m Tnhqfifiefi'fl'Wfkfr'°¥¥=%i‘érs‘;rnt (i'”'\.s‘ ) "';|l:]"“ER's"‘ l‘! ' ‘5 1111 M ’ A’da'n'ghlbr wnlcliod‘ nl midnighl " - ‘ ML'Her dying molhcr'a‘ bod : 5.," - {V H Fa flue, long mglnn slae hnd nql alcpl, ngl guilt-[hrs were ahcd_;—- 3,. A vmon llko'nn nngol came, ~ - - a. ; Which nom' but her mlgh:soe;~ ; - ~ "Sloan. dPIOOUBrhIId/‘glhe angel said, :xltz‘ ,“Afldl wlll Watch fur lhco! ' ' " i Syfie‘e! Ilutphctlike q blessing {all ‘ ’ ' pon‘ lho daughter's luco ; ' _ T/hu Ingo‘l'smilodmnd louclmd her not. * , ‘ :38“! 39ml look‘her plum; . , _And ohno {all elhuman lovo . ' " ' Th 6" pllylng eyes did slxlne. The angel gum hall mom! neemrdu ,5 31,, 1‘ Then umberer. lmlfdivmc. ;, - '- : "(Liv-til)!- of light the aleopu’a locks , .',.r x‘lnwnl’m'loose curls wore lhrpwq; ~ Llllunyl oflighl lho angel's hnlr ' “‘.'“ " Seémad like lho nleeper's own; . A rota-like shadow on lho clgeck. , ‘. ‘Djmlving lnlo pearl; .3 .' ’‘A lomothing ln lhnl nngpl'u laro ; ’1 Seemed .mter to lhe girl! ' -= ‘ ‘Thdtnoital and Immortalenéh Reflecting ouch tyerc lan; ' ‘ The urtblynhd agmtunl. 4 ‘ With donth'l pa 0 fnce between. oh. human lovodyith strength like thine? . . From theo thmo prny'e‘rs nriso When. entenng into paradise. Draw {nu}; (rom‘tho skieq. -Tho dawn looked through the casement cold A wintry dnw'n ofFlonm, A‘nd sadder Ihowed HQ curlnincd hcd. r’l‘homttll and sicklymom; "Mytdnughtarv- art thou hero. my rhtl'd ? Oh. hnsle lheo. tuve, mme night That! Indy we once more thy tucc. .. And- bless thca, are I die! . ~' "Mover l were harsh to lhec. ,j" - Forgivemanow," she cried ; _ ' , _ fflod nowun heart—l loved llmnmnsl “" Wh‘qfi most (deemed to chida; . ’: ’.Now bend and Inn; thy molher'a lips. .m ; :Andllo; heupiril pruy 1" The angel lunged her—nml her soul ' " Passed'bliufully away .' '.H’ ’ ’ IA ntiddon‘filnr; l—whnl drenm. whnXsound. ‘I"V "' The Ilambenng girl alarms? . 25. 1 She mica-«she sees her' mother (lend 5;». 5. Within the angel's arms 3, ‘ ' ‘ She wakes—she :pringn wilh wild embrace “ ' But nolhmg mare nppans. , .:;~Except her molhcr‘s swooldcnd race ' ' " , “Her. own convulsive lenrs. fi'éfliflue oereliu'i-loquism pnfiwcx MURPHY AND THE cnosr. "fining-Idem occurred in the hotel or one or the pigumaqno marine village: which lkirl Luke Pon chultain. on n ctrluin ‘occnaion hm summer, mu ofl'cclnnlly served. to dispel lho li'axleu ennui 100 pmnlom in web ’cnséa. Among llie gut-Ila there. fonthcjlimb being, was one Michael Murphy. an eccentric, fiaodmnlutcd wu},' lrom what mod lo Inga] excellence lha land '6! ‘polaloes. but “Inch now may be called the p‘otd'lolen land. He had bee'n on I ‘ big burnt ’ in the cily, and went over «b'é’lukuo dinpol nus fumol or hindébnuch. and likall'nll bulb-I and lodd water at lhe lama limo for—‘- “ . . ‘- li'iéédlh he‘ was uuhumoleu night, 3 "Sqro‘given Io reVe! n'nd u'n odly glee ; . Fow‘unhly fhmgn'found [gum in his 21%“. Save mucubmcn and cnrnnl companie. And flaunling wussmlcra 0! high and low dogreo.‘ ~ “jg“- b‘eume Known lo a \‘enlriloquiu ulno paid ”11.35ng ,v‘tlj’l’lq the place. and who had Inch com~ mfnd on; his voice .Ihnl he couldeukc it do any Ihjm‘ {tonmhc iquenkhgnf a pig nndern gate to dbd. aingini‘lol'aumocfing bird. Believing lhul Michal wandml übout that lime, in,,gnlmpreni blc‘i'lulli-L'inVu rofarmalory mood—hc-Ilmughl he «Bulu','lhroagh the medium 61' his an, endeavor. Id" efl‘eclu'faéornbfefchnngo in his morali. WM: lfii’i vieé lie booked'hil n‘nmo’furh bed in’lhe numb room‘ Willi Michael, un‘d'nboul 12 o'dqck nl niglu F—lhll hour to luhamjliqua mind. so traughl with 'loquorff-bgu ‘ pitched his yjpice ' outside of yho d9!f.§i’i§ig: in niflpind ofllr‘ombune lqnc— ' _ ‘Midglél Murphy! Mmhnel Murphy! are yuu allaop‘l’ . «‘Who'alhall' laid Michnofl much Ilnrlled n Ihc lepulchnmone in'which' lho query “'1" put and ‘lhaumo of pulling it. ' ' fi-Alk' Ina not,‘bu'l Ons‘weifi iuid the \‘enlriloquisl. all“ cdfiliufiing‘ln'l ghost-like nc‘reul. ‘_'W'ollé what have ydu [fol to my 1' nu’d ‘Mlchncl. ‘9‘ch_h'.ol' which I wufgi'ybu logako nolic'e'.’ mJ lfié'iénlrilbqliill, 0'; mlhei said. lh'c 'ec'r‘llnibquinl‘s 70109.. > 7 , ‘ 76, Elem-692" said Michael, for else I'll giv you your lly.’ _ * . 4861!” had you continued to take in chnn lo ‘break the pledge, ul ynu hnvé dono,’ mid the voice oulyxdo the door. ' "7 [Whnt'a _nlLlhu {mi-o qbom I.’ mid lhe ventrilo. quial. uponkipglfrqm lho,bed., - .dSamerdmy blackguard lhnl'c oulaide.lhe.do°r .théielfiuidl‘vfichholl *interfcrin' wilh “but’-“.mm, .ofhll businés‘oflhu' ,_ '- . - 'Whi' don't' You ‘drivé him from il'l' said lho vén’lriloquiu, op‘enking from the bed. . _ ‘l'with‘he daro.‘ Enid Ilnlc.‘voiple'ol lho venirilo thi-tfip'enking oulaivdddhez‘dwr.‘ " . , ‘ 'Bo jnbeu I'll let you' Feel dnrc.’laid Michnoi, jumping up, seizing hi. 'lziclgory.- and hurriedly openi'ng‘lho d‘gor‘, ryadyfil: pnlnjghl. to knock down lho nnnoyer.‘ ‘ . . V.- ‘Givo huh h—ll,’ mid lho ronlriloquial, from lho“ :bed. ‘ ‘ . ' ~ V . ... . ‘é'x-wdndé‘r’33-nm Mametfl'nf 'ghmfa uny'éx‘i inrill in Ihiy pd‘i'mligyj'g ;' t ~ ‘ '4l don't knowfl' said [he wcnlriloquilli "huulyey: ‘ny Iyoghom o! dopnrled hidmns buunl lhe plan-a! .40, that-WIII no Indinn'o ghofl.‘ said Michael, « {or-gt up‘oka' 'a- good'mngmhm I do' meulf.’ ‘ f‘4nd n’hlifllo beller. Michael}. ahld the voice. mi in: ‘fir'o‘c‘coded from one slundixig ‘by Ixiilidg. ; “01““9'9‘"f°"‘C.hrior about ui,’. said Miéhdél. . H.No,6vi"s2i'u- Mt. Y°“' guh'dian sonic-l mid Jhoioicefiuw-n "',, g v ..- "A mgml iluéerg9niu§ yéu nrre."._-aid ‘Michixgyl. .' Ihnl can-hehenrd and no; ignn.’ U ,_, ‘ ' ‘Get into bed; '{hp’nfi said] "up volco,«.!l h“. (omelhing to any lo'yqu.‘_. -‘ -.3 ‘u . =- z ‘ ‘You" woh'g‘ do apyjhmg bud lo me. V's-aid Mich. oill; . Nothing; llid ":6 voice._ ‘flon‘ar brlghl I' laid Mich-9|. ‘ ' iv ,pv ’,CIIM‘RLES ‘BWAIN JMe-‘flmfibrmm: nldslhr yoicoizjndié‘imof‘bm' ,f‘fW‘r‘Nl’lAliS'Pl'Js, Qinlmcnl. :7»: ichnol agflgygnt. F gligfj x? 1 . I,~A n, ,n n 3 . V,V I‘ _‘pr. Mi‘chue‘lfa‘gid Ifw voice. ' you knogvyovu ‘ -,, ~ 5%? hnvgbcoh nhqrd‘ligc‘r .” ,4 ‘ ’‘ 3 ‘,i ~ i. “1‘ ‘.'-3' afifififil‘mn’ifi l ’”'l‘hql'fivn‘fugtglmidMlchtguL ~-. . ‘ f(f ..H “£3ng '. 2 if}??? > ' You 330 k; lho p[cdgo.' _auldfi‘he voice, '_ - .. ‘ 1' ‘.’—=s3? ” {iaaé 'Thru'c‘ nlfiprnychin'r' Inlgl MiohpoL. v, 2‘ , , ,g ‘ E§§s‘ M #3:}:“s ‘ And did 0”!" bm’Jh'an mid lho Vulco, . . ‘ g . &iii £57373; . - More than 1 Her could Imin lull, org-am. .' 3’ 35:213.?- Michuol. . ‘ s2ll}. ‘ 3% 3.5.; $23! “:2: EIRE SIS . Then will you plcdgu you‘rgeU lo me._l|fihl‘y6i'x chunge‘yourmnde-ol liltc-f'i-tfid Hié voice, ' I'll do any thing you Ask mafianlll Michum -Thcfi‘yoo pro'miaé never_ to Junie n. erp ngmA gnldtlhc voice. ' ‘ ‘ ~ ' . - No! as much as would 'the a \vrcn'o bill.’ said hlic§fixcl.. "1 IV V " ”mum I'm "a? an?" " ho voice, ' hm. rémcmhcr. fyau over 'nlxompi Io brook il. I'll be prcacnl and phnisht’pu Ihrimgh lifo.‘ _ ' . ' ' Who ll lhnt with uhom you nro holding con~ verqauon f'fmd lho vcnlrfloqnisv, npcnklng ngnin from‘lhe bed. ‘ . : ' ' fDovil ti one pl a)',' mid Michael, ' bnrin' mmo mighty polile. inviuhlo glnllcmnnu Ilihl'soumn lb take a gram inlerosl in ma \wlfuro. ’ ‘ 0. you're drenming.‘aa|d lho vemrilnquisl. cpn nuing to speak In pr’bpria p‘ersbnaz. , ' 'F‘nlx, it‘s like a drama, nuro ennugh/ Mid Mi cliael.' The next morning!) fiiond’aikod Mlclmei to lake his billoro. He contented, bul jn-lun he look lho glans in his hand the voice oflho _ven‘lrfloquisl, who wu prelenl. was heard above his head. in lhe mt. crying onl-'-—' Touch :1 not, Michael’Mu’r [why—remember you} promise? h was enough— erhncl \\'nu!d Inllc nnl. I 'Thc pffnsure 0! wine will: you, Mr. Murphy mid u gon’l‘cman. at dinner. ‘Wilh plculurc, sir,‘ said Michael, bx'njusl n lhul moment a voice “’B5 heard Io him: from lhe corner 01' Ihc room—it Wm Ihnloflho vcnmloquill‘ who am by his side. ullcring his ndmouilwn. 7 Thus lho lhing wcnl on. for n u cck, unlil Much ulcl was then nml {on-over made a Icelotnller of.— ne‘now industriou-Lv mind: hi: busincu. enjoy guod health, and profile". In rel'nuw Io ghe cir cumslnnppl u::_d¢r “(kin-{lube became a leelolullcr. hc‘mya. he never hnd lho biennium of sebfng his heal lrfond. - PnE'rn' llANDs.—Dchcnlo, benulil‘ul hands!— Dcnr Min. how do you conlrivo [0 keep your hands no pretty: And. lUCh rings. 100, u iflo draw nl‘ lerilion that way. Lel ut feel Ihc-m. Oh dear, howhaofl and lender! Da‘you bake, Min? No. Do you make Imin? Do you wash floors. and scrub the pole and Re u? No So no thought. Look at your tnothu'. hands Ain't you ashamed ’tov lpt thul old lady kill hOfl'lf outrigltt.wltllo you do nothing from daylight to dark. hul lump the flies from yourlundal What are you furl Will a man of’common _lemo tnnrry you for your delicate hand-l A pcraon who in In real man would prefer to too them blackened occa nionnlly with tho polltookl and trnmmelt. and col luuucd by n day or two‘s hard run at Ihc wuhing board. Pretty tinge". Indeed !--'\\hut bro they good {9: but to move over It piano, or to stick through gold rings l Lilrejmuny ofthe "In things 0! Huh, Iht‘yt‘nrq-keptfiyr lhow. and'nothing more. For our phrthc would rather see them worn out in nqtunl non-ice, thun so lender that n fly'a foot “ill minke an impression upon them. ‘ NEW FIRM. " Boot &_ Shoema ‘ lung. ~ ‘ r. ; U-I’ARTNERSHIP having. been on @ lercd into by the subsc'ibcrs on lb? 215! day of April lny'. respectfully or. "ounce lo their friends, and lhe public '_{l’llfl’flny,'lhfll may in’loml carrying on ther nbova business in all Ila 'variuug brooches, m the shop formerly occupied by one of lhe nbove firm, adjoining Grotee ”(lin nich’s lrulul. inllhc borough ol Clcarfield. where they M” be glad'l‘o rowing a liber al share ul"'public phlronagE-ZV pledging themselves lo do all lheir “'Olk m lhe bésl manner, at V reasonable prices, and M the sllurlesl notice. . - _ [caCuunlry produce laken in exchange lor’uqu, and n reasonable crcdilalluwed. RICHARD $10830“ , JOHN H. HILBURN, -’ I May 27. 1847." ' ' ”'CRANS_'& BROTHER, Cnrwcnsvillc, Pennsylvania, AVE. and will keep constantly on' H hand, I: large assurnncnl n'f Dry-Goods, Hardware, Queens— - ware,'Groqel'ies, Drags and Dye-' Stufi‘s, Tin-ware, ‘Books «3- Svta- ‘ tiona'ry', Hats, Caps and Bonnets, v B'oots'nnd'Shoes, Tobacco and Se‘gars, Umbrellas, Cnrpet_and , Carpet mid Cotton Yarn, Con~ . lectionaries, Paints, Oils, Teas, «&c.. ‘9O-: . ' C ‘ ' 'All'nl'whiph‘they' are prepared lo sell on, the mast reasonable terms; . . _’ Cums &- 'Bkb'ru'zn'are the Agents (o', the sale of Dr. Jaynes' celebrated familv mediclhca.:. w ‘4 ' . gal-delsrxchanged for Lumber, Pm~ ducc um] Fare. for which (ha highest pri. ces'will be given. ‘ ’ NEW, GOODS. .‘ A: E &"W. ‘FIZIRWINharé : '_‘. Q . ust .r‘cceilviu‘ '.t eir ..Sprlng gtock of goqdfig, which' .Ihey ofi'e; (or 'aale ar’vety reducgd prices. for cub. lumbecunrgconhtry producer-4 (MIDI. .flND SEE. ' U ' f 4 May 20, 1647. - -' j Mnrgh IQT‘?47—gf. _—‘-—-‘~~ "‘ ‘x a: 5:. ; 2523/3.- 235-471}? @525 ;x—:.—_—-—_£l7l‘ mug- .v:«'-Z «I—_—-.-.- . , ~- 15-3531: 'T—éifiérfi-y’a: , :rg:x=::'.‘:r. ’.’, ==_—;—:~:-1-:—' :5 We 2:1: 1.4.... ‘ - - '-’-.';.-==‘"{.F;l" “’l3-‘B2; -S§Z§F:=T—: Insenstble Perspn'atton. PllS OIN’I‘MEN'I‘ HAS POWER to cause all T EXTERNAL SOtIES SCROP‘ULOUS HUM ORS. SKIN DISEASES. PQISONOUS WOUNDS. to discharge their putrid matters and then heals them. It in ri htly termed All-healing. tor there is scarcely a gnome. external or internal. thnt it will not benefit. I have used it lor the last tettrtcen years [or all diseases oi the chest. consumption. liver, invol vmg thetttmost danger and reupunaibility. anti Ide‘ clnre before heaven and man. that not in one single caaehas it tailed to benefit. when the patient was within the reach at mortal means - l have had physicians, learneifin- the rnlcuinn, l i have had Minister: 0! theGottpolJudgeapF theEßench Aldermen. and Lawyers. gentlemcn of thohighral erudtlton, and MULTITUDEII uhha POOR use II in eve ry varicty of wny. and there has been hut one vocc, one nnitetl.unircrsnl voice, saying. "McAliuter, your Ointment is GOOD." , ' , CONSUMPTION. It can hart-ly ha ereditetl that a naive can have any ctlect upon the lungs. seated at! they are within the system. But if placed upon the cheat. it penetrates directly in the lungs separates the pmaunnm particles lhnt are cuttsummg theta tind ex~ pels them lrom the system. It is curing persona of eonsum tion eottltnually. IIICABACIIE, The Salve hattcnretl persons of tho Headache ofl2 enr’l'tltnnding. and who hail it reng lntly every “120 E. so that vomiting nlten took lnce. I). afness end Eur-Ache are helpmt with ml;- HICs fess. HHEUMATISAL h rmnnvca nlmoul immodialely lhe mfhmmnuon and swelling when lho pain ol coune com-ca. COLD FEET; Cunsumplion. Liver Crmplainl. pmns in tho chenl or .sldo. lhlhng ofl'ul the hair, anc nr lhoolhcr. always accompanies cold foal. ll ua vuro nign ofdiscauo in lha ayolom do have cold fen. ‘ ‘ Tnm Ointment is lho lmo remmlylor acuwuu. Eavsmnua, SALT nnzvu. lem COMPLAINT. son: Erna. qumsv, sane THROAT. nnoNcmm. 3303!!! on son: anus-r, Hm, all cur—.s7 mamazs. such an 481'"- MA. orrnE'ssioN. rams. also, son: LIPS, CIIAPPKD HANDS. 'rvuons. cunnaous znur’riom. NERVOUS msmsza. nml ol the BPINE. There is no mediums now known so good. ‘ SCALD HEAD. We have currd macs Ilml aclu~ ally defied every thing knuwn._qs well in lho abllily ol filloon or twenty doctors. Oho-tfin’n lnld us he had upenl 8500 on hll children u-ilhoul any benefit. when a low boxes oflho oxnlrm-nl vured Ihom i BALDNESS. II will resiorclhe hair quicker than ‘ an 01th llnng. IIUIINS. 11. Is the beat lliing in lho uorld lur Burns. {Rand lhe directions around lhe bnx) WORMS. 11l WI” drive evnry Veange ol Ihem n wn . (Read "10 dirccliuna around the box) (gonna Occasional use ol lho oinlmcnlrwillal ways Reap corn: lrom umwing. Peoplé need um be lnoub‘eil with them il'fliey mll use it. ' PILES. Thousands nro yearly cured by this Oink ment. TET‘T‘ER. There it nothing honor [or the cure a Teller. JAMES McA LISTER, & Co., Sole pmpnolor ol the above medicine. CAUTION. "Nu Omlmonl Will be genuine un~ mu lho name; 0! James McAllialer or James Mcv Alfiuzr 4. 00.. am warn-xx with a nu upon zvznv Lmt." PRICE 25 CENTS PER BOX. Read the Following Communication, _ Rercn’cd {turn an Old, respected. and well known cilizono! Philadelphia. and llmu judge for yourself. ' Philadelphia, 10m mo. 18m. 1846. To 'l‘. B. l’elctson Na. 98 Chestnut llreu : lining been requested to give my opinion on Ihomenlu 0! Mc ALlS'l‘l-IH'S SALVI'Z 1 Mn uilling l 0 enumemlo some ol'lhe bcnefils which l have up ricnccd in tho uw oflho nrncle. In lho spring 0f‘1845 l hnd an nllnck o! Eryuipelal in my face which became Very paml‘ulmml eglendod into one of my eyes. being attended wilh fever, my distress was great and I became lo be fearful afloa mg my eye. Although not much a believer in what is lcrmml quack medicines. l purchnucd u box and mule appli cnnon to my {.1004 To my lurpriuc the pain soon n~ baled and In :1 week's limo l wah oulircly cured, nml I firmly believe it ms the aulvc under Providence lhul cured me. ' From Ihu lime to the present l have used [bunni cle ns uccasior. required. and in cverycasve whom i have mu'd il. l have lound u dl-cided henEfit. ‘ Al one limein going (0 bed armghl. my ihronl wn ao aorc [hull awnllowcd with difficulty. but by an up plicution of lhe salvo I wngrchoved before morning. lhnvo used it in canon of burns. bruise-a, flpmlnl and flesh can: all will: H-ohnppiml one-elmnnd one case of poisoning by a mid vim- m lhe woods huu beon dried up and cured by‘n» ‘,QW npphcnliomv - < ' From my own experience I “cum slrungiy recom mendil Iu nll.ns n choup convenlanl medicine. It requires no preparation other lhun to rub it on (heat- I flicked purl. l have brcome so pnrtiul (0 il lhul I cxpcvl (0 keep it cnnulonlly In my lnmlly. ‘ Though not nmbinoua luappenr In print. yol I can. nul refuse to hnvé this communiculion mado public if judged beat to servo Ihc came of humanity‘ Rowen-Hull, Ihlno. ' WM. A JAMS. No. 26 Old York Road. ‘ IL?“ Price 25- cents per box. _. flGENT& E. :51 W, F. _lrwiu, Cleaffield. ': fliessrs. flmolds. Lullzcrsburg. Jolm Pal/omin C'urwinsvilla. ’ Levi LuIZ. :1 enclmille. C'lemjield. Doc. 25, 1846.-,ly. ‘ . Spring and Summer GOODS.- LEONARD & MOORE havejust re , ceived u'nd ‘nre now upbning augl sel ling at'lheir'old slate room’stin !llc‘.bor ough o! Clémficld, their stock of : ~S¢izsonable Gaod‘s," . Consistinggufall thév’afioliefi of ‘ - 7 DRY GOODS.‘_GI?OOERIE. ’ _H‘Hfllt‘DWflßE.‘ QUEENsn/amg, , . ' TINWflRE.&c.,&c. ‘ . Among which are Glass in varioyn.aiz‘ea _angl-‘slgnbeq. Nails. Scylhu, Fork}. Shnv els. amHHe 'usuul‘ynrioly in ench‘ line.-=-_, ‘ flLSO-Clocka’. Salt. Rice. Filmflleel. Shoel-lron’,‘&c., all 0! Which are offered low for'Cnsh; or ~in', exchange fouCounny produce. .‘ ' , ‘ Jgne 19, ’47., BONNETS.-—_A _good . assortmen! _ ,0! Bennett, of various. prices. fash ‘ggtgs and qualities. for lale “literature of . ‘ F's PI-HURX’I‘IIALO June 4, 1847. EMU AT": “3, " ‘ ' c! g r . gk . 11;.- r. «Ag-(e ‘ - ' ‘ ." 25“.“; tifimifi‘? . ‘ - »“ 21:26:,‘6’3 ‘- 7.71331 v-‘(J ‘ Ql‘ \ I ET? ‘.‘ i r:. :7‘:_:::_:-: :3? 2—: : SIRE—Tr: ~‘~‘F:?:.¥:—. " "£227: :2; \\ ~ .. .-.._;_ .. x: _ ._.._ \ ~... J QE‘—;~.,-—_-_—s_-r ‘»‘~"-'3—31f:-—==‘ \-.-;:-:—_='._;;.-? 11‘. ... .3. 2‘2: 7 Eng}; 75:35:" :4”??? ' ‘ ‘;.-t:‘.-v=_->“ h=SaiIMMI I ‘ 7 11-“..1’511113WR1T -ENs':"\l‘l’;W :7 IN THE noox‘op: NAT!) r E AND 0!.“ Com MONiSElySquhnl yho nnlnrf; 'vag‘éliablcfirbducn lion: prevergwcounlry bib. ifpr "'orly b'ppliod 'z'z'nim' Vbly 'snfficiem for Ihq curo o{c_vcr malady Indidehl to ench‘pcbullnr climnle.“ f ' ~.~-;'l.-' ‘ I I a , . I n ~ . ”fight 3 Indum Vegetabfie. zllg, ¢ . mon'm ‘AMERIQANCQLLEQE QF'JI‘EALT. ‘ Tho-o éi’lrnordinnry Pillo arc compoqéd of Hahn; which g'rbw apéinaneunily on on? omrlnfln'an} are, then-010m bellcr adapted "your cununuudm llmn Medicines concncled from [oreigu drug-,how, cvcr wéll ”my my ho compounded; 11:111.,“ wman'r's ‘INDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS? nro lbugndqdupon the princu‘glp that the hmnuli'bo'dy iI l'n'lrulh v - v. ' ‘ V " SUBJECT TO BUT ONE DISEASEH V ‘ namely. corrppl human, hnd 'thut Imdv Modicinq cures this disease on ' _ , ' ~ ‘ ’ NATURAL PRINCIPLES. 4 by changing 21nd puri/ying'flne body, It. WI" ho moh ilcal I'll“, iI lho comlilunan be no! entirely uhal‘n‘ ml, n- pcncvcrqnce in lhcir use, according to direc liom. is nbsqulloly certain to drivu‘dilculo ofcvo~ ry name from lho body. ’ . When we nisli lo Icaloro a swamp or moms to Icrlllily, nodrnin il of‘lha nupcrnbyndnnl waler In Me ’mnnucr, II We wish to reuoyo the body to health, wo mml olonnao il oflmpurily. WRIGHT'S INDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS will be found one uf,lho heal, if not lho very heal mad icino in Ihc World [or carrying out lhin . ' GRAND PURIFYING PRINCIPLE. bocuuuo Ilioy expel from tho bde all morbid and cornan humor. lhe cause nl Ihc ditohae. in on (may and Natural Manner ,- nml “hile they ovol‘y‘ day GIVE EASE AND PLEASURE. diacnn orrevery nnmc in rapidly driven from lho body. W’rig/zl’s Indian l’cgetable Pills Can be hml grnuine of lhe [allowing ighly respoclnble Morckeepeu m Chara/d Counly. . Ihc/lard ‘haw. Char/field,- I)um'el liarrell, C'urwz'nsvi/Ic; David Irvin, Lulhersburg. . Elk Calm/y. Cobb (S- Gallagher. Rxdgewny; * George ”'eia. SI. diary/s. Centre County. Brocker/lqfl‘ 6~ Irwin, Belle/ante; .I &- J'Poller, Pollers' Mil/a,- Jldam Halter. Ccnlrcvil/c; Henry Wilmer, flaroneburg; Samuel Lipton; Mileaburg; -, ”emy fldama, Whllcervil/e; . Wm Murray. Pine Grove Milk,- Gcorge Jack, Ban/312mg,- H L Musscr. Manheim; Fl] Wlaillalcer. Coverlcy Hal/,- llam'd Duncan, Spring Mills; F Burk/lan”. flabersbur' Boozer & Gilliland. Cenll unvuu: or Couuwsnrzna.--—The publ lioncd egeinu lhe mnnv rpurioue medicine! which in order to deceive. are called by name: limilar lo \Vrighl'n lndlen Vegetable [‘llll. WOMCM ulovoled cxclmively lo lhe emlo oi Wnlau-r'e INDIAN VEGI‘I‘ADLI PILIJ‘ of Ihc North American College 0! Honllh. No. 288 Greenwich Slrcel, New’York, No. 198 Tremonl street. Ban. (on; and l’nmmMLOrncz, No. 169 Race S-rnzrr Philadelphia. ' NEW GOODS.‘ Cheaper bargains Ilzan evcr .’ KRATZER & BARRETTS AVEjust opene‘tl at their old atanvl H a larger aswrtmrnl ul gnmla than they ever had. and are selling them lawer than they ever did. Every body that has 'examinctl lltt‘lr Slack say they hat-i- prelli cr and cheaper goods than they ever sqon oflercd in ‘this‘ market. 'l'heirjtock is large of ‘ V , Dry Goods; Groceries, Hardware, Queens- Ware, Dru gs, Boots and- Shoes, &c. With every variety usually kept in a coun try alum. Ladies are particularly ittvitml to call. as many articles have th-n selec ml with care. for them especially. They ‘ have also catablished a store at Clearfield Bridge. under the firm of .> . l. L. BARRETT & Co., Cchr/ield Bridge. Clmq/icld county. Pa. uheré theirska is equally large. and well selected, and will he sold {or lhe same prices. and on (he agme terms. as at their store in Clearfield town. Their stock them also cunsita o! DRY GOODS. GROCEIUES. HflR/NVflRE. r QUEZL‘A’S‘VJRE. BOOTS &SHOES, DRUG-s'. «5-0.. Which will, be autd¢uuah lower than they haveievet been ofl'eted-lhere. - . W'l‘he public are inviled ‘lo culliond examine lhq stock.‘ . ‘. Julie 10, ’.47. CRANS & BROTHER, GENTS for the sale 01 Dr. JflYNS A Family Medicinea; ' - ‘ pn- CULLEN’S Indian Vegetabe Rem ’ egg—Panacea. &ecgfic and Pile Rem. e 9;. ' Dr. 'JIPPLE'I'ON’S Remedy for Deaf ness ,- ~ ’ ' ' (- ~ CJINTRELL’S Compound Medicare?! Smp of b’arauparz'lla ,- ‘ ' C/iXVTREL I.’ S flmi Dyspepti c Powder,- CflNTRELL,’S fillerative‘Pilla ;g 4 SflNDS‘V Sarsaparilla, &c., &c». &c.; ‘ . Havejusuecelyed a [rash supply 0! the same. .r . * ' - , Curwinsvillc. May 10.; --. - ‘ R.-SJAYNE MEDICINES. .' KRATZER & BARRET’I‘S, u . v o!ea{fiol¢l;Pa.-L;and ' LL. BARRE’I‘T,~&CQ., ‘ , ’ ‘ ' ‘ Clear/Md Bridge. Are he re’gularly‘ nuthdrized“ again: for me me of the above vulpnple madam”, andjh'ave on handj very 'larg'g supply-g- They aho intend keeping consthnlll. on hand I full uuppty, . June 10. 47. . «@1136 casim©mwaigiag i INDIAN'VEGETARPEWESTOFWWEH ,2 " "P'LHL‘SA'I " Pre red‘b Dr. George Bennel,,; ofNew Yerk'end . gaale’lgyjhcar’mezcd lie! of (13cm: {magenta . count ..v’" ‘3' "" ‘ ,5" ‘ y; V. .THE unprecedentedaeucce’iqihat he. i 4. ,/ nlli'cnt‘le'dt 1119‘ “'99-“: there, pilgrim the . 1:” Epr‘n‘ctica of ibai'proprieter tor. the lent-ix ‘ \xti‘t‘itit or eight years; her induced him to yield i" .’./Eh; tothejmpottulnitiol"o‘ “DEWEY” ii!" i mod and 1’99", bencntted ‘bywthem. and make arrangements to place them within the reach oi‘the'publlc gane‘reily.‘ in doing '0 h” 'O9" “I" ed 'upnn 'totea'yithet the Indian Vegetabie_Rottom~ the Pill in decidedly superior to any. With which he is acqtteintéd. They _ combine the prop ertiee or manytof‘ the best .vogetabla. mcdtcit-01. (used in no other pill.) in In”! a manner eeto an rent not only immediate and temporary butyperma ncnt relief. ' ’ t . r ' ' . , ' iTho veiuehle‘tonice which enter into their coma ‘ poriuon by _iheir action upon the secretory organ! hold in'check the purgative prmctploland induce a . gentle and natural e‘peration without inconvenience or pain, and while they restore a natural and honi thy action or the Nomad]. liver and bowele. they increase. inltead of diminilh. the etrongth oi the - patient. . ‘ - , ~ . a They havebecn run.) at! a family medicine for yearn by manyjoi the first recpectabllity-an‘d al; though they are not recommended to‘ "heal all the' 4 ill: that tie-h in heir to." yet il heir been very rare that it hal been found neceuary ‘for‘ thele using them to employ any other medicine, and their eccav sional uao will almost invariably prove an effectual preventive to dteeaec. They are exactly adapted to the mo of families. ttavellen and seamen ; they cleanse the blood, causing a tree circulation—open . obstruction. and promote the accretion of healthy bile, and cameqnently are an ext-client medicine for Neuron. lndtgcuion. Nervous Dilordcn. chec tion. Liver Complaint. pain-in the Head. Side,end Brent, Contiveneu, Lou of Appetite, Urinary ob ‘ etructiom, Agua and Fever. Btliom anti intermit tent fc’vcrl. Dylentery. Rheumatism. Scrofuia..._end are eminently useful in all female cempidinta—ehd in one word. 'eil diecnlel arising from unheeilhfi secretiune and impurity of the _biuod. Numeroue‘i teetimoniala of their efficacy in particular caeee. might be added. hut the proprietor prefera preten ling n tew certificates of their general character. irom petwnl oi ltnquellionnble candor and veracity, whu Mould not in any degree lend their influence to promote any thing that u not of decided utility. and rely on their intrinsic merite to gain them a l’cpulullon, iecling a most perect confidence that none u'iliabuntlon their me who give them a fair trial. - The following letter from the Rov.Gcorgo Bovw c‘n, with other certificate. in tho hands of the a genll, will serve lo ahow tho efficacy 0! lhe-a pill: : ELK HonN, Wnlworth Co.. ‘VleOnlln. Dr. Gamma—With plemuro l inform you oftho great benefit: which I have derived from your pilln. l have been in a decline for nomo time, which has groatly alarmed mo. mom especially on my com plaint wan a comumptivu one. and also! have been very hiliour. and ham labored uovoroly with pain m my head. atflny eyes have been no afléclod at turn ofa rallow, rloudy. and other dilngroeablo implexlonl. My wife had suffered also from grqn .aknru and levere paint, and a: your Pills how, no wonderfully rolioved m. We have ooundod the name of them all over our neighborhood-z they will certainly be over regarded in thin plum, and when over my extraordinary cure is known, in tho moot valuable preparation for purifying the blood and regulating the system. lnhnuld not have known the worth ofyour Pill: hnd it not been for the Rev. Wm. l". Dewitt, of Cuddcville. Sullivan Co.. N. Y.. who with great kmdnen real me a box to try them. and to that box of Pi”: I owe my health, and an the agent hert- ia out of your pilll. I Will: you would IFIIU me a package of hon-l as won an pauiblo.—— With boll “iahc- for your prosperity. lam. dour lif. your. rnpcctfully. GEO. BOWERS. 00'8- 8: W. l". lnwm. Clonrficld; Joim lnvm. Curwinnvnllo ;’ Juan! McMunqu. Burmido'townk 'hlDi 0- W- 62- Aaxour.~ Luthnraburg.lnd Lm'l LUTz, lt‘rrnrhville. are Aguut- fur the propu elor for the sale of the above medivine in‘Clcar field oounly. n0v.25.‘46—1y. me. E. GREE"S REID & Bnoww PILLS. THE dvmaml lor the above medicinre in-lhe lan! 2or 3 years, is doomed ‘ n nullicien! apology lur placing it now ful ly before the people ; and the diseases for which it is applicable have becomego pre valent in lhis counl‘ry lhal a remedy enli [led to confidence. is antral (lesillcralum. The diseaih l allude lo are Hepatitis. (Liver amnion.) Dyspepsia, and female complaints in gvm-rnl. - J DEPT!!!» nhm‘c pills will be kept con alanlly [pr sale by __ ‘ Ih‘c/mrd ShayLClgurfield, * Big/er 8' Co.. Bell township. Graham ‘s' H’rigltl,_ Hmdlord James .McGirlr, l’hilipaburg. " 10d. 20, 1846. ‘ >r.r.r.‘r.r.r.l~.r.r{r.r.r Jul-J‘J‘J‘J‘J‘J‘ 5 DR. JAMES LOCKE, 5‘ 2 SURGEON DENTIST. s 2 WILL visi! Clealfield and-Curr; _2 . ’wensville regulazly herqafler S S several times a yea'r. ‘ ' ' ,5‘ S All operations upon the TEETH: 2 Warranted lo aua_wer the full expec s (aliens uf'-ih_é patient in ‘ever'y' can: tolherwise there-will .be no chargg. z 2 Team made on lria'l,bildcl;li{etsl. 31:? is he“ visit wil out! e. ep-é g lembgr cour_t. mar. 65% _ NEW GOODS; . ', LA RGE nml gencrll- assortment M 2 A 'chl vncleued swing and summer goods just received bv the sub’s’criber-b' cousisupg of. DRY GOODS. GROCEq ‘ RIES. QUEENSWJRE, CUTLER P. H.ORDFK4RE, BOOTS and-SHOES. &c. &c.. {and everything elaeuaun’flyrkeptr i'n’a qquhlry Sibregull .0[ which he W)" lliupos'c‘o'lnt Véry low“mleo, hit cash..or:_ in exchange (or lumbar orcqu'n‘vuy. pry? duco. Call and Examine fér’youtgelveorz v‘“ *‘LJLF4?;HURXTHALM qu,20;'1847. 1 '. > "3' ~ ‘ BRANDRETHHILLSQ: JUST tecoived a (reef: -supp|y,of‘;Buu--' dgellt’o justly celebrated . pillo with .turecuons for use; ‘,Price'2s. cgnlo, per box. For sale‘bee 8L ~W-' FLIRWHW; Who are lhe only outhorizedpgeoto in film borough o!_Cleorfield.~ ’ ‘_. - -v . . : Nov.‘ 97'1846. ‘.' 'v ‘ - BLlfi’Eq-‘jb‘r mic ‘6o'lfi'3f6flc'e.