Democratic banner. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1837-1849, March 06, 1847, Image 4

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    Promotion from the Rnnkfi.
Strange as the «lqclura'iun may :pnt’ar
at the lint Ylt‘u', it w ttt‘VPllllQlO-S true.
that. the Mumy nl N:lpttl(m||’~ rule in
France huB~l||urlratml sumo til the hublvsl
princxples ol l)mwcvncy. 'l'lwogh Ins mm
hamluml wmltké ambttitihtm-k‘v iluuugl»
all the rcstaaints of t‘\llll)ll.~llt'tl g'nvmn'
"WM B|)d_lD\V--thqug|3 in hi- mighly and
tllqmly cttreer htt'fnmphul umlcr {hill the
'igl"sfihll “bed-”'sl ul Hu- [wnplc-_\'x't ltl‘
'“Pgnififi'flll gc'pius‘ _llfl‘tl pmud lt'mm lvqlge
nljt’nnhltilltl lllli‘tl' Him [‘9 the (nunprrhcn
union olgomo ut‘ttlu 'hlélwst \lt'\\s ut human
(lestitl)"g' this llltf'llltsl gveat cnhqugror
and r'ult‘r \llltltl'l‘lél‘jn‘lctml am! upprtcintt-tl
theilr‘t‘lth, llnal mull rod. nut upun rank 1
nlpllE'f-f-llle fit'bl \1 ltlo ftlrtirtl tnlo pttlt'ltcllli
(mutation the blz’llovsnphic \icw nl Ihc llll‘
mo‘fllal'Burns : ' i
" " l‘ Tho rnnk in but thr “mum's 1“”an “ I
' ‘ Tho'man's Ihc gmul tor a. llmL ’
Thus we “'0 hi: onglr rye pt‘llt'ltnllt‘fil
the lldrlteit come: '9 at .sm-ie')’. amung Ihv.
noon-At} untl must ltnlmn, snatching llu-l
jewel of talent {rum the way dunghill—l
levying cuntnbutinns In lhv glory ul tlu'
nation, upon all «lassu ol sorlvty. nml t-(‘ i
It'rting-his highest and mm! nuttunrth} i
ulliccr‘l 1:0") the common nulks ol Illa—l"
And well did the Icsull prmo the “inlnm;
u! the plinciple. and the 5351:);in n! hi..
«Mini. 0! his lung roll «I glunu'uj mar
shuls, we bellow lhal’ inure Ilmn Iwo llilnls
‘ mac hon: the rarl'cm- 'l'o uhut Iln'y rosv
we all knuw. A bamlol berm». and u ur
lioru, such as the “Ullll m-u‘: 54w bolore.
rullvctcd nquml Ihat mauhleas mun:
their glmy palcd belnrc his alone! LN
us “amine sumo ul thrir oarlv hinlmics.
Augcveau, lhe inhvpul Vicl-m «I Arcnln.
who Ifd~his vulumn llnre mm over lho
“DUBQWHY and budge nl Lndn. rukui by
Ihc uhnh- mullmy 0| Ihc AUanan army;
“119,8! Cnsliglionv. ul [him and other
plygfiéfitdisplnyed such rare mango and
c'o‘blnus--wns the sun of a grocer. and
entered the mm} as a common snldicr—
relirctllrem n in di<gush and set up
schodl M ah'ncing waste: gaml “hon “a!
brake ouugain. onliulcd in the nuke. and}
rose to b; a marshal ut thirty.
SlLijfglh‘c‘ firm nml iintnmnbli', lhi
. «denture hnrl:’in‘clhndiral «nicer, in ho (la
red to think [pr himself, and lo difler ever.
. from the great Emperor—“hose brilliant
courage and strategy at Ulm, at Polotrk.
at Brieibnckenhosc cool and srientific
defence at Dresden, \H'i'juflifit‘d the high
Corifidepce ol his rommandcr—u'us born
the inn 0! a prior imintcr. and has nlrcndy
bnund to the trade of his parcnt,'uhcn his
relllcal spirit dl(l\'(‘ him inln the army as a
cbrnmnn luldicr. He rose rapidly. unlil
in a few years he became successively
general and‘mnrshal.
The during. the resolutv, the glorious
Lannes—thc} Orlandu’ and the ' Ajax‘ of
’thebariny—thc hero Li Murrlebt‘llo, nl [.O
- ul Marengo, of Saragossa—“as the son)
" ‘0! an humble mechanic. and was nppren-‘
licrd [9 the same trade by his lather,—'
But he ran away from his master, and en‘-‘
listed in [he army as a (nmnmn sulolirr.‘
Aihhcre he suon 'luiuil his way upwmd,-;
Indeed. his noble qualities atlrunrril him
V more rapidly thnn his military rjnnliticc
,jttstifirri.. in his earlier rau'cr. it is snid,_
he could tint bu truntril ui'h an army—f
' But.’ the historian icinmkr. 'licli'aiviii'ils
the-Gu’l’tes’of a grmt it'dtlti wry fast Ram!
ZNn‘polenn iaysvnl hiim—"l luuml him n'
Alip‘nrlgl last him :i nintit.’ fl , ‘
’"im'Mi‘rivaf'iviii—7hr:“linked. hruvc, nmll
lailhfbi hihrbhai itho stood by his coming“-
der in an adversity murt‘ lljlna than thei
shock of balilt’. “'il‘l the run of a lair-5"”,
\i‘hq at tho. early age u! fillcrn. ilcscrlrrl.’
:_.V‘-lhé'pencglul pursuits hi hi; la'lmr, to (.‘ll'i
'liu‘vnrnficoghmon Suidit'r. ?
LON SIM}. 100, “ha no“ fi-l: me very
thighes‘t [mil in the ["rr-nch Guwrnmem,
_'and"who still more gioriuusly suppurlgrl
Hie honbr 0| his country by his skill, rOB
Aulmior), and undaumcd brnn'ry at Aus
terlilZ‘ and in_al hundred olhnr Imrrl laugh!
Battles. Wu the‘son M a "Mary. and. al
the ugh of sixteen, dean mi Hw drf parrh
mehls’bl his father.'uml ‘cnlislcd as :17 sn!-
dicrv in._lhe inlanlty. He rose gradually
{mm private to sergeant. lo licurennnr.
jgju'mnt, caplain. majur. Chis-Io! baltniion,
colonel. general, marsha', and first minis
.lér. of Emma. "
:‘EAnd Mural, the bcsl klllarmau (he
worldlevcr saw. Qxhnse {(‘Slkuehfi blade. en
'grsvvdJl-illl,lhe «only ' Honor and Wu
man.’-~ achie’wd- winery. in n llmusnml
'bloody fields; was . the son 0! a , tu’voru
keepg'nlnjmgelf‘ annlmpllvr. by p‘ruhssiun.
:cnlergd the army as .n commen- sn'dicr.
and soon rosc'lo the highest lumen; of llxe
Emplrm ‘. "1 . '
Lefebre was born’ in (lie most abject
poverty. andme eurirg fil'leen years as
.‘.a‘lcomlmm'lioldier.~bet‘utne a sorjeanl. and
imbuqué'nlly-‘msc‘ to 119mb of Ihc‘ firmesr
"gigdjflpqil uanpoleun’s band ol'horoesa
J'i'l‘rM'ilscnp,‘the‘.llcm of Seminal-Rim“.
and innflnieu'hlc ,olhar fields; {whom-the
:gtep'l Empgrqr’,ain am: 0! his hardest Mulls
remarkch' I consider you vquivalcm l 0’——wns a 'lriendless or-
Iph'llfiwnd ,ilrlven imu the arm.)- 'by necei- .
oily-j» won‘rosc to [Jr a smjeant, and from
that" wept lhruugll all (In: other military
gr‘adéi'. / "
'Victor' Was a puvnlc in itlnc nrlillcrv at
fifteen.” ‘- ‘ '
Oudinol antl'Be’sci'es‘cs was otfli‘Eh‘um.
'blcsl origin.‘ pug jdlnm! lhe-gymy as 9,3,
vatcs. ‘ ..
Bernadouég:lllél‘7‘séguc’inUi. '{ar-siglnvlod,
and ind'umithtile pu'pll'fof Napoleon. who
subficququly-bpcunw_lnis conqugmr, rose
from a cognmup suldiu .ln,bc a‘mmshal 0|
.ngflflce‘gflfifi’djfllfl w'alzdig'lo, be king ol'ch:
on. ’ ' .- .‘\ ‘ . ' . ‘ '
' Sucbpf' {he masts!lydisqiblinhrinn; was
lhe'aén ohfllk" nihfififucl‘gnefflmdruse'
lrom a private in lnc’ranka.” ' ''V '
And lmly, ' the bra‘vul of [he brayc,’
the ChevaliE'l‘ Baynnl nf lho crnluty. the
unnscuulnnl Nag-Aw. b'rlorp “hose Inw
t-ring plume wlmlc‘ ballnlinhs and H‘gi
"ml‘nts sunk in nlisniayg—Vlhb rem-guard
«I! the grnml army—lH“lhorfiunulficnn
per, and by his imlmnllablv‘courngv lilrccd
hiuhcll up‘lrmu the ranks In Hw mus! glo
riuua dislinclion u snldm‘ mu’r nlluigcul.
And now, with lhcce illumious exam
plvs 0! [he Wisnlmn ol llu- ulemouailic pl-iu
ciple. “0 MR uhy is H lhul. under our
u'publu'nn Guwmmeul nluuc. an 'npposilo
«lurlrine and prnclnce prcuilsin nu: arm)?
Why l~ 11. that lho lone-l cmmuisniun In
«lenlnl m the mm! worlhy privnlo in om
Army! Why i 1 il lhal. whilst in all the
ulhw ra‘nku olilllo lalcnl can and will find
in un)‘, in llw Army alnne llu- mldivl‘ l‘
lulll to ' Illng nuay umbilion:' llml he ran
never IM- :llmve llw rank ul chgwnl Mn
j .. P—A’rw Orleans Del/a
.’r’ N'ummt in an Intern/(rig Siltrafion.
——(.‘:tthartne M'Keon, a stunt lriah girl.
arrived in this eonnlty a few \teeka ago and
took lodgtng at an emigrant boarding house
kept by" \\'il'i;tm MeLaughlin nt 94 Mul
bery street Latterly. it appears. she eon
merely. plan to rob her host. nod dist'ov
eied rt ter patient “melting. that the [)u
reau, in a room up stairs, “as the deposit
or) of his money; site crept to it on Sun
day night. when all the inmates of the
house uerc asleep, and succeeded in ma
king herself tlte possessor of its rontenta.
the sum ol 851 50, and fine elnthesenough
to make tno good hnndloe. Fearing to no
(lotto statrs'uttlt her plunder rust M’-
Laughlin‘s bed room door, she went into
an attteroorn, and fastened a rope to her
bedstead determined to let herselldown in
to the yard and then make her exit by the
alley way. She dropped the bundles out
before she r-ommeneed her aerin' descent.
[and thertto guard against loosing her hold,
fastened the loom end of the rope to her
ankle. This we! all/very well, but the
ro‘pe’uaa eight feel too short and though
she slill-‘downlike :1 Jay ‘_bird fur the first
thirty feeétik'dhe was suddenly brought up
v- ith a rOinfijit’Q‘rn and tossed upside down
in romething less than the tninltlirg of a
bed past. What rendered the matter norse
her clothes tell about her ears and nearlt
smothered her, uliile the tart northern air
‘touched her rather uneivilly in a less peo
tacted quarter. There was no remedy left
for Miss MeKeon, therefore. but to holler
watch! and holler ithe did, with the lungs
of n volunteer fireman. Going to the noise
berng somewhat deadened by her skirts.
relief dtd not come :t| out-e, but after the
lapse of about three minutes two public
spirited policemen roahed up the niley and
confronted the strange object, For a time
neither of the ttondering stars eould bring
their knowledge of natural history to bent
upon the nature of anaoiinul making stteh
a strange nurse. and apparently ttithottt at
head, But summoning courage and rem-1
lalion, they at length advanced and lttjt'ingzll
hands upon the dangling figure, soon dis-l
entered its genius, and \tith the aid of at
jack knife and a good lift, turned it up on;
the other end, a pretty good looking gal -
By this time the landlord was aroused nhcnl
the whole afl'air. came out. and Miss Cath
arrne MeKeon “as marched off to the sta
lion hrm‘sc to be locked up for larceny. [I
was ralher {ultimate {0! Miss McKeon Iha|
namre had biessm! hrr with .1 sum! ankic.
A" 1' I’D/ICE Gazelle. ‘ '
Jusl like 'cm. ——A young gentleman paid
his addreucs to a young lady, by whose
mother he was uttfarornbly waived.—
'How hard.’ said he. to the young lady.
‘ to separate those whom love has United.‘
' Very hard. jndectl,’ 'repticd she. with
great tnnocent'o, at tho same time throwing
her arms around his nick, 'am! no mother
nit] find it.’ .
E‘XUHCRS of AIJIIHHIL-(lnliun having
L burn granlul‘tu the sube'cnbcr an
the thllt' nl Levi: \V. Smith. law of
lhcbuwugh OI Clealficld, dcc’d.——n|l per-
I 0“: lmvmg claims 0! demands ugainu (he
cslulu me ruquvslrd to make Ihc suuw
knuwu to me uilhuul delay. and all per
sons owing the said cslnw nrc xoqulrcd (u
come foruzml and make selllrmcul in like
' fldminiah'ator.
Clcmficld, 22d Feb. 1947.
LEVY-HRS of Admlmslration havipg
been gran“ d to us on [he calale 0!
George Shaffer. late of B'ady lowmhip.
Clcmficld county. dec‘d. all. persum hav
ing claims or demands ngninsl [he estale
o! Ihc said deceased ulc [equated to make
kuunu the. same wilhuut delay. and all
pemms indcblcd ate requested (0 come
‘ forward and make payment.
f. w fldmim’slralora.
Brady In. 171!) Feb. 1847.
‘ i' AUTI 0 N .
‘ Ll persons ate hen-by ‘caulioned a
‘ . gl] as! buying qr, Ic||ing or in any
way. we dling whim Dark Brown Horse.
_ogzq Blackfllare and one Cow. while and
:cd gpulledfnmy ,i,n_lhp possessionoflohu
Byhilchavl. 91', I{actha_us,,lo\vnslxi}), us {he
mmuibglougj‘o me and .aru,in his posses
alon'dnilohn only;
- 'Dec., 13,1846.
WINWAREL-ILA r'gerie‘r‘al'> nésort
k , mom olfl‘jx'nv‘u‘reiw'ilj bgpgnalantly
*' h M
KKA'I‘ZER ‘8: BA mm'r'rs,
. July 29. , _
‘ 11‘ IS‘ WRIT PEN,
CMON SENSEJIIIM lho nnlurul vngeluhlc prmluc.’
llions‘ufcwiy' (-uuhnlr'v nrr‘. if properly applied um~
,pr unflincm fur the cum ofcvvry malmly Incident
ll'u emh pcmHur (llmul'e. , : ~ r -
H rig/It’s Indian Vegetablr; Pills,
Thaw rxlmnrdinnry Pills nre compdsod of plan”:
which grow npnnluncnusly on ..ur own soil, and
are. lhorelnrv huncr ndnplml to our cunslilnlmna
lhnn Medicine's cunroclod {mm rnroiglrdmgv, huw~
over He“ they may he (‘umpnundcd-; and an
founded upon Ihc- prlncwlc lhul Ihc human body
in in lrulh
sunmm I‘o um um: DISEASE. ‘
namelyl rurrhpl human, nml lhnl smd ’Mbdxcino
mm this discusu nn
by cleansing audpuri/ying Hw- body, it “I” he mnn.
Heal Ihm. II the oonmlulmn he llul onllrcly exhnlm
led. n pcxscvmmu'e m lIH'H' mm, nm-urdlng IU dlroc~
llmul. in uhsnlquly I'EfIIIIII In 'lrn'c disease or CH:-
ry numo from II (1 mey, .
When no “rah to nature n an amp nr morutu m
Ichlly. \u- tlrnin H of lho v-upcruhundnnl “mm.
In lIRO nmnm-r. II We umh In n-nluru the [My In
In‘ullh. no Innnl clonnsv ll nf lIIII'UHIy- O
be found mm nI'IIm Inn-l, II ndl lho \‘orv Imsl med
icino in lho \"UI’II' fur curry-mg on! thin
bccallseflthcy l‘xpol {mm the lmdy nll mmlml nml
1:0”an humor. Ihc glue:- or the (human. In uh any
and Natural Manm‘r ,- nml “hlic’ Huey awry du)’
nnnm n manv dnvvn l’rnm lho 1“: th
H 3'2'g/I('s Indian 'I/rgr/lzble Pills
(‘nn hr- had ganim- of (he {mluuw
highly rmpcclnblc unrvkwpws In
('lemjic/rl (‘uzm/y.
Ihc/"lrd S/mw. ('llnr/ielll; '
Daniel liurrcll, (,‘uru'z'nwi/lt;
”avid Irvin. “lyltl/tersburg.
[fl/c (bun/3;. '
Cobb & (Jul/uglu‘r. Ridge/way;
Georgc ”his. SI. .'Uur'l/s.
(I'B“er (bun/'l].
[frockcr/zqflrs- Irwin. [lr/lrfon/e:
‘P/ &- ./ Pol/tr, Pol/era” Mil/.9;
.’ldmn Fix/(tr. Con/rcvi/lc;
0 P fluncan, Jlaronsburg;
Samuel Lipion. Mileaburg;
Henry ./I£lams, JVul/ccrri/le;
[Wm Murray. Pine Grove Mil/a;
George Jack. Harrisburg;
H I, Alasscr, Alan/mint;
Irvin 6- H'lu'llulrer. Cover/cg] Hal/,-
I)uncun 8' Nays, Spring [Vii/g;
F Burk/mm“. Ifahcrsburg: ;
.lucab Human. (.'mlrwi/lc.
Umvuu: or Coum‘unrm’rn. .-'l'ho mzhlu: Me (011‘
lb nod agallml llm mum rpurmun Incdlcmes “hul
m nrtlur lodercn’o. are (filled by names limilar In
Wrighl'u lmlmn cheluhlo Pulls.
The only original nn<l genuine lndlnn Yugolulno
1"”: have Ihc signature 0! Wm. \Vrlglll \"rllli‘n
wuh npm on lho lop label 0! each box Num
uxher l 3 genuznc. nml lu ('ouulcilt‘ll lhis I: runumu'
D’Z'Ofllrc-A .luvu'ul rxrlunH-ly lu lho .‘I'lll! 0|
WnumT's bums Yum-nun,» PILL: of Ihc North
American College 06 Uvnlll), No. 288 Grounmcl:
Sum-l, Nuw Yurk. No. 198 'l‘remuul street. Bub
Inn; and I’mxcn-ALOFHL‘E. Nu. 169 RACK STREET.
§§IOULD rt'spcclfnlly infmm Ihc cit.
izeni of (“Garfield rl-unly, that
they nau- rccciwd ’H'IH Pln'udrlphia,
and huvr nuw opened, nl their uhl mm)
adjoining lhv (nun l-n-Jsr, In [hr through
«)1 Ulcurfigid, a la_r3cw4nd !.‘.'..’3l‘.‘..‘.iE}'Q',.‘.‘E‘
sortnn-nl of
9311 i! & wnxzfim among.
Cnnsiding 0! Dry (lam/s. Groceries‘. Ma
lanes, Hun/ware. Quemswarc. Bonncla,
[ion/s, Shoes. Hats. Capy, tug—in Shall
everylhing uwally fuuml in n cuunlzy
stme from n " needle to an anchor," which
they uiH dispose 0| u! the lmnul min {or
CASH. nH kind-. 9 ul (‘OUNTKY PIN)
The public are ill-.i'ml to Cu” nml‘u
amine their sruck bcfmc purchasing also.
“ here.
Dec, 10. 1846.
flaw-$3: 5331331) 433 m®®lfim
Y . RE now weaving and 0-
g??? fk pcuing 81 11min old stand
Efigfi the borough nJ Clenrficld.
5:: s3s—s2l fresh and well assorted stock
[Fall and \Winter Goods,
Cumming of cloths. caasi-m'ercs. lwtificlts,
. we“ assorted ; cas/nncres. ulpnccas.
~mefinos. mom: (la [nine-9. hombazines,
Tap and bonnet ribamls. lutlies'qnd gen
tlemcns’ glo‘ves. hosiery. 'bonnctst/mt
can’t be beat, v shawls' of every variety.
‘lzandlccrc/tie/ah prints ofall (leacriptiom.
muslins oflevery quality. sole [eat/leg.
sheet iron, ca'st-stqel, linwure, hard
ware, groceries. boots. ladies and gents
' shoes. hats and caps, &c. &c.
'All of-lhc-aboyc stocklol goods will. be
suld low [or CASH. and exchanged {or
I'l'he'highevst prices given for FURS and
NOV, 27, 1846. ' ' H ‘
JUS'lVrécc’ch’d a fresh Supply of Brim»
drgtlx’s ‘justlyucelcbraled pills ~w_ith
directions for use; Price 25 ccn‘ls per;
box] Formalc by E. &“W'. F. Inwm,‘
who are the ‘on!y' nmhnrizéd agen‘ts ioffihe;
botough ol,Clearfield.‘ ; '. I
‘VN0'V."27."'1846.,"“ ‘7 ' T
STOVE-RIPE. rim 5615; ,ijré Z i’éu'y'
. Hquuhlity' l6!’CAsH}"s¥ " ‘
Nov. 27.
V i" ILL S. ‘
'lPrcpared by Dr. George Bonnet. of New'Yark. and
I for tale by Me annual list of agent: in Chat/731d
THE unprecedented success that has
nttcndod'tho use of lhcse pills in the
"HBO-”CO of'thu prnpriotor for tho lnat six
or right you". hub induced him to yield
to tho importumlicn 0! many who hnvo
used and been bencfittod by them. and
mnko arrangements In place them within the ronrh
uf the public generally. ‘ln dmng so holeoln cull
ed upon to any that tho lndinn Vegetnb‘io Restora
tivu Fill in dt-cidodly Inpcrior to any with which
he I: acquainted. 'l‘tmy combine the prop-j
orties of many of tho best vegetable mcdtcitms.‘
(and in no ulhor ana) m such a manner as to M; ;
fun] not only unmvdiuto and lcmpornry but pcnnn-‘
nont roltcf.
'l‘hc valunhlo tonira which enter into their rum-l
pminon hy th-ir nctmn upun the secretary mgunu.
hold tn chcg'k the pnrgntivn pnm'tplo nntl IlldllCl‘ u
guttln nnd unturnl owrntmn wnhoul Incomcntrnro‘
ur pnin, and while they rralurc u nnturnl and hanLl
thy nrtitm of the stomach, Mar and bnuc'u. ”my.
mrrrnrr. instead 01' diminish; tho Itrmg|h n! that
pntiont. I
414/ I "
. 7 “k,
They have her" um! as n funnly moducino rnr
yours by nmny ul lho firul‘rcspt clalnlily’nml nl~
lhungh they are nul recommended l1)"h('ul all Ihc
ills lhnl flc‘edh is heir lo." yo! :1 has hr'cn very rnro
Um! il has hat-n found norcusnry for ”mac using
Ihem lo employ any other m'uhmnE. nnd lhrir orcu.
nionnl mo mll nlmoul invminbly pravu nn chcclunl
pru'enuvc lu «hscnsc. They are exixr‘lly nu'uplcd
m Ihc use of I'mmlmn, lrovcllum and seamen ; lhoy
rlcmm-Jhr blom'. musing a hoe circulation—open
nhslrnr'mm um! Lrumctc Ihc carnation of hmhhy
hlle, nnd t-unscannliy mo nn I‘U‘OHt‘nl mulirincfl
fur Nnmen, lmhgnliwn. Nervom Dmnrderl. Defic-
Han L'vor L‘mnplsnnl, plum m lho “I “J, 5410, um”
Brenm, l'mln‘Hh-H, I, ..‘ uf .Mr‘vr‘l: u, [’nuuty V b '
mrnrlxom, Agnc nml Fowvr, ”mom and lmvrmn P
It'nl fevers, [)pv-nlcry. thmnnmm, Sr‘mfn‘n. null
.'lrr- cmlnr'nlly unful In nil rmnuin rumplmnm «m. I ,
N: (no mud. n“ nhan‘nam In sum: from unhenElLyi
emit-Luna nth! :2111.I1r1'yu( I‘m Mom]. anncrum;
lculzmmuufn of lhmr In}. M v In purih uiur mu ".3
Hugh! h— “(’er Luv 1M! pynpru-lnr yrol’vrn prr‘scn-l
ling :1 law v'rrlifim‘m u! lhmr arm-ml I'l;arurrcr.o
hum polsnnwfl unquestionable rundnr and verm‘ny '
whu unn'd no: In um rlvgrco lend Ihenr Inducm-r.
Io prunmlo any thing lhuk In nut uf comm: ul.lny."
"Dd n-Iy on lhmr mlnnvx.’ men!!! it) guln 13111:: n
ruputulmrt. hcl'ng u "lan parcel ('un!idu.w lhnl
nnnc mllnbundon Ihcir use “ho gin» Ihvm n 'qur
'l‘hv {uiluuing loner {mm the “maficorgc Bow
en, “uh Ulhrr rcrUfiCulcn in lhe hnnda (bl lhe n
-gonln. \HH acne in show lho cflicucy 01 (hone pills.
“UK ”on. Wniuurlh (Ru. Wm 01.5”).
[)r. Osnnns:-th plcmuro l ml'unn you at Ihc
arr-n 1 hcncfiu u lm-h l have derived from )(mr pill
l have Du-on in n :lct'lmu for some limo. “high hnn
gremly alarmed me. mum especially nu my com
plnml wan a consumplxvc one. and aim! but been
very b 15101”. um] have luhorud severely wilh pmm
In my bend. and my eye: have bran so ufieclcd nu
lo lum ofn sallun . cloudy. and olhcr di-ngrooah‘lo
envnplenuns‘. My mft- had sum-m: Man from grcnl
“(alumna and acrcrn puiun. nnd as your Pills hnvo
m wonder!ul!y relieved m, wv hmu mnndv-d the
name of lhun n” uvrr uur neighborhood ; lhoy will
renniuly be nor rcgnrdrd in [llin More. and when
rvrr my nununhnury cure it known. In Ihc ml-sl
vulunb'e pH-purulmn fur purulymg (he Mum] and!
rogulullng lho sysmn‘ [rhulllll not have knnun
[he worth of yuur I‘ulls hm! il nol bran for lho Run}
Wm. F. Damn. of (.'udxlcnlle. Sulhv’nn m». N. Y.,l
uhu'wnh grvul kmdncu ucm mo :1 hm lu lry menu,
and lo Ihnl box ul l’lllnl one my health. and an fhe’
age-n 1 here it nul of your Will. I wish yuu nouldl
send me n pnrlmge nl' bnxt-s on 50017112: [\us-i‘JH‘. -- I
With |)cs| “uh" fur yuur prospcmy. lnm. drvnrl‘
Mr, yuura rullu-Ifln'ly, (RICO. HU\\’EHS. J
VII? &2 W. I" huvm. Clmnrfiold; Jonx ln\'|x,,
Cunmuullcg Jun». MrMunnAv, Burnside lmur ‘
shun; G \V. «i' Anson), Lulheraburg.nnd'
thl Lmz. Fn'nchnllo. nre Aguulu for Ihc pro’mw
mm for the snlu o! lho nbuvc medivino In Cit-ur
llc-ld (-uunly. nov.‘3s. '-16——|y,
li. & W. l". IRWIN
AVE jual erriu-d Ilneir mum's
slack nl gum]: cuusieling in part of
191132? ®®®m§ -
0f cvrxv vanivty and (lt’sclipYiOD. (1130
(‘Elf/L'S. Hardware. Drugs and filed
(clues. Igutensware, Ila/.9. Caps. Bon
ncls, [hols and Slums. Curpclling,
(Slacks. Baskels. Umbrellas. Tobacco.
(‘igurs Snuff. Sugar. Loo/ring Glass
cs, Salt. Nails, Brooms. Gum ()vrr.
shoes. Book: and Stationary. Foo/ting
Slaves, Ten Plan: and Coal Slaves, &c.
All M which lht')‘ wish lu dispose «‘4 at
as low prices as can posnibly be afl'urdgd,
especially when CASH is in the question
The highpat price given lnr GRAIN,
SHINGLES &. LUMBER of all kinda,
FURS. &c. &c.
Nov. 27, 1846.
REMAINING in the P. 0. at Clear.
field, Pu. Jon. 1, 1847.
Andrew Stevens Askey John.
Biggcrs Uzziuh Byers John—9.
Caldwell B. 11. Cummciscr Augunlus
Eke Frunc’eu Ferguson Hon. J.
Hm Analizn Marlin Lawran
Lela Abraham Loyd RevJohn~2 1
Little Amox k. Morrcll Mm. L. "
Munger C. D. Ovorscer ol' Ihc. Poor
Ogden Nancy of Lawrence township
Pearcc I?er Ruth Polar
Rainer Harman Reed Miss June _
Sears W. H. , Worth ManlmMrlu
Wilson Jane Mrs. . , A .
W M. L. MOURE, P‘ M.
N n‘ll 'pcrsnns indebted to the eslate of
him llogarly..lute olf lieccnrimluwnfiuig.
Clexufi‘eld enunly, either by unles‘orgbpndq.
Itha‘i‘uwir‘pcbdinnumru left in Ith hands“
Johu' W." -\Vrighl,lEsq., fp'll‘.,c9Ub;E'li.qn.v
mpg! ‘llmt_th’qy;9ro (équiicd to ny lhegainc
on or beluréllhefimt day dl‘Fegruarynnfx‘E.
'l'hosb neglectinglhia ndlice willbgiyw‘d
a‘gfiiuét ,without regpecg, [alieflquSy ._
' _HENRY, HEGARTY; E . .' r
. WM. MULLEN', ‘ f " '9'
N0vtf25,1846.. ‘ ~ ' -
01:. 1:, GREENS
HE ‘lv'nnnd (or the above mollicina
T in the last ‘2 or 3 “first is deemed
a euflicicnl upolugy [or placing it now ful.
ly before {her people ; nngl the diseases for
fihirh it is npplicab'c have become so We.
valenl in this couhlry (but a remedy culi
[letl lo confidence. is a greal‘ desiulvmvmn'
The diseases l aHudc In in: Hepatilig,
(Liver amnion.) Dyspepsia, and [male
Complaints in gonor’nl. ‘
NTThP nbove pills will bvpt constant.
ly (or sale by
Ric/lard Shaw. Clcarficld,
David’fldams, Bn‘ggq rp.
J. H’. Il'li/ler, do
Oct. 20. [846.
AG E N 'l‘ ‘V A N 'l‘ ED,
For this: (immiy.
'7 “HE businvsx Hill [)0 l 0 pruw’ri- anhq
E, SCTIUCIS (of, and sell. uhcn pubiis‘n
ed, a Inrgv. new. s-pirmlid hmnship Map
The (lunhficmilmi (rcquivcd are a sun!!-
cnpnm u! $lOO. 'sol/mz/y inlegrz'rg. in
dustry, energy, um! “Him: business tul
mls. Inlmmnliun ml the lemma 0! the :-
gency (wluiuh me lilmn‘.) an” be gin-n on
:ipphmsnn. POSTAGE M111”.-
Superin/mding .’lgnnl,
8,; Sum!) 7lh Strut, Pni'mkh‘flu.
SPIN. 123. IQ‘EO —¢'lo‘. ' .
’ffi‘flfix‘fii WEEK 1
['S'l' rot ("'.ul aml In: s.;'v by ‘.Lc sub-
Q 5! ..m-s at Ll; ‘ n/zls/uml' In the hur
uwh u! ('lcm livid, n Ut‘l'u-rui assmlmcni u!
D ..
Fail 62 Winter Hoods,]v»;g In purl u!
M: l" (; 0 (ms,
l/JIII’DI'I'JIIRIJ. (g L’la‘lv.‘:\'.S‘ll"./Ilfl.‘,
Ilfl T 8 (5- ('.’ll‘ S, 600 T 5 é- Shoes.
11’ OA'J'E ’/ S. [ion/(3 .5- S/(zlionm'y
L'AIBII’IL'L I.x? S. 0/300 .s'.
CO T7Y)N Yfllffi , G La] SS,
(7.0/31’137' ‘ (10. Loo/ring Glasses,
('nn/‘cr/mnary, Tobacro 4‘ Cigars,
77371271”), . (ii/9. Paints. .ch.
All 0! «hirh h:- M” sell a: cheap {6r cmh
nr COUNTRY PRODUCE In the}! can
be hm) in town. The public are resnecl
ltu imilul In call. rxaminc his shck.
and judge for lhcmw-HM.
Nov. 17, 184‘)
WWI? .’ IV . I]? / .’
Not will: Aim-fro bu! will: [he 0/![ YE/rau!
R. “'M. l’. HILLS. h‘viin: much
E) s)mp.uhy {.4 who nflluml MU»
Rheumatitm. lnkt‘! lth nvmhml n! iln‘ilin:
lhom to CA” 31 hi: « Hire am! gr! (med.—
'l‘nis melhml is a'n\:~( new, and vmy gm.
pH', but ni'i pmiilr. I) I‘ITI'C’ n (‘llrL-‘nn ll)u
mm! 9r‘t‘ll olir [ulrrlp'r'u [{u'l‘mafhm
has lUD: hwn a ch-uuh-vn'vuu ui'h phw:
cians. and it is onfj ul lm- llml the tim
princlp’t- ohuu- has hot-n Ilisan-n‘d.
“v \muhl H.llO. In all cm-vcrnm'. ”U!
be has ahcmly poufmmml a numlwr x-l‘
cures. and can mnfidrully usaut that In:
Is the only llue mmlmd.
51.7311” H‘ .\.\‘l) sm:
Cleurfigtd My. 3.. 111.10.-
B Hm! Letters 0! Admini-lrdhun how
bvcn grnnle‘d m 2h» ~u'hrnhms uh ‘lu- m
vale of Jnhn Lair-bun. lain MC'HHI tnurr
ship.Clenrfield rnumv. dm'd. All por
suns indebted [u Saul mule are «It-«nml (u
make paymentwmlmut delay, nml Hum
having demands “ill prmrm Iln'm pup
erly nulhemicated for solllvmoni.
IL-v. 10, 1846.
PERSONS are hereby c'autimwu u
-2~Hnsl luking an assignment of? 2: cm»
min Judgement nole. giv'cn by me In Jus.
Brrnncr and “'m. Watsonho! Kn'rlhau‘.
datcdnbout lho lslhu'July} 1346, can.
ing for ninety‘nine dullnrsund sdme cents,
as} have no! reqvivcd va|ue for the sanie.
und.nm determined norm pay it uMeSs
compellcd by due course of law; ’ =-'
January 16. 1847.-ng. ' '
Ll. persons are hereby c’aulmnell a-
A gains! purchasing“ hm notu'givrn
by me mMurlid MyrlerL of Penn lawn
ship, Clearfield} counly, and bulb du’led
“the 7:]: December, 1846."--one:pnyublc
iu-lwo months [of Twanlyzsiar‘bmlacls qf
I’Vheat.'lhc other, payable in live monthg.
for ’lzqenty four Dollars-«as lho above
nolca were obmiued from many fraud.
and I an lhercfure:(lclermincd noHUZPI)’
them-unless compelled by law“ ' -
' ' ’ROB’r'l‘ McCRACKENJr.
MFergusuntp.‘ Jun. 2.3.1847. *‘f H ,
.. , Letty-ran! Adniinis'tr'alion have. bee}:
grp'lntgq 10. the éuli'scribcr's‘on the,.,Eitmi’
s)'_Davlll,Wheéle'rflntébfwßenc-zel WW?
EhWi'uE'kvp‘FQWU' dcc’d—l-Jhbrel'iyrp a}:
Peirans: .k:!¢s\".i‘ng “s’hcnisefi‘fié EMGB‘E‘HQ {F
guild agar,g:.f:‘n‘yg§= r'egpil’écd‘ itoft‘hnke' Willem?
9}}? QUEEN '59. 11.1.1: éuhscnihctm laws! “‘9?“
h‘aripgflclemumla':xi'ill [ifcséht' “Nike?”
autlwnliéafed l'rS'lf sctll'cq’lbi,ll'. - :r 1.
, CHAS. 'l9. ‘CAD \VELLn"-1
‘ flrhniniclmlors-
V 1:)”; co. Doc. 22, 1846. , . - ,
(1' I" U Cliln' {E S.