fié B CLEARFI ELD, PA. Nov. 20. i 846. =1 A meeting 0! (he " mcmhcnnl lhe Clonrfield :Li brnry will be held in tho Prollmnomry'l office on Monday evening lho 23d insl. for electing emcer. for the ensuing your, and making n aaleclion of Books. A general allendnnr‘c of lhe memhera is required. H-IDRAIN. Pra'r. E . I: no body W‘Wo have nothing particularly importnnt from the army of opcrntlom ogninst Moxtcn. Gonerr-l Taylor would‘no doubt punh forward toward: San Loni: Potoai as noon on possible after rvrciving the orders of the government rountermnndtng the trure nf sixty Ilnys. Sun Lnni‘l Potoai is the (‘npilnl (Vin Department. bearing that nnmoq unil is ritnntml n hout midway between, Montcrey nml thr- t’ltv ul Mexico. being over three hundred miles from milk or. Snnto Annn in nt thil place with all his fort-e. and itis thought that Can. Taylor will havo'no fighting to do until he reurhm this point. where ho will perhaps he auntninod by another divmon by way of'l‘ampiro. " < 111= mans hun irec- =I IE3 ylo • will mqd• The rumor from Gen. \Vonh'o moron“ in Chi hunhun (pronounced Cha-waw-waw.) is lhollghl lu ho prcmnmromllhuugh infuvmnuon in every day looked for from lhnl qunrlel. i and any day ary The Navy in beginning lo an. and an impression goncmlly prm‘nlla lhnl an nllnrk will spm-dnly ho mndo on Vera Cruz. U no. “a mny louk fnr iniur mnlinn of lhe moat inleruling rhnruclor. The In. lls . in: king 0! Un- place would rerlnmly bring the Maxi rnnl to their proper feelingl. Bee- CALwonNM.——our renders are mlcrronl 10l full page for n dolnilrd nt'ruunl ol the oper mm n! (305. Frumom In Califnrnm “on. \VILHAM FINDLU. [ix C(ur'rnur uf Prnn th’nnin. (Had on Sunday nflorntmn Inst, ol Harm burg in tho 791hyem' of hi: ngr. 9:71e Harrisburg! "Ifnmn" ll nnl nppou-d In lho Tarifl'ol '46, hnl mh‘nrnlm n nmdlficnmun nf Ihol 'l‘nriffnn “rnnl nnd irnn." S» (In W? all. {f nwh mmlifir‘nlmn in nrrvrsnry In mva l|.mn n rnmpoln “1:1: 10”:ng anurlnlmnl [LII “va in Inn." Hm pr'lH‘l linn on nu :Irlit'lc- ”in! hm rum uh ulrvntl3‘Y \thl \\ou'd yuu ruH nurh h-umlnnnn hulfm‘wx/ism 7 II \\hnld Lo durrliy oppopnl In lhe lh‘l’hnt mm: r‘rtcd, \thn evor lho {me-lg“ prlrrn nl Hmsrnrllvlrs’ shall “1159,50 us In an 9 ll ncceruury (ur our gnv. rrmm‘nl lo ngo lhe dome-rim nrllrlc n [-rnru'liun nfmnru lhnn THIRTY nr FORTY dullnn on Ihn Lundrod In rnnhlo Ihcuv Indupt‘nmhlo nrlu‘lcs to compel: wilh Impnrlrrfl, we “I” unite hrnrl nml hnnd wilh lhmw who “HI ndvnrnlc rm nmcndmvnl M lhe lnriflnv '46 Hui not nnlll thon.nnd under a L yum-h rirt‘umulnnrm nnly. “'1” no he \ulhng (n mrrrnuc Xho Inn’s of Hm mnmmqr‘ T» he n Dl'm urru. In In nppole a” kind! 0‘ m"""f""""v “"‘l " lnnfl'munOany ill just nu mJurmu- In republlrnn jun as nny other llcccnl Elcclions.---Thc 'l‘n- The Whip. m usual. have been nyvonulmg llmir nmmunilinn \\ilhmn gnmr‘. nvr-r live nlm-lmnam magnum of Mirhignn and lou'nv A “Mk ago, and a“ lhe Whig pnpcn wort dcr‘nmlod with up. prnpnnlo rIIII. nnd loud nhnuh nf!r.umph M'nr lhe "HI“.DEMPTION OF MICHIGAN," nml rvon lhe rnnliuma', pvmhnl nml I/Irvnffi'cd animnl lneri- (Furor welcomed lhe new Slnle "1' lowa inln lhe h-dorn‘ galaxy wnlh glowing rnpnnll. ’ Bul lu' no hnw Hue lnblrn Lrno lurnn! mnnl rvury llfing Tho Srnmr and “o|le nu- hcxh domm'mluv—hnxwg nhnnl 30 mnjunly n'n jninl ball-11, which “'ller tho I-levlinn of n dvm'b I‘rnlic Umlrd Slnlt'n Sonnlnr 111 Hm plnre M “'ou “Md. llm prvM'nl \Vhlg Sonnlor [mm lhnt Slulo Michigan u'ndu hm lhn’e members uf Cullgrc" and they are ALL domncrnlu In lOWA. lhe dcmncrull hova rnvriml the (inter unr, membw of Cungrcu, nnd u majority nl' Ilm Hlnlc lmginlnlnre. which secures lhe elccllon o! lu’n Unnrd Slain Salmlun. 'l'lml In lhe full 9104' non hold m lhis Slme grrnumun. and u majority 0" one in cnrh hrnmrhof lhe Legillnlurt‘. and lhe demm‘rnll hnvo surreed~ (-d nncleming llm (love‘jmar—lho first in lwonly yuan. Tho electmn was very clrmc. and wnrmly ronlenled—lho mnjorilleu not exceeding lwo hun dim! eilher way pr. ad (he the ' In MAS-Acnvmn'n. Iho Whigs have mmlo n clonn auecp ofil. They have alerted lhe” (;uv ernor by a majorily of nhoul 6 000 or 1000 over all opponilion, and Ihoemiro Congressional dclcgn- by or. d In CIT- H 16.. tion. le YonK.—-Young'- (\vhlg.) majority for Gov nrnnr. in nhoul 10.000. \vhllo Gnrdincr'u, (dcm.,) mnjmily for Lieulonunl Governor, in about 13,000. The Whig. have 10 majority in (he House and lhe damucmls have n majority of 10 in lhe Senate, which makes lhe parlieu a lie on joint ballul. The majorily in favor of lhe New Cohnlimlion, is about 100,000. and against Negro stiffrngo Mc s of. inp. ar-. at l' I? K mummmrww Ecmocratlc Banncr Library Meeting, Nov 61h hits Turned. In MICHIGAN. Ilm Demnrrulu hnvo rnrrivt! n 1 ln DELAWARE, lho Whigs lmvo Merit-d Ihn Cnn THE RANCHEROS 'l‘heee constitute 11 principal portion of the Mexican army. ' Rowan Hardin, of Kentucky. (who is in the arrhy in Mexico.) writes to his father as follows E\ “'"The . Reneheroa , are the pc‘ plev who live on [arms——they are poor soldiers. " By the laws oftheir Government th y are not allowed to have arms at home, nd conse quently do not understand the use of them. ‘ These people are not cowardly. but unskil led in the use of arms, and without confi 3dence iin ' their ntulere. Gen; uTaylnr . ea teemu them a breve people, but they are not effective tnbattle becauseof their igno rance ofthe use or arms. Their defeat by Gen. Taylor. on the Rio Grandem‘nh such odds in theirfavor. has destroyed all confi dence in the'mlelvee, and they fight with no other expectation than to‘be‘ whipped ; “but letrthie war last twelve months longer,‘ and rent :iaéur'ed they will prove ’en enemy no longer to be deepieed; z, ’7‘ i 'THE RICHMOND TRAGEDY. | Mrs. Virginia Myers. who is no imi- Emately and nnforlnnamly connected with lHoyi's tragedy. in Richmond; Va., has [caused a lunar to be published in the Rich mond Whig. II is addressed to :1 friend, ‘ and is devoicd in the purpose of exculpa ling herself in pan, from lhe heavy charges broughtngainsl her. She assnrls ihe cn lire absence of Niminaliiy in the intercourse between herself and Hoyi. and declares that if her acliona were improper and 6! subject for ihe tongue ofscandal—her con scienre at least is clear. and her soul With out the Main aide-gradation. which common voice has fixed upon hen—Dem. Union. Singular Developmrnls -—A friend con fidentially communicated to HR, save the New York Herald, the particulars of a Nine of crim ran. that uil'. soon he tried in our courts. in the progress of which more astounding farts \\ill be developed. involv ing the character of one of our most fash— ionable ladies. and eight or ten of the 'upper ten thoumnd.’ as they are facetiously called in this city. It appears from “hat no have learned. that a married lady. hitherto (‘on sidered as pure as a sersph, has fora lengthi of time pact cnrried on a course of intrigue' uilh several married and unmarried gentle men. whos.e“utandinu and position in aoci ety entitled them to be ranked as leaders of the ion, or something else of New York. The conduct of the parties. it ho are finnn cirrs, knights. fancy men, &,r. &(‘., her-nine m palpable that the injured husband eon aidered it due to himself and his reputation to send his errin: wife home to her parents -—-which he did last Saturday—and take legal measures to procure a divurcn.—~ These have been taken. and an soon as the divorce is obtained, he “11l institute a num‘ 1 her of crim. con. prouecutions against those who destroyed hIG' domestic happiness.— 'I he public may expect some rich devi-l inplllClllS. illustrating the morale of out I fashlonnble population. Army and .‘o’cwu Eiclus. l’rv-Iu Non ()rh-nn: pawn ml the 3d xvmnnl. 'l ‘ln‘lv 19 n (mumpthw‘x‘r pul)h~lwd in [Le .‘7mcricun [-'r’ag, “hiLh pasmwl helm-eh (3w. Taylor nnd,h_vh|¢uulh-I,Uu|. \th hug. Q. N. (ivnuui, and Urn. Mnrnlu-s, lhe Mcxichn (ion-rum u! Nnrvn Lvnn, Ihr mm” 1:! “huh 1.4 lhal (he Hmmnur gnu ‘on” [u Imnmh lhe aum‘ unh nun and mules al a Imr \ulunlmn. Mung; bI-c-n‘m~ hnmrd llml nl he did not, hnlh \\uuld b 4 lakeu ill/y force and \\‘Hhuulpuy. This cnrrcspnmlrnce cnrlu'mvnll‘fi a Hatrnn'm made in [his paper, “Inch we Inu'c .sm-n In no other—that lhe first raH Mr .1 pus pension ul hnuililln‘, \\hih- bmh'aumn-s -uuuhl be buryln: Ihunr dead, came hum lho- AnchCun camp. Gen. Ln Vrga, it in uhdmslnnd. ha‘ been ()fliClally notified by hu (iuvcunnenl. that Captain Carpc-mlrr mu! llw new “I the 'l'tuxlun haw bevn cxchungrd for him and 'n: lcl‘.uw pvian-u- ul war \\lm \Vorv lnken a! Resuca de la I’nlnm.uhd (1)le me only “mung lur Ilu- Innfirnlmn ml the ag'cemem by uur Guvcrnmcm. [u lcuw lur llu-ir Chunlr}. ' A lellt'r Irom (Luna'go, drum! lhc 23-! ull. conlains ucrouma Irnm Mnmmvy In the 161 i). l! mu: In my In! lruu, l inhmn'ml hi you that cwrylhlng “as wry qulel abnul M m (any. uml lhe uullca'mn, WI‘IC In [um (I! a (.nnununnccul the (aim, un|.| lhe-.mpl - ol lhe eight weeks HH‘n'HHICd in (m -lenns u! capllulalmn. or :he renurn n! Cupl. linlun, (he Ind of (iun, Taylor, hum \Vnahinglnn Cll'y. Up 1.: xhu limo 0! my (leparlwe on lhl' lUlh, nanngimhrnml nny change in lhv MM? 01 llu-Iga. 'l'lw (luchurge ol llH‘ 'l‘unchvmpd and Hu-ir drpuflurc mun-d Ihr luwn lo be IIIUH‘ lranqml than ('"N'. NM many 0! [hp Mextcnns had relurnul (n (he placv. as Ihcy are yt-l afraid; bul Hml mll nm prnmblj cuminuc much longer. Belme my Ilcpnriurc. lhe account 0! [hr deparlure 0! General Ampudm [mm Sal hlln wilh lhe army was lul‘y mnlhme He prupuscd {0 [unity Hznl (nun mu! make another stand; thnrelure he called out lhe rill'mns to :hslsl him. 'l‘lwy lu-hl u [llt‘clfi mg and lhe answer to his (all was: Mon- Icrey uasa lnwn naturally easier of de lence than Sulmln, lhnl it was “ell hurli fi'cd. and he had been driven out ul it, lherclnrv, (hr-y unulll not expose their (um ilics and properly to certain injury and dnngvr. The GPneml lhen lvll. taking 'lhe load towards San Luis Pntasl“. Gov. Hendenon, 0| Texas, now at Mun- terry, hns ismed an order tor the raibing oi anew rcgimetiflto serve during the war. ' .. We learn from a gentleman who left Mnntcrey on the 15th. that information hadbven received in that city. nnd was be lieved by the officers generally, that it re— inlorccmcnt ol the Mexicans, numbering 12,000 men. were in the vicinity ol San Lawn supported to be under the co and oi Santa Anna, and intended to march on Monterey. ' Gen. Mirebenu B. Lamar, has been commissioned b 3 GOV; Henderson to act are civil and military'Gnvernor ofthe 'l‘cx as frontier. He'isin makeltis head quar ters at. Laredo, a Mexican town on the 'l'cxas side ofthe-Rio Gmnde. To ena ble him to extend his Jurisdiction, he is an- Lthorized to raise and have under his com ‘ mnnd 9,510.!“113”! of 100 men. The tequi red force was ‘rri'i’s‘éd‘wt’rotn’ 'atnong'thé dni banded Texnm. and Gen. annr is now on his wry tar Laredo to fulfil the duties of his newenppointment; k . MONTEREY, Mexico, Oct. 16, 1846. Gen. VVooi crossed the Rio Grandc thir teen days 'ag'o, on his wayrto Manolo”.— A train bl fifteen hundred mules arrived from Camargo a dnynr, two lince. gyith provisions. 'Ttvo thousand mules .hnve Ibeen hired at Ihnt place to: the use of lhe army. at 87.1, cents per (lay ‘each. I The fine company 01 Sunpqu and M‘- nEH. under command of Captain Swill, I'ropngrnphicnl Engineer, had arrived at .Malamnras, after a very short passage frnm NEW York. From the Mnlamnrnn Flag 0! October 17 Our Troops at filanlcrey.——The troops M Monwroy are «Ihlribulcd nt [mm-m Ihmugh the c'ny and in the furla. The Bishop's palace is ncrupied by companies n! the 4111 arhllvry. TWu or (hrec cnm pnnies of the 2d urli'lcry ocuxpy (he cita 40‘ in from o[ lhc lawn. The 7m infam- Iy encalnpctl in lhe main Man. The 2d divuiun. under Gen. 'l'mgus. and lhe 3d. under Gen. Butler, nrc enrmnpcd an Ihr “'nluut Sprlngd, lhrco mules In [rum 0! llw city. The an”; and Mlipes nrv gun'- ing hum smcru'. (llflvrcnl puin's. Yankee [)lHld‘l' and Nail Columbia me heanl, and «hen [mradvg ure now \\ilnHH-tl ovmy owning. in [he grvnl squarr. 'l'hr inhulr immu- are coming Dark 10 thrlrhnmm, and 5050133 and Sufiulus finding the invmlerg nnl lhe uvugvfi (hey hun- brol repvepcnl -3-11. are won In puh‘ir plum-a. " fllurdcr of a Vulunlcmn—An Indiana Volunteer mu murtlervd on Saturday 11:51; Snppusvd to hunt born kilh‘d lot mmc mu m‘}‘ ho had in hlspunvssion. Tun Amer- Imus, m' unhcr [v.o mon hniiing [rum lhe Unilml Sumo, have been nno-lvll on 5118- w. inn ul hum: murdered huh. \\ilh mi (h'nu‘ plvliy Minna again“ (hem, uhn 1m” ho mm In New Orleanslur hiul ; wil 'll(‘HM accnmpnnvinh [ln-In. I Ilrmlsuml Tax/x L7]; --A hivnd. =prak lil'g of lhe mnnmr In \\hich lhe Mexicans ltnmclu'd out of Honlctcy. say lhe; wen! nut ‘ ln-ud- and tmls up.’ phoning nn avgns .nfbcin: uhippvd, and [alumni lhrjr-rrs nl sumo of our buy», uhu ruuld nnl be with hcltl from tnumin: '.hPm, mlh—‘ mail. “0'” {We you auulhcr Vandal-{,O at 331'- ”Nu.” l‘l‘srlrru 3:1: \\l .lmvn uf llm (Ingram-n nrgum. nnvl. llk"1'¥f‘l)'llllll'r rumplmnl, I‘l rulinml lvv xmpu~ ':l\' M the Howl 'l'lvn gush“ In M. n {lunl pm‘ul~ Inr In H u anm 11. \\lu-n recrt'lul llmn lmll lull-ml ‘.- no! 1:] n honlly qunlllr; runsmlncnlly llm fnml, male-ml ul being pruporly disanlvml. nllon runnmu 'll‘llll't‘flll‘d unhl n lmumps In H mnmu-r spullml nr [nHrlfied In line slnmnch; honor. n lvud lncnll! 0 Jun grumble lnslo In :llu- mnnlln. cspcclnlly (m first “Mung m ”.0 morning. Imnrlnrlu‘, unldmew, ‘uu‘nr-s nlunnlr’.\\nslmguflhelxuly. out "'V;L‘/I{'S Imliun l't'mlubln I’ll/x nro u natural re 1]](1’1/lulfl’l’hl)l‘.lhl0, 11-r'nuue [ht-y Ht-nnv Ihr plu ‘lnnrh mul hmu-ln nl'nll lulwlm nml mrmpl humnrl. l and punfy llm ltluull; lommlurnlly, n- [hey (erl‘ nut-Ilu- rum, nr rum-c MI xlm nml ovvry ther nml- ‘ ndy‘. lllr'y nrl' nltnlulnly rvrlnln lo rcmm’o nll (our plulnln nrlsmg lrnm mdmrslinn nrdynpvpfim. 'l'lm pnpulnnxy nl \\lllGll’l'Tfi' INDIAN Vl'ZG l‘l'l'AmJ'. PILLS hnu proved a almng hull m un prmrlplru} men. \\lm, Inallgnlrd lly Illa hum of s:ler ullmnpl In pnlm off u spurious nrllrle nn lhe lunvnspnrllng Tu (lawn! lhe \\‘lCkL‘ll deilgnn (ll ‘unch men, we lmu- prucuretl now Inhale. nml llu‘ :slunnlure nl \\'|ll|uvn \Vnghl wtll lu- l‘numl \\'lll'l‘~ iIICN \\ll'l‘ll 'l'lll: l'liN nn Ilm mp lulul 0| «nrll Elm NUNI-I (Jl'llllll IS (.I-INL'INH. AND 'l'” ‘(UL'N'l'lClil' 1~.l l' 'l'lllS l 5 FURUI'IRY. ‘ llummnlwr. llm unlv onzmnl nml gtnumc IN~ ; WA N \'l‘.(llv'.’l‘=\l§l.l'l PILLS lun't‘ llm \Ylll'l'l‘l'ZN‘ _slL..\.~\‘l‘l'lll’. (1F \‘o'll.l.l:\M \\'lll(jll'l‘ on llw Mp Ilalu-l Ml {'M'll Imx. " "4.1110" - ll rmmh] l't' rcmmn'mu‘t! Ihnl Mr. [Huanlf'uhn hi I’m‘ndrhn; Mr. .luhn ”1011,01 l‘lm'nn. l'.|,un-| Mwssru. Umwmng A' Ilrulhcrs. uI l’mYn.l--|pl.m. nrc- [ml ngvnln ul ours. und nu lhe)" purx'hns» nu lmhan V’l-gvlnhlr 1’»!!! nl uur “Uh-r, m mmm! _ntmrnnly us gfllulflt‘ any nuw/inn: {hr}! may lulu fur Stu/r, .‘/;rm.[ fur ('lmr/ic/zl. I? Shml‘. I'o7‘ nl/trr rzgmrirs in ('lmrfirhl S' ot/Irr mun firs, SH” (ulL‘rr/iannml in ruwlllrr (01117117.. MAHHHihrUt'l'uesdn)’ Inl'. In Ihllclnnlo, l,_r Ihr- luv. J. ’l'unnr. Mr (Quorum B \VEA\'KR.JUHIUT editor at lhe “(,‘lnnnn Delnru‘rnl." l 0 MIII MARY RU‘I‘IINOCK. n 1 Ihr Mrlm-r plurn. ()n l‘hursduy lull, ul lhe rm-uh-nro nf W|lsmm Bnmn. by \\‘n-lmm Aloxnndnr. Eur. Mr. JOSIAH 'l‘uom-srm In Mm: ANN [Cum \meox. all of Law. rulu'c lmumlnp. The lug cnlu' hns urrivod, gust u» we prodlrle-l in our lint. And “a have nul bean dlunpputnlml mllwr as in Its s‘zr. substance nr qunlily. Nuw lhul llns “(willed war have in fnilhfnlly performed Ihclr duly In In. mny n‘l Hmr Hum-a in each mh-' or he prrlmlnml nu {mlhfnllyu '‘ ~ “W 7 My ‘ iHE G) 1 1 { US'l' rcroivml and {or 934‘» by ‘hc ml) 1 9E7 scribe! a! his ‘ OMS/("111' in the bur uugh of Clonrfirlll, :1 general assorlruenl all Fall & \Winlcr Goods, confining in purl ol 1.)]? }' GOO/)8. GROCERI/CS. [IflIn’IH'IZ/Iln'ly‘. QUEENS/1171188. HJI 'I'S & (,‘fll’S‘. [s’oo 7'.‘. (9- Shoes. BONNET-s'. lino/rs (l Slalionary UMBRELLfl S. DRUGS. COTTON Y/I’ILV, Gin/ISS. Cfllfl’E'l" do. Looking Glasses. Confechonar_z/, ’l'obm'ro 8' Cigars, TINW'ARE, Oils. I’ainls, .51c. All 0! which lu- will sell m cheap fur car-ll or COUNTRY PRODUCE afthey can be hall in town. The public are. resnecL fully invited lu call. examine his stock, and judge for themselves. . RICHARD SHAW. Nov. 17. 1846. AUDITOR’S NOTICE. ‘ O‘I‘ICE is hereby given to all ner- N sons interested, that the undersign ed, an Audimr appointed by the Court lor that purpose, will amend M his nflice’in Hie borough of Clenriii-lii. on Saturdfiv the 28th 0| [his inst. to distribute among. the creditorweniiiled«therein. -(heurcm9.paid. by John Scott on his real estate under thg inquisitiops held (he lst day of_ May. 1841, S‘c. . i. ' E 1 , J. F. WEAVER. Aud'r. } 4N0v.12, 1846. ‘_ 'u " ‘:- a SPANISH some: LEATII; 19]: for sale at‘thc store or . ' I'lth'Nov. ' ‘ RISHAWJ ‘ TO COLLECTORS l ,4, 'l‘ ,le VE‘HE Cullectoramt l:1 WW, .mufi thesermaltown l :2, bar-mm alups In the county at lie/'3'. 19511???“ " ' Clearficld, tm‘ yours '"' preceding 1846. are hereby inlurmed that in pursuance of an act of Assembly passed the 29m day "l Aprl|,lB44. interest at the rate 0| 5 per cent. per annum. will be Cllafgt‘ll on the _acvcrnt batlunces due by them lur State tax [rum and alter tlu‘ 52ml Tuesday nl January Inst. The collectors for 1846 are al-u notifird that interest at the same rate “t” be chargvtl on any lmlnnce of State In llmt may rc-mainpnpnid by them lrum and attor the 2nd l'ucmlny 0t Janua f)‘. 1847. Thu-y will llurrclule we the nv rrsmy ul immuliately paying nleheir flu. pllcatvq. Bv order (ll llw Cmnmlckiunt‘rfl, 11. P. 'l HOMI’SON, Cl'k. Cnmm‘u ()lllrc, Clear llt‘lll. l4’ll Nuv. 1516. g T 0 all Concerned. VE‘IH“, Collm‘tnrflnt Schn II tnx fnr Law ll’llCt‘ school (EL-uric! nru hervby nn llfied lhul (ht-y nru rrquirml in meet the School DIH’NOI’F H! mm! (llnlric'. n! file 0016? (II Robert \anlucv. E-q. M lhe bor nagh nl‘v (‘Th-mfwhl, on Tuceday of ‘he rnsuing Hocvmbrr cnurt, ul ‘2 o’clock. P. M. [n [my H“ Um arm-m! alnnunlg of avhuo‘ lax u‘muming unpaid bv them.— El'T’lly cumplylng \\Hh [his nnlice cml mny b" FIiVPd Hy mulrr of HlO Bu‘ml. JOHN MI lUHI‘ZIJI, Su'c'j‘ H'h N‘.)\’. 1840. .Ildminislrulors Noticp "()THII‘) IS HEREBY GIVEN Hun N lu-Hvrs ul .Mlmmulrulmn were (_ll‘nlflt‘d tu llu‘ sulncrlbrr on Ihc «'s'n‘c nl llw Hun. Mm“ Burp, lave Hf Bradford tuunhhip. Ch‘mfit'lll rnuhl)‘, d(-C'd.. 0n the 4lh Nnv. in-t. A’l porimw‘ indebted I“th n'u'l- M Hl9 H 34 dormiml, mo .9. quuvd [Hun-1w [vn‘unrnl wnhuul drip}— nml that» having drununds nzaiml the hanu‘, \v'xtl [Hcsvnl lhe-m duly nulhcnlicu ‘.cd tor selliclant. JOHN L. CUT'I'LE ClrmfiridNt-v.12,1‘146. SHERIFF’S SALE lsv virtue of 3 “111 ul Vcntlllmui EL [mm-e, iuuwl nu! ml the (null uf Cnmnmn Plun- uf (‘lonrfivltl rounly. and In mv di ro'CH-(I. “I“ In- o-xpn-ml m pubhc sale on Mornhy I‘m- 30le tin} of Nuvvmlwr next. ‘2 [he Cuuxl lmun'. in Cloznfivhl, all the «lolomlanl’n Interval in n Irncl nl’ laml sit. un'oinUlraulln\\n-hvp.C!rnlficltl enun— ly, brain'ning at :I While pl'nu'. Ilwnce by Nu. 8047 auuxh 2'30 [mom to u pllfln‘ lune, Hmm 0 end ‘2O [H'Hh(“. thence north; ()0 [u-uln-s In u rm} «Ink, lhrnce mm 192' pmchcs m n «110 mm, tin-nu- by Nu. 3647 nnrlh 100 [\(‘rchvs to :u whit? oak. lhenct‘ ‘bx Nu. 19149 woe! ‘ll7 [mcht‘g In lhe place ‘l‘" bcgmmng, bring [.54 n‘. a lungs-r hurvey iknv-“H 3- Nu 3’(3~l7.mnl.nnrng 211 acres anl 34 pcnhfsjwflh HU'HH I? arm-5 (lear ‘H' Ihevrun—s‘ciw-ul and [Mu-n HI execu hhun. and 'u be WM 115 lhv propeil)‘ 0! Pc lvr Lanmu “HY/”8'0. p Y viutue n! a uxil ul 'l'rsl. chl 12'1. E 3 umn! out of I'm- Cou'l of Common l’lva-‘ of Cumbrin Cunnly. and to nu (Il rr-clml, wu|| he l'XpO-(‘tl In ~a|o at (he nuw 1:» n :xr-(l p'ncc, n ru-:taiu Mt u! grnuml all. uzm’ 1n Chm! township.Charlie-Id couhty. nfljwinu'g lamhnf \Vleam Sulnlm-Hillr on the “at, north and mulh. and on lhe rail by lands: 0! John G. Mm's, cnnlnlnlng I/nw‘ turns. whh u thwlzivghnmeand Muv blc Ihrmnn oructml. Sei'u-«l aw! taken In t‘XH‘lllilln. and lobe cold as {he prupcru‘ of Nathaniel Hugh“, by ELLIS IRWIN, Sh'fl. Sh’flK' nmvr. (.‘imr ( , I'm-Id, (m. :9. 10m 3 (,‘mn'l R’s-m-lnnmlion, HER: \S lhv Hun. (inn, \V.“'om‘\\:|rd. I’rm- W ‘1”.1 Jllnigr- of lhe ('uur' or (Tumumn I'll‘nh' «I lhl‘llhjur!(lJ‘llx-lrll'l.II>XIx;-1!FO1I()I lhv rmn.l:t~~nl Umlun. MUN-. 1. (‘cnlrv :uul (Th-urfirltL mm! Hu llun JJXnI‘S 'l‘. Lt'nnurd nml Alvrnhnm K \VIIIJIH. Hall'rs. .'\\~|l wmiv Jmlgt a 1n ('lvnrl'u-M «'mmly. hnu' Mun-d Ilu-Ir [lrl'l‘UPL IH-nrml: dillc lhe Illh (luv uf St'pl 1815. lump:hrmtlodJnr[ n L'uur! urL'mumon 'l’lcus, Orphans Courl, ('mtrt n/ Qmu'lcr blssians, rind Cour! Qnycr :fi' 'l'cr~ y'zv'nzr aml (IrnrralJu/l [la/ivory, uI (‘lmuficld ’l‘uu‘nJ'urlhv (Tuuulyol Clcanom.un Hm 51h Monday at Any. m2xl.(heing the 30m day nl‘lhc mumh.) Nance isJ/trrrfnrr, hereby given. - lnlhe('ornnurs.Juslit-r.~unha- Penn-0.61. Connxuhh-a m und fur the ('uumy oi’éflonrfirld. lo nppmmn ”I 01! uwn proper pvrmm. wuh Hulls. [\‘N'ums,[Muisitmns Exnminulions nud ollu-r Rcmvmbrnmn-s, to do llmsc things \vhlr‘h lhmr nllit-N' & In their luchullnpporluin In he dune: mul nll \\llnosuM nml olhvrpr-rxnnn pro— sw‘lung m behnH nl lhotiommonwnnllh upnlnst nny pmuzmrs nrercquirod to he lhcn nnd Ihcrcnuendinfi un'l nnldvpurt \\‘ilhuul lvnvmmllu-ir ponl. Jurnm ure rvqnnslcnl In lm punl‘lunl in lhmruuondnm-u ul lhe nmminludlime ngrocuhlr- lo nolico. Gwen un