,Z- --. - - THE DEPT]! OFJ‘HE SEA. With regard to the depth of thn’bedy of Water. no certain conclusions have yet been formed. Beyond a certain depth it hee'hith‘erto been found unfathomnb'e.— “’6 know. ingeneral, that the depth oftlte nee increases gradually as we leave the whore ; but “8 have reeron to believe lltut this increase of depth continues only to a eertein distance. The numerous islands scattered every where through the ocean," demonstrate that the bottom of the tmtera, so far from uniformly sinking. sometimes riuea into lofty- mountains. ' It is highly probable lhat_the depth of the sea is some f what in proportion to the elevation of the; land; for there in some reason to concludet that the present bed of tltc ocean formed, lhoinhnbited part ofthe ancient world prc t vioue to the general deluge. and "H” “'9 are now Occupying the bed of the {ortner‘ ocean; and, if no. its greatest depth will not exceed four or five miles; rt" ”‘1"? i 5 no mountain that ricer: higher above the level of the sea. But the “3:! has never been actually sounded to a greater depth than one mile and sixty six leel. Alnngt the want! its depth has always been found‘ proportionedto the height of the shore 3| .where the coast is high nntl mountainous. I the leer-that washes it is deep; but whetel the cont is low tlte water is shallow. To; calculate the quantity of stale-r it contained we mun therefore summer: a medium, depth. ll “8 reckon its average depth at‘ two miles. it will contain 290000.000 of cubical miles of water. We shall have a more specific idea olthis enormous mass of water, if we consider that it is sufficient to cover the whole globe to the hetghth of more than 8,000 feet ; and if this water were reduced to one spherical mass. it would form a globe of more than 5000| miles in diumeter.-—Dirlr. Strange Cases qu/optmmt um] Crimp. ~~A few days since. my tin: Cincinnani Commercia', a man by the name 0! Dates, eloped from Cuvington will! 8 Mn. ————. and come to this thy. Bum lvft 1: \er} neat lillle wife and In children! one o! them sick and guing bliml. The wunvnn tell I husband and sewn chililicn, one ly mg al the point of (lrulh. The eluping parties came to this city, and as man and wile.hunted a house. The} [uunzl-unc to their liking on Lynn street. neai Cath arine. and took pDMCS-lol'. Hue they set up on theigowu rospnmibili y, having tell all their little responsibililies in Kentucky. Yestetday the man \ihohad lost his wife, and the. woman who had lost a limband, hand at the runaways, and together, pur sued them to this city. They made kntiwn their gmvoun bereavement: to the city police. and officers Vance. Early, Shields and Colby. detcgmincd to bring the rum wuys to judict. espoused the cause ol'thc mariners, and with them proceeded to Lynn street. Mrs. Bates went ahead, Ind got her husband out at the huu-e. and White talking with hi.n in the street, the ufiiccrs came up and took him misman— Ellly and Shields conducted him to E,- qn'ir‘c‘Brook's office. and he tras'bound o vertur examination to-day. Vance and Colby then attempted to enter the 11mm to arrest the guilty woman, but [hunt] the door b’zi’rred and the uindun s fastened. the woman dtljlng them or the luvs! One at the officers. honever. succeeded in enter ing one of the back windows of the houw, but was met with a brick bat in the head Recovering he~ found htmselfgrapplctl and wblows-falling~-in~hia- lat ewrttlnuclvpow or a’ilo‘ leave their imprint most certainly discer‘nable, She taught both officers to such an extent, with clubs, thick bats and fish, that they had thrir hands lull to take her! They had n (art at the clunr, rcndy to convey the wanton to a magislmtc's ol fice, but bgfore getting in, she sv. ouncd nn _lhé‘ pavement! In lhl! situation (Which was afieélcd) she was put imo the call, which had proceeded a squate or so. nhcn she suddenly camel tn—jumpml out at n bound. and seized Culby, unl‘ DI the um cets: in a gtapple. The struggle lasted lor some moments, when both came to the ground. the enraged woman holding her enemy last, to the Infinite amusement of a large congourse ol cilizens.‘ The cuttmau aloft! He was not to be found when the fighfi'Fbich he \vomunhad all on her side. ‘jylsfi'oiqr. She finally agreed to walk lo Eiquil‘eßtook’s office, and was, like her hlramburh. held lor lrlul tu-day. This ‘cu‘e'is truly narrated. and taken nll In all, in ,8 disgraceful and sickening nflair. 'l‘lm «twp pawns. of Ihe‘nge of these; both with ‘lnr'gg families; should have eloped and M ,tgd as they have‘. c'ann'ol bé uccuunlrd (u? 'ih‘lhe‘promptipgs of outphilusnphy. Tnua Nonm'rrS- We find a most beau- ttlol anecdote ole man in an elevated sta tion. with whose name Europe is nowre echoipgmnd “hose good rlcerls to his na tion seem to worm the hearts of those'who - love virtue and justice in America. It pu't‘poytyylo he an übslrnci of a letter from , Rome. and is published in on English pn pgfiiyll runs to the that that a man was :arreatgd ‘in Rome “hile distributing clan .deltinelyo pamphlelhgntitled "[‘iislurybl PiuallX."‘;lhe enemy 0i religiun. and. chiei of young’ltaly.” When the Pope heard 'oI-th’e arrest. he ordered the man to be Ehrought b‘etore; him; After interrogating "lha. offender. His} Holiness bald—”A9 your‘la‘ulte affect only myself.l pardon .you.” The man fell at the last 9f the Pope. and oflered to reveal. “the names of the authoraof the pamphlet..but lhePope _tgplied—‘V‘Let their iaults be buried in ei lence, and may repentance touch their '.‘ hearts." This is one of the most touch £l.oB instance! ofchnracter. exalted nnrl cl. evated by purity and Chrietian love. that we ever remember to have seen. It shows lhe highest moral dignity. and we might almost» any the very "beuuly ol In-liness." [308(0): Times. Yeslcrdny morning a fashionable lady riding in her cnrtla‘ge. ran overu small boy. near the corner of Clwanul nml fl'h sheets, hmriblv cans-hing his h'g! She ‘rmle on “my a Limple "pslmu !" u! the momentary delay ll had occasioned her. bul ullcrl} ‘imlifl'vrcnl lo the condition of lhc pom llmlc ‘vicfion., .When *she reached B|h wool. the clnlnor of the mob that had ar~ lsco. compelled her to Vrclum. She walk- C(l into the npothecury shop “here the suf h-n'r lay gasping in’hig agony. and gnzmg into his lace M if collecting :ll ‘lhe sym pmhy duo In his piliable cur, she suxldon l 3 (lb-oval: "Now, so! you little ras cn’l '1‘1...1'1l lunh you better than to run omlxl’ horse'u ch again l” And lurning Upon ho-r heal the coolly “alkeul wny, “hl'e [he rroml gazed aller lwr thunder murk a! hrr iohunmnlly. We pity her husbamllml‘llila.Times. v" 6e39- LIVE nor ron SELF.- \Y ho are the happiest men? They who live'to benefit others—“ho are always ready with a word to encourage—a smile to cheep-3 look to persuade, and a dollar to assist. The, are never fearful lent a good trade or an excel lent bargain should fall into the hands of a poor neighbor—~but the more rejoice when such a one meets \tith encouragement. In this cold and selfish world such characters are rare; but yet there are a few God like minds, ‘who are not altogether swallowed up tn self; who read their duty In the scented flower. the passing breeze. the tolling ocean. and the b'ade of gran. Such men we honor whenever we find'thcm—in the palace or hut—around our dwelling or on a far distant island. We are in their characters true glory and wisdom. Like just otcnards of the manifold grace ofGnd. they tmpart to others in such a degree as to p'ease their Maker and secure a panport to endless felicity. Famw PRAYEtt.—ln bttttiittg a family together in peace and love.,there is no htt man Influence like that 0! domestic prayer. Untting them in a common object. it unite: their sympathies and desires Raising their hearts to Heaven, it brings tttetn nlto gether in the presence ofGod. The farm. Iy altar is an asylum to which they repair from the cares and tells of life ; reminding them of rest reserved in Heaven. tt unites them in efl'orta of faith and obedience {or its attainment. Earth has no ltofier spot than a house thua sanctified by prayer where the voice of suppltcation and thanks gtving concentrates every day. where the word of God is devoutly- read. and young and old unite to show forth ail his praise. l’ovetty may be there and narrow. but its inmates are rich tn faith. Sickness may enter tt, but It comes like an angel of peace and mercy. CAUT I O N . LI. persuns cue hereby cautioned a 1" gains! buying or selling or in any way meddling mm a Dar/c Brown Horse. one Black Mart and out Cage, “lute and red spnllnl. nun in (hr pussvninu ofJnhn B. Muharl. ul Kznhms luwmhip. us the same bl'lun; to me nmi arc in his' posses sion on loan m'j‘. ELLIS LEWIS. Dt'C. 13, IBM}. ~M 01"6‘ Cheap ' ‘bed S”; KRAT'ZER & BARRETTS’ AVEju-t received anti upvncil a new El and splendid assmtmont nl their ulll stand‘ whvrc it is we” known ihey have always sold goods cheaper than any other Oslnbiiailnmnl in (Ilemlicld counly. 'l’hi‘y are thankful to the public for iill‘ very ilbl‘lui patronage alremlf bestowed upun [helm and as-Ule them, that so long as Ihey mlrlnl [heir rncnuragi-mwl, (hey uiil cuminue lu sell thmn goods m low as they can be brought from the city and sold in (his county. They have Upi‘nt’d theix fall stuck. uhich is \my heavy, and com prising a general auurlmcnl of mqu<3®®msa Such as clo/hs, casameres. satinela. mli cos. mus/in, flannel. linsey. &c. J] ‘ few pieces/7N! rale cashmere and mom: de lainr. merinos’, a/pucua’, cashmere and (er/:(m' shawls. dress hand/cerchie/s. ladies ties, velvel, a splendid assert men! ofevcry description of ribbons; and 10,000 (kings that we cannot men lion. JB®©€BS3 '39 SEICDLQBQ A firSt rate sisémunem ol ,BOO'I'S and SHOES, that cannot be bent in the coun- Groceries & Hardware 0! every descrlplion; alao. a lo! of new style COMB-B‘. - @GIEENSEESIBE ; The handsome-st assurlment ever bl‘o’l (o the cuumy. H ' . ' CflPS of every variety. ' Cull amlfexamine the stock. COUN. TRY PRODUCE of every_ kind taken in rxchnnge [or goods. . ,Now2s. 1846. - WAGON &TIMBER WHEELS ' W®s 9&33330 HE 'subscribera have on hand one TWO HORSE W'flGON. and n gored setof‘TIMBER W'HEELS. 4 inch lyfer-for én’le qr tradc. 2 'KRA'I‘ZER 81 BARRETTS’. " Dec. 10.1846. a ‘. BMJV'Ks for sate-a: tln’s oflice. IT IS WRI‘I‘ TEN IN THE BOOK OF NATURE AND OF COM MON SENSE. ‘hn! tho nnlurnl Vagolnblo pvoduc linnu ufevery counlry are. if properly upwind nms ply mflicicnt furdhe curo ofcvcry malady xncidenl lo cm In pct'ulinr (limnle. ”rig/It’s Indian Vegetable Pills, OF THE NORTH AMERICAN COLLEGE OF HEALTH Thom extraordinary Pills are compo-ed of plums which grow upnnluneuu-ly on uur owu noil,"and uro, Ihereforo honor adapted to our conalimnono llmn Medicines contomd from foreign drugs. how~ ever well they may be compounded; and u. WRIGHTS INDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS nrc foundcd upon Ihc principle that Ihe human body in in lrulh SUBJECT TO BUT ONE DISEASE. namely. corrupt human, and that lnld Medicine curcl lhia disease on NATURAL PRINCIPLES, by damning am] puri/ying the body, il “I” be mnn~ ilcnl lhnl, II (he comliluuun bu not onllron cxha'm led, n perseverance in Ihcir mo, acmrdlng lo direc tions, In absolulcly certain to drive disease of cvc~ ry numo from Ilao body. ' When “9 wish lo restore a “min: or mom-a In Icrllhly. we drain it of lho mpcrubundnnl \vnler. In hm: mnnncr. .r we wish Io rmluro Ihc body In hrnllh. “'0 musl rlrnnso i! nfvmpurily. \\'II|(III'I“S INDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS \\ ill be found one of Iho bust, il'nol lhe very best mod icinc in Ihc wmIJ for carrying out this GRAND PURIFYINU I’IIINCII’LIC. bccnuso lhoy expel [mm the lmdy all moer and corrupt humor. Ihc cnune ol the dumsc. in an easy and Autuml Manner ,- nntl “lulu llmy every day GIVE EASE AND PLEASURE. discus: ofevcry name is rapidly driven {rnmlhol)mly. ”Gig/it"s Indian l’rgelable Pills Can be had grnuinv of the lolluwiw, highly rcspcclnblv durrkeopcrs In C/cmjie/(I Conn/y. In’xc/mrd Shaw. Char/Fold,- I)mu’cl Harrell, ('urwi'nsvi/lo; David Irvin. Lul/mrsburg. Ell: Calm/y. Cobb &- Gallagher. Rulgeu'u‘y; George ”his, 8!. Aiarys. Ccnm: Conn/y. Brocker/mfl‘ «S- Irwin, Bel/(fault,- J 13- J Potter, Palm-3' Mills,- fldam Fisher. (‘cnlrevil/e; 0 P Duncan, .llaronsburg; Samuel Lip/on, Ali/csburg; ‘ Henry .fldams, H’allccrville; - . I'Vm (Hurray. Pine Grove [Mil/a,- Gcorge Jae/c, Baalsburg; H L filusser, fllan/m'm; Irvin &- H’lzitlaker, Cove rlcy Ila/1,- Duncan 6‘ [lag/s. Spring filillx; F Burk/mrdt. In‘ubersburg; Jacob Homun. Ccnlreville. Uzwmxor Coun‘rnnrzln. —Thc public are mu. Ii med against the mnnv rpurioua motlirinn “hit h in order to deceive. um called by name: similar In Wright'l lndmn Vegetable Pills. The only originnl and genuine lntlinn chelnblo Pills havelho signature 0! Wm. Wright written with n pen on Ilio top lnbol 0! each but. None olher in genuine, and to countcrleit thisia Volta“?! OfrOfliccs .lerotul exclusively to tho sale 0‘ anu'r'a IMitAN VEGETABLE Ptl.i.s uf like North American College of Health. Nu‘ 1288 Grcenuirh Street. New Yurlt. No. 198 Tremnnl Itrect. an~ lun ; and PRINCIPAL OFFICE. No. 169 RACE STREET. I’hilndalphin. GREAT ARRIVAL. BIGLER, BOYNTON 8L POWELL S‘7OULD rcspcclfuliy inimm the cii izcm or Civnificld county. that they haw received lrnm Philadelphia, and have now opened, atalheir old sland niijnining the cnurl housr. in IN borough ui Cicnrfirlil, ‘3 large and nngnificcnl as wiimcnl of 33.1.1. ‘3' wiNQEl‘.§’-Q@P%L.. Consisting 0! Dry Goods. Groceries. Mo . (asses, Hardware. Queenswure, Bonnets. [lOOl3, Shoes. Hats. Caps, (Tm—in shun everylhing usually {uunii in n country store from a " needle to an anchor," which they “ill dinpoae oi at «he imwsi mm {m CASH. all kinds of COUNTRY PRO I’UCE. BOARDS. SQUARE I'IMBER. SIIINGLI‘IS. BROAD RAILS, &c. &c. The public are invited to cull and ex amine their stock befure purchasing cite where. Dec, 10, 1846. NEW GOODS. $33433? $13219 <93 m©®mm J _‘ _ RE new ween-in: and o {‘.‘-15.; A pvning at {boil old stand \_!% in the borough ol‘-C|enrfie|d. .=>'"in..s£..-‘~..n fresh and well assorted stock Fall mulJVinu-r Goods, Consisting 0! 6151/18, cassimeres. lalinells. well assorted ; taslnneres, nlpaccac. merinom mous dc (aims. bombazines, rap and bonnet ribandv. ladies and gen !lemcm’ gloves, hosiery. bonnels that can’t be beat, shawls of every variely. handkerclaie/s, prints of all descriptions. muslins of every quality. sole leather. sheet iran, cast-steel, linware, hard ware, groceries, baols, ladies and gents shoes. Ila/s and caps. (51:. &c. All of the above Block ol goods will be suld low [or CASH. and exchanged lor COUNTRY PRODUCE. The highest prices given {or FURS nnd SKINS. FLAX. CLOVER and TIMO THY SEED. GRAIN. BEES-WAX, HOME-MADE FLANNEL. &c. &c. Nov. 27. 18.46. BRANDRETH PILLS. JUST recupved a [rash supply of Brun . ' dreth’s iuslly celebrated pills with directions for use. .Price 25 cenls per box. For sale by E. & W. “F. Inwm. who are the only authorized agents in lhe borough ol Clenrfield. Nov. 27. 1846. STOVEJPIPE ’for salein any “ . quantity forCASH, by - KRATZER 81. BARRET'I‘S’. ' NOV, 27. ' I ‘ mm. @QCBQNBEWS . INDIAN VEGETABLE RESTORATIVF. P I L i. S , Prcparul by Dr. Gem?” Benncl, QfN‘w York. and for sale by (he mmezcd list of agents lin 0102" th courtly. V - THE unprecedented success that has ”:Lfij attended the mo of these pills in the V 151: ruelieo oflhn prnprietor tor lho lualsix EM 2r eight years. had induced him to yield ”MN to tho importnnttien or many who hnvo 3* uaod 'und been henefittcd by them, and mnko arrangements Io place them within the ranch oflho public generally. In dotng so holoels eall ed upon to my that the Indian Vegetable Restora tive Pill is decidedly luperior to any with which he is acquainted. They ‘com‘bino the prop~ nrtiea of many of the beat v’é‘gotable medteim’o. (und in nu nther pills) in such It manner as to afr l'ord not only immediate and temporary but perma~ nent roliof. 'l‘hqwnluuble tonic: nhich enler inlo lheit com ponillon hy Ihv-ir action upon lho accrolory orgnnl hold in check Ihe purgnlive prlncmlo and induce a. genllnnnd nnlurnl upomlion wilhonl Inconvenienco or pnin, and while they resl'oro u nnlurnl nnd honi lhy uclion of lho stomach, liver and bowels. they inucasc. inslcnd of dfininish, lho slrcwglh ol lho pnlienl. . They have been used M n family meditino for yours hy mnny oi the first respectnbllin—nnd ul thongh they are not recommended to "heal nll the ills thnt flesh in heir to." yet it has been very rare that it-‘hou hecn found necessary for them using them tn cmpigy any other medtcine. nnd their cern sional mm will nlmont invariably prove an efTeetunl preventive to dtaenle. They are um-tly adapted to the use nf families, travellers and acumen ; they cleanse (he blood. cruising a tree circulation—Open obstructions and promote the secretion of healthy bile, and consequently are nn exeellent medicine for Numen. lndigcntion, Nervous Disorders. Dejec lion, Liver Complaint. pains in the lleml. Side. and Breast, Coativeuess, Luau of Appetiio, Urinary ob atrur-tionn, Aguo nnd Fever. Hilton» and lnlortnil tont fevers, Dyuontery. Rheumnustn, Scrufulh. and are eminently useful in all lemnle complaints—end in one word. all diseases arising from unhealthy let-reltona unil impttrityof the blood. Numerous testimonial: of ”)0” efficacy in particular cases. might he mlded. but the pruprtctnr prefers preten [mg n [cw cvrllfivnlefi of their general character. from petrnnn ul unquestionable enndnr and vorticity. whn wnuld nut in any degree lend their influence to premium any thing that is ttnl of decided utility. and rely on their: intrinsic merit: to gain them a replilnlion. lreling it most pert‘ctcnnlillcnce thn' nnno “illuhandou their use who give them a fair trial. The {ollnuing loner from the Rev. (chrgn Baw onn, wilh ulhor ccruficnlca in lhe hands of the u genln. will serve [0 show Ihe efficacy 0! lho-e pill»: ELK Hoax, Wnl“ oth CO,. Wilconsul Dr. Osnonx:—-With plenmro l inform you n'l‘lhc great benefit- whirh [have derived from your pills l have been in a decline for some time. which ham greatly alarmed me, more espevially us my com. plaint WA! 0 (‘tynsllmpln't‘ one, and allol have been very htlinm. and have labored severely with pain: In my head. and my oyon have been so afTected an to turn of a Hollow. rloudy. and other dilagreenlflo romplexionn. My wife had suffered allo from great wrnknns and severe palm. and as your Pills have no wondrrtully reliuvcd ur, we have sounded the name of them all ovrr our neighlunhood; they nil] certainly be ever regarded in thin place, and whom nor my utraurdinnry cure in known, as the most valuable prrparatiun fur purifying tho blood and regulating the Iyntem. I should not have known the worth of your Pills hall ll not been for the Rev. Wm. l“. Denttt, of Cuddculle. Sullivan 00.. N. Y.. who with grout kmdnens sent me a box to try them. and to that box of Ptlhl one my health. and as the agent hero in out of your pills. I wish you would lend me a package of boxes as noon as possible.— With bolt “ishca for your prosperity. I am. dear air. your: rnpcclfully. GEO.» BOWERS. WE & W. l‘. lat-:m. Clonrficld; Jens lavtx. (.‘urwinsvtllc; Junta Mt'MuanAv, Burnside town~ Ihtp; G. W. 6.: - ARNOLD. Lutlmrlburg. and LEVI LU'rz. Frencht‘tllo. are Agent! for tho propri otor for tho sale 0! the above medicine to Clear t'lt‘ld county. nov.‘2s, 'llG—ly. NEW GOODS. E. & W. I“. IRWIN - -A»V-E juel «vet-ivulwtlwir ravinler’n Neck ol good! consisting in part 01 @333 @QDCDTDQ Of evrrv variety and description. GRO CERIE 55', Hardware. Drugs and filed icincs. Quecnswurc, Hats. Caps. Bon neia. [fools and Shoes. Came/ting. Clocks. [fluke/3. Umbrellas. Tobacco. Cigars, Snufl'. Sugar. Loo/ring Glass es. Sa/I. Nails, Brooms. Gum ()urr shoes. 800/rs and Smtionary. Cooking Stoves, Ten Hale and Coal Slaves. &c. All ol which they wish lo dispose of al a: low prices as can possibly be afimdcll, especially when CASH is in the queslinn. The highest price given {or GRAIN, PORK. BUTTER, EGGS. BAGS, 'I‘IM O'l'l-IY. FLAX and CLOVER. SEED, SIIINGLES & LUMBER of all kinds, FURS. &c. &c. ' Nov. 27,1846. LIST OF LETTERS EMAINING in the P. O. at Clear B field, Pu. Jan. I, 1847. r Andrew Stevens Askey John. ' Biggers Uzziuh Byers John—2 Caldwell B. H. Cummelser Augustus Eke Frances Ferguson ”on. J. lieu Armliza Marlin Lawrence Lets Abraham Lnyd Rev. Juhn—2 Lillle Amos R. Merrell Mm. L. Mungcr C. D. , Overseer} of the Rom Ogden Nancy ol Lawrence township Pearce Frank . Roth Peter Ramcr Harman Reed Miss June Sears W. I]. ‘ Worth Martha Mrs. Wilson Jane Mrs. WM. L. MOURE, r. M. NOTICE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to all persons indebted to the estate oi John Hegarty; late of Beccaria township. Clemfield county. either by notes or bonds. that their accounts are left in the hands oi John W. Wright, Esq.. for collection, and that they are required to pay the same on or beforelthc first day oltibruary next. Those nogieoting this notice will be issued against without respect to p’ersons. » HENRY HEGAR‘TY.§ Ex’rn wM, rMULLEN, ' ' ~ ,' ‘Nov. 25, twist i I? DR. E. QREEN'S mm &- BROWN nus. THE glémrmd lor tlfe nbov'e medicine . in the last 2or 3 years. is deemed. 1: sufficient apology for placing it now “ll; ly before the people; and the diseases for which it is applicable have becomem pre'; vnleut in (his country thnl n remedy em}. (led to confidence. is a great deaidern'um', -' The diseases 1 allude to are Hepavlilit, (Liver ullcclion,) Dyspepsia, and female complaints in general. _ RCP'l'lw above pills will bvpl commun ly for sale by i lh'c/uml Shaw, Cle‘axficld, David fldams, Boggy tp. ' J. 11/. Miller, do Oct. 20, 1846. . , AG I". N 'l‘ WANT ED, For this County. VFIIE business will be (6 procure sub . _ scribcrs fur. and sell. when publish ed, a large. new. splendid lownhlfip Map of the STATE 0|" PENNSYLVANIA. ‘l'l‘he qualifications required nre a nmnll 'cnpilul 01539100. sobriely. ill/(gl'l/‘y. in {duslry energy, and uclive business tul enls. lnlormalion o! the lerms of lhe a. gcncy (which are libual) will be ghen on npplicalinn, POSTAGE PAID, In ALEXANDER HARRISON. .B‘up%rintcmling flgenl, B.} Suulh Tlh Slteel, Philndcll' in. Scpl. 25 1848 —6m. ' 1 '7 THIS VVAE I UST received and {or gale by the sub .] suibcr at his ‘ old slaml' in ‘.h.- bur ough of Clcmficld, n general assorlmunl of Fall & \Vinler Goods, comisling in part of DRY GOO/13‘. ()IBOCERII'JS. HflRIHJ’JHn’I'}. ~ QUl:'[;',\"-S'lVfll(l;', [HITS J;- C'fll’S. ”OUTS