Democratic banner. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1837-1849, October 10, 1846, Image 3

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    nbd onnmaliy lo gfiin and mainlain the al
cendant th’roughout the Union. as thn-iho
“area of freedom” is deoline,d4g/£6169d
lhroughonnhe length nnd'breadth bf the
.Wo have passed through the content
without ever alluding to the private clthr‘
acler of any candidate. Their puhlic
course and conduct is all that we have
dealt with—and in thus dealing with them.
we have strictly adhered to the Truth.—
We defy any person to point to a solitary
assertion that cannot be sustained by clear
and positive evidence. Facts—stubborn.
irrefutable facts. have been our weapons,
and if the political prospects of any person
are thereby injured. it is their fault. "2}
ours. In this republican land, no man
should go to the polls blind folded—ownl
boring under a misapprehension of fault—l
But all should have the light and the mm.‘
in all its purity. i
T 0 the Po] ls:
Democrala. remember lhnl ncxl rues
day—llle l3lh—ia ELECTION DAY.—
Lelnolhing prerenl _‘our punctual aucn
dance. History tells us that Gm. U’ash
ington nevar in all his life, neglected an op
porlnnily to exercise this important priVll
rge of freenien. Emulate-his good exam
ple, and if it posslbla for you lo do so, go
to the eleclion—-and go early—and take all
your democralic neighbors with you. (lo
an freemen—“unlmughl by favor and by
fear unawed." and can your voles only for
such men as are PLI‘ZDGED TO CAR;
deceived no longer by, voting for men of
doubllul political clmraclcr. Take warn—
{romlhc past. Adopt the ludinn's ruln.
and when a man doreives you lor lhofn‘s!
time say his his fault—bu! if he deceiwa
you lhe second time, remember it “ill be
your fault.
But above all, don't misulte the names
of your candidates. The followmg are
lhe name. of all Ilw regularly nominaml
democratic candidates. Voung for any
I . .
.olber «11l be a palpable vwlnnon of your
pliocrplea no a (lemocral:
For Canal Commissionrr.
WM. 15.- FOSTER, jr.
For ('ongrrss,
Fur flasemhly,
For S/u‘nfl.
For Commissioner,
For Jludila..
(JflUTION.~-\\'o have been told—
ue don't know how true it ist—that Assem
bly ttcketu are extensively circulated with
the names of “’mrcll and fl/It'son. Al|i«
ton in the federal candidate, «and did not
get any tickets printed in the county, nltbo’
he want's our Cttizens to vote for htm.
The honor of lhe dcmocmuc party of
each counly is equally pledged lo the sup
porl of both (modulates (“'orrell and Rey
molds.) and lo vole for one without lhe 011)
cr, would be as null-democratic as to vote
for neillner. We hope. therefore, our do
mocrallc friends uill be on their guard u
gniusl all such uecrol manwvres.
Go the “ hole Ticket.
We hope the Republican voters of Clear,
field county will hdnor themselves on next
Tuesday by l Going the whole Democrab
ic Ticket! from WM. B. FOSTER. jr..
down to the :andldale for the lowestof
flue. There should be no scratchmg of
notice where meneute upon principles.—
Btttwith one heart and one voice, assert
your independence as freemen, and your
principles as Democrats. by voting For all.
and none but the~ Democratic candidates.
They ore all good men and true. They
have never fliuehed from their duty—but
like good soldiers have ever stood by the
cause of their country through evil as well
as good report. Such fidelity in new ex
lpected on the pnrtof the Republican: of
Cleurfield county. Then. Democrats. be
finer-be active. Vote like Democratic
freeman-7 regardless of paréonalfavors—
never been defeated when you um been
thusiunitedtnnd you never will be. There
fore; let the language of the great Benton
be our mutter—“ Union, harmony and
canoeaszm—zvnnvvrumo for (/18 oxusn.
and nothing for MEN,” and alllwill be
welli'7 " ’ 1 ' '_
Mr; Patterson’s’ Talents.
Wacomihuovto hear of the‘efl'om Of the
whip lo crealo'thg impression on the pub
lic pind thin Mr: Patlerson’é talcum, arid
“qualifiouionl, imp inferior to mom of Mr,
Irvin. In order to stop the mouths of all
such. we need only direct the attention of
lh° People to him-Patterson’s conduct as
Speaker ofthe, House or Representatives
during the two lest sessions. According
to Mr. Megeehen, and one or two other
leading Whig members ofthe House. those
duties were discharged in a "most able.
dignified and impartial manner. there being
but oneeingle appeal taken from his decis
lon during the entire session—lnd that was
withdrawn without taking the vote——afact
unprecedented in the history of Pcnnsyli
vania Legislation.” 19 such a man un
fit to represent us in Congress 2 Show us
a parallel in the life of Mr. Irvin.
The Farmer’s Corner.
State of the Grain -9'llarkels.——By the
mo lan nrnvals from England il appeals
than all kinds of American produce comin‘
ucs to advance in price in that coumry.
In New York on the 3d inst.l the price
of Flour was $5 75 per barrel. Wheat
31 ‘2O per bushel. Corn 80 81,85 ccnla
per bushel. Rye lhe same. '
In Philadelphia on the sth inst.. Flour
85 5081.5 62;. Wheat 31 18 &l 20.
Corn 75 8‘ «‘lO came.
ln Baltimore the prices range a few cla
lower than in Philadelphia.
This. the Farmou should remember,
when they hear Whigs declare that the
Né'w 'l‘mifi has ruined the country. is an
advance of ‘25 and 30 ccnlé on the dollar
since the passage of that act.
.itlnlt'fl M. Power is prencntt‘d by the
Whrgrr as a crrntirdatc lot Cnoal Cotnmrs»
winter—a rnun wrtltoot known qualifica
tion. except that he has become the tortu
trate [)rruusmr ol I large share 01 the State’s
property tn the Erre Ctrnzri. ’l‘tm State.
alter linVlll: spent over $4,500,000 in this
uork, rind when It only t’quirt‘d ahout
$500,000 to complete it. gave- it. in an e
ut hour to A company. Mr. Power. and
hi: partners. hnvrng recerved from the
State. rrs Ctrnlrflcltlrs’trn mid curtail. M np
pears by the Auditor Geoetnl's bookl, o
ver $145,000, “‘as ready to becortrr- u
stockholder in the company, which he did,
and aim u ronlractor—in which Intlcr cu
[racily he trceivrd our 336%,000 from the
t’t)tnpnll_\', according to the report oi the
company. and it seems he is now ready to
rake chargr, M a Canal Commissioner, of
the balnnCe of the State improvements.—
\Ve think the State: has already givcn him
enough, and tlut r! the people are wisr.
they Will not put the, canals rind rurlrorrda
under the care oi one who has an interest
tn a rival improvement. Every ton of
rrrt-rchnnrlizr divvrted from the Ohio river.
through the Erie canal to Lake Erlt, anrl
thvrrcr' to New York. is so much taken off
our Slau- works, and lrotn our own corn
mr-rcial nretroprrlra; and the some at every
ton oi merchandize taken lrotn New York
by the Erie Canal to the Ohio rivor, . .
Mr. I’uwrr has. thclefurc. a diteél iv»
(crest in encouraging a course 0| trade di
rectly oppmed :u lhe intereus 0| lhe Slate
In every paint of View.
Yet 'Whiggery and diaorganizern would
make {hi-4 man u Canal Commissioner, In
guard (he inleresls ol‘lheSlalc. ll Wnuld
be the guardiaualnp of lhe M)” In lhe
lamb. An Intelligent people never can be
induced, uher the auflenngn they have ul
teady experienced. to du an act so hostile
to lhe” best inicresls.
[lhmorralic Union
'l'here inn certain race ll politicians
who are not unlike a cvrlain bird called
the Funny : unlesu it has its (raw well
filled, cunlinueu making a most lrighllul
nuite. These men are attached to all par—
liu, and are always found on the incrcau
immediately alter the ticket is settled ur
the public patronage is disuibulrd. They
swear vengeance. and would have somé
people believe they really possessed influ
ence. It is lhis class ol crnalters whnare
exceedingly anxious to deleat the election
0! Vl'm. B. Fastenjr. Heed them not,
lPllluV Eeinocrntl. They are men of ‘prin.
cipi'e in proportion to their interest.’
[Harrisburg Union.
A very interesting rnnupnmlencv ap~
pears in yesterday’s United Sta/ea Gu~
zetle. between Mrs. DECATUR. the relic!
of the late Commodore DECATyR. 3nd
Messrs. F. S. Smith. and li. C. Wilcox,
of this city, no regard to the propriety of
removmg the remain of the gallant dead
to Philadelphia. according to the request
of the Commodore. while-living. He was
born in this city. and his wish to be bu
ried in the yard of St. Peter’s church,
near the~remains 0! his parents, Will be
carriedvinto eflect. we are tleuired to any,
in two or three weeks. The ceremony
will he performed in a manner Worthy ol
the services at the hero and the gratitude
of the country.
lCY’Cnpiain Leuvitt. and his company
of twelve men, that left Arkansas In“
spring for Californib,‘ have at last been
heatd from. The Litt|e Rock Gazette
publishes a letter from Capt. L. dated at
Santa Fe,'ane 20, from which iuppeara
his company had a pleasant trip to'thnt
plate, and weft: received and wall treated
by Gov. Atmijo and thg citizens; ,’..'l‘hey
were toprocced on their journ‘ay in ‘a few
days. Capt. L. spcako' very favorably of
Santa Fe and its inhabitauth.
Extra Rascality.--Some ol the eflects
ofthe late Lieut. Clndbournc. who. fell
fighting gnllantly forhio country in the
battle of Resacn de la Pulmn, were ship:
[MI lrom New Orleans. and recently ar
rived at Eabtport by way of Boston.—
While they were on board the steamboat,
some scoundrel opened the' travelling
trunk and stole from it a small gold watch,
chain and kev. and a gold ring. present
ed to him by‘lhia mother. nod hearing her
initials. , '
A Dmmmmnxow or BLOOD TO THE "can. nu it
13 called. run he accounted for npun no olhur prin
"iplffl lhnn Irum corrupt and «lngnnnl human: in
the venous circulnlion, which prevent the: WWW"
rel'nrn ofthe vilul fluid 10 lhe honrl. The blood
can have no more prndiloclion [or :ha hondflmu fur
nny other purl: Indetd its own specific gravity
wuuld give il u londt-nry In lhc extremllies; 1"”
when lhu pnnangeu nra choked up. nnd ll bet-omen.
us it were, [lris-mar in the head. nI Wonder lharc
m n dlslonuion nr “veiling of lhe blood vessels. 0
pressure upon lhe brain. and ho'ldnrhe. glddiucu.
Pu'l’lluuon ol the lwurl. lnsnnuy, upuplcxy.and all:-
ur drendful renulm.
Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills nrn nlu'nyx acr
lmn Iu provonl |he nbnve unplculunl complain”.
because llmy expel lrom Clrmlnliun llmw very hu
man: uhu'h am the cnune not only of nll disorder
ml mmmux of lhe blond. bul uf every mnlndy mu
tlan: lumnn. ’l'lley ulsu and Mid unpruvu dlflml‘
mm. and therefore \\‘lll most nuurodly give health
and Vigor In tho llmly. us well an prcvenl nny cvxl
l‘unquubncml from what in [firmed n rush 0! blood
m the bond.
Ctxulion.-—-ll nlmuld be remembered Ihnl Mr.
[-‘.dwunH'uic. u! l'lnlaulolm; Mr. Juhn l)uun.uf
Enahm, Pu . and Maura. Browning & Brothers. 0!
I’hilmlvlphm. are no! ugonu nl ouru. and m Ihcy
purrhmw no ll'uhnn cholnhlc Plus at our um”.
um: cummlplmmnly as genuine any mrdirim Hwy
my hum-fur .mlc. "
u'lgcnt fur Clear/ioll], R. S/mw. for
other agencies in C/mrjfield 5' other coun
liea, see (“Inc/"(iscnwnl in (mot/ter co/umn.
MARRIED-7 ()1: 'l'hurmiuy lunl. In Gunhun qunv
slup. by J. L. Culllo, Eu], Mr» Rourm‘ \\‘nx'rn lo
Mi-u A A. Cum-mum,
le’l' 0F LETTERS
I‘ZMAINING in lhe l’us! Office a!
Clralfil‘m, ()cl. 1.1‘146‘
qu \\'m. [)101d‘lufl).
Dunn-I \\v'm. for Nancy VVnil,
I‘lynwn John (ivllt‘r Almiru
Hone John Lamb Freeman
Reed AIM-IS A. Sewall Samuel
Shepherd J. C Thompson Jam”
'l'humpmn Rqus \Vullncc Juhn
“'uml Wm. \lee Mumivhr, 810-2
Hi \\ M. L. MOORE. r. M.
7 RA'IZER & MARKET]? have
i‘ jusl received a truth supply ul Cofv
/cc. ’l'cn. Sugar «3- Molasses.
Ocl. 3.
flpprcnticur IVantcd.
Buy Hi ur 17 your! ul age, who
A can cume well recommended. will
be lakrn an an apprenllcc to (he lilac/c
-sml'lhing Business. nml n guud chance
will be given. Appllcaliun should be
made Immediately.
Grallamlnn. Scpl. 30, 1845.
S‘niled ‘0 lhe Humnn Cunanlulion, and equal In tho
curl-o! H'erv rumble (hymn-u. mIl he qum! In
I'L‘right’s [ndmn chclable Pills,
Thuw uxlruurdxnury l'lHa nre (‘nnlpmcd of plums
whwh gruw wununrulub' on uur own soil. nm!
nre, Ihrrelun- ln'llvr nduplld In our (-unulilulmnu
Ilmn Molhmncq ('onrnt‘u'd {rum lanngn drugu hmv
cVur ule quv m'\\' he I'uvlz';\«!l|!||h.~d; and un
luunded upon lhe prnu'xph‘ lhul the human budy
I! m lrulh
unnu-iy, corrupt human, nnd 1h!” Mud Mmhcmo
curcu lhu disansu nn
by steaming and purifying the hotly. u “‘1” he mun
ilenl H) M. II lhe (-nnslllulmn he Iml onllnyly ('xhnuu
led, n prrucvrmnco in [heir mu. nm-unhnu m dmw
lmnu. is nhsulutely ('erlmn lu drive ducuw of emu
I'y nnmu from lhe body.
\thn no uxsh lo “-14 an n Hwnnxp m' m'mma to
forlllily. \va drum 1| "1' lhe unperahumlmu wuler.
In like mnmwr. ll' We niah In IHIMro llm budy w
hcnllh. wo mun! rlonnsv it of ImDHI'HV.
be found "no of tho bcnl, If not (ho wry beau med.
icino In lhe war“ for carrying out this
homuna lhey (-xpol from lhe hmlv n|| nunhul nnd
rorrnpl hmnnr. the mug“)! lhu lIMHHO. |l| nu enay
and Natural fllannrr ,- nml \\‘hllU they cwery day
(iIVIC [CASE AND PLEASURE. dluvusu ul’uvcfy
nmn¢l H rapidly driven l'rnmlho hmly.
I'Vnght’s .Indwn l'cgelable Pills
Cam be haul grnuum M the lullumm;
highly respectable nun-keepers m
Clem-field Conn/y.
chlmnl Shaw. Clrm‘field;
Daniel Harrell, Curwinsvi/le;
David Irvin. Luthersburg.
Elk County.
Cobb @- Gallagher. Rulgrwn‘y;
George I'Vcis. St. Marya. :
Centre County.
Bradcerlzqfl‘lfi' Irwin, Bel/cfontc;
.I 6' J Potter. Potters'rMills;
fldam Fisher. Ccntrcvillc;
() P Duncan, flaronsburg;
Samuel Lipton. Milcsburg;
4 Henry fltlams,Jl/'alkcrville;
Wm Murray, Pine Grove Mills,-
Georgc Jack, Boalsburg;
H L Musser, Manlzeim; _
’ Irvin ‘9- leitlaker. Coverley‘ Hall,-
Duncan &-’Ha'l/s, S’ ring Mills;
F Bur/than”. Ragersburg; .
Jacob Homan. Ccntreville.
{ya-omen- devoled exclusively Id Ihn'lznlo oi
Wumn’r's INDIAN Wan/mm PILLa. of tho Nonh
American College of Houllh. No. 288 Groom'yich
Slre’oln New York. No. 198 Trcmon! street. Boa.
ton; and PRINCIPALOH'ICE. No. 169 Rm: STREET.
Philadelphia. ’
- ATS. Beaver: Russia. Silk, Leg
horngnd Palm Luff“ . _ >
"\ ‘ ‘ B. BI & Pl’S' I.
’E‘a ASsessm's.
THE Assessors for the tlifl'ercnl. town-
Phipn inthe county 0‘! Clcnrfield. In:
1847, will take notice that they are requi
red to meet at the Commissioners office
in the borough of Clenrfieltl. on Friday the
thh day of October, A. I). 1846, to rc~
ceive such instructions in relation to the
ensuing triennial assessment as the Com
missioners shall deem advisable.
By order 0! lhe Comminsioneu,
Comm’rs Oflicc. Clear
‘ield, slh Sept. 1846. ,
Meeting of County Comm’rs.
ERSONS henna business (0 jransac‘
P with the blunt] 0] Commissioners of
Ulcarlield cuunly, will take notice that
said board willbe in session (m Friday
(he lGlh day of October next.
H.. l’. THOMPSON. Cl’k.
Svpl. 12.1846.
THE neuron of Congrasn, \\hll‘lt thEJIIM Ivrmtn~
ntctl. \\‘ill be long nntl grntolully rententhercd lty
all true republicans tor the trtutnphnnt RUI'CcMul
nmtty ol‘lhotr chcrtshod principles and tnausureg.
Whtlo wo heartily rcjowe at tho tnutttph of the
princtpleu which-It huu been our constant effort to
advocate and defend. and trout “Inch nu prtmport
ty. no adversity, cnn swerve UH: “a mnnot he lllh
ttttndlul ol the nttttudo tn which we are placed by
a recent vote of both houscn ol Congrcss:—wo al
lude tn the cuntetnplntcd withdrawal of the” put
runngc [mm the nouspnpor press. 'l'o thtu darts~
Hm we cheerfully htm, Ecllfllblfl us no ore of tho
pntrtotic I'llltln'cfl \\httth hnve lctl to it. But He
truut thut ttna dcctsmn of Congress tncrcnsen rnth~
r-r tltttn tltnnntnhea our claim to the support at u
htglmr poncr—lltul of (In: people,- and to thr-tn we
('Uttllllelllfy nmmnl to aid us, by their pntmtmgt‘. tn
anntntntttg ntythe sent olgm'ernmont flJullflllll that.
In tnlloxthly’dovotod to tltutr interval! and the true
llIlPrPIl! ol tho country.
lt ht Itnomt to' every one. thnt the chm! snurt'e
of ntntutntng n ncuupupcr ll "01 tho mugtntudc ol
11l aubst‘rtpltun list, no much us the ndvertmnu tlut~
runnge uhtrh may no bt-utntwd upon it. In lttrga
t‘nntmert‘tnl Ctttmt. tntleml. 'thé Itttttvr in tnunllv the
t'mtcutttttnntul the former. as it ‘_wl‘ntnctt the uhvt~
um Internal (If mnrcuttltla men to nth‘t‘rllne In “I”!!!
puporn \\thll nro the most cxtenntvcly ctrtululed.
\\‘naltingtott. htmovor. ts tlthorantly Hllllfllr-tl. l)u~
prtvetl ul’ the ntlvortlxtttg patronage tncnlenl lo a
tttt-rcnnttla communtty, nntl burdened with pecu
ltur and enormous nxpenhe! “hich are not alum
where incurred. nothtng but u \cry long ltfllul
nubtcrtbtng patrons Cnn Imam”: u putter tn uttclttl
"CH-Hf. indevd. even In cxtatcnoc. ‘l‘he proprtet
tors 0| the ' Unmn’ htn'o htthcrtn “pun-d no putns,
and “0 “Penna. to make thetr paper worthy ofthe
tnctrupolta. and worthy ml the support 0! lhnt #9“
party under whose bunnor they are (‘nllslctL ln
pUJltslnng the must full and tttttplo tlchuteu ofthe
mo hon-us ol Cungrosu, 11 n 4 lmltuvctl. over belore
attempted un thta t‘Ulllluenl 11l u dutly now-putter.
they hnve secured the services ofthe bent reporL
era whtch the “luxury nfl‘tmletl. but at '.he cnnrnh
ous cunt -uf 312.000 m 3l5001) per your. 'l‘hetr
oxtonstvo loretgn and tlontesttc correspondence u
another large Item «I expense. but the nlvlrucltve
unelulnha ol' whmh m m htghly commended ttnd
npprecmtcd nu tthnnly nlmust nny outlny tn nt~
luttt tt. S'tll. It must no ewdcnt that these heavy
cxpemcu cannot be borne. unlors tho illhlcl’lnllon
ltnt ttt cuutmon-urnte It) the nndertnlttng. and nltho'
we can nub-cnhers. (Including dai
ly, trt-woukly. and weekly.) yet thut l'ntt must snll
he conniulernbly enlarged to ctnthle the proprietor!
ofthe‘ Union' to sugtntn all Its usefulness. and to
tnutro them ngntnst pccttntury luau. lnvoltinfl.
then. again. the and and lupporl of all truo trtentla
of Republican government, and pledging ourselve
lo renewed efforts to the came of nm glurtuua
l'flnctplen wo cherish. we otTcr the following pro‘
pomls :
The - DAILY UNION' n .n he published. as how
“"ova M 310 per annum. payable 11l ndvnncn- “N
character huhnrm has been nimou exclunvolY PO~
”l'cul' “’0 [Nirvana 1n {uluro iu duvole a PUHW“
"I ”3 "all““ns In dumcsnc news 01 general WWW“
"”d ‘" mismllnunnun Islcrnlurv, \\'hl("l, WNW”I
”"V’W’nlg m: pnhlivnl inllm-noa. mnv render ” ”‘8
“‘U'U nurt‘epmhlc In nu r‘xleudl'd Plans ul remit?!
The - Sl-IMI-WijliKlA’ UNIUN' vull ho rlflr
“”hl'd “very Monduv nnd 'l‘huruluy. durmg Ihl‘ ra
was (){Ctnlgrossnnl $5 per unnuxn 'l'hm cummns
all the Innllor canlunnml m lhe 'lhulq I'nmu“ ox
t‘npl Im‘al mlverllselm-nln. During lhr- benamnn of
(,‘ongrvsu Hircc numbwn, inslcnd oi Iwu wull be 1:-
numl \nllmul'nny cxxrn charge In muhscn‘mm
EN[.-\RGEMEN'I‘ Ol" 'l‘lll“. WEEKLY UNION.
The - WEI-ZKLY UNION' 1». waned New Sutur
(luy ; and M urrungemenl- nrc m pmgress lu en'-
lurge H Io nenr double Ila prusunl sm. wn nlmll
uuon be enabled In give m-urly Hwy. nrnnlu \\'lllCll
Innv nppenr in [he xluily uml uvmuuoekly ultlmns‘
ul llm cure-mely luw rule 111-‘52. Wuhpropnsn also
In give. in [his cdilmn, n (-umplelu unimllflil PIIHI~
mury ol lllc prm'u-Hllngn 11l lmlh lnnmes of Can
gnyns—lhun rendering; lho ‘ Weekly Unmn' u mun!
valuuhla chnqm-l ul‘inlurmnnun In all clause! of
uur rnunlly. Bul lo remunarnle uu fur llns enter.
prise. an e’xlunmve aubvcripllun llnl 111 nlnolulely
In nddllinn to (ho fizregoing. we have n'sulvud
In pulrliuh. dnrmg lhe wanton! of lhe lmlmnnl lrg~
mlumro. n ' (.‘angrrssin'nul Registrr,‘ [0 he issued
weekly, nnd l 0 cunlnm u FULL “worn M the dmly
pruccrdinga and debates of lmlll houses. l-nlcod.
Iho nrrungemonla \\‘hll‘h we have mnde wilhlho
very baa! (mum of ropnrlorn will onulrlo us In give
oven mom full and extended rcpurlfl than we have
produced during Ith seasiou, superior us we vlnim
lhem [0 be In nny prvroding (men. The Register
Will be mnde up from lhe durly rcpnrls In lhu ' Un
lon,’ cnrclully revised by an experienced odilor.
and will commute in cnmplclo and authentic re.
cord of the union. An nppelllllx will be added.
llnrlurm with the Regular. and to ho sen! gram”;
oualy In luhscrihcrr, comprising 11 lm ofthe nclu
pnsucd during the session. “uh n uyuupail ul' their
conlanll, and n relomncc. when necessary. to pra
v‘iouu legislation. .Thiu will form lhe most com
plou- hwlory ul the session» ol Congress. and will
ho furninhcd a: the low prlcu of szvmrr-m‘u
CENTS lor the nongowianfl
WPosm/lsrrcn- ure authorized to act nn qul' ll
gonlu ; and by lending ua five yedrly nubacnbo'n.
with the subscription monoy. {or either the Dal/J:
Semi-Weekly. or H'cckly. will be enlilled lo one
copy oflho snma odilion as they furnish _uvl subs
acrihors for. ' ,
tho‘CONGRESHONAI’ Rzarsrzn WI" be fill“
nishcd them on the mm: mm! h
5 copier: ofthe Daily for V ' 3‘o 00
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.. The nnma n! no fieraon will bb'anlored u 0'"
book! u leu‘ Iho payment of tho b .9 our
made Jam,“ _ , U"f Dcnpnon bl:
Addmn, , ~ ~ m-rcmat muss;
_ Wuhinllon city. D. c.
{mints mmfl®®fi®m
Fellow Citizens :-—I offer myself to your
consideration as a‘ candidate for the offl’ée
of SHERIFF, at the coming full election,
and if elected. will endeavor to discharge
the duty of said office with fidelity.
Angus! 511). 1846.
“IHEREAS. By an act or the Gait; .
.eral Assembly, 0! Pennsylvanjfi
entitled, “ An Act to regulate the General '
Election within this Commonwealth”-—it'
is enjoined on the Sherills of the different
counties to give public nottce of such elec
tions. the plttct‘ where to be held, and the
nflicers to be clectctl:-Thcrelore. 1, EL-
LlB IRWIN. High Sherifl of the county of
Cluurficltl. do hereby give
to the electorsnl the county of Clearfield.
that a General Election will be held on
'hc Second Tucsday of Octobcrnemt. (be
ing the 13th day at the month.) at the sev
eral rlectinn districts 11l saitlcnuntyflt
which time antl place the qualified elec
lnrs will elect-
One Person (or Cunnl Commissioner of
(hm Connnonweallh.
One Person (0 represent the ,counlie: of
lmhunn. Armstrong. Butler and Clear-
field, in the House of Representatives
of the United States.
Two Persons to represent lhe counties of
Cenlrc and Clenrfield in the Home of
Rrprescnlnlivcs of Pennsylvania.
One [’crson fur Sherifl of Clearfield coun-
One Person for Cummisdoner 0! Clear-
fiehl coarny.
One Person (or Auditor of Clenrficld coun-
Oné Person lor Coroner of Clcarfield
cuuuly. ‘
'l'he eleclors oi the said coumy will take
notice thni the election Will be held at (he
tullowmg plnce': ’
For the dulnrt componed of lhe lownnhip of Law-
rem-u at Illa court home.
For the (hump! composed of the township of Brad
fnrd nl lhe house of Wm. Hoover.
For lho district composed oflho township of Docu-
lur at lhe houne of John Go".
For lhe Iliutricl composed oflh6loWflflhlpofßOC"~
nn 9! lhe boum ofSnmuol M. Smith.
For [he diclrm composed of the township 0! Puke
at ”no house of John Draucker.
For lhu district composed u! the township of Gov
Inglon n| lhe house of Jacob Mgurer.
r lhe (hslricl composed ol the l’owpship of Brady
ul lho house of P. W. Borreu.
l~'ur lhe dumcl composed of Ibo township of Chen
ut the huuso of James Curry.
For Ihd dmml cumpoied ofthe township ofGo
aheu ul tho publlc school house in mid town-hip.
For lhe dulricl compoaed of lhe lawn-hip of
Woodward ol the electionuhousu In Decalur low'p.
For lhe dislricl cnmpost ofthe lowmhnpofGirnrd
nl lhe houuo nchorgo B. Smith.
Fur lhe dmlrml composed ol lhe lownship'of Mor~
nu a; Iho house of James Allporl.
For the dlslncl composed of lhe lownlhip of Bum
nde at the house of John Young.
For the dislrlcl compound of the lownlhip of Bell
In tho liouue of Frederick Tnnnier.
Fm: the dlslncl composed of lhe luwnahip ofJor-
_dun M the house ofJnmm McNeuL
Fur lhe dmtrivl composed ol Iha township of Bogs!
nl Iho house 0! Henry Wuplf.
For that ulmricl compo-ed of lhe mwmhlp ofPenn
at the school house an Sponccr'a hill.
For the dmncl composed ofthe township ol Haul»
lun n 1 lhe house ochsso Wilson.
For (he dislrirl compnled of HlO :mvnahip ofFergu~
arm 111 the house 01'1". Dawn.
For lhe dmrlcl compuscd of tho lownship of KI!»
lhuus al Ike frame house lunnarly occupied as u
bonrdmg huuuo In said luwnlhlp.
For lhe dmlm‘l composed of lhe township of Fox at
lhe house of Juhn I. Bundy.
Fur lhe dislricl composed of lhe borough a! Clear
lield M the mun-house. ‘
Notice is hereby givrn. That all per
sons (excepting Justice-l ol lhe Peace.)
who shall hold ‘any ollice or appointment
of profit or trust, under lhe Government
ol lhe Uniled Stale: or M [his Stale,or of
any cily or Incniporaled district. whelhcr
a commissioned officer or ulherwiue. u
nubnrdinale (illicer or agent, who is or shall
he employed under lhe legislative. execu
liVe orjudicmry department of this State
or ul lhe Uniled Slate-I. or any city or in
corpomlcd dislncl; and also that every
inemher ol Congrcs: uml Slate Legisla
ture. and of the select or common council
iii any city. oi commissioner of tiny incor
poruted (llalficl. Is by law incapable of
holding or exercising, Lil lhe some time.
lhe oliice or appointment of Judge. In
spector m clerk ol any cleclion of this
Cominonwcalih; and that no Inspector,
Judge. or olher nflicer ol any such elep
llun shall be Cllglble lo any uflice voted
lor. ‘
And the return Judges 0‘ the respective
districts aluresnid. are requeated to meet
at the cuu rt hnuse in the butough of Clear
field on the Frulay next utter the lecond
'l‘uesdul at October. then and there to flu
all those things required of them by law.
Given under my hand and seal at Clear
fleld. tlu'a lEI/l day of September. in‘tha
year of our »l.ord one thousand eight
hundred and forty-six, and of the In?
dependence qf the United“ 310198 the
sixty ninth. ' ~
the slope ol the ridge;’a‘nd the howitzbir ’p-r
pened upon the height 0! Pnl'ac'o'HiH.“ K
few shells only w'cre' thw‘wh. bulorélhe
enemy cbmmenced‘ firihg'with' 41' "fii’h’e
poundevr‘lrum thé height ilmmellilitciy'btier
the right- of the 'column.“'afmihg “fllllfll-t
can‘s‘ battery. The" quéra'lj., régii‘ti’ehjs
"took pdsitiona; and a Jew ’th'o'réjahl‘elfs’wg'l'e
’lHtown townrds‘ Puju’cé 'llij'l'.“ but did no
‘a'xé’cu't'wn.’ The niqu‘ pnuude'r cn‘ntl‘hp'ed
"to throw tté'shot. mih agent pré¢isidmfit
‘qur‘bgi'muieé; orie¥.l_.“4‘Y' lalling dipectlyfin
' ’e (gigs: 'th ; tl‘ne"pn.é§és; but 'jquuttattgjy
[l‘33ng 'Mlth‘gl‘ ,‘mclr'uS'ér" upp.‘ "Etnfiibg
.hi thattb'r'wflhu‘i' (_exphectfigzihd,i’llltrifnbléfto
.‘éfiétz'l"n‘tt't‘ihihgfiCOL Duncuitl' idin’higdfii!'
fc-lmfxi'aiid‘ I'd " a' knll'clte about ‘.Ualffii’xfifle