all, no man whose election will not be n triumph ul dcmocrutic principles-'.' 'l'o cnnure- the lofnterrait ts alon'e necosaary that the candidate should be one wlm will unite‘tlte vote of “to party. Frnm pres ent bppvarynces. then- wilt be in the (Jun ventitm n ulficiency ol deleg {_astu ensure the nomimlltion of Gwvrnar agilunk. and the writer of thi; is not one 0! those who beliet'c that if lus nnme slmll be presented as the nominee ol the Cottvcntiun, that it will fail to rally to h'u standard the dot mocrncy MlO sustained undelcctcd him In 1844. ’ . A more honest man or purer democrat than Francis R. Shunk. never filled the {3“}ch of Govetnnr of Pennsylvania, and they "iit'ho‘ oppoae hie ‘te~nomination may be solely challenged to‘point to an act-of hts administration worthy the censure of the people—~to a single deviation lrotn the line of democratic rectittttle—tn act or deed ofhis not prompted by a de~ire to promote the gener‘al good. to guard the rights of the people and the interests of the State, and calculated to secure the ends deligned. Despite the clamor that has been raised against this worthy servant ol the people of Pennsylvania, who, it has been well said, ' alter a life spent in their service. is poor in all save reputation.’ l have no no idea that the true democracy. who sus~ tainedhitn against the fury of Whig and Native opposition in 1844. will [at] him in 1847, should he be their candidate.— 'l'het he will till the second ft qttisite—that his election “ill prove indeed a triumph. of democratic principles—we have the history ol hts administration, as well has of his lile, to prove. ‘ . Yet. in the face of all this,\ve cannot conceal from nurseltt‘s the humiliating fact that the elatnor (groundless and in terested as we believe it to be) whith hzn been raised against the nomination ol ll‘is laithlul (lilit'tt‘ atttl honest man has not been without its effect, and that the rxpe diency ot his re tramt'nalt'on is doubted by many who nonld heartily rejoice at his TC eleclion. I know Governor Shunk too well, not to know that by no act or desire of his will the cause ol Democratic prin-’ ciples ever be endangered; and l have faith that the Convention, oi the fourth ol March will carefully flew the “hole ground before they art. It ii possible, then, that. as in 15114. the nomination at at new man may be deemed necessary to unite the early and ensure the success ol democratic principles; amLexercming the privilege of a democrat. l uould suggest for the consideration ol the Conventton, in that event, the-name ol “’ILLIAM BIG LER. of Clearfirld. Col. Btgler needs no eulogy lrom me. ”is reputation is co extensive aid) the State—a: a Senator. he has earned golden opinions frotn the o hole people. and estabtighed a reputation lor round judgment, prudence, honesty. alail‘ ity and‘a deep devotion to the Intere-ts ol the stale and the uhole people.- of which“ older men might be proud. A 9 atlettm-. crat,hc is above reproach—unconnectetl ttith any clique or faction—acceptable to all, and objectionable to none—l know no man more likely to unite the suffraze; of the whole party—no man whose election. ; tf nominated. would be more cettttinL-tto man whose election Would be a more dc» dried and efl'cctaal triumph ol democratic principles. " Col. Bigter."l'a'm aware," has'refusrd to allow his name to be used a! a candidate tor nomination ; but. in the event abou referred to, l have reason to beliete llt would not decline the notninatiun.aml I know that, while he is the first choice all many. there are thousand.- who “Illjllln‘ me iii saying it) lltt‘ 4th March CHI'YPH tion: ' If you cannot give us ' Old Shunk‘t‘ give us YOUNG l’rtoarzn. ' ' MUIILENBiiRG.‘ DISSOLVING TH E UNION A few days ago, Mr. M‘llvaine of Pennsylidnia. presented a petition nl C - leb C. Hood and 36 others 3 Abigail Jack wn and 25 others ; ul Abner Unins and 5 others 3 ul Sunon Barnard and 38 nth crs; ol Mahlun Preston and 26 othetx ; of Gideon Mtlcn and ,16 others; and of Mortimct Bye and 7 nthcis. inhabitants of Pennsylvania. pra)ingC6ngrcss to ‘de vise somc plan {or the" immediate and peaceful dinnlutidn oi the American Un~ ion,’ in consrqucncc ofits connection with s'nvery. 'Mr. ‘Mlllvainc-is the representative of Dclnwnrc and Chester cou‘nltes, in Con gress. He is lrnm the same scctinn of country that Gen. Washington.dunng the Revolutionary war; declated he felt him self as unsafe as if he was in that of an enemy's. We nr9.'thercfnre, not surpri ocd that the descendants ul s'uchn rnct' should desire a dissolution of this g‘orinus ‘Union.—Dem. Uman. v Horrid Murder and Suicide -‘—Wc ‘leum lrom the Sullivan County Whig. (hm _Ann 'Bnrcley. aged about ll yearn, clauglv 'le'r of Harmon Baucley, \vus murdered by her slép-mumer. Mrs. Anna Barcley. in the lawn ol Nevcfaink, on the 19m ML. and that Mus. [3. immediately committed suicide by cutting her own throat with the same razor. “hich she‘hmljusl usedln culling that ol the “tile girl. “I! appear .edfzon: lhe mqu’ fifth t the molhc‘rhad Jone-imbibed a sfiril uJyalrad low'nrd lhe child... comeque {'l‘yihe hfld not} n! all lzlimed-trealed heri “xrqnanuer bécoming a ~molbe'r.-aml ol'rlule had suflerec‘l under :1 rcmoraa of, conscience. nn- impression‘ol‘ mindflhalshohenelf .in consequencg _o_f her lrenlmenttolthe child. mual sufl‘eu: in Alésphilfiiul thatmany.“hich’olho‘rwne she’ might hallo beemthe happy recipient of.‘ ' .H'l‘h'e" réé'éipt‘é.‘ol‘lhe3Anierican Bible So cietylor‘Janu't‘lty “(ever-26,997 3 I|ch dig- m Resolved, That “8 recommend Wu.- LIAM U. WnLcu. Eeq., on our Represen~ tative delegate (in connection with one from Centre county) to the 4th of March Convention, and having full confidence in his integrity and Democratic principles we leavehimto exercise his ownjttdgment in the selection of candidates for Governor and Canal Commissioner—#belie‘ving that he Will use all {air and honorable means to secure the nomination of the candiJates beetcalculeted to unite and harmonise the entire party. ' Resolved. That the foregoing proceed~ inge be signed by the oflicers and publish ed. - I ~ in i -' JOHN R. READ, Ch’n. H. B. Benson, ," ’ Geo Barnumg V' P” ~"' « ”‘72:. J. Hem hill. 9 , ’ D. If. Maori], g Sec r 39. ,A .~o¢'Dnmmm is‘n wcukncss ‘ol‘ tho‘digaslive {m gum, and, like every other complaint. ia_cmtuud by nmpurjty oftho blood. 'l‘ho géstnc juicupn fluid pccultnr to tho stomach. whmr secreted from ‘bntl _blqod iuwt ofa hcpltltynuulily ; ,co'ue'guentlx the food, instead 9! boingerporly disaukcd. oftctt'g'o muifis ‘ undigoéled until it becomes in n mnnnqr spoilgul orsputrifioa in the ntomg'ch; hphcé', bad breath. a'disagrecablo‘ unto in Iha mouth; ebpdéiub ly on‘fin’t wnklng In the morning‘ headache, gidm~ new, lawman ol spirit}. wanting o[tl|oibody.,&c. 3 Wright'q lndignyegotnb‘lq Bil]. ;ure 1: m'ruM'l. unmiffor, -'Dylp'anbid;' chu‘mn they cleanse the stomach-nil bowolfi'd‘lp" It‘lljléqs'unq cafnppt hp- Democratic Meeting. In pursuance of theusmil public notice a largernnd respectable _mcetiug ofthe Dc moernta of Clem-field county was held at the court house on Tuesday evening the 2d inst. ‘Onmotion, J. R. READ. was called to the chah—Guo. Ema/mar. and H. B. BmssEL, Vice Presidents, & ”32}. J. Hemp/(Ill and I). IV. Moore. Secreta- HOS. . On motion, J. F. Weaver. A. Kratzer. Thou. Holt. Jonathan Boynton, and Isaac Drauckcr, were nppomled a contmitlee to draft resolutions for the action of the meet ing. _ While the committee “on: absent Col. Barrett, in response to a call, addressed the meeting at length. The committee reported the following resolutions, which wete unanimously adop ted : Resolved, That we have the most un bounded confidence in the wisdom and pa triotism of President l’omr, and that, “he ther viewed as the chi f guardian of the people’s civil welfare, 'r as the constitu tional commander tn cl f of the military arm ol the nation. he” 9 proved himsell worthy of the age, and an ornament to the Republican party. Resolved, That “a are in favor of the ad ualorrm tarifl'ol 18—10. because it taxes itnportntions according to their value— becausc H affords incidental protection (the only prolection allowed by our constitu tion) to all kinds of American industry—— because it ts believed to yield as much. if not more revenue. than the act of “$124 and because, finally, it has. as we honestly believe. greatly-“assisted to- increase the price of our agricultural products in Euro pean markets, and thereby enriching the great fanning interests of our own lavorcd land. Resolved._ That it is 1119 lrue policy nl Pennsylvania lo support llie preacnl'l arilT. With such amendments as will increase ihc pruleciion on her leading in‘leresls—provi (led such increase will not- diminish llie revenue. Lei Pennsylvania presenl a bold from in favor of such additional proicciion and she l 5 sure in ru:eive i 1 “licncver sueli increase bcmmes necessary. . Resolved. That in our opinion while our country is engaged in the presecution of a foreign war. all questions of a local or sectional character slluuld be laid aside. and the whole energies of the country. both morally and physically. tltrectml to wards ils speedy and ltonorableturmina tmn. Resolved. That we have seen with re grot the tardiness mantfestetl by Congress in granting the means demanded by the President lor the vigotous prosecution of the war. The President is the constitu. timtal commander in chief. and is respon sible to the natmn fut the manner in which he proscctttca the uar. But how can he proaccnte it withqu means? Let the ma jority in COIIgthS tmnembcr that they have the Mexicans to fight now. and that after wards that can fight the Federalism. Resolved. That we highly approve nf the course of the Denim-ratio members of our House of Rt‘prescnttttivt‘s on the 'l‘anfl quantum—and that u c as heartily condemn the cunrsco.‘ the. \\ htg majority on the flame question. as anti'repubiican, and prejudi Clili to the true interests of Pennsylvania. Resolvctl. 'l'hat- the administration of FaAscts.£{, 1111.318311 an adhet; encc tn Demnmatic principles. by the ex muse of the veto power “hencvar it be came necessary IO prevent the establish ment of irtcaponsibtu Banktng and trading cnrpn'tatlons, and its watchful attention to} n“ the great nut-rests of the Commonwealth] mt-nts the apptubation ofthe [temple lhro’- out the Slate. ‘ Resolved. 'l‘lml we. as his immcdinle conslnuems and nr-Ighbors, heartily sanc tion and approve the course of the Hon. WILLIAM Blown in HM: Stale Senale. and mm n :5 mil) nn Imlc pride that we look abroad and see the many and repealed evi dencea that his vmuablc services to the Slaw are being properiy appreciated by the cnure Demorrnlic party. Resolved. That we approve ‘he course of out Romesenlalives Messrs. Wonmzu. and REYNOLDS. ' Resolved. That we concur with the de mocracy of Indiana and Cambria counties in the selection of EDWARD NIXON, as our Senatorial delegate lotho 4th of March Convention. more. and purify this blood :cnnaedunnlly. us lhov drive out lhc real, or came of this and c'vory olhcr mulle. they are absolutely certain Io remove all complnlnlo mining from indignation or dyspepsia. Ban/Am: or COIINTEHFEITS.-—-Tllc public are cnu~ lioned against lho mnmy spurious medicines which. in order to docolvf, are called by nnmea similar (0 Wright's lmliun Vogelnblo l‘illa. ’l'ulc (mu alum/u. AND amumn INDIAN Vrmr.‘ 'r/mm PILLS Murmur. SIGNATURE up \an. Wmuyg‘ WRITTEN wmr A mm on THE TOP mmcL ov EACH nnx. To counterfe’u (his is Fonosnv, and all oilgm :hould be SHUNNED As roxsoN. ‘ ’ Ofliccs devoled exclusively lo the 9qu u! IVrig/lf’x Imliun Vegetable Pills, whnlcsnlo nnd rolnll. .169 Rnco Slrcel. [’hilmlglphin ; 288 Greenwich Slyeel, New York; and 198 'l‘romnnl Slrcel. Bneum. flgent for Clmr/icld. 1?. Shaw. [or oflzcr‘ agencies in Clear/told 6- ollxer coun hes. scc advcrriscmcnl in another column. DIED—At his residence in thin ivluco. nfloran illness ornbuut two weeks, Lmvm W. SMITH. EHI3. aged about :14 you”. ’ . W'By this dispensation 0! an all-wise I‘rovtdrnro' n glonm hnl heen (‘nst over, not onlyn aingio houuchold. but the “halo community for] that tho ultdcvtruymg angel of death has heen‘in uur mitht. Indite, Mr Smith was one ofour anll nc~ tivo und uuoful citizens. He no: born and edu cated in Philadelphia. and about 27 years ago. in company with an older brother. cnmq In this coun ty. Ho was admitted to the bar In 18—, and has prur'tiscd lnw cvcr Flnco-—mo!t ofthc timo dischn r~ ging tho dutiel of Drpuly Attnrnry General. He served two leasipnu in the Legislature. uilh credit to himself, and honor to his district. In hu do lnt‘slic relations. he was the devoted huubnnd and kind nnd indulgent pnrcnt. In his death. the friends oftentpomm‘o have hurt one of their Inuit nrdcnt nnd eloquent ndvomtt-n. He has been n standing fll‘uniter for the \Vnahingtoninna chr time their organization—mud was n chnrter mum hvr at tho Clearficld (Divinlun ut' Suns of'l‘rmpeh nnco. Histl rnmnina were loliuwcd In Iht‘lr in»! routing place by the members ufthc D.visiun,nnd u iurgn concourse ot {tn-lids TAKE NOTICE. EI'TERS of Administration liming IA bccn grnnhd to us on the estate ul Gl-mgv Shulh-r, late of Brmly township. (ill-mfivhl cuunly, (lt‘f'll. all prrsnns hav ing claims or ulcmnmls against lhe cslalv ()l llu' said deceased are requeslcd [0 make known the same willmul tltlny. and all persons indvblcd nvc requested to come lurwunl and make payment. JACOB SHAFFER. GEO. SHAFFER. fldminis'lralors Blady tp. 17m Frb. 18117! PIl/LIPSBURGS'SUSQUEH/INNJ] Turnpike Road Company. VOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN In N slmkhuldt’rs in Ihis road, that an Mecliun will be held at the house 0! \\’ln. Parker, in Phllip~buvg. on (In: first Mun day in March next. between lhc hO'in ul lwu anal fin: o'clock. P. M. lo clccl 'HJH ngw» for the ensuing: year. - EDW. F. LLOYD, Tr. Philip~burg. lL’lh F-b, 18-17. COMPOSITION For Rendering Boots, Shoes, &c., [Valer-[Jroof ‘ The nuhscnhcr hereby makes known to the puhlm lhnl he has for nulc u Cornpunilion, wilhoul Iho use at lmhn [@Mmr or Gum. which “ill Inndcr Brynn nmlAShuel and.Loullmr...achcrudulctlpjipn Wuler J’mul—pcrmnnenlly \ancr I’rouf. ngninv-‘l we! or dump. by prayer hppllcalicn. buidua unf lmnng an! unpun'mg H. 'l'hiurompnsinun ll pntenlcd both in [his mun- Iry nnd 11l I'Jurppc. and In one 01 Ihc grant and tru ly brnpfiriul discoveries o! Ihc ago. l'riu- per dozen lmxu. 82, mnglu Inn ‘25 can”. A: u gunrnnleo uflhe ('hnrm‘ler nnd zcnmneness OI Ilm cumpnniuon lho subarrlbcr \VIII refund Ihe mn ncy thunk] it not give eulim mlivl’ncliun. He is nlw prepared to n-ndrrg‘lulhl ufevrry do st'ripliun. Awning. Sailcloth and Cotton Duck Cum plclely n'nlcr prour'and accure ngninal mlldcwa and mt. EXAmfly M ”IE United Slulol Wulor Proofing mm~ pnny. No. 11 Wnlnul mroct. Phllmlelphm. lu STEPHEN B. RICHARDSON Phllmlclphm, Fol). 17. 18117 D’TOno Anvnl in end) 0! Ihe lon no In lhis alruv will he uppuinlod M dmpnsr‘ of the ('umpnailinn, lu wlmm Inherhl lorms “ill be made on upplu-nuun an above. ‘ PANISII ' SOLE LEATH ER fur snip at (he slot 0! 17th Nu V. Receipts and Expenditures w @mwammzmmw Q’wfii’ifl'fl“? 1’01". awe}. ‘ JOHN II", I'F’RIGII'I‘, Esq. Treasurer of Clcmjic/tlrounry in account will: void county/ram (/w 141/: day 0/ January. .7. l). 1846. up to the 8!]: day 0/ Janu ary. .4. D. 1847, inclusive. Tu um’t rec’d lrnm uwncrs of . unscutéd lands and sales lur taxes 81642 81 ' do from culleclors @3104 43 do on J 39. Ron's note in lull l 75 du lrum E. Irwin (In JUIy fees 20 00 do on 'l‘lws. 8L Ross Reed’s hole in full . :36 25 do Wm. Wuguncl'snnte in lull 52 36 [’o am’t of mad money ol 1844 I . 8; ’45 lurued [0 credit ol A ‘ cuunly , ‘ 225 25 - 35,072 8-1 Baiax)cciduchrca§urer V X 101 93 _: f .’. :, ~ " 3,» CR. _liy _nm't mill-on,sénlp9_{ - x $232 14 g 910' as Comm’r wages 2 V 223 94 _ do ' as election 'c'xp‘cnscs‘. 777 00 do. as Sheriflfqes ‘ , , 127 8-5 ' do ‘ ' as, Ai'sgsysurs? Wages 3159 50 , ,Jltq’. a; Road jvicwh‘mf 126- 50 - ‘ ‘d‘ty"""l‘as‘Uuhst'ablc's’payifl? 17;: 03 do H. B. Beisel as clerk 10 Commissioners . 51 04 ‘ do V HP. 'l‘l'.t')_mps‘on “ 38 90 do H. I’. Thompson u! l clrrk to Auditors 10 00 1 do . as costs in crlm. pros. 97 33 do as Juror wage‘s 1.036 ‘24 do, School districts 198 79 ‘ 'do Wm. McCrncken as Auditor" 12 12 do “'m.l’ortcrl do 11 35 do \V. 'l‘. Tharp do 13 00 do A. Brown 1 do ‘ '2O 50 do L. W. Smith ns'Att’y - Gen. fecs' _ 68 75 do G. R. Barrett Ado .4 50 do ‘L. W. Smith counsel to Com'n’rs 25 00 do A. Irvin [’rollt’y lees 185’. 79 do W . C. “'elcll do 76 16 ‘ do on new Jail 268 57 i do R. Wallace on nc'l of ‘ bal. duchim us'l‘n’r. 130 ()0 do lur 100'. &c. 54 71 do G. F. Tale. court cryor 28 25 do for slzltioumy 17 71 1“ do 11. Stone (or boarding pcisoners 51 43 do Jurorson Inquisition! 23 65 do Rt'pnirs 46 64 do us Surveyors’ wages 3:3 50 do on bridgri _ 20 00 do I). “’.'Moorc on print; 3 mg contract 65 00 1 do Monte &Thompson ” 63 70 i do for modules 39 47 do as rclunds 208 29 l do .1. 'l‘4 Loonnrd lor paint l » ing rootthouse 100 00 do on nrc’t nl money bor rowed ltom bridge 20 00 do :11 1‘11”". to collectors 185 B‘.) By perr‘cnlane nl Trcm'r on $10,090 17 at H UU'I S'l'J/NINNG DEBTS due Coun nyrnm Col/colors. unsemcd lands, and mixer saurrcs. COLLECI'ORS. CJUNTV. STATE- Dnvid Roland (‘hell 1836 $l9 71 Juth Beams Brmly do 398 M. Fora-y Bradford 1837 6 54 (I. Gullnhor Chen! 1834. l 12 Edmund “"llliflflh JunlunlB3B 7 93 Wm. Sumcrvillo Cheat do 266 Lewis Snyder do 1837 ‘27 36 l. Burllohnugh Burnside [B3B 42 77 hum: Dunlap Samuel McEwan (Jhcn do A b‘m G 053. jr M‘ Sundnrlnnd Bell Dan'l Miller Gibson d? 27 27 JmGnHahcr Burnside du 14 20 G. \Vlllcmoyur Penn 1840 44G Wm lhshcl . Brady dn . 900 Thus Henry Ferguson do 16 69 Jos.Mnrhcll Burnmdc do 19 77 Andrvauuro Pan" 1842 I‘2 91 [\h'm Hess Boggn 1d“ 4 'l3 (i 21 Wm Bridgona Cm‘inglon do 3 08 D.|n'l Suulh (hbaou do 32 ‘26 14 83 Sylmon'l‘uzcr Chen do 9 00 1 00 Adam limerick Brody du 31 00 George llcmo -(l'lmrd do 19 25 I) Wulu Penn do 12 92 19 40 D McCrnrkcn Bell do 4! [snuc 'l‘huml‘sun Jurdm do 17 99 9| 5| Geo C I’nasmnre Puko do I 12 60 59. DFergus-m Ferguson do (,7 69 ll 19 U. Ewcnhoucr Burmxdo do H 24 4 53 The: Overlorfl" beson 1842 46 38 7 21 Geo. Wilson. jr. nggq do 23 59 I 18 11. Hegnrly Dccnxu‘r dn 1 24 S. Jordon Jurdnu do 14 72 ‘23 65 Ab'm Bloom Pike do 73 20 34 84 S. (Junsnuluu Cuvmglon do 32 69 l". Lnunn lluslon do 7 97 5 10 Juhn Wouvvr Hell do 6 06 John anhurn ('hcll do 19 ()1 153 (ion. 'l‘nlylm Fx-rguaou (In 3| 66 13 95 Imm- Leo Burnsnle du 58 30 Juhn McQuill'en do 1843 $27 ()1! Junullynn Hnrlahom l’.ko ~do 39 .58 A D Knapp Chosl dd 57 97 ‘2B 3'] C Shall" Decatur du H) 50 9 8] Isaac Harm-n lv‘ux do 88 0110 ”0y: llnslun du 23 92 Hi ‘27 Stephen (Erosscllo Ulmrd do 26 01 selnhjflorny Jay d.) 8;.) 16 6 60 Thu: Owens Ferguson do '3O 88 3 (H Port-r Odell! l’enn do 35 18 .5 ‘l‘) Juhn Cnlcmnn Glhson do ‘3O 5‘3 'l‘ I! Dun». Fergusun 18H 24 RS 11 85 Wm M Smiley lloumnn do (3 Q 7 C Krulzer Ln“ ronco do 7 ll) 7 64 F anuue Cuvmglun do ll 93 3 47 C Nefl‘ Burllsnlo ll.) 87 83 59 30 Wm Murray Glnlrd do 8 48 James Wanda Ghoul do 40 13 17 29 G Snydur K'ulhuua do 8 47 J \Vlnlcalde Dvcnlur do 10 Hi 2 55 E Ucull ”union do 9 (DO 2 49 Jncub Wullt‘ra Bell do 10 12 l 34 [8 Pearce Bradford (In 43 ‘Ol R SH A\V Jnmcn McNeul Jurdun do 120‘“; Russell McMunuy Bull 1845 34 61 26 92 John Ferguson Ferguson do 5 00 A M Gull Brudlurd do 47 32 John Lilz Beccarin do 17 49 Jun Gunlaulus Knrlhnus do ' 19 61 S Bnlhurt Burnsulo do 106 64 58 86 I) McKeuhen Jordan do 67 43 13 84 l’ Duiloy Ponn do 69 51 17 89 A Lu—onlo (smm! do 55 35 33 59 Jon McClurrcn Dcculur :lo 23 Geo 'l‘urner ”eggs do 3 l 4 1)]? John ll Seller Brady (In 79 67 47 2| John B Kylor Morris do 18 42 J W Lrnubnrn Chest do 35 47 33 03 John Bloom l’lko' do [5O 91 Bl 78 M Nichols, Lawrence do 3 05 J 'l‘ Leonard Borough do 27 56 8 08 -/\b’m Snyder film 18:14 .56 62 Alexander lryin Born' 1816 163 80 6? 9l Jucub Campbell Bell do 118 31'“; 58 66 'l‘homnl Hull Bradford do 172 All -‘ 85 09 John Sllles ' Boggs do . 89 12 ‘3B 17 Dnvld Welly Brady do 950 98 “8 30 John Dillon Beccnrm d 0 183 34 92 110 llorrry Mignol Covinglon do ‘ 83 86 14‘ 97 S Wnllinma Chen! do 62 49 4G 89 Wm lloghea Docnmr do 83 62 Wm Wino Ferguson" do 80 '43 . 93 86 John Ruyo (hrnrd do . 42 76 12 71 Jcno Wilson Huston 'do 18 79 10 60 Simon Thompson Jordan do . 117 49 . 68 23 .l)an'l Moorov anlmus , do‘ 17. 29 12 04 Josefilrlrwin Lawrenc‘o‘ do _‘ , 245 38 130 28 G’corg'o‘flou'vcr Murhs' "do 87 23 19 ($3 Wm [Ferguson' . a Penn do 'l7O. 27 88.167 Goowolchdrzr -" Plka -du I 378 44 9.02 33 Lurnuol Byers Burnside do. 0176 06 ‘BO 81‘ John I‘vunndy , _ Fox do .116. 96.. 3. 47 Dual on orig-prod lands, “-2,. 1,67,}! ’5; . $5,174 77 $5,023 33 35,174 77 Jordan 1839 39 91 BM En Dacnlur do do 18 20 Duo on H. Wumer'unolo 35 00 Duo on George Johnson's note 84 Due on Goorgn Ellingor's now 19 03 Duo from H. B. Beissol " 10 00 Duo from L. W. Smuh 17 00 Duo School «linlricls from counlx two hundred and eigth-aovcn.dollnrs and lwonly one coma—being school mom oy used by county preceding 1844, ' Am't nfnmalundang orders on 3d Jun -1847. 04,089 00 Win-tho undersigned. Commissioners of Clear fluld county. huvrng éxnmined nnd ravisedwlhe ac counls‘ ofJohn W. Wright, Esq. Treasurer of mid counly, for 1846, do roporl. That we {indu balance ‘dne said Treasurer from the county atone hundred and one dnllurs and mnoly-Ilrrao cents—and the oulslundrng dobla duo the county amounting In six thousand four hundred and four dullnm and nine ty~lwa cenls. In witness wlrcruol (vo lrnVo’heraA unto sol our hands and souls this eighth day 0! January. A. D 1847 S. JOHNSON. . J. A. READ. 20mm” ATTEST—H. P. 'l‘ttom-aou. Cl'lt. WE. the undersigned. Auditor: of Clettrfiald roun'y, having omminod nnd toviuctl tho nrcounta of John W. Wright, Etrqu Tron-urer at said county. for 1846‘ do report. That We find a balance due auitl 'l‘reuaurcr from the county, of one hundred and one dollars and ninety-three ccntl—nnd the outstanding debt: due the county amounting to six thousand four hundred and four dollars and many two cents. in “line" 'whercotwo havo'hareunto let our hundu and sonls this eighth day of January. A. D 1347. ' . AB'M BROWN. WM» I‘. 'I‘HORP, zAud'lfa. J. M. SHAW. ATszTEo— [l. l’. ’l‘uonraon. Cl'k. ‘ Unseated Road Taxes. JOHN W. WRIGHT. 15311., Treasuren of Clcmflchl calmly, in account will: the several (owns/lips [or unsealed road (arcs rec‘d in 1846. To um't of said lax rec'd 15! 44 By nm‘t paid Beccaria Ip. m _cludmg percentage. 8144 41 do Bell do 75 76 do Bogus do 45 39 do Bradfmd do 18 93 - do Brady do 185 81 ‘ do Burnside do ' 100 do Borough do 12 49 do Chest do 78 08 do Covinglon do 95 82 do Decatur do 165 53 do Felguson do 22 01 do Fox do 25 47 do Girard do 66 18 do Huston do 116 32 do lonian do 60 01 do Knrthaus do 28 99 do Lawrence do 102 38 . do Morris do 212 63 do [‘t-nn do 83 78 do Pike do 94 88 --- --—- $1,636 47 139 15 Balance due lps. from Tra’r, School Fund. JOHN IV. IVRIGII’I‘. Esq . Treasurer of Clear/ield coungy in account will: the several school Mistrial: in said county. DR. To nm'l of unsealed school tax $1,273 41 CR. ‘ By am'l paid Beccarin diulric‘ in- ' cludmg percenlage ‘ $ll5 49 do Bell o. do 74 2| ' do Hougs do 32 88 7- ‘- 3 do Bradford do 13 09 "'1 do Brady do ‘ 71 57 ‘ 7 do B‘hrnsufi' ado 23 23 ; ‘do Borough do 12 64 do Chest . do '67 3:5 do (lovinulon do 56 80 do Decatur do “9 46 do Girard do 25 84” do Goshen do 866 y do llnslon do 67 35"" , do Jordan , do 36 97 I do Karlhaus do 40 06 do Lawrence do 72 24 do Morris do 295 25 do Penn "do 43 38 do Puke do 5! 15--—-__._ 81,150 71 Bad. in hands of county 'l‘rs'r. 1‘22 70 xeccived in [846 \VE. Iho undenigncd, (.‘ummlsunnérs oflClaor field Cuunly. having examined and rcvide'd the ac mums of John W. Wright. ’l‘renanrcr ofsald cod;~ ly. will: INa novurnl Imvnnhlps fnr Imsmlod School and Rum! In: Mruivcd in 1846.d0 report, That we find thorn nu übuvo blultd. In irilrien-s‘n'lfei'édf ivo ham horeunlu Jet our hand: and seals [his eighlh day at January. A. 1) 184-7. ' ' N S JOHNSON. ’C -, \ 'J, A. READ. : omg.) re. -,/\TTEITHD —H. 'P. 'l‘nonrsox. Cl‘k. ' ‘ '4‘ WE. lho undersigned. Auduoi-i uf Clcnrflold‘ ronnly, hnvinc oxulnincd and revise}! the acronym; 01 Jul-n W. Wright. Treasurer of laid conqu,_\ynh lho scvoral lownuhips fur unsealed School and Road In recnivccl in,1316,d0 report. That we fimlxlheim an nhovo srfucd. In wnncsi whereof W 0 huio harounlo «cl our hands nnd souls this eighth day m January. A. D 1847. - , [\B‘M BROWN. : .' WM. I‘. 'I‘HORP. ,Aud‘lrj.‘ ' J. M. smw. '.,- ,- Arms'rxn—ll. P. 'l‘uonmnx. Cl’k. ' . ‘” DRUGS! DRUGSH DRUGS! !'! THOMPSON 8L CRAWFORDI..’ “7 ho le'sa lc ED nu gg‘i s'ls; No. 40 Market Street, (:qugffi'gido= , below Second» I’mL‘Alm. , OFFER [or sale a lurgo 5100!: of Fresh Drugu.,M¢d xclncsnud Dye-Slum, w \vhiéh'llmy ('ull tho‘jsb lenlmn of Country Merchants muchulorl‘vxsiling tho cn.‘ . . -.'. ~ .7 ".' , {'onch, Cabincl;annn. Black; p’ml‘uglicr.Vnrliiplje'u oln mun.-nor'quulxly..~ 11150.5“):qu ‘nnd Red ‘ Lend. Window Glues. l'nuus und OLlu—~clxcupcfllzun aver. Qty-I‘. &L‘. nrevnluo prhpricldrsnf'lhodnrlinn Veg omble Balsam; Celebrated ghwngimd: lhofr 9WI) und 'nulgflhoiing Sluxes. nu [he beat Vp'ropnffllmmlor llm (cure uf‘Céughy, filo‘du. Aglhnm, &c. yMuncy refund. Cd in e'vpdy lnrzlumta whom no heuotiljufrcceiyedn ' . -'Phuh‘9clpluueJunx‘SQ, 1817. 55m1“ " ' ‘ ' ,' 86,404 92 8287 21 DR. 91775 62 rffa I= $13775 62 $1,273 All