'\ " -: ywnmwmumxfmvmnu nut-n W Mlide 4171),1V r amm mm Nam-gummy: :‘z 33;. r _. :3 .mm.‘nEa‘nr—smmnamsmx af , g A '.'“ :1.“ :},,qu') [.‘,-_:....“ ; 1‘! v: 3.2 «w: - WNW" UN! ‘Vl‘h'éfé‘n‘rb é‘véielé in‘ me: humbfi Main)" " " ’ " " wntclno lho world humoulphnt nnw'mnfdd . ‘ '4 For all "'3 hidden “'§“!!!lx._ Sm) lnlou lhoro ulq‘ 0! unmld‘lovo. orreclmgu “high the Imminent-I: _Otlmpnnd gnuhingirount‘d hf-mndbrhrufi‘ \ ’1; ,1 gewu‘fiwrfnw crmmlxq'b? nml 9mm“: -. ‘.‘ hit W‘ofl! 0( low pnhrenlhcd to mprtgylignrn Thfil‘bwrm‘unbi‘okpn sillineé‘a mu. j . ' Km 3, n “' gm“ :- nn ui‘ahnging sgi . « 1 E ’Ph'gggg‘om‘whgifly firm-o's only sunny gmllrs: A spirit broken 'nculh‘u'weight of gncl . Ryheqyy-Iq-‘bobomcg- el wennng on .. ' ; .aéeufl"°\w‘s°cmiraz “gala“? "F9”"m mzfio'cuné'cnlnd zh'o ~l'mlcfhl; déndly' KPH"? o‘l3}:an make-(garlifon bmmnefl- -- H d e'n‘Wnenlhmn'n flimaycavonnz- .. A UMH'I! (if thby'bmalm lury {onh . Flam mma’unguardcd opuminlz—VPM'lg "m ‘ r Thelrgulh'erod venom in one flaw'pfi "3'2. 1 "I“ That breaks all burricrv, nud p‘erw elm sl Io sou . r ,3 Apn1,.1.847.nr s;»2§~'¥"9W§Tfis’tr!nnlbn Union-. 901“ Ju'yv ‘ +3 ~ : ~ The Revenue. ‘ .. " =RVelinva ' p‘mcured “from 'lh'e A'Fveuslry in «mm 'leu‘vr lro’m the St‘ércl'm’y‘uf'lhv Tummy, in ré'ply ‘to n communicnlion lmni'llh'e "om Mr. A'domp, 0| Mip‘v‘mippi. fi’birh'lellcr. will) the table nnncxed.‘ fue‘ giveuyli‘el‘qw.‘ It oppe‘qrg that lhe aclbal anghénmi'ofi-M féc'eSpt'srfur dulws ‘ur Hw fim sevehflnnlhnénll ten days under-who larifl _ul x] 846, as compared with the name (imdhndcrrthe tnfiflml’l 842. Jexcéc‘dqfonc milhun‘Fofldollan; an’d" (hM.,-mhling‘ mo ,dmi'eroh the ‘Wnr'ehousedE g'nods, we unnr 7'imn‘tllhe-.i's'inenrly‘v one'lnillioh-'antl a mu: obdolhggzbll appedis also'lha‘l the role n augmentationris‘pv(igfcssiung‘. and lhnl M-r Whllc'crh estimate “11l be more than real ized by the row”. r ":7“- Treasury.l)éjigirlrhent.¥Ju/_y16,141‘. ’5 fiifiilfl‘hedgvosa:‘r’ecclpls lnlm » cumms lrmrlhe-f‘lst- olilDeceinbl'i', '184'6,‘ lu'lhc‘ lomflhly, 1847. underlhe ”rind-1846. comparddzwllfi lhe same p'c'l'n-d of flu- prev vioul year under lhe'lnrifl' ol 1.842, cxhlb. Ilosn'n mc'neasezol lhe larifl’ dl 1846501365? milh'onfi'andv'luu‘r llxoua'an‘d dollaia.‘ ‘s7:"le igluclusiwe uHhc dulies acrru‘cd on glmd‘ inlWarchbuSr-under lhe new u'mehouaing lfl."\'wh_ich'i§ hcarly hall' a‘. million. and will make 'the.‘lolul-augmentation‘ul' Ilu dulies'lcdrued» during lhe lint scvcn months and ten days ol lhe with! 1846. computed. 'Milh-the. some lime under the tariflllflflfl. uhoulhonc million and a hall orda","9<“;z-“ .- 2 ' ’=’ ‘ 1 ',,fiipcgggxyzl’ngljgllqr to you.,we have re . celled:mutual{or~ lho; muntlx 0! June and} 'bn,fiul_len «lays o|. July. which ~WUqu inmlo indicate lhnl lhe nugmenlalionvul "venue in Hill-increasing. , ' - u - l limg‘fim'vfiy; leslwcjlully. _mur obe dienlsuvanl. _ ,1 ~ . - - R. J...WALKER. ... :a 7 2:13, -.7.Semlar-s«of~lhe th.nm‘x:-;7"54 . Hymns. Amuhfiongmog. Mjss.“~§:"‘;~' mepgraliw statemgnl of. gross receipt: LfflMCWIOmS all/18pm“ oft/1p ~U. .871 dqfing;_ lhe:monlhs.of.-December. 1.845 ...gng'i) 1846, and January (0 July ID. 31846 112111847. Ymder the respective la flyjflg/glaéfzfind 1845.,7..7-.. . . ...... ..>.;:;B4s+'a , 3846—‘7. Decemlier.'" 92,106,826" 39 405.325 “Hath, \ 2.3163269, 2.63192” February) 'l‘- 2.2011619 ‘ 2.431.676 quzzsfiégsr 45:08.556777, ._ 3,137,106 Aler' ”45); '11.‘2,899.3,1»| 3.685.964 Max ’ ;' 2.028.511 __ ‘ 2.533.477 Joa'é'fal' c J uli! 310 215743266 19,009,052‘ ' 20.013236 , ‘ 19,009,032 Eicefip’g of (arm uflB46' ‘ $1,004,254 17,801,." lhd rom-I ~ ' ' '_ :"mesun! Damt‘n‘unx'r: July 10. 1 W'Sénqq Ibo above: was m Iypo “'9 have reccl \feq Ihofollowing lhguugh Ihc Pennsylvanian: "The Wayhinglon Um'on Informa'tt's‘ that the [augmentation of tevenu'c tinder the n 53: tggtg. fqr ‘,hV. (int aevqn 'mdpthga'nd qugnlgen dayaq compated ‘Wilh ‘th'e ’sanjo‘ ne‘fiod'gf tifn‘e preceding unde'r the tafifl'ot 1842 f“ '01',837'.597.‘ exeluaivé",o[ =tiltottt hélf’i'é‘ tittllipn'of’dall'a'u ncétu‘cd on ware hhhiedtfi'qodi‘; and that "at the game who! augthen tion for the year, the tbtal inpréaaé' of rqqetjttjamwjll t.{_ttgt':t:tl~ thgee million; Vol dollhl‘r'.“ 'L'aat heel‘t'th‘e ilht‘i'ea in N‘: Yétk and‘Rhilpdolphta were $672,000 ngnmgt $886,000 for the some 'vweek lu‘st )caré-m b'e'ing ‘utfi-tly "doubte‘unde'r the tmimof 1846;?“ compnrettstvith‘the tariflT-of 1842 fix a“: ‘C‘t'uwr" V '‘ , rt' : , "‘ ' ‘v'I'HEIHE‘ATHIENf'WIORL‘D. “’Ac'bfdinfi lbjhb.‘ le'osl' :V'ni‘c'uialé ' i‘ecéulj ca!€dl§tiofld.”"tfi'd enli'r'emopqlnuph 'of we eirih‘i ébbilfohe thou'ia'nd 'miil‘i‘qnl '0! ih'f htbitagfig., Thqfolloming isiaboul ‘a'a éc'bu tale 9‘ iqlriblfiiéd bf} ligéi‘t'reliéiaua clasges n clh‘k‘éll ;b‘é fli'a'dlél"nndl'gauswpul yer,- pu'rpom. in mderffloflhafiofé 'pfaclica) yiqw of the conditibd o'f'lhé «"orld ‘: " gPifgge‘u'a‘nm. . 1 . " “Gillie?!" Calfiolic's. “mists lemch. . Al’meliihliu and others. {Joyh‘zl’l‘wi 3- ‘ VMgb‘qmeda‘ng. j Pagans. I ‘l‘ v."n ‘37:". _9'l"'—L""""'"‘ .~ "I‘plflmg. .‘zi : 'l‘ha (:hnflilanxloumnl remalku':!.,'f.lt. is‘ now fotgggmr§.oingmlno modgln mission .1. my Won-z! lewamtnow 9mflng'lheghen‘; wen nhqug £091), _(niuionarie'n ; andglhe'a‘el occuny npar!7,.a.en;mafiy “Now --1n..,c0n 3 tieclion withdhqumralJOOOVor 8000 mm; {and 91m; gajgyg§dllgauh'era,~cal’dchlau.jhalo parsing!lguigpamagofmarique kindifengah. ged in tyqnfim at educwdn and religion! FM The expefienre of these individuals lea chea first. that one's happinrsg dn‘rq‘n'ql dc} pend on the amount of his gains, or lhe alalmn by :.. occupies; oecond,‘ "that very small beginning}, “I”! ~indumy am] pm Idem-p. 511)” accgu‘o ’wealgh, ».» 1; ~- 2,512,309 ‘9BB‘;B| 9 ;,:= e‘..v=70.0.00-900 311300004000 ‘ ' 56,000,060 8,000,000 i 356000.009; I‘m ;100.000.0903 inumclibfifz’rhééa:Etérabw‘mooiooo con ; «HUI in'Cluiman - cnmmunimmnndrzabom 2.so,;ooocll‘ildrqn‘jam}; ado!!! halongin'g ? m imie'sianéiis? tainh'ohgiif;.Sidmnfsomfdf 409 éhfirchcu, 'nr‘l'd 200 (Yr 3000‘ léfl‘oéf'q'fiha}: been cranium#:llllo- .uiblflniyivnsinfi'd. “1 mound: Ihc. ‘pxincipaludiullccla o'l'» flmichilv Uly’en Minion. V'l'h‘ese-Mqi-Ipe"bnei result nl ‘w‘hbfhna‘ been "done‘fni 1hr"; 'h‘bmh‘émh lhe. Wind 0!.40 )'\¢=ar;°’--=e.ff9rb’.’ v. ‘53.. " 2 5: '.A- GOOD.’ TIME: COM-”‘16., 'l'hu‘Né-ix’ YUrk‘ 'Mor'ilfnni'l Eo'dgér 'ény- quhzf pranperily .i_n_proupccl,quf,xh9.Unfyod Slam,‘ w. ‘ ln.ouninbhoy afl‘nim all «com: to be only; thou sands (only-lo? med-Imm 0;» lodeng illivnln'for g‘fibd thim‘anT” Sly-9RI“ nehilyffin'kirfiié hn‘ve‘id vanccd, intern-101'] 15503. chucéJJnd all in ugliv ily.qnf‘l!i(;c.‘ NH“? ‘.‘-jib ”figures” ini'bu-inc‘m'ol a]! ku'l'ds,l\vo"unlu"'ai‘l'qjlinglyj ‘mx. \nfler l‘uzofiqg ”I" s,6s%“)!d!!vf’.‘_.'ér!,'fi°, United SEWMP' a garaerlgf pros-pe‘rily .widglq ‘bc; my" lhll q; q nguqn, ,qht}, my be pruml_vuf. 'l‘hu mug" qro Valium—Wen lern_ Eurupo islinvolvc'd ‘in . «liflicullyf-n' panic in numey nflhin axial: gm! 5- grudunuy: increasing.— Uer'unck‘n have ~lmivcn-nlly drummed, in vnlno nilhin the lust six or cighl months upon an avenge of I'eh per rem ;- npecib is ‘rnpldly (Hmpp'vnting'frnm he: bunki .-‘ loa‘na aim dichunu cam-«m; imam mlvunmng; pnpuldfifihfin‘tf‘nnlihnnl dcbvs inrrcnn; ing and fund and Invlyiqr'dqcrgasing ‘ , Actuuling 7:) lho bécl énliétilatlpné gm! proancls of 1118 (‘lupl (£1 liainni‘e: micro fi‘fll’px‘m? dgpcfglrtiu mfni delpufid on {he nl‘i‘lluy‘ of North America for {cl/d, _vmying. I'Jut‘grnglutflly hing-smg,” lho pap nli'fiu’n infi‘cnién 3"’l‘ll"ry'icoihin}; 'l‘rnédhi'lhofluid. cc: are thl the dcfim‘nd will be [id-ale} lhnn Ihql utlnul' aegmu. 4‘ 'l‘his‘ glbman‘ll.’ in: addition :0 me lupiwly‘uf colmn. 'lubm-co n‘nd blhfl'nrlich-n. will necessarily turd Ihmlido u.’ Ihcypicciuu’a, molnle In lho United Smlfl. -E‘ur lho lunl lime ceqlurjca xho prc‘ciuus melnla Hum-d from Amqriuu Io Europe.— The name must nnw return, lo pay for all our in - 1 duslry can grow. ‘ WnA'r SHALL I when ?~ A lady .‘nf our aé‘quamlance, (ua'ya a‘hfexcha‘nge papa.) ynung. hwelthd lniélligtnl, cilled 11l :3 celebmeu physician to do samothing for it [Hill ofbluod lo the head. ‘ . A'rlrhara hnan doclonina myself,‘ said lhe languidafair‘ohe Ihh a _sniile Id Ihc kixi'd‘M. D. u hlle he “as feeling her pulsé. ‘Ah! how 2‘ - I Why, I have lakeh .Hrandrclh’u Pulls. Pmr's villa. Slanberg’u pills, Smd‘s Saran patilla. Jayne’s Expeclornm.‘ mm] Sher wharf; anengcs and Planet. 'aml— H ' By heavens.’ inmrupted _lho aslnniah ed doctor. ' all _lhqse do your complaint-no gdod 2' , l ‘, . 3 No S then what shall I lake ?? peniahly inqufrqd .lhe patient. v' w'l'aké foclnimed lhe dgclor. eyeing" her from head lo fbol. If '|_'ake!’ ngmn ex claimed h'e.,,al'l'c'r n, moymgm'o :rcflection—— . lake! whjyv take of! your worsen. >- ; lluvmzss.—-Two weélihy citizens 0T Boston, now prelty well fidv’anccd iii lilo, were conv'créing‘in' iégard lo the pe'riml uhen'ihey hag! heal cnjo; ed them-elves.— "I ’.will lcll;3"bu." oayo one, "when I most enjnyed life; soon al'lcul was 21.1 “ork ed for MI. ——-—, laying none «all, m Iwen Iy-five cents per day.” ”Well." replied the olher. "that do:- not much differ from my emcvicnce. , When l min: -_menty. I hired uul‘al“s'¢‘vi’n'illjlkjig 'n‘mn‘mhq l havg never enjdyc'd‘myaelf ellér sinéé." ‘ _ ," i NEW. A 2. Cku [EA-P ,_:: SUMMER GOODS; . .. IGLER 8.; C 0”, ate now disposing ‘of tht'if large nml irell assorted stuck-‘0! SUMMER GOODS “Mr 59 lvctiuns’ were made with pmttculur regard to the trams ol the Community. and Im nealnéss, cheapncss, um! service. their eu titc sturk; from the gntrct to the cellar. wull cnmpqtp with _nny- other n ' ~ ; ' . .NATURQL W‘NCWLEva-w ,J“ by cleansing,andpurj/yinglhq'body, il. yvnll be {£199.72 im‘r Ihnl, i_r xhé 'coimniuton‘ bu horomir‘olyex any: ted-,Zn.pcrndv.crunruin Ihciriuupncomihng lnzdind flan-Lia absolutely ceglninjo drive dhcnw.of,,¢,yg;, ry nnn'lo fromllm’ body. " ' ' ’"v/ ' 4 “Winch we wish Io restore a I’wump'wfmom'n 10‘ ‘QI‘IIJiIfi we drain 4‘! otJhofupombundnn: ”NW“, In him mnnn’edfl' we wiahvlo'rulqré lho bbdy k 3 honllh.‘ w'o'fmusl cleonac il‘df'lmfiur‘ily.’ w n ',~' WRIGHT'S INDIAN .VI'IGETABL’EPPILLSyfl].. be found one ut‘ho b‘ou, ifnpt lhe veryfbeu nml . ibino fifths wo'r J for cuffyihfj on"! 'lflin" ' i-fi 1‘ i :1 GRAND PURIFYING PRINCIPLE. chnulo ’lh'py expelyfrom-(ho lmdy;’-01l moihid nnd ' corrupt humor, lhe cause ol the (thymus, in .nfin‘ [en-g“ and Natural Mamie:a ,- nml 'Miiio lhoy cf'ery 'dnly' GIVE EASE AND PLEASURE. dison’se of our}; name in rapidly driven [gumbo body‘._..- ; ‘ : l ,1 H’riglztk’hdia‘n‘ kegetabquiljs Cunbc had .gmuine thegluUuWH-g highly rcspeclnvble glurckecp' ”ij , ..' ‘ " ' CleaE/(eld Calm/fly; . :~ ; . "Ihc/mid ‘ 7mm; Clm'r/ield;," : " " [Junie'l Harrell; Lfilrtvinsvillc; David Irvin, Lulheraburg.‘ Ell: _Q'qqnly. » Cdbfi «y—G-a/lggbcr: Ridgglyay; ‘ ch'rgi PVeis’. St; ‘Margp; ‘ ’ " {.’cnlrev Counh‘jif Brockerhofl‘é-Irwl‘n; Belle/ante; \ .1 6-.1 Ppllcr, Rollcroy' Milly“; fldam l‘ialacr."Ccrtly;eyi/I¢; M, ~.,_ Henry H’ilmer, fldrqnbbtifg; L ‘ . Samuel 'lA'plan,‘ Milesb'ur'g; " ' Henry/Mama, H’h/kervilie’; ' [Wm Murray. Pine Gran-Milfa‘; George [Jar/c, Boalsbzlrg;._ > I! L Musser.'Manlzcim; ;_ . _ ‘Ffl,H’/&illak€r, Cov'erlifly Hal/,5" Duv'fd' Duhc'an, ’Nprihg 'fllills; ‘ " : .F Burk/mull; Raberlsburg; " ‘ Jioazerfi- GillilandrCcnlre Hill. 9 {mun}; or Counmhrmam—fl‘uc public are rnuv lloned again" lll'o mnnv' r'bnrimn 'm’edi'c‘inen'u fiicl). in’ mder Io deceive. un- mllml by 'nnria'ernlmilnr lo \Vrighl'p lndlnn chclqblo Ptlln. . ~ . . 'WOMC’M déwud chriufivc‘fy lo' Ihc n‘flq‘ 0’ \anqm‘a mm»: VEGETABLEIPIHS :of 11:8 Nunh American C‘Qllegoyf; He‘nlah. Nm,2B3‘f§{ccn\virlx Sl‘rc'fl. New York. No.‘l9B'Trunnnl'iti¢-ét. Bus ton‘; and anmuLOyr’lcL N 0.46!) RacflS-r‘nnm‘. {"hilfldelphiau ... . ; ' . :z _._:,N NEW GOODS“; ,2 ‘. ‘.' .~ ' ‘ ".’.’ 1‘ .- .I' ‘ . . ~ , “ Cheaper .(zflrng—gz‘s _(lggm, _:gy‘cr :.q. "KRATZER & BARRETTSW; HAVE lef l"|'.)\‘nt‘-" nr {hi-iv: hm pién'l' _ . a {cigar ’bssmlmcnt ul; gab"! than theycver mm. and me selhqg-them Inwer; than they 'qvcgdid. ,fiwmy .bmlyzlhal has examined lhelr slack say Ihcy have: pram: er and cheaper ghoul “mnn "”’f ever séen oflerml in this 'lnavkét. Their s!ock'"i's largcdf : ~ v ‘ ; a Dry. Goods, Groceries, :Hardware,‘ ~Queens= 4; -Ware, 'Dru'gs, f r ~ Boots ‘ and Shoes; $20,; With' cvety-Hricly ‘uSfi'aHf‘ktht‘ih‘é io'ufil Hy alum. Ladlesrnre parlicularlyfiutiwd‘ to can”, as many urhclus hum been aelem; 19d MU) carv. {or “’9"? especially. . They 'IAVC'BIM) establiahc’d a suite M Qlcmfieid _Bridge. und‘er (he film of' ‘ "3‘ V l. L. BARRETT & 00;," Cledrfiehl Bridge, Clam/field calmly; Pa. uher‘e lheirélock is equally lnrgeinhd‘ w‘ell' svlccjcd, nnll will; be sold for lho s‘hme' pficl~s.nrlxlo|l the same terms. as at ”mil! more in Clvurficlul [on-n. Their stock (hero alsoynslfs'olr s. A? a ; § :(ilil .'-;.. DR GOOD-s'. , GROC‘EIHES.,,;; 11312074441212. QUEENSHMRE. ~, EOOTS 8- SHOES, ' DRUG-3‘; 536.,“ ' ' Whiclrwill be sold much lbWer-lhan lhéj” havcicvet been- oll'ered (hum-m: ‘3; s. m.» KKTJW [gqglicwarc inyiletlJo call‘and; Bxymlnfill‘l}? Block.” _ Julrc,lo3:‘?ll'7l..,¢ ‘1 .' ‘ » » ’.'.Q; as , ".CR‘ANSA; nno'mgg, it, :' 'GE‘N'I‘S‘ for’lh'f: 'gulé ‘qf Dr. .147sz A "Famil ‘-Medicine'd‘;‘ ’ ‘5” " ' Dr. ‘CULLgN-k‘i' Indian. Vegelalic "Rem?" ... egg—Panaceay Specgflc-and film Hem»x ‘ef‘i' ' ‘w “.‘.':‘i‘a-v . >1! D'n'f eggPPLETON' S ”mm/far: Dee/n ”ha ’.'-I. ‘,u‘ .I_..‘ :41, ‘ .‘.‘, II ;,. O.BNTREIJL?‘S‘ =‘6‘dmfifiotinil” Medicdied‘ .'Symp:ofiisnrsapafilla': Mn"; '9 'T CfiN'I'RE [411,8 «flnli flyapepfla Rowdm) (WNTRELLZS fl!!eratiug.-_Ril(a_;u 3w,” SflNDx?’ S'arSaplz'ri/la, 8‘6... &CQ'C. j’n Hachu's-t. tccuyggl a [res]! guppy): omm 93%E{ r..-' 1553.“ .. .s'. '12:: ,_. .1 VJ“ _:.,2. .‘ GumwimviUeranz—lo...n : 1‘1;- an; JAVNE:Mz-:oiém:s,g Imm“ &ffB’ARRE‘IT’QfiSQZE , " ‘, , { ‘Qzeq'meld.{a‘g‘+-’qriaglw,_,. IL“BAR.KETT.{&CC,9-{,g. «.‘1 T." " ' ’ :' dearfiddflfidg¢af Avg-1216“ rehuamy' iium'orizgufngénfl fay" thd'anle "of mambo“ naming medicinal.) sl.9m“: omzhungglgyery A ‘,,!!69 supp‘lyngn .-..;.=’ Q! sil'éhitéd sci inf"; c wanna»: [“an ((31 uupply.k' -p' gjufie 10. 47. ME