Democratic banner. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1837-1849, March 13, 1847, Image 4

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    1» amwmaummwmgngw,
_ - . ""‘E';7' .-‘! ..
From Nfal’sSulprdnyQuzello. V
THE chugmm HEART,
27: 0):. poor crushed helm .' how or: it mm»
_» I: ‘ A's leough my Emlse lmd find. i ;
' j- Aml all thy [ovenmmnnliv- dronnn
~ 'Wero n‘umborcd wnh [he dmd! .
Tho happy. blilhuome hours long past,
(4. .'lfhnh never “'llfgrpgmfn,
limfi‘lha prcaon: pjmqowu rnsi. _
. “- ”?er moonlgght on our urn.—Mq/fiz.’
u ‘ n 1‘ . a -:-‘
Safl‘mopemn o'erghq ymmg mind 0!: “ill ynmd.
Fumbing earthly joy‘q Ir"; ,{uhernl‘chromL— "
‘g'm' bél‘lhn murbld'imp’uhe ol' lho heun
5M na‘rt hum {elmhe fieyqe. undying Hnnrl
_ggebrmw‘a acorpiqnlslinm-rlhc lurid ll rah _
I'll barinlcn glcnma wi‘muut xhé Illunllor a rrnsh
‘‘ or idflirenlnro‘lflo leohncn Ilm ('Onlm' ,
T &choer‘lns ompjw uflho binding soul.
‘ ‘ Mn h" ourvbnghleal hnp‘piesl hours nrc nml.
And lhhlight emombed élmfa to the aPcmm" dond.
Wq'lougjo slumbet In lhd ( rcnmloss grnvr.
0 Lmnmoty mergml 'nenlh,Lmho's smgnnql wove
Tgb’lééréfl and aching 'P'K'L crunhvd and nn-n.
Then IM'k'l and linden leurlcrs home In lg‘tint‘yer}.w
(, n 1": 1 5 ’ ' ‘ "
‘HaJ-ri m o n y .
‘ 2A” institutions that have exinted long
‘ amnng'men have lratl‘ their origin in Na
- 'nu'e s“ and at. only by keeping within a
certain degree of nrnrness to nature that
anyjostitotion can be preserved. lo pro
portion In their. departure from nature, is
altercemrinty that they “ill 101 l and per
.iuh. ‘. 0! ex'pting institutions lrorte is more
‘ “clearly nature than thntol
marriage ;,and indeed. lrorn the clearness
oltliii—from the fart that the number of
the sexes are equal at the age of twenty
_ one (though var’ytng from this somewhat
before and olter)—from. thia indication
that there is one man lor one woman aLthe
propei time of marriage. it is _usual lo
, speak ormarriaae as a divine institution,
..tindependently of “hat is said at it in the
_ {Bibleu But how marvellous and how
_j;mournfully have men contrived to perplex
and corrupt this .simple and natural r‘e‘l‘a
‘ (iron! .1 For ages there have been marria
. 1' gen lrlomlState politics; marriages (or con
;. nection. tor-money. to that of thr- poor
i;ditehergwho declared. ‘ l was as one may
. any tlevouredeith vormin. and lmrirried.
a wife to keep me elven." The notion nl
~‘r_narriage 'lor convenience has now such
, ‘complete possession of the general mind.
thatra ‘lrue love marriage is almort as a
matter of course nppnsetl in those ranks ol
society where others than the immediate
parties claim to bet consrdered. And'the
'consequen‘ees are such as appal the heart
of every thinker. vlt has been the rule
through many graduatrons .of society to'
love' in one place and marry in another;
and thistunavoned bigamy of course de
stroys the proportion under which alone
marriage can be general and pure. 0! all
‘ tn'fectloua evils,,{laxitxy of morals is the
. most a 0; and the laxity here spreads till
‘ the very'idea of marriage is corrupted and
I’debased: A . .
JWoyhear olaales of awile in Srnith-.
' field, the ignorant parties 'oltrn really be—
lieviogsush lalesgto be legal ; and the ca
. »‘.' l , - - - A . .
49': .9f_ ,b‘tgamy are ‘hecnmrng [rightfully
‘c'odlmtin. .énd see what can happen even
_ in America; {At Pltiladélphia on Mun
tlav, uric German sued another for five
.'jdpllarspthepricc of commission for pro
? r . I . n .
- curing the latter a mfe. The nL'Jectron
tutti-tat the charge was too high. The
plaihltfl' proved that the 'tlefentlarrt stated
‘.‘ ail uishtoua'wile. and the former tn’.hall
.. zanhounbrooghta German to irhom he’ (was
niarr'iedjp three days. ,__'}:lie‘,pl_n_in_t_ifl' MS,
"ja‘lfiitre‘d’lhi’s' h'tm’t'e‘ Elaim.’ ,
‘_l"_, {ln another rank. we. see at this moment
1. what happens. The potentales of Europe
and the politicians ol SpainAlrav-e long been
' 'cpntehding as to whom the little Queen of
' Spain-should marry. It appears that she
"\irrslte} to marry a cousin aho wishes to
inh‘aye'vher; ,Bhe I 5 compelled to marry an
-,nther ‘*"cousin--‘n-ho is his brother. All
nighttvere'her mother and other advise”
~ _busy m persuading her—in overcoming
_. 'Jgng-ggpugna'nccfto,the marriage. At sev
ion in the morning} she went to bed ore‘r
' “s9,“!de attdwretrhed. She is only fit
;iee'n,)ieitra old. _Her sister, to only {our
“teert‘li‘and she, must be married too. to
" please the King at the French who, wants
to marry his youngest son into Spain. Is
“anyone irrational _cnoughfto expect fidel
',ity'i_n marriages markets and
, 'palaéé chambers}..-_Aatitloernouheun
,‘l‘aiiofifql inroastgtnfiy apread? And are
”We th’éri'itti’ivo'ndee at the increar‘e'ol'biga
'.myi-tol-seduetion;’of thiltl-‘murder and 0!
grant; profltgac’Pngarrrage. ohichfl wns
deaignéd : to. 'prolcct'.tltéleanettty , of» the
_loreol _tlremanforthe otomanJms behumo
‘.phg very mumpofobslttlcllng. such love
,hm'tlvtle‘stru’ingthe sanctityrof it. 'Totne
pageant] gimpleut’tlmay be all' that it ever
,"M 5 but}; to. society, at Jorge that which
pnelguufltq ibe .tts-chiefrmoral 'ufeguard
)mmlgfiogtg 6-;lata.l snare. '1! it bciagk'ed.‘
'HWha‘th ts lp,bEL(lOflt{l'tlh€_flflSV_VB-r is.the
oldene which mill nevewearaoul 3 those
. )7th integrate must be’ the salLof the
'EQENH .'EVet'y ,mnn'pnd ‘woman who duly
lngifihe hol‘ine‘sspf that" love which gives
Qtfh to'the human life nml Mho ente‘r’ up
"onf‘tetgwgtl‘r 'lconiplflnce and aflection and
'truo‘passlon. mny ; and Vi” ,cnu'nteniail
[IV world of mischief done by. profliga
cy. Evpry pair whq uphold in their liyes
the‘trne, firiginal idea of ma'ttlzjgormust
command auth‘ sympbthy (thin the best 0!
their“ at! 'viill shame ' thé truflitlting ol; the
Worst; .ll.tli__e'rc_ttgr,¢ yet, nmong'ua enough
‘ol thé'sitnplc andl‘lhe pine to t'e'i'n'stnte the“
institytionqu tnn‘rgtiage' huts o'riginal "'7"!
cte'tlness'.’ antl’sepnrate it fromjite impiopg‘
alli'an‘ce with'Jw'orldly, infuse!» it. may re-l
lain It: name'npd pld'c'e.' llfiqt-fiif'lhe‘
,cortuption sfirénds, n’nd mngnage ‘le‘lhel
name given to that.tegnl.pyostttuhou whtch
indyces,the,illegal.’.*eoline‘hew'nnme must
be lountl lot'the .genu’ngyand holy mer
xipgé'whtch’God;Qtdpipls‘and by whlch na
ture exim. »‘ '
fur, , S
:27 v; ‘
until!“ _. -_
r 3 lii! . '77'.’_ .v 3,. will; «r‘:‘ in
In“ 'fi'o’i'ii' We?“v Munro. ‘-
We (ind in theVSI. lotn'a Republican 0!
the. 19;], um, somewhat later accounts
from Santa Fe. relating to"t'.i_e movements
~t the unity there. Ol‘l‘lllc ‘l7'h ”Novelti
oer. (murderous published by Col. Price,
ordering Lieut. Col. Mitchell to select
one hundred men lrnm the.'nrrny. with
~pecinl regard to their physical and intel
‘irctual capacity. to proceed towards Chi
nonhua, &otren coinmunicatloti wittrGt-tr
Wool. ltnwas accordingly dotieantl the
“immapll ll'll Santa Fe on,the rl.h Decein~
her. The command has called the Chi
truahun Rangers, and by some wasdesig
nnted ' ihe forlorn h-tpe 0t tlienrmy ol the
Weatt’ ~ U- Col. Mitchell insisted upon
hinttllllit)‘ to rench Chihuahua by the sth
‘tl January. Cu'. Doniphnn was at last
‘nccoun's near 'l‘orne on the Rio del Norte.
He had succeeded in making a treaty with
the Nairrjos. tint] as soon as the team:
could reach him, nhich had iilreaily been
tlespntched. would break up his-encamp
tnetit and march upon Chihuahua. No
late news had been received trom southol
El Passo. and the trailers with near 2eo
wagons \\ ere errcnmped nt Valverdc, on
the Rio At'ngn. trlrzrid to venture south.—
There was considerable scarcity ol load a
man: them. A letter lrnm Santa Fe. da
ted Dec. sh, contains the lollowing allu
slttn tu nhat would seem to hethe advance
portion 0! Col. Price's command, consist
ing ot the Mormon battalion i
" A {cw days ago, a Lieutenant of the
Mormon troops arrived here. bringing the
neos thtit Capt. Cook was within seventy
.tttiles ol El Passe. on the Rio Grande, with
some few hundred troops. deliberating on
the propriety of taking El P 3550, He had
called a council 0! his otiicertr the tiny bO~
tore the Lteutenarit left, and it iii-as the
‘bt’llC‘t 0' the latterthat the Captain would.
ill all [Hub-ability take that place, having
to repair a number ot his broken down
teams, to purchase fresh mules and repair
his \vueons, which he could not solely do.
without first driving “hat Mexican force
may be in El Pasao. out. The popula
'iriii of the district is generally estima
ted at between six and eleVen thousand ;
Col. Romano ts still supposed to be there
with his troops. and the inhabitants of El
Passo and the neighboring runehos are
said to be a far more energetic and braver
peopleJhnn the New Mexicans generally.
and Capt. Cook may find it n seciousynb
to take the place. But the Captain is an
excellent soldier. and an otlicer who hal‘
it in his power of exercising great influ
ence over his interiors, and with filling
the hearts ol'hie men nith unlimited con
fidence in their leader. The Mormons
are. withal. a brave and hardy set’ol ad
venturers. and when matching thru’ this
place, shot-Led a body of troops eVident'ly
better disciplined, and of a more martial
bearing, than any of our Missouri volunr
teers'ol the two regiments. Ithiuk. there
‘tore, that Capt. Cook will succeed iti
whatever he will undertake.’
The same letter goes on to state that
llhc health at the army was improving. tho'
at no time had sickness greatly prevailed.
Dr._ De Camp. the medical director of :he
army, states that the number at troops
which’liave errived at Santa Fe since the
18th of August. is 4. 800 ; and the deaths
which have occurred among them, since
rhat time. 120. All these have been from
among country troops, except one lroml
the Laclede Rangers.
.'g..'_l.'ht‘__.§a no: lettercontinuea ns_tritlnws._
-' 0n last Monday. the Circuit Chur‘t
’commenced its first session at this place ;
the proceedings are conducted in both the
Spanish and English languages. one half
ot the jurors being composed olMexicans,
and the other of Americans. C-apt. Mur
phy is now anaioualy expected with lunds
torthe payment of the troops. The incoc-
Ventence under which they are laboring
tor the want ol them, are very great, and
the Qaartermaster’s Department cannot
get along at all. I learn that Gen. Elli
ot Lee, and a number fol gentlemen trom
St. Louis. are at 'l'aos. Lieut. 1.99.0!
Doniphan's regimen‘. brings the sad news
that S. M. Butler, Adjutant ol Col. Dun
iphan, died a week ago
| ET'I‘ERS’ of _mlminlctration héving
been gruntrd (o the subscriber on
Imam or Lewis w. Smith. late )0
the bordugh 0! Cleatfiehl, dec'df—pH p 9,.
sons'lmving claims or demnndqnggimt the
estate are rcquéslnd [o’ make thé same
known ['o me uilhout dv’a)‘._nnd'all per
sun‘s‘owlng the said esln‘te are refluired'to
comé lorna‘rd and make settlement in like
manner. . . '
- fldminiatrator
Clur’fifildtflgd'Feb. 1847. ‘
E'I'TERS of'Atlmlhlélration having
L beqn'grantcd to us on the estate at
Gemae Shaflér. late ovarady townuhip,
Clem-field county, dec'd. all‘penons hav.
ing‘claims'br demands against the“estute
u! the said‘de'heéaed are; requested to make
known the "same without delay. ahd at!
fie'rsons' indebted me lrequegtedtonqme
forward and make payment. . : , .1
- , - , GEO. ,SH’AFFER; - > ‘
" ,:: . ’ ‘.fldnzinn’stralora."
Bratlytp.’ I'm; Feb, 1847-; i ,
‘JUST received a fresh supply of Bran
dreth’sl jumy ceiebrqted-rpilla‘ with
directlonaF for' use; " Price '25 ”cents , pgr
box. Fog-4 gale by E‘. &IW; F; him“.
“ihure'th‘e only aulho'rizcdjgenu‘in the
borough 0! Claudia”. - I ‘ ',. =
‘ ‘Nov. 27, 1846 f .~
..- Ava. "I. .'.‘:
”if"? ‘.’.”ux
bcrnuaa lhoy exrol from lho hudy all morbid and
cnrrupl humor. l to cause a! the disease, in an only
,and Narural Manner ,- nml while they every day
name is rapidly driven from lho body.
PVrig/It’s Indian chetable Pills
Can be had genuine of the following
highly respectable Morekeepers In
Clemjic/«l Cowl/y.
Rte/lard Shaw. (.‘ltar/ie/d; .
Dmu’cl Barre", C(lrwinavi/(e;
flaw}! Irvin. Lulhcrsburg. _
Elk County. .
- Cobb &- Ga/lagher. Rldgcway;
George ”his, SI. Marya.
Centre Counl‘y.
Bracket/10f (S- Irwm, Relic/ante;
J «S. J l’otlcr. Potlcrs' Mil/s,-
Jldnm Fix/tor. Ccnlrcvillc;
0 P [)uncan, flarorlsburg;
Samuel Lipton, Milesburg;
Henry fldams, W'alkerville;
[Wm Murray. Pine Grove Mil/.1,-
George Jack, Boa/30mg,-
I] L Illusscr. Man/reim;
[win «5- Il’laillaker; Coverlcy Hal/,-
Duncan &- Hays, Spring Mil/a;
F Burk/mull. Rabarsburg;
Jacob Human. Cenircville.
Hmwuus or CouxTanrarra.-—The public are run
:oncd against lho many rpurinua medicine. Much
n order lodeceivo. are called by name. aimilar In
Wright's [_ndinn Vegetable Pill-
1 The only original and genuine lndinn Vogolnblo
Pills have the signature of Wm. Wright wriuen
with a pen on llm top label of each box. Nona
olher in genuine. and lo counlerleil this it vuncznv!
WOflicu- ulcvuled exclusively lo Ihc anlo ul
Wmmn'a INDIAN errwm PILLD of Ihc Nurth
American Collogc of Honhh. No. 288 OWN!
Street, New York. No. 198 Tremonl llr cl, Bus.
lon ; and PMK'cu-AL OFFICE, No\ 169 RACE Srnnz'r.
Philudclphiu. ‘
HE demand lor the above medicine
T in the last 2 or 3 years, is deemed
a suflicienl apology for placing it now lul
ly before Ihc people; and the diseases lor
‘ which it is applicable have become so ple
valcnt in this country that a remedy enli
”H.9ll;lo.confidenc,,a_gr:at.dcsidcranum. ‘
The diseues l allude to are Hepatitis,
(Liver nflrciion,) Dyspemia-r and lemalei
Complaints in general.
. IIZP'I'Im above pills will hep! cunatan
_v for saie by .
, Richard Slzaw.’ Cloarfield,
David fltlams. Bngg! (p.
J. W. JUN/er, do
Oct. 20, 1846.
UST received and for sale by the sub
J scriber n! his ' old stand' in the bur
oughof Clearflcld, a general assortment 0
Fall & I’Vinlcr Goods,
consiating in pnrl'of
Hflli’DFl/‘flRE, , ,QUEENSIVflRE.
HflTS 5- CflPS, ROUTE. &- Shoes.
BONNE TS. 800/cs & Slationary
‘ CflRPET. ’da.‘ Lao/ring Glasses,
Corfiechpna‘ ,fl . ‘ __'l,'ochto 6- ngars,
7'] WJIRE oi!.9.‘Pain!s. &c.
All 0! which he will sell up _chen'p for cash
or COUNTRY PRODUCE as they’cnn
be had in town“. The public are respect
fully invited lo cal]; examine his stock,
and judge for themselves. ‘
Nov. 17. 1846.
, Wm? , Wm? .I ,
Not will; Mexico but with lh‘e old Tyrfin
I! ll EU'M‘ATISM .
DR. WM; _P. 'HILLS. feeling much
sympathy ,lor ;those uflltcted with
Rheumatism. lakes this method of inviting
them to call at his office and get cured.-—-'
This method is almost new. andvery sim
ple. but will pqpitiwly effect a cure/tonth’e‘
moat, pcientific principleo.- Rheumatism
has ,lorigpeen a desitlemtum‘ with A physi:
ciana. and it: is only of; late that the true
principle ot'cure has been discovered. .
- lie-Would Mate. toull'toncernedrthnti
he hauizalreafly petformed-‘a. number of
cores, and can confidently assert thatibio
is the only true method. ‘ . ' ‘' i
[ol¢fltfield N6v;:3.‘- 1846. “ - ..‘ r
Bums for "sale. a: m ofice;
V, ,- 4,.,:,-.*'
>41,“ ‘.
‘ “ 1;]; is"- Wfii’i‘TEN ;’
MON SENSE, Ilmt lho nnturnl vegetable prmluc-V
limm ufefv‘cry cqunlrv urn. if properly applied n’ms
ply au'll‘lc’iem fohhe curo ol’evcry malady Incidenl‘
lo unrh peculiar climale. ,
II rig/14’s Indian Vegetable Pills,
‘ 1' ' OF THE
Thou: exlmordingry Pills are compoied 0" plants
which gruw .nponmncounly on uur ammo". and
are, llxereforo boner ndnplcd lo our runslilnuoné
than Medicines ironcoclod from furoigu drugs. how~
ever wall they may be compounded; and us
founded upon [hmprinclple lhul Ih}.- humnn body
in in truth ,
namely. corrupt humors, and that amd Mcrlicino
cum lhia disease on
by cleansing and-puri/ying the body, it m” be mun~
ilcal Ihnl. i! the comliluuon he not onnroly exhau
lul. n perseverance in lheir use. ncmrdmg I 0 direc
lioni. is nbsoluloly corluin to drive (house of eve~
ry name from the body.
When we wish to restore a swamp or morn" lo
lornlityfive drain it or the nupcmbundnnl water.
In like manner, If we wI-h lo rcaloro lho budy l 0
heullh. we mus! cleanse it of Impurity.
be found one oflho boat, ifnm lho very bdal med
icino in Ihc world for cnrrying on! thin
\ 6
__ i
' "/ THE unprecedented success thnthne
mattendedtthe use o{.thoso; plllein the
“TC—J practice orthopreprietor tor the lostsix
W or eight years. has, induced him to yield
4:7 'Q to theflimpnrtumties‘ of many who have
"1%“ ttsed and been henel‘lttctl by them.'nntl
mnlte nrrnugemitntate place them within the reach t
ufihe public generally. In tlmng anjhe ieeln enll~i
ed upon to say that the Indian Vegetable Restora
tive Pill is decidedly superior to any with which
‘he is acquainted. The}~ combine the [thigh
erties of many of ‘the beat vegete'h’lh medicines.
(used'in no other pills) in such a manner as lg ofs
ford not only immediate and temporary but perma
nent relief. ‘
'l‘he valuable tonics wlileh enter into their com
position-by their action upon the secretory nrgnnl
hold in check the purgntivo princtple and induce B
gentle and natural operation without Inconvenience
or pain, and while they restore n natural and heal
thy action orthe stomach, liver and bowels. they
increase. inatend or diminish. the strength oi the
patient. ‘ '
They have beeh used are family medicine for
years by tuuny ol the first respectability—and al
though they are not recommended to "heel all the
ills that flesh ls heir to." yet it has been very rare
that it has been found necessary for those using
them to employ any other medicine, and their occa
sional use will almOut invariably prove an effectual l
preventive to disease. They are exactly adapted
to llto use of families, travellers and scnmcn ; they
cleanse the blood. causing a tree circulation—open
obstructions and promote the secretion of healthy
bile, and consequently are an excellent medicine
for Nllllt'n. Indigestion. Nervous Disorders, Dejec
tion Liver Complaint, pains in the Head, Side. and
Breast, Costiveuons, Lou of Appetite, Urinary üb
otruclionl, Ague and Fever, Bilious and intermit'
tent fevers. Dysentery. Rheumatism, Serofuls. and
are eminently useful in all lcmale complaints—and
in one word. all diseases arising from unhealthy
secretions nml impurity bl the blood. Numerous
'lcstimuninls of their eflit‘nt‘y in particular cases.
might he added. but the proprietor prefern presen
ting n lew certificates of thetr gtuernl character.
lrnm peimttn ui unquestionable (‘nitdnr nntl vernt'ityi
who would not in nuv degree lend their influcnt-t
-to promote any thing that in not or decided utility. 1
and rely on their intrinsic merits to gain tltem t 1 l
reputation. lecling a most perect confidence that .
nnnlo nil-Juhamlon their use who give them tr fair t
trta ‘
The fulluuing letter from the Rev. George Bow
en, with other certificate: in the hand. of the u
genta. will serve to show the efficacy ul the-o pills:
ELK HORN, Walworlh Cu.. Wisconsin.
Dr. OsaonN:- With plea-u re l inform you 0! the
great benefits which i havoilerived from your pilll
l have been itt a decline for some time, which halt
greatly alarmed me. more especially nl my com
plaint was a consumptive one. and alaul have been
very biliou-. and have lahored neveron with pains
in my head. and my eye: have been ID alTected al
to turn ul’a Inllow. cloudy. and other diungrceablo
completions. My wife had suffered also from great
wrakneu and severe paint. and an your Pill: have
an wonderlully relieved up, we have sounded the
name of them all over our neighborhood ; they will
certainly be over regarded in thin place. and when
ever my extraordinary cure in known, as the most
valuable preparation for purifying the blood and
regulating the system. [should not have known
the worth of your Pilll had it not been for the Rev.
‘ Wm. F. Dewitt, nf Cuddeville, Sullivan cit. N. Y..
who with great ktndncus sent me 11 box to lry them.
and to that box nl'l‘ill-l owe my health. aml no the
agent here in out of your pilll. I wish you would
send me a package of boxes as soon as (tangible.—
With boat vii-hen for your prosperity. lam. dear
sir, yours revpectfully, GEO. BOWERS.
0012- 6.: W. F. lnwm, Cloarfield: Jonu Invm.
Ctll’\VlnlV_l“O; Junta McMuttnttv. Burnside town
lhlp; G. W. &_—— Anson). Luthnrshurg. and‘
LEVI LUTz. Frenchville. are Agents for the proprl.
etnr for tlto squ 01 [he above medicine in Clear
fleld county. n0v.25, '46—ly.
V‘fOULD respectfully inlarm the cit
izens of Clenrfieldvcuunty. that
they have received lrom Philadelphia,
and have nnw opened, at their old'staml
adjoining lhc court house, in the bomugl)
ol Clemficld, 11 large and magnificent as
wrtmvnt ul
Bflifll & WJE'NGEB G 063735..
Consisting 0! Dry Goods. Grocerieg. Mo
lasses. Hardware. Queemware. Bonnets;
Boots. Shoes, Hats. Caps, &c..-—in‘ sliort
everything usually (aunt! in a country
store from a " needle to an anchor," which
they trill dispose 0! at the loweut tales to:
CASH. all kinds of COUNTRY PRO
The public are invited to call and ex
amine their stock before purchasing else
Dec, 10. 1846.
&TE®S‘l&3§§B’ '9B m©®mw
.. ' , . REnow‘rec'etving-andro;
GIT}? A pening at lhei: old stand
{54% in the bomugh ol Clenrfield.
fi'f._-§.-';a fresh and well “sorted stock
of >
Fall. and Winter Goods,
Consisting of clot/13‘ cassimeres. qah‘nelts.‘
. We" assorted; ‘cashmeres. alpd'ccas,
‘ marinas-‘.‘ mous de (nines. bambazines.
‘ cap and bonnet ribands. ladiea and genr
tlemens’ gloves, hosiery. bonnela that
can’t'bc beat. shawls of everyyqriqu,
‘_ hahdkerclxie/e: prints of all descriptions.
’ , muslim _ofievery quality. Lsolezlcalberu
’ sheet. iron, tau-steel. tinwara. bards,
‘ ware, groceries, boots. ladies and genla
shoes. Izals and capt.‘ &a &c. _
All of‘the above stock of goods‘will be
pflld low {or CASH; '.and Exchange-(1’ 'OI'
' 'l'hezhigfivest prices-given for FURS and
y'NuV. 27. 1846-... 2’ I
LAKE; “Aziéenérdl’: aswrt
..‘. "zenvtlot, 'Uinwure ivill ,be' constpmly
.ks’nwn 11:194. pm: me quality, w'ell
: July 29. . ~ ,
~ “ "4-. m. ,_ ’.‘. -....- -..‘-
I‘T‘E"“"‘-‘”*"' ’ ‘ .
“s'l" - ' I’7. a A. T .3
,zp),!:{,4•.:(wzapu,m?p .
-. WWW wawww RESIOM’ME ,V
Prepay-Ed by Dr. quorgc Banner,‘ qf New York. land
for salt by [ht anneicd list of agmla in'Clcarjfield
éouflty. ' i I ‘ ' V I
.tatwn. _
The preceding tigure is given to represent them.
sensible perspiration . It is the great Evacuation of
the impurities oi the body. it Will be. otlcod that ti‘
thick cloudy mist issues il'om all parts til the surface.
which indicates that the Eenpiratton‘aows uninter.
ruptedly when we are in ealth, butesases when my
are sick. Lite cannot be sustained withoutit. it i.
thrown oil" from the blood and other juices ofthe hoe
dy, nnd disposer by this means of nearly‘ull the im
pltritlcu within us. The language ofthe Scripture is
“in the Blood is the life." i it ever beeomestmpure.
it may be lrneed direct’l‘y to the stoppeiepi the In.
sen 'blo l’erqit'ralton. iius we see altit is {new
“#whon the blood is stagnantor infectedustq open
the pores. and it relieves itseli imm'ell its'twpurity
instantly. its own heat and vitality are so want,
wtthoutono particle otmedieiiie, one tto open the
ores upon the surface. Thus we see tfie'fiiily oi ta~
liing so‘ touch ivitemal remediesn All practitioners,
however,dircct their efforts to restore insonsible per
spiration. . - 'e‘ ?
’ljo ivo some idea 01 the umountot‘ the Intensililo
l’erspli'nticm. We Will stnté that the learned Dr. Lew~
enlioclt ascertained that five-eighths ofall we receive
into the stomach passed ofl'hy this means. In other
words.“ we eat and drink eight pounds per day. We
evacuate five pounds efit hy lnsemible perspiratton.
It is by stoppinrf the pores that overwhelm mankind!
wnh coughs. l‘Olt I, and consumption's. Ninettenths
of the not” die trom diseases induced by e stoppage
ofthe lnsensible i’erspiration. ' _
Let the ask. now, every candid. mind. what course
seems the mos-t rcnsnnn ble to unstep the pores otter
way are Chaim ? Would you give a pbyric to unstop
the lUTCN i r would yuuappiy sotnethtngthat would
do this upon the suriat-e. where the clogging actual
ly in? And yet I know of nthylicln'tt who makes
any external application to e cut it. Under these
circumstances I present to physicians and to all oth
ers, MeAliiater's ALL-HEALING om‘mzsfir. or the
WORLD'S BALVE. it has rowan. to restore perspira
tion on the feet. on the head. around old sores. upon
the chest, in short, upon any part at the. body. \iiheth
er diseased slightly or severely. _
It has Pownit to cause all external sarer,-scrqfulmu
humus, slim distaste, poisonous wounds, to discharge
their putrid matters. and then heals them.
It preserves and (Minnie the surtacs from all de~
mngemi nt otits functions. The surface is the outlet .
oi tive~eighths oi'the bile and used tip matter within.
it is pierced With millions oi openings to relieve the
intestines. Step up the pores and DEATH knocks at
the door.- it is rightly termed All-healing, tor there
iti scarcely a disease. uternul or-‘intornal, that it will
not hone" it. I have used it tor the last fourteenyonrs
tor all diseases at the chest. runsutuption, liver. trival
vmg the utmost danger and responsibility, and I de.
date before heaven and titan. that not in one single
case has it tailed to hem-tit. when the patient was .
within the reach at mortal means ' .
l have had physicians, learned in the professionJ '
have had Ministers of the Gospel, Judges oi'tiie Bench
Aldermen, and Lawyers. gentlemenof the highest .
erudttton, and MULTITUDEJ ol llte roan use it in o e
ry variety of way, and there has been hut one voée.
one united, universal veiee, saying. “McAllistor.yuur
Ointment is GOOD." '
CONSUMi’I‘ION. It can linrely be credited that
u salve can have any client upon the lungs. seated as ,3
they are within the system. But if pleeed'tipon the “
chestnit penetrates directly to the lungs separates the '
potsotious particles that are consuming them and ex—
pols them iron) the system. it to curing persons of
consumption continually. ' ' -.
Tito Salve has euretl‘persons nithe Headache of 12
year's standing. and who had it regularly‘every week.
so that. vomiting nitmi toolt place“
COLD FEET. Consumption. Liver Crmpltiint.
pains in the chest or side. tailing afloi the heir, tiuo
t'the other. always accompanied cold test. it is a
sure sign ofdisoase in the system to have cold feet.
. This 9i!1.(-nl‘,lllets.lhr,, true .rt~medyJur.scaoroi.A, -»
tnvstrzms. SALT RIIEUM. mum COMPLAINT: sear:
nu. QUtxst’. sottt: THROAT. naoa‘cut'rts, nnqxeu on 1
son: BREAST. rim-x all CttEsT DISEASES. such as ASTH
MA. orrnnsstotv. rltms. elm. sonz' Lil’s; cunt-rob
HANDS. ruinous, couscous uur‘rtons.. NERVOUS
DISEASES. and oi the MIME.
'l‘here ts no medicine now known so good. '
BURNS. It is the best thing in the world tor
Burns. {Road the directions around the box.)
PIMPLES ON 'l‘llF. FACE. Its first ectio‘n is to
expel all human. 11 then begins to setten.untilthe _
skin becomes; as smooth and delicate es niflllld'tt. '
WORMS. it “it” drive every vesttge‘oi them a
way. (Read the directions amend the box.) 't‘hem
is prolioliiy no medicine on the lure of the earth at
ocno so sure and so safe in the expulsion oi Worms.
OLD SOIiES. ’l‘hat some soresare an outlet to
the im urtties of tlte systemhis because they cannot '
pass OiFthruttgh the natural channelel‘the lhsensihle
Perspiretion. It‘such euros are healed up. the impu.
rities must ltavo some other outlet. or it will endan
ger life. This Salvo will always provide {or such
emergencies. ' . 1 3 ~ '7' “
RHEUMATISM. It removes almost immediately
the inflammation and swelling when the pain of
course ceases. . ‘ *
I SCALD HEAD. We have cured ensenthn: nclu~
ally defied every Hung knnwn.nn well an Iha ability
0! {moon or Iwcmy'doclom. ‘ Ono mun tu‘ld us he had
spam 8500 on his children without any benefit, when
n few boxes of the omlmem cured lhpm‘
CORNS. 'Occnslonn‘l usd of Rio oinlmenl will ul
wuya keop corn: [mm (frowinfi. People need not be
lmub’qd with than: if! my “I l unit. T; '1 '
As AFAMILY' Mamoms. no man can mn’nxmd m
value. JAMES _McALLISTER. & Co.,
> Sale propnetqr. Bticp,2s 90mg pexfibox.
CAUTION; JuNo'Oimment WIH’DO gonuine'um
leu lho name: 0! James Madame: or :Janiéni'Mc-
Allister & 00.. are WRITTEN will! a nu upon nun
LABEL." PRICE 25 UEN'I‘S,RER'BOX.; 4 ~:-.; A
E _ E & W..F._I‘RWI,N, , ‘
flgenls for Clcam‘eld coqnly., ,: 3
Clemjield. Dec. 25, 1846.-—ly. ‘ . ..
H‘A'VE- just‘rpceivegl ’lheig' ‘wingéé’n
‘ stockiofgobds' poneisliqg’injnfl,“
y . 4 mm“ ®®®m®4Jii 3" - .'.’-
_of every}, variety and‘descripfifiqn'n G 120!
.‘ CERZES. Hardwane, Drugs and Med:
_ I jeines. ,Queenswara, HaflnCfiPr’ré'fln‘
3: meta. Boola_and ,Shm. Carpalhngu
lactic-9, Baa/cela. Umbrellas..;7z'allacco.!
Cigars, 81% Su ar, Laok'ingfilaas?
es. ;Sqll.: _aila. gamma. Gumflqrn
- shoes. 800/u and; Stationary. ,Coolsmga
; ‘ Slaves, Ten Plate, andeoalflloveanéccx
' 'All olyhicflthej‘mish‘ ‘QfdiOPOßeiO': at
as low Mice; ”Moan. possiblyzgeiafi'otged’.
ripeciajlyyhcnz'CASfl MD g c. uel mm;
- The; highest-:p'rice ai'len. [mf- '&RAIN. K‘
SHING'LESxfin. LUMBER of n'll kzlgllv
EURS, &c' &c. I ' '
‘-_.,-~ -.--$M......,; ‘ ‘
- x a wt-y ..-...:, ' v '
M. .~ 1 .J‘" , an}: H ;"".«-..<.-I\_,,- -.,.,.‘
E. .& W. ‘F. IRWIN:
zz i