POETRY. A SISTER’S LOVE. Alon vunamnl lhun lhe vvnmng nlnr )Vhlch mild’y ‘wuum nhnvr—— Thun dindnm —nh.' dearer In: A nlalor'a gonllo luvu' Brighter lhnn dv\\‘~drnp un Ihv man ‘ 'l‘hun nnlura's Emile mum nay—— A linng {mum \\hwh ever Hows. Sleeped m hwn'fi puerl rxn' Gl-m u! the heart! '.lfr'l gm uhvme Bt-quoulhmi us from above. Glad offering m nflbrnon'u shun-w A sister's holy love? - fl PrQ/(me Swmrcr h’anflmsuL—ln Schoharia cnunty them hves a man whose addiction to profane swearing la nm-h that ~.his name has become a by ward and w preach; butby some mtofnnl thermome tér'he so graduates his oath. as to mnke thém apply to the peculiar vase in hand ; the greater the mishap or cause for "M". the stronger and more lrcquent his mljuru lions. ”is busincss is that of: untherer of ashes, which he collects in small nuan litlea and tmnsports in an ax can. Upon a recent occasion. having by dint of great labor succeeded in filling his vehwle, he started [or the ashery. which t-tmuls ut the brow Ora steep hill, and it was not until he reached the door that he noticed. wind lug itltoctunus course down the lung dc. clivity, a line of white ashes. wlnle some thing short of a peck rt‘matnad in II)? rarl. ' The dwellers by the u‘nt‘s’illc nml they that larried there’ hat] nssmnhlml in grown force, expecting an unusual nnmhz-mnl «In: play., Turning however to the rmml, llw unfortunate man henvml n sigh and Silhltl‘ remarked: ' Nt‘tghlmrs. it's no Ihr; / ran'ldo jusliu In I/w wilful! The ”ear! and Hm Swan/.mh IS recor ded of the Duke of Luxmnbunra. lhal on his death-bed, he decimal! ”ml he “'de have cherished more deeply the memory of having given :1 cup of mid unli‘r to am ofhis fellow-creatures in poverty and (its tress. than all lhe vivlnrivs he had achir-v ed, wilh their arenas of blood, desolalinn and death. An admirahlv lesmn 13 run "Eyed-in this brwl’ expression uf opinion. The Flour and Uruin film/{LVN in New York.-—-The New York Express of The!» day afternoon says : . ‘ A week ago there were snme intlirminns ofapluse in the Hlliplnenls of broad mm. This atom from the high prices lhzn were demanded. Flour was held at 85 75;. VVheal at 81 '2s—:ml (.‘orn at NJaHsc.~ These rates. together with the srarcny of Veuoll. had the eflecl to check blnpmr'nls. * and'wilhin a few days all these articles have declined to a pom! at uhu-h Ehiprersl are willing to invest. The (‘onscqm‘nre m, tlml. wnhin the lasl few days. there has: 'beén‘n very acme business doing. Flnurl "at 35 50. has been taken free. About 100,0005u5hels of corn have snld 3(570378'C15” 100.000 bushels mm. and 40,000 bUshels wheat. nearly all fur ohxp nidm." Vessels have become plenty, allhn‘ freight! keep up. The amuunl of good! on tho canal, and which musl umn- here wilhin the next four weeks, or nol at ml, is 'very great .9 Bulicrfll/‘s Moral .—A buy. on per calving a beautiful buttmfly, “as so smit ten with its gaudy colors, that he pun-nod it from flower to {lower uith lntlt’lflllgulilt‘ zeal; at first he attempted to surprise H 1 mong the leaves ola rose; thvn lic en lea vored to cover it with his hat a; it was fond» ing on a daisy ; now he ltopf'tl tr) secuie u an it revelled on a sprig ot‘ myrtle ; and now grew ante of his prtZt: on pCICCH‘Iug it to loitet on a bed of Violets; but the fickle fly still cludell his attempts. At last‘ observing il hallburied in the cup of‘a tu-t lip, be rushed loruartl, and snatching at the‘ object of his pursuit “ith Violent-u. it was} crushed to pieces. The d} ing insect. per celnng the boy chagrinetl at his disappoint ment. addres’sed him \Hlll the utmost (‘alt‘u-g hens in the following words: ' Belltlltl.l now. the end of thy unprofitable solicnmte; ,and learn, for the benefit of thy future lil‘e,‘ ,thal pleasure, like a painted butterlly. mm l .urve to amuse thee, in the pursuit ; but if ‘ombraced with too much ardur, will perish to thy grasp.’ ‘ , fim dark feature in tltc ptesent age, slid tlte late Dr. Channtng. is the spirit of ,eollilsien. contention and discord which .breakst‘orth in religion, politics, and pri vate affairs—n result and necessary issue of the selfishness which prompts the end lessaclivity of life. The mighty fetccs Which are at this moment acting in society 3 storm 'end cannot be in harmony. for they cannot he governed by love. They ate discordant. Ltfe has now little music in it. his not only on the field of battle that menfight: They fighton the exchange. Business to wat. is conflict of skill, man agement. too often of fraud. Christians foresking their owu Lord, gather under va rions standards to gain victory {or their sects. Politics is war, breaking the people into fierce and unscrupulous. parties, which forget their country in conflicts for office and power. The age needs nothing more than peace-makers. men ofserene, cum msnding virtue, to preach in life and work the gospel of human brotherhood, to allay the {tree ofjealousy and hate. 'yff’Do not talk about your neighbors, vwo beg‘ of you ,do not. It is unkind, We are so situated in this life that we are often dependent upd’ii them‘for’oflices of‘kind man that money ml! not buy. How a hat-b. or a light word will grate on the manory of a neighbor forever, and hot» by might refuse us his aid if he remembarqd it 'agaiiist m. It is then our interest to :3: [ Knit/«Nun Arr Sure you cannot feel at home. 'l‘herctnreyouhad better call nnd'get a new set put in, either on Pivot or Gold Pia/e. The above operation, together with Extracting Teeth, and roots of Teeth. Will be performed in the—J-inust scientific manner by Dr. A. M. HILLS, who may be found at the office of Dr. WM. P. HiLu, In the borough of Clegrfield, on wary Sat urday, and during court-weeks. ECPPrices Reduced. j . Ladies will he visited nttheir residence, ‘ If ticslrcd. " .» lug. 12-3 at. l BMNKB for salelal this bflie. lweakmellofmw neighbors. Again, it is To THE pEOPLE. l unprincipled to speak I” or them. ill " THE session oquigrc-as. whivh linilu“ termith impolite and ainl'li . and ‘_‘lll’ all these at; rtlcd, will be long aid grutululty remembered by guments against the practice. It Is much (0, all true repiiblicans ‘for the trititnphaiitauecesa of be wondered at that die ninth command: mniivufilivir Charithqtlpflnflplfl 9"“ "WWW"- . .- __ While we heartil rejmco at the triumph of the t rewarded with more respect. . Y "‘9’“ '5 ."0 '* [)rlllt‘lplt‘s \\ltl('h It has been our constant effort to A fluttering word about a person whom “0 advocate tltttl defend. and from “ ltlt‘h no pronperi~ do not know. has often commended us to ,y'm "Manny. m" “we,“ “a: we cnnnol be um his favor. while a alitzhling remark, unin mindful nt iho tittlttlde in which we are platted by ientieii'al'p‘eihapa, has made hit]: our enemy a recent mic or lnth houses. or Congrflifll—lflo nl _ hide to the contemplated thltdrnt‘t'nl oftheir put lorever. ~ . mung“, {mm ”,0 mmpflpur prom. To this decis~ lon we r‘heertully how, seriaihle air we are ofthe pnlrioiic motives which have led to it. But we trust that this derision of Congress increases rath~ or than tllmltllalms our claim to the support of a higher power—that of (In: people; ntitl to them we confidently nppenl in aid til. by their patronage. in maintniug at the sent olgovernment ajournal that ll iiillaxilily devoted to their interests and Ilia true interests iil'tll'o country. It is known to entry one. that the chiefnniirce of uiiatuining a neit'niinpnr is net the magnitude at its itiiliiicriptiuii list. no much as the advertising pal~ ronnge which may he bestowed upon it. lti large commercial Clllt‘tt. indeed. the latter is usually the t‘nrimmitaiiltif the former. "I it becomes the obvi~ om interest of mercantile men to advertise in those pant-rs which are the most extensively Circulaled. Washington. however, is tlifl‘erenily ltlltulrtl. De. prived of the advertising patronage incident to a mercantile community, and burdened thlt pecu liar and enormous expnnnea whit-h are notolse. where incurred. nothing but a very long linto! siihat‘rihint; patrons can sustain a paper In useliil "PM—if. indeed, Men in exrsteneo. 'l'ho proprio tors ol the ' Union' have hitherto spared nu pains, and no expense, to make their paper worthy ofthe metropolis. and worthy of the support at that great party under “hone liniiriter they are enlisted. In pllbllFltlltg the "Hill full and ample debates ofthe two houses at Congress. it is believed. ever before attempted on this ('Ullllncfll iii a daily newspaper, they hurt) secured the nervwoa of the best report i-ru “llll'll the t'iilll’llfy ntTorded. but at the enorm an: east of $153,000 or 815000 per year. Their extenuvo lureign and domestic correspondence is another large 110 m (.1 expense. but the instructive tintittiliieuu til’ “hlt‘lt lit so highly r'ntiimeiiilt-tl rind “l’ll'fi‘t‘lnled a» lUJUrltly almost any outlay to at t;iiii it. Still, it "tll'tl be evident that these heavy fl‘il‘llkl'h tlllanl h-i hnrne. tinler llit‘ SUllFNipllO'l list is t-oniinenstirn'e to the undertaking, and allhn' we (‘ntl tunfit of 15,000 null-inthe", (including dai li'. lfl'ttt'okly, and weekly.) yet this list must still he cuiiniderahly enlarged to enuhle the prnprietnrtl ufihn' Union' to sustain all its usefulness. and to ”HUM? them llL'ltlnltl pecuninry loan. Invoking. llll‘tl. nenin. the aid and support or all true friends nt Ri-i-uli'ii'ttii glrt‘trnltlt‘ltl. and pledging ourselves in rotten nd clfurtn In the cause of the glorioua prmctple- we cherinli, we otTer the {allowing pro pu~tils .- WWhy dreml to lay down thin frail body in its resting place. and this weary. nhlng head on the pillow olils repose?— ‘ \\‘ln‘ nomhla at this. that in the long sleep ul Iho [mph the bndv shall suffer disease no mum. and pain nn more, and hear no more the cries pl want. nor the groans ofdislress; and fur wlirml from lhe lurmull of life. that vmlenrc and change shall page lightly over H. and lhe elcmcnls ahall beat. and the slnrms shall houl unheard around us lowly 11ml? ’ pr‘_“"l‘hc histmy of the world, as well ms the biography of them who have play lr-tl ti prominent part in its concerns, teach lone great lesson worthy of everlasting re gmcmbrnncc. lt assures us that it would Em'ntier btit lllllfl what form of danger may liissail a man. if he he trueto himself. Pov~ li'riv may lay his chilling hand upon him. land freeze up the fountain of his brighzest lhopes—«liesppnintment’ may meet him tll tower-v stop—affliction mav strike down those who (IH‘ nearest to his heart—-—tlie ultrt‘fllll of slander may attempt to sully his ‘immé. nnil tarnish his reptitnlion—still let, him be true to himself; let him maintain a stout heart and a clear breast. and he will eventually otilritle the storm. Let those in ltt) are struggling with ' low birth and iron fortiiiie,'-remenibcr this truth; and let them remember too. that no man (‘Hn he destroy ed by others without fault and weakness in himself. A LARGE PAPER, Fm: ON]; I) 01, LXI/R J] I’ll/l? Now [ml-'lshmg in Hm HIV 0! Pmiudullvhm, Fn'nr'i \\HJ‘m' I‘M‘Ln. 1. lnrgu‘ .~zv~ hm‘fly Numb-ovnr. nm- m! 'n .541]1e w un-l rr-lxgm'l. n! I! dmnll-d In Llll‘r nlnrl'. 'l'rulh, \mu Ihr!ArlynSl‘H-IwrnJlr-nIHI, I‘vm m-mm-(I. Munlhly. Amusnnwnlfi. Mt‘vhunim, I,IIU(II— "Uh. Ihu Ilium», Marl cl.‘ .R'r Fuhsrnplxun pure. ()m’y (Mr Dollar (1 Yrur. whrn #uhw'rflwd f-r m Ilu‘m u! HW, and [can when ovnr [hut number. 077‘ lit-m:lnier—-Sn‘ull'n l'inYndclphm " “'ntu Paper“ I'l no! u ruyrm: ul ll”), olhcr 'l‘hn mnner \\‘llh whwh it x‘ p'mlt'd 1x nul lulu-u. nlrrudy scl up, 'mm unv (fully pnprr‘ TERMS (W TH}: WIIIIKLY PAPER. 5'13!" \H'v\l'rl}llll'n\,)'l'r :n'nu'n 1n mhunrc, 81 95 Fur suhn‘ng-Inum. Mu do 5 (:0 THCIH‘. I!“ du do 10 00 ()m- vnm' “kw-My Paw r, :unl nun mpy 0‘ (;o(‘('}l~l|f(;l‘llhTHll'!4.‘l'\g'vl‘lll‘, (Jno mpy nl Ihn Weekly I’upcr. and one of Ihu l mun Mugumnr. 3 (‘0 Tm: l'oplrs .1! Hu- ' \\R-n-M)’ l‘upfl.‘ and (nun! Hu- Sulunlnv (Mum-r. ll'xu) (opm.: ulllne'\\'rl-kly l‘upcr nnd Hm (.l'vm'h nl (iodr) '- lh-prmls 01 Fur run Mng~y;2:vw~u ’H n [fix mum,» ' 5 00 l'n-rxnls nrnm: us um‘nla, um! pror‘umu: Huh-mn hers. nn- uilmwd u vupy. gruhu. ltu [hon lruublc. A Bmgrnphy ul unv u! llm Sngtu-u ol lho Dot-Inm lwm 01 lruh'pomlr‘m'n he published In every nnmhnr —wllh almrl ngrnphu-nl Skulchcs a! other cnmmu ,u'mm» All lulur~ mud hr nddresct-«l. pun-1 paid. (or lhe mum-y [nrmmlod lhrough lhv I’tmlmflfilfl.) 10 A. 5(01'1'. Publisher. Nu.lls(fhealnulalwulJ‘hllvndL-lphxa. BOROUGH ORDINANCES i [2'9 1'! ordained and enacted by the Bur ‘ gum and 'l'own-Counril aft/m Borough J n/ L/wf/ic/tl. and 2! is [[B76ll]] enaclal - mut ordained by the authorin of the sumo, I'm“ all B'acksumhi and ulhers Mum: basin?” may quuuo them [0 make firm umn (hru shops. ale required lu make xlwm .1! n Imu- u'm’n lhe m-ulhm is calm. and HM Windy, and also (0 hmu [ln-iv firm nl h-ml :50 Lot Irom any cluclllng ur 0'1: (-1“ hnuw, unu'cr lhv pclmHy (u! not It» Hum mw nor mmc Ihzm lt-n dollars. lnr' mach ulTencv. ll) be zecnvcwd according (0‘ law. 2d. Br i/ furl/«tr ortluiucd. 81.. That any [wlhullo burn n: shavmgs or min-r mutlcrs on lhe blH‘t‘li, an: Lutebv luxbid. drn lu du the sum: nccp: at a tune um lhe “o.lth in calm and nut uinuly, a! xln-n Hm fire no! In In: within 100 feet any houw, umlcr Ilu: penalty 0! not It's"! mun um- nor more than (cu duliuls, lo be recovered according In law. 3d. lie 1'! ordained, 61:, That the or dinanccb already in force. winning It planking the pavementu. shall be extended down Sucuml street to the corner 0! LO - and Sccnml, and on the Soulh side 0! Cherry nreet lrnm Front to Second, 0! \vhu'h the lot hnldcra and those intercated will lake notice. Passed Sept. 9. 1846. J. W. SMITH. Burgess R. WALLACE. Clerk. A CARD. @Lflm 11331333513 WAKE ES to have your 'l‘zn'ru properly cared for ere they commence to pain you. All scales of tartar ahould be carelully removed, aml it there are any cavities in your teeth they should be properly filled. which will eficctunlly prevent any turther decay. And lo you whose teeth are gone. 'l'ho ‘DAILY UNION' mll he Pllblllllcd, as here warvre. u! 310 pm annum. payable in utlvunmn [ln Charmer hilherlo ha- been nlmonl (‘XCIUIIVUIV pO - We purpone in {ulura l 0 (“Hole 5 purliun 01 H 5 ruluinns lo dumellic new: of gem-ml lllleH‘b‘l and lo miscellaneou- lileruiurc. “’lllt‘h, wnhoul |impuiring ll! pnliucul influence. may render ll lho more m-ceplnblu m an vxlondl-vl clan of renders 'l‘he‘SEM[-WH-IKLY UNION‘ will be pub lished every Monday nml Thursday. during the m l‘t‘ls of Congress. at 85 pur nnnum. This conlmnl nll lhu inaller conlninnl in lhe ‘ Daily Unian,'ex llfipl lu’ul nll\flfll6t‘monll. During lhe neuiom ol lCungrt-su lhree numbers. inslond oflwo Will be ID mml \\llllulll any nxlrn chnrge lo subscribers. ENLARUEMENT OF THE WEEKLY UNION. ’l‘hc ' WEEKLY UNION' u icy-nod uveiy Satur dnv ; and mi arrnngnmenlu are in progress lo en large ll 10 near double 11.! present nizc. we shall noun be: enabled In give nourly evmy arlicle which mny appear in the daily and acmiqveekly editions, n! ”in ('lxreml'ly low rau- MB2. We propose san In gIVE. 11l 1111 l edition, 11 complain lynoplicul num mnry oflho promvdingu in holh house! of Con greas—lhus rendering the ' Weekly Union' n molt vuluuhle channel ufinlnnnnlion In all clnasel of nur r‘ounlry. But It; rrmunernlo us for 1111 l cnler. prise. nn uxlcnsiva lubscripuon lial il nb-olulely iiidmpunrnhle. ME ME CONGRESSIONAL REGISTER. In mldmon w the fun-going. wn have rrqulvud 1m puhlmh. durmg llm manor" of lhe nulmnul Ir-g~ “Mature, 1: ' Congressional lbgishr.‘ to bo inuod weekly. and to comnin a FULL Mzron'r ul lhe daily prncnedlngs and dehnlal nl holh houses. I'uleod. lhe nrrnmu-mems MIHCII we huvo made \vllh lhu wry hul corps of ropurlcrs wnll enable us lo give even more lull and oxlendud reporu lhun we have produced during lluu Beauiun, superior us We clnim lhmn [0 ho to nny provoding ones. Tho Rogmnr} mil he mmlo up Irom Iho (lolly Icpmla m Iho‘ Un mn.‘ c-nn-luily revised by an oxpurmnccd odxlur. [and “All mnsululo u (‘olnplulo und aulhonlm ro vrnrd of lhe semnn Au uppvnxlu will he added. umlnrm “II“ the Rnguler, and to ho sen! gram” nuply m nuhlcrllmm ('mnprmng a In! oflho an: [unsud durum lhu avaarun. wilh a Iynopall uf lin.-i: ‘vuulonlr, and u rclerem-o. whvn necessary. to pre ‘\'ml)§4l€glllnlllHl 'l'hu will {urm lhe mus! com lplru- lmlury ul lhe aesamnr nl Congrann. and “111 h - l’unmhml at lhe low [moo of lEVENTV FIFE (‘EN'IS Inr the Hun nos-ion.“ wl'ou'nms'rxun are authorized to act as our a gcnln ; and by u-ndmg us live yearly subscribers, uh]. lhn nllhscrlpliun money. fur either Iho Hui/y. NWu-H'rr/rly. or "Eek/y. will he onnllod In one copy ul lho anmo odllluu no lhey furnish us nub~ numbers for. ary-The Cowanmlomx. Ramsnzn will be fur nishcd them on (he tame mm: CLUBS WILL BE FURNISHED WITH 5 Coplel of Rho Daily for 310 00 5 do Semi-weekly 20 00 10 do do 35 00 5 do Weakly 800 [0 do do - 1500 20 do Congreuionnl Rogiuler 10 00 The name 0| no person will be entered upon our boaku unless the paymom of lhe lubacripu'on b 0 made in udvnnco‘ Address. CAUTION. V HE public are hereby cautioned a- E gains! buying a promisory note giv en by me to Simon Fulton, ol Burnslde township, for 850. dated about the 18th day of April. 18115, as l have not received vulUe for the same. and am determined nut to pay it unless compelled by law. , JAMES RIDDLE. Burnside tp. Sept. 1, 1846.--pd. TEACHERS WANTED. FOUR Teachers wanted to teach the Common Schools in Morris (_own uhip. A reasonable salary ‘will be givenJ and the cash paid at the end of evéf’y month. if required. None butgood mor -5' P 975908. anti otherwise well qualified, "cedf BPP'y- Application may be made [0 Either of [hi undersigned Directors. , . I“LWM. SHIMEL. Pra’t. S. C. THO ‘ son, Sec’g. ‘ MOSES C. EVANS, SAM EL HOOVER. JACOB BEAMS. CHRISTIAN EMIGH’. Morris tp. Sept. 15, 1846—”. RITCHIE a; HEISS. Washington city. D. C. Sale of Real Estate. Randall 8; Weston, , M; \ 'H‘HE subscriber offers for mummqwmnamw.o ‘if‘ligmlii ‘ aule’ll’ie lollowtng Real D EsPECTFULLY inform the public at,” rum. Estate. VIL . - . r._:_~- vet. E 3, thutthey are prepared to construe; NO. 1.--./I LOT OF GROUND, in (MUST-MILLS, to be driven b) "fa!" he borough ol Clearfield. being 43 feet in m- SIeam~CLOVER-MILLS. PLAST. front on Second street and extending back [SR-MILLS. FULLING and SAW. 150 feet to the Market house lot, with on MILLS. FURNACES; FORBES and lalley passing on the south of it, and Wllh ROLLING~MILLS. Patent Bellows,“ s atory-and-a hall house and stable there- Daughters &- Wrighte‘ plan. or the Call on erected. being part 0! Lot No. 79 in the Iron Cylinder. ’l‘hey respecllully solicig plan of said town. a share "I public patronage. NO. 2.—A’LSO. J? Lo! q/‘GROUND Mr. Weston is agent lnr Der/rey’e Pal adJoining the above on the north side. be- ant-Cast Iron I’Vatcr Wheel—considered mg 43 leet in front on 2d street, and eX- the best now in use. tending back 150 feet to the Market house, wLetters may be addressed to Clesr. with a TWO STORY FRAME DV‘VEL- fiietd Bridge post office. or to Philipsburg, LING-HOUSE thereon erected. with a They will be promptly attended to; and well and pump at the door. and other vsl- worli done It the shortest notice. unble improvements, being parts of Lots July 20. 1848 No. 78 81 79 in said town. m— -3. flLSO. His interest in the north lern hall of Lot No. 78, being 28 feet 8 in -Iches In lront on Second street, and exten ding back 150 leet. NO. 4.—ALhO. His interest in n TRJC'I 0F LflND. situate in [AW rence township. adjoining lands of Robert Owens, John Mitchell and others. which is believed to contain about 100 acres. more or less, with a cabin house and cab in barn thereon erected. an Apple Orch ard. and with between 50 aml 60 acres at cleared land. No. _S—flLSO. His interest in a tract of land warranted In the name of Joseph Forrest, situate in \Vondward township. near the Clesrfield creek, and by official survey containing 400 acres and 10 ps. NO. 6—flLSO, His interest in a tract of land warranted in the name of Peter Henry, by official survey containing 400 acres and lOps. situate close to said Clear lield creek, in the said township of Vl'ood ward NO. 7—flLSO, his interest in a lrnc! of land. warranted in the namenf Samunl Henry. by Official survey containing 400 acres and 10 perchel, *fiiluate in W'ood ward township, and near the Cleurfield creek. No. S—flLSO, His interest in a tract nl land. warranted in the name of Hugh Balaton. containing by official survey 400 acres, situate within about two miles ol the Clearlicld creek, in the township of Woodward and Decatur-«which tract is ‘ patented tn the subscriber. No. 9——./ILSO. n tract of land in the name of Samuel Humblelan. patended by the subscriber, and containing by official survey 403 acres, situate in the township of Decatur. No.IO—JILSO. His interest in a tract (If land warranted in the name of Jacob Cox. situate in the township of De catur, and containing by official survey 483 acres 153 perches. The interest of said “allure being the one undivided hall thereof. No. l I—flLSO. His interest in 358 [acres ol land. part at a tract warranted tn ‘the name of Thomas Grant situate in Ferguson town:hip. NO. IQ—JILSO. Hts interest in a tract of land warranted in the name at Salomon Lyon. containing. by officral survey, 387 acres—but there being an in terlerence ol an adjoining survey the quantity is believed to be not so much— situate in Beccaria township. near the Clearfield creek. The interest of the sub acriber being an undivided hall thereof. NO. I3—flLSO, His interest in a tract nt land. ritunte in Decatur township, adjoining lands of A. 6055, and others, containing abuut 100 acres. more or less, 50 or (30 acres 0! which are cleared, with a dwelling hnuue and {stable thereon erec ted. 'l‘he intereet of the subscriber being the undivided third part thereof. NO. 14,—ALSO, his interest in a tract nf land in the name of Samuel Emlm, containing. by official survey, 433 acres, situate on the Clearfield creek, chiefly in Woodward township, with about 20 or 30 acres of the tract on the weal aide ol the creek [lf/“The subscriber will make known the terms and conditions ol sale to any ap plicant; will make known tothem the li lle to each parcel. show the drafts, and will sell his title clear of encumbrances. ROBERT WALLACE. Clenrficld, July 20. 1846. [AGENT WANTED, For this County. HE business will he to procure sub- T scribe“ for, and tell. when publish ed. a Ibrge, new. splendid township Map ofthe STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. The qualifications required are a small capital of $lOO. sobriety. integrity. in duatry, energy, and active busineas tal ents. Information all the terms of the a- ‘ gency (which are libo‘ral) will be given on application, POSTAGE PAID. to ALEXANDER HARRISON, Superintendt'ng .flgent. 8% South 7th Street, Philadelphia. Sept. 25. 1846. --6 m. To the Heirs and Legal Representative: of the Hon. Moses- Ragga. late qulear field count . deceased. WAKE §OTICE that application has been made to the Register of Clear fiold county for letters of administration on the estate of the said deconséd, and unless you come forward according to law, and take out letters of administration on said estate on or before the 24th day 0! October. next. the name will granted to some other competent person. agreeably to acts of Assembly in ouch case made and provided. \ WM. 0. WELCH, Reg’r, Regifler’a Offiwclnr} > field, Sept, IT, "46. _ @AW‘Q‘HCDEIo LL pcrsons are hereby cautinned n‘.‘ A gains!" purchasing a note of Twenty Dollars. dated about (he middle of Apnl last, given by ”12 subscribers lo Jen-e D. ”syn-g. of Bnggo township. Clenrfield counly, as we have never received value ‘or the name and Ira determined no: to my i! unlcu compelled by due course of ' JOSEPH PETERS. JONAS PETERS, Boggs tp. Avg. 22, 1846, az NOTICE. OTICE is hereby given. that letter: N of Administration have been grant ed to the subscribers on the estate of John Hegarly. late ol Beccaria township. Clear fieltl county. All persons indebted to tho' same will come forward and makepqw ment immediately. and those having de mandu against the same will present them“ duly authenticated lor settlement. HENRY HEGARTY, WM. MULLEN. Execute": Sepl. 3. 1846 WJJJJJJJJJJJJJIJJJJJIII< 2 Law Partnership. 2 S "' ‘ S g BURNSIDE & \VEAVLR, Q S “TILL practice in Ulenrfield, S 2 and mljoinlng COUnIIEI. ,2 8 Office one dour north of the ”Ban- 8 : ntr" office. , a 2 JAMES UURNSIDZ.J 2‘ lg‘irFflKD. WEAVER. S un‘ . ). pf’f’f’f’fJffff’f’Nf-f’j '5 S s LOOK AT THIS! 3 z EANCERS of different: 5 W kinds can be cured by g 5 a vegetable plaster. (by 51.2 thcuou. sen. of Cleurfield town.)z S with but little pain, without cutting q: or eating them out.—und ifuol cured 2 S no pay will be asked. S 2 July 9—pnid. Bm. : NJ‘J'lJJ‘ffl-rfff’f’fN’N’4 @AAL‘JH‘IIGDNo 3 LL persons are hereby cautioned I galnsl buying, selling. or in any way meddling with the following property no' in pmsebliun of Thomas Thompson : 75 dozen rye, 20 dozen wheat, two-thirds of five acres of oats in the ground, two-thirds of two acres of buckwheat, one-quarter of an a crc of corn, one acre of grass,4 tons of hay, one rifle and 4 hogs, on lhe said properly was Inld to me It Constable sale on the 81h 0! 13517211846. Aug. 15, lß46—pd, LIST OF LETTERS EMAINING in the Pool Office at R Clearfield. Oct. 1. 1846 Cox Wm. Dressler D. ‘ Daniel Wm. for Nancy Wait, Eynson John Galer Almirn Hess John Lamb Freeman Reed Amos A. Sewell Samuel Shepherd J. C. Thompson Jamel Thompson Rulul Wallace John Wood Wm. Wade Monsieur, &c. -2‘, )6 WM. L. MOORE. P. u. DR. E. GREENS 'RED & BROWN PILLS. HE demand lor the above medicioa_ Tin the last 2or 3 years. is deemed , a sufficient apology for placing it now lol ly before the peeple 3 and the diseases for 3 which it is applicable have become on par l. valent in this country thntva remedy enti tled to confidence. is a great desideratum. The disc-lee I allude to are Hepalilil. (Liver inflection.) Dyspepsia, and female ‘ complaints in general. ”The above pills will bept constant ly (or sale by Richard Shaw, Clean-field. David .fidama, Boggl tp. J. W’. Miller. _ do ' ‘ Oct. 20. 1846. flpprenticee PVanted. Boy 16 or 17' years 0! ago. who. can come well recommended. will be taken an an apprentice tojho Black smitlu'ng Business. and a good chance. yill 'be given; Application should be made immediately. “ ' THUS. BEERS. Grahnmton.’ Sept. 30, 1846. ' ATS. Beaver. Rania. Silk. Log ; [horn and Palm but It ' V WM. SCHMIDT. PAL* P.lB.