Democratic banner. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1837-1849, January 02, 1847, Image 2

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    From Mexico.
\Ve hnv‘c received by the arrival of the
packet ship Noumm. Uaplnin Ellis. (rum
Havunna. very hue (Intel; {rum Mcxico.—
'l'he sleanuhip Clyde. nrrlvod at Hann-
Vna an the 7m instant, with advicu from
Vera Cruz to the m inslnnt ilfclluive.
The Mexican Government had given
bonds for a loan of 52.000,000. divided
:0 follows :—51.000.000 from the Arch
bighnp of Mexico; 3400000 from the BL
:hopric 0’ Puebla : 5250.000 from lhat o!
Guulnlnjura ; $170,000 lmm Michnncnn;
$OO,OOO from China, and $BO,OOO from
Newn wnl received at the English Con
aul’n office in Vera Cruz on the lat Insl.,
from San Luis Potosn, lhal a brigade o!
about one thousand meo lrotn the Amer"-
cun army hntl deserted. with arms an?
baggngr. to the forces under Santa Anna.
Through the same channel it “M stated
that a horrible typhuq fever raged in the
American army. and thin. cuupled with
the numerous deaertiuns, hall compelled
General 'l‘aylorto retire irom Saltillo :u
Montereyl. These last two items are of
course of equal truth. or rather of equal
The British man-of-war Daring entererl
lhl harbor ol Vera Cruz as the Clyde wan
leaving. and stated that the Ilenmer Uni
ted Statea, alter having lantletl 500 tronpa
at Tamprco, was lost on the bar ; and that
another steamboat nut having been heard
lrom in 14 dayr. was also lm'. The for
mer ol the two in undoubtedly mt-lnken
lor the "Neptune.” of whose hillpwreik
we have alreatly given account. nml the
latter is the "Sea." which grounded, but
ha: been saved. The Diarin do Arisus.
from which we translate this news, states
that $120,000 was lost with the steamer.
Another Mexican minappraheminn. ‘
The gallant exploit ut the boat‘s crew
which burnt the Mexican cruiser under
the very guns of B'. Juan (I'Ullua in men
tioned. Four American seamen were hto‘t'
into Vera Cruz as prisonera on the 28th
ult. having bcen altipwrt‘cked and drtvcn
Sr. D. Antonio de ”am y Tamari'l, hm
resigned the seat of Sozcrelnr}~ o! Slate,
and been temporarily succculml b; Sr..]u
an Almonle. Sr. Pedro AnuynV‘has been
elected by the General Legislature Gov-
crnn; ot the district of Mexico.
General Salim has publirhctl another-la
cree. more strictly demanding the rnlor.
cing of those hitherto made, relative to
dealing: with Americans. By it. on}
goods brought into n toon captured by our
troops. renders thcimporter liable to n to
tal confiscationof his property. and am
seaport in our possession in ordered to b;
entirely avoided to far as the Male or de
livery ol any kind of goods in Concerned.
Campeachy, which on the 23d of Octo
ber had pronounced ngaimt the govern-
men! olYucalln. on the 25m m Nov. con
eluded articles 01 arrangement with her
The Government agreeing In pay not only
lheir own expenses incurred in h-vymg
Hoops, &c.. but agreed alsu to ply tho:
whole expenses incurred'b‘v the inwrgrun
The Yucatanos were daily in expeclu~
Min of being blockmlcd bv the American
Venell ol vur. Flour In Muulu was helil
nominally at $25 per burrcl. but holder:
were looking lor u lunlher ndvaucc In cast
0! the blockade taking place. The com}
mercc ohhe counlrv an al a aluml
From the l’anmylvnnmn.
WMHINGTON. 8. I’. M.. Dec. ‘27, 1846.
The Itenmship McKtm arrived at Nrw
Orleans on the 20th. from the Brazos,
bringing dates to the thh. nml embractng
net" from Mnntcrey two days later than
before received. Among the pnsungeu
were twelve officers and lix'y-one tuck
and discharge-(l volunteers.
Major Arthur came pa-nvoger in the
McKlm. He brings tlefipatchrq from Gen
Taylor. On the Bth, 9th, and mm. Gen.
Taylor was to move in column [or Vtcto r
ria. With about 1500 menf No lurtherl
(lemomtrations uouhl be mule towards
San Luis Putoai. [until order- from gov
etnment were received. Gen.Taylur [ml
Imptiloned the Alrhlde of Monterey. his
lon. and several others, for furnishing mo~
nay and horse: to debetlers (mm the A
merican Army. Gen. Wont was at Par.
rat, one hundred miles nurth ul Chihua~
hua, wtth 1000 men; and Col Rulny was
at Monte Morales. with a similar force.—
Gcn. Pillow was to move {or Victunn (m
the 14th. Santa Anna hut! wut a detach.
men! of 1000 men to dellm)‘ all the wa
ter tanks between Saltillo dnd Potosi.
The Ileamship Virginia It“ Brazo‘ on
the 15th. {or Tnlnpicu, with Lit-m. Cul.
Park. and six companies of the Alabama
regiment of volunteers.
The steamboat Cincinnani and the U.
8. Propeller Jamen Cage, lcl's on lhe 16th
wilhe General Shield. and slafl,nnd Capt.
Shelby’s company 0| Alabama volunteers,
all bound to'l‘nmpico. The U. S. gleam
hoat Gopher was wrecked on the 23rd
outside ol Talnpico bar. The pilot boat
Ariel was also lost, and aeveml venels
blown out to lea.
Two regiments of Indiana vnlunlecu
nod Capt. Taylor’s battery had let! Mon
lerey for Sailillo to join General Wurlh’a
Gen. Twigg'a division was on its march
Brigadier General Hnmar had died at
Manlerey ol influmation ol the bowels| pl
ter but two days illness. - -
Gen. Bullet still continued in command
of Montérey.
Col. Taylor had arrived a! Malamoraa
with denpélchu lor Gen. Patterson.
Later Havana dates hayq’ been received
at New Orleansf The steamer Vern Cruz
had arrived at Havana‘On the 6m "mu.
from Mexico. Santa Anna is said to have
threatened to retreat to Quet'retarre it the
two millions naked [or were not sent, and
great exertions were making to meet his
demands. It was reported that he uonid
{all back whetherthe money was forthcom
ing or not, in order to be nenrer to the
capitol on the opening of the new Con
gress. A proposition had been made to
the British Inerthants for a loan of twenty
million, to be secured by :1 reduction ol
the dutie-t on articles. now prohlhlted.
The wanted and landed interests were
much aflected by the duration oi the war,
and thme interested u ere heartily tired of
it. Gen. \Vool, for many years in the
Ben-ire oi Mexmohad eflectc-tl a landing
and proceeded towards the capilo'.
'l'ns'l’nmmmr's MESSAGE—The U
nion n! Thur-day nigh! cunt-ins the mos
sago 0| liH' inidcnt. lngelher willi the
accnmpanying Irners 0! (be Secwtnries 0!
War and (he Navy. and Ihn general in
‘slrucliuns (u nur nflicers, which wclc Enid
before the “muse oi Represemanvn on
Thurulay. in reply in [he call (in inform
:iliun upon lhe~imlrucliunh given '0 Gen
rmls Kcurncy and 'l':iylnr_,:iml ('umlnu
dorm- Hlua! anti Szocklan.
“'0 have no mum hnr llwncc«iwpaxi_\-ing
(ionimrnla, but givv place 10 liv- inlcrca! ‘
lnnglMsage of ihl‘ Pro-illr-nl:
To the [louse of li’t-prcsenlam-rs
qu/ie United-Slates,
In compliance with the request conlnin
ed in Ilie remlulmn of the House in! Rt'p
rrsen'utlwo of line lslh Inn!” lcummuni
tale het‘e‘hi'l eran (mm the Secrrlzuy
ul \Vnr and the Su‘rvlnry nl lhr‘ Nzny.
with lhe dutumenls which nccmnpan)‘
Thu-c documents contain all the ‘nnlers
or inslructwus’ to any milxlnly. naval, or
Mher officer. of the gnvurmncm, 'ill vc'a
llon In the eatublu‘ument nr u'guulnuun
ul'Ctvti government in any tuttltttn or the
terxitory of Mexiut. which has or Inightbt
la"en pnssrsuinn td bv the utmy or natty
n! the United Statei.’
These Orders and tt‘ltructinnl were giv
en to regulate the I‘XCTCIhe ut the rtghtl at
n bettigetent, engaged in actual war, over
such portions of the territory 0! our en~
emy as, by milttnry cuttqttut, might be
'takeu possesston uf,‘ and be uccupted by,
our armed turrets—nah” nereuu'tty re
sulttng [mm a utate of War, and clearly
recogniued by the Izms tdnnttuni. Thu
wal a” the authority“ “htth cnultl be dele
gated to uur military and natal umtman-l
ders, and its exc‘ctso “an tlttllrprnslble to:
the Emma occupation and pm-rssttm nl‘
terrttury of the enemy whtch mtgltt bccun
quered. The regulation.aulhonsed wete‘
temporary, and dependent un the rights ac
quired by conquest.
They Were authorized us btlligerunt
right-,and were to be earned tntu eHect
by milnary or naval officvri. They were
bul the amelioranon M marlin! hm, which
mmlcrn civih'Lationrrvquirrs and wrxu due
as we l to the sccu’my o! Iho conquest. as
to inhnbilanln ol the cdhqucred Icrtilory.
The (lurumenh cnmmumcah-d also con
lain lhp uepmh of several highly merito
rious “like” of our army and navy ; “ho
have conquered andmlikqvn poursnon of
pmnont oi the enemy’s Irrritory.
Among the (Inrumenll accompanying
lhe leporl of lhe Secretary 0! War, WIHI
be {wood a ‘lurm of gnvrrnment.’ 'csmb
linhed and organized' by the mlhlary Lum
mandcr who runquetul and nccupwd mlh
his forces the levrilory 0! New Mama.—
Thil document Wl!_r_'(fCElV('(l at lhc War
Department In the {allur part 0! xhe last
month, hm! (IS will be pwreivnl by lht'
teporl u! the SecreKnry ul' “'ar) was not.
for the reasons rum] by Ile officer. bro’l
to my notice unlll nficr my annual mu
.lage of lhe Bth instant was communiculed
to Congreh.
lt i-a tlvclaretl on its {AC9 to lw 1 "t'tnpo
rary governmrnt u! tht- mil lt't'ti ”H. but
llH‘H‘ m 9 portions of It uhtch purport to
'establiah antl nrgnmzc' u pvrtnant’nt tvr
riturinl unvernmrnt ml the Unllt‘tl States
owr the terrttury, nntl tu impart to ttn iu
habitants political rights which. Miller the
con-.titution of the United Stutel, can be
enjovrd permanently only by citizemuf
the United Staten. These have not been;
‘approved and recogniserl’ by me. Such:
organized rt'gtilattons as have been'utub‘l
“Illt'd in any ut the conquered territoriu'
lor the lecurit) of our conquest. for thei
prenetvatil‘n o! Hitler. lnr the protection:
of the righti ol tlw tnltnbitantr, and fur tie
prirtng the t-nemy ul the advantages I»!
there tc'ritoriés while the military passes-
Itnr: of them by the tmct-s ot the United]
States continue, thl be recognised and
it will be apparent, lrom the I‘Ppot‘l! ol
the oliicars who have been requiied by the,.
success which has crowned their arms to
exercise the power: of temporary govern
mcnt over ilie conquered territmics. that
ifiiny excess of power has been exercised,
the depnrture has been the ofl'upring ola
patriotic desire to give to the inhabitants
the priviliges and immunities so cherishcd
by the people of our own country, and
which they believe calculniz-il tn inipiow
ihcir condiiion and promote their prosper
ity. Any lIUCII exocs‘ has resulted in no
practical injury, but can and will be early
corrected in a manner to alienate no little
as poniblc the good feelings of the inliiib
ilanta ol the conquered territory.
WASHXHGTOH. Dec. 22. 1846.
Upward: of three millions of barrels of
Flour, nearly thrcc milltona of bushels of
Wheat. :1 million and a half of bushels ol
corn. and nearly the some of barley, were
I'BCEIVCd at Albany. N. Y.,during the nu.
lgntlon ol the canal. the {mammal}:x
chowntir 351iI1i‘nrr
C L Li A R F! F, L 0. PA. anv. ‘l’. 18:17
The New Year.
The memorable year 1816 has expired.
am: the year 1847 is here to take its place.
From present indications the present year
in destined to be one hill of events of deep
land abiding interest to the human family.
Many are prophenying that this year in to
u itnesa a great revolution among the Chria
tian Churches. But even with an event of
such mighty importance. It will scarcely
surpass. in notoriety, its immediate prede
cessor. The year that has ~just expired,
“11l occupy a conspicuous place in the an
nals of time. It has wrtnessed tho cattlefl
mental the Oregon Question—the com
mencement of the war with Mextco, and
several brilliant victories: nl'thc Ameriran
arms, wixh the conquest of more _lerrilory
than was embraced within the limits nflhu
original 'lhirlcen Umled Slalm——an(llhe
repeal of odius reslriclinns upon lht‘ free
dam of commerce by thu cnnclmenl of a
Inberal Auwricnn anifl lauu In Europe.
it has wilncsied a more striking repudia-
«ion of the restrictive uysmm. by sevaral of
the governments. in order to make it possi‘
blc fur the poor lo live, opening llmr poml
lo the free impoxllon of American produce;
——lhc death of Ihe Head of the Roman
Catholic Cllmch, aml lhc c'uclmn Ufa auc
cesaor endowed \th scnlmwnls ollllc mm!
liberal and enlightened chnracler ;—lhe
malriage of a Duke of Frauru \ulh the ln
fanla of Spain ;——and lasl, llmugll not lea-11.
the nblileranor‘) of lhe Republic of Cum-ow,
all llml remalngd‘ol' llle once pmxerlul and
brave Kinullumlof l'olantl. 'l'bil lust may:
kindle lllc lurch of a uar m l‘lumpo lhall
may shun’ the people the “a; m cxpel eV-l
cry tyrant {nom Ihe lace of lec (-nrlh..lnd
mature in man his naturnl and “malienuble
A final {areueiL then, to the memorable
fear eig/Hrm hum/rod (“hi/orig siJ'.
[yff‘Sennlor Emum started day befmc
yealerda)‘. (Thursday) for Harrisbulg
[ETThe Ilegis‘alure of Pennsylvania
mll convene at Harnsburg on ’l‘uuday
The session wull be a very Inlares‘
llng ona—and any prison Wishing lo pm
cure aflpaper gnlng a hmhful repnn of the
proceedings, we would recommend the
Dcmucrulic Union to them. lls terms
all! 'l'hrcc [Jo/[ms a )ear—aemrueekly
during the session.
(ion: 'rn \VAR.—J.G Gl\'x~:x.odnor
oflhe Ebensburg San/incl, H a member
of the Cambna Guards. and has gone to
lhe war. The Svnlinel was purchased b}
D. (I. Zulu. by whom. 11 will hemal‘lcr be
gCP'l'hc pamollsm 01' the old Keystone
Stale has been mom lriumphnnlly Vindica-
ted by the nlncrlly exhibited tn filling the
‘lwo Regiments of Volumeers called for bv
I ~ .
'lhe War Department. to acrve during lhe
jconunuanca of lhe war wuh Mexico. The
‘lasl call was only for n Hallailon, (.3 com
!pames.) with the dx‘screllon ol making H a
Echlmcnl. should 10 or more companies
‘offer. “'thn less than one week {tom
the lime quernox Snuxx received lhe call
a Regiment Hal filled, and companies 0-
nough lo form a llmd Regiment rejected.
These companies were all raised along lhe
lines of the pnbllc'lmpxuvumcma, where
they hall every udvanxage oflransporlallon.
Were ll necessary, 120.000 Pennsylvania
Volunleers could be muslercd lnlu aorwco‘
111 less than a month. l
I At the tune the first Regiment “as called
:11” ninoothcr State- were called on for a
tchtmcnt each. Before etthcr 0! those
'b‘tates have raised lhllr quota Pennsylva-
Inia receivas a call for a second Regiment,_
“hich Is also filled. m advazica ol etther of
lher sister States wuh thetr tint Regiment;
and some of those Staten—old mother Vtr
ginta. (or inqtnnco—are now calling upun
Pcnnsylvamans to fill up thetr ranks.
lit ll thought that all the States are read)"
wnh thet‘rWngtmeltp, except M anachu
aettu. sl}th had raised but two cumpaniu
at last accounts.
The packet ship Thomas P. Cope, ow
,ned by 'l‘. P. Cope (5L (10., of Philadelphia,
Went to ace from the port of that city on
the 26th November, with 80 souls. mcln
ding pnesengers and crew. and laden with
a very valuable cargo of flour. grain, lard.
tellow, hemp,.&c, After being three days
out, her man: meet was struck by light
ning. which descended the mast and com
municated to the hemp. tellow. &0.. in her
hold. Every GXGHIOD was made by pane
engere’ and crew to another and keep down
"I. flax-ea, inzwhich they eeéceeded for}
six or seven days. when a British veuel
'cametoxlmr relief. When llre,‘l‘li\sl boar
Imus abou! leaving the burning vessel the
lmlches were opened, whin she was al
lmost immedlalely enveloped in flames. rind
lnoon aflcrwnrds an explosion 106 k place,
and lho‘Cope’ was in fragments. The
generoms Briliah Captain, in order to ac
commodale those whom he had rescind
from doslrnction, put his own man on half
ralions. After sailing thus forlen dnys
longer. they fell in with the pnckel ship
Washinglon Irving, bound to Boston, to
which the passengers and crew of the
‘Copc’ were transferred, and all were lan
ded saloly at the lhul named porl on the
110th December.
KTThe Centre Guards. Copl. Guano,
having understood_llm they were accepted
in the second Regiment. had filled their
ranks and proceeded as far as Bellefonte on
lheir way (0 l’iuaburgh, whenwlheir ex
press relurned from Harrisburg with infnr
malion lhat lhe Regiment was full and on
the march. Thv inbuflhly ol me cmzcns
of Bellclonle was handsomely displayed by
subscribing upwards of $l2OO lowmda de-
I'raying me expenses of the Gurnds lo the
blace oftendczvous;
sg,"'l'he weather continues warm,'like
April, “ill: a great deal a! rain—and as a
consequence lhc Susquehanna has been
bank full for several day s.
ler'l'he private belonging to Caplain
Hall's('nrnparly,fxorn Plnladelphia. who
“an: uuamlml m .1 fight at Pnlsburgh. has
uncc (had One or mo other: were lefl
in a dangerous situation.
prfj”'l'lno first Rogiment of Pennsylvania
Volunteers wnuld rcarh.Neu ()rlvans abnnl
lhismne. The second Regiment “ill be
Lble lo lvzvc Pittsburgh lhe lasl of next
woeL or the beginning of the neck follow
y:”'l'no iron steam uar vesse'a, a 1-H
gruc 3- a CHI/er, Will be launched 31 Plus
burgh aboul rlrc first nl February.
A I.lmm; FARM ——'l‘hc number of un
sold acres of |and belongilu~ tn the Uniled
Slates, on the Allannc sfope of the Rocky
Maunmns, exclusn'e of Texas. is upwards
ul’ ".ZUUJHJU (JUU, as appears by the law rc
porl of the Secretary 0! the Treasury.
BQ"'l‘hc fulloutn; communication was
In type for last week's paper. but it was
accndcutally omitted in making up our form.
We have SIIH'O heard that the sufierer II
dotng as we“ as could be expected:
l‘nr Iho Democratic Banner
A [Dreadful 1i cement. ;•ons
—-UeH luwnmlp. 1n lhll roun
l)’, um [do .u-rm- of II fearful nucldenl on Frulny
line 15.}. um. Two young men, “Ichnru' nnd;
('huum ry Ema, .w. u n! Asnph l‘lllu. Esq. formerly I
u! 'l'mga mumy. m Ihm Slain, \veru uul mlue;
“nod: l-rupumxg lunher [or a raft. Rucnunl, “ho!
I l
mu. hcmng.l.ud mun-d lrwu lhc mg upJn “Inch I
they were a! Work. and luhm‘d humeil ugmlul u
lrcc “Ah My hnnds m hm puck 015. An order In be
nut 01 duligrr “lulu hm brolhur ”panned uJugg'e
lmxnmc Imm" suck. which from knulnur name
UHHH run-u, “an lulhcr aluhbcru—ulmn, hnrrmlu
|u rclulof llu: nxu camped Hum Cnuuntey's gnnp
sinking Hu'hun.‘ ‘llnuugh n 1 lean. inenly' Icel dns
lunl) “uh nuch nun-mug turn; as 10 pcuulrulo In:
pumuluum. dunwrn, :nul lu'l) shirts. and almml
u-H‘Hlg I. n ugh: arm “I “.0 unslf Hll hand \H-
my! Lul ufi, but lhe purhnn m lulrgumonl 10mm“;
H.ohund ul unwn was no nmznl. uud the cm}: 01
lhu hone-a \‘.un‘ lull In ant]: nu uu‘nluleulc‘l (Hum
Ilou.m Inn-1.9m .l Hut-mar) m llh-up.h.uhl'l
[)ru, “Windu'nlnl R rhunh, uhu \\¢:n- m led upon
In! nurglcul uld. not unly luulnp uuay lhu hand, but
also l 0 {Ulnlnu nbdul Inn and u hull Hll‘hr'n of I‘m
bones 0! HI: arm-«bum nf Whlch were not urdmg
ly done. and were homo Wllh the grant“! lorll
ludu by llm unlununulu mun. '1'“: now three
days bl'lnL'u lhc upexullun, .lan he .5 doing L‘XH’L‘IIILN
Iy wall
Dr. Paschal B. Brooks, of Manchester,
N. H.. age-ii All. recently (itlt’ltt‘d :1 Wife
and ought children. to Hope wtth Mrs
Harriet 11. Hula, aged ‘22, wile of E. I)!
Dawn. 21 wm‘thy young printer oi Man»
Chester. Mr. auil Mrs. D. had been mur
ried about eighteen rnuutbu. but childless.
The Dr. had abuaed an intimacy occasion
ed by the sickness of Mrs. 1).,0n whom
he uttcudui. They Were discoverer] in
Bmtnn a lei-r days altcrward. where they
had changed their hotel leiemi times to
avoid discovery. The Dr. was niinwed to
run, on paving ‘U’Wt M ! i 561“) nno
gmng $lOOO to Liam, who at. first refu
acd. but finally accepted it. intending to
devote ti [0 the maintenance ofhis Wife,
If she behaved hL’t‘Si'”. She went buck to
New Hampshire. while the Doctor took
his winding Way Texas ward. It was at
first intended to send the rascal to thei
State Priaou, but Mrs. I). insisted than]
she Would go to prison, too, if he did.—
Sho refused to live With her husband, is
ven if he wiahcd it.
Scott’s W’eckiy Paper.
h is now pretty generally understopd.
lays the Louisville Democrat. that Henry
Clay is to be Scnuor {rein Kentucky.
For the Year 1 847.
Frum llm “(l-burg purer: ul 'l‘hurldJy
I \Vlnle (me u! l|.e boat! was \hunng (tor.
{the “In”! day bn-lare )‘csirnlny, and 31 hr
Pinrl n! allrmse hall succeeded in Ihe phuut
which answered the hdvungnes ol the um
cars. I Ilnglc snhllrr sprang upon (he hm
ticnne drnk, aml [oi-Inn; his arms up.n
his brrust Inghlnj' h» lhnugh lw wrlc um
bracing lmr hunnr. gilnnlnl, "(iml bl“.
gum! uhl Pemuylvanln." Not a man nu
woman In that vast (uncuurnc bul heau
lhe Invocation Inul dealt-”In: cheem l'rnu.
(huusnnds nl lips, re-uchucd a cheer In:
lhe dear old Slate The snldn-r Inn! mu
chm] a cum common lo all, aml cvuy
[wall Ile prnud who cnuld claim [My :1»
ms own nativc land.
Our friend John H. Miller, «In! 1: [inc
[lung—like hnnsell—un 'l'ueulay. While:
(he cc-rulnuny was gning lmwnnl olpre
a: b“(HII~, ,pwttr'a in. In 1h:- 11 it"‘t's
n.‘ H)» .Mfm-w mu-mhrn (If nnlr hf nur vu'
un'our :‘umpnlLlr--. :1 your h-Hmv said,
"\V "EL—I Mu- no Iru-ndq, l summie, and
mud gn ui'huut any exh'an." ‘Yt-u ‘hnn‘v'
say that nhn'e I'm helc,’(sald Muller. nnd
he hmk Ihu mun \vhh him to n ll?a'l‘r up
man and equipped Mm “ilh rt-vnlver an‘
kmlr u! (M- best.
‘ A habeas cutpuu was :mnmd by Judy:
{Puma yesterday, lor ILc purposx- of pH:-
‘vunling a buy named Chnlmck, hum g,”
j mg (0 Hum: 1n Capi._ lletrun's compm.)
|b'Jl as [he New England had made lu-x
plunge urer \Vhilc’a ripple (alter day
Ingln!) lhe youngster was safe in his (a
rcrr to glut}.
Mr. ()‘erlly, of Ihe Magnum: Tele
graph Luw, prescnlrd lo me punters uf
(lapl. Morehrad’. cumplny of volunteers,
behuc lumr departure, 100 volumes ”at
per‘s Family Library. This is :1 gm)".
thought. or Illvlhe pruentalions, wu re
gard [his as (he licbesl. ‘
We understand the Rev. \\. ILT.
Harm-s. (ormerly editor ol the Day
Spring, 11 Temperance paper published su
lhls cuy. isa Inembcrul Capt. Nnylul's
company. Many oi the clergy who slay
m home cnnlenl themselves with preach
ing against the war.
COLCrogth—A soldier of the Tcnnes K
\66 volunteers wrjling home gives she 10l
lowing cllaructerislic incident if the bravo
old Croghnn, at [he siurmiognt Monterrey:
‘ "We wero ”posed lo a fire for one mile
and a half. from three of the enemy‘s baa:
teri’ea. Soon after we iiarled from our
posilion, they opened a most gelling and
‘b’pprelsive fire upon us. Just at this mo
ment we met old Col. Croglinn. me hero
0! Sanduiky. with his list 06'. wavingit in
lhe air; he rode butwem in and me on.-
my’l fire, and nid, waving in: but. "0 oh
boy, gom 'l‘enneueam. remember you
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