IN= “HVKoWWWEW MEI .VV \ W HEAR? lE7EE'.'_I_."D.""PM ’Juu SIP-WW.“ . . ron apvgnmo'n. s’" H‘ W . '~‘- iERANCwXRv -. : §H~UNK~U 2. FOR CANAL gQMMISSIONER. I‘Mgflfllfi' EQNGSTBETW _ of Manlgomcry counly. -. -‘TURN'\OUI‘!" . » ‘Ndn Smu'lt'ilny'.v (ha ’llfl'ghfdguult. il’ lho‘day; fippoln': cal-Tor closing ofl-ihd'CamF grouna. fittinglup'lhe heat-MN um. tenll;&c., or the‘ Mclhodin Ptmeh um taunting. m ‘cnmmonc‘n' on : my: arm: :- Augum Pam-friendly. loiho goodacnug-o. will gleam: turn out and help. , ,3 ~ g._ By order at tho Cpmniilggc o! armngemintu. Julyan 'z t > -,= , ~: JOHN 1‘ mm. THE REVENfit-i: Qn_ 9p;_f9ull}i'ipafid fi'lii‘a ’u-éék \vill‘ bd fanhdfi‘fa.‘».lé.u:er‘; fibifij ih‘é‘ 'sé'cimar'y "or use“ I‘r‘ghqurj.‘ dhowing lhe: amoqnl'ohetcnufi u'n-dé‘Mo * minutiae grain jo'lr; 1849;”i comparedxwilh .ihe. amounl veceoivéd dm‘i'hfi Mimic” herlbd'Wskf the. mirror 1842—; to ‘éhié'fi we‘di‘rpcmhe ,fiye‘éiél ‘n'villén‘lio'h-ofi olffféflélrtfbffll‘ finjisiél:.'"‘3flj; : '.- ’ hi \vill'b‘e’r‘emembejed by. an; ammong’ the objectionrlo the ne.m-Y!‘nriff,"thal of in noyniih: iufficiem’revenu’e to glel‘rgy {hp ogq'ihfijl‘y’fcxfphng'égdf'govefnin'cm. ”sul'ood out atoné of lhe mos} prominent. :[Senalor E ”may! Mainy'. ,Imong _olher highvpyic'sln of'flz‘é'Fedefél ‘fihny', div}: ‘1! na bin“ obinién. inlfifi.Un‘ilc‘d Sinus Seha'fe.‘ n!jer"r’ar¢ful in‘veoligalion'. lhgl "lbe_;evetilxn 'under the new 'l‘unfl' »n‘-ou.l,d‘ nouxéeéd (lair/em miII~ iamr pgn‘abnuthmghal'il\thld-‘nhoflv “a”. ing off of at. Insi‘u‘ohq-héa} ‘afi‘rampnred with “m: 0! {he‘ fi‘c'fimx'gfiyclnr. {under lhe act 01.1842 Uiepefixéééalgzdn‘ly, claim ed an equél'amobm._ .’l‘lmmé'nt sanguine claimed‘bufiélilu‘cmom's}, Nofn h;owever. we havé‘ilfg'cerllaifiy“lth'lill'yifZ-‘lda mote revenge, andmll, lftlxh‘e hinglm‘en‘tnlion con linnuiaa .'a‘l prfiéng. :fin't-h- ‘lhirllyi one or thirty-"fa millions. . z'l'hioughufie ‘_‘e'll- roncqcled mébocnvre ing ofllle EedhéL bzgi‘jy uni-exit. many hungrgdu "bf [big-{g ’in‘ ‘l'cdhaylv‘ania wmo inclinedxlo lhibkfijhe {lnéw 'l‘ajiff Inn not calculated to henéfil lhe country, and they Iheicfotc'decline‘d v‘diih’g‘ inf-lha‘lan elec tion. and lg!‘ ([l6 ‘n hig'a'ciain 'ev'efy‘qhing. 4- Thin‘uew Tum. it was aaid. would‘cruqh outmpnuflp‘lure’s-I—‘dgsubj 1h: lumhc: and coal: bucineu-lhtqw hnn‘dnda-I‘pf poor men '9njj’of. oqploy—‘afi'd wdq'd léndafljé by’cauaing Ta: great diminution of the revenue. Those who «he dun; inducpg 3 tb’paule. virll‘npw seal :he folliifidtfuikedfieu 6mm fedéral par 1,, find “I" .quellyfo'dabnce (lag. e§digu , oppßrl‘ériily“"lo' ‘avéh‘gfe‘lhéniéclfia -on the pangrgvlgosqleadet’ifaeck Jo gum power by fraud ‘gfilt‘l'dg'cfcbgiong vfl‘llér'e' igr (héllnjng n‘o‘fi‘ fiintiby,, 10.- pmve. the Federalialu wrong Inevery'one 9Hheir predictions.— 'l‘hc"coiintiy.gnbl'of:§ly in _éno‘or mo pa! l'ic‘q‘jua‘r‘ bfén‘clf‘e‘i‘olifiuqineaé. but in. Vail he: ifile'gcig'nQ—lbq,(mi-niacin”! and the mien-- tor—lho producer and lhe comumc’r-lhe msrehfimnd-éhe. mgchqnicrall lnv’cfpw'm ”mix; 15“"? , u hilqlgppr gbvegnmen_l-h'na bun prmwlifizmfib ,vnfzwnw *izor aflnq 1111-995}; {pygmy guy he: Jeremie? fvodgqlfnim, pndcfa‘ “if?” liberal and}: qua! system bf dmiea. have gohi on hand wmfly ihueuiog'.’ " ‘ 'When'fivlq'pebple of Phnnsylv’éniq reflect u‘bo'xi lbéié tbjhgné—(and yhomidonh refleél: on Ihcp?)-—jhey,wtill felel‘rvno ’ inclipalipp «a 091%!!! "ii Pé'.l.',,‘s:'t;§" ‘vrésh a rim-good" !flli'lflllfiféyyq filly-y l .'.lcl. we]! ,énpugh ; alorip' va twin! no ‘ resloralian ,o/‘lhe Tarif’of ’42." :- -. - .- v " ' '. :,L~',-;:.:l._’—L.» W »“" TH E- INDERENDENT. 'I'REASWY. ‘ flqvi‘fayit‘wbik‘f 15.?360' 'céunyr‘i .11. an hm handgun}! 11;“); guys; um; {Hi fig 9: 3 ‘lle'gt'tlalérfi 9m ”:8? uded, lo‘ ban. it»! n gloiiouu hatvénf-éfiuld-Ihd B'ank' arr fitncgigyrlg'ag' ~. g 1: 1. my finigaa yi'ifliihmlho. laey9fahl”@smhsj..any_Mghi‘y" affinioha' o’r apecii.hnyp._l)e_en. ,impmteg’ into this; coun. 3x ~gti’eid we: 4.31%: ”in? "19"'§l”9'€5§§1.\‘3"'?" 1 'hl-71-"pfi‘ciQ W9él.d._=.!ie'i=z_veonmnd‘ils my.» {human-bimbo ’ba'nk’agxdud'lJv'er'w innit o! firo’miaoi-to 4135 i woi‘nld”fism Keen “WW!“ 61° 6.91- almj'l. mm 69.11% $9. haw—“dr‘z‘eW’reßm circb!sli6li.“’wmfi' gnu laumivwi s943?»th wouldxhami'apund ‘ mid and dime" (mm hopseto'houzagthié'- { mihelaqqxgndajobbpy mud fpgye‘hai and gid‘qfif \hyvfiipkéig gut} {l’l fé‘w‘ pa‘ry‘, liségfqlc’tdehéi-J’: ; ;:1 2 . ; : Bin Ih‘o ‘lhdopendenl'l‘reumy ha'l hndua vcty. gum influencb‘ ln‘av'c'ningl ’wch'ai'éh 'mt‘xr;2l‘!asn°...i9,za'x it's'syéanw “2129. Igfiteififiuedh 'flfi's‘fipgfdéifalp’a fa w. iio'f thp I. ,3 t t EFE'iQ.l;p.‘gap_. -. u' g ,'l‘m,¢iaqi’fiq§é..)é :m: 5.43% 'thq‘oé'gciiiiiépfiljié‘g[flangeggjeu'h {runny}. , ana-gqg'qugia‘g “jghg‘gfinfmfy‘ i. .aceawro JWJ‘LLKZPeIsjt-M rig—be; laiegmmpvanie- Qmmlihé: 1‘11:me manure; qr pharly' thd ”by!!!" ‘fl‘nv ‘raqodmafldpd by 1 '23” : Pfi-gglimrgfenw36d,.‘:x%f¢6~it;ak'.i-tié¢. ’ unQelt,‘ hid: ad Mfiiilr‘giipfifi [3l: yfi‘ufifiépd byi mamrrihdh fan'd' "rylgr H‘édv‘niiii'almiibn before i! wont i 630 op‘eialionf V ‘,. “v-‘v’~ “H Xi ‘_._k_ -‘ W ‘2“ v" ‘1 ~ " "#16::IE-nsaxnwfihmaa Maj-pug. ‘.'derengncubyiFordneysand- familyuifi L 3“ ' FW'm Lia‘u,_fa'|_l.: vi'ha‘,bxsc;ui9sl“§b; :.ifi§3?§!.' 'in'u’; ‘.',i‘lé :ili'eilf 'rhniiil'c‘uirig the, fmqgigin- Ice-wir‘e‘h‘e‘nlgncqfinv ‘ '3‘?” . - . . afgu . —7 m 3, noun; 5% uoxxmajexm.—'Tha .gj'od: iifiiéfi'r'é‘e éfléwh‘riil'miiwl ",Théy em :9'W19.1' i" ‘ in Fodunc‘gwny—alwayrhousing: 'and tlwayfl Ziblo 'l9 be hdfiod. Tho""'L9coa" hoax them—4 mgr. mug-yang ‘l'fi'fié’fi-F‘r my; Ihye'r'innévllvgi" Agildluplnllnfilélrii' lhgy’vpm My! honking; . 1,; ',, To rniaoxholr lunguilhing with, n genon! th lem‘loemmoilgave‘boeh‘udopqu', or writing levib'n &qu lihgfqéprilry. qifidflh’m'itygjihg‘ni' Pubynéhed In If}: _cily,.b(e£(céri,pqp’¢'n‘.' adyirjg' [hill phi; und’jhat mnn, “heretofore. n prominentLoc-o." «I now sup- ogling Gen; lrvlnf' In om inilnnco lho loafer» “'o‘- lo imprullcnl-4from nut properly under-land! Inglhq game. no doubt—nu u: mcnlion a numalv [l‘ “on tho oqu of ti Dru-Jamel Brady. “id to te~ lid’e In a npeclfied‘pun of York "county. The gold gpo’élqr, ”Ni manor-"cl “guano-n a nguln'r dEBC‘Cflfi that of- lhqoldlndin‘n [ mm- of-Jhul nanny—and _hnd'donouncod'old FRANK and tho “ LOCOI," &c.—- ‘Bulfofler lho‘mou‘diliglenl‘ ‘l‘e'uc’h angl'mqolry.‘ 0y lfio‘ppy'b'rmef DthSqi‘dlLbl lhul'coiidiy—by _lho ofl‘gr athuvy toward. and belt—lg wnrch‘ing lho liuv'or taxable: in each diuricl. &c.—no anrh pe'r lon full by Build. 'Neilliuf I'D}. Brady. nor a Doélor nny-filmdyxlso. hour boon found .who would anmonluo proper den-ripnon. and lhcrcby lava lho Fnloml party from the obloquy of this con~ templible scheme ordoceplion. _VAnd'rnow. if you “not 'l6. have a regular Conn Gordofigln. )ou lmvoonly to Ink a city Fed. "Who in Dr: Brady .’"' "cw-Shula Anna: immediately. ' -W‘A heavy [rd-l vluittd 'uéx'crxil {m}:- of Ihh‘ county oh‘ Wédnu‘duy yhorning ’lalt-mlhe 23;}: of July. Four -dny| previously the 'lhermomcler flood a! 94 in-Iho Ihndo." ' ' ‘ " W‘lfthu Famigo In Ireland. caused lhe rile In‘ Ihé price og’grninéLaud the high price of grim cau led arr mhjlncn in the prive‘of every Ihmg cho— nl Ihc l-‘cdu lcll ul—why il 1!. now» Ihnl grain hn fnfie‘n than! one-third in pncoflhm Ih'c'pricpi u! Iran. Cunl,’ Llirnbor. Woolldch still keep up; nml Comm is advancing? 'l‘hclo aro knolly quelliom to the Fudl.‘ and nro_hard lo nmwcr. Bu! lho peo. ple should require lheir nnuve‘r before Ihc-y laid llicmjn lho "Rellornliun" bfllm lérifful 1842-- fur il lhould be remberad lhql Gen. [win is 'plcdg Id' ion "JIES‘I‘ORA'I‘ION ' 01" lhal ncl. ' ’ WA mnn (name 'no'l known) Wu runvover by ufllmih of have on lhe Portage railroad one day inn Week. and infirm”, killed.‘ Ho hnd ghoul 90 com m hil puckcl. and it mppoud‘ lo hnve been drunk By Magnetic 7%lcgraph, Corn-pendenco of lhe Pannuylfininn Rumored attack on \Gen. Taylor’s Outposlngeshuclion of Rob " berséLocation of t/zc‘lOlI: Reg-. '- imcnl. . ' " Rlcxmpxo, Va. Iqu 9.7. v ” The: sféahnéilflui)’ Kingslaml has uni ved at New Ollcnm hum (he Bram: which .hc lan amt“: 15 n inn. h “asurumored were flat 9.90: U-rcu was nbnbl lu‘nllnclg Ray-noun “wivh h Oo'rcc n! 3,000 M’t’XiCG‘nlleupzu Prepurgliunu. wen;- _qnaking [9.5 p \fig'urodo’ delence 'ol the pface. . , . Delgcbmeulsn! ”I! force indee been econ net the riser, (and lhe olvjrclol thea wag believed £0 be &unllach June deuolund lhe nag’un (ruins betweenflamargo and Mun lf'?_"~ _, , ‘ ‘.' "13pm ',r‘umura are‘pog‘confirmcd by the Mala'meroo Flbg o! the lOvh. but H has ‘ uimflar gccounll relative lo Cynrrnbajal. ' A' gang of despera’dbcp. consisting ul ; Mexicqns‘ and ulhets had been discovered near lhe'Bruz-Js, and completely routed, ‘ being: allfluken prflsono'n ur dupeued.— 'l‘he r‘ap‘cho which they. l‘u-quemed‘ wa burned to lhe grouddfi -' e ‘ A leller is publimed in. Ihc. Picayune. (ram Hunt, Banker, tekenmisoner in Feb: wary lastnxxvpile; eognypqoglgng,3he escort" of'a \vagQQ,tiain cut to piece“ “(“0 wad generally suppdied to have been murderv ad. I. ll is'dale‘d Mexico. nl,nc“29ll.ul'.lpuue.t Hi: 'aéy'n 'lhe proviaiujm__lpr'lhc‘excllénde ul M'njgrfiqines, and ,dihersjhavefnot' 3m, egiebded 14') himself,'Qparl'ermgster. Smuh aud'Mi'uhhipmanj 'Rogeis,‘ ,fn‘n'd um Same Afin‘a‘hn‘s’no idea. ot‘ee‘le‘a‘sii‘ng’ahy, oljhem‘,‘ bag wifiliéa‘yto fie’ud Ml'lo Aeupulgp‘ up the Pacificlo: ...-1'": I 8 jr.}: .(‘u‘ I. i, V‘ f "The ‘10,!!!) v'ol'unle‘e’i ’re'gimeé‘lllrhm New onrlc'qliid New Jersey are ‘quer’fieredfil M afmb:9fi.-..}9tisre Jbéyl Ema. rTem‘ui‘n ‘un .. pl: r'eliEVeg;,¢wl|gqlxlgieill-cperbzgps' t); gevernl weeks. mist, .. ‘1 'r‘ ==“ ' l 1:3; ..';le-n. Lylv'F-r- Ling UN." {1 CAIJIFDRNiA- .j '_'c ’ £",_A‘flla'tl}f} in :h'é:Ne‘l;v ‘.JYofyk Jaw-(301.9, ‘ amulet“; gqtcazwiew‘m Minna-hm.- 661‘"??? I .5. V ‘3'.“- \x,‘."‘ {‘,\-,'_'\‘.(\'{~.'. '1“ §_...,"rh§ first‘gtepll ppm} l9,BL,l¢pg!hxfi¢l-, “gag" Gcncr'al K'q‘ar'qj'haé take}; COIPWIIIIL ollne éi’yil' {Gdgpfivnmg‘n‘l‘olf Calllifqunla.,e-1- gnolher' i'gag'pqinl |“p'.l‘iqu‘iilg ‘lgul'gglg-g‘; on Kéfi‘ny " hhh Qéyeflin’ingfl o‘nvqnaqug Mama-,3 'ghfi-géa‘g gut Quyfrnmenu.’ ' ‘ Fo’r'mé mt mémy' air may; ‘duyp‘one or morp _appligqtjonpv per .11!) have [baen madé'to,thp {trump-119 9‘97“,“ 1m £31,026!- in Ith) "equlmioa 16w Mthy',‘po-{h§. 'N‘suliofliceufin" lhe’Uhngd {"Slotpoller‘vwg gm; :nov’l'dwplex'u: o! fyqiu'abla‘f l,bl‘_d9v‘ih.’thig town. ’v $11300”; ’dlhétfi;Cumlfilnder 'Shp btickihn hunorédiéut- bubfié' tegdtQl' wilh: hifibnmo‘pu’havm‘g’ ”piitchued _lu. eléga‘nft'. building lot. our Ihe'beh’cly'i“lubfl".a‘djoi|‘)-' " ijng bin (at, CommanderA ' Bhlfiayf lpmr‘jpéy: "'”{3' 'nmhsrm. . . 1:: .. ~ «x a v {WWI-J" 153?.) \M n‘n-J ,\‘w\ .a’. .’l-1 \ak'fl l A": 'mib' 16 51mm , wasiqaanccee. ded in'tléyilg‘g"6fl”3‘t%£¢{_lxn'ndcéinhe' Sheets, 9fiih~9‘i“hi¢h. wiluqrm .0, gtrpmjliymmz 55pm“, p‘q‘rflyflqg‘rq‘pmb .des shop. One 9 J":°:'.9‘ssV€.Eh..iu_npne, hqud‘rigahrjp; 3993 “1,.“ .lhgrqfl‘hpm'ellgvcn. hfinét‘lre‘ll ,fqr ghoul) ”“fififl'fimi‘r...tizgvim'e.‘l9shennu HS‘MCLH “W'nuwuhltgetg .18 Va pcopp mnn”); U." whole length of We .atqgctp, ~oynq: {hunqteld Yflrdfijqflwidlha, ”W._, _‘ ' ‘ 'nllefpi'bbceda’Hf'lh’é sales‘p"! lqulc lgts ”e appropriated go lhe needlu'l objeicfls of ”W WWW; ‘A-'saor'l ol p'éfiiicnliaryisl‘ho\fl' bui!9ioB:.mulefflliér auporinlgpgleqy'epplhe MaidenWalter'Coltoh'; Esq: ‘ ‘ , '.'WL. M’vi. :;.:': . NM Commlfl'eés: of» Vigilance. -.fl,‘hp;l,ullowing{in' Ihé Jiutvof d‘imrbillogq rqf Vig‘; lqnco (_‘or III)? ‘lovqrnl gloclio‘p djpl;i¢lq.§g ‘Cvlgqrfit‘ld county. , it i. lhe duly: ofthp-g‘cofqliyi!!9¢fis9 W: pcrinlond lho Primary _ljlleclion on Snlurdny the 281}: day of August heir; ‘by' giving nollcu of lh‘e lin‘wtn‘m‘l hlnco ofholng md elocliolle-by 9!!!!“ Hing In ipm'abri l‘hcmsoly'cimnd afgflhiiil'g “‘6 (board of'olectib‘n {villi d Ju'dgo7 'ahkl n' Cl’e'rlu‘nnd‘ nllondmg lo'l‘tich olhcr duiiéi‘ 'nl'l main-ml ")th udy‘nntgmenl and lucren of lhe. pqipgcrnfic puily : Beccarr'a lownship. J. W.‘ WrSgthu" cob‘L‘eonnrd."Ahdrew Shofl', William Mullen.. ‘ 1 :' x‘ Bell. George Walters, Charles films; \Vm- 'l'.Gilb‘eit,tß :M'ohafl'y. B 'l‘nzér. Ragga. Thomas Beers. James M. Shnw, James C Burrctl. - .‘ Brad/arm, George Burger. George K]; Inf. A K \Vriglu. John'Shi‘rey. Brad? ’J.‘.,_Conha. ,Dr. M'ilsnn. Martin H .mhcr. E Long. JorcrniulrMllcs. A . L. Schnell. R C 'l‘oylor. ‘ Burlmidr.; Juwph McMurrayv. Jaroh NHL, David Sundcrlm. ilk-my Barn hnrl. Reader'King. ~~ ' - .1‘ Chem ' "S J 'l‘uzev. rGilos Tucker‘u - Couinglonp F.-Cuudrict, :Adinh‘ Huey. -M Schnell, S Maura. ' :_ n.. ‘lhcalur. Jul)“ Hughespluhn‘Shdw. Jug .Seph McClarron., . , ' . Fgrguaon. Dr. J. P. Hay, James Mc- CruckcnuJuhn Hockeubcrry, «n.- I'bx. ‘Jnhn I BundyJumes Mnm'hmul. - Guard. Abraham Kylnr. G. llASmilb. Goahcn: JdCub. Flu-gnII-Leonqrd Bum gnrdoer, Robertßhuw. ' ' Huston. .M'm. Morgam Dr. Wm. "0):, Isaac! Nlchnls. Philip llavencr. Jordon. George Erhnnlt. Robe“ Puller son, D-.vid “(GM-hen. David Wise.jr. James ICMCCracken.’ 1' " ‘ ' Karl/tall}. “James Gunshullas. Geurge Buchcrtjhniel Moore. 1,. V _ ' Lawrencé: James A- Read; Cbl. Chas S Wmcll, Jothong, S. Anlcvy. Jlflf'ph luin. N. K. McMullt-n. ' Morris. Abraham Kylar.’ Jac«b~ \‘Vise, . Abraham Brown. Hemy Smcal, Juhn W. lrnm: ,Wm. Hunter. Penn: San-9| Julmston. Jan Ferguson, Jonuhan Evans, Patrick Dally; ' Pike. Anlhuny Kmlzer. Alex. Caldwell. Julm D 'l‘humpsnn. Jsaac Blnonnju. L Jackson Cram. Benjamin Bloumpaem. Michael Wine. D. Thomas Du'nlap. H’oodwarc!.- - Chriman Shun. Tho‘s Ilenv deisnn. “'11:. Alexander“ ‘ - - Cleazjield Borough; llaiah Pullcrlon. Wm Biglcr, “’m L. Muore, _ . - I Hz..|mcu.——Wri);h|‘n Indian Vegetable Pill: are y n palm“ and crvlain cure for lhiu dislrcning com ‘ plaint; becaulo‘lhey? purge} from lho body lho-o biliuun-hunior'l {\h‘iih die “26' can" rial only of hemlnch, giddineu. nausea nml aiding"; &c.', in" 31' ' all I!” - ill}, 50-.“h’il‘b3 flepln in jho'ylfl" One 25 run. he} 6f " lhh stun}; .numéfl" ’lndin‘m‘ ficgqfihll‘u'y."u lihglc Hon. wiyllv‘f'réqli'enlly fifty ofi’ the molt 'violcul «Mack 01 he‘ndu‘h; bul'm cues of lung uluxiding. p’ernvc‘rnnco 'alone il'unnlud lnl order In ‘m‘nkc a lpcedy ture “of Moi] Hucriplion‘l ofhend’nch. . 1 ' lVrighl'; [ninja nglqble Pill; nlln aid and iln. prove digqlién a'nd puiify thy blood. and therefore givé n:ew life and. vigor Id life “hale (Mime, u woll u dr'ive‘fliunse Mother" kind from Ihé'béal, , B'9“ are of Counterfciu ol’nll kind-3 Some are couled Ivllh lugur; OUIQI'! are made lovrgqomblo in outward appenunce lho 9rlgjnnl medicino.‘ _ 'l‘lw only orlglnul nml genuine Indian-Vegetable I’ll]: have lho lignnluro of William Wrighl Wti'lcn “ilh 11 pan o"..'.“S‘ mp label ol‘ ,nnch, bu}. None olh‘et ll gahumu. and to cou'mlctfcit lhlb in ron'c'xnv: flgent [or C(etii'fieltl.""ln’.' bS/I'a'w. ' [qr other agencies in Clear/felt! &- alher c’oun lies. aee adve'rlis‘emenl'in anolher co'lumri. WPuncipul Qffiro, 169 Race Slrcel, Phllu. ‘.Mfa amen-. 41. Puunuonmunlh2‘.fi&€nmg o the 21s! insL, by Rev. Frcdonck Ogilby. (M'Hlo Churbh of-ihaiAsccmio'd'J Mr. Lawns JACKuON Calm. merchant uf‘Cuchnuillc. l’a , forfin'uly or rhnadmwfl; 529 Mm ' ’ M'Anéfiué'h",PETEMdSJ of I’hllndelphin’. ‘ f": .3 ~. V,” ‘ ; ‘_’ i omn—M‘nn-‘pmco‘, u_l:l 'lbg 25m imt . Sunni: u Anyml‘a._ dwghlep 0!, "oan 8.. and Hannah Bamlord‘,’ ug’od 4 month» ‘u'n‘d 6 ‘Unjl’.’ ~ ' ' ‘ ‘. A .... v.l ,; W._. . w‘nv f 1"! " s'x'. [laid hchjgllp quy down—Aha viml'lpark had fled“ l gazed again uruuvmylcl'llilgl, §holovo|y ujul/lwfdaml; And that dear“ illlo’luco “his more. 'su' peaceful and aomnld..,’ ~‘ '.l .fl.‘ ,1“ I could no! Wish 'hcr buck dgdin— Eiu'uh‘! she was my Child; , ,2 " :2' -.n.' 7'5 1A gm No' ~ 1"! ‘—lq'.tby‘ olhpl’q fqalqrigg urms,lhqu my but “lean-naewcu'r 1., .l .. - . ‘ \. ~-. And than but early {mind thy-Way 'untojlhy nnme ‘- henvcn,_._z‘-; ‘,,-M11“... K.' I New in tho howm of lhy God from ovary u'mow frpo, I would n;§t’»4|rinhl Ihee' buck hgainpbju’l Iswonldgo 1 tollco._i-. arm-M} ‘ ' 2 .TRIJLJLIST‘fah Sept. term; 1847:. Wu H'lKopnor :L'ii: ”Mn John'W’Mill'o'r ': " w,'l;admfnmw,anrgu'Johnu'on. ' ‘ Jonphflurgm,’..g]9[l vn- Clenrflold caning. : Jan M‘c'Keéhnnfq do ‘ vs. D 33.; S Fulton, w . ~ Mofihfl'y'éz’lhughouy v 9 VAnphEllit. ,1 r Jowwmni. h w. Vi’ncom-B [Jolt-“11¢ .M“!‘.’.!!'i!v3!¥"'.9 .-: ,:.;.-; 2n. 009 m :2 much ._ 3: Momma owns: 5; Ithncobrflaump Emu -..: Richard Pyle'plphag.” w: thn Swun‘ . Robdil Whllnc‘o‘ ' 9.. Jéhn Palqhen-V f. Flo!d.Forbu&Co ‘ n. Alonfide‘r Irvin _> damn Fancy! .‘ ,' v‘iinhnf liondu .' _ ‘ _ bank! mmfi' f'j'f'vu. o‘hhél‘gflcMufiCy' { ‘g’ 45.71 H 3 HM? WM. ¢.:WEECI!,"PO9Ih'y.f§. 3 July 31, lsflqmq .11 '.'; g-l, 3,251 (31;.‘ug‘n‘J 55“" ‘.‘CAMPII‘MEETING’E‘guxyI‘In .‘nA‘ .‘Cu’mp-Mcallng’idifl :bé hold- hyi ‘ihq: Mann» dbrfiogemhm'hurnh. chqmmmcom Earning-1:9 37mAllpguunpnflga,landlpn! Img: 83.5.1. i 9 mug lord,.!ownlhib. jdiplnghho' gurnpi'kbt > 5 ,"BPI‘EW. r Cloutfiolm‘:’.', "' ff", ' "fi " ”m“? .‘ 1} 'B3?“th h'llonéadcé'brl the-En‘dh’ua lp "quel tcdu und'n cordmleiviiqunmlvdn .1011! Chmlinn- Ofld woll‘wilhm'pf Sion..{o' gain _wllhqu in "yo Encampment. any! pngllcumo I ma wou'hln 9M}; manly God. ; " "“1“,” ,‘ ‘l, "‘.‘ lniuon or all H’ehém’dmfo’nu'v‘vil't ‘mut n‘Chm linn welcbmo. -'- ""f‘t ' The madam ‘of ms :mar‘yluna Confuenco will 31; in;nuondqnchfiwilblqey‘orntl mining." from .Iho aulll. , V , ‘ ‘ ‘ ' ~ By ogch'of:ihu'Cbmhn'iil§aiof Attunr‘fi'ei’fiefiii.’ ~ ~ "G.'W.STEPHEN9. July 20; 1847 w --~.~, :.uJOHN FLEGAL. u ‘Brycefs Patch! [Water-”Wheel. E‘lNDlNG'th'n rejmi't hqslobmihgi} ' to n' 'c‘on'sidemble k-xtent (ha! lh‘uvp disposed'bf Ihc’ right for Cigé'r-figld Eduhiy; I hen-by g‘n‘c notice that" sixch is not Ihc’ ‘lnc'. but :hnuld- be Mppy' to sell 'to any one who degir'n it.-—-singlo rights, (own mp: or counties. ~l am also preparul' I‘o rcceivb propusu'ls lor my pornon brill"! whole 0! the States of Maryland mad ‘Vlr ginia. ‘ ‘ ALMUN COWLES. ‘ Clentficlcl. July 31,1847._ . OLOSAONIAN, All’ Healing Balsam; CONSUMPTION. ASTHMA. DYSPEPTIC CON: SUMP'I‘ION. SPI’I‘TING 0F BUOOD. BRON~ (lIIITIS, DIFI-‘ICUL'I‘YOF BREA I‘HINU ' HOARSENESS. INFLUENZA.,CMUI' _, ‘ (.‘OUGHS.COLDS, PAINS Ix 1m: , IBREAS’I‘ '.AND SIDE. DYS I’EI’SIA AND 'rnx V.\Rl< . GUS AFFILU'I‘IONS' ' ' or TUE s'roxucu~ , AND LIVER. ‘Dx't. Davis’s .Depurativc Extract, .» 1'01!» THE CURE OF' . Scrofula ; 'l‘cller ,- Pimp/u an llmface; Eruplion; of (In: akitvyznrapsy ,- ‘Bilu. ,from an impure/labs? q'fJ/w bo'dy: . Scurvy. Dizzineaa; Coalive~ lmbm .o/ the body. &c.. '. ,4. , V v - '.‘ Compound Syrup (3]? [Vim-Cherry 81‘ Tar. find his muchulebraled Horse Linimenl. , 'FOR flLL ’I'IIE I Diseases 5!. horse: which 'require an cx’l'crnal application luck as corks. chalet or galls, wounds. strain: in the shouldemuiflc, boug’h, knee, Icllock, whirlbonc, find of the putgrn Ind coffin john—Sweeney, _windgnlls, Jumps or tumors on the bone- or sinews, &c. . . ‘ The Limment is also an excellent rcmedy fox burns or scaldr, ‘weakneu or'llifi'ness of {th Joinls, frosted feet, &c: ' The subscriber hasjml received a irelh sup ply of lb_c above Medicines (which he mdends keeping eonstnml‘y on hind) togelher wilh: good assortment 0 Drugs, Medicines. &c. , (117-I‘h-nkful for put “.'.‘”?- be, hopes, to receive ”lure of public pauonage. '- ' ‘ , ' T July 31. [847. ,N. 8. Country produce will be “ten in ex. change for Druga, &c. ‘ , . - ‘ - ~.-‘ . Elrv‘rrfrJ-‘Jx‘rlix‘r' .r frrkrrrff{