Democratic banner. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1837-1849, January 02, 1847, Image 1

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* Tho ~ DEMOCRAT]? BANNER" m mummy
g 5 Wgokly. at 3‘2 per nnnum—nr ‘3l '7!) H [unit] In ml
”,2 \‘unce. ,
3 No ru‘wr run he disrnnhnrod (unless pl um up
{3' lion ono odilnrm unnl nll xrrenrugon nro pnilL
5‘43: ”Advertisements. &C.. m lhnfiumlnl rules
‘9; ‘-
”m; Fh‘l'El-wabl" OU}: BARKER DAYS
"l'wns Imd. when tho \mrld was {rash and ynung
’l‘hm tho lnends of earth warn few ; }
And Ihr'mes have blazed and harps hnve rung
For the henna “how lovo was lrue‘
And so, when lhn furruwmg much: u! 'l‘lmo
Lie deep (in the old Earth's brbw. w
The luilh so [mud in her ourly prune—
Shnll we hope to find 11 mm 1
r 6:
- he‘
It may be found—like lho nlno'e bloom.
In lho depth 01 western woods.
To which a hundred sprnlgn may come. (/‘
Yo: wake not its: Harry buds: .\ (‘1
But if. through llm mulls of wintry sknn. "7.,-
h shines on hfe's weury ways. '
Whul star in lhe munmenhcfivvna will [in
Like that lnend 0! our dnrkcr days? .
. qy
We know more are hands and smile! to grocx
Our steps on lho summit fair.—
Bul lone nro lln: clunbor'u wcnry feel
Whom the sleep hos"hlenk and burn:
For some have gamed lur heights um! :trunms
'l‘o lhcnr nglll “All; monung crnmr d
But the sun-mo uhod nu lhur hourl‘s I'm! \Eroums
And its light they never’lound!
.5 Yet oh. for lhu bughl oyos soon ulur,
_ When our Imlx \\ we lirxl nullified."
" And the glam-o, that once Wm. lhogunhng rlflf
' ()lour groan umnllu-red \mrhl .’
And oh. for lhe vnmc lhu'. npnko In Im a
fire We honnl \hm-old world's praiac ‘—
.5 ()no guurd In our prunnsed noon. to prove
, LIKC lho menu of our dnrkor days! _
: Alna !we have missed pllrt‘ gemthm lny
; Where [he rock sac-mm) Mom and cold
And our icnrch hum found hut Ihe hlddcn (~th
-' Where we dronmx nf pure bright unldv
'_ And dark m lhc Rig!” of (‘hnnngg yum
'- Thnl Inllu on'lhc xrunl 0| yuulh,
Till [he lhorlm grow up and tho lung-Em! lure:-
“ ln' lhn slronghuid "[135 lrulh
'l'ha nhnnen nfuur hnuwlmhl uuds‘ pcrr-lmm-o
We huvo unen lhelr hnghlnvss “an";
And [he love whirh [he Incur‘ cun gym hm Izu (-
ll may be gan m vain:
llul Hull lrnln the graves of wivhtw mung
From the dcplhsul mommy's muze.
Ono hlmsmg Fprings from lhv lu‘nr‘ um! lunguu
For the friend of uur danr draw.
I ,
She w“ n beautiful bl'i(||‘:-—-a (:u‘y
bvnunfulmnmnn. Hm’s wan um, huu~
evw. lhe benuiy which : siniuary may Illi
par! In (aid mnrblv, lho peih’rtinn hf ("uni
and (d h-alurc, in the uninucm-d bloom (.0;
youlh. but Hie living. speaking luvelinusl
ol a suul iu‘l of love. 0! Irusl. and quad
new; and n high. holy hupe flushing out‘
from ill pure shrine in every (one. or word.
or move-menu Ihc commanding beauty «d a
noble tharncler. leglbiy impressed upon a
iablcl. Every one who knew her admir
ed and honored her; but she was no! luv
vd by all. ior ahe mu not one 0! lhmc
wrak eficminalc cueniuren who nppcni.
wilh all (he helplcsunesa of infamy, lo the
lender nfieciions of Ihe heart. Men could
no! ugard her as a lair, {rail being iormed
in uliei dependence upon lhc-ir guppurt, to
be guided b) their judgement, wnrn as a
beaulilul ornament, suolhod, peiied, nud
led. jun! 39 ii pleased thei.’ caprice umun
vcnience. and so they did not love her.—-
“’omcn did not love her. because licr su-
I “10‘
peior mind could, not rotor. with Intennv
interest. into all the potty joys and (Jim's.
which seemed to them ol such merit mo
mcul. She was not transported with thr
henuty (do new bonnet, nor thrown into
vcstscies by the tones of a new piano,—
Shc could not ‘weep with the tender Mary
lor the death other pour lill'lo'cngod bird.
nor sympathise in the terrible alarm with
which ldn shrunk from the proximity ofa
caterpillar, or a big black spider. She
did not shriek, nor lull into hysterics.
when mommn’s pet lcll down upon the
carpet, or got his finger pinched. In hor
intercourse with the world she never dealt
in lluttcry or scandal. She looked with 3‘
quiet smile, on occurrencesthat were. to
others, exceedingly agitating}; and thoughl
she had always I gilt for lhe poor and n
tear [or the mileruhle' and u kind word
{or every body. still they did not love her;
and the general opinion was: She is cold.
and proud, and heartless. ‘ ‘
But she had met with one wholovod her,
a man capable of appreciating worth in
woman. who would wear her proudly as a
monsrch wears his diadem. He was. in
soul, and form. and feature. a perfect tape
cimen Ol manhood. And slut lowed hilt) usl
only a heart like her’s can love. She lllttl‘
waled thus far in life’s ynthway alone.—
Sheyad met no spirit that could blend with
her‘s. no eye. that could understand her
onto. no heart that could echo truly the
sympathies thnt made the music other lilo;
but when she met Arthur Wood. she lelt
that she hod'found all that ngs iqeces‘sary
tor her happiness. And wuefin, otter a tho
rough ncxuaintance. he drew her fondly
to his bosom, and asked if she could be
content to lollownhe star of his destiny..—
.to livthith him, and lor him, for hepatic
y 'jier
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lelt her very soul gush out. in grateful cc- l
btacy, with the clear but softly murmurred
unswor, ‘ I will.’ And she was It bride; ‘
boautilul.;hrippy. and envied. And well
might Jane Wood be envied by every wn-l
mnn that looked on} her that day, for «he
stood high above them in intellectual lite;
her spirit was glorious in a purity that
knewcriot envy, malice. or remorse; and
her hgo‘rg’tfl that deep iountnin, which, with
its cvl'éi-gushing. sweet, or bitter waters.
makes woman's happiness or misery, was
lull to overflowing ,with the rich. trusting
bliss ol perlect love. And he, “horn her
affections so Worshipped, was Worthy of
ithut homage; for he was noble of soul. und
generous of hurt. and lofty of spirit; he
had honor, genius. and a competency of
this world’s wulthmud he loved her fond-i
[Land purely,—even as she loved him.—
As the sat beside him, in his elegant, tho'
not rumptuous dwrlling, surrounded by
‘nestness and beauty, urran 'cd by the ma
flzic hood of taste, she clnspgd hn hand ten
}lerly bettveon both ol her’u to her bosom,
\and breatlieil. id's tone that seemed ol
rheaven. so ipréssive was it ol perfect su
‘ttsinctiuu. [1 i
'1 now um hholty happy; Inv heart
rm-drd only this“. lts holy place is now
filled With the presence of the deltv to
ward whom it has always yearned Without
knowing: what it net-(led : “hat nngrl In
hubitnnt shoiild be. ahlothus Io till it With
warmth. light and mime. ()n,l out hup
va—and this happiness shrill endure tur
She wan n miserable Wilt-l—zi heart-bin
ken nud bowed dnwn woman. Alone sht
flat with a heaped up work basket brsidc
her, in «me 0| thine nretchvtl thpllings
which the poor are permitted to urcup)’ intl
fear lilti agony. test, after months of Ullh
nud prmimm, thr‘)’ should not be am" to
curry tn the sumptuous palace ol lhelundw
lord, the rum, Mi p.ilti_\' tu him, demanded"
til them an lmpfi‘tltltmi)‘ lnr the pinilrge uli
amt-ring under the root which he wuuldl
not det-tn n sufiicit‘n! yheitcr lur his nulll'
lush. She mu patio. and hat], find “an ;
her spirit was with the pull of ils ytiung.
hopes but] high aspirations. and hrr heart
was heavy With the beautilul creatinnn‘
which it had lnruit‘tl and worshipped. antl‘
which disappointment had bri-ken dmin,’
and heaped in crushing ruin on their il\' ‘
Ingallur. She uu‘ poor and “'l'l'lthftl.:
and “hOCVCF looked on her, pitlctl her.‘
Pit} is invert when she ailteth down be
lit!!! the sufferer, paying :——‘ Imam un iiivi
hostini, siuler—tlmr auter.’ But uhriil
shc skulls und lnukb (ltH‘ll ui‘ion u~. though
there he tt-uia Within her eyelid; untl Ell\~.‘
‘ Pour outcast. 1 will aid theo,‘ then rvcnl
hu-i' soft hand lies likl fire up‘in the hire.
ill‘hli. Jane “'oud was pi'tctl, untl pun-i
ell bi; lor she was Incanly ti Hull, and
her :iusbnntl was it commun tliunknml!
Yes. it is lmplliplblc‘. Prthur Wood.
the high wu‘it‘tl, the svnmttie, the iiitcllrtz.
tunl. the luring~ and beluxcd. ilitti hi-cnui.»
a victim to Cll’dl and almlml, 11.- hm}
gtiiiblt-d away his pruperty. he had ilruw.
lll‘d his soul in intuxu‘uting liquurl; he
mn- holding with the bust-st. seeking (‘ttt-
Illnyiienl lit-re and tht‘lL‘. that he might
gain rumcient I()gtflill_V his Uthllr’nciiublt
thilst. And she. the ticglt-ctrtl, the sul»
lt-ring, the uhu~etl woman. elm. itt\'L‘ti him
dearly still. And Chttfllun peoplc- ~wind;
'We would be urnernu: to Mrs. Wood,
but it is ul H 0 net; lm‘ Whatever she (lb
tum: she luvi~he~i upon her btulul hulband.
She hits no Chl‘li‘etl (S; might enjoy a guud
situation an tilirst- or utfl'i‘lnesb ; bllii she
millilaborfic stifler.& pay rent. that he mu)
have u Ih'eller, to nhich he resurtu only to
consume her earnings. rind repay her care:
with ripprubious language. She is a hint
lsh wmnun, and mum tlu the be.“ We can.'
And b 0 UVQI‘. (hr best part of tlii: woild u.
cuwtl, tu censcrence, the iuLk ui’ hui) Litu
She hul spread her table with the plain,
hut wholesome food which her labor had
provitled‘ and which her hand had dren
ed. She had arranged every earticloin her
lonely abode Wllh purlecl neatness. and
now bhe uwmtcd the return of her hun
bmtl, who promised to be home by revert
o’clock. Seven o’clock went by—eighi
struck, and yet he came not. Dark and
lawful thoughts canic crowding upon her
rout. Beautilul metnot‘iel went sweeping
pnsl, in funeral procentun. each to throw
her latlcd garland upon the grave of hope.
Meager specties pointed ton dark 8; star
my luture. and her spirit seemed reeling
on the verge of deatruction. Darker and
more terrible grew the spectrea that aur
rountled her; Poverty. with net 'n_vt'ntr
like even, gathered her rags around he:
walteil term, and crept shivering In her
utruw bed in the shattered hovel. Din-use
lay writhing on her cuucli oi torture ;
Gmlt crept by, vainly seeking to hide the
lace, on which wus impressed the intlelli
blc hand 0! inlam)’. Anti scorn. nith lace
averted. pmntetl with her finger. which
pierces the heart with-the "1051 unendurii
ble agony. And still her husband was
the victim, and through his eoul the ahufts
came with keener agony to her own;
‘1 can endure no longer !’ she cried at
length. 'Oh, it is too much-—-lou terrible.
How have I deucrvetl such it feartul punish.
ment? There is no justice on earth. Is
there any in the administration of Provir
(lencb? Wherelorc wits «I created‘ and
cuduwcd with superior abilities, to. be de
gr'mled to this abject plate? IH hiiyc (le
served all this, alld‘il is theretofic I suffer.
why are nthcrs. no better than I. exempt‘
from punishment? There is no justice.’
Aslshc apokr, a shuddvr run through her
frame. a livid shntic paused over her pale
face, she clasped her hands over her {are
heud, und making on her knees, bent her
ftice upon the neat other chair. At that
moment, a tail, haggard mnn crept steal
thily into the mom, Hianppnrcl wal rug
lged. and smiud with earth, and an old hat.
which was crowded dawn oven his eyes,
half-concealed his lehturel.
'I Will hcar her hypocritical canl,’ he
murmurred ; but in the lumull olhcraoul’a
neony, she heard him not.
Long lime he lislencd. and caught only
convulsive sob: and wild ejaculations; yet,
such was her uppnrcnt agony that he rould
nol, dared not iulcrrupl her. A! lcnglhl
she rinsed her head. Her eyes were red~l
wuh tom. but they glowed With the war
meat gush of {ct-ling.
‘()h. l’ttther,’ she cried, in 11 clear, glad
voice. ' now I see thee, mm 1 see thee!
now I knnw that thou art. Now I believe
that thou henrest me. Oh, I thunk thee!
that thou hast dispelled lrom my "lltltl the
blackness of tlntkncs‘ which had gathered
tH't‘r it. [wt in the cold shadow ul den
pair, andtsuul there is no God—because I
could not we thee. Thou knotvest then]
have suffered. 'l'lmu kntmest all my Bor
runs. 'l‘lmu hast seen my tears. my rtrug
glcs. with all the ills that have beset my
pathu‘ny. 'l‘hou will turglvc the bitter
nrss ul my nnul‘l agony. Thou \vllt lut
ten tu me tins once—this once. oh. God! 1
bt‘ht‘cclt thee. Ltmk, Father! what It wretk
he has become. Set—nee how error has
tulttt‘tl thy mmt perlect work—thine own
ulotmus image. My God behold! He Is
not “holly lost, the stamp of tlivtntty in
not efL’tcwl {mm his brow ; am «I all the
rum that t'nw uushthgly uhuw, still then
are .leulonu “ht‘lt It flushes out EH it uun
unnt. nntl fills my .‘plrll mth u hlllLlOW of
It! early happtttess. It is not ptnttty. it
Is not tell, It is nut the mnlnl‘s rcurn, that
Ernsltt‘s mo; tt Is my sumo“, my nhgutsh
tnr huh. tor the Dltght htnt fallen on ltllll
in whom I glutietl. UtPttl Gmll thuu nttt
uh'e to sue htm. 'l'huu nrt able by unu
thud) t-l thv finger to zmnkcn l;t~s‘utuher-
In; aptt'tt. and «an: tt strength tn hunt the
bowls utth wltlclt Ilttlitltnrlll Delilah l 1;
buuntl ins lttnblc faculties. Fatherl—Fa»
thrt’. hear, I do beseech lheel’
‘Amcn—Alnrnl' burnt lrom the heart
of ‘he linen”. and he cucuclml lu-r waisl'
“Uh his buny arm. hem which [he 0M £O.ll
dun- hung In Hallo”. 'Gnd has heard
you, Jnnr. :m' hngcl~m) lllr‘s guardian.
(Em! inn hruul.‘
In that hnuv, u~ Jant “'ond lay aubhing
upvm her husbmd’s bosom, with her arms
[mm-d lovingly urouud mm. shr vxperlen
ced u hurplnv‘a~ ro high, so pulc..~o full 0!
heaan.Hlul ahe [CH mwrpnid In." a}! the
hall MlfTeu-ul.
Silt} Nit in 'ht- ("tllll evening beside her
hughud, in their beautiful home by llH'
silvri) srhuylktll. 'l'he elegance of Cnin
potent-v and the refinement ul taste, were
übvnnu- mthin and Without the munuun;
‘lllt'l'c was no Visible lack of uny thing that
would mini-tor tn human lt'Applht‘S'l. She
hum rt ruling, hut lit-iiuently lifted her eye:
llrotn he: bunk ttmmd hetnt‘n. With ejacu
llnttom of both soul lrlt delight. that her
llu‘bflfltl looked anitliiigli‘ upon hci liuxn
lthc paper on which he “in earnestly in
ltt'nl. At length he laid his linlltl un her‘s.
lwlitch tested mi the tab'-, and plum; the
Knit-w Deluxe hur :
‘llr'ic, Jlilk‘: he bflltl, ‘ rend and re
juice at; your wurk. Thme who hold the
huh-nu.- lnr the gems ol mind. have timi
tlul that tho hunk you so much admire h
mirtlzy Ul an t‘xultt'd place In the temple
oi hum; that it uhull live lotevCr.’
‘ She lcll on her lint-cs at his leet, hid her
lime in his balom,fltld(‘jflculdlcd n lervent
‘Thnnk God! l knew that you wane ca
pnlJlL' til llllS—Ol more.’
The llthbatLd ruined her, embrace-d her,
lcrvently, and huvmg scutrd her beside
him, looked Wllh indescribable gl‘d'tlutlt
and tt‘ntlo’rwno; into her lcurlul eyes.—
'lhey \ye'flc J beautilul couple. although
each had panned their lut‘tlEllt year. Ila
was ill the lull pruic and strength of I vi
;nrous manhood ; time had lukcn nothing
lrnm hi» youthful beauty, but‘hnd fixctl up
lnn lilo lenturrs the tulty ,and ’{ilurtous 9x
lpressiou or the snul‘u loveliness; and alw.
l.i|thungh her cheek had lost Its roumlncss,
and th bright “itching curls. were an In
tellcctual and holy loveliness aurpaamng
all the charms of youth. The husband
held. between both of his, the trembling
hand that had given itsell to him no long
ago. and which had never ceased to minis
ter to his bt‘al interests, He looked luV
ingly upon it. and glanced udmiringly on
the round, lair arm that rested on his
'Janc.’ he said, 'permit me to recur,
{his once, to flu: put, ullhough it in a nub ‘
jecl 0! which you have treated me never
lo Spcnk. Tell me. my wife, wheplyou‘
recall nil the past, with its rainbow h‘o‘pes,‘
its real sorrows. its inmnsa uu'lfeuing‘l‘élr‘:
when you review your whole Herdogytnu}
fee‘_|,d_ispoaod to weep. or {o rejuiqq, any);
Providepcg that created‘avnd endowed-you
-—and made you inm’é'?’ ‘ ""_‘
». "lnjoice. my ‘hfiflbdngé'musl heml'ily
do 1' main {and Hints can“, for rejoic
zing, lq’rggrpl]. I am the prgudeslybwpiust
" ‘3 ~ ‘ LH‘ALIL'ZIIEU
wile living; proud of my huaband, nm
happy in his love.’
‘And you may well be proud and hop
py. tlcar Jane, lor all that your hurbnntl in
you have mode him. Nobly have you lul
fillod your mission” 7 my wile.’ Yo‘u have
laVetl your husbanil, body and soul. in
lime and in eternity. Tlt’o world may no
ver know this. but it is known unto God,
and heaven shall rejoice in it torever.——-
You linvo lillul your station. you have
that which every true woman i», n guar
dian angel. Her ministrationa, like those
of unembodied angels. are performed in
silence, out] with an invisible hund. Yet.
in tho dny when all ihinga are made
known. it will appear how much of the
goodness and greatneln now claimed by
man, belong to woman’s well earned trea~
aurcna. She Was formed for the perfecting
of man in huppineu, uselulnen and good
new. ‘She poneues an influence over
him, which, while it is invissilile, Ia Itron
ger than adamant“ He Wlll meet force
with force; be will TPhill tyranny to the
[ll‘th; but he is weak and gentle up an
Infant in the delightlul bonds of otrue
numun’a pure aflectton. If vice or error
error laaten upon his soul, with tho Kripe
of a hideous constrictor, antlnlrag him ta-
uny tnunrll perdltlun. hllll‘ "one \vnmAn
lou- hlm lruly. ho is not lost. Holding
him luntlly by eH-ry tr-Inlur fibre ol hll
nature, |‘.u- Sllll cltngu. p'vnrllng annually,
to the robe- ul the rltvmc mqrcy, exclaim-
Ing. like thu \Hmtlmg patriarch, '1 Will
not let thee go, except thou blow me.’--
She may hear the mark of that blruggle.
through the long night of agony, all the
day. ol her lllt‘. bul nhe “ill prov/nil. She
is an nuutl, a rnlnl-lertng. a sustaining an
gel. and Will lend the object nl her love to
her own name heaven. As
Heater, as wile, ahc hold» the destiny of
man; to form, to purify, to Inpport and
to reclaim. Aml Fll?—-—-V\"lll not her love
Dr' rlchlv ”mulled? She who hus lorm
rjd n wul to \“ntuc, she “ho has sustainml
(he [alluring lnotslepl. she whnhns reclni
tnetl the wantlrrer, and saved her lm'rd
one, burly and soul, Is not her reward
‘ On. June. when you look upon
tour husband, do you not leel conscious
ol \\rll-tlulllg—-a triumph of love wlnch u
ul llsell a hwun? Anvil" lills ahnll be
your» luH‘Vet‘. For cvury‘rgcm which the
worlrl bestovu upon hun. agillrl)p of pure
lelxctly than {all upon your h‘e‘nrl, SI. M'e
ry blusl ul lume’s loud clarion, nhnll awn
kcn in your soul, a still. small voice ul the
nitrates! upprt-batton ; nohly have you lul
fillml your nnsamn. You have suverl lrnlu
penltttnn the soul with much your own l!
eternally blendrtl by the ties nl lnvc;antl
still, as that soul progreuri in knowlmlgv
and gourlnen, und uululncss to man. and
In Hp upptuachea towanl Gotl,sn\\lll_\‘our
happinesl and lojolctn; mcrcuw larcws‘
and cvcu.’
BY THE yousa 'UN
A hruce of legs, thrust considerably too fore, which had been deposited in hll coat
lar through a patrol mottled pantl. Ind nt- ‘ pocket. In his progress down the match
tacht-tl to u couplcvul the largest sized feet. or had become ignited, and by the time he
which “are encased in twin cowhide biti- limit reached the lirot flight he had partial
gain. [tinned the under pinning to a long. _ l_\' recovered lroni the first effects of ‘thc
nth aided body wt otticrwsc getiotuus pio t-i.ork’—-but the fluid tiiigted through his
potttutis, the uho‘tr. hci'ig buttiiuutitcd by n l veiiu, his coat tails were on fire, and he
lit-ad, which was LUVCtt‘tl With a gin)" 'livc l in“ not not forward’ in his imagination
year old’ {at least) ht‘hl slum cap. Thulnny. by this last elTurt of his tormentora.
“In lUlßl—lf‘lfiu pantry, ll‘el- “High bmllec dineovered the fire, and presumed it
and [lie]: .t iwwtu the property. by ima- ‘ was part and parcel ol the ‘eusacd inven
af!ntt:fl.t .'.. Xt‘tmb Hunispun, tion' he sprang to his let-t, and with both
Zena: i...»'. becn on ‘a hat’ during the I hand; hmltty artwork behind him, for the
night. p thug, utitl had squandorrd lUlllpurpuac ot amodiering the flame, which
hall a uUwitr tilt ltltnu}ll.ltt Wllllc Cit: and wag [unfling [he sent 0' big inexprqghible‘
meetning. llut hin rc‘lutlitllght‘ltat‘smade he 'put’ tor the street door at lull ggllop!
him lcet pllnouti'ililCdl and on the morning ‘Firel Fire! Holpl yll't.’ ow] murd—
lWo speak of him,hie Ituod at an early hour fire! help it ghoulcd the victim, 33 he dar
it“ ————ntreet :tl'Llng lllEClliHllCLlly n'. the ted into the hire“.
‘tclegtapliic \t'iren—autiloqutnttig lll‘Uta Wine: Away he dashed tOWarda “ultimate. at
l ' —-— ’lcl—Thtit’! l‘nu félflgrufl*W—' I speed which the ‘lightin line’ itaelt might
{‘c—well lduu’t pooraeive nuthin' pt'r-- have been proud of. Luckilv, a aquaro
:‘ld Cull'r ,bout the!" Sll'lllgl, OD”. 000.5 ”ii-"l“: ducgvcre‘] a lEI'VSDI Iwiih B hose
ibtgget' ’cti t’othvr—ic,’ attached to one ol the hydrants. busily en
‘ "l'hut’otlie ltgltltltli', big ”uni, “ill glued iii ~g oh the paVL’tlll‘nl- He
an urchin in the door way n 8!” bJ‘ rushed to the Ipol and turning short be
: “then do“: “16—.” start E" [are him—a pan/eriort—he begged him.
'Ynu’d l-clter ax t" thar.’ at the top 0! ll!!! voice '{or Uod’t salto’ to
‘r'r/ltfl‘i’, ‘put him oull’ '
I'ln ll“: OfilCPi “Killian, l PQl‘lltlpl 1111 sable lriend'a eyes didn’t
The water was ahown to the door (it the i glisteu. and may be his 'ivory’ didn’t shino
building, and ‘hy hook or crook’ lound his art he cllartlubly turned ‘the current of
way up three flights ol stairs, into the Tel- ? that atrearnfiupon the unnii-iitinnable por
t‘giaphic office. The ni‘ttotidantl enquired i tioti oi the po’or devil’s netliertncnts!
What the gentleman had to l’ot'ward P' i . "l'he fire watt extinguisher] without ac
‘ Fot’ud—Jic—nho’a u/te." . tritiua damage,’ an the papers lay—the Ina
‘What will you and 9’ {er was thoroughly saturated—and having
' Send whari" ' lexchanged his ‘lteuvy inside wet' torn
'Thli is the Telegraph oflice, sir.’ {skin drenching. he departed. perfectly ao
' Well—’tc—who’n thunder and it ‘ ber. flmitlst the jrera ofthe crowd who had
wasn’t i’ ’ Witneswl the finale—most vocileroualy
' l supposed you had businesl, air" coming all improvements in magnetism
‘ Nuthin’to’ the lon—'lC. quile the ra— and combunlblea!
'ic—pverie o' the contrairy.’
' What will you have P’ >_ .
‘ 1 want to make some fit—(tuning
The hour being early” _and little doing.)
the clcrka very clini'itnbly determined _uP'l
on' some tun‘with the tellow. with “W VIBW‘
to sobering hitu.’ The "PP”“W‘U l‘”
anything gratuitquuleacupcd them, "”“9'”
£545]. M the} coiniuepced a consultation
upon Ibo heat tie.'iriii.tq bang/it the intro
det‘. he alcpm’d up to otte of the bntterte.,
‘which happened tortunatcly.’ to be but
ihghtly charged. and concluding that the
nm were portable. he pulled ,liia cup “yer
his forehead-and nttetripted to remove one
of the balls, the next moment Zenss lay
stretched upon the floor.
He arose as best he could. and turning
to the clerk, with . A
‘Look here. Mister—’ic—m-ot’S yure
name? I kin lick as many sich like skunks
as you, as could be druv into n forty aiker
lot! Wot in ———did yer—’ic—nock so
innersent man down that way fer P—oh ?’
' Nobody touched you’ slid the clerk.
‘ The ———- they—’ic—didn’t !’
, ' No. air. You took the’-——-
'Tock wot? Yore’l yure cottemptible
copper"—-nnd proceeded to dash I loose
penny towards the attendant. which lay
upon the machine—his fingers came in
contact with the battery; and away he
went again heels over 'head, across the
floor ! ‘
' Look ‘yero continued the sufl'ereri who
bylthis time. was well nigh sobeved—"otl
blunt yer internal ptctur. what in thunder
are you ’bnout i’ .
‘Ynu mustn’t handle the tools’——ob
, served the clerk, nearly bursting with
‘ Look yerc! Mr. VVot’a your unmo—
nin't to be looked this yer way for nuthin’
—-—l nrn’t. By thunder? I’m a independ
ent lndwixlooal. l am—and this yer;
notkiu’ people down. without notice nfn‘b
kind, un‘t the thing. by —! El you’ll
open that yere door 1’” go out 0’ this. and
no questmns asked—~'
‘ That’s the door, slr'— '
‘ That buss handle 5" ‘
l ' Yel.’ .
‘ I’m b|owed if‘you do. ‘hough P This
child don’t meddle win: nomore' hardware
1n Ihis trap no how 'l’ .’
The door was opened by (he clclk, Ild
the lcllnw sidlcd out. A luppressed laugh
pervaded me coumemnco of \he attend
ant, us Zcunl departed, which. I: the
dam cloned, vented Mall in a broad haw
-You’re a smnr! young . gentleman—
you are P’ bawled the louder, through the
keyhole, as he held the door last with both
hands—'you'rc a very young may be!—
Yuu‘c like to git out 0’ (but, and go to
yunre breakfnn. bimeby. may he! Al'
ofyvr do g'n any grub before noou,jest
TN n [elm 'huul my me know ix—will
yer? I‘ll Much you U) knock people
down. Ilmullauoously, for no!hin’-—-l will’
and. from the preparmions making on (he
ouh-ide, the praipec‘. wa! that the ‘inli
dt-Is’ were (u be made prisoners.
A ‘hought muck the attendant. He
dmcnnnech-d the wire, and plnciugit in
lcumncl “Ilh the nob of \he door on the in
lmdr. hm compunon |el (m lhe battery."
‘ The door flew open inamntaneuuily and
‘our ulien! “ranger, with me seal skin
‘cnp, Was discmercd in the act of uni-lu
‘gular descent (luwn i'ilfl. [he rude of his
>hend ”taping Ihr paint from lhc edges! of
in]? steps, and his legs. meantime, pertor—
min: an Invulunlary piroueHc. which
[would have dum- infinuecrudino a French
dancing mailer.
It so chanced lhnt Zanas had purchased
3 bunch u! luciler malclxe-I lhc night be-
THE Enl'rou.—Au lllleldUul cmulum
mg n paper as H should be, will read e~
nough Infill his paper fifty .limea eVCry
week. He publishes that portion which
he deems mun. important. nml‘ which he
[kinks most-accépldble um] .crviceable ‘0
IIiI {cllnw men. - ‘ ‘
’ “Mien 3"“ men! first inlu-nduccd into
lhe Navy? When Noah mokllum' into
the Ark with him.
' ,wo—giléyn' "hint; ’?
' Abuut loo.6oo.buhi)ghim£?WJxeat‘an! re
lmaiqingat Buflulo [amt/farm storagv.
> T: 'u