Democratic banner. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1837-1849, November 20, 1846, Image 2

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The slcnmer Great \leorn, Captain
Maltllmu, which sailed {mm Liverpool cm
("the SH! ull. arrived a! New Ymk hm
‘.‘levening. bringing eleven days lah'r ullvi.
(es than (how pvevinufly rem'n'Nl‘:
The flaws of Hu- rapvmo of Sump F.-
by Gen. Kenrny hm] hrrn rm'u-Ivi-i! if)
England. '-
Thc lnnrkfl fo’rwnll Curb: nl Ameticnn
provisions had improvnl.
Collon had ndvnncml nuw-vigil”! with
large sales, Put subscqun-nzly slighlly dr
cl'nml. “t, " :‘
Flour. Dominic and in bond, hml (It-4
clined 19. per [3b]. lull n clvmnnll mun
(han equal to thcsupplv existed lur Indi
an corn. and prices were hiuhm.
Ireland appears to b» in 1| «It-plumhh‘
bilunfion‘. 'l'ippcmry iu almusl In a flaw
of insurrccliun.
Difficulties had nrison in tlu- EngliJl
Minialrv bcmeen Lord John Russel and
Lord Cotlenham. ,‘
A!“ day: since. um: lIH- Ig'm‘opran
Timrglil was uur painful duly In mm»
llw d/eath n! a man named Glorsotl, near
'l'ippernry. by viulrnre ; nnullmr nnmml
\Yllhnnls. has since sharml lhe nuw [aha
The town nf'l'rmplemnu-_ um Hu- “pm
nf not! an Monday lad, by a muh n 1 \"nv y
ing in numbers [rum (Inc hundn-d In fin
hundred men. The worm fealnu- in Hm
transaction is, that mwmnl or lhe pl‘rwnc
cnglgod in il, might lnn'v hm! ompluyrrent
ilmugh (on very limiiod ”will. on Ihv
public works, but Hwy “err pvvvvn'ml
Irom availing thornsclvu of (hi; by intimi
The rage. for lhe pnssossiun of fire mm
is increasmg daily. -
' An allnck upon Hm Very Rev. Dvnn
Holmes. nf Fishing: Imulgr‘. on Salurula}'
by an armed gang of 80 in nnmbrr. Will
in some measure successfu'. ()n Ilu- mp
ning of the same (Int. lhe home nfa laun
er in We parish of'l‘crrygla-s. nus lnwgla.
riously enlered by lhrcc iuffians. pvnvidwl
wilh pistoll, who cnrriml on £lO 154."-
NM‘ hall? lhe (lt‘prfllnlnrfl ‘pnfl‘ll llwir uu‘n
clergy. The rosidqxcv of lhe Rev. 'l‘hm.
Moylan. of Cas'll'nlnun Arrn, wru vntrr‘
ed on Friday In! by n luulvu purly. \\hn
deliberately {orcr'd his kvyu lrnm hi: puck
c-H. unlocked his desk and sulle‘ll upnn
.871. Will) which lhf)‘ Iln'cflmpnl.
In the southern ('iVisilln. Lord Jnhn ()1
Dunnughmnre’gmgen! has been rnbbml at
£7OO in lhe open day. on the mnH mam
road. and within less lhan a: nnlc uf the
populous tnwn_of Clonmarr.
By lar lhe "greatest! [mrliMl uf Munllm
presenfo the appearance 0! u slumbunng
volcano. -
In Paris the {cstlvilic-sin humor of the
matrimonial conquest by Louis Phillippe
and his son, have been pustponud Rim (HP,
in consequence a! is allege-d o! the inun
dnlions of certain parls nl Franco. mused
bythe Isle rains and fltnrnu. Thi- ii a
good and conVcnienP, but not thy rm!
cause. There Is :1 Norm brewing, and Hm
prutlem but nvaricinus rnlmilminnnl King
u! the French, forum it is not his intern!
to quarrol wilh England, and yet he hzn
flclib'eratelv and “'llh malice prvpcnsr pru-
Voked a quarreL
It would not look u'rll In have {NH in
honor ul his son’s marrinzr- with mo hrlp-
Jess and unprotected lnfanla nl’Spnin, mld
by n worthless mother, ,1! Much Mm the
British Ambassadnr, Lurtl Nnrmunliy, ‘lm
potenlinl reasons, umh.’ nnt lw [vr'Q-‘n‘n[._
This would nfl'ec! lhe fumla. agiYah- the
money market, and dunngv Hu- gum!
King's privfMe imam-ls nu n fuml-lmlm-r.
a trader and n mnnufaclurcr.
Dash-urtivz Floods in Frame ——\\‘o
have most disastrous and melamhuly nu
counts 0‘; (ho conquurnrm 0! the ”nod
which had occurred In the Imirv. lho wn
lers of Which had suciili-nly riu'n In a
height exceeding anything knnwn inr more
more than u ceniury back. In a singw
night lhe waivr ruse 201 m. Thc Lnire
and its tributaries have hri-n l'quully Hu
theaire of this phi-nnnwnnn. and have pro
duced inundalinns Uhknnwn wnhin lhe
memory 0! any nm- living ihinughvml lhe
provincen. The result hu~ hm‘n great Ins:
Of life and properly, and (he grcnlcsl suf
fering imaginable.
final/ter Insurrtrliou m I’m‘lugu.'.——
The lnlestnewa (mm Portugal. ('on-Iva}
at Madrid, nnnouncml lhnl HnnHM‘r remin
liouary movement had broken out ul 0-
porlo. The report 0! (he nrrPM of lhe
Duke Tercera, was cnnfirmvld. Thu!
statesman is in' prison at ()pnrlo. A re.
gcncytitmwas‘snid,‘was pruclnjmml in the
name of Pcdw 3d. ll was u‘lénsald u(
Madrid, that Costa. Canal! and Gun Sa
lez'Brnvo; were to have let! an lhe Huh
forA Lisbon. Our Lisbon lellrr of the lfhh
insh'llates that all‘communicalinn be
tween that'cnpital, Oporm and Cuumbrn
was culoflin consequence of lhe‘ l'clcgrnph
being broken. ' .
17m in Crrcassia.—-—The- news from
:Circauia. which comes down to the 27th
August. is of great and thrilling interest.
A Rusgian deserter to the Circassianw.
Baku Dellnfscnu. by name. who obtaining
influflice with tho various tribes. had been
railed'to an important command—hm]
made a successful razzea Oh the Russian
Cofrupqndengp ‘of ihe Bani more Sun
‘ WKfiulNaroN. Nov. 10, i 846,
,This afternoon expelimenln were made
in lhe omée of the Secretary of W'ar‘ wnh
1 Quantity of prepared, cotton; brough: by
“Mr. Robertson, our present consul to Bre
lncnhfqr lhq exprchs purpose 0! securing
g patch! for the mvefitore, Messrs. Schum
bem”& Boliger. '
~ The whole; cabinet—Awe President. Ge
fie’ral Scott. Col. Tolten, and a variety of
distinguished gentlemen were present; and
the experiments succvf‘dt‘d Vboyond‘ ”W
jmost sanguine oxpflfilfl"f"’.',
> The prepared collon Igmtca n}nre TM}!-
'i|y Ihnn powder 3 and. NB colm’lalwsilon In
[fibre pvrlcct. A ball hrrd from M‘ lrunl 1|
(ummtm mmkol. from the window oi the
\Vnr Deparlmrnt again“ the walla! the
NM} Drparlmrnt. wilh immvnw {nrce ;
nn ”(amnion of newly Hu' dcplh ofnn
inch being prmlurml in ‘ho \vnH. unll lhl‘
[mll being (‘nlnplvlviy flatlmwd.
The day nlicr tn-mnrrnw. Hm I‘Xpansivv
lnculty ml the prepared (mum will be (”WI
a! HIP nrsrnnl \\ilh lhe musket pendulum.
It will undoubuqu guru-NI. M similar
Pxpcrimonlq hum rurceedwl with It [ln
Grrmanv. Swi'mrlaml and England.
'l'lw mlunalns nf lhr \an vaullmunt
run an Ihv pninl n! being gm r‘vmh'. um!
“"l‘fl HH‘V all". all lhe (‘ntlmaleu M lhe \'.‘.-
rmni tln'fmrlnwnh “in [w pub'lshml h)-
;zvlluw'. A Invgv rrwnuc- in expm‘lvll {rum
lhvolmnlmnq n! lhe 'l‘arllTu! 1846. whn‘h
nun nu! lnll .ahnrl nl 528.000.000.31111
(‘xcvvd S.‘»(),()U0,(H|().
TlMl“lnfil(“~lththll‘(‘(‘l\'(‘(|nt lhe NJ
\"\' l)t‘[)1|lllllt'hllll)IIII'SPCUI In [:0 \'t’l\' l'“‘
(““I‘. Tim lu‘(l i~. lhe .‘vlcxu‘nna. ll not
lnnnu “111 In' luuml pu-lly wvll unlit-d,
um] 1.1-41 m,» mnu- unnclxm" than was nn-
‘Dr ()un, l’rofrssnr nf (‘lmmis‘ry if)
Hrunswifli has pnluhshod lhe fullnuln:
MMPmPnI in Hw Hannvonnn Gazette:
"Entirelv independent of Srhu‘nboin
and ”align, hut rr‘lt'ing nn an observation
of l’elnnzo. rantninml in thonnc hundred
and thirty sixth page nfthP first volume 0!
my Manual of (Themistrt'. I have sum-90d
mi in provhvrirg nn exp'oding mltnn, which
nttFr ascries (If oxperiments. svoms quite
muted to supph’ the place 0! gunpowder.
In order to bring the) msulla of impnrtnnt
discoverma a 4 npemhlv ns possible to the
highest stage of perloritnn. It scvms to he
Itelressary to lay them immeuhzm-h- t~r-"nrc
the pllbltt‘, In order that mnnv pvrsnns may
turn thotr attention to the sul'jnt‘l. lscorn,
thvrvlnrc, tn se'l 0: take out n putt‘ttt far
my very intmosting thscot'my, tho (‘ntt~‘.(‘~
qucnct's M which me not can to be (urc
sent. and l nnw publish it for the pcnvml
good nftho pnblit‘. In the preparation of
I'm rxplndtng cotton, common \\(‘H Manned
t'UHOH is dipped I'm about half :1 nttttt.tu in
highly (“om-minted ltltltc and. (the at“!
which] use bmng mmlc with the dlstilln
lion ul lon parts o.’ dried snhpptre. and en:
0! oil olvilriol.) and then instantly plm-ed
In walr'r. “'llltfll must he often renouml, in
order In lrov Ihr? rnuun from lhe isr'lll mlh
\vhir‘h it Is irrprrgnaled. ('aro must thn
be taken that all lhe l-znouy parlirln-s 0! lhe
cotton are properly disenlangled. and that
it is thoroughlydriml. Alter Ihrs lhe ox‘
plosive proparalihn is ready for use. he
echcls meale auomshmenl In all who wil
nes' lhvm. and lhe smallest portion ex
plndes uhun struck on an amil Hill! a hnrn~
mer. like fulminuling powder. “'hcn kin
dled “uh a glouln: horlv ll lakes firv‘jnu
like gunpowder, and when used In :1 gun
HS nperalinn. though in a l'ar greater pro.
pnrlmn to us \N‘lglll. is precisely lhe came
as that of gunpnudcr. This can rmmn ls
employed man-Hy in the same nay an gnnA
powder. A piece of ul9 rammed down
lhe lnarrcl, then a hnaf u mldmg, and almr
lhnl a ball ; a copper cap 12mm; and ex ‘
plndcs lhe (-nursc. \\'ilhoul a smgle ex‘
ccplmn. all “Lu have wilnessvd my ex 1
penumms have been most complelo'y sal
EC?“le erslnlulc u! ermunl ml
jnurm‘tl on 'l‘houu)‘ morning: in! th-e o'-
Umk. “vimu Hu'll’ :ulluurmm-nt HH
”nuw 0| chrrwnlahn-s pant-(l t:~-xu?u~
Hum, llm '.nmg lhnl \X-unu-M “Hi no! giu'
her flswul In lhe admission n! nny llrW
Slate lu Ihr l'nmn whme ('ommutiun m!-
cralei slh\er_)‘,:ltutl dt‘clmir 3 H2O npmlnn
ofthe Home ”In! th uar with MeXlco
“ Wlh nnl luumlnl In any imperative m -
(‘Méily such n- mny juslify nr cxcuson
(lhrmiau nallun [or n-smting In mun,"
aml ”In! it “ Ima now n-un'zlmlly hecmnc
nn offcmive war against a nexg‘zhmir‘: rr
publlc." They dvclarc [Luther limt " [hp
hnnur um] lwnl illié'lerls 1;! Im- nulmn will
be whwru'd by n fipcmiy «MI (I! Hu- wnr
\th Mexico. and lhe uetllement nl all
mnllers m dispute by arbllruliuu nr nvgu
lwlion.” ' ‘
Reported ~Surrmder nfv Chihuahua.—
.'Hie Lexington (310.) Express of the 3d
instant contains the following. important
announcement. llazl)‘a.:—-‘-‘ A gentleman
ofthis City informs us that he perused a
letter. a day or two since, which had been
received in Camden. givingf‘the particulars
of the surrender of Chihuahua to the forces
under Gen. Wool. The army. it seems,
entered the CH)! without rosistance ; the
American flag was saluted by the citizens,
and alter a few hours had elapsed, the A
merican officers were invited to partake of
n oplendid dinner, which had been prepar
ed for them by the Cbihuahuans. That,
we should say. was rather a new made of
éapturing an enemy’s town."
mlnloxica‘lion lrom oyslers is said
to have been experienced by sailors Ship
wrecked near new Holland. 'l‘hey ren
ched that coast after lindergoing the grea
lest privatlons. the daily allowance [or
each man having been one lwenly-fiflh ol
a'pound of breudua quarter of a pint ol
Wan-r, and Occasionally a leaspoonful of
rum. [Parties went on shore, and return
ed “2th rejoiced at having found plenty
of oysters and fresh water, on which all
“0‘ iD‘OXIFMetU The Boston Transcript
WWW} on old’ man -of,.(hnt city who atatgs
the Circufnalauceé'liif a casuwhercla man
became mloxicutcd from drinking cold
Waler. ‘
From lhe Now eraana [’icnyuno. Nov. 7.
male from the sqllfldl‘milf
SECOND Als()R'l‘lVW‘m{\'rTACK 0N
By the mrival of n pilot-boat at thp Bu
|l7.t-, we :m- in tho pmficssinn 0' Into IHIVI
(‘cs Irom the Squadron. We huvn only
time In give the llltlll‘Xt‘ll letters and saw
the mail. It the cmmnmlorr tun luilvtl In
his attvmpt nn Alvvrmln, it. is owing tn no
wnntnl gallantry nr .hkl” on his part or
that ”this: ntticera. The difficultirs he has
had to wrmuunt hnvo bvcn iniuln-rnlflc Ru
tar; but he will yet prevail. ”1' will, m n
lbw necks. [em-w lm nttcmptatulltml
0w ANTON. leAnno.
Oclobrr 1311). 1‘46
1 GENTLEMEN: Wx- are on Hu- vw‘ u! n
nolhor all“): on Alvarado. At 4') o'clock
thi! an-rnnon. Com. Cunnur 'xuum! nrdmc
lnr llw smiing (If We squadron (Mann's
(Tumbvulnml um] Ruuilnn rxcc-ptml) {m
lhv nmulh nl Ihc ,-'\|\arm|n tivrr. The
(nmmnllnvq- inkvs (‘ummnml ‘l 'ho Mpmlw
[mu m [mu-m, making me M Iln- Mennm
VI‘U‘II M lhe “J 4: khlp fm' Iht' “rm-Inn.—
():m-n'(‘lurk In murruw lnnrning‘ is lhr‘
hour fixr-ll upun tor grlllng randy, mu! 7:!
rent!“ lhe slrumvrs l‘ilfl-linppl. Vlvn.
unnl .\I( l.:|n¢- urn filing up.‘ Hamlvs lhvw
\‘o'~\'l|<, lhn’ furrc ('(lll‘i-H of lhe n'u'nu"
(ullm Fm \\.nd, schnum‘rs Ro-vfr‘r. I’l-irvi.
um] Bonita. nml [Hi'LP srhuunvr Nunala.
This latter vcswl was 'l‘Cl'l)ll_V cnp'urml
frnm lhv vaicnnv, and was humer|y lhe
Amt-vim“ ‘clumnor Hello. nut n! vnur purl.
She now nmunh Inur ill-[llmm] ('iarnnmlt's.
For lhv pasl lnunth we MH‘ lwcn Illillunz
nur "1"" at infantry upnn A ~mu|l H'nntl
here, and Jack I“ an auxinuu [or n fight.
Hm! he mnvks lilm- ui'h n Lmnd ware. and
“my unv :Imwuu [it"il'l‘d \lm! n' Ins'. “P
aw In havr‘ n (Ir-um 0 2H ['l9 ('nemv.
Al lhr- nmuth «J the nn-r Ihr 5106“!!!“
have n tru-gun lnHmv. and “o Lnuw’E-fn
mi: ..f unr null qu gun [mm bring nmh
mrd ivxsitlv. A number n! their HIM”
nn'r'clnmlnwn haw lulu-u ulugn- in NW
huvbuv ; null (In-10 mun! be a lunar! 11-rlnk-
Ilnz ml prize mum-y In More lnr ui.
()N‘ llrr lli -~0-H‘ Lunllngwmlrrg fn- Ihv
morning ul [hv' Hm \H-H- runntcrmnmlml.
In ('uns‘rquv-ncr 4»! IN Illuum; [nu lrMh l 7”
npvrn'mzw. ounuunvng a «IV-luv ur 'h(‘ 03(-
prdlll m fur luv-n'r Your hum, \Vp n'l‘
(HI, I uwovw, at l In'clm‘L'. n. (TL, \l'-'l'!
danltm lrr‘gu'l (us-1x Hun u'v .m- 91H .1!
nn-(hur "pain [1) tin. am! .‘l’l'rxru [a it :l/l'l
in pours-rim: o/ lhe Mar/mm,
Ynu wmv pit-50H! ‘.u call Hw fmmvr :al-
tack on Alvarado an flb'tfllu". and I gup~
pose you will not he sparingnl thtl iinmn
lur the present laiilun-; hu' I trust that
whcn you examine ”1“ [acts m’ the case.
you uill understand that it H owing tn the
incllicir-ncv ol the means nt the tltlpninl
nl Commodore Connor, and to lhe natur
al dclvnces 0! the place itwll, that wr'
lHH't‘ not been sucrm‘iul. rather [Min in
any Want ul s-klll Ur cnuingi- un lit! p'irl.
or lzuk nl spirit and support lii’ the um
rum fllltl mun nndvr Ith ('~ltl\'t\flll’l
Wt- uu-rr w thin u'iout lt‘l: n'i'n til
the mouth of the rivcr at Ilir-ligli'. nnd
stood hltlHlV in'o thru it hulnu (lend
rnlm—tlin Vixvn and \lr Lane tuwmg llil’
‘CllflUHf‘tS. The Mtvsuuilmi nncllnt'r’tl u!
lira: shut distance. mnl (tlmtht‘lH't‘tl her
gli'e. l'p lu tlii~ llini- i-irry thin: :ilitit'flr
ml htghly l.l\'nlablr‘ lnr thr‘ iurcrn ul 'llt'
li-siimlt'lnn. Their- bung n hmvv .NVAt'll «in
llhe bar, the pilot-I «10-("turd lulu": (hr HH
léu'ls oer, Tim Cuuimndnie lt'fltlltiz in tht'
lVixr-n. with the H'H til the force lullrm
-Itrig. pnucd by the tort, each \‘cuel firing
hi-r b’Oflllfllllo‘ :is she ranged nhvzid. “Mic
but little i-Hcct, lzom-u'r. mung tn the;
tlsHhro. A in”: vtgltlt‘t'tl In tho For l
\Hird. will u did! tliim llv into Mr loll—l
ll u tntnt‘fllt‘ltl \\.nt rrpr‘nlrtl \\lllt ‘H‘He'rl
\Ht‘t'l“‘l. lhe «li-(mire being IP-‘l'nl'tl. and
ninth) the Forward made a mmt licnu'ilul‘
ahnt, In the nu-antxme the \liuii-imul
htnl clnwd Ul‘ and u no I‘X')llilll“:hf'r N}
Imus Wont lllt‘ hunde nl ltll' ericanc in 1:
um that tnu'dt lmvr' lhiltlt' the!" W» nuw:-
stun than the Lord err-r mode. () ir’ shut
lmm he: dismounted a heavy gun 0| Mir-Ira
lrotn a stockadt‘. thi- thev won ir-mrvlie-d,
but lhuu lnr nll liH‘ll' shut had lullen ~‘ini t. l
_During the morning pl‘Vt'l’nl ol v-ur hn'itsl
suuntlml within halt a mllt'. nl [lic ltn'l. rr-l
(“wing the fire of tho i-nrznv ui'h a! murh‘
Itnliunit)’ as llltllflk’lt‘l‘;(’. I'l'hi’ swell on
the bar liuving aomowhai suhmdcl at l p
m. ”w line was lurmed an follows: Slf'dtlt
er Vixvn. llag ship. towtng gun huah Ree
lvr rind Bonita; steamer Mclmne towtng
the Nonntn, cutter Forward and gunbunt
Petrel; then two launclivs,.tllree cuttgns.
and a barge. containing 1': lorce destined
tor boarding the t’ef-selS-ul-war. brought
up the. rear. The lel'll, with her tow.
passed the bar and took position within
point blank range, 911/! the Mclnne gtuck
last, and the cornu inluie hurling himlell
deprived of the stpan at two-thirds of
his lame. and being unul)lu to sustain the
lire ul 3 twelve-gun buttery With but luur
light pieces ol his own, was obliged to re-'
treat. The lurce in the boats was now
ex'poaed too heavy fire, the shot flying
thick and last around us. and had the
Mexicans fired grape it would have knoc—
ked some of us into fits. We escaped,
however. with a good ducking lrom the :
spray ol the balté.
It being nuw [no late in the day lot‘ uny ;
l'urthenoperutiuns. signal was made. for I
return to anchorage. and thus ended this
bloodless combat-bluodless not because I
each and eVery one of us would not have 1
shed our heart's best blood to have gained ‘
m? day foot because our plans of attack '
“’“5 "0t 300 d. or that we were not propér
'3’ led, but‘bec‘nuse Providence has provi- .
ded (lift enemy with such natural rlelences
as cannot-be overcome by a naval attack -
witluuch means 'as Commuduri: .Connor
has at his disposal; Thu McLanc lß'flll
abominable abortion. (to make use of your;
mgr? ward) drawing (on muclru'aler lube
wruccahle. and wilh not sufficient power
to dqu her over three nml a half Run“: an
hiun;hulit 3-: due In Cépt‘uin'llownnl lo
nny. Ilmf us soon on he gut his vessel afloat
again, he prom-Nd to make annihor nt
lcmpl In pas: Hll' bar, but (he commodore
tlvclinod, as i! was new 100 late m lhe af
nonn. ~
There remains one way to lake lhii Al
vnrndn. and, mark my words, it will be
«lune before many u'ccki; meanwhile we
must expect In be severely handled by lhe
newspapers at homo. and by people who
(‘xprcl us In uccmnplhh impups'ibiliticn
and gain glury on u [jg-Id whr-rc None in to
be won—alllmngh no hum. wilh lwo ith-us
In hm lwad, who wilnessed nur rrcenl (l 8
(out, can ntlvlbule blame to unv our.
From the Wnnhingmn Union
‘L‘nll ol'TI-oops.
\Vr umlvretnncl lhar‘fov‘qmsitions haw
lm‘n am! (I’m lhn- \Vnr l’rpm‘tmonhcal
-Img inlu Iln- Munro 0! lhv Uni'ml SIMH
mm- mldlliurmi n-giuu'nls nl \‘ulunh’l'rs (0
u-Iu- {ll)l'l'l‘_[ Hu- war \\i'h Mexico, unlrss
mmln'r :Imelgt-(l. 'lhey urn: mkml fur
{mm llm fullnwmg States:
One regiment of inhumry from Muss
()nv n-gimonl u! infanny [mm the State
of New York;
0:10 roglmrnl n! infanlrv from Penn
~_yl\'uniu;‘ . -
One leuimrnt nf infantry fro?» Vilglnia;
()uc I’t‘gimcnl of inhntry from Norll)
()ue rvgiment of infantry from Suulh
0:10 n‘gimcnt of infunlry from Louisi-
O n- xeuimcnl nf infnnhy from Missis
WW; and
()m‘ u‘glnmnl of mnunH-d mvn {mm
I‘Hni. .39
'l‘ni~ impnrrgum movemvn! will Ehuw Iho
lrdmu', pron WFQHH’I' ere is nnv mm-
Ing w. (h? pill of [he :ulnnnnlrflinn. a~
l'u-y have boon ”(Tully mmt u‘ck'rsalv
thlrging. We hJu- no limp, ul Ihn lat-r
hour at \\hirh u‘r- H‘FQ’H'P [ho ahm‘v inlor
t'u’lH:JrVH'l‘igl‘llH', In dwrll “pun ['st xu‘.)
jaw, Iv umué ‘nuw imic {-ure thurr is in
nu!) wage-Him“ m m- lhrmvn 'l‘lf inn
”Jihvnmr[mm-".1313! "H F h-‘Hmml 'hul
n Mir“: tion-iw WW I)? Inadvr'ukt‘n, vii")-
rr by our urn.) nr nuw. bx'lu c Ihr: nrxe
unv-cling uf Cungvl'v‘."
Frmn the 51. Lou r l'nznn, Nov, 1).
From finnla Fe.
\\"r are Emlcblml In tho gentle‘manly
l'll‘fk u! lhc simmer SI. Jun-phi. {or lhv
fullnulng Idle Inh-ll‘gr'nu- lmm Sulla Fr.
Capl. Murphylz-IlS.lntal"r,on unvwn
mcnl run”, on (hr H h 11“., and nrrivml
ln'r't- In‘l vwnmg. On the Sl‘rh H! val.
Luf, (Tam. M. myh (ienmu! Kmrnr-v h-h
Hunla FL- Hill! ”New huulrul Unilml
SHIN «lrngnmnh. l-vr ('u'afu'r'n. (thln
Hud-un N nulvrwl In lrr‘mw \\eYh hu m-w
Cu'npnnv as sun” In Hull‘pallulinn ran be
nblninml. «In» I! o-wl ifll’UL (‘.u'v, (Junk.
\\th lhr' Mormnn bulnilnn. the comnmnll
u! whu h llns hrvn nuigm'd (u hm]. \Vm-n
Captain \l. lz-t' Smtn I".-_ (f-Hnnul Dom
Izhnn’g ”gum-M \\.u umivr marching m‘
Ile's‘lur (,‘mhm'mu 'l‘h- 1;.‘1 ul (‘- inn-l
[Miro-N n'gllnHll nnh‘ml :z' Suva Fr nn
Ihc IO h and HI?) 0! Octnlp" In gnanl run
-.'lluv ; “lan I: u Murmnn bull ‘lmn. rum
mMMMI ln' LH'H'I’H‘HH Smuh. n! HH' dru
l'ho ['.m'm-t- lndmm had hvmmv
wry lmuhlc-x-mo. Th»)! lerd ninc'N-n
disc'm'gml Innulwn. on tho Axknnmu
amnH‘ m In'u l)»l .w 11:0 (running. 'l‘hr)
.qu Him “[4ll M» n gmernmv-nl lram. kil
lrul «mo umn. nml wnundrrl lhr wngnn‘
unasler M [’.xunt-v Funk. The lrznna o'l
lhe Inuh- ill(‘ in but] rundmnn, [rum luck
at puslurngv.
/..,.. 01 9
\an. Kearn)‘ hml uppuin-od the follow
Ilig\l2PnllL‘llien()mCPHUf Ihe- gumrnnn-nl
u.‘ Nww .‘-]l‘\li("|£
Unvm nor. Chan 105 “ml; svrromry. ”on
Alhlurnnnu ngll; marshal, Richard Dal
|am: l'niu“! {Slates dislrlvl allmncy.l“.
P. ”law, jr ; Iressurvr. (11mm Blummer,
nudl’hr, l‘luzrnc L'i'vnsciurh-r ; jmlzvs of
tho supreme cuurl. Juub Houzhlun, Anln‘
nin Jmc ()irrn, um: C‘mxlu Buubien.
Wu this week, record one of the most
singular accidents that we have ever heard
of, and one which will be it warning to ma
ny, in having children playing about where
lpersons are. chopping “nod ; accidents
always happen when least sxpec’ted, and
this one. where no blame can be attached
to any one, has like many others, been at
tcnded wtth serious consequences. On
Monday the 9th inst. a person in the em
ploy of aMr Button, residing some five
miles castof this place, was cutting wood
at the door of the house. and while in the
act of driving a wedge in the end of a log.
the axe flew of? the handle—a little Chlid
oer. B, aged about three years, was all
ting aehnrt distance off—the axe flew over
to it. and entered its. abdomen making a
gash of some seven or eight inches Icing,—
Mr. Britten and wife were both to town,
anti no one at home but the child and this
young manl who. becoming alarmed, pick
ed up the child and ran for town. After
running about four miles he was met ‘by‘
Mr. and Mrs. B. who took the child and
stopped at' Mr. G. Mathews’ and sent in
for a physician. The child lived till Tues
day evening when I! died of the-wound.
lifaokvillc qufsonian.
’ ACICEREL for sale at the shire
ol . ,3. SHAW.
llh Nov.
BLflNKS for sale a! this ofiide.
Suited ‘ln the Human Constitution. and equal 10 "I,
cure of “to”, curnblo din-mo, will be ldhnd in
[/priglzt’s ‘lmlzan Vegetable Pills,
’l‘lmso cxlmnrdinnry Pills nrc compolé'd 0T plum
which grow spontaneously on nur ow’u nail. and
nro. therefore holler nduplud lo our conslilnnon.
lhnn Modminoa concnclnd from foreign
ovnr wall lhey may he cnmpounded; and n.
founded upon lhe principle [but the human body
in in lrulh
4 . ',,.'."%f;;
namely. corrupl human, and lhfignld Medicine
cures this disease on "
by cleansing and puri/yingthc body, it Will be man.
”on th at. if the comlimuon ho nol onliroly exhaus
lml. n perseverance in Iheir me, accnrdlng to direc
liunl. is nhaolulely certain to drive dilonso of on»
ry name from lhe body.
When we wish lo ruloro a swamp or mama to
lernlyy. wo drnin" it nf lhe .v-upcrubumlnm water.
In like manner, gf We wish lo reuoro lh‘d body m
hmhh. wo mun! clonnso it of Impurily.
he found nnoyf'lho Imnl, ifnol Ihc’very heal mad.
icina in Hm u‘nrM for carrying out this
Immune Hwy 9pr! Imm lhe hudy all murhid nnd
cnrrupl humor. lhe came a! the din-nlO. in an only
nnd Nulural Manner ,- nntl \\‘hila lhoy every day
(”VIC [CASH AND PLEASURE. (li-cuss ofevcry
nnvnn in rnany tlrivml {mm tho lmuly.
[Night’s Indian l'cgelable Pills
Can be hud qrnuinn ol the lullowihg
highly rnpccmblc sturokecpcrn In
Clmrfle/d County.
lhe/Lard Shaw. Char/ic/d;
Dmu'rl Barre/I, Curwinavillc;
David Irvin, Lullxersburg.
Ell: Court/y.
Cobb S- Gallagher. fiadgeway;
Grargr U'ris. S/V filmy/s.
(‘mh-r Conn/y.
Brat/.‘rrhnfllfi- Irwin, Belle/"MIC;
./ «S- .l l’.)!.’rr, l’ollers' Mills,-
Jldxnn Fix/Hr. ('mlrevil/c;
‘ f) 1’ Human, .‘larnnsburg;
Snmurl lii/flan, Mih‘sburg;
Henry JIUmIH, [HI/kcrvi/It;
H'm gllurrfiu. l’inr Crave [lii/ls;
(Imrgc Jar/c. Him/shuns;
I] I, .Unncr, {Mm/Infill:
Irvin .S- U'ln'l/n/rr’r. (River/(y Hal/,-
/)Imrrm 1: W .Qpri/lg XVI/Ia;
F [lip/.11“; . ll'll’le-Ybllrg:
lunn’) Ilnmm, ('mrrwi/le
{”rOJi‘M .':-\'n¥ul I'xrlmn'r-Iy In lhe nle 0’
anu r's hm” \‘rmzmnm PILIS nf the North
Amcrlt‘lu (lulu-1:0 of ”cullh‘ No, 2185 Grecnmc‘u
errcl. New Yurk, N L 193 'l‘renmnx urct‘l. Bun
Jun; unJ I'Rl‘v’t‘ll‘M.UK'Hl‘E. No. 169 Racx Stun.
IS’l' n! Trnv'u Jurors for December
HA n-rm.lB4(i
[“mm Jnhn-nn
“’(‘sln'y Ilmn
Geo. Shuzavtdr.
Juhn Brulnker
Mlchu-l Svi'cr
\\Wn‘ Rx‘lrun Suvhir
'l‘hmnn Mcfihoe [’.srmer
UH). Afrhurm «In
Hamunl Brllharl Carpvnlcr
.lavnn-G Ful'nn Farmvr
IN)” Anlca
“'m. 'I'MP
James lI'WI'I
.ht. Av Rt-ul
‘.YuHh- w Fuzuw ll'l
Urn. Harp-r - «In
(1'1"). Ellg‘vn d .
[~lsl‘ Hon alu
Duid (Qvnlhml ":l»
l“."ji“l Rll‘sl' 1|”
("I'M Ilnrnli‘t Llnnhmmm
\\ m. (ill-nu I".nrmu‘.
Jnhn ”rum kvr (In
l‘lwo. I‘}! git-n I'.-“printer
(Emu Low-ch (In
Juhn P. ”Int M. I).
.lu‘ub (MM. (lnduulmr
Sam'l anburn mer-r
Jacoblwnnuvd ‘ (In
Jdi. H. Ilog‘ulv
Urn. Rm- -
'l'humas \Vlliuu
Jnmes Elm-r
(fhaxlu E In
Jamb \Ylsc
0 “(IE is hereby given to all per-
N Sons interested in the [allowing ad
minlslrolion uccuunl which ii filed In the
Kegister‘n ollice of Clrarfield counly, lhe
sumr- having been allowed and passed by
(he Regiuler, will be presented to the Dr
phnns’ Court (if said counly, to be held at;
the court home in the borough of Clear
fie d, on the 301hdny oanve.uber,lB46,.
The administration account ofJoseph Mc-
Clurren and David Flegnl, Executors of.
thclasn will and lesmment of Vulcmino.
Flegnl, Isle of Decatur township, Clean.
field county. dec’d. '
WM. 0. WELCH, Reg’t.
Register’a Office, Clear- .
‘ field. oa. 28. 1845. £lll5
W 421?! W 413 .’ .’
Not with 'Mexjico biz! wit/{the old Tyrant
Ba. WM. P. HILLS. reeling much
_ sympathy for those afflicted WWI
Rheumatism. take! this method of inviting
them to call at his office and get cured,—
'l‘his method is almost new, and “"3 sim-
P'e. but will positively effect it cure on the
most gcientific principles. Rheumatism
has long been a desiderntum with' phi“?
cians. and it is only of late that the true
principle nfcure has beendiscovered.‘ «
He would state. to all “concerned. "‘3‘.
he‘hau already-performed a numb!!! 9‘
cords, and can confidently; assert thM h]!
in tho: only true method. . - n «
can'mv 11‘ AND SEE‘
Clenrfield Nov. 8, 1816,, '
(ll) ~
3' r)