Democratic banner. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1837-1849, October 30, 1846, Image 3

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Ecmnctutlc manner
c L E A n m 31.15, Exam. 30. 1846:
To counteronnznié::fi.ili"a production in re
coivod. We ugroo with his o'cnhmonla, and think
it should bo publiuhed. but it requiral more limo
‘0 correct it lhnn we have tn spare. at present.
“Incog.” is informed that we never puhli-h com.
municmiona without I: knowledge of lhe roal name
oflho author.
WW9 havo delayed the publication of our pa
per until today (Frldny) wilh lhe confidsnl upsc
mlion lhut this morning's mnil would brin}; us lur-
Ihor advices {tom Gen. ’l‘nylur. But we have to
50 lo pruu without having any thing to lay before
our tendon? Inter than tho nccounls published in
our last. Tho univnl of néwu was hourly looked
for q New Orleans. where rumors were rifo ihnl
lho Americans had met wilh sovero rovoraoa after
the taking ol Monmrcy. While those rumors ma
wholly discredilcdqwo llnnk il highly probable that
the next news will be rnihor more disastrous lo
our nrmt ‘hnn nny received previously.
The present plan of operation: ugninat Mexico,
ns now understood, if. vigorously prnsucmml. “i 1!
opoodily'bring about u lnsling pence. Thu! plan
in lo men! Gen. Taylor nl Sun Luis I‘utosi. (womo
‘2OO miles from (hi: city of Motion.) wilh an army
of 6 to 8000 men. by way of Tampico.
Gen. Wool. wilh the middle Divinlon. composed
0! about 3000 volunteers. and aomo regulnu. wna
marching towards Chihuahua, and if he met with
no ndvorlo circum-Innco. he has poucuion oflhnl
A Novm. Pnoroamox —.lollN “fun. the r‘rlv
brnled mrnnnul of an‘nslor. I‘n . propnaeu lo rc‘
uluro lhe Cunllo of Sun Junn do Ullnn by monns o
nmnmmolh balloon. The balloon to be 100 {on
in dinmelor—cnrry 90.000 polllllll—lo tnko 0 pm
iliun immedinlely over lhe fun at aboul the bouzhl
01~ n mllo. lo be fastened “ith a ropo five miles M
length. The balloon In he landed wnh bombs um
mlmr combustible shells. nml jull men enough tr
I'lrocl lho necumry npornlinnl. Mr. Wino offer
to nccnmpnny and direct [his novel npmhlmn.
Tho following is lhe roan]! M the late elorlmn m
(‘ongreuionnl (11-Incl. Mr lm’m‘s mnjonly In lhe
lurgul nver given in llm dismrl—nul from nny
rhnnge of polllu‘nl nomimcnl un Ihn purl nf thl
peoplr. nw \vo runfidenlly bn-lu w. hul nmroly from
Ilw umnllm-un nf lho V0!(‘——llll‘fl! Immz hul lmlo
ovnr one-hull. as mnny vntou pullml nu Ihnrr was
1844 'l'hon lho volo “god. fur Buffingluu (3.312.
McKennnn. 6.986 :
Irvin. l_‘\llrrnnu
llllhlllfl, I ‘23? 59!)
Armumng. 982 998
(Ilenvfield. 592 “8
Bull". l 461 L 099
ero”. 4D )valnuldmtl)‘, Alli-on. (W
(‘enlm 1218 19.28 1129
('leufleld 699 584 301
THE I'IVOL‘R Inn Cum MAnkErs.-Fiour. hen
qualxly. "- noan In I'hllhdelphlfl In $6 par hflrro‘.
“means! 20 per buahcl (Tom 70 ccnlu. (Mm
31 cents
”The n-aull of lhe lam (fungrenaional olerllon
111 lhiu Slum pn’ca lhe Wing: 16. lhe Domurrnln 7‘
and lhe anivel l mcmhen ul Congrma, ()flhc
present dolegllmn. lhe Whig: have 10, the Demo.
(‘rall I‘3 and lhe Nuln'u 2 members.
The Whigs WIN hnvv n mnjunly in bolh hrnm-h
e- of the Slate chnalmuro.
Omo l-ZLECTmN.——-Bzuu. lhl' Whig mndulnlo. xs
«lorled Governor by about 1500 majority, and lhul
party have gained lhn-o members of Congratu—
This. it in mid, wan effected by the whxgn in lhe
lust Logislaluru. hy ro-nrrn nglng tho (,‘ongrcunmul
«hunch In ”Mr own advnntngn Lul your lhe
\\ hlgB had 22 majonly on joint haHol—lhm ymr
H. Clay's anmiiy In Ohiu m 1844 was 5910
Tlmnksgivingnay in Penn-
It will be seen by the annexed ofliciul
proclamation of the Slate Executive. that
Truman”, the 96th day of November
"hen. is designated as a day to be publicly
dedicated throughout the Commonwealth,
to the duties of prayer. thanksgiving and
prime. We highly approve nf this step
on lhe'pn’rt of Governor SHUNK. npd we
doubt not ministers and churches of all
denominations, will adopt immediate mea
sures lor the proper uhscrvanre or the. day.
Democratic Union.
J» the name and bill the authority of the
Commonweall I. q/ Pmmylvania.
$l.! I‘, WHEREAS, the public and
~ gratelul acknowledgment ol the
' ggoodncss ol God,—the confes.
.r ’ aion of our sins, and the appli‘
cation of his continued lnvor, is
a duty. not more imposed by the obliga
tions of religion. than sanctioned by the
dictates oi reason: Ann Wuenms, by
the general observance of a day devoted
to theaetsscred duties. We may hope to a
vert merited’ju'dgments. secure the bless
ings HlS‘goutlness has promised, and bind
ourselves together as .5 community in our
allegiance to HIM, who is rightful sovera
eign. .
THEREFORE. in accordance With my
“own sense at propriety, and the solicita
tions of s large number of respectable cit
izens, l ,appoinltn'nd recommend. ‘
Thursday the 26th day _qf November next.
to be observed by’the. people ‘0! this Com-
4,263 3 NJ
manwealth.'as a day of'raamrnorvmo 'ro
ALMIGHTY Gon, for his goodness. vouch
sated to us during the past year—in con
llftuing to us the blessings 0! civil and reli
gious liberty—in preserving us from the
ravages of malignant disease—in loading
as with the lruits of his bounty—in furn
llhing so abundantly the means of individ
ual. domestic and social improvement and
enjoyment ; and in continuing among us
the institutions and ordinances of our holy
religion. in all their purifying and eleva
ting influences: and while thus with grate
ful hearts We thank him for his goodness,
and supplicatc his continues} lavor to our
beloved country. Let us humble ourselves
belore Hm, that in hia holy providence
we have been involved in War with a neigh
boring Republic. In our thanksgiving for
the victories he has caused our army to a
chieve, let us commend to his compassion
the hearts that have been made desolate
by the ravages of the sword ; and earnest
ly pray that a peace. alike honorable to
both nations, may be restored ; and that
the whole family ol mun, united in the
bonds of lrnternal affection, may go {or
wnrd in the cultivation of every peaceful
and useful art and science. in the advance
ment of civil liberty, nntli the universal
dillusion ol :1 pure and undc'iled religion.
correcting whatever is wrong in the cunv
‘drtion ol human society. to the achieve
ment ol that high and holy diéstiny con
templated in the purpose ol infinite be
nevolence. ‘ 0
Given under my hand and the Great Seal
ol the State, at Harrisburg, this twen
ty-first «lay nl October. In the year ol
our Lord, one thousand eight hundred
and lurty-six. nnrl ol the Commonuealth
the seventy-first.
BY Till“. Govnnxou.
.Sccrclary of the Common wean/z
“'th at Hanhhurg a lcw day.» sincr,
my: the Carllsle anunlcer, we visited lhe
Slnlc Inbrnly rnnmn, and alnnng nllwr
lramm'. treasurea whilh grace the walls of
Ihnl hmuhlul npartmcnl. Is a fac simi/c of
Dr. Fm' klin'n IPHBJ' In Mr. Slrahnn, the
King‘s Prlnler, which perhaps many nf
our readers havu never H‘Cfl. ll WM
Written in 1775. about lhe time when hus
ll'llire‘ \\cre culnmeucing belu'cen this and
(he mother éuunlry. and rend» as (allows:
[’hiludr/phiu. July sth, 177.").
MR. S‘I'RAHAN 2—Ynu are a Member of
Parliament. 8' one I)! that Mnjurlly which
hnl dunnwd my cuunlry to destruction-
You have begun to humour Towns and
murder our People. lmuk upnn ynur
Hands! 'l'hcy ale stained wilh lhe
-|slond 0! your Relations! Yuu and l
were long Friendst. You are now my
enemy—and I am yuum.
Canal Conlmlssmncr {ulce
Dem. "Ihig. Aulu'r. IJ’r
Foulcr Power. Murldn. 1-Ildcr.
—\:lmnl. I‘2o 1.57.1
Allegheny. 8.1389 5,633 MW 5311
Armslrong. 856 1.055 611,
Hrnver, 1.1111 2.030 11 162
Bodlynl. 1.31“.) 1.245 2
umn... 3,233 2,493 33
Blair. G‘JN 1.415 17
Bradford. 2,1111 22.54 :13
BIN kfl. 2.547 3,101 ‘33 ‘3
Hullvr. 1,100 1.117 1 3“
(Inmbrm. 1331 7‘33 f;
(‘.nrhon. 11“ 378
(.‘hvulvr. 3.102 3 570
(Tunlre. 1.217 1.101
(Ilnnon. 7‘J‘2 755
(Ilcnrficld. 517 2129
(‘llnwlL 53?. GHH
(Inhnn‘un. 1.510 1.6141
Cm \\ lgnl. ‘ 1.?‘1‘1 1.1212
(‘umlwrlnnlL 1.907 1.9131
Duuphm. 1.195 1.691
Env. 8‘35 1.801
Elk. I‘2l ‘.ll
Fuyone. [.876 2.136
Franklin. 155'.) 12,311
Gran-nu, 1.4111 11.5“
lllmungdon. 915 1.551
lmhunu, 454 1,328
Jvfl‘urwn. 285 311
Junmln. {l2l 503
Lmu-uulor. 21111 1.1.13
Lebanon. 1.082 1.507
Lclugh. Lil-17 I 180
Luzernc. , 1.4115 1,622
Lycoxmug. 917 1.581
McKrun. 2‘13 161
Mercer. 1.357 2,071
1111111”). B'3B 928
Momma. .‘l7O 451
‘ Monlgnnu'ry. 21.050 2.761- 1711
Northampton. 1.242 1.090 .1
Nurlhulubollnnd. 755 1.291 31
I’lulud'u Clly. 3.593 5.684 2.1193
“ county. 11.539 5.578 10.117
Pike. 256 138
Perry. 661 642 3
Puller. 2M . 76
Schuylkill. 2.103 2 587 13G
Sumoruel. 632 .1 1.493
Susquehanna. 1.579 1.126
Tiogn, 1.435 1.067 :1
Union. 905 1.976 G
Vdnnngo. 50‘1 6‘27
Washington, 2.899 2.9552 3
Warren. 1323 477
Wayne. 794 650
Weatmorelund. 52,237 1,607 2
Wyomlng. 669 650
York. 2.138 2 312
89.084 97.913 15.438
The following is lhe substance ole let
|or.aays (ho Van .Burcn Intelhgcnccr of
the 3d inst. of a late dale, to the editors,
from.a;fr|end at Fort Washitn ; the letter
itself being accidentally misplaced, we re
ly upon memoxy for the (auto. which are as
follows : ‘
That Col. A. M._Upshnw. the Chicka
saw agent. sent outtwa friendly Delaware
Indians to the Witchetnw village to sscer»
,tsin if some horsesthat we‘rol lately stolen
from the neighborhdod of F 0". Washits,
were not in the possession of that tribe.—
Ths Delawaresgon‘ their 'wsy o‘nt," met
with no Indians. but saw large fresh, trails.
which satisfied them 'a‘ficohsidsmblo numv
but of Indians had lstely‘boen in that Insigh
borhood. When they .sr'rivsd at ”the. ‘in-
logo. which is about one hundred and fifty
tniles from Fort Washita, they found the
corn growing, the slum; and every thing
belonging to their houses in their usual
places, but nothing that had life in ittwae
visible ; the Delawares, thinking itstrnnge
repaired to the mud fort of the Wichetaws
whichl'had been destroyed. and around
which the dead bodies of many of the
Witchetaws were found. having been kill
ed by arrows. The ground showed where
One party had drawn 0“" their dead, and the
Delawares at once saw that the Wiehetawe
had been attacked by an over number of
wild indians, and nearly the whole tribe
murdered. 'l‘he Delawares. fearing to re
main, left in a short time. travelling as fast
as they could. and or. their route home,
meta emsll party of Witchetan‘e that had
i been out hunting. to whom they told what
they had seen, and they at once said that
their tribe had been attacked by the Ca
manche, or Pawnee Mahas. and murdered.
i'l‘hey hurried on towards .thcir village,
vowmg to follow their enemies. and, if
possible, release any piisoners yet afilve.
The writer thinks there is little doubt
but that nearly all the V‘i’itchetsws were
slain ; and says that persons arounthFotl
\Vaehita may now hone to enjoy aride on
horseback. Mtich the thievmg propensities
of these Indians rendered very uncertain,
as they frequently came in and stole every
horse that they could lay thetr hands on.
Santa flnnu’s New Purpose—The an
nouncement that Santa Anna intends mov
tnz upon Monterey with thirty thousand
men. and no breaking the armistice between
General Taylor and Ampudin. is one of
those things that look like truth. There
is so little honor in his character—so little
of the appearance of lairuess—u hen he is
on his own soil. and among his own fol
lowers, that We must prepare for every sort
oftreacherv and Intrigue. Mexico is so
mttch nearer Monterey than Worthington,
that a large force might be prectpitnted up
on General Taylor In a comparatively short
epace of time. llnt Santa Anna would
find Monterey in its new hands a hotter
place than Geneial '{aylor found it; and
‘ we shrewdly suspect that he and his thirty
thousand troops (men In Buckrant, rather!)
would lintl that San Jactnto “as not the
scene ofthe worst defeat in the “ark“
filff'Tho New Orleans Picayune argues
slrongly sgninu our government acknnwl
edging lhe neutrality of Yucalan, which
formally acknowledges "self to be ade
psrlmcnl of Mexico. The Pie Males. as
facia well known in the commercial com
munily oflhnl city. lhal large quantities of
powder {or die Mexican army have been
purchased in New Orleans and shipped to
Yucatan. and from lhenco conveyed to lhe
several deparunenls.
pj’There is food for thought in the
foltowing extract of aletter trom an intolli‘
gent \‘Vashington cnnespondent of the'
Journal of Cummercc. Speaking of the
cflecta of the present war upon Mexico and
her nationality. and the ptobability of its
termination. he anys:—~ To arrest the war
at its present stage, would he impractica
ble even if desired and ugreed to by the
governments both of Mexico and the Unt
ted States. The ' tumultuary population'
of the Mississippi valley have taken into
their own hands the conqursl 0/ Mexico
and they viiil have it—the w hole of il_-
Wllil or without the ro operation of the gov.
moment of the United States Destiny is
at wmk. The folly and blindness of Mex-
Ico on one side. and the impulses of the A
merican population on the other side. will
insure the speedy conquest of all Mcxlt-o ‘
4546 5
1 I
BILIUUfl FEVER grncrnlly lwgms wnh ynwnlng.
nlreu'hlug, pnm In lhu bones. lnngnur, glddxnous. n 1
uvolllng uhoul lhe roglon «I [he Homuch. hthIHE
vomillng. and mhor llnpleuiunl Iyulpmmn.
H'righl's Indian chrm/rlf I’ll/x nro mu- nl 11:95
bcullnadlulne- IH lhu uurld [or '.hn cure nl FM’PH.’
hocnme Ihcy puma from Iho body (hum nmhml
hnlnnrn whirh ure lhe muse of every mulndy mah‘
dcnl l 0 mun. ‘
In all runes 0! rev”, {rum luur lo fire of sand!
lndmn Vegoluhlo Pills should be Inkln every mghl.
ur. if lhe Bymplmufl are vmlom. mghl and morning
'l‘lnu plnn. ll pmperly curried uul. will. in :1 I 110“
lune, suhduo lho most violcnl nllnck of (over; "I
the name lune the dlgonm'e orgnm wlll be restored
m u lu'ufihy lona. um] Illa hluwl no cumplclely pu
‘ rlficd, lhul feveru, us we“ us every other dlleusc.
1 WI” he ilriven from the body, and hcull'n and Hg
or Will bn given Io lhe “hole frumn.
Uuulion.-—-—ll should be romemhnrml lhm Mr.
Edward Cole. of Philudelm; Mr. John Dunn. of
Enalun, Pm. and Means. Browning & Brolhcru. 0‘
I’hiladclphlu, me not “gems n! onru, and nullu-y
purrhnse no Indian Vogeluhle Pulls nl unr ullire,
we Cannot guaranty us genuine any rmwlirinr Hwy
may have for sale.
flgent for Clearfield. R. Shaw. [or
other agencies in ()lcar/ield &- other coun
ties. sec advertisement in another column.
RT)?“ 1
z 334
MARRIED-0n 'l‘huruduy In»! (22d .) by the Rev.
GOODFELLOW. both of Lawrence lowmhip.
WWO have only space to add mm the Printer:
wore approprinloly remembered in glue midst oflho
feasting: nuondnnl upon the nuptials obovo recon
ded—n largo portion of superbly mnnu‘uclurod
wedding calm accompanying the 'nolico thereof.—
Thia givgl all lho panics inlcrcnlbd u clonr litlo lo
our best wilhoa lor lhoir hcnllh. happineu and
DIED—At his rcaidonco. in Penn township. in
this county. on the I‘m inst, JOHN FERGUSON.
aged 92 years.
Tho Joconlod. who was n native of the county
0! 'l‘yxono, in Ireland. and come to Ihia coumry in
early life. during our Revolutionary ulrugglq. Ho
roéidcd rhino! pan of his time in tho coun’lion of
‘Nonhu‘mberland hud Mimln. whom he had to un
dergo all lhe pgivnlloua and hardship inciduul‘to
the lndlan doprodations and bord'tir strtfe. which
“rated in that section of our commonwealth at
that period. In the year 1803 he was one ofthe
pioneers who located in the wiltlernesi, and settled
on tho West Branch of the Susquehanna river. in
the county of Cloarfield. where he resided upto
the day of hip death—a pariodfiof upwards OM3 ‘
years—discharging his duty as a kind husband. a 1
loving father. attd an industrious farmer and useful ‘
citizen. Ho was tho parent of a large family of
sons and daughters who may ho classed amongst
tho most respoctablo of our citizens. And it may
not be amise to observe, that one of his none. be
sidoe holding other respectahlb stations. twico rcp
resonlod our county in tho State Legislature : and
that nnothor son. in addition to representing our
county in tho State Legislature. also filled ”)0
important stations of Sheriff and Associate Judge.
for noverol years. In honor to the deceased, a
township in this county. Faaouson, was named for
htm. Peace to his mntfee. W.
DIED~On Tuesday hm, Gxonar. HUNTER. un
ngod cnizon of Lawrence township
Mn‘ay Steer.
~, . “ AME m pnemiscs of lhe
fiWfi (J subscriber. in Brady
’11,“..3‘ ~ township. on the 21-.“ day 0!
“‘Mng Sept. last, a Pale Red b‘lecr.
marked with tar on both hipi, suppmed
in be between three and four years old.—
Thc owner is requested lo come forward,
prove property, pay charges and take him
away. ulherwise he Will be disposed of ac
curding {0 law.
”(3.130. 1846.
E: 151' 0! Grand Jurors for December
A term 1846.
Jackson llonnall Farmer Brody
Martin Luther do do
Levi Dale do do
Wm. \Voods, jr. do .do
John Cnrlde Blacknmith ,do
David Guarheof‘t Fume: Deca'ur
Henry Keplmrt do do
John 0095 do do
R. Colrlmrn do Karthnus
Daniel Moore do do
‘Ch'n Shofl do Begum
llhvid Kltk Cn'pcntcr l’enn
lJnrob Campbell Former Bell
lJumes McGhee do do
l.lolm MtQuillcn do Burnside
Samuel MLEwL-n do do
A. B. \\‘allcr Merchant do
‘Matthvw Ogden Farmer Lawrencr
EJohn Rnnuc do Covington
Jacob llubler do Bfadford
[Nathan Clever do V Pike
l \Vm. Leonard do Goshcn
‘Dnvul Adams do “0335
, \Vln. Alexander J. P. Borough
lS'l' ol Travis Jurors for December
L term.lB46.
Eluh Jnhmou Fuller
\Veslu-y Horn Farmer
Geo. Shugart. jr. do
John Brubaker do
Alex. Dunlap (lo
Michael Seller do
Wm. Reumn Sawyer
'l‘hmnM McGhee Farmer
Geo. Alchison (lo
Samuel Hrilhurl Carprnlcr
Jumcs Fulton Farmvr
John Antes do
\\.lll. 'l'nlc do
James Irwin do
.10. A. Read dn
Mallhew Forcry do
Geo. l’mrger do
Geo. Englrn do
liauc (Emu do
Davul Gcallull do
Elijah Reno: do
Ch’n Hannah Lumbcrlnan
\Vm. Glcon Funnel
John Drauckt-r do
Theo. l‘lnglco Culpcnlcr
Cu‘o. lu'ech do
John P. Hoyl M. l).
[Jacob (lolc Coldwzum'r
Sam'l Lumburn Farmer
Jacob Leonard do ;
.Jar. H. Hegarly do
‘Geo. Ros! do
"I'homai \Vilsun do
Jflllle‘ Elder do
‘Charlva Ellis do
Jacob \Vixe do
ONCE is hen-by giwn to all per-
N son: Interested In lhe lnlluwing atl
mlmslrnnnn account which in filed In the
Registcr’s office uf Clomfield county. the
wnu- having been allowed unll paused by
lhe Register, “'lll be presented to lhe or
phnna’ Court 0! said county, to be held at
the court home in the borough of Clenr
fie d, on (he 30ihday of November. 1846.
VIZ: ,
The administration account of Jnscph Mc-
Ciarren and Unit] Flegal, Exvcutors ol
the last will and testament of Valentine
Flegnl. late 0! Decatur township, Clear
field countv. dec’d.
Registel’s Office, Clear- 1
field, Oct. 28. 1846. §w
For November Term. 1846.
Willmm Dunlap ‘w. l-anc Thompson
John P. lloyt VI. Aloph Ellis .
Alexander Cook va. Dnvnd Adams
Jumon Magoo. et,al. Va. Read & Logan
Scan 8:. Slack vs. Arlhur 801 l
David 'l‘ Dunlap va. J. W. Miller & Son:
John Mulhollan VD- J- F- W. Schnarru
Ignnuua Thompson va. 1. J. Read, el. al.
Joel Cndbnryd: Wifi! vs. John W. Miller
John Covonlmven vs. Jena Major
Spa'ring. Good do Co. vs. Charles flunon
Joseph Owens h vs. Vmccnl B. Hull.
BLJIJV‘KS for sale alibi: ofliéc
THE stockholders in the Bradford
Methodist Episcopal meeting-house
are required to pay the amount of their
oeveral subaoriphons .lo the subscriber!
Immediately. '
Building Committee.
‘ 29m Oct. 1846.
THE subscriber intends opening a
middle uf November next. provided a gul
ficient number of scholars can be obtamed,
Greek. :Lalin and Mathematics will he
taught. Persons wishing to qualify them
selves for teachers in Common Schoaln
will also receive instruction in such bran
ches as they may desire. Fur terms, &c.
apply to
Clenrfield. Oct. 20,1846.
Estate of John Penlz, dec’d.
’oTICE. Lettersteatamentary on
N the estate of John Pentz. latq of
Brady township. Clenrfield county. dec’d.
haw: beemgrunted to the subscribers. re
aiding in Brady township. All persons in.
dcbtcd to said estate are requested to make
immediate payment. and thope having
claims against the same will present them
duly authenticated to
J. HOLLOPE'I‘ER. t 1" 's'
'Uct. 21. 1140.
By \irtuc of a writ ol Venditionl Ex
punas, i‘sui-d nut of the court of Cominon
Pleas of Cleurfield cnunl)’. and to me di
rPclNl, will be exposed to public sale on
Mondny the Slllh (lay of Nové'mber next.
at the courthouse. in Clearfield. all the
defendant’s Interest in a tract of land bit
unte in Girmd town-\hip. Cleatfield coun
tv' bpginning :it a white pine, lhence by
No. 3647 south 9:20 perchea to a pitch
pltlt’. thence mm 20 perches. thence north
60 porches to n red oak. thence east 197
perches In a chcsnut, [hence by No. 3647
nnrlh 160 porches to a white oak. thence
by No. 1939 won 217 perches tn the place
of hcginning, being part 05 a larger survey
knuwn as No. 3647, containing ———lcre|
—sei'l.ed and taken in execution, and‘to
be sold as the prnpcrly of PHer Lamm. by
Sh’fl‘s office. Clear
field, om. 19. 1846. E
Sunled ln lhe HumunConslllulion. and equal to the
cure of every curable diucnw. will be luund in
[4 right’ s Indzan Vegetable lels,
'l‘hcsc l'xlruordlnnry Pulls nre compound of plants
“hlch grow spnnluncously on nur own soil. and
are. therefore boner ndnpled lo our constitution!
than Medicmwmuncoclad from foreign druga,how~
over well lhey may be compounded ; and an
tuumlod upon lhe prmclplo Ihul the human body
m m lrulh
uncly. l'Orrllpl human, and lhnl smd Medicme
umn llns dueasa on
by claiming uml puri/ymg the body. u Will he mun~
lien 1h at. 1! lhe consnluuon be nun entirely cxhaur
[£ll.ll perseverance I" lhclr use. according to direc
uom, in uhaoluloly cerluin lu dnvu disease of (Wm
ry name from the budy.
When we wish to nature n smunp or morals lo
lcrhlily. wo drum ll of lhe uuporubundnnt wnlcr.
In like manner. If We wish in rcsluro Iho body lo
health. “a mud vlonnsu II of Impurity.
he qund ono uf Iho bout, if no! the very heal med~
wmu In lhe wurlJ for carrying out lhiu
hccuuw they cxpul {rum lhe body nll morbid and
corrupt humor. lhe cnuw ul lhe disease. In an easy
and Natural Murmur ,~ and whilu Ihey eroty day
GIVE [CASE AND PLEASURE. disease ofcvery
numu m rupndly dnvcn lrom lhe body. ~.
PWig/zt’s Indian l'cgetable Pills
Can be had grnuinc nt lhe lulluwil.g
highly respectable ntnrekeepers In
Clmgflehl Conn/y.
Ric/lard 'haw. C(lar/icld;
Daniel Barren, Curwinsvillc:
; David Irvin, Luthersburg.
Elk Counly.
Cobb S- Gallagher. Ridgeway;
George W'eis.~ St. Marys.
Centre Counly.
Ifrockcr/mfl' (S- Irwin, Bellefontc;
.18- J Potter, Pollcrs' Mil/5; '
Jlrlnm Fisher. Ccntreville;
1) P Duncan, flaronsburg;
Samuel Lipton, Milesburg; ‘
Henry fldams, [Val/cerville; , ,
H’m Murray. Pine Grove Milléiu
George Jack. Boalsburg; ' ‘ l,’
[I I, Musscr, Muhheim; "
Irvin &-.Whittaker. Coverlcy Hall;
Duncan & Hays, Spring Mil“;
F Burkhardl. Rabersburg;
Jacob Human, Centreville.
801 l
Mot ri 4
women. devoled excluuivoly to tho sale 0‘
\VRIGIIT'B INDIAN VEa'z-nnm: Plus. of the North
Amoncun Cullege a! Health. No. 288 Greenwich
Slrcel. Now York. No. 193 'l‘rcmom “real. 80l
lon ; nnd PMNCIPALOI’FICE. No. 169 RACE Stunt.
Philadelphia. '
just received a Iresh supply of Cof
/ee. Tea. Sugar &- Moiasses. ' ‘
Oct. 3. " > ,'
WINWARE. ,A uen‘ernj' mm:
mcm o! ‘l‘inwure wiil'bc punflénflly
kept on hand, of the-pm qugalily‘, Well
made. ‘ ,j' . w
Jul► 29.
Kru'rzna & BARRE'I“I'S,