Democratic banner. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1837-1849, July 24, 1847, Image 3

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c L E A RF] [-1 LD.‘. Pr-Jupv 24. 1847.
, q Vimn‘aovennon'.‘ '
so3l:an COMMISSIONER.‘~' ,
fmdn‘ms LO’NGSTRETH,‘
iv? {mammary Maw
kwy‘tfifidr'éutn‘ni 9' law dayi’ Iflo [he‘lfu
lugo', nnr'nhe} ofAriiafxc'nri. coldly! woro .uick and
dying at Puebla with dyuentdry.‘ coca-iound by the
mi ‘of‘polionodmilk. hcedu’c‘onfirmatioh. ' ‘
'Tni HAVING—So far in- wo‘ fan'llcar'n'frhm Ihé
pub'li'af pfcppj'cnlil. “cal. ’u‘o‘g'th una‘aoughhho wheat
crop ofiho prelonl hnrvoll will fall bin Mule that!
of link of that year: 11-doca no! average u‘ much
to Ihd‘qc‘ro,'ljm~ibcrdiwul n gunp'hanjlmbm n~
crcs.p§wn, ‘and'lh‘o atom is better. . ' ;
(ME' Q ,_,;~ ‘:~_- ~ .
cry-mun C. Nslu. i. dead! He died a: his
residonco in Philadelphia; on Saturday evening
hm, ofmngulfmof Me’bi‘ain. nflor ono llour'l “l
netg, in the JDlh'ycar arm, ago, Mr. Ncui Aun
ono oflhe. brightest ornament: or'our counuy. Ho'
oloo’d nl'lhe hend'of American literature. and no
man could my more ‘.’lilll lhe Inmo number at
wo'lfdnthnn‘tho Amerxcnn Buz. Ho “in cdilor of
Ihé are‘nnlylvnldnn‘ {or many ycnra. .nhcnlw
named a literary paper which bure‘vhi- name. and
which he conducted “Ile ulrnonlinfiry ahlll'xy and
Janey-.‘uplohlu deu'lh. p. l. I V‘ ,
n’rho Sonntorlnl Convention r 5: mi. dawn-x
will be hold at Indian! on lhe l-7llr A'ugus‘ll 'l‘lle
clgim lo the r‘undidnle lieu bclwcen Indiana and
Cambri'n. and we Irndl [lmp um cuunlico will u.
nuc upon snine Him who \u'll he nccoplnble lo lho
whole dillilcl. whether lhnl mnn IllOU'd ho a cili
xcn‘ol’lhoae. or onhcr oflhé ulllor counlies ofllne
dillricl. ' Thei: ,chqin: should be acccplnblun lho
Democracy of Armstrong and Cltnrfield.
WW: have received on anohymoua communi
coli'b'n.‘ te‘bommendingn rcapcé‘lc'd cilizon of Brad
fordlounship. nu candidnle for County .Commu
sinner. When lhe uulhur given un hiu real name
and rcluncli lhe pouaga he made In my. we “ill
compiy nigh his rcqursl.
W'Wo have been favored wilh daily Ihoweu
this week. whlch are cooling and term-hing alter
the heat ofluu week.‘ when lho lheimomcler stood
at 94in ‘lbo' allude. These Ihowerl are by no
menu wolcumefixown‘cr, In our human in lho
mud-I of lhe" burn-l lubon ’ ' ‘
W'Phe eecond eddrese of the Detnocrntic State
Central Committee. will be found in the foregoing
columne. No man ehould neglect the opportunity
ofgiving these papers e cereful perusal. They
are ebly written. and their etutcmcnte may be con-
Gdently relied _on for truth end veracity. The
present eddreu gives 1: faithful. thorough and
briefcxpoution of that grand echeme ofthe Fed
erellete oflett union. to createfle mammothcorpo
vetibn in our Stetc, and "wafer to thetr hands the
entire public worke for e mere tithe of what they
coet. In preventing the consummation ot thri
echcme the Democratic member-of our Legislature
at the lest union'done e grent‘ deal more good to
vhepcoplc of the State. than the Democratic mem- ‘
here olthe Legislature in 1835 would have done‘
could {hey here succeeded (in preventing the N. 1
(better oflhe United State! Bank. II.“ the Wluge
have control of the Exedutit‘e n'nd‘Legielnlu'e
branches of the govern‘meuti nut winter..nnd this
will be one‘nftheir firetoctsof Reform—end then
good by. to Republican independence in Pennsyl-l
vente. Senator Brawler“ melnly lnetrumental
in the defeat ol thte monetroue mterureandmedc
one pl’hiu beet epcechee (which we publiehed loet-'
Ipnng) again-t it,»in which he pointed out with a
tlcerncle that could not be mistaken. the 011-‘ponx
erful influence ouch ecorporetion would cxerclee
on tho basiuese 'end political aim" of our State
Wool. —-Wultington county proddcel more
wool thnnjny other cou_nty‘ in tho State. It in
melt mlin urticlo'of produce. From a long drtiélc
tn c. 1916 numbgr gl'tho‘ {Ropquer'gnnted m that
rqt'z‘nty, the VndvnttCe on the ptico of vt‘nol over that
o! In! year. il’ulnt‘udnt 25 pour com, and tho editor
caulionl hil wo'ol-growtng tendon against Felling
to tpeculalors ~«ho ml] doubtlan try to buy it at
a low pgico. Farm 40 to 60 cent: in the ave-raga
runs. of wing: in ‘lhnt _‘uclion. ‘ 't 't
Tltero incompnrntinly uprakina. but little wool
growq in _lhilimu'nlyl bu" _utillmthet-a in someuttnd
wejtharqfote mnh thin Itatomem in otdqr to put
our fume" on their guard. ' Like our lumber. £0391
10"! me uncle not mind by the Turifl‘ of ’46.
,‘Commlltees or. Vigilance.
The {ollowing ii Ihq list of Co'rpniiucég‘ ofVig‘l
nlan‘po for' Ibo eavarnfloleclio'n dinlricu'ln Clenrfiehl'd
coéuly. " It ii lhe dqu‘ oflhéie committee: ,Io m~
pefinlgd Ihg Primnry Election on Saturday lhe
28l_h_any 'ofAuhu-tnéxt, by giving nolico,of,lho
limo and p[tx_co.¢of [3014"); Ind olaclion,—"by.auen
ding an péno'h Fthc‘fnbely'n. and organizing the
bond of election with a Judga and a Clark. and
nlgapdmg to Inch olhor dulioa us mny lend to {he
IdVlpcgmenl and lugcelg gflho Demoqmlio party I
Egagarid‘townahgii g J. w. \Vrighl, Ja'b Lequgrd, Andrew" Slipfl', -Wi|liam..
Re", ' "Gabifi’q' Wailéra‘,’ Charles, Ellis.
me"T Gi b’ert. R 4 Mehafl'y‘, B Tozer.
Bajggl, ” Thomas Beers, James M.’Bhaw,
'Aames‘cl'fin’rr’éu. ~ "
Bradford; 'Geo‘rg'e Burger. George Ky
lm". A KWi'ighl. John Shiny; . .' ~
Brad . B Bonn].- Dr. Wilfllm, Margin
.H'iuibéf. ErLon‘g. Jeremigh Miles. A
'L. S'chn‘ell, R‘C Toms-. 5 4 ~ ‘1" 1
Burnside. "Joseph: McMurrah ’Jn’c‘ob
“Netty David Su'nderhnt-chry ‘Barnf
“'hlrt;‘Re;der‘King.' ~‘ j "
(High: '8“) Tozer; GHe’s Town.” \ ~
Cobingtdn; ‘2 F. vCou‘driet. ,Advnm‘: Huey;
M chm". SMaurer.-g g - ‘ “w."r.‘
Degglur. John HugheaLgnaa 911931519
35¢};Msgiew ‘ ‘
firguaon; Dr. 'J.‘ P. "Hoy'tL. J‘amea Mg
, 'Cljlck¢'3.‘Johnjflocltenberry.‘len.‘ '
with ' John I Bondy; James Moorhead.” "
,Grrard. Abraham Kylath.’ B; Smith.
Goshen. Jacob Illegal, Leonard Bum-a
aardner, Robert Shaw. ‘ '
Huston. Wm. Morgang‘Dr‘. Wm. Hoyt.
; la mel Nichol}; Philip Havener. ,- .
Jordon. George Erhardt, Robert Patter
, son. Dovid McGeehcn. David'Wiseijr.
James T. McCracken. -. ,
Kart/mama Jalnea' Gunsanllas, George
‘ ißUcher, Daniel Moore. ‘
Lawrence. James..A‘Rend. Col. Chuo‘S
Worcll, John Jane, S. Ardery, Joneph
Irvin. N. K. McMullen. ‘
Morris. Abraham Kvlur. Jacob Wise,
Abraham Brown. 'Ht-nly Smeal. John
Wulrvm. Wm. Hunter. : .
Penn. Snmel Johnston. ,‘Jas Ferguson,
Jonathan Evans; Patrick Daily.
Pike. Anthony Krotzer. Alex. Caldwell.
John D Thompson. annc Bloom, jr.. L
Jackson Crane. Benjamih Bloom. uen..
' Michael‘Wise. D. Thomas Dunlap. '
H’nodward. Christian Shofl, 'l‘hocho
derson. “’m. Alexander.
Clear/ism Barough.‘ Isaiah Fullerton,
Win'Bigler, Wm L. Moore.
In purlunnco of the call of lho Slunding Cnm
mule. I Démocmlin Meeting wag hold a! tho cour
hail-9 an Saturday the 171}: in". On mozion. WM
0. WELCH m. called to lho chair. and c. For
'nuur nppoinlod Scrrolhry.
Afler'lho object ol~ lho moaling wul explained
by the Chairman. on molion. Wu. J. "llll‘lllLL
and Han. A K Wmcu‘r, were appointed Slénulm
rial Dclcgnles, to‘ meet those of Cnmlrria. Indiana
and Armslrong. ILlndiunn. on 1h9171h ofAugu-t
non.~ Iu place in nomination a Democratic candi~
date for Slule Sonnlor—wllh power to appoint lub
nilulu in race they are unable lo ulleml.
On Inoliun. lho proceedingl woro otdered lo b 9
signed by the officer: and published.
C. Porn". Seo‘y.
The warmlcamcrb authorized to be built
under me late act 0! Conan" approved
Maul). 1847. are: Two of lhe firlt clnss;
burden, United Slam tonnage. 2.414
tom. Two of the second class; burden.
Unlll'd Slates 9onnngr. 1,379 (om.
, , The/incl class are : - x
‘ Between perpendicular: 250 ft, 0 in.
Beam. extreme 45 0
Deplh lo gun-deck in hold '26 ‘ 6
The second class are .-
Belwcen perpendicularn 210 0
Beam, extreme ' ‘ 27 0
Depth to gun dcck In hold 23 0
The two firs! clan Human. and one
ul lhe necond clan, to be propelled bi'
ddcwvheclu ; the other by a agrew propel
ler. *
One uflhe lérgesl class is to be built :1!
Gumorl. and one at Philadelphia; one of
the second class at New York. and one at
Kitluy. Mainés—W’aslunglan Union.
Huwznrnc MACHINE. -A correspon
dent writing from Michigan to the New
Yorkvaangeliut. says: " ~ “
"A field of sixty acres was halve-ted in
two days, as followq: ‘ A machine war
drawn into the ficld‘by sixteen horses. gui
ded by as many boys as necessary. 0n the
fr'ontofthe'machino a man was stationed
toadj'uu the forks _& circular knives to-the
height of the wheat. which may readily
thronin back into the machine. No more
was ueen of it. till another man in the rear
part of the‘machine'wau seen tying up well
filled sacks of pure grain. in perfect ortler
for the [touring thrll. 'l‘hir huge machine
(of the beat wheat) harvested and bagged
thr‘ée bushels in a minute.”
Rosin Puma—A portion of one ofthe
street: in Fayettewlle. North Carolina, is
actually paved with solid rosin. A cor
respondentnl the Boston Pust says that he
hag riddenraml driven-a carriage overthis
novel pavement leveraljimes, and n capi
(nl road .it makes. It has a benuttiul clear
Inuit. presenting a amonth, hard surlace.
and It never rats. The manufacturer
means to cast it into blocks of the right
shape and size ior constructing uqueducls,
water-courses,.and sewers.
' A letter from Pittsburg.of‘thé‘loihinst;
informs us' that the "mammalian here
have done a large and safe business during
spring and summer, notwithstandtng the
ruinous (any. The wool-growers in our
neighboring counties s‘rs selling their wool
from4o to ‘6O cents per pound. to an agent
of the Lowell company. Massachusetts.
‘ ' W'ashinglon Union.
CHARACTER is like wealth, it “he: many
yeamo enablieh it. but thq when of an
hour. may destroy il-forevcr. ~
' Suuum Wumu —l§ 'nhould bo‘ remembered
that duripg the lnlema hhul‘ol‘ lummcr, lho pro
ccu,q(d|gealion is performed Willi aucthxtrom'o
lgmgourlhnl our road.- lnllead'of hiring speedily
diaaolved n'ud convorlgd into nummeni f9} lho bo
dy, oneq bpco'mén actually lg'puilSd. 'o'r putrified 3n
the uomach.. Hence bad brohlb. disagroonblo time
in the mouth. qollc pains, dy-enla‘ry,'cholarn man
but and other di-orden oflho imeuinu. ’
3 Wrighl'n Indim: Vegetable Pill:"nre n carlnlh
cute for nl! Ihc above, Qapgowun complaints; b 9.
claujo ghéy'fle‘um' the ‘aliniyomury canal 'df'nll 'lhoaé
bilibpi nml merid human, which are the canal).
not only‘of gll'dinotduu bl’lho boWulaLbul ofovory
maladyincidontl‘lo'man. .'l‘hey also aid and im~
prove ;¢!goi!ipn.llqd purify Ibo blood) '3'"! PM“;
loxo shin hgqltl‘ 9nd yigol; lo the wholo‘ frame, as
'well 'n'ia' drive «my déagiplionpf' pup (ram lho
. , - . ‘ I ‘h '- . .
Wnfiéava Brampton. os‘ynkinqi: 3'39an ~,;
‘coa‘od wllh sugar: 'olhen my made to r'oaofinble in
o‘ulerdyuyp'éamncp Ibo'orlélnnflvhbdicirpa: f 4~.
"‘2 1; I»: .:<'¢'..‘ H" n i,"7'.
wax-n r
County Meeting.
WM. C. WELCH. Chm'n
I '.‘a
1. Th. pnly otiglnil 'and ~~“mmin«_Tiufi'ili'Vummblo
Pilll hnvo lho Ilgnnluro of William Wright wdnlon
with I pan on lhe lop 'lnbel of‘-onch bo'x. None
other In gpnulno. and 'lo cnunlorfeil thin I! magma.
. flgent far ~ Clear/taut, R. :Shaw. ;‘ ‘lor
other agencies in Clear/field 19- Other coun.
lieu. see advertisement in another column.
' WPrinélpnlpmco. 169 than Sitcel,,Phllu.
i 'I‘RUB'I‘ T 0 BRANDRE'I‘H'S PILLS. lnko Ihern
In on Io pru’ducoo brink 'ofl'oci, and your licknen
will be the nail: of‘i: day (it lwo. while lho-o who
oro 100 who lo follufil Ihll common some advice,
will be lick for months. Lol lho nick. ohquiro of
"10 onenll for Brnndrolh'l Pill: whether Ihc-o
things aro In or nol. 'Lo'l Ihom onquiro among
thoir lriondn and oak lho Inmo question. Votily If
EVIDENCE ll wonled it Iholl boyproourod. To
the nick, lcl mo‘my. use lho ‘
II in lho but advice morlul map can gift: you
MARRIED—Inrvi:-Q;HJ)TE-on the 15m
Inst . by S.‘ *O. Thompson. Enq.. Mrfllum Kvmn
lo Min Ame: FLANIGAN, all 0! Mums. ,
A Cnmp-Moeung will he hold ‘by lho member
of lhe: Molhodin Protcuam Church, Io commence
nn Friday the 27m Augual. on tho lnndn 0! Pole:
Soil. in Bradford lownship. joining lho lurnpxlco.“sl
mile: can a! Clcnrflald. '
A gonoru! attendance of lho brolhrcn in (equal
ted. and a cordial invilnlion given Io all Chrinianl
nnd well wi-hon of Sio‘n. to join wilh us in lho
Eucujnpmcnl. and parliClpnle in lho warnlnp ofAl
mlghly God. '
Ministers urn" denominations will meal n Chril
inn. welcome.
Tho I’m-idem ol lho Maryland Conference “ill
bu in auenduncc. will: several miniuern {rum lhe
By order of (he Commillce of Arrungnmanlv.
Julv 20, 1847
trJ‘J‘fJ‘J-rf’” .I‘ J‘NJJ-I'J‘J‘J‘J<
s G. w. mac“ Ell, 2
s flitorncy at Law, 2
2 ‘ommimw. nst’A. S
2 July 20. '47.
Can and Seal
, A ~ :5 HAVING quit lie
5.» ;-f.¢gfl;,§~my 'l‘anmng b.usi
-51 crux no". [he aubucnbey
s’llva takes this occasion to
'"’ give notice to all per
uons haying unsellled accounts with him
to come formml Immcdinlely. nml make
settlemeol. 'l'hose neglecting lhu nolice
‘will most assuredly find their accounts
h-n in the hands ofa prnper omcer lot col
Cunvinsvulle. July 12,_1847-—paid.
N O T I C E.
THE lubwriber If’flATS
W lIIONEI’I All perlnno
knowing themselves indeblcd to
the undenigned lor work done a'. (In
Clearfield Brldge Woollen Factory, will
call and settle immediately. without lur
ther notice, and Inc lhexn-‘clvn Irouble.
Ju'yl7, 1847y—paitl. .‘.‘}l‘
Sherifl’s Notice of Inquisition.
LL p'rtsons inleresled are heleby no-
A llfied th‘by virtue of a uni! ulpar~
lilion nr valuation In my hands, I will
prnceed byJury 0! lm uiailion cnnvencd
on the premium; on Tlluraday 51/5 flu
gusl new], to make parlilion or valuation
ol a hut 0! about 116 acres of land. on
Shnvcncreck. in West township, llunb
ingdon ‘counly. hm: Ihe clinic 0! James
Cunerin, doc'ul.
0/ Huntingdan coun/y,
Sheriff’s office. Hun- d
lingdon, Juno 28. 1847. § 9
Dissolution of Partnership.
THE Co-Partnerahip herelolorc exisi
line between lhe subscribers, in Ihr
More a! Philipabnrg. conducted under lhe
firm of McGirk & Pests. wnulissulved
by muiunl consent on the first day at May.
1847. 'l‘heir stock In said store has been
901 d to Dr. Charles R. Fusler, who will
commuem curry on Ihc some at lhe old
bland. ‘
James McGirk is uulhorised to some
up the business 0! the hue firm. and those
having unselllcd accounts wilh lhe same
sire requested 10 can with him and attend
to aellling |hem withuul delay.
Philipsburg. June 1. 1847.--pl|. jul.3.
r—aJlJ‘J‘J‘ J‘ ..rJ‘J‘J‘J‘J‘NJ‘J‘J‘Nf
AVING determined to make:
H Curwenavillc his permanent t
residence. taken this method of infol'-_s
ming the inhabilnnls (hereof, and vi- 2
cinity. that he ,will Continu’e‘ lhe s
practice of Medicine. . ' ’ z
5 53M] cans made upuu him. eith- s
Ee'r by day or in lhe nighyflyjll .receive :-
prompl ntle‘ntinn. J. C. R. g
3 May 20, 1847. . ‘l,
L-J‘Nf-I‘I‘JJ‘J‘J" If .l‘slkl" '1‘"!
'THEJev‘ernl collectors 0] 060 an Mid
: State tax in Cleatfield coudty (or
Vls46_"andvf¢r'nll former year;,'who have
not settledmp: their duplicates; nrq h'eceby
notified" ilmtJheir, acc‘ountaj will‘ be put in
~lhe minds of‘thg Shefifi' immedjam'y ‘aflér
lhé coming Augunt cquit. '_l‘hage interes‘ ‘
(ed will! mv‘e'tosl by unending (b lhls‘na‘l|
lice imme’dialelypns it will ‘be adhered'to
WW ~ . _. 'll
' By order-of:Cqmmiu‘iu'nur'sr " ‘
A; H; P. THOMPSON,’CI’—k.-.I
nComniiggOflice.l§ , ‘ -:f -
gem Jo y.‘ 1847,- a - ~.
WE have been ‘nulhofized In an
SEL. 0‘ lh'c borough (ifClcurfleM'. is n
gandixinle lor the" L‘egislnmre—suhjebl,
hammer. to the ‘ac'lion 'ol'“ the Dvnloérntic
parly of Clcnrfield counly; i ‘qu 3. ‘
‘ R are authdrizedslo announce Dr
K WM. P. HILLS, of the borough 0
Clea-field. as :1 candidate forJhe Lfais'd
‘urr. subject to the docixinn ol lhePlimfl
ry E|ecliona on Ihe QSJI day of August.
“7E are authurized to announce Du
JOHN P. llov'r. nl Fergusnn town
ship. as a candidate ”lor lhe Legislature.
subject to (he UPriuion of lhe E‘imary E
lecliuns on the 28m «lay of Angus! next.
V‘ffl are nulh’omed to announce J‘s;
”ELDER. of Bell township. as n
cnmlldl'a'tc lor |he office 0! COUNTY
COMMISSIONER, u! the ensuing elec.
lion. July 17.
70 ”l 8 Electors of Clemfield county.
. FELLOW cn‘xzane :—-I offer myuel! lo
ynur comiderniinn an a candidate for the
office 0' COUNTY TREASURER, (nub
jecl to the action 0! lhe Democratic party
at the pnmmy election in Augusl.) and i!
circled. pledge myself In allend lo the
duties 0! lhe dflicc prrsonally.
Clcalfie'd, Jul} 17. .
Mary Cooper. lily] IN the Common
her next frien .| PleasolClemfield
John “'odlt', Lcounty. No. ‘7, May
vs. I term. 1847.
Christopher C. ' l _
Cooper. J
'l‘lie Commonwcallh of Pennsylvania
to Christopher 0. Cooper, Guanine :
H'lierras. Mary Cooper. formerly ' Mary
Young. by her next lriend, John \Vodle,
(lid. on the 3d day of December last post,
preler her petition to our Judge! ol the
Common Plea. ofth'e county ol Clearfield,
at a Court held at Cleurfield in and ior
said county, praying that'for the cnusea
ttherein set forthl she might be divorced
irom the bonds oi matrimony entered into ‘
with you the said Christopher C. Cooper.
We do. therelore, command you, thesairl
Christopher C. Cooper, as belore we com
manded. that, setting aside all banners
and excuses whatsoever, you be and ap
pear in your proper person before our
Judges at Clearfield, at a Courtol Com
mon Pleas there to be held {or the countv
alort'suitl. on the 30th day of August next.
to answer the petition or libel oi the said
Mary. and to show cause. if any youhare,
why the aaid"Mary. your wile, should not
he divorced from the bond; of matrimony
agreeably to the act of General Assembly
in such case matle and protitled. Hereo!
fail not. '
Witness. George W. Woodward. Es
quire. President ol our said Court. at
Cleaifieltl. the 28th day ol June, Anno
Domini, 1847.
' WM. 0. WELCH. Prollx'y.
You, Chrinophor C. Cooper. are hereby required
onpponr on the 30m day 0! August nut, to answer
ho complaint monlinncd ir. the above writ. .
July 2.1817. JOHN STITES. Sh'fl'.
[ST 0F LETTERS remaining in
L the P-ulgomcc at Clemfield. Pan
July m. 1847. ' ' .
Brmvl-, Juh'n Luziere, John
Harrell, Michael Moore. Almerin
Flrgn'.. Jacnb Munro, Andrew
Groon. George McCoy, Dennis
George. Joseph Mortimer, Miss H.
Gliliam. Charles Pwh, Edwanl
Hulchene. Wm. Rubison, Sarah
Kidd}. Joseph Swan, Juhn
Kingnbury. Danlci Wall, &c.. James
Lewiu. J. W. “‘illiams, Berinh
Com-t Proclamalmn,
WHER WAS lho Hon. Geo. W. Woodward, Pres
demJud coflho Cuurlol'Cnmmon Pious ol
lho rilhjudicinl Sislricl. rumpuscd ul lho counties ol
Chnlon. Mifliin. (Tantra and Cleurfield. and tho
Hon James 'l‘. Leonard and Abraham K W‘right.
Esq'rs.!\ssbociulc Judges in Clcnrficld county. have
insuadlhelr precept. bearing duto the 4m duv of May
1847. to me directed.lor ho.dmgu > .
Cour! of Common Pleas, Orphans Court, Court
a! Quarter Susiom, and Court of Oygr g TEA
miner and General Jail Delivery,
at Cleurfield 'l‘mvn.fortho County 01 (.‘lonrflummn
lho 51h Monday of August next. (being lho 30m duy
oflhe month.)
Nohbc imtlzércfbre, hereby given.
to lhoGoronersJuatlcea oltho Peace. & Constable:
m and for the County ol'Cleu‘rfiold, to nppenrinqkheir
own proper omens. with Rolls.Recorduflnquiamom
Exnmmullogs undolher Remembrances, to do those
things which lllclr officer 6:. In their behullnpporlnin
to be done; and all wanes-ea and olherporaom pro~
saculng m bclmll ol lho Commonwealth against any
prieonora urorequired lo he then and therouuending
and noldcpnrl without lcnvcmtlhcirpenl‘.‘ Jurors
nro rcquculcd lo,bc punctual ln lhmrnmndnnca oi
the nppointedtinic agreeable to notice. ‘ '
Gwen under my hn'ngm ,lho lawn ol Clcorfiolthiu
' 10m (lay of July, m the car of our 'Lord our
lhousn'nd eight: hundred ail lorly seven; and lho ‘
aovwly~firsl yourol’Amerirnn Independence ~
» JOHN s’“ ms. Sh'lT-
sale by CRANS 85 BROTHER
- .Curwin‘sville, May. 11.;1847. " ‘
WANTED. ""A lew pounds a!
' WOOL in 'paymenlof debtsdue
.lhls office. ' . - f u June 19.
Meeting of County Comm’rs.
PERSONS‘huymgbufiineu lagjnnnsncl
' Willi lhe. bdhr‘d pf‘Commigaioncrg _nf
Ule'n'rfigld ’é'ounly,‘ ‘tvill lnke_ not’icocflmt‘
paid bbar'd grill .be in Sessinn‘jpn‘ Mo'nday‘
“pg 30": day of’Augu'u next: * "
" Arms-tap,- » . ~ ‘ ‘
f ‘H- 1’! THOMBsoj or".
1 June 1., 1847, .' “N, ’6"
, . Ipenons.[nter¢gléqin‘ lhg;,{oll_owipg
Admmmra-ion nccbpniafiled in the Reg
iucr’c omcc o! Clearfield count]. lho
sume having been [alllu‘fied and passed by
"10 Reaisu-r will be presented to the Dr
plmns’ Oourgpf mid cvoun'ly. to be held at
the caur} ho nae, in:\he'borough 0! Clear.
field. on 91¢ 80"!!!” of August 'ncx't, for
bonfirmnuon and «\luw‘nnc'e, viz! f _ ~
‘ The ndminiflrngion acéount of Roswell
Luther and John Ream’a. rndmifiiattatorc
n! the estate .of Henry Renmn‘llam' ol'Bn
(Iy lownshim Clearfield c.ouhly..fde'r.’d.
The ndminislrauon accountlof George
W. Horn. adminiqtrptqr 01" th mate of
Elias Horn, late of Puke lovinship, Clear
‘field'county. dcc’d-' ~ - - -'
" The ndminislrniiun ucccount of Jacob
Leonard and Schoo‘y Scott. ndminillr'a
lora of lhe estate of Robert Leona‘id. his
0! Beccarin township, Clcarfietd county;
dec'd. - . ' ' " ~ '
The ndminintrntibn‘accbdnt of William’
'l‘nte. administrator at the estate ofJoreph
Hull, late at Lawrence township, Clear
field county. llec’d. ' ‘
- WM. 0. WELCH', Reg'r. t~
Rrg’.-a office. Clear
fiold. July”), 1847..
. Sherifl’s Sale” . .
B Y virtue ot a writ of ‘Venditiooi Ex
ponnr. issued out qf‘the court of
Common Pleas of Clenrfield county. and
to me directed. will be exposed to public
sale at the court house. in the borough oi
Clenrfield, on Monday the 30th day of
August next. a certain tract at land. litu
ate in Gibson loWnShlp, Cleurfield county;
bounded as follows :—comtirencing‘on the
line 0! division between Daniel Miller and
James Mia’s lend. thence along said line
1 N. 522 p 9. 9-10 to n hemlock corner on
‘ the north side ol the Sinnemahoning creek.
thence again N. 54 E. 167 pa. to a rock
oak. thence N. 218 p 5. 9-10 mo post on
the northern boundary of tract No. 5470.
thence east along field line and by tract
known by No. 5469 311, pa. to the north
east corner of the tract, thence by No.
5463 and 5467 S. 640 ps. to the corner of
the tract, thence great by N0a."5392 and
5391 W. 445 pa. to place ol beginning.
betng part ot two tracts of loud. surveyed
on Warrants known by Nos. 5470 and 54-
71, with a home house. saw and grist mull.
log barn and bearing orchard. and 125 a
cres cleared thereon. Seized and taken
in cxeculion, and to be sold as the prop
erly 0! Jumps Mix. '
Y virtue of I wut of Vendilioni Ens
B ponan issued ohl ol the courtofCorn
man Pleas of Clearfield county. and to ma
directed, will be exposed to publtc sale at
the some time und‘place, the following de
scribed property, viz :-—A certain lot or
tract 0! land, situated within the corpora-.
ted limits at ‘the Borough .ol‘Clearfield.
containing five acres and levenly-five per
ches, bounded on the east by out lot No.
14. on the north by not lot. No. 15, on lhe
well by 4th street, and on lhe'loulh by’
lot No. Is, and known as out lot No. —:
the lot nll cleared, Wllh choose and stable
thereon erected. ALEO—Lot No. 50in
uid borough ol Clearfield. bounded on the
east by Second street. on the north by lot
No. 49. on the west by an alley. and on
the South b) Lot No. 51, with nhouseand
stable thereon elected. Seized. taken in
execution‘nud to be acid as the property
ol Robert Collins. '
.91. SO.
Y virtue ’oi a'oimilnr wril issued from
B the lame court, will be exposed ,to
public sale at the same lime and place.
the lollowing tlquribed preperty. viz :
A c’erlain tract at land situate tn Bell
township, Clearfield county, bounded on
the north by laddi ol McCall. on the can.
by lands at George Thompson, dec’d. on
the north west by lands at James McGheo
and on the north by lands of Davtd Sun
derland—wtth a home, barn, saw-mitt.
and about seventy acres cleared thereon.
the whole tract containing two hundred
acres. more or less. Seized, taken in ex
cculitm, and to be sold as the prupetly of
Andrew Burultnrl. » ’ i
BY villue ofh writ 0! Mia: levnri fu
' cias wr mechanics lien, issued out
0! life Coufl 0! Common Pleas 0! Clear.
field county, and lo we direcled.’ wilt be
exposed to public sale at the some time
uqd place. a certain Grist Mill or Mill-
Home. meaauage and tenements. situate
in .Boggs township. Clvarfield county.—
Suzed and taken in execution. undJo be
sold as the pmperly 0! David Adams. by
‘ JOHN S’l'l'l‘ES, Sh’fl. -
Shexifl’o office, Clear-E
4 field. June 12, '47. , ‘
l A ~,
‘ JOSEPH coon; -- ,
AVING succeeded In the above bu"
H sinuseven beyond‘llis moslunym,
game expectation» lakes 'lbe present oc
cnsion to, relum, big tlmnks lo the poolicgl
[or their generous su‘pport.‘;flc I! now
'plepared’ in monulaelute eithenBOOTSH
or SHOESi my style 'B,“ good. as mill,
and as PERMANENT; a.» lheyhcgovbc inking: ,
fnclured elsewhere in the gufibjyg-qnd'al!‘ ,
on the must accdmmddiilihfig‘vilhl‘ma; “0,,
only asken cunlinuanfiffi‘fflhg patron'agé .
he has-heretofore Feéeivfifl‘.’;sul;is‘, a'l’lho "
same lune prepared "tb‘iufifnlyzniiy‘inc‘fep'ee'
qt custom ma! Lm’a’yr be guide. 1m". ‘_-
He may. always be' lound .ujt the shop
‘lormerly occupied by RC Shitk. ou Mat-3
kalslteel. one door weal o! Ruch'd.Shaw!|
‘Btore- . - u . ~ n: .lf' . " ‘,:.:‘ 41.2,.» ‘
§Mny 20, $47.; - .. -- '
. .