rm “"‘fmaz‘rwzmébtw . ..., hr ”5‘..." ; ~ M’Efiv} :32 ‘\ ..\E ‘ m ‘E‘sfiflfxfi’w Em “...... _‘ was; ma Ht}? 3‘77’}73€3 , LYN? fig?" our '. - '6 . ..m .1, ‘3‘ vl—lq‘. .. ‘.‘-3 ’ .2! RE Ilitgd new; {mix - .03 ‘ ~.-- '.~ ’4 aim-j sax'zm3'22-ma a“? fiwwfi ifs‘ ~6€M¥VDEMOG§E3MQ.?BANNERFFST|EX flnbmfiég weekly. at” per annum-éor 0] 75 if pain! "Had,- ,“aan- 0.. ‘ ,~ ~.‘ 1.»;- VI :r ‘.‘ rpm '- ‘fiLNd fibrgi'mtgdsdiamnmfuod (dafbgn‘m‘llfo op; non of! a editor“) mml all nrrcn‘rfigekhfgf‘midii Mtgdvomgomenm &Prszhnmfltfl-Jflds. v ; "-“"'_z‘~":'l‘l,,.ni"’ ‘h ‘ ~~ n ' VT; " -»—-—‘—‘—————-——:--' .'E‘fiwmnkmflfl'flsgi“ .: 0 EE';£!E'I§E'JSM:W§J{I it n Faith-:9 532 n' u ‘ . " 3.“"‘°..'!33!‘ “TQM?! twcqwhiess—wmg ”m“ $559093: m 1... mmtghdvc great-1 wvea‘gyflwmflwas!» 'e-fl'ehr ..Mwninz' $l9" ,S'q'fixulj}; pqcondmf‘ fine dingo cfa‘ése‘ai'" Tlfé '96:; 'ul’ a'~ H'Eféfinlilé ‘46};2-‘11: stuggtgabomwnd Iqsgn.roeftuné'syxgéé.‘ Mam‘hcgijgesmdgpim'wu .cd!leil.,n'ifoxitp' c‘kbos‘e‘bch as “\s‘ jug gt; 5' new,“ 15,55; enggzllb;itg,y-jgorous'iiéfiu'n'.’ s'iiitirié “in“ci: den! 'HL‘ffiyghyygg MSIAHLJIILUI n‘ cfimgypnq, Sign”;’lpqflfhpy‘gjgflabhbh~ msntmpéfifrb Lies; kn; '.Khrhhn. the mom“; 0! Mrs. Minnine. who hll' been' "mama {mm a-distnntnbsltcby (h'e' ‘1 flinch mule};meamhfinnd mhe :vé'mbarrmméhtc‘ amp fibiLhaiLnluc'rctitggiiml:piuxig'c‘d'fliéi; had abseioedgllre.,.mi.u! 'lh’é? luaui'uéiia’n: JQEEOHP; Q - hfl‘. "nvplwmg sand-vault]: law (In: Olhcmofrhifi-hniriaJiom'é. .'avzg‘v. 3,52"; ‘ ldu nul'mk yt‘iu 10:20 Mi") 'vméuMi-V "haiudlfwidm. _N.“ C‘ivs‘ffl = .‘x‘bfizau‘ie our life‘ myellhao Mid and rnugllilpguil._o‘gd¢~[.- icnlgcwpmgpqnrrzycdas 's:.u_,bai'c:~,benng in, lhe ‘hvidéVUF‘lfihvious lilinr'lh‘érflmV Bin M megh'u‘ve‘ «0256! your base:- «M‘s; We (img‘hghu nuiu-(l ilk-.mpllllmxdylléfitlli be ablbfi‘dcdbtérpqt. (Eibflcg ym’ip]riq;l~u.nm au,_mir*c'amrrs,iri!mnn-ghe'él3{;nacics _v's-x‘zgiiwwfil. “£73395: . 232.} ,‘th;:::‘ i" : O‘:MF"§MF"H"'B cpngqnlggl ; angling»: Ihe’ 'qm'uiun gun‘s, Md: ullh'e; son:glln,u_l(| lg ‘ muin. To "c Ingnning, ’oldér by mu years than his b‘t-flfi'rAGcmgo.‘lhc chuiu‘ .qug‘iqutiuns‘)‘ at submitlt‘dr '»ljc.;wvclg, gyiljxihis uncle: Hh'e -: Bmmlway tbs‘mbLJr mpolwllfigrid-F m dulirs “hi‘chwwu'llibr dutifullflfidn-xlmZn .lnimftlfinsal‘ar V «Nib; r'i‘ioujgljg‘girefl.’ saw'lhe grate “iii fihiih: ‘lh‘e awards behind'flw countér dtijflnyc¢ their filksédd suing. nn'd'wlejyolaln‘lhc' cleggyffifimloré Ihc-cdbmifil nml Ithcfl‘c . (Lision \wilhTflhlth’.‘ llrey. ‘prqnmlgnl'cdtlhe‘, manna! fashion—a'nd-uim-lhar jmrarngu ~,°!,'1.i.1_ evn‘nwmm “sth,r.i9'-1l'¢3“§,‘~°"”l"*” I‘guiyfgglro! I‘lyggénm}. hp degidedag once: (ha! 1! cibéliyidus‘kffiillon.‘ w‘G‘éb‘rg‘c-“Mm Ind with dillhuhrknlquihct, ..“J'ilc. his bruthefigfiiflnfifid‘g‘ghis Vfléciliyfifips soon , a! iL‘tgfi‘hflrd‘pup‘rgd; qpvrg‘ng. Toriyar‘jl‘ wilh a “fibhfilflfl‘wo’uid ha‘v'g 'su‘il‘e‘d magenta) loiulibfltrrflmma New Yufk‘flrdéipg rfiomiglhrflvf’th'e “Hon“: be ”y’is finding atro‘unlhe tablrrclnsppd firs! hip mpglagr, undilhcwhiruncie' in his‘mm‘s,‘ afn‘l‘hjx’; tlaini‘rd. 1‘ I’n'm die boy for the \\es'l‘.“"'l 5313“ hdlnygufell‘hlhe qui‘rsljmlgbuild'nl; iéh"'(fl§'tc.'fuh,cln “Thy ;. shpulg 3319 mm)! Uflflfl‘éilic's 7“ \ié‘llf'u‘ Rom’d'u'p him)!“- “any—3 :14. 5.3: i 7""5-"1 7.: ”I: ~7'.31:93”,,W1‘n'}55,01“: citiemwith all their silk'sgiatint,‘ 'cmd tel'wétfléuid chafgé- them np_lhi'6g‘,.’i .snid Many: Ma'hitiingz- wilh- an lit 0| Superiority wil‘t‘lEthchqbg. worldly wise often loujt on jhé sallieg ol the _en_thu- I‘llflqgfg‘ 172' 3"." "‘13:; #1: :g‘.;:'-:.;; , : You qnnjtgfmglln'caulruhc. my mm! said Mu, Manning,.ahginking[min hiibuuteri o’ui gtétgtatipng. hut”. quMorganah-tdmll edeiS'hmty gnibraccundins begins] in mfihis'bbklntglight _fach-zfiil‘h. an eye bright a_s his OW". t-fiptithq bimburat ,ol cntltu'si: using“ You are the vet] boy',for Ihem‘rcst, G?O{L¢ifi:ll.‘lil§;ou!;9!fiu‘cn brave'stufl that piohée’r‘o‘hhd cfitybyildcrp: are ”always waded); .W -4 4 4 ~-- - ' HgQtyfluwiqg('spfiq‘bgqg-@gl himflljm telat’or “'5O? the Jamie‘s; who Jdrmrwm?‘ niib‘clpal‘fcu‘flb'rfiexb9!. hismpioyem .131 higfi'ca'refustand cotgégi .habinnand; hip elo gill! 3916161nurllh‘ev‘fg'glegl’ign':ahd‘mrrynges dém391360¢50 h‘e 9'89 became : a motile “likzhls 'é‘mployerfii :.themwlvrmr- I'm n'g'g'dgq'jg agkn‘l‘lo'r {ha sclgct‘ionp! I;ng abij‘agf. find llyejjem high... fig, pupcfia‘sefl clmhs'forlhe‘m m, England. and ailkgl‘io- F 933 . and ycgmgyhpm‘e ‘wigh “(ha repulr limit}? 9 ,gi'qy'gllegi ; man. H; on sugdpq himwbstlaidmssjqr. him: a. flniufl: by ‘flfii‘ififi!“sl,lo3.93;“mkxinmhicti‘Mrw M’o’r‘ga‘d b’mly'nsWe! limes (gnu-am am!- at twooty-{dflpjy'ehrsplfiagg{ye opened bu oineu Ig'himpelfia'gra‘lfge‘nc‘h importer.— L Pyipn'afgijlfifl eto' Jug-. 191 Io .lhmalew hoi‘nei' ’-l|é"i'venl‘;ébrll:gq“_ ‘ (ng _lfggqulgdionwof go‘odflqap Hie Air} .3;, gn‘hanqememM—okhis 56F"; . "rgfilut‘azippy : ' queJ‘qt'gpgl _in; two seep-"1* .3:'Mlflfibléz.Aidan-teem!“ 6'13 iv“ bf,;¢,’,‘.¢.9§-, fi‘fiu'sthshéfi. pl lamina??- PlGV‘éW'=.¢§iWh,iykgts4of;fetiJ‘fi'siiflwtfii-Za‘ fin’lhid.‘i§e.u.'l¢fi??hfi'E;3l7.9:s93s!?! i 909? Ni 7" Mithtfséshausnsfiomsswe.fisia‘tige mm hegl’i‘riveiffr‘o'lfi' ‘his 'rgpgr’ltgd Llfagg'fl; sm}! lougi :efidgqsq ab,r¢a,d.;;§. B,l...gnbgg-sayt‘dr [gamma why hydmiéjl;Efiflavéii‘kmq" alpfi‘ilifi‘e'méfiw qr!“lo‘tl'glkkioggtgdpl he qngckly’ die mule spng‘xguwr hi; giggled. to; he :10“! ~ which it half fi‘ec’n hIB ITe‘qs 'lmfiuiqb- mum: “~"‘3‘EQP?§39.9X3391®3£ para-or * a ism we 9:1 as ihhgggfiflgfigfii "Lyonfiqggfi relhle's'wigtvbiafihdthéifiwq paging“. k motiommwflyréw 4899? «WWW r-nxefienmh'er'fibh‘aétthwart‘gv'n-qimmr: luau glue hufiaqifiérisflflnkf-gpggq‘firdpeqj Iya M366}: mamwmqgtqpfi 3951163?ng Ihilng‘vlh’nri-dqd ‘lilfg‘idgggjy‘ phfigbpgtg; bylvfilfeh’ing p menrsnya grgl’tgljngrd'on Yap“; MW“: r-ngv‘nzeké'mafin'erg:Just,drag; :uidihathppparédjfylihfigggfighjjuf_}§ejgl l “_. ..lv: _‘ ~_ ,‘ ..'?” ”‘7, "fifty-5" ' ‘ééfiififldffisilfihis m‘omgr I‘m: EMF Ind! thenflen'ry was in Euibp’é.“l)utih'g. ' ' I . . «‘.‘!rx-ipnm'u-‘WVMMMWH.w,.N, ‘ .. ‘ .- v ‘ - _ ‘ . ‘ - . . . , , - ""“""”,‘"~'t"'l 3.7 M»! ‘ ”...".-- .-....‘_.‘,‘_,;:l;;;j*‘_:f “‘“V—F-“fiwmwzhvnr .g- _ w-u: wa. . ‘.“"H mm...“ «"1 V , ‘ ‘ ‘ V '‘V H m». ..fl 1‘ _ -‘ , "2”"TT'T""""‘ “v.4;fifrfié“x......._.-.,.f~;.2.,_wf_;_;-_u_:»l:~:s:333:.:?\carili‘z.“my“;:L,.;»:,J7lmwrm‘mxvmwiwvwcsmm-~=‘i~z~ Mt".fi“fi£~fi'h'lfls‘vffil,?m?>lfi:é‘,hf.t"'r.n: n-«Jugm-‘mg. , _ .. > . . ; _ , , w,“,-_,*.Mn_....,.~..-.,~...mu.-.--..“m. fl. . My..- .._..._-.._...‘..,....__ V ~_< _ g, _ ”w. J -’ ~‘ W E‘ES'W 33 I. :‘J '3me .‘ .'w m 3» 9' u , 2 K: it ' ‘ - L ‘ - ‘~V. .. ~ ..2- :«e. .1“ '~ -~ ' : - ‘ - « ‘:. W M; m.. ~'zy.~‘,;.'." “wigs {‘3l}, .’.‘ ’3‘“? amazing“ Ema? “K mew Wmu‘é 19:: ”N’ 113%de . fw' "5‘33“???“ , - cunwr~v Lina! F 3 ‘ ' - ~ . »c L’l; H 1‘; '. .“a ,q .5117, . _ L’p‘; i '.t" .. 3" ‘ Y 1 ‘~ '7 u'j'g‘“: «4215”»: w . . u ‘.'; .1 ‘7 V7‘ ’R QL; j 4. 3.1 M .. v; 1 .. > . fight“)? xllf£fifi€f£§fipdfi ' ’ .m. .4: 3 ... u .'.-'.‘): ""1 ,1] {ch-$11.93?“ '. . -n-‘Jx.'§§24§?g%§ A; ' ’1 "" ' ' ‘ . . v ',,. , , . ..., . 4-. .r‘c.; _ « ;. . ‘ . ‘ 4' ." ‘ " hr 'i; nu , ' » .125.) .59 M?! 1.31 " ' {‘3 .. 3 :Jn‘r. 9 ('3‘ Y ”A“! H‘ T 333 .“ wk"? 1 " .'1 7' ’- . " " - 'u. -1 , - . . ' ‘. ' 'r ‘ m . ‘ , ' . ~,nr:.,A. ~ , 7| ‘ . 1 . ‘ ,3 sx. =fs 33" ‘o' "3 (sq .9 a! mi "'1‘”: “'2 55 ”If? 3," L”? a. :,' Nf” 1'? ‘c I! ’.~,,, .. ..‘-t ~ . :.Er: 42:: ‘ t - ‘ ~’ .:9 ' ¥ . . - \ , ..‘ 3 -_ 1: ; , ‘V . _ :af‘ .. y... ' , i 451 {lhv .' ‘. u‘ ~~;..3 ‘ ‘54-" "*7 7m? m 3 2 .‘.‘ and mains}; .;" “q . , - . ..‘...m “" a » “ 5“ -‘2 ' ' ‘ , . V ‘ .‘ n ' . 4: ‘ ‘ ' i > ' .. , 1%“ ~. 2 ”13.43“”. 7113.7 ‘l‘! 1:5,- gmnéqg? “13¢:th 57“} 'L '-‘ .’5 B. : {1... 7,573. «with ”Hi;- f r 7“ 7 _ ‘ 43:}, ‘ ’ - "H ‘ ' F l 7 ‘- ' ~ .: m -V‘<.‘ ' .. . ' - . . ~ . ~-v..'. - ~. *3 ‘ "‘ "“' "Vt-L» WWWVW. m}. .u'. n s» . . ‘ Kc: _-;_”_" ' “"" “ ”V‘W-H-VT'lfl '3l” ‘.') Mai-4H5; «3 1" " ”v" ’ '~l.‘--. MI. Eui-g {.3 «M 15303: .5 v ~., . . A W. 7 . . . . , - , , uh.»- MEM ma .- Allqlxisii'\"cry‘cncifiur‘égihg;'diziibms'§; bull Elihu? Harcour'fi-ff 40"p'éifcclly’ 019'- gno'uno lhdioughlyl r't-finul.-‘ll'ml 'ldt'c'ad {he cfleu upon hcr c! any oulre'dswda‘ non—bynflne by. mogh‘e‘r,‘il‘l-pbjaihher _pej'nyis‘p‘ign 39, iplgndnrc gnu“ ;Io:lmr:.;you .njjl‘fiof (@955 that .bnjqu'n ..zhajdnv visiting “9539; lg'rqun hatXi; any fidVCl’S‘iOflrfl'j’ ‘losl]il§';¢|j‘ _y‘ujgglrr—bul, lu minrnJozGcmge filnbyv‘caprl inupgluchyim giihhisyrnvgh.‘ pnisg'emp‘s.‘ weqlegnmgnnenln {his—comm: l)- yluhP' "ljhc my thoughts chill mc’~-‘- nml Henry Manning shi\-crtd—'nnd-gyo| h'p‘w'can I‘n’void igdit. we should be cngng‘w i-dP’ifl,‘ f' 7 , -"-a'w'- . . “’llh'lkcpblbc; tame xlwhrnulilul ’Em'v‘ mu Halcgugt. {and} M_rs.; Dulfield'u house Wop'lhronggihwi’lh .hrr ulmiren. :Hw's 5135 the (hurt andzgpvymem‘of Miunlrcss quee'n, mlhcr than one [ruined inlhc halls utluhhd.” "l'huc «as n jumus “radon: in her air. her slap. her glance, which. hnd‘fihérbcm‘ln‘s benulilul. lcsNal'eht'éd, l'ess, -lurlunalé' in cucipl' puailido" '01" 'in .wcallhé—would’have’ plated hcr'ufidgr the‘ ban of fashion; eve‘n 'llehfy Manning, lho." ‘l‘er slave olcunvenlionulilm,’ha'dino‘cril jc‘igqn fat “.’.."- .H.e.lu.,tl,‘r hecuxufi‘wm'lh: fits} A? .'c‘pllwx .135.ng Lll2 blush thin-flit led‘a‘élo‘qshfi (huh, the Imilc llmLPluy pdupuq. he; Ill". a 9 he, was _annouhced, mighglyclll ha‘yerfl‘allgrul, one eleven less l The up}, dyirbelqm .Henr-y: hag] lime to .i‘mpro'yeh‘lllepefsgmpmms .iu..his flavor, of; Lgélhmi‘nghgmg .al fiv‘c o’clock, lo‘ulinl néf.’ hé lgun‘da ggqungehin lhtpulor-wilfi hi's‘filmh'er.‘ ['.'l‘hg .ggmlcman would on his ebhahégnhg’yd ..he . .qu ‘scmely 'lime ' lo glpjn’égjal ’l‘hg‘jalngnqnl): (fitmdheulolty airL'l tlig..g9in_msngljhg_.hguw.> ere "heluund highs‘e'lfrglg'sptyin tumult”; with :the? ex? unwillingly:.QAepcfls-nry;! how «juiced-1: 9m. twee-1093”?!) -.2 . , . Jl‘l'Georggghquning-Jhe physical and in'ggllchuql:{panama..bcm developed in fare. humonj [Hq‘nlm’ls .lnll'erfaml larger :tha‘h hishrolher _Henly,’and‘jhgggllzaglj ,qncemh‘nclnhe ’lal'te'g‘ h‘a‘dg’lab‘oddu‘glxntw. ,gamengoni} mafslq'j‘ of ('all'édhifehlgohil Lulca,‘ Ma’s hihlby‘L‘Vliildér‘bl ’n" &ourag‘e’ods soql,:}vhi;h heldéilaelt übomtall rdletb‘dl Ihqsemrgpcrihed by in own‘ highzunse‘ ol thefijglllg, ~71‘he,r¢..w.a§, a‘niugulat caning}.- .(ehder‘ed yet more alriking by some poin‘li“ 'u'l tescugblancy, bepucgqjhe ,pgpilml negl e'u'y myth: "chilqlpl. mg}.ybyeufiqelweep. lhv‘fl’a'ri'biiu {elegehdé' plfljepry .'an'dll‘be‘.‘ pruh'dr‘ll'ie" g't'fle "bl" G‘eo‘rge}? H ii' Iggy; 'hHleP "‘9! Ms93;EMF".Amhlzavsnsm i? nfitgiédgggéfilef f 5 ,5“! 13318:! J 1!!! left»; i with: a . ; FIJI." :ah l .r «m in. Hid; counteuag'céljlhnfindgqfigiflfbfin .aig cl“: daughter" which fiatki‘ail’polifilleil; mindw In; “all“? :fllhfll'éfi‘lfinifiibechfie re-l gonciled to his brothgr’q nj[ign!_.jpndvgqli§-,l‘ ‘getlw'vim'lhihi‘ificklgfe'yfiegtb 1n; :7 (infer. gs. ‘ we; in», ”' W 4» 93“! +21%! mil mad}; inlh'tla’l‘gd ’llfoije ltiyujséffijahd: iggggfi ciesziosxmama:grim.»mnius'gwhg:lm“,- britréfmuné‘maWm’niwd<.«l.és;censlib «b; '«lherkdeefi lho‘l'él'd‘ ioF-Vl‘igm, "pi'n’ltglbuh‘s Eh“. I ‘ ~ , -lm .- ‘.3"’v'~l v‘v“. ' (closely vffiuaog-Lbédy cual. pl‘éscrlpyd .by fashion; ’l‘hgliule party.llngeggd;lhtlg’q§ ‘vje'r lhofublea-ait‘rquw o'tlbglfiyylifen my). aruserromu .’.; .sxDbiF’l’nmherfiil‘aiid‘ Geoig’d'imqqnidg; b3] am song 39 leva‘v 99 “ll ,yy'eiliufifl‘zm fl 1‘ will "9:311"? gbli i’tigllv'agén’éw-‘lo-marrow. shimmy algae}! agmq a l'am go .iqg-io vifiyhf yoh' will fielml’ _é, lzflgnm .ilfm Id long "noel was in ng‘Yorki‘mat s's} i‘ibvutma 3‘ 93:7: 2'1326'72: enswinw me first mmmtter. hi- fwafiaodrwhefi mum’fiwshm heiaptgmsaenamledaM I e9réxl'.\azelww'snssah'e smothjnrmmml 'gimasneghMregcived: .ée".er;{r9m:Gémci JIAD‘K‘RQPQDK biasi‘mw'py oweiw‘jmfie“; Npskziinzfirss’.mh¢rn ml: manemninr‘sixh {SQQLWPS‘ WWW." cr.:..4Hepry.waev-i In“ and; “pond?” iq-qnnouncguiénj; ;'.j 3 g; :‘rjl‘flilihl.‘l}Bl..-nyfg§; had. 2110601).»th mk‘sghi' mi! .in.-!lnc.».sznmme.r. ..»-wh,ov mun Iflzlhc n 94! 29° Jo.'.W!mnl; Ipm|t.l:h,c§imle.-hi iqyptlg’cgfifim xvpulflAuq vhgenfubacn‘lii _J, $99.51.: bi; fififfh.‘6 M 5! .JgisfigelingrLbul; gull},&og‘iytrqc’pg‘qj..‘.yygflqu‘J'alrmen inlp‘ 110‘thE‘eéiw77—44524»'.'.csuxawud;icr -3:143:45} {W9 $995. glozgg‘lggo’w (mill!!! .visililho‘ 9&qu 01-3“fsuptcig'sppndslof;pome in.l)e7 “mlwiw -nI-!?2cx°!xslifiw.l hwdzm "HS!!!" _Mjsp‘» flgrrgfiglfiyas gaming thom :Waflfiqgtnfi. ‘lo.gpe‘«x.d,.a.; [cwnswcckimithr h'er[mad-Mia;Hilfigldfli‘r :..;r 732': i' : J" Am], “In“ '.’“MMh’ finnouu’n‘ tiyiiHOJ Mrquumelfif‘lqflq; with Gtgorge's visil‘tu pyjz‘ggkcd‘Mgs.l.Mannuig.,.,fl;,.-, . ”.'." ‘ ‘ "g 6 gpcgl- (Icah‘n'yliqaqr‘fi"film; a any, 95:31.49 do “ilh .my‘ utgrciflmt he. Shaumi ssnrrzauwnmvc. I '9!!! '.‘"‘u-‘hW lnbmmp? agiqu‘qnznled;will).,.Emmqfflu_r.cnurl m Ed (nypcnx‘mrd- \‘yhu‘t'ln gsplcpditt .crcniute I-he:ie. Emnyi'n Rani” she.:l)qt,c.3yhe~panh for wit andfbcnuly~and la'éjuon, 1100+th i's‘iu Engfish.andzAnllcgignnjeo'niely. ~. HUI lizditl not 16:” you illulgbcjcccived me with .uch-distinguiglledgjavq;spudgcvinccd :0 (”PW puny: 7can'sdgumgsg‘fit‘..ftpy, atten lior‘va,’jlbh't§h‘a(l":.ip[‘hci .(nllno'r'filpgying horn (lxilsi’n' bin}; bf lh‘é i'cké‘liwfis offinymjdt-m and _Vice'_l'uéidgpul'lgd[Vu‘icdg‘lmr‘n Panslin phltfld‘béfin lliislsmiutiy "in lung‘ur his \‘otlrfll QIIQQIQ 'pr'obibly‘huvc barn, indun'd lb'll‘y'agv‘ay ‘liejr.,:' Ué'r' lul‘h‘er‘ is’in angmss Ihis’jcaf‘, Bl‘lllUJNU'Se‘c'”2Lllig'fiplqllchlcatllfi ilml'l anx‘lmi-.”,(_llpfifi slgydcuquqs', loflu‘lld pm! of the wir'.ii:r' 'u'ilh'n I‘m-ml in Ncw ‘.‘"ka “‘1; -fl' “‘.‘.“HHM ~‘-l Hcmy inse:h(\lh‘a_n,-’u’imicd_ (0 1M 'glfnfi. .fiur-rryrdfiivfltbgnnl“ figyfie’f n'nd'c'nd‘lipnei‘l lpzr‘ail atrosidfial g-lé'ncb's‘uf’ii' 'hfi‘h'e: wrflk‘. ffd 'batkfi‘hvd nml: lo'r‘uL'avd,‘ (h‘rhu‘gh‘fihr ruu'm..:,‘lip vr'ch‘mt‘d‘ (lie niim-riu'ihlhf W _- he; aside“? .:Aflet. arfem wbiipmd ‘w‘oid‘a‘, M u. ‘Duflield placed tbu-cnid ib‘TM'J‘lrH‘ai‘i cou'n’s, hand; A quddefiv-flfilr ofjoy‘fiira diam-d every foaiutet‘of herzbemiirul face. gnd Henry: Manning“. saw that. but' (ofr‘Nl‘a‘. Dufl‘leldh Lealrnining hand. shoxvohld hav‘é rushed‘from the room, Rec‘alled ‘thun‘lo a (ecglleclion of~mhcte.-..therloolie'd umun’d helium] heroyeaemerhili ?In an‘ inslam her face, «In covered with blushei.‘ and éhé dmw back. :nim emba'rmsaed’bohscibui nets—almost immediately however. slit?- raiscfl My; head. yimfi’ggmousll3bnght'ex. prcgaion. nn’d thqughghquid .noMoukm 'ljeur}:,Maqning.”.lge {en‘sliq “zat- conscious of. jiig _' Pb!9!'9‘i9fl.; 29 we: pasted“.,wilhsa chimposed. sch ionwflw-hom the room: _Honry Mangingv wamvnwakenod from 'a. dream, I; was naively..pjeu‘agllvaak enln‘g, hatiaa' his-‘Vé‘nityg‘ rathegmghgnpip, hea'r’t'wlnu louched, heiwau nblc.to;concqall hitéhhgiiu. ‘a‘t‘xd ‘appleariéjn'n ihléreqlingnpd: agre’éble'as'uauh'. _ Hg nlpmgqucle‘d with somq _ijtnpalife‘npefihe _dcgriotj’tenjenl~ of, “1,0,, cbgnedy.’ ‘An'hou’rpasa’ed npwx‘aypnd Mn. Duffikldfé we'h‘reéan ,tp' 99nslli|L {'l9: hwy; ilk—xii: qfiébbfidri liq; 6311!qu . 'lth qbimg (m. nhblhe'l libl’lrl‘r'anlg‘ ophhpd'qhg lgftlghemqm nnd ret‘urnedt‘ib avl'e‘w,‘ frpmums. lganinggn 'l'ho'armi'dfGéorflq Manning.” '. I . “Who‘ia lhal ?’ ~ ‘ “.'halfio'blehrocking":i man ia‘ihalf’. “erp' qu‘éa!non9_flanj Mina ning‘héar'd 'fromfiii‘aby-L-fiqu ..a‘ Evetr'yféyy brny. ,ma «scionm‘lorgf-J-"jf jzjdw "oddbfgh‘g jg; diaindl’ “Hermosillo. .bi'e’ning “\fvéa. (may. Hénr'y 'fie'garito‘reel; am; he vas éqlipsed do his o'v‘v-nthéhtié—jthéufiadrfi. firm in," 4hchahio‘n’.’)s+a’s yet ‘inor‘e, (lye/qs/quii‘ lb!!!) “and! -‘ ‘ ;' , . Follow’ihg "ih‘biprbud. .haphjr g'la'lvlcgol' his brqlhdr’qcye 'a gaggle; oya'n, hon; Imin“. Hairy“ mg ‘jMiah g‘fllércovugl‘ e‘pl‘ckin‘ ‘l'hlo, ‘ too'mih'n an‘ofipo-‘nte direélio'n frdnf film 'iij which she hp}! lately cqmo; If lhilnwa! h tun-on henp'an lo' vfiil‘~lhq‘~‘cdqhéélion b'e‘r lweed’nhelr *inoVealxgms, fit" w'a‘é a'Trumé‘a'aj ,unul‘ion. .~,;- Non’e'w’ho héq‘yeéif ‘li‘e; bat)“: _copld‘ "may mm .olb'scr'vb‘fthh’kgfin'rib'lei bf Herbe’amy'. emu ‘lhop‘e ’M‘m ‘qfi‘w‘h Ih§fiif§h§ld3 Blughing apparitio'lié"§lb;t" ‘3lnlo'ihér‘l‘l‘acd' iwhenaver his "eye Tamed “op ber, gould ‘ u‘parcély doubvpirlnfl'd‘o'ticd ' Qge‘t‘héri‘ ff ‘ -- In]. ’nex’l- morninyaycfirgé; :M'a'n'dihg, brought Mis‘b- Bc'fyh‘n'fl 'ui '_i'iiit-ulpjingthqi'; _} ahd MmiMan'm‘ngflr'mfireauy *i‘njng; m: H e'my’n’ e's‘timmidn' Wh’enth‘qaw 'tfiq‘hfle‘d‘.’ liqnaw ’ldefereqdé 'evin'c'ed 3 i 0” _hfirf by, 156‘ filoudsbcuu‘iyj t. ‘l'):‘2‘l... 3,. 1“,: I;,“Z3TIT-fn :liizlk , f‘t‘iflow; 'llra’ngq-my m‘anp'gg‘ ‘muéLhflo ‘uemedflo‘ yb‘u"n‘blfiqliiii§n’~,’:_‘md Mid-fig? cbliuiw‘flgfiry one-day. ='i';j{"hgi;§§gd éd, (to George?» lo’tvg ‘ 'b'éfor’q-‘il fjip‘ofrj y'onf'gp E69] ”typo. and though 'I " ne‘er ‘hhtijWfig'gf? mdnuon’ffmm’ :9 y'o‘a'; ’lfwé‘q‘gq'réd. ‘53 _d a, 'u‘m zyuuaneger I @036 _6s.‘{ 131.!!!) ’jui 'nhig'i "d‘phbled [01516, m‘pm‘egm 3'1»;- ‘yqjdf mus 3'36: ‘qufiim'ed‘ Wll "W ‘fifien‘zqm‘ems.’;: f; 1;; xii-w, tffl‘“o‘“lAN-‘.‘i'fin:"S'qV’Ph'dst-wnq' when canavhow 90“".8hd"G¢0!89"'99”31"51:,21f.'.!ii.". ’« ..'.c We minim h6h§é¥Mfihgbfi vyfggiebyf; 32mm: «He‘f-‘Po’r'riiary'é-Slfle usaggfi «:hioh your. "M',°..“'°.'—:°Wll393ll9,!‘3‘?!” 'véiy Fugarfwééb/émeriéi ".#zia'<.'é9;ff*li9, W 55, ‘ 'nioqfdiily‘hh;l§-l>’w§n ‘qliflhfikifl; ‘_‘fV'e. ‘ hava‘hid ill'aonh"‘c‘fl”advofl(uréo 'uogquwnj _:a“! a I JP» , ‘w wwr. \v"!l.‘.-'";r?:?,‘i‘3“3‘-.'.’3'-23 “,3; i;neé‘dw‘gdme’g'pegqunjpfiqgmqamg um», Hi"?! titfi‘sfil,tia.d,v.kd9.vgm {Bronggvmgrlxpz. 171 i!) EQ‘DE[V9l3,‘.r‘lflfluoe‘gtmvn‘n97lm)“ ? 13‘3“”.‘3‘3fi¥;'I?x'~9{*nh§.m€%!%&nw40,991; mug ‘qu‘u;‘mizst.;6ehissgkcnflhpmmhq Thymfld’elgfufl; rt.” ssl33}?wizgnmu‘fii) ; 1“ ".Th'en'.l'hfifiufiaJiahqut ”511 mm“. [Ditlfitlmé‘ilbtiylu éacpéél, m! mas‘myémfin", "hjiléyFPihi‘K-‘ff: '.‘ x :.~:; x-xfi- Tn‘mi-‘n :uds‘i LC". Wiqh‘ifsprhoj _‘cuubpity ”10:; Imm gum f'i-éndl9f;9.qbir' écould .hhmmq'mlnn'N-é'y, the; term}: éffilhsiafaehimhm equ‘r: :Duf {iélU'a’ 'hdu’sé'éé‘ to [nake'~an'sanpoln:mep¢ ghgrf, .he Nppog‘qdéngo gowm'u) zlliméé‘and shim} {liming}: “fay, .‘ll‘J‘mrgqu'en :momen ; ,ia‘tynuna‘nonrip George’gjminne‘clactate ll"! "ffiljedg-f,’ ._, r' :21; " " 3, Y‘e'rgqyféllhl‘ gamma, o‘bligedglo 15:13:13“ . 411.139.13939919-mc.ficprge—e'youiminm Hugh}. going. infiglhat: tls’Qél-r‘hil‘: ia.pne::of Mn. Dufiield'a“ receplion "evenings; .tn’d .o.nr,l)t,B§ il 11;. )'>qu,.\l:i,ll find conméhyxfln‘éw." " ggOmQla‘qghedm .hpueplied- :14 717 W)", mhspflgnzkpggq as}! @lll, :.HnnryP—gWagdd he} (xpcéifegoyfi fashipna, flflm':;P3fillß"lh9: W ”h,"- r M 1 .'.'; .tn-‘HEWU 79'1“ ‘7. ' He'my‘al'mos;,repe.ntgd.; his :ofi'ar to tie-1 c9mpany:hi§lhr_olher ybun it wqajmo‘iate, 10.1.winhdrgyy‘, (or George; unconaciou'sfof hisjefqli‘ng, Had lakeannia. cloakga'nd’cab.‘ 3"“! was wqiiipg uhia. cacorl.fi?%q»lhey7ap “roughed. ;Mrs.l, {Duffield’a . house, Gentge.‘ \yhp lmdhigheno‘ le_d,.lhe . conéerdalion. how ,cf‘a‘rprc‘u‘ilcnitoLunswcred his» btmhei- my. in'monosyllpyleép 'nnd Jhal‘nownlways I.o‘ Ihel‘purp’osm As; .Ihoy entered-lho ha"; kingfibptggnd qlpaks djfiplafid :lh‘c'rc. .shox‘v-f fight ”Hanna wppnaqgizlhcynmmre no! ghe'caxl‘iqsl' vmilpra. . {Gcnmw paused fo'r‘ 1: moqul, and-Mm» ’saldr‘ 3 Ynu musmq inf \yillgoulgmc, Henry-735M“! ‘me 'm‘ ahoomi ‘3 I 19"! there, in no company? he continued; \uming lo the “HEIDI-7’ vandflake'lhi'arcaa‘d I9,qu.;fl“‘fi¢” lmaelfdyfz 4-5.5} n 4 ‘ ' ;,jlfheksewant;bowedelow.‘lo'oie comm'a'n-‘ ding-atrangcr,-nnd Henry. almos't‘inechahi @cally 1 qbeye_d- his 'direclion;- 'muuering .lof himgclf., ‘ lime and may. upon myehonbrle He had scarcely cnletcd the usunhrecep‘l tiongqom and, made himbow ‘toi's'M ra.“ 'Dur Kficlldgvkhven‘lbe aetvam pleaenlcd his brolh tfr‘q catd. .; ”8., n‘flched h'ersclo'acly; and pawn-29min playing :.Qver har'alipavaéz? her gye {gqlcdflpom il. ”Shaglanc’edamiinhaly 3'! Min, Humminand czomn‘ utie'n’mm lgzargr‘opp in which oha'utom’i sherdrew ' "i 'n 511-! ,‘ ‘l‘ x i “4‘! lij-Pf‘nzi ‘ Mfiemqmi hfiéxe'w [émmgmhgmwapl ,"wgasnm! I.l3.l.“9P3"r9slmm§dflmflQVW§hh“: sail!» Q9h°-J.«fiew{3'fld mxvlifp woe-1m .méh9:!waxtmm “KLOIJIi-oEm’wtnemmtß s‘gqgsfilmlnm «Jpnal9noiled:.nlfi'.¢!«':l‘-mom . nde‘a hone whiclyhn. sold me, Leonid not manage. Oh ! munknow not halfhin no‘ bleneuoi-mndcflgnwEmplalcyadizthe brigh' ,fixeif 02" .‘.h‘e: haPPY.«B.i.d.-r) 31-: ‘l‘: '~.\ ‘. 91‘- (‘J 3 .t .1 “mg, Mah'ni'ng ‘wyaiu‘ Qggclmghfirggghygll 121mmve‘n‘t’iqymliémgiyéi,.tlrE'ifi'Qwén&3‘,a_fifir hie, $934; 3 ag'or'g‘é‘is.a‘fihflellqms‘qflain'y? but?! rims?».sévlfi'vétwflézhimmatu '_n'lorg Ike dlijg'rjpé.§plp.’ r, :.. .3;,1 '. ;,I y'gulil 1121;.an gou’ld,‘z.e3g]aimcd».Emt my 'ljl'nréa'ur‘lg. While-Allabigodqiu!h?d ”1"”: “WW?! tifaqbiopp' mid :91! 4119‘); (con‘van‘f “0119' redulaiiqh!.9r'9.§mdélforiglhm -,whd Md n‘éfiipna‘q nelsonfiqn ,nt "w sigh!» 1h" npbllegillic.,b‘eaggjfulyfio}..‘l‘o‘r‘ guch ,as, lung-,-[ 110 35.1;de féuhiowi.».\;.e-.:.¥, : ,2. yr. -. -.-‘ What Emlfla would gol‘nnk. ahoyel. did p9l fa”i t 9 {ecog‘niza.‘.vagphprqqf. of: correct 10%va hsnllieorgq .Manninai'nifi abidq 'hig ..w.egxem cgstqugnld gagpgmedgope leqp‘ mmflkahle- ‘ "2:1" ._x;:_7,.'." . 4 ’g ‘f '53 7""; ,£.;’Hl?‘ntyl.l\lanplng had ,mceivgd .a new i; "dear that. \hergpw Athgaeg‘u hmarq. abovq ".faélfi‘olx); ..Mlisdvjp thigyvsxzaa' anoihgr "10% which in gime (uppd ,gnqance: -Io hi‘arl'nind.’ 'thatg‘ip‘y‘gulgl‘lba'lnl‘lcagtjg mofilnblo, loid¢3 wgl'oro’u: ehcrgigaJoVilhprgcqnismonaoflmw‘ fighiligflf sopl,‘ pugc.ynq..l)igil lhopghmnd réfinégl 12153994qu Illa-glad! ,ofi [hone conf ventionélismslgvhgcl) grobujbutcr'gafmenl; an}! banflbpsg‘gonggalr{orV;.a;.ahon»lima (hqir; @Qctn-‘fiuim-u I'l .;.‘ ' ’ .117’17' ':"‘ :5 'I'E ' .l"l'iziltqlw’§\s‘lth‘,a Spoci‘ai'jsflfikhne'éfg. plgi‘efil,‘ my s'fiihil‘vnlise'ypd’aniie 's‘éql fin'; the: 5:31.: fi'h‘lk l‘flitik'n‘nnl'licr. S 5 lh'ai l oé'cu'picldin' lymph lo unwell; and A lady, 'whows'eéme‘ili to be; u'hnhi‘mlédfhhd (idiul‘pxitsehhibll’ 0! .We” benéb: imn'nijqwcjyr {l} [sunr’g-LmeJ—i Most of lh'e' diher’filhééh' in (he ‘cu‘rL “we; occupied,“Arthbglq'pbing filacg. another; Indy \vur‘udmingdf'bn‘d'llicfcomlucgor,» wilhum rhga’n‘ljb prfiyirjié'ly,“'plaé,cd hey; ori HIE benéll lil‘ilh' “Xhérsbliti‘léy’févm‘alé 3h Iruul‘ul'me. -'ll wa's'nnt dntil’we‘hadf'r’ui) severatlmflés‘u fl»nl~souhé‘l‘liflirfglnniiéfq'rgv [ei-lvd lh‘eultc'midn ’o'! all ih'e 'pns’ét h‘gm‘. andmrougm (In: ml) in rrd‘m‘of mé. faciaglp like-Land guchflcea I havehof’o‘ltetfidem. smcyreme alikje ; i_’n whim endgg'xprjc‘s} slut); and Ihq‘fii‘rqnhidinlik'i’ip‘ (he VXM’ biliun;olrl¢cliupg;‘ s'mp'riséi‘faingci'nhd'mpri uficmidn. .- “V- ‘ ’ L f»?- l‘ry -, - - guilt lhal fun'.'Elizabt-llr2’ ' 'i .‘.‘, HWY“;Mary.'il-is-3hfil"l éerlainly dig not know you were here; I should hivé [uunll another '8“), valid. )7le aggk .une now] I‘;_‘v;' 5,3,5; _‘2 r: .:- 1 A.r ‘Shc, Ibuked. Around, =bubu~ani evidé'ntly attack- with lhe-rilnprop'rielyml:machlf: movement. ' V 3:: , 3i; .‘_' luhuuld‘wppoee if ydu could findJime toigqm ,the'cuy,‘ you could hue 100 an 0:09:10 allendvrypurélamer’n deatkbed.’ , :2 ' “1" did‘nol attend; fit was became] knequubad been sent {oh too; am“ had nofwlah to m youmetefi- ' -1~ » ‘.zYoumi‘ghl have guru'egdor I inppuseq; of-c9.0r.1c. you would ulcnflmud p 0 [Jain]: Vedgk’homeghq ‘ 1:: f.‘ .‘iiru Si”l"" i. -Unu~illing.to.lislen l-uné’mpgb‘dnu'read.‘ and succeeded in avuidmgln"cunsi'dé'rubl'é portion which lullowedr ll W9B qvigl'enl- JyAaHogelhér .dome's|ié."alill Wq‘ui‘r‘e‘flin‘ti lbgc'. assislnnbel nor Sistnnerfi: Aliil‘éngth ih‘bexatve almostimpflssibldlw giuid {h'eu'f’ riugmiponiondn ‘ 9:33;:15-2 ’3‘" ~ Sri-iYuut hugbund might .havei-lrdpdd‘ifijfl he hpglfihoswrxodurighu’j ; ‘ ““2“! '_'AMuM-pgotnlo rau,jlmge"sbcllbr of inlh'er hepp‘leh‘hushdml’s' bad clmract’evfl,‘lh‘an‘“ol that olglheirxmm—sn! " Hist? gliéy¢3se§m ‘lo. bear-moma} .it ; imy; lfu'gb’hhd :uieglfiq'gl ,‘enooghilo ulile lhe difficulty? 17 3'? . j.‘ (The ;.uije:.f;nnil‘y “peaée might-hive bean pre‘sctwm uufidilh‘callMnily Mayan} haw been savwril jun-had fiol’u‘nderlb' kenim'tuletusn‘ll loriy’uu’r 9Wo’Eo})‘d.’*"‘ = '1 rule! \\’£ll,‘"?lhut 'l‘si‘lWcll—yl' ”rule; indeed 3\’.-v2. 2:115 RI“ 'fr‘: ‘ :;2fDid-.yow riot '.suy’itd"-%-#. :fihntiy'ou; would:n’eyvcrtvh‘a’veprbsfi until 3:09 ham glri‘v gums ofl-lhqhomcaleud'i’.- ~ ‘= {‘F;No,<,-n'ever.Y-ve :" [.'. i .J.'Did:y.unnnot-inquiceotlaWyeLM—Q—fg. Ashen: nmou‘m :xof moneys: wouldfumlyzn .morrgngefl’um wmlynhusuuml did."-’ ‘ r: m"- r'A‘And. w‘as‘hnlilhntsin oidjeriloj‘luke pot } qcssionflol-lhé: place“ P’lfilfif'?’ ?. » W V ; ~s~'.Nsi': sm}. hbsbandthasl receivbd honey," 8,011,2hh “as auxio'ilsf'thél/ yooiandi‘yéurs‘ should--h.nv.;.,;t.he~:advdnxugoEzof: in: 'tnnd‘vhé .n'oughlzlolub'ecumenlhe p'rbp'riefor :himmlf.‘ '_’.lj cgnleémlhat’ ilk-M‘lswlgflinfi't rm§-=Wish,‘no' (‘l‘ knew-hejéould bqymlhe‘plané it Inb’beiqn' IhJcnglnn‘nJa‘e,would Judviih‘cgioé 3|; z‘mjd ,1; Md: noarensowo. wiahs youmul‘erfioflfiu 4 ' 51.1;Afldyt‘bey n 6! Elm: y‘all..::'~s'.etit 2'30"" "' a: .’.:Dldmolinll‘uflyguép-L"! c. } >.¢-.;ff_ ”5‘ 'P'Z' l u. ¥ :flnkmzmaf:ah.:‘qp[ironclr-§ tonmum‘i'o yet .l‘3o‘oiiadrkd::nndd bpelfirda‘ Nié'wihduvf'fl' thezmau rz-ziunia sn.~;.+ law: 4"." 4‘ [.33 BuUWhildail appéhtemwarlheficfighalff‘ :sth \Emprrlounedgic-bkqame gfldtspflfflflff. .(fizmmlvm‘Ma-{gih spams" casufl’ghgd‘ptly flfipdaud In; ntfl‘ertmdtgnvil‘a 5‘2180‘9915'9'!!! -.hh.d:smujng 'upajeahflueshad peeh‘nfqlrflgny ..teumammm mufnguhmhbéen?exerclyr‘ 211,; nml: a; :lamily {whicn‘fi uqd slim: «rjelrw 3:; afl’éclibn’. orwiutom dlflerenceayhaé s lit upon lome imaginarypuim‘of penniyeflu go kindness: nlqfiateid‘ufimppdaimg pr’r» g nally at lh'e first erroneodnrkiluhulem; each atom) apart, and anger. aud'all un- ~, , :7“s:1,:-xr::.':;, u rm: .‘ an, vial} 11f: FIM OEMii;Mil malignai‘lro‘ad Incident. “Ham! m ‘ne. kindneSS. We'regpo thhmfi ‘.’“ W“ ”t“; 9‘39",i‘i‘hwégefilifig’nulfxdfl.v3;- - - ”1‘99“! "‘91!“ re. .‘oméewhfi aar‘. ’m‘é‘rbl 'thzfiwwg‘ flaigfié‘fbfi'a‘ffl «srhpaqfivuuy. Tris P!’¢P?€*;Q,hi, ..liéq'h‘ “fluted."swih, ‘s‘ranée‘t mysefirmmic : cs,- mama}; . I! ‘w’n‘a"3'omgltlme‘rpif‘wdl 'e'fih’é’r Bfflhe parly- in [roofio‘fi the” gum ‘lpe'ak. A! length-. 60: tamed “I”th- blhenan’d: aid} , ' So._,lath'er.«digd,fiand side buiiadnhhuut .us.‘!: A :bnn’dmf‘éncb' wandtoppedcbeuv'm thgseat z; . they.» me‘t‘ ihrazfirmfirksp. wif , 'z'l‘héfladiem‘ aiighted rra't: hmdhter;zlhd' mm inm‘ancso'lgvth: boom 3:! &hé’dépoh; in a room, they evidently dildhiled‘lheir. dumcslic eaqung England in view of the splfgr‘ipgsv‘gvbi‘ch‘tur {all} had, qfi‘usfidtfi‘l‘ 9091htewihier‘n‘é f yfi'onfilhe'.‘béevipa‘a‘tur..,°' .9l“¢'¢"ané!;‘ Wlxii‘feflyén-.tbslix'étcfv‘fififl‘é , ‘-I.49%!!!s29l.P.l£'<,t\ow.;E!lme!h.‘s come ’wnb filth—JlM. ' |'. ‘(ru' R 1 i lo'f’m'flfié " _. u . a 59“! J, .n ..‘ n ~,,‘Y_,., 3!, rage. and 30;!)ng Lylflimfne nqwm,‘ V“ q; ‘ ‘ Bu; what \y_l)].ybuf'liu‘éba”tid say‘t‘o’lco‘ me coming 9’ Air»:- zpjum ‘ ‘ .-:.;‘:-.Whui «curdyourhd‘rib'andhay to nea' 'meiit'yout-h‘ou32l92Firs" ‘.‘."5; it“s:iozziv; /‘ ", ‘ lmi‘fl‘go"! thoyzwillzbmh beVdéligmcd; and tunhdfis'grwead L::3"::v 1:97-.?.;t:r;;r1 -~1-.'l‘lw‘wninnco't‘riukt:éw‘ept‘»;upi&hp’mifl. umlrl‘uhodght “whine brads! :pair, which Ibok‘ “1m“ opposite «,firécfibnbfieref ‘nbt‘u' Mppytns’ lh‘d Yq’cdg‘cikd?alué'nuxbhd flail an’ct-ifi'd'ew upon‘n t lhérl‘gm‘vé luffllfi‘U‘r imosily of yenrh‘t’dml‘jmnes and joy must *2chqu .in;A"sl~R!9.‘!'.‘dx-WF3‘B9“: mur Filmyflnpfi m: 4» Y'Jfitf \ ‘ re: liflte m‘ry'iv}! twinnewsAMT-him’éfl‘ i; n'oi iesg-thggq\i‘fnll.§bough it, I‘ljnegbpgp ] t‘lxerfrcfimdufifit. 9{-‘fl;=hr°k¢n.bn,rk slnhafiis maxed is‘go ".199." mptqmrcgqug “I“, l_ 3: {which liashb.«=.'e_,nlosm mneawwewm ”cle is Aims 30°. vrwis’w :‘Piwake. ”Em-'- able any neglect f 0 prgyggt or lien] dlslui'a bance. Them hre'enoughlo mipiaterg-b -hihu-'nnd'r'epo‘rls. to .dom'e'bliéimkimlbeill nn’dgmnlbnbpalewy thb? hm; =‘nnu‘ewkm 'circufiisflnflébs. ’arg'much-‘nrbrriwfw'midhi’e. in_dflhu'a inisi'epreiédtsmulivéé find im~ ; 'flu’, with:ribj-‘direcv"objéui;'§fe"m§ghifiéd into mountain! '0! in'lemibnawofléh'céi“lß is lhe same in social—life. OLerul guard‘ ' against it. .’D’elicfilcfiemibm are like the pglhb iota.- costly emery-g 'dnmpgeu‘mrr tom-a. & the ”man-mongh‘remwed‘aiuul n spun—U. S. Gazelle. f ' ,_.~.g‘m, r. 90.; Dani-um, nml CQUZINmeifi-Thmav York'Ponncompn‘tea 091.. sDonlehmYldedigit rmmvmmo‘mi :Ihmngh New‘ Mexicb : (6' «Hannah 91.13.: Rm‘ omm wilh‘tlie:'fn&gdhr6:‘psdififli6¥ (he fivqhundtcd G'r‘eala uido‘r ‘llxb ie’apfifie} {chi aé;armn§..m..m hn'rh'd;~'Cél.‘ zaupmiasg- mi; '15.: 11'“ ‘beéom'o éiaiifli ‘ bé‘c‘amié". fl wn'i bun?“ charming n manner by ZénoZplpn‘. um! “Huh-w“; hul lo ‘do in lo writ; afmfldi; hillory of his or pednfqn lo mnko.'lH:o‘ 'to'nd Md iihbnsmdsyufi. hence; L .ThEGro‘ékufiw'ero led .‘ nb‘rnénearlnafiyjdn lhidu‘gh A’rmoiginj l 6 tho'Blsgk‘ Sunni! gho'li‘c’uflfi Chryhéfiblia. 'lhi-iié ifiéfiaind Toi‘i'hflh'di‘édinfifif tthne Ehflhfi‘milcqi It ”infubléolfibl'nhgd'fii fineen monlht. and n‘ la'r‘go3pail of it through an 'unkn’own and' momma; and hmtilbwounfi’y', "n'fid' i'n" nhlndemq’g} leubm’ {he Qte'gkl’ iqslhg‘ylg’vfeé ”W .111 an eici-fw their llivél Ith I'M-3‘ wiping gu‘nd merMiuour'qnnh‘n-éi‘ellcd' oye’rjj‘x jhpui‘uigi mm. In [gum (abmng'. neflber iéc'oxvihg iub'pxiei nor money. but _lnv‘ihfi'éx'cid‘iiély on the cduulry fist-"ppm: which they pqucd. ‘and ‘uppplying'lhalfii :eglves Mxh powder and .bgllo.by£uptnéin’gstficm‘ from lhe enemy. Tgc’ytdbfighl‘flhréo "‘b'll'duhh‘ jench of which they-igélo'A‘lc'leoul. over greuly superior: "News: fl‘lwaazfiml‘hMM-M 51-: mar'yaléle 9rvo§ill9n!-!hn.sh°.-\'e: we!» eccnmwm iii-‘l7. Imm: 1~- in; ’.'—a" '2 mllflfifiv.‘ 7:} : xi?!” §*.-J¢2~‘:ll.R.2w"-° lensvz;,fmzwn'lmnz from New .Menco'mnl "an Amerlcaqgg‘tjgum pound l 0 hnvo beethyapqncgqut lho tlmolhu Waldo and other: fell: ill“ l'liliil‘n: and lhnl‘he bu”. ffuln ll]; lln'l be‘bfijsneof ill; zfiri‘xhgilfiyfl’lgallbvi'pfléfi llio‘ll‘uléheflé'u '1 (hail. IIEyE-rfnlgfifigplracg.” bolhit‘tho’ Mom name; 1:" "ii impala-Ir, hbfhaivbe'h‘i. lteen long ‘airch, llng; ngu'p'qgellg‘lhbng'n bind b! gullmw, and thy“ lid njppéhio'd‘id 230 lhelr fender“ Sirma and aca'mm‘gly‘ : iné'xéajlilo ‘u‘a jhia‘i‘wz‘y' “if “lg-'.‘; Mung-mags. palms“ 933 s gé'ééd’é‘ialryfifi; . ,r u . ~ 'fn"l ngdg'y‘fl 1-‘-H " ',..‘:l£‘. ,1. '.'°?;”'.»:‘.'.’]n'§”v'es§{ '. __ 3: ;,z 11:; 3;"; 1 «enmfmé vaaiervmabhi-“ww *nlo'nc'a'eqmv 15.3 w ('0 an immedlnle ILillafn'efirwlll; IliiVsoiéifitfidtW," ‘ls lhe expreised .nnfll ii-lao‘liiélllsulnled lympnlhy :éuqm) bjfgfihr awn cpu‘ptu‘mon. wliogmixiloleclm” powerman-11].;prominenti faoliticnl:péhltionl'lxthrongh‘i long yenn nro auppose’d loihnv'e ovéryfielhflbglhié‘ 'fluo'lco upon lhe nqlibhsl:.bli'rid'dblinillrniionl. If lil :fijpwflo: :9: 4mmunfvslunpw-!s'!99!¥lim~nft’mg labiiggfgyongidgral‘lqn ganHßl “HEWPJW [1932‘1902 ’mucln magnitude in Mexico-gllgiofdnlqdedicoyphng &ould have come lg‘cyr‘my Elpggjggo. a ‘_ ' ,_ ' 1111 ; L 35?” '_'": (imam an ’ [ A \cqle‘mporafy..prg‘qopnceaJho (gtl‘quut’lfiolfl) -.,.-,.—....;:-..u.--..‘vn in.“ n ... 2 .’ Mishap I.‘ [ah q_,from4qq J Clflnl‘wqtk.&o;bo‘ln ,A.:_.. .39, WE .. a“... I? “M ... ”..., 2‘ first“; it Y'chlsfli‘!°:!!9"9'.-°-s: mm; 2 I, 1*"- 1"° W" W? n.'.mnkahietfmnubpmow4 Mn 0! an 91d maid ulafisljg'yfl‘qugwflho never had a fl'fi'llfi-c’WPM-QP'22°992£i°§umu ‘s?qu s; 2. a}? ; 33.42';‘?°.!P‘A3§l:§¥91‘9_!§qWWW” 1m mum) WE'VdFBQQR-nm .721;22f;-%-‘:::aeg mi? mix: man 3; 5 3d; Ho mull dry it on a pnuon'u hedge. ”M 95395: PF"? WWW- 1 tamkumzz ‘ ‘ 4 "' ‘: 49?; 3!! m 9." 3294,35}?3:42939.5“!..9P°,r1,!!~55493'1 -‘?’3‘}'§9§Pfifi'ignfigw-m36;) 4,-:,:;g:12:.-I Ix}- drum! ' flaky?” {rawhuunh a; Myers! 3,952 Wm»: 21, L"}' Ch'ifgslmflisml.3lss}rtfigwdju .5153: ué-’?L‘4!=:.£i vifilh. Apply ix ‘°,‘.{’§';3l3§s'~.SE‘.9,§°s" find ‘a curp " Will ' .‘.‘. “’2‘ -‘., .g2;??.°‘:‘,’,'!)‘mr°’u'%.“£g fun: 3H; ,s".'!'t¢;«.§'4s~”l: {‘H ‘ wvm’u. gains and ’mginlaihp Triad-mi}, j ii: \‘l (NT: ‘15:”? > V. 537; azfizfifizé‘uqfii‘ -, - :.r’ri'E {wuqqii'a 3‘4"; u?’ms=.:;;~f-I.;:‘;:1;.»;§a&: 51312”:qu '. :;;.;'; ‘33 .1 ‘ KINIIBI now= ._______ '_'-_— MM {3.47" -- riff \.-. _..-’.v w, wan . ‘. .‘.,