Democratic banner. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1837-1849, February 24, 1847, Image 4

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... Special’l‘lelfijage ' I,}
.To-Alfllié‘énhlemrtd House 0/ Reprcr‘emw
' tibesqfthefflnited States.- ‘
Cuhgresi.‘ bylthe act ol‘the lath ol Mny
~last.‘dec|ar._ed than _"by the act at the rc-.
‘ public at "Mexico, a etate 0! our exists be:
tween that "goVernment and .'the_.Uriitcd
Staten" and ”tor the purpose or'onnbling
thewgotternr‘nun’t oi the United Stntes’ to
prosecute Stud war to a speedy ant suc
cessful termination.” authority was est
ed-in‘the Preatdenttu employ the ' nah/5|
and military'forcea‘ol the. Unite rates.”
. ‘lt'haa bce‘ttmy unalterntile‘ purpo-e.
, ‘einle‘c'i'the.commencement of hostiltit's by
- Mexicotantlv the decluraliun ol the uls
tence ol'war by Congren, to prosecutethe
war in .uhlch the country wnsvunnwldl
bly involvemuith the utmost molar: “"‘h
a View tuita "speedy and successlu‘l ter
mination” by an honorable peace.
Accordingly, all the operations ol nut
naval and military torus have been three»
ted with this view. While the sword has
been held in one hand. and our military
monments pressed loruard into the cue
my. country; and its coasts invested by:
our navy. the tender 0‘ an honorable pence
has been. constantly preoented to Mexico
in the other. ' ‘
Hitherto, the overtures ol peace nlrichl
have been madeby tlna government, have I
not been accepted by Mexico. With a
view to avoid a protracted nar, .nhich
. helitnncy and delay on our part would be
so well calculated to produce. I informed
you, in my' annual message otthe Bth Dc
ccmber last, that the war would “contin
nc to be prosecuted with vigor as the best
“means at securing peace.” and recommen
ded to your early and .luroruble consular
ation the mensurea proposed by the Sec.
rctary ul War. in his report accompany
ing that message.
In my m’essage of the 4b January last.
there othet“~ measures. deemed to be essen
tial to the "speedy and successful termin
_ ation” ol the war, and the attaintnentol a
juatand honorable peace. u ere recommen
ded to-your early and larorable consider
The worst state 0!. thingt which could
exist in a war nith such a pun er as Mex
ico, would be 6 tenure at indecision nnd
inactivity on our part. Being charged by
the constitution ‘ond the laws with the
conduct at the war.) have availed mysell
of all the means at my command to pros
ecute it with energy and vigor.
The act f'to raise (or a limited time an
additional military force, and tor other
purpolel,”'and ‘which authorizes the rais
ing of ten additional regiments to the reg
ular army, to serve during the war. and
to be diobanded‘at its termination. which
wals presented to me on the ltth inst. and
approved on that day, will constitute an
important part ol our military tone.—
Thele regiment: will be raised and mor
ed to the «at at war “ith the least prac
ticoble delay._
It will be per’cetred 'that this act makes
no provioion {or the organization Into bri
gadefimldiviaiona ol the increased torce
whichfitfiiauthorizea, nor tor the appoint
ment'o‘f'general oflicers to command it.—
It will be proper that authority be given
by: towito make such organization. and to
appoint. by and with the advice and con
nent of the Senate, such number at major
generate and brigadier generals as the el
ciency of these-nice may demand. The
number ofot‘n‘ceru of there grades now in
aerjjce.ure, not more. than, urecrrquir ed .for
their respective Commands; but further
legislative action during your present aes~
lion. will, in tmy judgment, be required,
and to which it is my duty respecttully lo
inrite'your attention. .
, Should the war, contrary to my earneat
desire, be protracted to the close 0! the
term‘ol the term of service at the volun
teerl'now' in Mexico, uho engaged ‘tor
twelve months. an additional volunteer
force will probuhly become necessary to
supply their place. Many of the volun.
teen now aerving in Mexico; it is not
doubted, would cheerfully engage. at the
concluiionLof their present term, to serve
during ‘thevwar. They would constitute a
moraemcient force than could he speedi
iyjobtained by accepting the’ services 0!
In] fig}! c'orps who might ofl'er their scr
vicui ’g‘Tliey would have the advantage
of lhecherrience and discipline ofa year’s
lervice, and will h‘nvg hqcume accuaiomed
tq jhé climate. and b'ejn less danger than
newflgviuof sufleying from Ihc diseases
ouheicoumry.“ _l Trec'gmmend. lhercfof'e,
thuaulhonty be given to accept the ser-
Yibetof “ch, olstb'eflulunlcem now in
Mexico“ the Male of thelpuhlic‘service
may require, and who may, at the termin
iltion of their present trrm, voluntnrrly e‘n
_ g‘lge-t'o'eeryio during the war with Mexico.
' and-that rprovieiun be made for commis
sioning the otficers.‘ Should this measure
festive the lavornble consideration of Con:
grehsntfiji recommended that a_ bounty. be
granted tethem upon their Voluntarily ex
.lentltflflhell‘ term of servicw This Would}
not on x-Mdue to these. gallaut‘men, but
it would'be economy to the government.
\ _d_i§eharge'd at, the earl of. the,
twelvleTmonths. the government would be ‘
hottfl'd to Incur heavy expenses in bringtug
them bukto their homes. and in eeridmg
.to the tint of war, new corps of» trqops to
In plygtlre‘ir pln’ce. _ -- t .‘ _5, ‘ ._ _
‘ £3}. the ‘act eithethirtecnth at May last,
‘the President .wasz'authonzed‘ to'luceept.
:thc services'hlvvdlunteers. "qu companies.
hnttn'llone; ’squadronl,“und‘ regiments.” hut
t naprovidldn Was Made tor filling ‘up V 3.
uncle. whichimight :occurrby. dellhpw'
-ditchargeQ’litjmjthe'service, en'necount o!
‘....icl,mur.or_. "other .cadualtl'u-w to £00834
quinceetrthjeomia‘nionfmaby ot the chrpr
.'nowyiu 'aervilée have: been :an’ch'jrcduced
in trum‘hcr’pL-gNor-mfi any pl’OViSlqnflpflde
' for: filling vacancicrot regimental gr both;
; talhytbmcér‘s‘who might tlie‘ory‘ff'llgn.'—
.' attenuation has been receivedtat the “Jar
Department of-the resignation ofip‘tore
tltan'one hundred of these officers. they
'were‘nppointed by the State authorities,
and nti‘iuformation haa been received, ex«
1 cept iota few instances, that their places
have been fitted; and the efficiency of the
service has becn'tmpairrd from lhie cause.
To remedy these defects. l’recomtneud
that aqjhority‘be :given to accept the. ser
vicea of individual volunteers. to fill up
the places of such as may die. or' become
unfit-for the aeqrtce and be discharged ;
and that proviainn be also made for filling
the places of'regitncntal and company o_fii
ccrs~ who may die or resign. By euch pro
visions-the volunteer corps may be con
atantly kept full. or may approximate the
maxtmum oumbei" authorized and called
into sotvice in the first instance.
\\ hile it isdcemed to be our true poli.
cy to prom-cute the war in the manner in
dicatcd. and thus make the enemy feel its
pressure and its evtle, I shall be at all
times‘ready, with the authorin conferred
on me by the constitution. and with all
the meant: uhich may be placed at my
command by Congress, to conclude a just
and honorable peace. ‘
’ Ofequal importance “ilh an energetic
land Vigorous prosecution of the war are
the means required to defray‘ita expenses.
land to uphold and maintain the public
credit. <
I In my annual message 0! the 8 h De
cember last, [submitted for the consider
ation of Congress the propriety ol irnpo’g
ing. as a war measure, revenue duties on
some ofthe articles now embraced in the
tree list. The principal articles now ex
empt irom duty. from which any conside
rable revenue could be derived, are tea
and coffee. A moderate revenue duty on t
theac articler. it is estimated. _u'ould pro
.duce annually an amount exceeding two
and a hall millions of dollars. Though
in a period of peace. when ample means
could be derived from duties on other or
ticles [or the support of the government.
it may have been deemed proper not to
resort to a duty on_these articles; yet,
it hen the country is engaged in a \v_ar, and
all resources are demanded to meet the
unavoidable - increased expenditure in
maintaining our armies in the field, no
sound reason is perceived why we should
not avail ourselves of the revenues which
may be derived from thia source. The
objections which have heretofore existed
to the imposition of these duties were ap
plicable to a.state nl peace. when they
were not needed. We are now. howev
er,eogaged in a foreign war. “’c need
money to prosecute it, and to maintain
the public honor and credit. It cannot be
doublet] that the patriotic people 0'! the
United Statca Would cheerfully, and with-
out complaint, submit to the payment of
this additional duty, or any other that may
be necessary to matntain the honor ol the
country. provide tor the unavoidable e -
penses ot the government, and to uphold
the public credit. It is recommended that
any duties which may bcimpoaed on these
articles be limited in their duration to the
period of the war.
An additional annual revenue. it is es
timated. of between hall a million and a
million of dollars, would be derived from
the graduation and reduction at the price
nl such oi the public lands as have been
long offered in the market at the minimum
price established by the existing laws, and
have remained unsold. And, in addition
to other reii’En‘ns"coi‘n‘mi-nding themeas’ttr‘;
to favorable consideration, it is recomrnen- ‘
ded as a financial measure. The duty
soggestetl on tea and entice. and the grad
uation and reduction of the price of the
public lands. would secure an additional
annual revenue to the treasury ol not less
than three millions of dollars, and would
thereby prevent the necessity ol incurring
a public debt annually to that amount, the
tntereston which moat be paid-jeerni annu-
ally, and ullimalcly the debl line“. by a
tax on the peop'c.
It is a sound [)O'ICJ'. and one nhich has
long been approved by the government
and people ol the United Stall-‘5, never to
resort to loans unless in cases-of great
public emergency, and then only lot lhc
unallcsl amount which lho publlc necc‘ssv
lies will permit. ’ ‘
The increased revenues which [he mea
sures now 'rccommended would produce.
would, moieoveu. enable Hie-government
lo nt'gntinle a Man, fot' any addilionul sum
which may» be found to by 020“! ch with
mor‘e facility. and at cheapé} mics (huh can
be done withoul them.
Undorlhcinjunciion oilhe consliiuiion
which makes it my duiy “from iimeiu
time lo give to Congress information of the
state of the Union, and lo recommend to
their consideration such measures" as
shall be judged “necessary and expelli
ent.” l respeclluliy and earnestly'inviie
the aciion oi‘Congresa on the measures
herein presented for their consideration.
The public good,‘ arw‘cll as a sense of my
rcspolna'ibilitx to our common-constituents,
11l my judgment. imperiuualy demand [but
l‘should present them for our enlighten
ed .cona‘idcraliou,"nml invoie favorable ac
ibn;,uppn thicmgbc'for‘c the close of your
prese’nt "session.
V .’ ;.; JAMES K. POLK.
Washington. Feb. 13,1847. ‘ f
j: " LIA perhnn'a ale hereby ’éautionedfi.‘
‘ vgainstfbuying'cr uellin‘g‘or in‘apy
Way“nieddliug With aHDarlc Brawn Home.
PM ,Black‘ Maia-and, (mellow. white and
mi ‘Pollédsindw‘ih‘ lhe‘jjdssb‘lsidh 'ofJohn‘
B- {Michaclvnfa Karlhaus towns’hip,‘gg fiha.
,spm'b‘elngvxqm and ate‘ in higpoipci
uovl") on loanpnly'; ' ' ' ' ' ‘
iii“; «mu-mar»
~ I) IL‘l s l “ ‘._ .
Prepare}! by Dr. George chw, of New York. and
for safe by the annexed It'll of agents in Clwrfflrl
'l‘llE unprecedented aucceu that has
attended the use of these pills in’the
practice oftho proprietor lor tlto‘laat six
or eight years. hal induced him to yield
to the itnportunttiea at many who have
mad and been benefitted by them. and
make arrangements to place them within the reach
of the public generally. ln datng no he leela call
ed u an to any that the Indian Vegetable Restora
tive {l’lll in decidedly superior to any with which
he in acquainted. They combine the prop~
cities or many_ol' llto best vegetable medicines.
(used in no other pills) in such a manner as to al’w
ford not only immediate and temporary but permnA
nent relief.
The valuable lunics which enter into their com
'poaitlon by their action upon the aerretnry nignna
hold in check the ‘purgelive prtnt-tplo nntl induce a
gentle and natural operation without Incont'enienco
or pain, and while they restore a natural nnd heal
thy action of the Itomach. liver and boneln. they
lnCrElle. inlllad of diminish. the alrengtlt oi the
‘ They have been used as a family medit-ino for
years hy’many ol the first renpectahtlity— and n|~
though they are not recommended to "heal all the
ills that flesh is heir tn," yet it has been very rare
that it has been found necenary for those using
them to employ any other medicine, and their occa
aiqnnl use will nltnout invariably prove an effectual
preventive to dtaeaao. They are exactly adapted
to the use of families. traveilers and seamen ; they
cleanse the blood, causing a tree circulation—open
obstructions and promote the secretion of healthy
bile, and consequently are an excellent medicine
‘ fur Nausea, lndigelliun. Nervous Disorders. Dejec
lion, Liver Complniltl.‘ pains in the ”and. Side. and
Breast, Contivenoas, Less of Appetite, Urinary ab
atructiom, Agua and Fever. Ethan: and lntortnit
tent revere. Dysonlery. Rheumatism, Scrufula, and
are eminently useful in all female complaints—and
in one wnrd. all dincmea nrialng from unhealthy
secretions and impurity of the hlnod. Numerous
testimonial: of their elficacy in particular (rises.
might be added. but tho proprietor prefers presen
ting a law certificates of their gqnernl character.
lwm potions ul unquestionable candor and veracity.
who would not in any degree lend their influence
to promote any thing that ts not of decided utility,
and rely on their inlrimie morite to gain them a
reputation. leoling a must port-ct confidence that
none “illabandon their use “ho give them a {air
trial. ‘
Tho following letter from Ihc Rev. George Bow
ora, will: olher carlificalosin the hands of [ha 0--
genls, will serve lo show lho efficacy of Ihc-o pills:
ELK "any, \anworlh CO,. \Vilcormn.
l Dr. OSBORN:—WIIh plea-urn l inform you 011110
l areal boncfiu n hich l hnvc derived from your pills.
l I have hocn in a decline for some limo. which has
l greully alarmed me. more especially as my cum
plainl was a consumpln'e one. and alnul have been
\‘cry bilium, and hnvo lahurcd Acvcroly wilh pain:
In my hand. and my eyes hai'e been no all'ecled no
lo lurn urn sallaw. cloudy. and ulhor disagreeablo
tomplexionxr My wife hnd sum-red nlao from greal
wcaliueu and revere palm, and as your Pills have
I 0 wonderlully relieved us. we have sounded the
name oflhem all 93,?! our neighborhood; they will
corlainly be evrr‘r‘igarded in [his place, and when
evnr my cxlrnordinnry cure in anWn, an lho maul
vnlunblo preparalion for purifying the blood and
regulating the uyltem. I should nul have lumu'n
Ihc “-oth ofyour Pills had il nol been for ”10 Rev.‘
Wm. F. Dewill. of Cuddeville. Sullivan cu.. N Y..
who will: graal lundnou acnl man box In lry ihem,
am] no that bu: ol Pills! owe my lmalili. and as the
ngonl here in out a! your pilll. I Will] you would
send me a package of boxu as loan as possxble,—
Willi boll night: for your prosperity. lam, dear
air, you" reapcwlfully, GEO. BOWERS.
”I'6; W. F. lnwm. Clenrfield; Jam: [tn-Ix.
Curwinunlle; Jana: MrMURnAv. Burnside Io\\'n~
chap; G. W. de, —-— ARNOLD. Lulhcnburg. nnd
LIV! LU'rz. Frenchville. are Agent. for the prop“.
uur {or lho sale 01 lho above medicine :11 Clear
{Md counly. n0v.25, '46—-ly.
E. & W. F. IRWIN
AVE just received lheir winter’s
stock olgonds consisting in pari u!
@153? Q®®IDQ
Of every variety and description. GRO
CERIE S. Hardwarp, Drugs and Med
icines, Queensware. Ilala. Caps. Bon
nets. Boots and Shoes, Carpelling.
Clocks, Baskets. Umbrellas. Tobacco.
Cigars, 8111ij Sugar: Looking Glass
cs, Salt. Nails, Brooms. 'Gum oon
shoea. Books and Slulionary. Coo/ring
Stoves, Ten Plalc and Coal Stoves. &c.
A” 0! which they wish to dispose of at
as low mites as can possibly be afforded,
especially when CASH is in the qunlinn.
The higlwst price given {or GRAIN,
SIIINGLES & LUMBER of all kinds,
FURS. &c. &c. . '
Nov. 27, 1846. .
EMAINING in the l’. 0. at Clear-
R field, Po. Jan. 1, 1847. ‘
Andrew Stevens Askey John.
Biggers Uzziah Byers John—9.
Caldwell U. H. Cummeiser Auguslus
Eke Frances . Ferguson Hun. J. ;
Hess Annliza Martin Lawrence
Lela Abraham Loyd Rev.. John-—2
Lilllc Amos It. Merrell Mm.- L.
Munger C. D. ' " Overseer of the Popr
Ogden Nancy of Lawrence lownship
Pearce Frank. Roth Peter
Runner Harman Reed Mi‘ss Jane ‘
Sears W. H. _ Worth Martha Mrs.’
Wilson Jane Mrs; ~
r all persons indebted to the estate of
Johnflegarty, late of Beccaria township.
Clearfield county, either by notes or bonds.
lhal‘lheir accounts are left in the hands of
John: W‘. “fright, Esq’.. for collection;
and that the are tequitjed to pay» the saint:
onlorzbelnrgfthelfirqt doy‘o’l,Febru‘ary 'n‘ext.
"Ifltoaeneglecting this notice will beiuu'ed
“Min" Without ”meet to persons. {1
:; «MM. MULLEN, . ‘ g ‘rm .
,NOV. 25, 1846.
'~ "" 7 obi-'l'. 'ahE’Ezvusii'V ..
mm 5; BROWN Pimps.
2 HE demand lur .lhc nbuvc medicilia
T inlhc lasl 2 ur.3 yours, is deemed
a sufliciunl apology for placing it now ful
l)’ before the pEnple ; and the disénses for
which his applicable have become so pre
vnlenl inlh‘is‘countrx that a remedy enli
lluil lufiunfildcnco. is a great dcsidernlum.
'l‘h’aJliséplt-s [ allude to are Hrpulilis,
(Liver n’fletlion.) Dyspepsia, and lemalc
complaints in general.
mijt‘Tlin nboye pills will bepl conglom
ly for sale by
. Richard Shaw, Clravficld,
David fldams. Boggs lp. -
,J. W'. Miller, do .
Ocl. 20, 1846.
For Ihis County.
7 ‘HE business will be (u prucure sub
fi_ scribers for. and sell. “hon publish
ed, a lunar. new, splendid “mm-ship Map
The (,anlificalions rcquircd me a small
capital cl 3100. aobrir/y. inlrgrily. in
dustry, energy, and aclivc business tal
ents. lnfmmaiinn of lhe‘lerms of ihe a
gency (which are' liberal) Will be gisen on
upplicalion, POSTAGE PAID. to
Superinfending flghnt,
83 Snulh 7lh Street, I’hiladelll in.
Sept. 25. 1840 —6m.
' 7 hY
THIS W x .7
UST received and {or sale by the tub
J scriber u_l his ‘ old slaml' inlthe bor
uugh of Cleaificld, a general nsuortmenl ul
Fall & “’imer Goods,
consisting in part of
[HITS &- (,‘fll’S, BOOT-‘- 8' Shoes.
BONNE TS. [foo/cs i 5“ Sla'lionary
Cflln’PE'l' (10. Loo/ring Glasses,
Confec/xonary, VTobacco (3' Cigars,
memw. 0:13. Painls. .Su'.
.-\H M which he will sell as cheap for cash
or COUNTRY PRODUCE us they can
be lin in town. The public are respect
fully invimhlo caH. examine his flock.
and judge for lhemselvcs.
Nov. 17, 1846.
PVflR .’ W £1? ./ !
Not with Mexico but toil/31h: old Tyrant
R. \VM. I’. “ILLS. feeling much
D sympathy lor thoue afflicted with
Rheumatism. takes this'melhod nl inviting
them to call at his office and get cured.—
'l‘his method is almost new, and very sim
ple. but will positively ellcct a cure on the
most scientific principles. Rheumatism
has long been a deuideratom with physi~
clans, and it is only of late that the true
principle ufcute has been discovered.
He would state. to all concerned, that
he ha! already performed a number of
cures, and can confidently assert that his
ts the only true method.
Clcarfield Nov. 8, 1846.
N that Letters ol Administration have
been granted to the subsciibvrs~ an the on
late anuhn Lambnrn. lute u'tChcst (nun
ghinClt-utfield county. drc'd. All pvr~
wns indebted to said estate nic debited to
make payment without delay. and thaw
having demands will preterit tlu’m pup-i
Elly autlicnticatrd for settlement.
Due. 10, 1846.
ERSONS are hereby cautioned n~
P gumst tnkingun assignment of a car
tain Judgmnent note. given by me to Jon.
Brenner and Wm. Watson. of Knrthnus,
dated about the 15th ofJuly. 1846, cat!-
ing for ninety-nine dollars and some cents.
as l have nut received value for the same,
and am determined not to pay it unless
compelled by due course of law. , -
January 16. 1847.6—pd.
LL persons are hereby caulloncd a-
A gains! purchasing lwn notes given‘
by me to Martin Myrtcr, of Penn town
ship. Clezlrfi‘eldi counly, and both 'dated
“the 7th December. 1846,"-—one-puyuble
in Iwo months/or Twenty six bus/zeta qf
W'heat. the other. payable in live months.
for Twenty-four Dollars—nu the above
notes werelnbtniued {rum me by fraud,
and I mulbercfore determined not to-pny ‘
them unless compelled by law . . ‘
Ronni MgCRACKEN. jr, ' l
Fergushn‘lp. Jan. 2. 1847.
, Letteraof Administrationhnfie becnj
gr’n’hted to. :h'e subscribers on he Eslale
ul David Wheeler. lMe o! Benezel town'
sh’i‘y, Elk cbuqty. ’deg’d—lhc'refqre, _u‘llj
petspns ‘ knowing vshelmselvce indebtcdft'u
,said estate aleucjgiyc‘d .10 mph: ‘imme‘di:
ale paymcnt,gp‘filflcghfibgfcniberpth. lhute'
having demands will present them duly
nulhenfica’led lohfictllgmfem.
f. . ",. CHAS;..E. ~IOAI)3w_ELL”,;
. ' HENR,Y"'~B."JMEA'D.
; ' .‘ fldminislfd!ors’.”"
IMONSENSE. that the natural vegolnmo ”ode
lions ofovery wumry are. if properly applied am‘
!p_ly suflicienvfprjhe euro-ofn-cry innlndy mc’idcm
:Io eat-h peculiar dimmc. .
Wright’s Indian Vegetable Pills,
’ WA" ”ox: Tm:
Thom oxlruortlinugy l’ill;;nro cfimpowd of 'p'lnnm
which growlsponln'neoualy on uur own soil.‘ and
are, thiv'rc‘lore’hcucr udnplcd Io our constitution.
.llmn Medicines concocted from fotcign drug-ghoW~
ever well they mny ho',rompoundcd; pm! n
founded upon lho p'rincxple' lhnl Ihe humnnjbudy
is in lrulh ‘ V .-y
namely. cprrupl human} and [hm bald 'Mefiicino
cures lhis disease on . . x‘ ' I
by cleansing and puri/ying the body, it mil ho man
ileal mm. H (ho consliullxon he not onlircly uhnuo
led, a per-acornm'u in their um. ncmnlmg :olljrec
liona. is absolutely corlniu Lu drive discs-c of-evg,
ry nnmo from Ike body. , . ' _' I
When “0 msh Io rceiurp n au‘nnifi'or‘mbmfi lo
Icmlil)’. wo drain it of the uupcrnbunrlanl water.
In like manner. I! \v6'}'wiu|l to restore Ihc Imiy to
health, “a mug! cleanse il uflmpurily. . ‘
he found one oflho best, if nut lho ve'ry heal med
icino in the world for currying out lhis '
because they rxpcl from Ihc body ull morbid and
corrupl humor. Ihc cnuac ol the «linruse. in nu any
and Natural Illanncr ,- and while lhoy every day
name is rapidly driven from'llio'body. ‘
m-ight’s Indian chetable P 2113
Can be had genuine of ‘he follvwing
highly respeclnble slorokeepcrs In ,
_ Cleagftelrl County. ~
Ihc/lard ‘lzaw. Cltar/iclrl;
Daniel Barret], L‘urwinsvillc;
Havid Irvin. Lulhcrsburg. .
‘Ell; Conn/y.
Cobb &- Gallagher, Rldgtwuy;
George Il'eis. St. Alan/s.
Cenlrc Calm/y. ~ '
[hacker/my" &- lr‘w2n, Bellchnlt;
.l &- J Potter. Potlcrs' Mil/8;.
«Mam Fisher. Ccm'revillc';
0 P .I)uncan, .flaronsburg; .
. Samuel Lipton, Milesburg;
Henry fldams, H’alkerm'llc; ,
. Wm Murray. Pine Grove Alilla;
Georgq Jack, Boa/sburg;
I] I. Alusscr. Man/teim;
Irvin &- IVlzillulcer. Coverlcy ”all;
Duncan 8- flags, Spring Mills;
F Burk/aanlt. Rabersburg;
Jacob Human. (’cnlreville.
Uswuuz or Coummu‘snv. —'l‘hc public am can
liuncd ngnins! the many tpnrimn medicine-I nhich
in ordvy l 0 deceive, are called by name: limilnr In
Wrichl'n lndmn Vegolnble Pill].
'l‘ua only original and gnnuine lndinn Vogclnhle'
Pill. have lho uignnluro ul Wm. Wrighl u rillen
will: a pen on the lup label 0! each box. None
ulher in genuine, and lo countetleil lhisin roman"
070 mm devolml exclusively to Iho sale of
Wnlau'r's INDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS of lho Noni.
American College 0! ”calm, No. 288 Green“ ich_
Suecl. New Yurk. No. 198 ’l‘remnm Ilrcel. Bus-i
Philadelphia. '~
“TOULD respcclfully informlhc cil
izcns' nf Cleurficld county, that
they lune received hem Philadelphia,
and have nnw opened, at (heir uld slaml
adjoining we rnurl hous’v. in Ike-borough
0| Clenrfiehl. a large and mignificcnl as
surtmenl of '
mama- wxxzrn (sums.
‘ Consisling 0! Dry Goods. Groceries. Mo
lasses. Hardware. Queensware. Bounds.
lieu/s, Show. Hula. Caps, Swap—in shun
everything usually found in n cuunlry
stare from a "needle (arm anchor," uhich
they will dispose 0! at the lowest mm for
CASH. all kinds 0! COUNTRY PRO
The public are in\‘ii(‘ll to cal! and up
amine their slo‘k before purchasing clic
Dec, 10. 1846.
EQ‘QS‘Mme &m®®mm
_ , RE now re‘celvino and 0.,
13:12“.- r’r‘; A pening at lhein Shlslaml
[33%| in (he bomugln oi Clearfield.
a“ { fresh nudwvcll'asso't led‘ flock
Fall and “inner Goods,”
Consisting of-clollza. cussimerec. summits,
well usaortod ; can/mares. alpaccas.
merinon. mous. dc (nines. bombaz‘in'es,
cap and bonnet ribands. ladies and gcn~
tlemens’ 'glovcs, hosiery. - bonnet: that
can’t be beat.‘ shawls 3/} every variety.
,ylzandlcerc/tie/s. prints 0 all descriptions.
muslins “of every'qualily. solo leather.
’ sheer iron; cast-Steel, ~linware, hard
ware; groceries; bqols,”ladiea and gcnls
shoes. hats and caps. &c. &c, -
All of We above .slock of goods will be
snld. low for CASH; 'uml’exchunged lor
The highest prices given-fur FURS'anII
‘ Nov. 27,18‘36." - ' . 7 ‘ s
. -. BRANDBETH mus; _~ .-. _
.. US'l‘ieccivéd' a {reqh supplyyf BIB!!-
J drelh’s’jd’slly- ceiebrat‘ed V'pnlls‘ whhf
(llr'echon‘sfar; use. Price 25,. “NEW" ‘
box. ,1 For 'eal'c‘ by‘E. '& W. Fa-lifl‘VWt
whp‘éfié‘jlié my" gum-4m ‘aggn’ffi m ”5°
boré‘ugb'¢!:~o‘l‘éa‘rfié_m: ‘ "
N 9?" 27-; 41945-1:
. ‘qu'amic . 010 A 9'l)‘
I"? "N 12(7ch TZER "ezzih'fhfll‘fifi‘s'fi “ ‘9’
av. . ’ \ , ‘ '
- 9