know, i; now with.the armydyjfiplh _Lhip lolleu will be read with intereslfi: ~ ' [Was/1‘? Winn. 14.4,; , H . MONTIREY. Sept. 29.71846. ‘ ' I should have. Written you before (trial loto'h'our'. but I knew‘all the while that our . regular correspondent "H.” was keeping you well acquainted with the stirring "events oi the past week. and little time trail i. even could I have put hands upon writing: materials. to give you an account of tlie doings of the 2d division of the an; .my. From the time the Mexrcan lancers commenced the attack upon our advance. late onthe afternoon of the 20th inst" “P to tlie finnl capitulation on the allernoon 01. the 24th. there was literally tru-rest t 0 the’ soles of the feet of any man in Gen- Worth’s command. The rain oti the'nielits ”of the 20th and 215 i. combined with the constant espectation of an attack from the enemy. were causes suflicrent to drive a to“ sleep; but to these shoultl be added hunger and that excess nl latigtie whlch drives on slumber, as well as the circum stance that many of us had wounded com mutes demanding attention; with this corn bination of drawbrcks you can easily run éeivu that one had little time or inclina tion for writing. ' Speaking ot wounded comrades l'e‘mlnllV mo of poor Thomas. He was one ol the most daring spirits in M'Cullnch'a compa ny. and had his horse wounded in the charge tho enemy’s: lnncers made. upon [the morning of the 2lst. ()o the follow. ing morning, whtle storming the ballery on the height overlooking the Bishop‘s Pir lace. he was mortally wounded, and utter suflering Incredibly, died on the morning trllhe 24t1t.,-, A musket ball shuttered ht~ hipjoint, at the some time that the brave Clpl. Gillespie was shot through, and the two are now quietly resting side by side on the height where they received their death wound—Mount Gillespie. as it has been appropriately named by Gen. Worth. The lrientls ol’Thomas are among the rumt i'elpectable in Maryland ;.hc was in the ”game meswoith mysell, and it may alTrrrd‘ his ~”quaintanceo some consolation to know‘thlt r-verr nttetizitrn was paid him, during his last hours, that circumstances would.admit. 0‘ the thousands of hlexiCun soldiers Ill]! occupied this Gibraltar ol a town it few days since. not as many hundreds now rennin. At one time, so confident were Ampudia and'his generals of success. they sent Romano, with filteen hundred or two thousand cavalry. in the tear ol Gen. Tay lor. to‘cut all his retreat. The "redeem ing”'game of the Texans and regulars on ltho'alternoon of the ‘23d—7-dtgging through and under houses. taking inch by inch. but never giving one—and then the close proximity of the 24-pound mortar, so suc censlully worked by ’.Mnjor Munroe and "(Lie'ntrLovell—qll combined to intimidate ~ the-Mexicans ton degree that induced ldhem-toaue for terms. Shells lrom the igitm‘ortnrrlell and exploded all around the “Erie'utiCothedral. Had one entered that 'iirg'cstnblishmeot. filled as It was with ammu nitlon. every house on the main Plan would have been riven to fragments, and the loss of life Would have been learlul.— To spare the shedding ol so much blood. "and so terrible an'ittjury ol property. were some ol the main causes that induced Gen. Taylor to ofler the Mexican commander the terms he did. i I saw Ampodia as he lelt town for Sat title on the morning of the 26tli—rndr- at long in his escort tor a mile or two, The blue and lying urelch-lor every page in his black history proves him as such—— looked crest-lailen. nervous, and timid to a degree. He was tearful lest some o.r rite Texan rangers, many ol whom had deep wrongs to avenge. might shoot him from the waysrde;and as he rode through their encampment, situated rlirecttr on his route, he could not conceal his fears. Thu at lowed him to puts. however, without in“, Ca cry or shoot of exultation. Opinions are various in camp as to who. ther the Mexicans Will now offer peace, or malts a stout resistance at Salrilln: a larger portion. lbetieiv, inclining to the letter opinion. A Mexican. who arrived tlrous that place yesterday.reports that they have already commenced fortilying it on ,an extensive scale; but this should be tri lten merely as a rumor or story of a Mex- Jcan—the most unreliable information con ceivable. Again, a great many are die contented at the terms given the Mexi cansand'think that they now will certain ly fight again alter being let off so easily. Hndttho battle continued on the 24th, three hour's longer. the Mexicans would un doubtedly have been on their knees crying and begging for their 'lives. A terrible carnagewould have ensued had not Am pndin'eent in proposals for a surrender of the town, (or his forces were huddled. ill can. use such a term; and all ”It! General Taylor” well i knew. To carry out the known conciliatory policy of our govern ,t’nent, llDwevel’. appears to have been his "'W'j'lo Ppare lite and property. in accor dance truth his instructions, his object—- and this should relievo him from all cen- W'e 3” the matter. For myself, having some slight knoweldgo of Mexican char-t “a“... I believe the 'whole policy of our ff'goyernment is. and has been wrong for years.‘ Shower any quantity ol'rnagnuni. "mity‘upon this people, and it is entirely ithrown sway—they neither feel nor appre j‘cteteiit.‘ Au inherent pride, which grow. .‘ noon them with every step in a downward and disgraceful career. causes them tot ‘looltmsvithta pretended scorn-upon every‘ "once o'lgeooro'us forbearance iu their'ad-‘ I‘jverlyitygand IS well might: “in Amburg Attempt to- conciliato his tigers and hye "or: by choice bits 01-fimeot and love pats irn‘tlte’ head on .thesorpe'oplo- by: acts of kindness. The policy has bccnl‘f tried all summer. ind tho't'e'wll 0' m "Mina have-‘lbcch-fihondn 'by morally extorllom on "lhe pin ofthoae of ‘whom our goyernment has “tempted to pBIChMCVPIOVIIIODI, of"!‘ by every'uertion m) the part of lhe {mm-l ary to cut our army in pieces when n bv-: leaguered lhls place about. But enough of this [or lhe 'present—a word or two or new. such an I have to ofl‘er. The'two Texnn’lregimcnu, under Colt. Hay: and “’oodg. will probably return home in lhe courle of a week. and should honililies re-‘commencé‘. fresh regimen“, mounted on the best home: that con bv procured. will at onre be raised. Gen. 'l‘nylnr-ls‘nttll oncnmped at the old around three miles from how. Generals Worth and Smith me in town. The main part of the mmndcd officers are doing well. Gen. Butler is recovering. uhlle Colopels McClung and Mitchell are also in a {air wav. ‘ An express ride; has this moment ttrri« veil from Snlinan. iii/huh place he left this morning. It in only a day’s rule this girl:- ol Saltilln, and he states on the authority nfn Mexican. that Santa An'r’m arrived at that city _vuterday morning or the even‘ in: previous, and at UHCI: commenced for til'i'ing the place with vigor. He had no less than 13.000 with him. which. Edd?" to (huge which left here. under Ampudia, will swell ht! army to mer 9.0.000 men. Report further has it, that he in tn erect walks and batteries close by the. Rincona dn——the llmll! ul uur linen by the sixty ilajs truce. lfnll this should prove truth the army tnnv hnve blomlicr Work to do than ever. One thing is certain—Santa Anna “'39 hourly expected here when Gen. 'l‘nylm arrived, and many think that Am purliu’s reasons for Witlhlng to retin- was the lact that he l'mzntl himisell to a degree surrounded alter the Eucrene-t (if the 2d tllVlFlfln. and mu anxiuui tn lnrm n junc tion with his master on the best teruu he cnultl make. \Ve will know more about thin matter In .1 «IN nr two. L A'l ER. Frnm Ihq Pennsylvanian, ()(‘L 31 (‘on‘nAmonm—The report that Sun (a Anna hall arrived at Salllllo \Vllh 13,- 000 lrunps, is pronouncml premaluw ‘u_v ufficcra M the auny {mm Monierey. The first new: In [hat vfl'rcl rem‘hed Mnnlcrey un lhe 29h Srpl.‘ but wan not gonerally credllul. and before lhe 61h inst. “as as cerlnlnul m be wnhnul luundahon. He wns. howevvr, ”peeled. By Magnetic Telegraph. Correspondence of lhe Fonnsylvumun. Terrific Gale in the Gull‘. I’Vrecl: qflhe U. S. Brig Perry—Loss of the Revenue Cutter Morris— Total De slmclian of Kry IVest—Ftfly Lives Lost—lmmense Destruction of Proper (y. The mail Irom lhe Soulh In! evening. deceived in Buliimore, cunlainn lhe ful 4lnwing particulars 0! a terrific gale in the 'Gulf. and log: of life, laken Irom lhe New Orleans papvrs. ‘ The achr. Sarah Churchman, Cnphin Baymore, of Pnllnrlelphin. ria Key \an for BruZnS Santiago, arrived I! the N. E. Puss un “-cdueuluy morning. the 21:! untanhaml lander! Cum. Slnat nnd gun. from the Pacific. and Lirut. \Villlam C. Prune. n! the Revenue service. bearrr of (lrflpa'chel tn “'ashinglun. Commodore S and sun. and Lt. P. were wrccln'd an hnanl the U, S. brig Perry, Cnmlnundvrj Blake, from Hanna for Chm'leunn.which well! afihnre on the Flnrirlu Reel in lhe gale. The-y were taken nilhy lhe wrrrk ers into uhme hands [he billr’, was dehvcr ed. Boll) hrr masts had been cut away. her anchnrs and gum lhruwn OiEIUmIIer and it was ihnughl she might be got nfl. They came up in town has! evening In lhe tow-boa! Jefferson; 'l‘u Lieut. Pea-r we nrv imlcbred tnr lhe delalls of a [(‘rrl ble gale on (he Gulf—n! a lury mum", pier], and from which we must not ('lpeLll to hear all lhe rlepluruhlc rffecu [or many “OH”. We wiil begin wuh the gala as it wan lelt a! Kry \Ved. The gale cnmthenced blowing from N. E. on the morning ol the llth insh; by l o'clock it bloued a perlect hurricnnr, the tide rose rapidly. and the storm raged \\lth incredible violence until near nud night, when it abated. On the 12th it blew a moderate gale, and gradually sub sided. Every dwellingliuuse, save flu or six, at Key West. wnsdestruyed or un ronl'ed; the custom house was blmvndown. the Marine Hospital unrooled; and it is suppnsed, government properly destroyed to the amount 0t 8300.000; 'l'afi'e'u wharves disappeared, and the salt works were destroyed. . The United States barracks were inju red. but suffered less than any other bull ding. Many familivs were turned out houseless, but the United States Quarter master came promptly to their assistance. The loss of lilo is great—many were drowned and many killed by falling build ings. Key West light-house and buildings at tached are entirely gone. and the spot where‘ they‘ stood in covered by a whole sand beach. Fourteen souls perished in thosa buildings and sands. Key light house has really disappeared. with the building Connected with it. The occu pants of this, too, have periahctl.‘ ‘ 'l‘he light-ship in the N. W. pasnoge dragged her moorings and went to sea. but she was recovered and returned to her position. The agent of the underwater was doing every thing in his power to save Ptonerty. , ' Very great-dangerls to he apprehended fromlhelose of the light-hausea—to‘ves eels lrnm_.Europe,.the 'N. bound to the Grill. We met relcrto lhe nempupurs below for the niahed to ug 1 ' Lon aft]: ‘0! mm vetnel lrmn an NBC brig Perry. I m lmnndo dui {me lhe wind. alwr nll hopoa of saving her WM given up, and In all prububimy will be saved. All the lives in llullan Key and Bacon are sa ved. and it is hoped all lhe crews of lhe wrecking vessels. She lien llnce miles S. W. ol Key West. and one mile from lhe channel, in lwo lee! water. The wall of lhe collar Murrls anvcd lhe prudurv. lhe cargo 0! one achooner. um] (lltlribuled: il. lllruugh lhe Mellmdiul :I)le isler. In lhoae In need of lhe neceaunes of life. All lhe warehouses are either blown down ur unrnolell. M Key Wed lhe slrrell are lull of lumber, and nut six out nl 600 houses but whnl are either unruol all m blown down. The current ran an miles an hour lhrough the town ol Key “WWI. The light-homes at lhis place and San Key, are washed away, and not a vemge of them is m be seen. Some (Minn has drifted in“) the harbor, and some Nun-13. cullun loaded, and not yet hcard from, mustyhave been in the hurricane, and puf lcredllrom its viulrncv. A schuonor with a new Innlhmn fur 'l'ormgus lighthouse. was 1031 wilh her cargo; all hands saw-d. The whnle wnlorn now rxleml sixty and sevenly mile: in lhe Soulhwzml o! 'l‘urlu gas. The Government will |o~e by lhe Norm the revenue culter Moms and brig Perry. lwu llghl-hnusu, furtrficntinna. cunlom-ltnuse and hospital, not far [rum 8200.000. Many ‘esselq will doubtless get nqhoro, from lhe lac! u! Sand Key light-hous‘e be ing gone. Dead bodlcs are occasionally (log out {rum undrr the ruins. and Imm can tell how many there ave remaining.— Aa lar asaycermnml. filly persnna have lost lheiv lives. and it is singular to few are dead or injured. 'l'lmber.alule and building; falling in eve'y dureclmn—Mnne could no! mm “and the gale, and all seemed In be gulnu lo (leslrucnnn. Many pellUflß escaped in bums and helcl on (n {he lrvea, ”pt-clung «my moment to be away. The scrnc was awlul in lhe exlreme. G. W. K. In lhe loss of veg-« Ila wrecked, 1 sec mm! belongingtn Ballllllofe nr Pm'mlel phia. Lieut. \‘V. C. Pause, of (he Rew nue service. anived here this evening in the Soulhcrn boat, \ulh clupnlcheg {or Gmwmnrnx. Com. Slot! Is expected here In a day or (my. LATER FROM SANTA FE “'0 hawuewu, by lhe \Veslén maii. from Sam: Fe In {he 1m September.— Gcn. Kearney had returned from lhe Scum, uller a very successlul lour. The peuple geneyallj. excepting 3 (Av oflhe nwre wealthy. received hum wxlhju). He expected In Uke up his march lul Calllur mm on the 25;” S‘ ptembcr. The l’uln'a. of New Orleans. has Vern (‘ruz dates m the 30th September. and from Mexico to lhe 261?]. received by way of “Nana. Mono! lhe Intelligence has been anlicipnled. We extract however a few i terns : It was announced In Mexico on the 24th of September. that the first brigade of cav airy left the capital on the 23d lor Monte ray, and that Santa flmm would leave on the 25m. It was further announced that he employed hts mdnvidual credit to expe due this movement oftronps. which had been delayed for want of funds. Gen. Arlsla arrived In lhe elly(lf.\loli rn an the 17m of Seplember. to meet the chalges pxelened againsl him in connection wilh lIIP actions of lhe Ssh and 91h May. San Luis do ansi and Mexico have been fixed upon as lhe izcad quanera ohhn rvinforcemems which lhe VENOUS Swen are 10 conlribulo. in order to complete the armv. It “as stated positively that the Capital of the State of Mextco was to be transfer red to 'l‘oluca. Senor Frias has been ap pointed Governor of Chihuahua. Col. Maurieo Ugarle write:- from Fray Chnstobal. on the 23d ult., that he was unable lojoin Armljo, and could not ad vance into New Mexico, in consequence of the presence of 6.000 Americnn troops. Gen. Munez Ponle has been eppomled Governor of 'l‘umeulipee. Senor Yanez, Commanding General of Jalisce, left Mexico the 7th for Zepoee Sun Blae. with I con-iderable number of troops, destined to protect thou-e places. A Mexican paper of the 24th contains the following paragraph, which is initial tenl, as It prove: that Santa Anna did prob ably leave the Capital for Monteroy on the 25th : “We know that the first brigade of cav alry left the Capital yesterdajr. on its way to Monterey. nndthat to-morrow General Santa Anna will leave. who. for the pur pose of hastening hie march, which was impeded by want of money. pledgcd his personal credit. We likewise know that the National Guard will remain in garrison at Mexico. and the other brigadee. we pre— sume, will leave tomorrow." The Government was adopting the nec essary measures for providing. funds to meet the natiodal exigencies. Nothing is paid of a forcediloan from the church. 00 the 17th uth. the Miniatei‘ of Finance con~ united with u‘ c'inmittho of merchants and capitalists to adjust the terms ofn conttic butioletkloan‘ for the use of tho Govern ment. A aidiilit meeting was held in Va ra_ Cruz on thel23d.ult. In neither case are tho réaultl'of their deliberation an nounced. , injurydone to shipping. fur ‘v Llrul. Platte. I 'Gullcr Merriam-Tho, loan in (leacrihed to M In a lencr r on board lhe United States She was in the severe gale iven,with rcaislless force be but we finally run ashore FROM M EXICO The Government had been apprised of the advance of our troops from Santa Fe tOWards the Plan del Nortu, and appeared apprehensive that the object of the move. ment was to advance upon Chihuahua. It hot} been informed even that a body of A» merican troops seven thousand Itrong was about to attack Presidio del Norte, u mili my post on the Rio Grands, not halfao far from the city of Chihuahua an the Pre aidio do Rio Grando. 'l he Legislative Assemblj of Chihuahua have nuihgrized the Governor'to hogo‘imle a loan offlve thousand dollars by pledging the revenue of lhe tobacco monopoly. Fur lhermore, the pay of the employees of lhe Department are cul down ”nny-three per cenl! Sr. Frias has been appomled Gov ernor of Chihuahua in place of lrigoyen, whose heallh had failed him. Giving an aecourtt oi the possession of Santa Fe by Gen, Kearney, the papers say that Gen Armtjo had gathered 2000 men on the 11th August, but that on the 15m, some dispute arose among the auxi'iary chiefs. anl on this account the ferres were dissolved. and Gen. Armtjo retired to Ga‘ listen mth the regularlroops. leaving the militia or presitltales alone. On the 161!» the American forces. numbering 3,000 strong, commanded by Gen. Kearney. oc cupied Santa Fe. The American flag was raised in the city. and the clergy arid other authorities took their oath to obey the new Government. This of course is but a con ftrmetion of the nefie‘s which we received via St. Louis. . The vessels of mar lying at Sacrificing on the 29th uh, were as (ollowa: The English frigate Endymion and Alarm, the sloop uf war Electra. Ind brig of war 03 ring; Ihe French brigs of war Merceure and Pylude, and bark La Perouse; and lhe Spanish frigate Marin Cmnpa. and brig of warJunnila. THE NAVY. While our land [urceo are honing the-u way tn the heart at Mextcu, our gallunt niiVy IS UDUUI ‘0 COHHHQ’UCE ICUVG SCI'VICP un the cnast. The prepantiuns in the na- V)’ department are u! the mostenergetic tlescrtptinn. Another Cn.nmudure, to tu aiu those mm In the Gulf, ti about IU br :sent down to the squadron; Commudurrt Stewart nntl Rldgeu are hulh underntnml to have applied turlhe command. The three shtp ~oL=llle-Httt', Pennsyhunia Del. anre. 81d oan are betng overhauled, ,‘preparatm “Kahlil” llt'sphlllhflll to the Gulf. Th at war übjrct of all thew preparattun u an attack on San Juan d'Ullnn. slur I‘mnpicn. It is expected that It wlll tall an easy prey. The U. S. schr, 0n ka hy-e, Lieut 0 H. Hurvymun. has been ordered tn pru- Coetl tu Pensacola mth all puniblc des pnuh. She is to cruine between Pensa rota and Key W'eot. touching~ at 'l‘utnpi. St. Markn, Cedar Key and Apalachicola, as olten MI the stute at the weather will tiermit, tor the purposes of keeptng up a regular mall cpmmuntcutiun betwren the plants named. and utlutdmg ntd to the: cummercmt marine. i The Nurlolk Courier Buys lhal the (rig ate 3!. LIWYCIHH'. on lhe stocks n! (he (import Navy Yard for many yearb,il l 0 bu launched as soon an practicable, undo-a Io complete her havmg been learned on Salurduy last. The U. S. hhip-01-lhc line Pcnnsvlvu nin I: In be hauled mm the Navy Yunl, next week. (0 be overhauled. . Scuu'u WeoMy Paper. COL. FREMONT IN CALIFORNIA This gailnul _ynang officer is earning lflul‘rls. {Jr away Irom humc. “'e han brlure usu lc‘Her Irom Monlerey, on (hr l’ncnfic. lo the editor ul lhe .Alexaudna (Virgmm) Unmllr, containing lhe uumx ed uulice ol hm 'nperauuns. l‘he lellcr II dun-d Julv 20. 18462—1’cnna'n. 'Col. Fremoul’u puny unwed line you terday, having had some prelly hard figm iug mm the Mexicans and Indians. 'l'm-y number nbuul lwo hundred. and are the most daring and hardy set u| fellows 1 cv el lucked upon. They are splendid markimcu. and can plan! a bulletin un enemy’s head with their horses at a lull gallop. The} have! think ol ealmgbreud, bu: live upon men! all the lime. They never sleep in a house, but on the ground, With a blanketaround them, lheir saddle for a pillow, and a rifle by lheir side. I should like In give you some more mxnute account of lhem. but lime will not admn.’ MEXICAN MODE OF RECRUITING THE ARMY. You can fancy nothing more odd than themanner in which the army is recruited A number of men Is perhaps wanted to complete a new Company, and a sergeant and his guard is forthwrth despatched to inspect the neighboring Indians and Me zinoea. The subaltern finds a dozen or more at work In the fields; and even with out the formality of a request, immediate ly picks his men and orders them iotothe ranks. If they attempt to escape or re sist they are n' oocelassoed, and at night fall the whole ,gnng as marched, tied in pairs into the quartet of the village. hr the guard-room of the palace. with a long and lugubrious procesa-on ol wives and chil dren weeping and howling for the loss ol their martial mates._ Next day the “001- l untecrs" are handed over to the drill ser geant; and I have often laughed mos‘t heartily at the singular group presented by these new caught soldiers on their first parade under their military tutor° One half their number are always Indians. and the rest most likely, Leperos. One has I pair of trousers. but no shirt ;' another a shirt. and pair of drawers 3 another hides himself. as well as he can under his blow, kst and'broadibrimmd hat; another h” drawers and a military cap. The drill. ing of these men is constant. and set/ere, 'lhe sergeant in geheratly n erl trained soldier and unspurlng In the use nfh”. hard long rod, for the slightest symptom of neglect. In a few ueck‘mller thenew truupsncquire :he ordlnafy routine oftlu. ty, they are put into umtorm. and para. ded through the streets. THE DISTANCE BE [‘WEEN SAL. 'I‘ILLO AND THE CITY OF MEX. ICO, . The following are lhe distances from Sui. tillo Io ihe city of Mexico, which Ganem 'l‘ayior’s army WI” have to march over In case he intends to proceed to that cilyz~ From Sallillo, (containing 12.00080uls.)1o Miles. Pop. 18 small. 30 n 12 u 12 r .. Agnnnuova, La Encamacion, Nnca. Buenhvenlura, SI. Salvador. El Salado. - - 12 Llana Blanca, - - l 2 Lomo Prielo, - - 15 La Puma, - - l 2 Vanegas, - - 20 Mines of Calorce. - l 2 G'ladaloupe, (a hacienda.) 33 Chateau, (town and mines.) 36 El Venudo, - - 18 Hediondl. - - l 2 Horas, - - 21 San Luis Polosl. (ci:y.) 36 Jural. (village.) - - 43 San Felipe. flown.) - 30 Guanaualo. (cily.) - 69 Impuuo. (cily,) - 33 Salamanca. flown.) - I‘s Zelaya.(lown.) - 27 Querelaro, (cily.) - 30 San Juan del Rio, ». 30 Arroyo Sarco. (hacienaa) A 36 'l'ula. (lown.( - ' 9A Huehuemca, (village) 30 " Mexico. (city and capnal,] 33 150,000 IMPORTANT The armistice belwrén Ge‘n. Taylor and Ampudx: n; lhua reprewnted by the cor rcspnmlrn! "[3 New ()Ileuns paper: " The line 0! drviaiuu lwtwern the two urmtn Wt” begin ut the Rincunndo, and In tun thrnugh Linnea and San Fernando. \Vrl'. duynu knuw what that line is?— Nuthtn: tru than this: The llmmmudo Estate I: “est ul the grrnt Salttllo Pun, where, accouhng to lumt', the Mexrcaru Here to crush uu, and consequently has an open rontl tn SJ’tiHu. that cannot up paw nnv impedtmeut luhiumward march. l cmmder this as a great mauH‘rU‘ Mrnka u! the American Cummantler. M well u the armislice uhrch hchas granted loAm puttia. The reasons u! the latter are very plum. Alyr taking pout-"ion ol the Pass, uhtch is now withmvthe lune. his lroopi must nnl'Trou. The army. which hue been exhi'runtrd by their lung march horn Camargn-._tn Monterey. and by the three «luvs haltLfightlng. wtll take an iuvtgnra tun: H'bt._lu emblc him to mske Igain a Ina-clufnelrtySOOmlles of: complete dc. tort. bring; the dutancc between Montc -79y and San Luis Palosi,during which no \t-rinue rcsmaucc will he offered to him ” 0 3Z7 - _'" . A NATURAL REMEDY, Sum-d lo lthlumunC umixunon. nnd oqunl lathe euro 0! evnrv rumble mum. “I” be “'“W' m H rig/It's Indian Vegetable PlllB, OY THI’. NORTH AMERICAN COLLEGE OF HEALTH. Thuoc extraordinary PIHH are cnmpmed of plum: “Inch gruw Ipunlancously on ..ur on“ .011. and ure. ”H'rCIOVF haller adnpml 10 um runalillmonu Ihun Medlcmen concocled {rum foreign drugn. howx over we“ lhey may he cumpoundod; and M WRIGIII"S INDIAN VEGE'I‘ABLE PILLS lro founded upon lhe prlllClple Ihnl the human boldy II 111 lrulh SUBJECT TO BUT ONE DISEASE. namely. mrrupl human, and xhnl Imd Modicino rurel lhll dilanse nn NATURAL PRINCIPLES by rimming and puri/ying lhe body, it WI” be mnn~ Ila-I lh m. ll lhe consluuuon [)0 not entirely uhnun led, a perseverance In lheir one. according to due:- none, In nhanlulely corlain tp driv: diuoma of up ry name from lhe body. When we wish Io reulora n swamp or more" lo fornluy, we drain it of the luporabundum water. In like manner. If we wish lo rolloro lho body to health. we mull clennso il ohmpurity. WRIGIIT'S INDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS will be found one oflha best, ifnol lho vary but med. icino in lhe war“ for carrying out lhiu GRAND PURIFYING PRINCIPLE. because lhay expel Irom the body I“ morbid and corrupt humor. lhe cnuee ol the di-auee, in an only and Natural Manner ,- end while they every dly GIVE EASE AND PLEASURE. diocese of every name is rapidly driven from the body. Wright’s Indian Pegetable Pill: Can be had genuine 'of the lollowing highly respectable Itorekeepere In ‘ Cleagield County. Richard haw. Clear/laid; Daniel Barrel!l Curwimville; David Irvin, E'ulhersburg. , Elk County. Cobb & Gallagher. degewoy; George Weie. St. Marys. Centre County. Brocherhofl'cS- Irwm, Bellefonle; ' J 4-.) Potter. Patton‘Mills; fldam Haber. Centfeville; 0 P Duncan, flaroneburg; Samuel Lipton, Mile'sburg; Henry fldams. .Walkeroillc; Wm Murra . Pine GroueMillai George Jacz, Boalaburg; ' H L Mauser. Manheim; Irvin &- Whittaker. Coverlj§flall§ Duncan & Hays, S ring ills; F Burkhardt. Raflrsburgi' Jacob Homan, Centreville. = ”Offices devoted oxelu-lvely lo lhe nle o! anou'r'a lumm anz'rnmvl’xbu. 0’ “‘9 N?“ American College ol Health. 1N02283 GNODWICI' Street. New York. No. 198 Tromon‘ “"95 3°“ [on ;, and PexucmLOMor. Ne 169 mm Sum. Phlhdllphllu " -' 5 000 small. 50,000 small. 70.000 21.000 15:000 10 000 40,000 small,