Democratic banner. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1837-1849, January 02, 1847, Image 4

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    fiuéficu. Goonmzss
The plnm gum! mun uhnso mlunnf wru-h
More wrluo Hm» n Am-l (‘un pr, ni-h.
Pmmm hm mursp. nmuplv 1». (Ru.
His lumr “Ma-young m hm hrorl'bl
Nnr ('«ulhl ho m 1 u rnn‘r w'l.
'l'hnugh hu hm! 'l'u'ly all by hrnrl;
And uhrn hr lII‘OPH :hu 'mir -m “0.
Ho hnlv knune-nnr ruros Iu knuu.
Thnl Elm-[rum Mnnm‘ llml lq-lII'.
Ry honvou uppmw". In \'|.'lm~ drnr
Front Wilmer and Stiltth'l[ll't't'rpttol] 'l'iittes-
Absorplion of Poland.
The little republic of Cracowaeems lilie
ly to set the crowned heads 0! Europe by
the ears. The territory in question is no“.
formally absorbed in the Austrian empire.
, to the great scandal of all eho respect the
faith of treaties. and the rights at legitimate
government. This step has been forced
upon Austria, it is said. hi' the Curr of
Russia. with the consent ot Prirssta. 'l'hel
"annexation, or absorption. is meat iinpal-l
atable to France. which has strongly pm l
tested against it. and urgctll‘ingland tojdinl
" iii the protest; but the \\ hig (‘ubineh lltl~l
pleased at the Montpensier marriage. stands
aloof, anti protests singly. gratrficd, appa ‘
rently. at the opportunity which has siri
speedily occurred. of making the Frenchl
Monarch feel his littlencsa in carrying all!
the lnlitnta. contrary to their wishes, forl
the aggrandisement 0! his family. i
The treaty of Vienna secured the inde t
pendence of the ancient capital of Poland. i
and now the treaty is set aside it ith as I‘tl
tle compunction its a pcnniless customer ifli
ejected from a pot house at midnighi.—~‘
Two out or the five contracting ptmcrs arcl
insulted by the act; but the spirit of nmity'
having been broken recentlv between thcl
dissentients. the three great Northern l’ow
ore think the occaston opportune {or Viola
ting justice and decency with impunity.—
Had England and France remained true to
each other, this perpetratton. at u hiclr ec
cry honest mind revolts, would never have
been consummated.
The plea for the aggression is, that (‘1:
cow, instead of being neutral. became the
focus of conspiracy and rete‘lion; and the
late attempt to secure the nationality of PO
- filled. in the estimation of the rice
pots. the measure of thelittlc Republic‘s
thiquity, The strong man ot‘cipotvers thc
weak one; and because the latter, in defer
coco to. the instincts of a noble nature. at
' tempts to unbind his letters. he is punish~
ed with extinction. Such is the morality
of despotism. It is one of the most atro
‘cious features in the black catalogue ot con
tinental tyranny. A spirited people like
that French recoil (mm the infamy, and
sympathise with the persecuted. impelled
thereto by the fact that their own monarch
is treated by his lellow‘sovereigns as a
‘enob.’ whose opinion is not worth asking
,or caring about. Less causes, ere this, have
produced a general confiagrotton over Ellv
rope. QVho knows but the Crccow injus
tiee'ura yet be tho means ul lighting the
benightetl l’olee to liberty and nationality}
Upwards of thirty tears have passed
since the parchment was blackened with
the treaty of Vienna. and 'the balanre of
power’ settled by the 'Hely Alltaucc,’ as
th! five contracting parties it ere tmpiously
called. What changes. in the onward pro-"
gross of the world. the interval has “‘tl-;
nessed.‘ England. led by the plebeian. but.l
high-minded Canning, soon wtthdrcu‘ from:
the conclave of despots. France, “ith nO
- intrepidity, expelled the stupid old man
who preferred his own crotcbeta toa ua
tions freedom of speech. and made a throne
for the 'cttizen King,’ by the erection ol
the barricades.
Belgium dissevered hcr connexion with ‘
her hard task~ruaster, the King of the No
thorlands. With the progress ofconatitu
tiotial liberty. mechanism has been almost
imbued with Vitality. and commerce has
extended its vtvtlying influence to the ends
of the earth. Wherever the light of sci
once has beamed, wherever man's intel
lect has had lair play. he has more than
realized the great Thurgot’e motto on the
still greater Franklin :
“Eriput'ffulmen Uilu rItD-l sceptra ti/ri'innu!"
But these European despots. unconsci~
one, apparently, of the mighty changes in
the progress of the human tamily that time
is constantly nothing—forgetful that the
humble mechanic ten new sueop the pli
.anteltip over the swollen waters olthc an
gry deep, as swallows skim the air. des
pite tho elements——-preatiiiic to bind him in
tho thratdom. and parcel him out. llhfl so
malty flocks of sheep, according to their
capricc and interest! A state olextstence
so derogatory to the dignity of human na
ture must have an end. 'lt cannot, and it
will not come to good.’
lt‘ts deeply to be regretted that Louis
Philippe has sinned against courtesy—to
give it the wildest phrase—in his conduct
towards England. United, the two pow
ers “ere more than a match for the rest of
Europe; severed. as in the present instance,
the sacred cause oflibeity stificra by thetr
mutual distrust and jaolouay. As a matter
of interest. the French King has erred; as
a matter ol prudence; he has perpetrated a
still greater blunder. A people like the
French comprehend the value. ofa princi
ple. and. notional glory could not, in their
eyes,_bs earned more righteousty than in
thrashing faunointed’ tyranny towards the
weak and delencelcss. Our neighbors. at
this moment. are burning with indignation
at the fraud which has been ptit upon Cra
00W. Even if the storm blows over with
outany immediate consequences. the in.
justice 'wtill rankle in the popular mind,
asidjray tcll against the Orleans dynasty.
when the dust of the royal Crmsue ts min
gling with its kindred worms. . With ling
land the case is ditt'ercitt. ltcriasular 1w
131 RT;
‘suinn does not mix her up so immediately
in MI conlirienlal brnila. and as she has me
ivronlly burnlc her fingers in meddling in
quarrels nor legilimalcl)’ hen. the present
locoalion has been named for the mainla
n‘ancc of I passive pphcy. Under more
llamrablo circumstances an active policy.
or a resolute from. “onid, there In» nn
doubt. have been assumed, which would
either have vflcclorl il- objocl. or led lo the
Inn resource of diaputnnls—hlows. But
when a friend or a neighbor ovr-r reaches
you, it requires (eclings more or less than
human lo be superior lo a smile or an ex
nilmion, when he lumbies mm a [m Which ‘
has been dug by his on n r'npldrly. I
Snnvmzox.-—\Ve find in Hue New
Ymk paw-u the fu‘lunmg account a! a
mod ulr-Iwumg (an:
AH Ithhman. hit “if:- and l\\n chnl‘
Qill'n,.jufilnrnl!.'(l from n-n “Ingram "hip‘
uru- [mud ‘IF’""-'- in our “H‘t‘ll rm Mon~
1111} find. and lnkcn h) Hw ninnhousr.—
1h? EXpn‘at gin-n Hu- fnliuwlng nu: nun!
vl Ihu uhlmmnn'v luuxih’. h! nunn't‘d n‘
the ulfira n! «he rommu-inr‘wr of lhe ulmll
lwuse. "The mother wan n cumplelt‘ skei
own. and the snnkon (hvrks and eves uf
’hc \vlmh- {andly tuld the mo-lnn'lbuly
(lulh that [My were the victim». n! ”1“
mm! infirm-e rum-Img, ()m' n! the (Ml
dren was no m-urly dam! I‘vut it "nuld no!
walk; ulnloiz “:15 win Ilm ulnmshlifli
cull) lhul n-vcn thu- lalhcr cuu'd loltvra
clos! lhe ”nor, he wan HI cxcwu‘ingly {ce
blo. 'l'hry “ore all nsnear dent! usll‘
“a 5 pulmblr fur lln- living to Dr. and “an!
n! luml un lhf‘ onlv cnlbr uhxrh had
brought lhcm In [his fimcrabhr sfnlr. as It
ua~ null-m (My “vu- nvllhcr “ch-v n 0!
Ih'r‘mfu'inff‘. In nn~\\crl(pall quculinns!
asked lht'm, ”It'll’ rcplms nvro ‘\\‘¢- “an!
wme b'mdw-dn ulw us annvv bread—4w
mil [lw if _\uu do not give Us yuun- bit-Ml.
AS :1 Inaflt‘l' u! (ano Ihii unhfxmu‘ faxnhy
ucn‘ ant-min] (U, [ml the- nlu.o«l cququ’
was necrssaJy m ndnnrmh-Hvyg Ilmir [am].l
“’hcn “my “err M‘llcd 2' I! v luh'v I'm-l
first third; [hat the umfhrrdn! \vnh’ In feed
Mr young“! child, sml M she (lid Hm
[on]; not a pn‘llclv hen-ell. bu! nllelnl n
strange, u-Ild laugh; nxsl when \he rhii
“as mudv quite suck by (we-n a lflu'nswn,
lull of rice. (hr mollwr wrpt mnsl [mu-r
Iy, and mud. '0 my chihl Is fining In die
(Uh-r Illia strange {can uns Muir-11, H)
lnrmken and ptu'va-‘lrickml mrmbrrar
the lamily “we taken In Ho ho-pna
when, “t- am pleas“! In knuw. lhrv me
doing wall. but are men nuw nut lar from
death’s door.’
‘Am um Cnm‘on'r‘ F 0“ 'rm: ENEMY.—
Thr null-war Frdorullsu ul old have Ihr-ir
deucemlanh. who am rqua l'v lreusnnnblc
ullh Ibo-ir sires:
‘.’llll/ze wrong a] (lucu'ar—all (he evi
0/ il—all the sorrow 1! may ormsion. bc
longsto Jlr. Po/A'.’ says (he Boa-(on .11!-
[as 0| ”PC. 5,1840. .
And w my tho whale @l3O 'o’ anti-war
lrderalisls. (aHrd “'higs nnwjn l'nr land.
In ink: strum lhc blue-light Su/c‘m Ga
:rl/c said, du.png the late mar with Edg
I vi! the door {fJumes film/man and/1i:
; acwmp/ius. lira- {/16 blood ofaur [um-lured
# And this linguoge wnsrc-(‘chnrd by the
(“Mn of [how \Hm lunk good (are lhal
[he b’mud o! [ffu‘ull would b? lnslillrd in.
m their childnen’n vein. \Yhen wnll lhin
race 0' trallula bm‘oznc l'xlmu? “When
"I” met: uhn call lhrmlchel Americans
crane In blac‘v‘on lheir our) Cu-unlry and
treasonlbly ‘uld am! cnmmrl‘ the cuemv?‘
The A'Ezlional lntc/ligmccr, lhr grekl
Nulmnal Wing organ, published at \Vash
inglun. doclnrn the huccne ul our arms in
Mtxico. an “raprnr,” and thc rrmy enga
ged there no “lnnlon‘ wen.
ls lhu the way that [rienda back up
their nwn country which ll urlving (u re
(lv'enfl ils wrnnp P—Ball. flrgut.
More (heap 439041;.
' A \‘l‘ljut-t rcrt-n'cd and opened a new
HE mm splendid absortmenl at UH’IF
ulu stand, \Vhl'rl: it Is we” know” the]
have ttlwnyt-t sold 'uumls cheaper than any
other thinbiluhmt‘lll 3n Cieutltehl cuunty.
The} are lttunklul to the public lur the
very ltbetnl patronage ttlreutly bestowed
upun them. and assure thcm. that so lung
an they extend their encuutagement. they
will runttnue to sell thvm gouda tn tuw as
they can be btuught [mm the CH] and ”tild‘
In lhts county. 'lht'y h:tvr upcm‘d the“
tall pluck. utnch u wry heavy, and cum
ptiatng a general autntnwnt nt
' , ll.27.';vlf‘Sd-L.:JJ'.l"u
Such as Clo/Its, cusanm'ts. .sulim’la. «la/[-
cos, mus/in, flannel. linscy. «\‘c. .7
fun piccesfirsl rate cashmere and 7710113
(lo luine. merinos’, a/pucas’. (us/[mere
um! Icrkuri shawls. dress hand/:9rc/lic/3,
[((l/iéb‘ tics, v_e(vrl, a xplemlid assarl
mm! ofcvcry description of ribbons ;
and 10.000 things that we cannot men-
339 m: 6;? www.
A fir»! lule abalulmtnl ul 800 [S Ind
SHOES. lhul cumml be beat in the cum-
{Groceries Sc Hardware
()1 every descrufljou; also. a lot of new
style COMES. - '
The handsome“ assortment ever bru’l
lo the county. :
CAPS of every variety.
Cull nml ”amine the stock. COUN«
TRY PRODUCE of cvuy kind xaken in
exclymge lur goods.
N0v.25. 1846
BLflWVGS' for sale (I! this (£17500-
~§‘%,’OULD respectfully inform the cil
ichs of Clearfiold ruunty, [hut
llit‘V have received lrmn Pl]ll.’l(lPlpliln,
Mill llnvr now opt-nod,’ zit lheir old “and
adjoining the court housv, in [he bnrqligh
nl Clenrfield, a largo and magnificent zu
surimvm of
1793. 7‘ .‘ NJfNGEfl (€001,735.
Consuting nl Dry Good». (lrorrrics. filo
lrmm. Jinn/WIN. Quemsumrc. liming-ls,
i [fan/s, Slims. Ila/s. C(lpi', «S"(‘.,—in shnrl
evvivlhing u-unlly luuml In a country
Mme; from n ” nerd/c (a an anchor," Wllll‘ll
llmv \‘lll ili~pniv til at tho lmti-ut rain for
CASH. an mm 0! (‘()l,‘N'l'RY Pm),
111/WE, BOARDS. FQIiARIC l'lMlll‘lß,
'l hv rulilic nrr irinlcd In (all and px.’
nlnllH‘ (limr leCk below ii'u’cliunpg chew
where. ,-
hm 10. 1.9 m
Sun-n 9 In the Human (‘Onslxluirun‘ and cquul In tho
('HH' (1' (‘\ I'rv u‘urwhlu- 111-min“, \\ 1” hr luuml 111
II rig/11's Indian Irgv/ufl/o: I’M/.9,
Thu-'0 t'xlrnnr-llnury I’M.‘ are rompnu‘d 0’ [:lnn'n
nhlt h grnw nuunlulwmu')’ m: our uuu lull. nnd
nro. lhrrnlnrv huuur mlan-d In nnr (-umnluunns
llmn Monhmmu (lIIH‘IH‘IQIJ [rum lurnlun drugs, huw»
mm “4-H Ila-v muv In I'u‘mnunrh-d: nm! In
\HHHH'I‘N INDIAN \‘l‘llZ!"l'\."J.l'l PILLS urn
hmnxfl-IJ llj'Ull lhv pr.x:('|;'lv 1|:le llu- humun had}
H In lru:h
FI'HJH'I‘ 'I'U Bl"? (W 1: DISEASE.
namely. v'urrupl humun, and Mn! “:le Mwiu mo
l'UrL'SHlHlllL‘lll‘l’ ull
.\ \'l‘l‘l{-\L l’HlNr'lPH-IS
1,1/ r/umsmg' 11ml pin-Mum}; Me .545, :l \\;'l he man
hm (km, 11 L'u'tullHllleuH l‘u r. v: onhrr'y exhum
l: 1!, n pl urn-nun e ”I I'lr'lr use. nu urdmg Io dxrer~
Hum, xx :l“~ Jm'v y wrmm [u dun» dmwso nl'evc.
ry nnum Ir vm I! v lmdy, '
\\'hr~n \u' um: I 0 rmmrn r. “\nmp or morn“ lu
Icmluy. “1- I'm H II of III" u.,n-ruhumlnnl “war.
In Ilkc- "mum-r. xl \sz “ml: In rt'nlun- lho mey In
houllh. “0 Inn-I vlrnncn 'r ”I .nwurllv
\\'I(I(QII ["5 INDIAN \'II(JI~.’I':\III.L‘ PILLS “I”
he Mum! nnn nl 1!.0 Ive-u! II ml Hm wry heal mud
ulno :1] I'm \U‘rl-I 11-r rn'rwng uul llns
(§I( \.\IJ I’L'IIII HIV.” I'HIN(.‘II"I,.IC.
hN-nnu- I' ry «x; z-I lmm 1m: hmh' nil murhnl and
rurrnpl humm Ifm (-nuwul liu- n‘nwnu‘. m nn puny
and ,\u/urm’ Munm‘r ,- um] \-.h.h- llmy mory «lny
“H I: liAH': .‘\.\U l'l.l‘l-\SI lii) HIM-um: ul rvrry
numu I 5 rupudi)‘ dun-n Imm lhu Lady.
U 'rig/zl's Indian 1 (grin/116 Pills
(fan he haul gr‘numc n! [he luHmHLg
highly rvspvuublc Hurrkm-[mrs In
(‘lcmflc/«l (‘oun/y.
JPN/lard 37mm, ('lrnr/ie/(I:
Danie! lfnrrrll, ('m'u-insri/lr;
David Irvin. IJ/l/Mrs/mrg.
Elk (bun/y.
(‘obb ‘B‘ GaUng/ler. Ix’u/gcu‘uy;
erge ”his. SI. fllar‘l/s. I
(‘cnlrr (bun/y.
Brae/mr/mfl'd‘ lru'in, [idle/ante,-
J ‘s' J l’allc‘r, I’m/1411C {Hi/ls;
.r‘ldnm Fix/Mr. ('rulr'nvz'l/r;
(1 1’ [)unmn, .‘lur' :nsi’mr‘g;
Sannul Lillian, AUi/mhurg;
[IL/try .V‘l‘lmnx, HUI/n r'ri/lr;
[rm Jlmvny. Pim Urnl'e Ali/(.1,-
(y'cnrgn‘ Jack, ling/slung:
II I, J/usu'r, .1/un’m'm:
Irvin «3‘ ”Willa/Lt r. ('m't‘r/ry Hall;
Duncan .5' l/uj/s‘ N/Iring JIM/s;
F Burk/um”. [falters/Hug,-
Jacob Ila/nun. CentrrL'i/lc.
Q‘fUHSUM dcvolc-l I-xrllun‘oly ll) lho nnla nl
\\'nh.lll"sl~lrux Vrmcmunr. PILLs ul’ the Nnrlh
Amum'uu Cum-gs ul Houllh, Nu 3&5 Urnr‘nwlrh
Sin-OK, Nan Yurk. Km lUH'I‘H-muul lIN‘I‘I. I‘HH»
Inn ; um! I‘nnL'II'ALOH H‘L‘, Nu. 16‘.) RACE STuL‘Arr,
[)11’. IS." GREEA'KS'
V ‘HE demand lnr the above medicine
E in the lab! 12 or S warn, us dwnu'd
u suflicivnl npnlngy lur [damn-g ll nnw lul
l)’ lu-hurc (he [)Pupll'; and [TH- «Jumbo: [or
which it I! appllcuhlc have bccome to we
vzm-nt lh lhu country lhul n rum-11y (-nli-
Hui lo (unfidc-nrc, In a :rrut ll(‘\illl'fll'um.
The llist'awsl aiiudt- to are. vaulllis‘.
(Liver aHx-clwn,) Dyspepsia, and female
cumplnmzs In gnu-ml.
a: r'l‘m- abm‘c pl”! wl|l brpl cumlunt
Iv for male bv
Ric/lard Shaw, Clcarfield,
David fldums. Buggs (p.
J. H". Ali/IN, do
Oct. '2O, H 46.
A G 1‘) N 'l‘ \V A N 'l‘ 19-1)
For this (tuunly.
VE‘HE businv-ss wxll be In pmcure sub
> scribcrs fur. and WI. uln-u publlxlx
ed. a lnrgc. m-w. splendid luunulllp Map
The qualifications wqulrud are a: small
'cnpna-l ul 3100. sobriely.‘ inlrgri/y. in
dually, energy, and active [mums-s lul
ents. Inlornmlmn ul the lcrun of (he a
annoy (which an: liberal) WI” be gut-n on
application. PUSI‘AGE PAH). In
lS'ulwrinlcmling .‘lgmt,
8:} Snulh 711 l b'm'cl. Phlludelphiu.
Sept. 25. 18le —6m. '
fla’ministrator’s Notice.
Lem-rs 0! Administration haVc been
granted to the bUDHCI’IbCF on the estate 0!
Uemge Hunter. late of Lawrence town
fihlP. dec’tl. AH pt'rStms indebted to lflld
estate wi|l mztltc payment‘ without delay,
and those havingclaimu Will present them
duly authenticated. .> ‘ V
lurwence tp. Nov, 5; 1846. '
Ol' 'l'lll'.
ST‘QWE-PEPE for sale in any
qunnlllv tor CASH, by
NO7. 27.
S ER for sale at the ‘stove o!
1.7”! No v. , R saw:
- @3330 ®ELB®EZIEWE3 3 . NEW GOODS. ..
4‘th mammal; “370114771173 ‘ 1 —— , . ‘1 ”
. P] L {‘l S ’ .' mm®méx§mmeem©®mzzfi :
I’rrpurad by Dr. deorgc Ilenn'il, “If-Nell) York. and. 9:395?“ ARE How "’“"°_"’R Eu?" “7
far ml: by Meantime/11m of ugmu in Clearfiald 1 gm”? ; _ P'l'lllg at [hm nld WWI
mm”, fla'fifi In the borough 0| ClearlicldL
{1 ,2 .534» -'- 1: fresh and well msurted Muck
\ I 3
'I'HE unprlrcudoulcd succcun llmlj ilun
"(landed 1110 use 0! them pills In tho
‘prncllt‘u 0! [ha prupnolor [or llm 13-lan
or mghl yuurn, hu- mducud him to ylcld
m the imporlunnmn 01 many who have
used and been lwnafillod by them. and
mnko nrrnngcmonlu lo plnro them willun the ranch
ul [he public generally. lu llmng no lm loela ('ull
ml npnn Io any llml llm lmlmn chrmlrlo Rexlurrh
nvc l’xll is llfll‘lllt‘dl‘v unpunur lo any will) whu‘h
lm m ncquumlod. 'l'lmy combine the prop~
arlws or muny (If the has! vogelnble [nadir-Inca.
'n-u'd In no mlwr prlln) m uurh a manner nu lo uh
hml hot only Immodxulo and temporary but pL-nnn
nanl relief. l
The vnlunblc lanlrH “Inch inlur into lheir cum
pnsmun by lhur ac'non upun Xho unrelory (”guns
hold m r-hrrk [he purgnllvc pnumplu nnd unlucu n
ganxlnnnd nnlurul nlmrmmu \thuul kuuvumenw
or pain, and “lulu lhny n-slmo u nulurul and hen]-
lh)’ nrhon of HlO Hmnm h. (nor and bu“ 015. lhvy
rmn-nw,lnsxeud uf dunlmnh, tho ulro'xglh u! the
I'm-y huvn hum Ult‘d nsfln lumlly nmdlmna {or
your: hr many 01 Inc lira: rerpncmlulhly- um! ul
‘u‘mugh Hum uro Lul rmummuudml m ”houl all Ihc
11h; lhnl flesh ll heir to." yr! 11 has boon wrv run:
lhnl ll I'm but): {any I 'wnnmurf Mr (“051‘ mm;
mum «u umpmy nny>olhar m'dn'xun. nnd their m-rur
monnl um ml! nlmnll Inmnnbly prove un smrclunl
prevenlnc lu dxsnnsc. 'l‘hnv nro exactly adapted
In Ih!‘ un- 01 imnllu-u, lmquuru and seamen; ”my
(lawn l/u' Howl. mumng a {ran mn-ulunou—upen
ohslrm-uonn uml provmln the socrelinn ofhruhhy
bl’fl' and r'onumlurnlly are un ut'ollvnl mmhmne
In; Nnmon, Indlgvsnon. Newuus “Horde”. Dryw
lunn, LIH-r Cumplm'nl. [nuns m Ihu ”HM, Side, und
PBreusl, (."uaxu I'HEI'. Luna uI ADPNIEU, Urinary üb
:IH’IIC‘UU’“. Apia and I-‘uwr, ”shuns: mu! Intermxiv
:lt-nl fun'l‘ra, Dysonxrry" Hhoumnllllln, Scrurqlll. and
law ounnv‘nrl)’ lilt'lul II) uHTvnmln ("unplalnln—~lHHl
In um.- \xwrd. all “Hams" nnum: from unhuuixhv
u-rrnuunr uni] mummy n! Ihe blumd. Numnrnm
Inplmmnux‘m 0? JIM-J (413va In purlxr-ulur unsox.
m c'nl he nJu'mf. ml (nu prupnclnr prefer: prear‘u-
Img u low (ernl‘nules ul lhczr general chnrnclcr.
[rum pmv‘m n! unquohzmua‘xlc umdor and vcrm‘ny.
whu n'nunll.l:l)::lu._vdvgrou lend mer Inflvu-m-c
h: “nun-:10 um Huh); mm vs n :l (.1 dw ulnd ul;iny,
um! rufy on Hlmr H|IHIMIC un'rllu lu gum lhwn n
rrpuxmmu. h-rl'ng a moat [mu-(:1 cunhfcnru lhnl‘
nut.” mlinlmndou luau uao nhu give them u lmr‘
Tho quumng lolmr from lhe “maficorge [llw
on, “21!: Ulhor rarlxlil'nlel lu lho hnnd- ul Ihn u
gents. \HH “nu lo ahnw lho tmt'ury ul lhc-o pills
L'Lk HORN, WuM'oth CO,. \Vuconuln.
Dr ()smm —leh plan-um I ”Harm you oflhe
nrcnl hem-I'm ml.” h l hnve drrln-d from your len.
l have been m 1: (Jaime lur some “me. which ha
grenlly alarmed mu. morn cram-A mlly In my com-
piulnl uds a runsumplne one. am] also] have been
vary lulu-nu. um] have lubuned uB\‘nrosy' “uh pm!"
In my hand. nnd my syn have been so anecleJ nu
[0 mm of n mallow, rluudy. and olhor dllagrernblo
‘(unlplt‘llnnl My tho hnd aurorud also from great
lu'cnknrns und arven- puma, [1 4d all your Pills how
no “o”antu rahou-d nu, we huvu sounded His
name u! (hum all over our m‘lghhurhnod; lbry 1V1”
rorluln!) he mar rcgurdcd m 1h” plucu, and Winn
over m\,‘ «‘xlrannlmnry run In known, a. lho mun
‘ vulunhle prupnrunon lnr purifying Ihe bland and
rnguluung me aynu-m. [should nul have known
lho nmlh 0! your I‘ll]: hml ll not been [or llw Rev.
Wm. F. DowHI, of (.‘uddnulo, suinvun cw. N. Y..
“hu \nlh gig-“I kmdnuu soul me n hux Iu try lhem‘
Ind lo lhul box In! PHIHI one my hcullh. and mu Ihn‘
up"! here 15 out of your pxlh. 1 “Mb yuu Mould
urnd me n pnt‘kngo 01 boxes as noun n 5 pusublo.—
Wuh but \thu {or your prunpenly. lnm. dear
Hr, yuurn rupvl'lfully. GEO. BOWERS.
Dirk} (k W. F. lnwm. (‘Zo.|r:ioh| ; Juux luvm
Curwmn'll r; JAML! MrMUIUur. Hurnuulc luwn
.mp; U \V A ARNOLD. Lulhrrahllrpumi
I,I:\'l LL‘T)’. P'ru-nflnlllu. are Agonl- for ma purl-pn
olur [or llu: 5.11001 lhb nbuvo medium.- In Cluur
{lr-Id mum): nov. :35. '4s—ly.
111-ZR .’ ”(112’ .’ .’
Not will: flir.rir'o bu! will: the old Tyrant
R. \YM l’. HILLS. reeling'much
E) sympathy lnr lhme ztmtctetluwith
Rhcunmtiml. tnkesthts methml of inviting
[hum m cull ut 111 l office and gt't cured.—
'l'm:. rm-thml ls almmt new, and very sim
plt', but WI” pmitivclt‘ effect a cure on the
'mtnt lclenllfic principle», Rhcmnutts‘m
Iltas long two-n a decitlemtum with phyn-
Clans, and It is only of late that the true
prtnmplc ofcurc has been discovered.
He would state. to all concerned. (hut
ht- ha» already performed a number of
curen, and can Ctlnfitlt‘lltl)‘ assert that hI-l
Is the unlv true method.
Clearficld Nov. 3, 1846.
minz'stmtor’s Wotirc
R Letters 0! Administration have been
Luann-cl to the t-übsuibrr on the estate 01
Geo. Sunder. gr. late of Cleurficld conntj.
doc’d. All persona indebtrd to sand es
tate will make immediate pnyment, and
those having claims ml} present them du
l_v authenticated.
Boggs lp. Nov. 3. 1816.
J L'S'l' received a fresh supply of Brain
drclh’s juslly celebrated pills wilh
directions fur uw. Pure 25 cents per
box. For who by E. &. W. F. IRWIN,
who are [he un!_v nuthorlzed agents I“ (he
bornugh of Clenrfieud,
Nov. 237. 1846.
“’A N’E‘ E 88.
-8 led In Puke ”lill‘icl. 'l‘nuse \Vlsh
lllg'()n§tvl!'.‘ WIH nw'm. Luv Dn'cLlors u! lhe
unite u! Junmh Evans. Eu!” Curwens-
Ville, a! 11 o'clock, A. M., on SMurday
(he 2mnm.. lur exanmmliun. Schools
to commence on M mgduv lhe 23d inst.
By order of [he Board,
R. W. McNAUL, Sec'v.
Nov. 2. 1846. '
Fall .«ma Winter G00d5,...
Conllblihg of clot/Ls. cussimcres. «Mingus;
well nsmrled ; mslnncres. alpaccm'.
incrinm‘, mans (Ie lain“. bombazincs,
cup and bonus! riquls. ladies and gen;
tlcmcns’ gloves, hosiery. bonnet: that
I can’t be Leul. shawls of every variety,
lmndkch/tic/c, print: o/‘all (les'cripliom,
muslins of every quality. sole leather.
xhect iron, cast-sled, tinware, hard;
ware. groceries. boots, ladies and gents
shoes, hats and caps. 6-c. &c.
All of lhe ntmve stuck u! guods will be
nuld lnw Inr CASH. and exchanged lor
Tun highest price: glvvn for FURS and
Nov. 27, 1540‘.
US'l‘ received and for 93'? by the sup.
Q scribe: ul lus ‘ old s/(nul' in the bor
uugh of Cleurficld, a general assortment of'
Fall (Sc \Vinlcr Goods,
(rm-ixlmg'in part of
llflln’lflf'flh’i}, QUEENS/I’fl/lE,
[/9] 7'3 8‘ Cflp S. 800715 ‘2' Shoes.
BUNK/z"! 52' flan/rs (5‘ Stationary
L‘fi/l)’/n‘/L‘LL.’7 S, DRUGS.
CU TYYLV 1".7133', (1' Lfl SS,
(lIHPI’IS'I' (10. Loo/ring Gluurv,
('onfl'clronary, Tobacco .S- Cpgnru‘x
TINU'flRE, Oils. Painls, kc.
All of whlch he will sell as cheap for (4145'.
or COUNTRY PRODUCE. as they can
be had In town. The public are resneu
lully muted to call. vumxne his SIUFL’
and judge for lhcmsrlvu.
Nov. 17. 18-16
E. & W. F. IRWIN
AVE just received their F'wmlu';
Mock n! guudi cnnsisling in part 0!
, Lol3}! QQGJIDE}
()r o‘vvv'v vaner and deacrlpliun. GIN)
(lE/HES. Hardware, Drug: and [NHL
irines, Queenbu'ure. ”(115. Caps. lion
mzls. [hats and Shoes. Curpnllinlzg
‘ (filer/is. Bus/sch. Umbra/Ins. Tobacco.
3 ('igm‘s, Snufll Sugar. Looking Glass
cs. Su/l. Nails, Brooms, Gum ()urr
shoes. 1100/11 and Slu/ionary. Cooking
Stoves, Ten I’lale and Coal Slaves. (ya.
All of which they wish to dispose u! at
as low prices as" can pussibly be afforded,
e'IIH‘L'HIHj‘ when CASH is In ”)0 qUl‘slinn.
Th»z highqnt pure given for GRAIN.
SHINGLI‘E‘ & LIVMBER of all kiuth,
FURS. 81:. &c.
Nov. ‘27, 1846.
[HAS jud rem-Wed u splendid assort
‘ when! u!
’ 12-11,]. .MI) WINTER GOODS
“thh he :5 determined In sell as low lor
cash or In exchange tor country produce
M they can be puvchnsrd in the gummy——
'l‘hanklul lur past favours. he [.lsz [lnn up
purlumly In say to h]! old cuslnmerl Illa:
he desires them to call at his old stand in
all cases befme pmchasmg e'sewhere—sa—
tisfied ll Hwy rxammc hu pluck and pru
cos. they mll cnnlmuc lu trade with him.
”N hHH‘k cum-ids 11l purl of
HIN).’H)('I.U 'I'I/S, F.3S‘SIJ/Iy'RES',
.817 '/"/'l.\'E 'I'TS, IVER/NO [2' S.
.‘7/./".*/(l'('.‘l.S', JUOUSIIE Llll-IH’S‘
IN) [l’ls 8 of flu' lalcst sly/e,
('fl S/l/UER [2' S, G ING llflx'llS.
CHECKS, of various qua/{lien
An n'issortment ol Shawls, Common & Su
[2O .‘\’NL' TS.
A full usaortmcnt ol the latest and be»;
style. ‘
A Inrpe and general assortment of
Hais <9 Caps, Boots (9 Shoes.
A gem-ml auurunenl o!
- Loo/ting Glasses,
RIES, S-c ,
ELTAII of which will be {told low for
CuAh or in exchange (or country Ptonluce.
lor which Hm highest price wull be given.
Curwonsville. Nov. 3. 1846.
fldministratqrs Notice.
1 Letters of Administration wete
grunted to the subscriber on the estate of
the Hon. Muses Boggs, late of Bradford
township. Clearfield county, decfdu on
the 4th Nuv. inst. All persons indebted
to the estate of the said deceased, we re
quired to make payment withoutdeloy—
and those. having demands against the
same, Wm present them duly anthem'i‘ca
ted tor settlement. , , .
. , JOHN L. CU'I'TLE. .
Clearfield Nov. 12, 1846. » : '
NIAGKBREL [or -sale aPche store\
.0! ...>‘«"‘R-~SA/
17th Now' {‘- ~' "' ")Y