Democratic banner. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1837-1849, December 26, 1846, Image 2

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    ~..m-n—vmm‘_vmeml_ I'.-'_-
Latest from Mexico.
We received yesterday (saye'llte ‘ New
Urleantt Picaynne' nl Deremlter' 10} ps.
pan from the city of Mexico to the 17th
of November— fully two‘weeke later than
our'previoue advicea from the capital.
one oi the first things We notice in tlte
pspe’rtt'is I correipondence between Gen
erol‘Teylor and Santa Anna in relation to
the termination ot the nrtniuicf. ,Out of
‘thihcorreepondence proceeded'the’ieleare
of _leven’ 'Arnericnn priconerr who were
filth _the Mexican army at San Luis.—
Thls correspondence is' interesting and
Important. It will be fnund below, to-'
"Either 'lith the names ofthe primncrq re
,lllle'd. Santa Anna’s letter breathes our
solong as the Mexican‘soil he polluted by
the toot of a single Amerirnn tn nuns.—
Siltch. too, is the tom- ot the paper; before
til, though we think their denunciations
are-hemewhat lesa violent than they were
a short while ago. ,
Attention is very, much engraved by
the prepsr’ationu tor the met-tutu of the
Congress, which has, ere thte, an-emhled
in the capital. About torly deputies were
in the city on the lTrh ult.. and we note a
request- from the Secretary nt State that
thev should enrol lheit‘ names, &c., tltnt ~
thery might be summoned for the prepara
tory meetings so soon or a quorum should
be~present. .
The papers are filled with amendments
to the constitution of 1824. prnpotted bv
the assemblies of the dim-rent States ; unit
then subjects form prominent topics ot
discussion for the press. The nllicial jour
nal says the Executive is anxious for the
assembling of Congress even belore the
day fixed by law, in consequence of lltt‘
urgent nature of the subjects to be brought
before it. ‘ As first in importance are enu
merated I. the events til the war with the
United States of the North ; the necessity
of great resources to sustain it. and to
some other points relative to t/tifimpar
tan! business.’ This in the nearest allu
sion whtch we see to the otters of our gov.
amount to negotiate tor peace. in the
same Diario (laernbs'crno tn \\ltich we set
this. Is inserted the irticle from the Vern
Gruz Indicarlar. which mentioned the re
ceipt of despatchee it‘nm our government
early in November. The Iridicatlar’s ar
ticle'is copied without comment, from
which it may be presumed that such des
patches were received. ‘
, We find in the Mexican napere official
communications from the authorities of the
diluent Stntca nSEutiu: the got-eminent
that the disseusions. and threats otdissen
sinus, which appeared in the cupitai in OC
teher lset have not availed totlisturb trun
quility in the States.
We see no indication that General Al
mome will leave the War Department. as
reported at the north. We find a great
vlriety of orders emanating lrotn him.—
One re-eatublishee the actire battalion of,
'Celsye, its ranks to be filled lrotn the aux l
ilieries of Allende ; another prmides tor
the organization ot the lancer: of Puebla,
ea ejquadron of active militia to operate
in that State [and another. more import
ant. in to the following eflect: That in
consequence of the necessity ot ntrength-'
citing the permanent artillery at Ccrtainl
points Which may be attacked by the Uni
ted States, or at points . which may be at
tncked by the United States. or at poiute
contiguous to those threatened, the Presi
dent decrees that tthile the war lasts. two
additional companies at artillery aituil be
raised—one lot" theStute ot Tabasco, the
other {or the fortress of Perote. . There
are other military protioiottsol Alntontc,
ill indicating the utmost activrty in the
discharge of the duties at his uflice.
~ A letter is published trum General San
to Anna communicating the utter ot a re.
'tired olficer of militia. Colonel Ralael A
g‘uire, to raise and support ten toot sol
diers at his own expense during the con
tiniuance of the war. The general accep
ted the ofer, with his thanks In the name
at the nation.
1 In an urgent appeal to the new Con
g'rei's. made irom San Luis. the deputies
aroentreated to intrust Santa Anna with
diptato'rinl powers for the prosecution at
the war. Above all, they are solicited
nbt‘t‘o barter away the rights of their pos
térity to secure present relief, but the ra
ther-ail they succumb they must. ‘like
Is tciontßome. to the power of thetnrasion
gathe barbarians ofthe .north’—to be
-77: I'ttgtith their impresctipttblevrighta to un
”glhei' generation. which, ‘ like the handful
'o] heroes who took refuge in the mountains
at the Asturias._may.sumc daysuccoed'in
oxtermihatwg their unjust inraders.’
'_We see nothtog definite in relation to
the army concentrated at San Luis ; nor
down find any mention whateter ot the
disseosiuna which are reported by way ol
Tllpico to exist in Santa Anna’s ranks.
But we find the lollowing paragraph to
‘genersl terms in regard to their troops:
~ 9,! Mulch: Anna—From every part
nflhai’rcpubhc are arriving, lo incorporate
-th‘qmua|'ves with our army, bodies of troops
of!" mm; an'd'we believo‘lhal wilhin a
[ehz'dnynwe lhl" be able to see a consid
erable number of (room; which will serve
{optbg’dglenco‘tif this city. ~ln truth, ul
‘bflfihgfinlmltin-c‘hlef‘hal'di’rccléd that it
bi? lp‘rllficdmilh energy, . find at lhis’ day
Ihi‘dclfuulve works are in any 'nd’vanée'd
lli’l'e fifth: town til Tlasculi, {u hn'gijuu.
cod'point towards lhe ‘norlh ol‘lthiu "capi
tlls” "‘/ I‘., ' ' 1
,Fi'o.u“{fie‘ 'poéttion’ of this pnrpgra‘vph'jn
ib‘d‘Dia‘iio. ‘we’ siippméd it hm‘refgreqc'e'
tofth'e‘icilj‘of'Snu lm‘u ; buUrom‘lhe cgu:
Ind-lid {he sildatio‘n of Thank. it'mny
poqgibly, have :fefemnce (a the defence‘ol
(‘39 city. of Mexico itsellfrom any. imm
sipnlbyfilhe ..routa. pl Vern Crup, We
kgp'yy pf buouo toym of Tlqscala—oncc
anlmpottnn! town within IhoJimita 0' (he
territory 0! Puebla. Possibly ther}: is,
some village 0‘ th! '8'“? 9"“ "0"“? ”r
Snu‘Luil, ‘nhichfwou'd "990'"! 0‘" d'tfi'
cuitr. . i, , .
WE find a paragraph indicating that the
American nrmy under Genernl TU'U"
might be expected from the north by way
of Saltillo about the 21% of November,
threatening Sen _Luin. It will receive it
terrible thrashing. says the editor,“ the
remnant its temprity. . z
Genern| ()ihnn, governor of the state nt
San Luis. in view of the irniuuliate ap
pronch of our iirmy. and in order that when
the Mexicanq lvnvc that city tn inn-t us
the city may no! bt- iindvivndcti. calls up
run the nicades of the .lifivrvnt neighboring
tun-M thnt thry bring with them the Villn
grin to guilt In rtrcnzthening the {uniti
cntinnl of lhn city. This call it duh-ti the
24th October. and only dmnnnrls a week's
uork nt them with ishnvel, pick-Mien. 81:.
It Is tn he prrsumed. wv think, that thr
deft-nun of the inwn have been very much
strrngthrnrti by thic timv.
. ltrnnv nut be nut of place to Itlgflt‘ll
here that m-rv the“: disscneionr among
Santa Anna': trunpe. the tufiiciciui juur
hair. which are an we have, are not very
likely to rvcnrtl them.
()i the advance of our trrmpsupnn Tum
pirn the Mt'xicnns l'liit'ril‘iilt‘ti no tlnubt
nit far hark in the Int ol Novrnihcr, not
are nny measures ltlggciit'ti lur winking
“'9 find several notices of vent-ls 0!
our squmlrnn in (he :1)”, but the (nth al
leged are alien crrnncnua, uml our mhices
direct from the uquadrun are much later.
A Iclu‘r (rum Mazatlan. dued ()ctubcr
L’Blh. saw. Hut lhe Cymc was will block
:uling 111-1|! pul'. “'9 have no ulhrr news
(nun lhe Pacific vquadrun by this arrhnl.
Senor Villamll has been appaimrd min
ister ol'finnncr. and look lhe oath 0! office
on the 17m ult.
One 0! the meniures Ul'fit‘ll upon the
new Congrefis in the official journal, is a
new territorial dividon of ericn, more
just than thnt which existe-l upon the our.
throw of Spanish domination. This up
pears to us like a rulical measure. tend
mg to rcntrnlism.
Deplorublc accounts are again rorcivml
lrom Durnngo, of the ravage: ml the ludi
ans in that Slate and Chihuahua, In one
paper we find a list of killod, wuundt-d.
Ind‘priwners made by the savage: in a
fight near the end of Octobrr. The mig.
crable country appears quite unable to
protect itself lrotn thmc lndinm.
The Diario of tho 14'h is authonized to
contradict an tmprmsion rrratrd by the
Monitor Ropublicnnu, of tho I‘2 h thnt Se
nor Eclu-verria liud propns‘rd a loan to the
government half in huh and half in old
bonds; and thi. not lit-in: nrcn‘ptetl. had
suggested that a forced loan should be do
0n the lOlh ofNuvx-nrbcr Genera! Santa
Ann; l'ranunmed l 0 lheSecretnry of \err,
from San Luis Poloai. hit correspondence
wilh Gvncrnl 'l‘nylur relating to (he termi.
nation of lhe armutico. The {Hut letter
is from the governor nfCunhan. (nwriug
Gen. 'l'avlor’! {em-r furwurdcd by the
hands ul szur Graham. \\'u should not
do such injuflice tu Gen. Tay‘m'a letter
as to 'lranalale it from lhe Spanidr, inlo
which we find i! rendered. wrrcit n‘m ne
(“mny to render rrrtolligiblc and more
pointed the rvpsy of Sanla Anna:
‘ HEAD QL'AR runs. .\ run or Occt'mwm,
Mann-ray. Nov. .‘7, 1846.
" Sm: In the cnnvention agreed upen
the 24010! September, it was cruiceded
that the American torn-s should not pas-.-
a stipulate-I lino belore the animation of
eight Weeks. or until they would receive
orders or instructions [ruin their govern
ment. In cunlurrriity thvrcmth. l have
the hnuor of :ippi'isirig you that my gov.
ernment hiu directed me tu terminate the
suspusiun of hontil'ities; and accordmgiy
l cmuider myselflt liberty to pass the ('B‘
signated line after the 13th inst” by which
datel presume lhll cmnmuuicatiiin WI”
have reached your hands at Sari Luia Pu~
" I have born informed that thermal A
moricune, who wvre taken primneru at
China and other poems, arenow at San
Luis. detained us such. I trust you will
deem it an act 0! juntice to release these
men. and allow them to rejoin the forces
under my command. .
-' \Vhen the convention was entered in
to to which I have refeircd. l entertained
the hope that the terms in which it was
conceived would open the way for the two.
republics to agree upon an honorable
peace; and, nctlng; upon lhis conviction.
1 atonce l’cifflflt‘d the prisoners ot war who
Were in my power. among whom were
three officers. At that time I did not
,know that there were any American pris
oners who had been sentinlo the interior.
I trust that my conduct Will be deemed a
sufficient ground tojuslit'y you in yielding
to this torque", and to the dictateoof hu
manity, townrdl the American prisoners
who. I am told. are at San Luit.
.“ In case Major Graham, the bearer of
this communication, reaches your hud
qunrtcrs, I talc. the' liberty to command
him to your courtesy; and I shall be plea
sed to receive by him your reply to this
communication. whateur it may be. I
have the honor to be. with the greatest
respect. your obd’t serv’t. '
. " Z. TAYLOR.
" Maj. Can. of the army ol the U. 8.
"Tuition. D. Antonio Lopez defiantn
‘ Aqua.Commander-in-chial.” .
.1 " meuma Ranucm Axum
" San Luis Poloni,NoV. If), 1316.
.v '3 Samoa Gnmmu. : ‘AI 10' this mom:
“‘3, .by an official communicn‘lién of the
KOVerndr of Conhuilh oi the 81h inltu _I
received your letterrolu‘lhe 53h. np‘pfiaing
(118.0! yourjinmntion. by order of your gov
ailment. ‘.bf'breakin‘g 'lh’c éonvqtition a;
greed upou‘at‘Montérey. on the 24d: of
Scptemberfilnst. and passing. on lhe l3ih
of lhe preseh‘t 'month‘dhc line lherein deg.
ignolrd, by Which date you supposed I
should receive our c'ommuoigafion. ’
" Believing (Kim the germi'itipulnod in
mid t’onx‘enlion hhmild be rrligiously 0i)-
.ocmu-d by both parties, l had/lake!) no step
which should tend to vacplc it; but in
view of the oblignlion you Ideem imposed
Upon you by the orders of your govern
ment. 1 confine myn-lf by replying lhul
you can, when it pleusea you, commence
hostilities. to which I shall correspond ac
cordingly. ‘
“ In regard to llxa American priioners,
let me say lhal ihere are only normal
them at llxis port. a llal of whom is unnu
ed ; and relying upon your representa
iion in regard lo lhe rclcne ol' Icrcrnl
Mexicans, I have dulcrnnnod to respond
to your geocronity by doing lhe some to
lhe H-ven rrlerrrd in, whom [he cnmmis
navy ol (his army will supply uiih $570 for
their uunleounce upon lhe roud.
" You H’mnl’k lhal ulwu the convenlinn
was ('nu'rml inm at Munlcrey you cnlt‘r-
Ininod lhe hnpe \hat the [onus in which ll
waq conceived wuulnl upcn the way lur [he
[no rcpublin \0 agree upon an klmuralfle
peace. Laylng out ol the qumlinn Mirth
cr (lml cunn-nllon “an (he resullgnl no
crssily or ol lhe noble \icws nu“ disclu
std by you. 1 content myself will: mying.
thnl [rum [he spirit and deciaiun mnmleil
ml by all Mcxncnns. you should banish all
l(ll'.1 ofpuce while a singlc Nurlh Annm
can in arms lremh upon lhe lcrrimry 0!
[his republic. and [here remains in Iron!
of us repnrls the tqundmm which make
war upon mom. Neverlhrlvs‘, llu‘ u'Jn
ordinary Cnngveu mll aumnb’e In the
tlpllal towards lhe cntl 0! llH' prncm
your, and lhll nugust body will (lclvrminr
whul ll ulunll judge umn! suitable furlhc
honor and (he Intercsls of the nalion.
Mujnr Graham has nut arrived at my
quarters. Had he done su,he Would have
been received in lhe manner due whip
rank and unplnymrnt, nnd in coulormily
“ith the WIN]?! cxpressul (a me in his bc«
haHby you.
"I have, (he hunor of offering you lhe
avurancos of my didmguiuhed considera
llon. Gm] and Liberty.
" Senor Major Gen. Tnylnr. General-in
chic! ol the army ul (he Uniled Sun's
of the north."
The following in 1: list of the prisoners
whom Sergeant Muriauo Hernandez con
duclrtl to Sun Luis l’ulosi. and who have
been set a! llberlv by Gt-nerul Santa An
na: Charles \\. Tulh, .luhn Harriamnn.
Edmnul F. Fccnv, Henry I’. Lvon. Jpn.
Q Read, Elisha Porn. and 'l'lmmua Gil
ll is probable lhnl there may be sumc
slight luaccurucv in the nbu'e mm“.—
'l'm. of lhe men lhui slvml were 'l'exanq,
who, It was suppusml at Munlcrcy nmung
their comrades. wwc dead.
The reader; 0! lhe abu're torrcspnndcnu
may be curiuun lo knuw lmw the Mexicans
regard lhe resumpllun ol huslilltiu. “'t
lrnrnlale llle lender nl lhe olllcml juurual
ol the llth Ull., which I! by no means an
arrogant and hl'” cunfidrr.l as Is Usual
will: Mcxicm cdHors: ‘
‘ “By lhr Lummuuiculincs which we (hi.
dny ingcn‘ our readers will learn lhal Gen.
Taylor has declared lhal he is nbnul lu re
commence honililics upon the rcpubllc.—
The moment has arrived—lho result ll
close at hand 1)! :1 u-rrlble cuufllcl which
i‘ to decide lhe fulure 10l 0' lhe nation.
“ The enthusiasm ul our army in great ;
ll ll dclcrmiucd to [all or lrxumph ; and
we trust ll will know how In nvrngc wuh
hunur (he vaican blood which lluweu' at
Mulamuras and Monk-rev.
" The wlmln world is cnulcmplnllng
this I'ruggle; its eye's are fixed upon uur
H‘publll‘, whose righu and prerogatives as
an lnllepmulenl and sovereign nation luvc
been as uuducnuudy nu peclidinualj tram
pled upon by the UAln-d Status nl’lhc
north, If the I’Ppubllc risen With the e
mcrgrncy—if, by :hv clushc lmpuhe ul all
its cmzem, it shall chasuueilspncmies.
and il by lnrco 0| arms it makes lla‘ inlo-r
-nallonul ughh rcgpvcled, lmm llml duy
lmth lhe {Mo of .llencn will be cleunnlly
fixed, since it imuren its independence.
im rupeclabillly abroad, and Us liberty at
" Mexicans! (hia Is not 11 queslion ol
party—it concerns our political “latence.
Let us; then, assist by every means in nu:
power in the national delence; let us sac~
nfice ourseivu, it it be necesnry ; but in
succumbing, let our lat! words he ' inde
pendence and liberly!’ ”
The Pcnu’n Regimen".
Curtaspondencu ol lho Ponnnylvuninn.
PITTSBURGH. Dec. 18,1846
The oleclionlor Field Officer: ..wna held
today. and relulled u lollowu:
Colonel—Frauen M. \Vynkoop, ol’Pouuvillo, 310
Wm. F. Small, 01 Philadelphia, 305
A. L. Rouml‘ort. i do 253
E. Trovillo, Pill-burgh, 16
Ll. Cob—Samuel W. Black. Pillahurgh, 452
R. K Scull. Philadelphia, ' > 282
Tumor C. Morelmd'. do 144
Major.-—-E. L. BOWmnn. Luzorno. . ’ 491
J. C. Brown. Lt. Philu. Light Guards. 334
Geo. C. McClellnnd. Pimburgh. 93
‘ ' John C. Gilcluill, We'llmorohond. ‘2O
A. W. Foster. Pill-burgh, ' 1
You willrobser've that Philadelphia. Wilh
her six companies. is wilhout a Field 0!-
liner. This is the result of want of har
may in lhoso companies. ‘- ,
_v The candid-lea were very zealoul. and
l“ PrOP9riion,lto their zeal is their disap
poinlmgnl. Many of, lhe Philadelphio oili
c¢rs werepol in all quiet. in- lheir expres
sionsof disap'grobatiou,‘ in tel-tion to the
firqi office... . he] thought they" were en‘-
litled to it. Thu region-bl will leave hue
on Tuesday or chnesday next. Our
people. n; a matter oi"- counw. aru,tlrligl)t-l
ed ‘with Our gallant lriend Black’s succeu;
He had honorable and gallant competitors
in'Cnptains Scott and Morehond. Gen.
Bowmun inlorrm me that it is expected
that the second Regiment of Pennsylvania
Volunteers will be organized and ready to
lenvo here by the first of January next, at
farthest. 'l‘wo companies ofour city have
lhlb day made alters for acceptance in the
new Regiment, and 1 meeting is to be held
by a thlrdhné to-morrow night. In rela
tion to the same subject. We hate two
in the first Regiment—pretty good for our
town. The escort! in the firnt uchr, alnOng
which are the companies of Captain! Mur
ray and Geary. of Cumbria; Capt. John
“on. ol Westmorcland; Capt. Wilton, ol
Columbia county ; qut. Lngsrr t-lVBIorltI;
nml Capt. Seybcrg. 0T Philadelphia. lntl
Nnylnr'uuwill no doubt be preferred, it
their 0"! th nrc renewed forthwith.
(Turrmpondmme ofthe l’uunsylvnnmn
_ READING,2IH Dec. 1846.
Old Barks has noblv mspnmlul lo llw
call {0: lhc second Regiment. \Vlthin
[our days of lho receipt ol lhe order two
cnmpunivshavs buvn filled, and both [eu
dvrul lo the Guvernur—une has already
boon ncceplnl. 'l'he cilizcns, in the tvue
spiril ol llu-ir puriulic sires, asaemblrd on
Salunlny Honing in lhe large room of our
new Court Huuue. filling every corner of
it. Palrinlic speecbcs Were made. and
rcwlulionl paswd unanimouslv. nppruprl-
to their use. and plrdglng lhe lonn lo take
cute ul lhe lamillcs ol married volunleerl.
'l‘wn lhnuuuml (lullars of lhe above sum i|
to b:- paid out of the Buruugh Tronuury.
and Ill: other No oul of the County Tru
lury. Yours. J. G. J.
Frum lho “[l9ng Morning You. 17m iml
Dtsorucmut. Row.—Abnut ll o'clock
lagt night Icenes occurred in this city
which we hope never to witness again.—
Nn livéq were lost. nnr limbs broken, IO
tar as we heard, yet the broil (or I while
threatened to relult oerlnuely. Some ol
the l’hilndelphmns who pride in the CO}:
norm-n of "bouncevs and killerl," created
a duturbance in the pit ot the Theatre.
which the nfficera undertook to quell. and
in Which they succeeded fur a lime. “’heh
the pulnrmnnce clmed. the “rat: and hy
enas” begun to hurl defiance at the Phi|~
adelphinni. by yelling “hurra lor Pitts
bu'gh." The two parties became organ
ized, \\hen nn Filth atrvet t'nc "bouncer
and killeru” armed '.hemsevu with brick
batu, and the "rats and hyemu" “uttered.
The police intettered‘to restnre order, but
their ell-nu avniled but lllllt‘. One ul the
watch‘mcn w.“ ialzvd and his mnce taken
lrnm htm. A number at the ruwdios were
arrested, but the main body tnm‘ed nll'tn
their quarter; after thev luuud they could
not get up a genuine Philadelphia not. A
number of inullenuve permni “ere knuck
ml dnwn in the street. It is dueto the
l’hiludelphln vnluutecrs tn set that the
”deia'chunent” cumpnsed u! fighters are
but a small prnpurtinn nl the number now
In this clTy——-hut more than filly uut ol the
whole Regiment.
ITEMS [mm Pillsburg Papers of 191/:
'lhc mihlnry clechnn ground yeilcrdny
afternoon presented an nnnimaled scene.
We newer knew uncleceinn (o vxcitc mare
gene-In! Inn-neat. All went on quietly {or
a (nn-iuh‘fublc Hme. but in the Inter part
n! lhe day the pugnucinu’ pruprrnilit‘l of
many, bvcnmr. so oxcilcdflus In brrak (we:
aII cuntlul, and a surceuion uf Inch-cl and
fights More the ronsequvncv. Smne of
lhe mm wore so luH of fighl lhnt Ihoy sec
mul to be nhuoluh-Iv rein-wed after having
a round. We would back them agqinnt
double or treble lhvir number of Mexicans,
in n {air wl-10. nixhoul other than natuta‘a‘
weapons. We regret to hear that une o!
the Plnladelphia volunteers. was pcvrrcly
beaten and cut with a knllc. in 11 fight \viln
some one belonging to this city. His
mouth was h'nrrlbly smashed, and several
slabs inflicled on his body.but we beiiere
his wounds are not dangeroua.
The news lhnl another requisition had
been madu upon Pennsylvania by lhe PH:-
uidenl. wu received last night, and had a
most exhilerating eflect upr'm lhe volun
lecrl. who see in Ibis that Pennsylvania ll
to be well represunled. The Irish Greens,
and three German companies, will immo
(lmlcly lendcr their services: to the Gov
One of Capt. Hill’s company. mm wn
slubbed in Fifth nlrcet on (he nighßof thc
riot. is congldercd in n dangerous qitua
tion. There was a rumor last evehing
\hal he was dead. whlch upon Inquiry. We
found H) be unlrucl, The man who wna
struck wilh a brick-bu in "doing well.”
There was a meeting of volunteer and
resident printbrs at lhe'Exchango Hotel
lan night. for lhe mutual interchange of
kind leclingn. and another is called for to
night, at which master prinicu are invi
ted to attend.
The er/l Represented—We believe
that, as n general thing. In bully of meni
under Heaven are moraventhueiutic‘nnd‘
patriotic than tbs: printers—and none morel
willing to shoulderthe musket and marchl
in defence of their country than they,-——
The Pennpxlvunin Regiment will have at
least fifty printers. In every company
they were strongly represented—among
the WyomingArtilleristp blouezthero were
no lcsla, than fifteen. many 0! them pen‘on‘
til lrienda'nnd acquuintanceu Shoulian
9pnortunityeffer, they‘vill render nzgoodv
aeriunnt’mf:tlteggelrveu,. . .4, n. x
_, j, ' "‘llollidéxy4bttrg. Standai'd.
HE stockholder; of 111-e 'Clcarfiel'd A.
T, cademy nre luformed llihl nu elec.
tion will bulield at said Academy on Mon.
day 'he 4th day ul January next, bon-rem
lho hours of '2' and 6 o’clock, P. M. of
said day, for lhe purpoce of electing nine
'l'ruslees and three Auditors (or said A.
cndcmy. lor lho ensuing year.
R. \VALLACE. Sec'y.
A P. ‘3. For, lhe purpose of ascertaining
properly. who are slockholdcrs in said A.
cmlemy, it is required by a resolution of
lhe board ol'l‘ruueos. that all tracul’rru of
stock shall be filed with the Secrelury.and
e'ilcred of record. Every person llu're.
(are. claiming to be a stockholder. by vir
tue ohny lunalcr. is required lo lilo lhe
same wilh the Secretary, preceding laid
eleclionn .
Dec. 17, 1846
The lubscriber returns his thanks to (he
sluckholileio ni lhe Cleaxfield [\culemv
{nr lhe confidence tepmed in him by ele€~
ling him one nf lhe Irnilan of said inali
iulion for lhe hut nine iiuccessiveyeara,
and he now informs them that he humbly
declines being re-elccled lor the coming
_vmr. He 11'le vcluins \\ia ii)flnk9io(hc
ciliznns of lhe bmnugh nl cifllfii‘lli. ior
the confidence lhcy have repowd In him
by electing him in nne til the Tuwn cnun
cil, succes-ively [or lho lint five years;
and he now ininfms lhcm also. that he
humbly dcclim'ii being re-eleciecl.
Dec. 17. 1846.
‘VILL be received by lho Schnal Di
' lcclors of lhe buruugh of Clear
field, unlil the let day of January ncx'.
{or building a Sghunl house in said Buro‘.
lwo slmics high. built ol frame. finished
all complete and painted, to be 46 lccl'by
:10 [992. Plan and specificnlian lu be seen
at the office nl Harrell 8L Gordon. where
any information (lefilrfll will be given.
Prs't. qfl Board o/S. Directors.
[)cc.lo. [646.
LL persnns mu-rmtcd will lake nn
[x lice that a Charter 0! incorporation
has boon grained to lhe " Flrut Presbyte
rian Church of Mount Plenum." by llm
Court of Common Pleas o! Cleaclicld
cuunl_.', am] the umn- (vill be preseMcd l 0
(he m'xl Court u! Common Pleas lur cun
firmnlinu, to be held an lhe first Mammy
of Fcb"y next.
“'54. C. \\ ELCU. Prol-h'y.
Dcc.lo. 1540.
N that Lcllms ol Administraliun have
been granted In tho sutucnbus nn lhe elv
tale of John Lamburn. lale u! (Ihad town
ttlip.()lmrfic|:l runny". dcc’ul. A“ [m
sum mdeblcd {u said «slate nru de-irnl in
make payment \vilhuux delay, amllhmo
hanug demands mll prcwnl them prop
erly authenticated fur u-mw‘m-m.
Dcc.10,1515. .
- ‘ p F ‘HE (Jullccmrs of
f “w -' ' a the several lnwn
gé "Fl-”@I n‘mp‘ in lhe rnunly 0!
553) W Cieaufiviul, lur war:
so . , «-
lnrvcedlng 1N1“). are
hereby inlurmml [hat in pursunnce Mun
act of A‘semny pawn] the 80111 day of
April, 1844, inlet-est at the ran: 0! 5 per
cent. per nnuum, mil be churgml on lhe
several balances due by them for Slale
Inx [rum and aller lhe 2nd Tuesday of
Junumy last. The cuilvctors for 1846-
urc til-‘0 notified that inwrosl at the lame
rate will be cllnrgrd on any balance of
Slate tax that may remain unpaid by them
lrum and ulu-r lhe 52ml Tues-lay ofJanua-'
ry, 1847. They mil lhe-refute see the ne
cessily ul iuunedinlcly paying ufl'lhcir dufi
By order of lhe Commissioners.
H. P. 'l HOM PSON, Cl’k.
Comm’rs Office, Clear
field, l4lh Nov. 1846. g
. all persons indebted to thercstate of
John Hegarty. late 0! Beccarin township.-
Clcmfie’ld county, either by notes or bondls
that their uccounls are lelt in the hands of
John W. Wrighl. Esq}. [on collection.
and that they are requircdvta pay the name
on or betureltho firatday ol,F,ebruary next;
Those ncgiecting this notice will beisluod
against without respect to pc'Faona. .
WM. MULLEN, £8“ ”'
Nov. 25, 1846.
YE-VINVWARE. A, general assort
ment at ’l‘inware will be constantly
kept on hand. of the best quality. W 0"
July 29.
. mom: gamma. ‘
THE subscribers hue on hand on.
TWO HORSE YWflGON, and ‘l_
good «at or TIMBER'WHEELS. .4
ipchllyre—for salé. or trade. , , - A ' .
4;.Qcc";lons-!.8461x -' . \ 7'_ .H V =