the time for resumption. and cfi'cclcd their object by obtaining the most remote day. which they desired~ to prepare tor speue payments. Because they have hitherto upended their issues beyond their legitimate sphere nnd‘encouraged opeculntionslo an extent demoralizing in effect. Because they have in times unfit. con tracted their issues suddenly. n'nd thereby caused a change of times sufficient to hurl thousands of families, whom they had er}- cnuruard, from affluence and comfort, in to an abyss of ruin and despair. Because it is believed they have done much to involve the commonwealth in her present financial dilficulties with foreign era. holding lorth the idea that they wrrn building canals. rail roads, &c., With their own funds, when in lact they were mere brokers of State stovks: Became it ii believed they have n lnvor itelow. witnm they nccnmmmlntc to the tltimlvnnlnge of lhe many: Became mm? of them have omblrkt’ti largely in foreign speculationsmntl divert ml from Pennsylvania millions of her Clr- Lulnting medium: Because no more indulgence In due lrom the hands of lhe le-gialulurc to incur porntiuns than lo‘ imlividualu Because lhey have been warned from lime to limc. for yrals put, of thy errnn 0| their ways, and the (llmculxies in which lhey “ere plunging thrmfielvvs um] lhe community. bu! In lhe [are of a” caution lo lhe contrary. Hwy have persisted in lhvir ruinou: ('nursr-z Became lhe umh-rclunml, i; at thin fime decidedly ng-pnsrd ln 10-gidnnng (nr Hu- Irlicf 0! an Ixmitulinn that u ADM I'I'TI‘II) ON ALL HANDS. In ht- mach-em. and the MOVING CAUSE ol lhe pleat-nl, :13 wrll an the lute, su~penr~inmz 'Mr‘ I‘um mun hrrr t-ndvully' nllmlcs lu Hldfllp'F Bunk .’ [or lho t'hnrlvr uf “hm Mr Irvm \Hlul " Became Ihere is u vinlnlinn (If (‘rrmm principlvsmvolvml in Iln- vanrl, winch the undenigncd, can by no mean-u ham (ion. FINDLI‘IY PATTERSON IT \YON’T WORK It is very strange that uhtlo Mr. lrvin takes great pains to impress it upon the vo ters of some of the Democratic tnwnshipe, such as Bradford. Brady. &e. that he is “ as good a democrat (13 (here is in lhe county." he should take greater pains. e ven to the making of his muhlcn npeoch in But'er, to prove to the stubborn whigs there that he never was a demor‘rat. or that he was not a Démocrnt when elected to the State Senate. There is something very. strange in this. Why should he be a Fed eralist (here. and n Democrat here." \‘-'h:lt rver other: may think ofthis Lind of don hle dealing. in our opinion it won't war/r. Men nl’ sense. free born and not more than halfblmd. will see that there Is 'something rotten in Danark.’ . \‘ HOUSTON AND ms REI‘CHLIC —'l‘he au «door. 0. EDWARDS Lzsirm. has kindly sent us a copy of this pretty lmle work, giving a brief account of lhe Life and char n‘cler of Gen. Sam Housmn. ilie 'l‘oxian hero ; logelher with much information ra lalmg in {he liisloly of Tc'xzu and annexa lion. The woxk contain: 200 pages—- price 50 cents. “'6 shall refer to ”in work again. and in (he mcnnnmo bespcak {or n the {incurable consideration ofllie public. an it Is calculaled to remove from public opinion much unnecessary and groundless prrjudicv. .41! JIM? S/Makr‘r—Acnmding tn the ‘ Butler \Vhig'of the 523 d "IL, Mr. Pat terson occupied but ‘two mint/(o3’ in his speech at the Dcmncratic (fleeting in than place. and during that time accurthn: to the same paper’s own words, he tltuussed the “ Tariff, the Bank and the Nnt'mmd im~ prowment” questions. Now. if Mr. Pat- Icrlon done all this in the space of two minutes, he is ccrtatnly an nble speaker, and should thetcfom bu alt-clot] to Con gran. ‘ " “71:11! is said Abroad. We 'luke lhe {allowmg exlrm-ls frum u chIL-r Imm n rnizen of Indlunu counly. \\ 110 15 inlimnlcly ncqua|n~ tail \silh lhu pus! pulmcal l'UlllL‘SlH 11l lhm ruumy. We are rcqucxlcd tu luy itholoru unrrundus lu show them what I." expoclcd of us in ulhcr purl: n! the Slate : g "thn the present Whig candidate {or Congress was lost belore the people (it your county for their sutl'ragcs, he begged —.-nay. he beau-chad democrats to support htmeunce more—4o relieve him that time. and he would never come belore them a galn. Yes—he c-vcn pledged his word and honor to democrats. that it they would sacrifice their principles by voting for of electing him, he would remain neutral in politiceuhe would never take a part for a tederal candidate against them. This muit‘y'etbc fresh in their memories. Did It'e‘fEdeem ‘ this pledge? or did he wick edly betray them as he did when a mem ber of the Senate? Let his conduct dur ingthe‘l'ast Presidential campaign answer the'question. L'et his warm and decided hourae’io-layor of Henry Clay, and his abuse at I'democrata. who' would not (go with him,‘ show .what reliance may be pin ced in his word. '; “Whigs are loud in their boasting hen relative to the“ result in youreounty. ‘ Thereby.hit-election is‘ certain—7mm hel (tritn)~hai'the democracy’ot. Cleartield at his” pten‘hrc,- aad that he will ’g’ct‘a major- it)‘ in your county. [Hope it will be oth erwise. l trout the time has gone by. for the Operatiunofhu Iyalem ofhypocricj'. “0 successfully pcuclicedfl" From the Armu'trong Democrat. MR. IRVIN AND THE BANK. Mr. Irvin denies. it in said. that he ev cr Was a Democrat, and that his vote in lnvor til the Bank of the United States. was not thereture an act uI political treach ery. We make no doubt that I’enruse, Burden and Dickey, would also repudiate the charge 0! democracy if it was preler red agatnat them. It Mr. Irvin never was a democrat. how did it happen that he was twice elected to the Legislature by the Democratic party P That party is not in the habit, we believe, (if eletaliug Whigs tooflice. The denial therelore is t-heer nnuseneef and cannot deceive. Even in his address, Mr. Irvin attempts to regain the confidence til the democracy ul Cleair~ lield county, by plcatltng in extenuatiun at his ufl'enee, that 's'ome prominent demo crats in his dutriet had advised him to tote lur the Bank. The mere bpology lur that vote In an adniisnun, that he had dune stunt-thing which the people \vulied to hate explained. \\e have lully examined the Senate Jntirnal uI ISBS and ’3O. Irnnt which i'. appears that Mr. Irvin was in Ital haste to aecuru the pansage nl~ the bill. He was the sleutly Irtetid ul the bill, ill his \‘Uit‘s are any test thw sincerity. {ruin the day on \\hzch it was brought up iti the Senate. until the hour (II its final passage. He' \\uuld admit nl an tlelay—tvuuld listen tn nn prnptmttnn lur pox/portrmmt, in nrtlex that the vuire ofllie PEOPLE might be Ilt‘attl on so Important :1 question ; we as} this because he voted JiGfi/NS'l' (1 row (ulion n/ .«lleasrs. Head and Krebs. lo I’USTI’UA'E (/H‘ bill in order!" (HIT) THE PEOPLE ’l'l.l/E TO IN S'Y'IRI’C'I‘ THEIR It’l;'l’lt’lz‘sl§.'\"l‘.‘l YII'ES.’ .’ 'l‘lxe o-tttlt‘tit'e (II this maybe teen on pages 292 and 2H5 111 the Jnurna'. Ry Magnetic Telegraph. (f .rrmpnmlonr'v (11 Kim rl-nnu '.vnmun GEN. KI‘ZARNER IN SANTA FF. Baltimore, Supt. 25—43 I'. M. The WruH-rn Innll brings L): St. Luui pnpws :u the 21:1. The [Republican loam; {mm a :vullrmah just {rum lndrpcndn-ncr that a llmcller “lulu-d M ”In! pldrv. Whu dale: (hut ul the (mum: oi the KJIIKI‘ run-r. he tell in wilh an exprvss [rum Urn. Kumrmy.p.l~.~ing across tn Furl [mann “nrlh. uhu rc'porch that (ion. K. was in Santa Fr; lhal he had lnkcn pnqwssnm M the place “Ithul It'sifilnllCC—Ul)V,'Af mlju, who Was slill [ln-re. Inning made no nppum'iun. or evinced the Iraq healluliun m giving up (he hmn. 'lhin. tuumr lhu‘ it be, was guncndly credited nl huh-pen (lento. The Murmons wcxe lust leaving NJU- HlO. and many uf lhem had already finivv ml :11 SK. LOUIS. alumni in a stair of stnrv alion. The lt‘rnH M ”w capilulmmn had bvvn cnmpliml \vnlh by lhe Ann lunlnmnl, Dr. Marvin Hnyt, M Rlchulllllll. \'a., mu 1 mm! nlrzul in his bt'll this morning. In lhiscily, “i'h lhn-e bullclu in his head and burns“. He is suppmed to have been munlcrcd by a man uilh Mum- wife hr had held impropcr illlcrcuuree. Succmu u. fluxsmnn'n PILLS ——A lady m whnlu I run rufcr. was given up In «he; her phys~ H'ians nmurcd hut lnchdu Ihul nullung muM b:- dnno {or her. that aho \\ us .lymg. Whul wan Ihtv l‘:>l.n“liu[| of Hun person! She had been under our bv.-u phymcmna for some moulha; her AIHA'Hun “u.“ cancer on lhe ugh! breuul and (‘on-umpllon. A Binder was wuhed 10 be mused; on" wan applinl lu Hm neck; il modr.‘ no Impmsuun “mummy.— Uuher par"! of the body wvro lrlod, nnd \\ilh nu hrllvr 'HH'CIERI; them was not mlmvinnl vunlnly m [bonyslem lu raxsn n u hlmn. She was mum-rung larnlflu agony. uml she was IlPIr-rlninml. (ll h"! (low lnvr gum lu-r rm hopes/'0 |ry wlml B“ \NDRI‘TTH'S PILLS \\nuld (lu for lxrr. Slll- tool; (lghlcen [he first ulny, :leo cuminuad them In lnfign nluscs, and In [no \\urkd the was NO much lrcllcr Ibul she muld “Elk übuul. Dosirou- of telling whulhor n Inhaler (-uul-l ho rained. llmlnunl one pulun her leg. dcmgnlng m draw down lho pulml human; lhe bllsler rum‘d linuly. nnd ono.of hur l](lt‘ll)lfl uwnod that it was as unlouiuhing to him to sou lhe llllfiltf us it wm lo ado her at all. living. pm! m mucll re rnvcvod. Wlml lhom Pl”! could be mndo of, and purge us they had damn and not kill, hul uhmlulu ly nun‘mn llm viYnl powers. wuu mom [law ’lO «:uultl cumprchund. More in New York. in lhe cenlm ofour city. the grculell [hing has been llUllc in tho lvuy (If übsululo life saving. unknown in un ciunl or modern limos, nll Brundrcxh'u l'llln were known. Two Inqnlha ngu und lills person mu. dying—ulnuululcly dying of (-unbumplion and un- cer, and unyv her consumplion iJ entirely uurml nml hor cuucor In in a fun way to bo w In lluu medicine u quack medicine 1 Cum llna_lm equalled by any ollwr medicine in the world m lho guml ll effects? lnnuwnr nn.’ nnd [on limos lean [horn and can be referred to puraunnlly (u busluin my on neruun. Brundrolh’s Pills. by cicunsmg lhu bHOUd from nil impurity, gives power to ovary organ iu perform ill functions honllhily; no mulls: whelher uxlor. nnlly or inlernnlly affected. ONE Worm T 0 Tm: Szuznmnv —'l‘hcw uhu lu~ bor within doors are not Only compelled lo brcnlho an impuro nlmoaphuro. which _is‘ l‘roquemly rcndor 0d wholly unfit for the props: oxpnnnion ol lhe lungs, but. owing lo wum o! exotciao'. the bowels become constipated, lhe pom of Iho skin are cloa ed. and. indeed. all ma functiona of the body has come deranged; hencu procaod unthn. coughmnim in tho hrenal and nidu. pulpitulion in the heart rhou. muiic pains in dxfl'ercm pom of-lho body, g'iddincss, and n variety of other distressing complain". to common to than) ofsodcnmry hubiu. 3 V’Vright’l Indian I’egclalrlc Pills disperse all lhoao nplculanl if by n charm; a single no \i‘ilhn all cases givo relief. and if rdpciu'od n '_imeakwgl‘l moat. assuredly rcslore (ha body [0 km.“ A‘n ol'L'lHiuunl use 0! lbs ludiuu Vegeta- blo‘l’ills will how the body compleloli free from those humou which are in all canoe the cause uf illness. and enable those who land a scdonlnry Mo to enjoy purine! and nourid health Caulion.-—-li should he remembered that Mr. Edward Colo, of Philndclin; Mr. John Dixon. of Eamon. Pm. and Messrs. Browning dz Brgiliern. 0! Philadelphia. nro noiF‘nganla 0! ohm. nnd‘iuslhey purchase no Indian Vegetable Pills at our oflicu. um cannot guaranty as genuine (my medicine Hwy may have/or snlc. ' ‘ flgent for Clear/iqld, R. Shaw. For other agencies in (,‘learficld 6~ other coun ties.’see advertisement in another column. MARRIED-«In (‘lnrinm on Frnlny tho 251 h ull., by Rev. Mr llnllock. ML'I‘HOS. M. ’MArm,‘!orm¢.rly u [hm plnct‘. lu MI»: MARTHA h'WANY. ol Clurmn. Welelnserllholollmunq.vorrvt‘led: ‘ On 'l‘humlny the 17th Sept. by lhe Rev. E. Wol. W. Rev. Jonu \Vmaomuwon-m lu Mum MAM BELL, ofl’lka Inwnship. FEM I’ERANCE M EE'I‘I NH. 'l'lm Wnahinglnnmns will hold their next regular Innulhly memmg in the l’rrshylariun Church in Ihu lmrnngh nl Clonrlield. un Momlny evening null All pursnun lrmmlly m llm [nuw \\‘ill nllvntl. It Is expo-(w lnd Ihnl lhen- H“ be speakers lruu) übruud [0 ml (lrmm the Socwly. WMI RADEBAUGU, Sev'y. Sc'pl 291 M. GRUCEREB‘IS. _rRA'IZI'IR 3L BARRET'I‘S’ have ER ju~l ll‘Cl'i‘l'll a lrvsh supply of €qu [(0. TM. Sugar (3- Molasses. Oct. 3. flpprenticcc H'antcd Boy lf‘: or 17 years of use, “ha 1% can come “v“ rfcomlnemlud. will be taken as an apprethu to lhv U/uC/c -“nil/ling Husinus. find :1 good chann “lll be ngvnfiwAfipllcatlon almuul be ”Ich nnmcdiulcfii ' ‘ THUS. BEER; Hrnhnlnlnn. Rom. 30. 19“}. A NATURAL REMEDY, Sum-d ‘0 lhe Humnn Cumltluuou. nnnl uqnnl In «.m- (-un- n! P\'l'l’V l‘llrlllllfl due-nus, WI“ ha mum: m H rig/11’s Indtan chntable Pills, OF THE NORTH AMERICAN COLLEGE OF HRH/I'll. Thu-av rllruurdumry l’AHaarc cmnpmcd M plunln \\hn-h prov. rpmzlnm-nuwly on uur own null. nnd urn, I‘u-rulnrn llullPr uduplml In uur ('unnlllulmm ilmn Mm! Imnes ('uncuclrd Imm lurulqn drug“ hnw~ nw-r well “my mny he (‘umpuundmh and as WIHUHPS INDIAN VEGI‘L'I'AULE PILLS nu loumiod upnn the pmmg-lv Ilml lho humnn Indy m m lrmh Fl'UJl-IC'l‘ TO UIIT‘ 0X)? WSIZAH namely, rnrrupl human, and ”I“ ”Id Mt'lhl'me I‘ures Ihm (“IFTIFP nn NA'I'L'RAL PRINCIPLES. by rlrvmxin/z ant] puri/vm; {ln body, I! u I” lu- mnn~ Hm! Ih at. I! lhe c-unsnluuun ho um cnurr-Iy n-xhuun ml, n peruovomnce m UICH’ uue. affording m durac~ nun". I» uhuululoly rennin In drivo dunes-t- of cvo~ r)‘ mum: from the bndy. ‘ When \\o Wish 10 rumro n uwnrnp or morn" In !crnl:ly. we drmn ll of lhe unpvrnhumlnm water In hkv munnur, I! We Wish 1n rmmru Ihn [lndy In hcuHh. wu mun! cleanse ll of Impurlly. WRIUII'I‘S INDIAN \'l-I(ilr'.'l'AllLl£ I’ILLS will ho hum! one of lhe howl, 11 [ml lhe Very Imsl med :(‘nnu In the work) Mr rurrying nul (Inn (71H ND PURIFYL‘A; PRINCE I'Ll‘ hornnsa they uxpel {mm lhe budy all nmrhid nnd ('urrupl humor. lhe ('nuro or [he din-mun In nn any nnd Nulurul .‘qumr ,- nnd while lhcy every duy (.‘H‘H EASE AND PLEASURE. dun-me I)! every nnmn w rnpully drlvnn {rum Ihn lmdy. H"7'ig/zt’s Indian Pegetable I’zlls Can be had grnuinu- n! (he IuIIUWiLL; highly respeclnble ~lnrekeepers~m (,‘lenrfield (‘ounljp lhe/Lard S/mw. L'laarficld; [Junie] Harrell, Curwimvi/le; . David Irvin, Lulhersburg. L‘M‘ Calm/y. ('nbb S' Gallagher. Ix’ulge'u'rr_r/: George U'ois. SI. filmy/.9. Ccnlrn (bun/11,1. Ifmr/rrr/mjf§~ Int-in. lic/lrfonle; ./ S‘ J Pol/(1', [’l‘l/(‘18‘ .I’lil'x; .’l/'lmn F‘is/ur. ('mhuril/r; ('l’ Human, flurrmsbnrg: Samuel Lipton, MUN/Hug; Hmry .Nmns, H'ul/rervi/le; ”'m Jimmy. l’iua Gram: JIM/s; (Imrgr Jar/c. Hun/slung; II I, x’l/mvrr, Alan/trim; Irvin S' ”Willa/ctr, (‘ouer/rl/ Hall; Duncan é- llays. S'pring {Vii/J; F Iz’mk/uu'dl. ln'uberaburg; Jam/2 llama”. Centrwi/lc. fry-omm ufflvnlul nrhvay In [hp Huh) ul WHIIHIT'R lsnln Vncmnnuc Pme of lhl‘ North Ameru‘nn Cullz-ge of Heullh. No. 288 (-'roonu'irh Slrcel. Nm'.’ Yurk. No. IDS 'l‘rr-nmnl hlf"(‘l. Hus um; um! I'RIVCII’ALOFFH'E. Nu. 160 RAM; S'rnnm. I’lnludomhlu. TEACHERS WANTED. ()UR Tcnchvrs wanted to leach Ilw F Cmnumn Sdnmln in Morris [own ship. A rvasnnnbln inlary will [)9 glvpn. and (he cn~h paid at Ihr- and u! may moulh. if Irquilcd. None but guml mur al prrwm. uud when-wise well qualified, need apply. Application mav be made 510 either of [he umlvrsiunetl Durecmrs. ~ \. WM. bi‘HMEL, l’ra’t- A S. C. 'l'nom'son. Sec'gv. MOSES C. EVANS, SAMUEL HOOVER. JAVOB BEAMS, CHRISTIAN I'IMIUH. ‘Murrln Ip. Sr'pt. 15. IS-lU—pd. To the Heirs and Legal Represenlmives of the Hon. [Hoses Bagga. late ofC/ear field county. deceased. {EPAKE NU ”CE that application has " been made to the Regi-ltvr ol Clear lield county lor letters of administration on the estate of the said deceased. and unless you come lorwurd according to law, und take out letters at administration on maid estate on or before the 241 h day 0! October, n'cxt. the same will granted to some other competent person. agreeably to acts at Assembly in such case made and provided. v " ' - ' WM. C. WELCH. Reg’r.” Register-’3 Olliee Clear licld, Sept. 17. 1846.; BLflJVKaS' for sultan! t/az'é bfliiw. "namifififiafiéfifiao Fellow, Cuizens :—I offer myself to your considerntion as a candidate for lhe Office of SHERIFF, at lhe coming fall election, and- if,clccled. will endeavor to discharge the duty of said office with fidelity, JAMES BLOOM, sen. Annual sth. 1846. PROCLAMATION. WEVHEREAS. By an act of the Gen eral Assembly (il Penniylvama, ('ntillod, “An Act to regulate the General Election within thix Cotnmuntvcultll”—it is enjniucd (m the Sherills ol tlie‘ilificrcnl cuunties to give public notice of much elec» hung. the place where to be held, and the umn-rs to be clected:——'|'lierelore, l. EL- Lis IRWIN. High Sherifl of lhe cuunty ol Cleurficld. do hereby give I’IIBLICK NOTICE to the electors iii the county 0| Clearfielzl. that a General Election “ill be hrlil on 'hu Second Turedny of ()rto/mr Hr‘J'f. (lW' inzthel3thdnyoltlwmnnth.)ut I'm sov~ ernl rli-crion districts In said cnunly, al which time and place the qualified elec turn will elect— ()nc I’rrson [or Cum! Commissioncrul this Commonwealth, One I’érsnn to I’t‘pfcscnt tho cuunties of lmltann, Arnntrung. Butler and Clear field. m the Home of Representatives of the United Staten. Two Persons to rcprcwnt the counties 0! Centre and ()leurfirhl In the ”nuw nl Rum-senlnttvm u! Pcnmylvnmu. ()m I’m-son tor Sheri“ of Clcnvfield coun- Una I‘m-son lnr (.‘nrnmisuioncr of C‘cur “l'll' manly. ()ne Parson Mr :\utl|lnruf Clt-au fichl coun (Inc Parson lor Curoner of Clcnrfield counts , The clcclors nf thcsnid cnunlv will tnkt nolu'e lhnl lhe (-lecllon \HII br Held M NH. fulluwmg plum-s: Fur lho diall’ll‘l mum-mud 'II' -he [own-July: of Law H'IICO ul lhe vuurx humc. For (in: dlulncl rumpuscd of the luwnuhly 0f Brud furvl nl lhe hnunc nf \\'m. ”noun. Fur (ho dmrn'l mmpumd u! (ho luwnahxp of [)ecn- Km 1.! lhe house of Julm (loam For llm dislncl (-urupnned ml the Inwnnhtp of Harm rm (“.11“) huuae n 1 Samuel M. Smuh. For the dmrlu (enzymes! of the nnvnuinp ol P kv m lhe houw of John Drnuckur. Fur me lihlnr'l cumpunml ul Illu Inwnshrp or Cuv Ingmn at lhe house uf J.u-nb Mnnrur. __ For lhe dmlncl (f'mnlmucd ol the loumhlp of Brady n 1 lhe huuuu u! l’. W. Burton. Fur lhe «halncx cumpoaed ul Ihu luu nahlp of Chen M the huuso u! Juno: Curry. Fur the dnslrlcl composed ofthe township I)qu nhan u: lhu puhhc urhunl house In nmd mun-hip. For lhe dlulm'l composed of lhe luwnahlp 01 Woodward ul lhe elccuumhousu m Dcculur luw'p. For (In: dISHH'I cumposoJ ofthe luwmhlpoflilrurd n! the house of Geurge B. Slullh. Fur Ihadmlm‘l r'umpuxcd of lhe 'lunmhlp of Mon n 5 at the house of Jumeu Allporl. For the dlbll'lL'l composed of lhe township of Burn~ side m the houuo 0! John Young. For lhe dmlncl composed 0! Kim luwnshlp of Bel! nl lhe Imuoe uf Frederick 'l‘nnmur. For lhe district (‘mnpuurd of tho luwnshlp of Jo: don til the house ul'Jumel Mch-nl. For lhe dlslnm compound of lhe lon nahip of Boggy nl lhe house at Henry Wup|£. For lha dsslnul composed of lhe lownslup oH’unn nl lho school house on Sponcrr's hill. For lho diulricl composed ul’ the township 0! Hum lan at .lho house 01 Jean Wilson. " Fur lhe diulru‘l cmnpuam! of the :uwnalup ofFergu~ nun ul lhe huusu u: T. Dunn. Fol Hm tIISIHCI Luluyusud u! Hm lnwnnlup of liar» lhuu: at the Irume huuuc lurmcrly rumpled m- u hoarding huuw m 51m] lunnsth. For lht‘ Jlnlnrl Compact! o! the luwnahlp of Fat at Ihr hnuae 0! John I. Bandy. Foe the dwncl computed ul' lhu huruugh 01 Clear find an Ihv L'Uull-IMIUH‘ A'olice is lunch}; given. 'I hat nil per suns (vxwpmlg JUnlmu ul the Peace.) who shall huh] "Ivy umu- w nmmmlmchl nf prufil m nun, mmer lln- Unwvmucnl u‘ Hu- ULHL-tl Slums or 0' [his Slaw. or u! any Cl!) ur Hunrpnmlenl .iulllcl, “mother a cnmnunmne'tl ”Nicer nr ulhwwise, a nuburthnulr umn-3r ur agent, who is m‘ him” be unplug”! umlcr lhe !r«_;|.l.xl|\'e, exgcu livr m‘judiriaiy Ill'pumlru‘ 0' thin Shale ur of Ihr: Umled Slain. ur any L‘lly or in rurpnrnlell «Initial; and Man tllurevw'y nwmber ul Cungu-ss and Sum- Legisla lure. aml of the m-lcct m unumun cuunctl 0! any City. ()1 cmnunnsium-r ul any Imm poruml (llslric'. H by law mcnpable ol nnhlmg or orcrmsnng, at (he Mme lime, the office or uppuiuhnrnt of Judge. In ~pccxur m (lclk 0! any l'lk‘CllUll 0| this Cmnumhwmllh; nmi Ilmt no ln-prclur, Judge. ur ulhz'r ufliww' M. an} vm'l'. (".cc Hun :hull Ur cligmlc In any office voted lnr. And We Icmrn Judgm ol__:he :eupcctire (limicl‘ ul‘ounnhi. arr rrqucsled lo meel nl lhecuurl huusr In '.hc bmuugh Macar fiohl on {ho Flll3] mxl after the second 'l‘ul-ndnll nt Oclvbm, then and rlnn-re to (la all {how things ruwiwrl nf lhvm by law. Given under my hand and sea] at Clear jicld. this I‘ll/: day 43/ September. in the year of our Lord one [lmus-and (‘i"/lt hundred and [orig-six. and ofthe 7n dcpemlcncc q/‘l/ze Uniled ‘ Slalcs t/ze air/y ninth. ELLIS 1R Wl N. Sh’fl AGE N 'l‘ WANTED. For this Conniy. THE business will be to procure gub' ' scribers for. and sell. when Rubllsll ed. a large, new. splendid lowmhlp Map of lhe STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. The qualifications require-cl are In amp” capital 0! $lOO, sobriety: 111/egrzly. m duatry, energy, and actwe busmes: tal ents. Information of the terms of the I g‘ency (which are liberal) Will be gh en on uppliculion, POSTAGE-RAID. to , ' ALEXANDER HARRISON. , - Superintending .flgenl, 5’5 South 7'h'Sl'eCl. Philadelphia. Sept. 25, 1846.-—6 m. ' « , To; Assessxl VEHE Assessors for the dih,’ u slups in the cunnly'olClq 1847, will take notice that lheyél red to meet at the Commissionek. in the borough of Clearfield. on Pride; ‘ 16m day of October, A. D. 1846, le celve such instructions in relation lo lb, ensuing lriennial assessment as the Com unmimlers shall deem advisable. By order of the Commissioners, I-l.[’. THOMPSON. Cl’k. Comm’rs Office. Clear ‘ield, sth Sept. 1846. g Electing of County Comma“. )ERSONS havmg business 10 Iranian E with the buatd 0! Commissioners of Ulcurfield county. will take nolico that ball] bumd will be in session on Friday the. lGlh day all ()ctuber next ATTRSTED, H. l’. Sopl. 12.1846 THOMPSON, Cl’k. TO THE PEOPLE. THE session of Congress. which hnsjast lermin~ atoll. will he long and gratefully remembered by all true fl‘plll)llCnnll for the triuinphantsucceu of many uftlinir cherished principles and measures. While we lienrtily rejoice at the trtumplt of tho princtples which ll has been our constant effort to advocate and defend, and from which no prosperi adversity, can swerve us : we cannot be un~ mindful of the attitude in which we are placed by a recent vote of both houses of Congress:-—wo al lude to tltecuntemplaled withdrawal oflliair pat ronnge from the newnpnper press. ’l‘o tlnn decla mn we (:liaerliilly hmv. aensiblo as We are ortlto patriotic motives whlch have led to it. But we trust that thin dBCISIOH of Congress incronsol rath~ er than diminishes our claim to the support of a higher power—[lint of the people; and to them Wu confidently appeal to uni us, by their patronage. in uusiuinlug at the twat olgovornment ujourlml 1h“ in intlenlily devoted to their interests and the tru:~ interests of the country: ll lil known to every one. that the utiief source of flllllullltng a newspaper ll not the magnitude of 11l Iilll)s('rlpltt)ll list. in) much an the mtverluing ["1“ human which may iiu bestowed upon it. ln largo coiittnermnl clties. Indeed. the latter is uaunllv ”‘0 t-oiimiintliintof the former, as It ‘.tocutnes the Oth mu lltlt‘rcrtl of mercantile men to advertise In those pnpnrn uliicii are the most extensively circulated. Washington. lnmovnr, in differently situated. De. prived of the advertising patronage inclllonl ‘0 a mercantile community. and burdened with pecu liar and enormous cxponxpa “'lllCl‘l are not olso~ “here iiicurrcd. nothing but It very long lintnl sutm-nliing pnirons can sustain a paper in useful~ ”(Uh—lr, Illill‘t‘il, even in existence. The propric tom ml the ‘ Uiitun’ huvo liltltortn spared “0 Pill!“- and no upemo, to make their paper worthy ofthe metropolis. and worthy of the support oftltat great party under whose lmnnur they are enlisted. ln flu-)lllllllllg the must full and ample debates of the two lteusna of Congress, it is believed. over before attempted (in this continent in a daily no‘t‘ltlflPGT they have secured the seniiccs ofthe best report ers which the country afforded. but at the enorm ous cost of 619.000 or $15,000 per year.‘ Their extensive foreign and domestic correspondence in another large item of expense, but the instructive usefulness of which is so highly cominOniled and npprst-latml as ioJuqiily almost any outlay to ah tutn'tt. Still. it must be evident that these heavy exp’cnlos cannot be borne, unless the subscription ‘ list is commensurate to the undertaking. and IllhO' we can boast of 15.000 subscribers. (including dai lv. tri-waekly, and weekly.) yet this list lull“ “in be considerably enlarged to enable the proprietors 0‘ ”10' Unlun' l 0 suwtuin all its usefulness. and to insure thsm ngnlnst pecuniary loss. Invoking. ”"“- uSum. the old and support of all true friends ”l Republican government. and pledging ouru-lvc-iij tov renewed efforts in the cause of the glorious prtnciple- “'0 Cherish. we offer the following pro. pot-alu .- The ' DAILY UNION' Will be publxahod, nu be!» "’f‘m’v at 810 per annum. paynhlo in advanca. 111 "Winner hnharlo hm been almost exclusivelv [’o‘ "“Cnl. We purplmo in fuluro to devote n WNW" Of ”3 column»: to domeulic nuwu ofguneml inletonl “”d '0 nnscolluneuun lllcruluru. \\hich, willmlfl 'ml'axnng Ila polulcal influence, may render H ”1" "Wm m-ceprnnle lo I" “lentil-d rlnns of ronderl. 'l‘lto ' SICMI-‘VHEKLY UNION' will b 0 pub llbm-«l awry Mundnv and 'l'humluy. during lhe re m-M of l‘unqrns... :11 $5 per huuuln. 'l'llm contains all the matter coulmnrd In lhe '1)dll‘!/ Uniuu.'el H-pl iorul mh‘orlxsomrnls. lhmng xhc sessions 0! Congrats» llm‘u numbers. innmud oflwo will be il~ sued willmul nny mum vhurgu lu vubn-nbeu- ' I'INIAIHiEKIICNT 0]" THE WEEKLY UNION The ' WEEKLY UNION' is ismed ermy Silur dnv ; am! In nrrungemenln are in prugrasa lo en lurgo :I ll) nonr double its prawn! size, we shall noun bu enabled to give nearly every urliule which muv nmwur In the dunly and nemiqveekly edmunl. m the elucmely luw rulu uszL’. We propose also In glvu,mlhn (-dilion. a t-omplcle aynopncul lum~ m'zry oflho prncuodman in half) houses of Con qrcnx~4hus rendering lhe ‘ \Vockly Union' n mos! vulunhlu (hum-0| of minnnuuon to all classes of nnr mum”. But lu rrmunumlu us for [his onler prmo, un l'xll'nh‘ivv: subscrlpllun lis! is Ibaulule’y Induupunrnhle. CONGRESSION A L REGISTER. ln nildllinn to (he fun-going. we have rouolvod to publish. dunngllie lensiuns of lhe nnlionnl leg~ Islulure. a ‘ Congressional Rrgislcr,’ Io be issued ueelily, mu! m i-oinum n l-‘ULL mu'om‘ ol the daily prureadmns and debate: of boll: houses. Indeed, lhe arrangements which we IIIVO mnde wilh the very bell ('m'ps ofropurlera will enable us to give ‘ even more lull and extended repum than we have prudm-ml duvng this session, nupormr as we claim 1 ”Id!“ 1') be In nny preceding ones. The Regina; Wlll be nmde up from lhe daily reporls In lhe ‘ Un lo“,' ('nlelully revived by an experienced editor. and vull cnmuiulo a complete and nulhenlic n 3. cord of lhe subsiun- An appendix will be added. ‘ inl’nnn wilh the Reglulur, and lo bu uni graluil ouniy m mbseribers. i'omprising 1) list ofthe new pussud dllrlng lhe session. will; u synopsil oftheil cannon“, and u rolorunee, when necessary, lo pn vionsln‘gislnlion. This will form lhe moat com-r plum history 0! the session? of Congress, and will be furnished n: the low price or savzmv-m‘n cam-s lor the next session.” ’rl.:f -{fi'l’os‘rmsrsm uro authorized lo “dam” n gunts ; and by sending us live yearlyfifi ‘ Jban. will) the subscription money. for either: Willi/y. b‘umi. ll’rr/rly. or 'chlzly. will be onlilled 10‘ on'o imp)! of the name edition as they furnish ’ us lub crihers for. > , , - 1 vT "' MTho Coxmmsnomu. Rzmmzn will be: fur nishcd they on (he mmctcrma a.» CLUBS ‘VILL BE FURNISHED WIT"? -’.';‘ 5 copies oflb’o Daily for " . . , 9‘o, 0.0 ‘ 5 d 0 ‘ Semi-weekly ' ~V J '2O 00 10 do ‘r-‘ud , w 335,00 ‘5 do Weekly “ ‘,’ " "8500; 10 ‘do ' do .I: u “T 531500 20 do Congressional;Raging-hi'9,9510 00‘ 'l‘h‘o 'l’mmo ofuo person willbepmon’fl‘uoon our boukfllu'nlesu the paying"! 9(lth guy’s’criyn'qp Q; tnudo iri'ndvnnc’e‘ ' ' " H ' ' ‘ __ Addréen, RI‘I'CHJE "&~ iiExs‘s,’ Wpshinglun my. D. C 1 LI