘; « nugu’ 'l3 ,V, rI;,-.1.u ‘ -': ’.- ‘V'There'js’hodoublin lo ’lhe‘ififdiningidn' havinghéén‘im‘parled (octhfiroam’at' Mfl-x (amoras. 'I would have/given you [more p'SlQliZOlfans...<~but =‘Mr. ”Fifich'er‘vhat' ‘go'ne béék- twmmiiesnim’hope's twget’éhid‘bdgt gage'here inwlime lo‘r:th‘e*Wa‘shingmfi‘.‘§ Ii ca’n‘notsgiv‘e ‘y'oul 41er n 5 'the"?bda‘t goes: indthlvhai”doti'tetumedfi'ni tinie-‘m‘. go‘lm New'Orledna'lniher. ~47. I‘~ ’1 " ‘ . ‘ In'huste.’l?rou'ds, M “' ’Wazv n! Luann!" gm}? L-‘u... 1.~. - “3:" 'n.‘-.. JEiotnFlho .Naw:orleum Bee; 'Afigunx 2.; 5;:le .z' :ijlearn by: 'paisgugers’fijom ,Mutamo: rahponbo‘td rlhe’; propeller-J Washihgfibm :whiéh; aanffive‘d‘i: l'asgnulg‘htr flomv‘éß'r'n‘zog‘, .whach‘ pluculififlen, €oll,lth '27!th 'lhnr'ojn .npq;lgo‘kmo‘n‘spgaiop 0! me ici‘tg PEI WW“ Fez-Admin” J“ I, . .‘,. .H . ' 371‘!1e,neyya wagflpuhiicly, relnd'ijo'th'e‘ ggdép’i'}:t‘Mn't'a‘mdr‘dg’i’ Infidjhiqlhizgth spy vpfé' n’fll’nb’firhut'ol 'imbf’dlfigbilily. kb'qy! ‘rkqvn-V .’erlh‘el‘esb. be"whoily ((u'gi‘ fot‘olif‘rcgfde’rg ‘_will‘jb'e'nr iii“ ‘ffig'n‘d, ma‘g 'of' all (_he‘bdtll'c's A‘foix'ght'n‘nU'"vitiéfic's‘ wo’n“o‘n (_h'é’fiel‘i‘la‘bf Maxim, our first news of llien‘xflfiui'ie‘cq‘l'i 'vmf [‘r'om‘“thesMe'iicn;n authority; hde M'- .lcnfw'p'rd's cgnfiu‘medfl'hmbgh Meimnq'p‘ofir.. 'ces.="“Wé“in'éliné' to We opi'nidn. (diode!) bomgwhat doubtful) that the ufmy under; ,Geh’. Sdo‘tl M‘s-again ‘been di‘cldrigt’x's ‘nnd‘ \vcrevllwn. ns now,"’in';pnas’éasiun of‘lhe cilyoflMexico'.""‘-' ' It ' L-A'S’l‘ DEFEAT 09' GUERII.LAS. ~ Ailleneir dated V',‘Vgr_n QrszJuly‘ 22,3’ published in‘ t'ieazfiéw ‘Orkjnng Commcr ci‘al_7‘il‘n‘e§,c'oqga‘ihs'the following account ufflhq [EQQ‘ quack, mpde v‘nnrfh’c , (min of Génhf‘iu‘céiby‘ lh'q 'g'l‘l'cr'lj‘laé, uni! ‘hcig, mm de'fc'nt: ‘ ‘ ’ ’ " ' I {'Afle‘r'nll lhe delay: which occquéel in genmgjqn‘ lhi: {thin gnal‘ e'scpgug nine} Go.- n_er'al "l’icrc‘cnm‘anf' of (_hu flago‘pg'flveik _in an ’u'npréfinr'cjgj Bfa'lylf, ‘a'njl Ly‘g'cpquclath; ed [ruinn‘flhgflmnid bpd'y. ‘An ‘esfuffql {I h‘u'l'ldredfpn’gl 'fifl'fo'r (pi'b’liuhdr‘ctllVgrpofis‘l wdg'tl@_lsi!é_(l Ito r'eim‘din $4111”!th ‘sl’l’figglérs andgdfird‘ 'thqm until they coma r'vjuin thb truin."While (he main’budy tim'véd lor u'nrrl. 'l'hc detach ment had.‘ hqxi-évgr. aldvnnccdyonly a few Im‘il'cs'bcyoml Sa‘n'la :Fcpwhen inwagmunbkvd by n urge-party? übgucrmauu“hich kept it ongngecl [or ’3‘: buul lour hours, at the end ~nfwhl'ch'lime. Jhw‘Muicnng- were’- well‘ ‘ used'upfi 'nnd' .lhc Americans nmvcdsforml'ni.“ I'A gon .l‘|emgn..who passed, along lhe. road yester dqy.,;nur_ging. staws‘ that he :aaw opvcrql dcndbudies in _lhc .vicini,ly~all._Mpxicnm "nodlhas no‘doubt'lhnl-meguerillu,hjzid me; m!|l.n.—c,onsul.crab!e . lon. v ENo wuqnv deg-have nuiypd here from our tronph;.and lit ils‘ [Q‘bcprguumpd (hall their lmfihas been {unalLJ‘lt‘ig slrangq lhnl Immgsgengerzhag {been Jeannlchcd m lhcgovcrnur with (he ,inlclfiggncq. {Hie (him? 3133, pl;inlygheard by our sick'u’ho find [gt-en h-ft behind 11' Sun]; Fe, 1 Thc fielachmcntwhkh lmcn .liuncd in my lust. as having been sent out lu,Santa Fe; has; .rcturncd, and report the “W", dutwcfion, ofi'lhe‘placle‘, in,coMol’-; mity , 9W], lho, gove‘gnofiggomt'rs. ..']‘ug measupeiof destroying llmtplaceiis'n good' (mg. and it i 330 be hoped willth follow ' edup'by {but ofiljleileslruplion of all (Im hamlctl wilhinJen _milcmnl “18;.Cily“ {Mu}. presgua‘ljon qfrlileymnd, public; propofly requires such, instep; .and men ”awe have to pay '0", the properly (lestmyedfilvis jet Ihcpolicy ofdgchcnlnlmj'.“ ~. ~, '.- 3‘ A ,v,'I'I.ILAGE..n.URNIi. "A’n A‘Hny corre's-po'ml'eht' of? onto! our uc‘hangenin dcsicribing a recc'nt h’fl'uir at Li :Hnyfl‘,‘ 5331}. _ ' it"‘W‘T‘: in :J“-.'H:‘. r""l‘lle ev'eninizrprevious t 6 mir' a‘tté‘mpting to-{or'ce 'our w'ay-thrnugh- the' 12353 in me mbuntnins.Coh'gw'ynkoop who'ic now in command at this~ pintetnnd th‘éCaslie of Parole; heating at the inumber bflhe en'e my'tlut hnd:pn_stcd themsélres‘ at La Hoyu’ with a view of DuNiNg of] the tm’imsléftm i eight o’clock in the evening with thé'grea- ‘ lei-part “the Firle’ennsyh'nnia chi } ment and Captain . Walker’s company oi mounted { liiiémeu.._ They were acngngcd with the‘nueriiias, Oh" this side orlhc page, irom eleven~ o’clock that night up to lhe time we gut thruughtho next morning, and' (lid must-excellent Scrvice. .v'i‘hey (hurt: thmcucmy to!” several ~miles back. from the mad. and, burnt every rancho in ,ihci; route. leavinggtlem/ay rllu who/ct country, ave; which [lacy ptt'asetll. On our leaching Lag Vigas. a pretty, nudfiuuusiu‘ iquittngowpa iiwaalqyml thatzthe (Nell in”,,wtewsentirely-.deserted byg-fllm Mexi. catis,p_n'd;it was aaiisfa'ctorily ascergained. lliatithnyfia‘d- identified til-emaclves with tho guertiilns,‘ a. 3 . ' .' - 4; , ,;~.\\’_ilh,lllc;, comepr! the. commanding Generglmjhe &orcll_wne applied (mthe boil.- ding, amlima leW».moments lhewemim («iwn “”15an universal Scene-olrconflngm ‘ Hum: ..Eucry, budding-_in it..mlmbcring bvetwelmmcighty ,gmdpne rhumlreduwas .vdcr atrqu¢l'«l)yfire:-stheLoni} one:.lhal. was; splrutlmeing the near]: little Catholic church: mat adorned lhe town: .llg; slolilavyiap. penrange ‘ amongahe(smouldering, wins ol> themwn crmgancnsnliuup“(genera smug iugd thatulmc'rlbed-i,amldne “ample-“l in (his‘ingm‘ncpwil .iaxgrcallymloge hopml‘. will, ,have I )egflgnl pl relatrainingfihe jenei my jnJulutoln (Allah; ,muulemus cautgapl. wa_rfpre.. Our ,Llons,“ wear cpmphnalively 's'pea‘king. nothing. 3 ---."-‘.",. ,I.»';u;v,,“_l “,r .t Ego'm'vjho i‘l-{glljfl'dfil’ffiggigging‘s.; x 000.0! .thn; monk; mbztnbkc-.nn.dzx sclfish pplncjplesnof, gthedgrnl qu‘r‘tyinxto anf' MI). W. a‘--court,house. m the borough.“ creed- ' ' - ' Clenrfieid.~‘;oo Manila! tlhea-Wh “.9! ‘9‘ ’ Wa were led to these remarks by see ‘ Augu‘a‘f’h’é’xt,‘tfg'e'rloin tm'étfoi 15ml. may ing‘aomo of the 'cherni paper! attributing ‘até‘i‘fi‘GihiOh‘tOWnship;‘Cicarfieid county: ‘tht: inqmasqof tall; 9" the nubiip‘itpplgona bounded as follqwg‘:lg¢o|lltmgo6|qz 0111'!!! merits lofltlj'e' fact that thgi‘p is one Eedgr: .iinc oldivigion' botive‘ethanlel Mtilfr‘aiad " :Qé'fi‘lil, ‘.Ci’mii'ifihipilai‘ii" the ”Baum-.- Jn‘meaJMix’s' [Judi “WM," 9'o9B2'99t9‘ittis. >ngg’th¢re~eygg_,quiy t.hir,i‘g‘,half,.so ri‘tji'cti; ,N,"32’2'p‘g',f 95.10 'to 'irhem‘lock -.corner_og:j_ *ioo's' P, 1. "One Cuiml >Cdmmi§ailpnp§ghuving .the,nurth-nide dithe sinncmnhoolngtqre‘eka the fio’woi‘of: inérca’ping'lhe, tollqnmfigtibg then'ce again $1.364 E. ~}67 7pm: to‘ltllv‘rqgkvr. n ph‘éooménor'iihcycr then,r'q,cgi,‘o,l,_iuotif oak. .théiifébe'.‘ 218'b!9’..9'195"° “’9“ “52 "Philoiiéphfl. Riihll'y. ah} entife Boa‘rsl'm‘! 'the northemrbbtindw Mimi“,- 39‘1“”- such "me'q'xlwo‘ulti not:fohij“tg'volu_t|onizc Jihencc ea‘g't' n'lh’rif‘g‘fiid line‘htm by tract thihgfy. but'giv'ev tht'; {it‘oi‘id’lé'ssdhti in pqlit-- kn’m‘vn byi'No. 511698.113”. to the‘norlh-" icu‘l‘tco‘no‘my, that ,wquld, bq'n'efit fgturg. 055‘ c'orh’er or.|he;'rnct. thence'by N574}:- '°g,c“- '_ 4 l' ‘ ' .7 ' ‘ ,5463 h’h’d 546.7-B.‘6’4o'p|. tothe cornec;uf g ‘ In ’solicr truth the. Egdef’al‘pquy‘ nrc,u'n';" tho tract. thence-Wealthy. Nos..s3p2.§ndir übie 'to'shy ntiiyfithihg ,‘ngnih'stu-the, p‘re'sgpt ssgl;w::za_s‘ps. "to' place at :begmomgr ‘ admihistrn'tlonéthe'j’ace‘imd c'anqot-tjonx .be‘mg path of: two .‘tructn of’iflnd luf'¢]¢d‘-'* tho prosperous can'tiitiori ‘of the} public bn;fi§r‘antslflil)"fl by‘ NOI-CsV47Ofind‘s4‘ H "worthy-hut rathet than anhk-g,.a‘ 'ybhpd‘idi 71,.wimzq [manta house. saw and gti‘stvmtllfl “C“"dtV't‘Uamen'. like ltdnpat‘iir'ltflhomtai' |og [mm on}! hearing orchardt and, 125.33. tble men; they clhim nil the‘h‘dfihhfifijthgir creo‘cloll’fld- thereon” Seized and taken :, Cnhnl'Commissioti’cr',‘ oh'os'c vote is ane’ot in executionunnd to bosom Bl,.‘h9vpl'.opri:r ””'“V' ‘.‘. ' ‘ , ' ‘ erty':'o{uJam'eszijn V.- i .t Somé'Fedcrai editor Mich." "'li'the toll; 1’ . -. .- . MRLSO. ‘r _‘ - {i3 are increased 'onellhird'flwith’one’” Whi‘g' . .Y.virtuo.otu )simiiar writiiuuedsoutgz Czinal' Commi‘sfiio'ner; ‘whnt would "Ith B oltthc Mme c‘oui’tnnd «3 me dirocv ,; ,be lit the Entire" Board wns- cathp'oie‘d of ted;‘wil|:bo ‘cxposcd‘t‘o~ pubiicule at thug Whigs P". A simple questioq.‘orid,eamly ‘.amc time 'and. place. a certaintnct of; nn‘n‘vere‘d. .. During lhe‘flviih’u! ‘flzdtninii: iaod;,,sitnatcxtn Burnai‘dotownlhianklfn:t. *tmtioh M Rit‘uerpthe Cun‘ul‘ Commission. fieldicounty. bounded by undo of Erika} “lac-'9 ‘V"52".'WhO ”new“ in‘_speo_t'l2 hart on the South, widow Moore on tho. ing $200.000 ofthe peopicé'rhnney'niong West. Underwood on the Eu“. M‘IJQ‘ the improvements, m‘ feeding-péijb'fqd seph Eaton ,th therNorthwwn‘Piniflg an?» :knaves=wlio done theirvoting." lA'j‘n'nilnr hundred acres. with ,3, house and ,stableoj}: “‘s‘”!- mlg‘ht‘be exp‘ectc‘d-now’. 5' 53‘ 30'"? and about 16 acres cieared tliet'eon. .8211“; .unlortunate 'acchlent the“ctmtro| Of the zed. and taken in‘exccution..andvto;bo apid ~ publicwovkbwere to fall into théir rapn" 'as',thc propertyof Jamea.Coieman. V ;, . cious‘hnnds. But'thereis'hv. feor'oi ‘such 'a .. ' .t , JILSQ. . :.‘1 , :disnfltuu'a' resul't—ame-VVY‘hig "l‘efor'nh” 0’! the Ritncr -admlni'slra(ioh inc”9lilf frehh in the recallcchon of lhe voters of Pennsyl' 'vp'nin; ~ and We are perspwed that'lhey ‘cannol be coaxed or driven into' (lib sup nnrt‘of men whose 10% [or me Cbmiu'n'n-I wealth in rvgl'lbted‘by‘Hie'dfiHhrs a‘nd cc'nlé’ they can plunder fromfllis coflcrs. ' .4 Dangerous Visiterm-Th'c Philadnl-' phin correspondent of the'Wgw‘York 7’13? bum’tcllJ-the following yarn? " ' 7' ‘4‘ , ‘ "Aqoqng’lndy I'rdsidi‘ng' 'in‘the unprr part at this city‘.-’ the daughter ét'a bank‘- officer. Mlenrgoing'to'b‘ed’lnst fight. flag hnnifimtby tayirig tmr lmmlkgn an immgnsc wake.- Which,'Wilh‘ egpinded' jut“; was péeting Into the'afiartment.-sa'cretlvto ['n'ai (l'en rptivacy'and " meditatidn. fajlc'y trée.’ ‘chfld'ully: alarmed' ’she' _rushed' down stain, nlhnmod ‘her parcnta."rhisett the hu'e 'and‘cry. and a number of ‘pcribns. I'"qu with-alt the- im’plcmcnts known' dnd‘dés“ I cribui invnn‘rindibtmenttor 'an n'ssanlt and battery-went toittntk the mou‘st'erlfi O'ne ot‘the first bloWat'knockod; Iltm frbm the window sill uml‘he'tumbled down through Uletbranches of'n grape vine intn-thc y'ard. His 'purde-rfsifollutwd and sodn 'cdrfvplcted" the wnrk ,otat’eath. “proved to be _n'n‘a'n: aconqa: air or seven feet long and antn'le'six‘ inohuju 'circumterencc. 5 Hardly had he bt’m him] before a neighbor came‘r’ushf; ing in b'rcatlxtcss‘to reétaim his pel'!‘ ‘ But 1 It was too late,,.,,and. nothing now remains} but hi 9 hkintol grace-some wivate,co”€c' 1 lion or publicgpuseum.“.-An.an_acongla hunt ‘ t! not} subject of every day occurrence In: these ',latituden, and t (ifcumfise it has becntliq gxcitemcnt of (0119333,. u PlßA'l ES OF‘F‘XITHE DELAWARE. We learn (mm Caplain SMALL, of the schooner' King Philiprnt this port, from Trinidad de Cuba. the! on the 3.1 instant. latitude 37'43. longitude 74 3}), he boar dcd the ship Chesapeake, from Philadel phia to ‘Bnllimnro. The Captain of the Chesapeake informed him thatmrthe .nl lernoon of the 2d, he spoke a barque, name nrit recollected. The Cnptmn ‘inlorined him that Atrowbontmilh gightor tenvmcnn in her.- took fromliim hips chronomhter. all thewvatcliee on .bqardmndnyerything val uable they could find. andtlelt -the. crew lipid.» ,A‘i'elsel.came”ylong-'shortly: alter‘ and liberated .llie crew,:\v‘tien".they rpro: needed on their,goyage.--g—- A ~A, ' .‘ t m s .i‘N.l’.Jaur. 'o/Com. GRflND JURORS/or Sept. Term. lso'riah Green "~' annncr 1‘ ‘Chésl ‘lp. John S-Georhurt- (Pu " ' ”- Decatur Benjfllnrkbn-J? do 5" 'Kuflfi'dus' FovlUuComerctm Lahore: .- ’vai'n’gto‘n, Jacob'Ridérfé .Vz‘? ~do"-"' HOME? John-Rider'jr .n, ' 'Fd‘rmcr' ' ' ‘do ' Jdmes 'l’umer -~. ‘-.do= , ' Bogg’é r'l‘JHFulm-p School Teacher Lakvrenc’e Sevlh=Mniny :»~Furme'r' , Bradwrd CiuGaHngher .~ , do~ Lu" Burnside John Bartlebough ‘OO “'r" ' “do? . Thou Mohafl‘y‘ .' undo - ‘ do ' John-Curry!’ ...v :do w? r‘ iz'fl‘ordou- Robert Potter: ,_: ~Mmon ‘ ' w vßeccarin Jas‘Hegnrlyi 7rzFarmér‘ I" 'l' "' dn' ' g Antho'nyxflile 9,. ..‘..cgdo 'Lw :.wacnn PhilipEuslnneu: pudo.“ ‘r-.-u.".5.;‘«‘ doJ' -Wm,BloOmusenm~.9=- do? )7. -.;3~Pike S=Ponlelhwnit ; r 34. ado' "‘.’ w "’.dO' MVAvxFrank-‘m- endg'l’nianm :w' .‘.-Emmy fl‘ho'nan Brown "Farmer "om-3349"“ Pm; ,quefl- m “fiagonmakecim ~ fimdy‘ «a ..r K" rum"? ”I‘3“ " "‘ "" " T" .Strayußull» Ufa/"7"" "2i ' lAME ’v’lhvit‘he premises ': $.35... 7 G :dfulhé ='wbscriber_ re§i~ m..-gum Bugg's‘iownshipwméufield.éouh»; ‘,,-:...bqumhio, laotsotflu'uéw'lutgfi:mule and Red Bull. supposédfltobd three-year’s} old-L: ;,, The:osvnéfi.:isxreqoesled '(0 comél'ore ..ward ‘undr- prfoireihia;pgopertyrspsyi'charges‘ rand take‘hyn:amy—olhe‘hi‘sé-he:will be ’difiponed oflnccmdmuolawn-.211“? :.u-JL? ; :; ,Ei;;ui's‘lii'3 51m.) sift. JOHN;;~McCORDJ'Z E '123:Aufi..7',u5.’47.~9pd_u1 ’r: 'zpfifiy‘énr 134%" r; : ,Y| virtue of a' wallet A Yendifioni Egg B pnnus issued outolvlhe coq;§olCum-. mun Pleas of ,Cleayfie'l'd county. nndin m'g «litectéd. will be,exposed {to public spin at the some time and place. Ihelfulloyling deg sciibed properly. .137. :-—A “:Iqu lot qr lracl,oiland. ailuajted within the corpora-l led limits oh the Boruggh of Clealrfiel‘d‘, containing fivé apregmndlceventyjfiyé our , ‘ChQSprUdeUflO lh'aeasl by xout lot No, . 14,:0n me noflhrb‘y‘. put lot No. 15, on (he; west by 4th urbannand- on- the southbjz lot NqnlsganQ'known‘psloin lo! NoL-H-"s' lhé lot all cleared, wnh uhouse and glnblhj (hereon erected, ALSO-alga; N 6. 50% said boyhough‘p! Clcgtficld..botjndéd on (hp eulby Second skeet. bl}. [he » nonh 'by'lot' No. 49. 'u'nJhe weal 15y an alleygnndhn: lhé snplh'bj .Lot No. 51, .with' abduse and: stable; (hereon . élcéléd. '_Seize.d.'._l|qke‘n jn_ é‘x'cc‘uxion audjlolbc sbld 'al the: prope‘nf offlobérl'Cquns. 7 ; , ; ‘ .'.' flLSOJ' -' B Y'vitluev o! 'a‘aimilar- mi; igntjgd: Iron: “It: same .'cqu'rt,’ ivill' bpkxpmed'lq pp‘blig gain n’l‘llyc same mg; a‘hd, plan, llig,f(gl,lowing'dpsgribe’q. 'p‘ro'pergyfliz :'-’ A ,‘g'cr'tain _tra'p'! 10‘ .land gai'l'ual'e' gm Bell township, ‘Clcarfi'é’d. (county, ’lb‘onmlodfq'n; llw'ndrlh by landl‘spl. McCa‘ll,‘ on; gheicut by, landipl Ge'o'fg'é Thom'pso’n, 'd'ec’d. 'O9. “I'o north w'csl'by' lfihdyoi‘hméllhfiheé andbn the norlh by lands bf Dmld Suné il‘eriziriill—wilh a hung. libam, [l‘liwfl'n‘illg and about seventy 'ncrcs 'éleared .ilh'le'lfeél‘li" lhe' who“; lrac'! é’onminin: Mo hu’ndr‘hd neg-9’; mor'e or l'c's's. Séiu'd.“takeh.i'n é‘x-‘ céulion. a'nd to‘b’é“ sold “’3th pro‘pcuy‘df A'mlr’cw'Ba’i’nhart. " 7‘ 1" " " 'JILSO', ‘ ' " ' _ “‘K" Y virt-u'e or’a’similnr writ.’issued out B at the‘samé" éoufl.“angl to nic _dlo‘ rr'btéd,‘will 'be' expds‘ed to public snlei! the same time and place. the dgfendg’p’lls‘ interest 'in a certain: tract of land sltnnt'u 11l Brady township. Cleavfield' county, bounded by lands of Peter Seyler _od' Ihc‘ Snuil). Beam and Welly on the east, mg! by Inmls ol the Fux'Cn‘mpuny'on thé'nbrth’; c‘o'ntainin'g -‘—é ac're'fi." Se‘lz'ed bud'tuken in execution. and to‘be sold as lhe’prbp erty ol J.'A. T’. Hontcrfi‘ " ' ‘ A t n’?’ flLSO,’ ;, .‘ . '.I 'Y virtue ofn Wri't'of "Eevui'hbiu; is_luétl but of lhe ’iatn'e'fbbhflyfiill be :cxposed't‘t) public 'sale at'tlie limo tibia and place', n certain tra‘ét'bf ~land ”oifitfltg in qubside‘fm'wmhlp,’ Cle'urfie'ld ‘cot’mt'y'c buu’pdé’d n 6 fdllb'wi—obéginning atrm’l'ple thenotth-W'éat corner of z; tnct surveyed, in lhe’in‘aj'ue pl’ J'bhn" llambnglfl'.”-‘fth‘etié. nb'rlll 89° east "50 p'etche's "lo“l' _pou‘t; thence séuth I7’s‘p'c‘rclies‘to‘ angios'tg’théh'c’p son“; 89?. west 160 rperchel 10"]: 'chcyry.‘ th‘e'nqée 'ntirth' "175 “perches (b’th'e pla’tg of beglp‘uihgi cblnliin'tit'g-"opeib‘undr'c'd ’n‘nd seventy-five; acées “and- ‘(fiftcen ’p‘éfchfl': nio‘t'c orfleu. being 'lh’e’ northern" 9nd (if mid'tféct‘w'ai-r’antedwto J‘dh’n Hambfight; and called 'Mayhetry.‘ Seizgd'ind mi”; en inflexcé'ulion an'd-to-‘be sold as lhe'pfigpr' ertj'lof Joseplt-Brotll'eri.~:f?I: l t...” m ‘ “"'s' '1 " .JV'” ALSO, '!- mu! :zltf‘ithf»! B Y vm‘ue admit-1M ‘itius'ievm-‘u . 'claé‘ i'u'r‘ mechanic's ilienéitip'suédiouft ol‘ thy. lCo’urt oijountlt'dn *Ple‘a’s‘bf’ Cléa'r‘o field 'cntlhty_,'nhll‘ td’mu’ [directed-2' willfbf'e' exposed! {a public" afil'e’i' ht .‘thb‘ iit'dvtimé and place. 45 -.Cerlain‘:’Griyl-Mll orijl'U ‘_l‘ltmleri messdage, mm!) (enemmlamitnnle tnf_Bogg's townshippClearfield.’ 'cnunlrd—e Sélzed ‘nndtak’hnyin :etecutiou; and #obe sold mulié; propenty-olflnwidl Adams; b 1; ”(Tl-“’9'? "’ n, JOHNSTJTES. 8.1,“le Shetifl’a~ofllce;Cle’am I: .13 ,- «vmsn .m‘ r'u-mfield.’ June 12. :47. Eur l mu an ‘r ‘t I? 5" ,Ewccutamé ‘Noticc'; :3} ad: Am ALIA pe'rsgng. indebted :to all!!! 'esldtmof '.- _Jn‘cobrhee,‘dec?dware;liquéé'tellJo ‘. .makejmmhdiaye paymen't‘ laneilhmufdhn undersigned.&v thosehavingclaims against ' :aaid~e_mtm»w,ill plenueé‘pveseut.lhegnztogzul ' for. aegllemen‘t. 1m :Binningl)§ln.-.Alleghe-j ny. .coglutygfafi‘fibbh Armin:- “i,..-»;-;d . w .. d 5. .‘ v 2" .-,4L ' "V ("3“: mm m _gjgflu,ucggfifijfif '3O _