Democratic banner. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1837-1849, September 26, 1846, Image 3

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“—7**-“w~v~ ....__
Ecmocratl [ Bannzr.
c L E A R m 51:3),- P. sm. 26. !846
(3/ Bradford county.
Ilon. Findley Patterson,
(0f flrmstrong county.)
no by your Ticket.
If democrats were ever called upon. by
a regard for tho prtnciplon which they pio
fesp to cherish, to standby their ticket, it
in now. Ifthc Whigs were out in their
true colours—if they ltnd candidates of
their own party in the field. Demorrats
would have no difficulty in making their
choice. but would. to A man. discard tltoirt
political enemies. and give llH'll’ united sup- l
port to the candtdales solar-ted by the reg
ular action of your party. If you would
pursue this course uitlt your (rpm/om,
how much more earnestly should your du
tv rrqutre you to (lo ll with secrrl mr
min? Then. hemorrats. Mom! ['3l your
'rirkrl at all hazardn. Your cnndidatrn
we at lent r'qttnl In everv rmpcvt to their
opponents. 'l‘liey nn' lullv competent to
dm'lmrutt the (lution of llt!‘ nllit‘t's nantgnrd
them. and if elected, will rcfiectltonor upon
‘our cnusa and your county.
Them in no use 1n n pnrlv 20m. to the
paint! and lumblo ulnnnnnahng ennlluluh-u.
unleu (he. memhew of lhal party will sue:
mm the (Tandltlans Illul flle'lPll. As well
Inav we ndnnl lhe “'hlg plan, and leave H
m lhree ~nr {our leading PnlllH‘lHHS——lh9
Il'iN-pulltrs nl lht‘ parly——lo any who shall,
and ulw shall not run. “'llh bul few ex
ceptiona. the Denmeraur pally ol this
rouPly, have sualninetl lhelr 'ldl'lu’l very
well. Butlhey have {altered—and never
unlmm levelling ilnllerwards. Let lhe
pasl. then, serve as a warning for the pres
erilfand let every demon-at lay aside all
pet-onul feelings—all regard Tor more may.
and look lo lhe Inlegnly of lw- prinriplm',
and Hue accordingly. Success “11l be
cure to follow.
gi’ff‘lf Mr. lmn‘lllittd Fllt'h a holy hnr ‘
mt of Democrats that h? u oultl mthcr [m
aka the pleasuieo and humour of a neat ml
the Sen’ate than give his vote lor a Damn
rmt. with u hat grarv can he now ask tlom-‘
notats to vote for him as lha Irtlcrai canilt .
(late (m Ccngmn? Ho ll'li no excuse I'm
this part of hm cnmhtrl. .41 his own ill:-
gmhoti he was inel. twin! to title fur a
llemncrnttc r‘ntttlttlali‘ I‘m [lulled Slat?!- Se
natnr—hut rather than nhcy. he resigned
hll' sent; thus rmtipclttng hht district to be
al a henvv expense. in holtling a rpvrtal e
lvctton, in the middle ul' «inter. to fill the
meanctt't When Democrats are Lallcd up
on to vote {or the ("all who treated them
ullh such contempt, lhey should REMEM
The Farmers Pres-peels.
There is nothing seems to aggravate the
federal party so much at present as the rise
‘tn the price ofall kinds of agricultural pro
ldttcte. \Vhoat from 50 and 60 cents. up
to 80 and 87; cents—Rye and Corn from
30 and 37; up to 75 and 80 cents per bush
el! And thia‘nll happeningjust at the limo
that every federal paper and orator ia
prophesying ruin, wide-spread and destruc
tive. and moving heaven and earth to cre
ate a ‘ panic‘ and pressure throughout the
land! Why, ‘.t is too bad. lt‘is perfectly
outrageous thus to apoiLthcir ammunition.
It in next thing to their disappointments as
to the eflect of Polk's election. which. they
said. would knock down the price of iron
so low thatthe fire would be extinguished
in every furnace in the Union ;—-when. on
the contrary, iron has been higher since
then for many years before, and what must
- be equally surprising to them. the country
has prospered quite as well as it ever did
-—end everything now looks as if it was
going to prosper still better.
Wl4O Democrat can vole for ma Fed
eral candidam for Congress wilhom oc
knawlodging himself either a hypocrite o.
a (um-coal. If you vote for him wilhom
acknowledging a change of 'p‘hnciplen. then
you! conduct shows that you an: acting
Ibo hypocrno,~bec§uso, If elected. he will
auoliiu'byhis voice and influence. meas
urcl .diimélrically opposed to your own.
“MILD. Foster, jr.
If ever the* people of Pennsylvania
had an opportunity to reward a public scr
vant for faithfully performing his duty, it
is now, in supporting the re election ol
“’M. B. Foe'mn. jr. No man is more
competent, and no man is more attentive
and laithful to the interests of the Common
wealth. 'l‘hen why tttrnl'him out. merely
to gratify a few petty politicians, who have
been wisely turned out of office after they
have grown {at on the public spoils? This
is the only reason why he is sought to be
displaced. \thl the peoplo encourage
such work? By no means. And these
' agilnting‘ gentlemen will be taught that
the people are all powmlul, and cannothe
91'75'i‘hc Whigs have now fairly relin
quished their emu"! to get ttii‘a ‘ panic.”
They find that it cannot be done ttnlcss the:
business men of the country willjoln them..
New polittctans by trade cannot do it. 11l
requires somethingelnc. And the business
men understand their own Interests. l'het‘i
see there is no cause. and nodanget of dis
tress or a'arm. and hence they refuse to
sacrifice thPir intrrcxt merely for the pur
‘pose of gratifying the ambition of a few pn
litirnl speculators. The lmuhn';~ Whigs of
[New York want a 'sprt‘i/ic‘ Tariff 'btl!
Hill/r. i/ any ltig/trr Ihmt lhe rulvs of l/u'
'l'arifl (If 1846 ;' while in I’Pnnnylvnnta
they are brginning to tn‘lk :lbnlll \Htilitv;
' until they Ht‘tt how lilt‘ cut jttmp~.' At
all events. tht‘re ts tn bu no ‘ panit"—-th:tt‘s
n aeulml qmrslion. and lhcrel'urc lhc pcmwlo
may lmgln l 0 ' brmlhe from and dcepor.'
[l.7‘\\e have burn sending our pinx
rPgulnrly In, and pump!" requosling. the
Whig oullmra 0f Hus Congroswinnal dish ICI
In exchange With us. But :1 is all In vmn
Why is lhls, uenllomen? (nu ynu ex
lam? \\'r- have never "cl hoard anvlhmg
P . .
at all sand ngalnsl nur rnnnhtlalc fur Con
urns, crap! that ha is a gum! Dunocml.
and no unuld like :0 know If nny thing can
be said against him.
firj’f‘Demncrats. when you are asked lo
vole for lhe Frdrral candidate for (fun
aross, don't forget In lull them lhzn this
same genl'cmnn rcsigncr/ his seat in (he
Senale rather lhnn vole for a Hemorrut
'l'ha! democrat was JAMVS BUCHANAN.
57”“18 abnliuonisls of Butler county
held lheir county Convention on the HM)
inal., and nominated a full ('ounly lickel.
and cnnrurred In the nnmmalmn ofJouN
(7mm. 0| Armstrong, as lhe” candnlnlc fur
Sudden Dealh.
\Ve lvurn that. on last Saturday. while a
number of haml< “on: working among
some umber [or Dr. While, in Burnsule
township. 3 young man named ———~— R.\r
I‘l En. was rrhshed in death hy a slick nf
umber. He is said In have been :1 very
man. :I native of Ireland
worlhv ynun:
and lvmcs an aged Inllwr and mmhm uhu
were greaH)’ dependant upon him for their
comfort and Huppnrl
Lalcsi from Mexico.
But Ink! week we rhmnu'lvd lhe uvurlhrms nl
l'menleu an l‘u-uuh-nl of Monro. um! Ihr row“ from
vnle u! Sanln Ann M lulm (‘mnmnml In his “end.—
[’nredvu In H!“ hold u prl-nncr by lhe Sunln Ann
puny. hul n pom-m of lhe nrmv ul Munch hnw
nlrrudy pronounced ngmu-l Sqnm Ann‘s mmc
mama. and In lawn of tho reulornlmn of Pnredv-n
So lluflxgu.
Mfidvarnmenl. xl uppt-nru. hnd mm 11 npovinl
nluuengcr lo Mexu‘o «uh offers of peace. bu! who.
nllcr rElellng nl lhe an'nn umn of government
bul three dnyn. rclnrnml In Vera (‘nm and pro.
ceeded {urllmuhlo \Vuuhinglon The exact nu
luro ol the llespnlcheu were not known, but II was
guru-lolly believed Hm! Illa old unuwer wun rvpeu~
led. lhnl they would receive no ”(TL-r of pence unhl
he American lurcra were mlhdrnwn from [hair
lorrilory and count. I! so. no may expect the
work Io begin immediately, Uncle son ml] mu
be fooled nguin
Mr. Bach-nun mi- nt New York when lllt‘ news
nnived ofthe Messenger» rolurn. and he prnceod
od [o‘ Washinglon immediately
From the Army.
The latest dates from tl.e Army are to‘
the 30th and 3let August. The main bo
dy were as far as Mier. on the route to
Monterey. while it wan thought that Gen
eral Worth, and his command were by that
time before the latter place. Nothing of
importance had occurred. Rumors still
reached the camp of e contradictory char
acter °.' to the state of the defences of Mon
“”93“ The ohinion. however, generally
prevatled. that there would be some hard
knocks exchanged before that libéé'would
be surrendered. ‘ , > ,
The s‘. Louis Republican, of the Mth,
slat" that a battle had laken place m Nau
voo hemcen the Mormona and me ami’
Mormono on the afternoon of the lllh. There is reason ‘0 believe that beforelhis
which was renewed again the non morn- time lhe whote of mm coast has been on
ing. The Mormons were about five inn- ““1““ byuour “1"“!er MON?” 'l’ oe."
dred oer 3d ’1 . . b _ lumly lake“. nml Gourmet. and II In certain
“g an “e” enemies a 0‘“ 8'3!“ Ihal (he Yerba Buenu, on the buy of Ban
hundred. Th 9 13“" were driven 031— Francism. Wan summoned by Can Mum
'l‘here was some six or eight killed. & about gnmery. and i: 'l9 believed to ‘ have been
|hc same number wounded on each side. “we“ “'"hW‘ ”3‘5”“?-
From the Blniravillo Apnlnchinn
Maj. Findley Patterson.
Our readers probably are aware that. in ‘
this Congressional district, there is a ma
jority ol ile inouatic volt-ii; rim! that cir.
cumstanros tending to prevent their being
united on ihe candidates ofthe party. ex
isted Bl both the Congreuinnnl election!-
which have iiiken plnce snince itsoraanizn
tion. Happilv lllt‘H‘. division: nre cnilvil,
nod obliteraitvil. Nothing in the manner
nl his wlvclion—iiothing as to hie charac
ter or {H‘nuli‘flnt‘nll—nnlhln2 in hit! pnnt
political (bum: exists. to weaken our pru
wot rnoiliilntc. lgut much that given euro
‘Nl i-l ~urrvc-z Let it he remembered then,
lthnt lnr '.hc FXRST TIMI". we have a clear
lprosperi of redeeming the district, and m:—
lrluuirig for tho innjoi‘ity ite lair prepon
liirrunrr. by the election ol Major Patter
~oii. Nothing but ihr grourai apathy on
\tiu- part of the (l?fll"(‘li|l\ ('ltn pri-veiit his
triumphant election.
Mr. livin dot-ii not occupy as strong n
\powtinn either in the iito'ricl in general,
{or in this county in particular. as iliil Mr.
ißullinuton. The last named gentleman.
‘ln nililitinn to an elevatvrl rrputntion M a
lth'Vt’l' and advocate. was cxtensivvly
%knlt“ll anil rrsprctrd lor his talrn'fi. ur
'ilMiilty ol manner. 81 other normiinl qu:il‘
iitim. Let thi- ilenincrncy ther. rully “'tlll
l'liiiiit anil zrnl, anil thrv can make thi
ltlonurcuiooal t'le’cllim na ilegi~i\'cly vic
lltlrlitttrl as the iliyvi ol Polo Alli: liiiil Re:
Lintro ilo la Pulttlll.
The Yucalun :dmnner Frrnnntlu. Capt
l’lnwn. arrlvwl \‘Mlcnlay {rum Unmpva
\hv. which punt ~he lull on ”W :mm ull.
[sv lu-r nrrlvnl we ln-mn llmt liw gnrrl
mu ul Tuba-r 0 'lfi‘Clflffll agnln-l lhe (luv—
rlnmrnl nl Pun-«lo. aml In luvnr ul Sanln
Pna um ”31- lL’lh all. \\'P lmve H’((‘lV(‘¢l
cupuw ml the (11-('lzn'uliun (acts) of (he gur
null). and KM address ul Um u'ulilnry cmn
mamlunl. Juan llaullata 'l‘vnmnu. m the
pol-plc. 'l'hc (le’clulnlmn i~ subslanliully
Ilne snme as that ul lhe guru-nu nl Vera
Ctuz. accusmu the government of havmg
di‘t‘lllbltd u Confirm-c in a manner nut
nuxlmnu-d bv the Uun-tiluhun. mul'ul
plulhn; In rulnu-ntmn vuth (hut Cumulus
lm‘lhu rslublidnnenl of n muumclly, lu
the great detriment ul lln- nnloresls ml the
nnlmn, uml lhe mulecl ul lhe nullu'nal Ile
lcm‘efi. The ulvjocl M the revululmn i:
llkewm: declared m be lhe re calubllsh
un-nl ul the Conullulum ul 18211.nml n
:reeably l 0 lhe pruvmnns nl {hat instru—
‘mcm, lln'liru:ll\1'l.flllllllul the Guwrnmonl
inn lmleml prmciplcs. Santa Ana is de
gclanul Cmmnamltr-ln-chlel (ll the Army.
The mldwss ()l Ihv cumnmmlnn! l“ briel.
“ml ”lulu th' people lu uul in efl'rctlnz
A lc-m-r m a mvrunhle hnu~v in Ithi
rlly, tlnml M luuuna. Au;u.~l 2d, Mann
that llw U. S. Hug SUlHPl§lHHlnl‘ercllfH
Lngunn 1: few days gut-“nus In In dale. In
lake In wppluu. and lhnl her l‘ullHllflnlll'r
hml stand that u wax inh-mlml In block
utlr lnc pm! u! 'l‘ubascu, II a (lispruiliun
was HM mnulh-uml mun U) «ml lhe Wat.
.‘V. U. ['apfr.
Loss 0/ Nu Shaun/lip ,\cw )"ar/r. ahtl
Nurmlc'm 0/ lm- przsxmgrm and Crew.
-—lsynunlm lrmn Ihr ufiicu u! the .V.
U (fummcxcl..l 'l'nnrs. duh-ll (l:e‘.)‘hln~l.
we haw (he pamlul UNCH'QNMP uf the (n
-lal lo~§ullhv übiavc Vt‘sflL“ un me. 7111 inst.
«Inch iulk New ()lh’fllls lnr Gnhcuun on
(he 5(l),-—HI-_:emer wuh [7 0! her pauclh
gum and CH w.
The Ncw Yurk hm! rxpvru-ncrd a CM
(inuuus gale hum (he nuw 0| hm derr
lure; su h'lllblr, In fact. as [u render :51?
cXcrliuns unuvmlflblq, aful ullcr two days
ml the qusl lclnpenuuua \vmllu-r, she
l'uumlcwd in m; fulhum water. The sur
vivmg pain-”gen and crew were picked
up by lhe Slealmhip Gnh’cs'hm. Capxam
Wright—firim'n Sentinel.
A letter writtvn on board on ol the U.
S. nquudron nfl Vera Cruz on the 238th
ottuno. rays that the blt‘tllllt‘r in Which
SantuAna went lrorn lluvuna to Vera
Cruz was boarded on her arrival of! the
latter port by the sloop (pl-war St. Moly’a.
and suhsrquently permitted to pad. The
same writer says : —[./Im‘n' Seminal.
“VV'c are how livmg entirely on ‘ salt
junk,’ pork and beans. A day or two ago
.1 small boat came 01l from the shore. With
supplies. at the very moderate War price
as lollows: Six very poor chickens. $22
each ; lwo tlozen‘eggs. $2; hall a bushcl
ul polatoefi, S 4. What surprised me Inmt
was that any thing of the kind could be
had in the neighborhood of Vern Cruz.—
'l‘he city at this tune in diutressed loreve
ry thing but bee]. which is abundant.—
VVherc hit: some ol our active money-mam
king young men. that they do not come
nuthere in a stun” veusel loaded with
lrnickvknackericai' All entables and drinks
Would find u ready sale in our squadron,
as well as in the English, French and
Spanish vessels—in all some lilteeu or
twenty vessels of war, who would pur
chase at 111 l or men large prices. I have
them astonished that no one lrom New
Orleans has come here with an assorted
CAleonNM.—-Tlxe Washington Union.
ol'a late dale, says: ‘
"The events & prospecu on the wall!
of Caliluruiu are bright and cheering"
“’9 have returns lrom 313 Inwm‘ out
of about 430 into which the Stale is «livi
lled. There Is one cumfnrt in Mun". for
we Democrats; lhe whig pnrlinn of lhe
Shite has been heart] from. and mm! of
lhe returns tn come, panern alu-r Munrnc
and Berks—Mill “e are under the impred.
siun that there is no elrcl'mn of Governor
by the pvuple. Th? returns emu--
[);mn.‘ Democrat. 31.310
‘ Brnnson, ”mfg. £27.11]
‘ Scatlerlnz um! Abolilinn, 8,880
ll H impossible in In” who m oleclml lo
Confirm“, or 'whal will be the pnliiicu!
complrxion n! lhe lmgidnmrr,
I’lcvnils at Mnnayunk. among the male
nml {vnmlr opvrum'vs. gwing (u llgé‘ M
'l‘mp! ul "no nf lhr Innnfi'fflclurcrg In H“
flute lht-ir way“. Sl‘Vorul Int-01mg! have
already bevn held, M “high hlrnnu rem
|u\iom have bven pnsN’tl uguimt lhu per
snn alluded to. and "gain“ the pre!ex( 1:0
mnken lur nii cmuiuu. Thr meelin: on
Saturday '.n~l wad cnmpmwl u! many hun
dred-. I! umn-ms lhdl mum: of lln- ulhm'
Inumlaclurws have M ye! Pnlerlnlm-(l H'H'
Idea 0! rruluclng the gang“ n! Huvir Immli.
I'Al§«J|Llll~lm;ssm* AVYKI‘.“ “hrlhm n' gunk
rhouumH-m. Iwuduchv, molth-hc. or any U'lH'r knul
ul nl'hr. In 11l nll (-zuen unwed lIV Impure hn'nmrz- u!
Iho Inluml. whn'h hnvu ludgn-d upun lhe mum. and
Much nothing snvo vogelubm plllglllfl. x‘punlyngJ
Inn rr‘nmvr. hrcnuse by no other mn'nm run unpu
nl_\' thr'w-n {ram Ihn hudv
H'rwht‘x lnrlmn l‘tgvlublr. l'ills have nu mp“ vur.
:1 Indeed Hwy have an equal. 111 running mar)
.iwulplmn 0| pm“; hw'nuno Hwy r-urry off. by lhe
qlnnuu-h and lmu'rlu. nll minim! nml rurrupl hznn~
('rithn game up dlxona: In so may and nnlurnl u
Inunlwr, lhnl lhe body |~ nn-lnnllv rMlnrod H- hon‘nll.
:1.“ II by mugw Fuur ur lin- u! mud Indian Vng
elnhlc I’lllw. Inkon unto IH '.nrn'y qur hours...“ “av
In; m hm}. “M In a rl.l»r| hum :.ul unly lirn‘v pm“
ur (lzslrru ul every klml lmm Ilu- svnlun. Imd ren
lure lhe body In n slnlu ul Mun”! ln-nllh. but lhe
blund and mher "HM!“ \u'l he an Nymph-19!)! purl
fivd. lhlll new Illa uni! \lglmr “131 he glvrn l 0 lhl'
uhulv lrulnn
(fun/Inn Ix nluuhl l-P n'uu'mlu-rt-J that Mr.
HlLunrd Cult. of l’hlladchu, Mr Juhn Ihxml.of
Endun. Pu . and Mount Uruvuung & Urulhcrm 0|
[’hlludolfime. ure no! nuenlu ul uurs. um! [l9 Hwy
[\lln‘hnso no Indian vaelnhla Pull» ul our umn-o,
uw (mum! punmnll u.) grunt/Ir any mrllmm Nu};
may hawfnr mlc.
slng for Clmr/icld, If. Shaun [or
oHcer agencies in Clear/ith! J;- 01/wr coun
ties. sre advertisement in another column.
MARRH‘lll—On'l‘hursjlrny' lam, hy we Rev. 1“.
Welly. Mr. [MAC Jouxsux In Mm SARAH WOOL
BRIDGE. ull nl Ihm plum.
0n 'l‘humhw Iho 17.1.. by Kim Luxnr‘. Rev Jon!
\Vnmcmswnn'rn In Mr» MAM “ELL, 0! Pnkc tp.
0n 'l‘undny lusx, by H UmauH, £lll.. Mr (In.
vxx B CLARKE. ofß'roukwllc. m MM Mun CLAY
TON. of Wuslnugluu lUWllulup, MIR-mm cuuuly
Al ”w sumo umn uml plum». by lha name, Mr.
JAMES “LACK ul Buoukwllr, m Mm: NAvcv Pow”:
“Arr. uf Bindy lnnlmhlp (.‘lhnrlield cuunly‘
UH Sunday lhe 30m ml! by ’l'hua. Ru“. qu .
Mr. lhzxuy [\uumxnounn In Musn MAM Jnr.
SMITH. all u! Plkl‘ lovvmhap
Al the same “IMO and plm-o. by lhe Him“ M"-
BALTZER Bruncmcu m Mum Cnnuuwz Sm’ru.
A G I'} N 'l‘ ‘V A N 'l‘ I‘) D.
For this: (family.
Vla‘lll‘) thll'v'ss‘ W!“ m- in prucurc sub
-H_ hC!l'.)l'l$I“-H.HHII1€:;.\\'l|(‘ll publish
ed. :1 long. m'u'. ~p'n-nllul lfl'Anshlp Map
'i‘hr qumIHcaIMIH rrqunul are n nmall
(apllal n! P3lOO. .‘IO/H'l'f’l'l/ illlrgl'il_t/. in
(hurry, energy. and uc/iuc busim‘ss lut
mls. Ihhnnmuun 0! HM: Irrmn of {he a
gentybvmchlm-I:‘vn-:-1i)wlllbe in en un
ulnpllcallun..l’os YAUE PA”). (0
.K'uprrinlemling sign”,
3'1." Snuth 7m mum-l. l’nllmlelpni‘
Svpr. .15. 1546 —(3IIIf
Vi‘lll“. umlwaugnetl being appulnlcll’by
(he cuurl, hn Au-hmr On the Admin
lunntmn accounts (I! Ulrich Shrutler. E‘q.
doc'd. wt 1 ulu-n’d tn the dunes nu Salur
day the mm of October, .11 In.» office, ul
10 u'€|m_k, A. 31., when and wheve all
persuns mien-sled mil pleuw attend.
J. F. “'I‘ZAVER. flud'r.
Sept. ‘24, 18-16. ~
()TICI“. l~ hereby given, [hat lrucrs
N u! Allllllluhll'ullml lune been gram
eu lo the subs-Jubcrs on lhe estate of John
llrgurly. law 0! Banana wwnahlp. Clear
licM count)“ All pcumns Huh-bled In the
annu- will mun: lurwnnl uml makepny
ment immediately, nnul lhuse having (le
mamls against the same “I” present them
duly uumeulicnled lur settlement
Sepl. 3.1846.
THE pubiic are hereby cautioned n
guinst buying a promisory note giv.
en by me to Simon Fulton. u! l§urnsule
wwnship, for 350. dated about mu 18lh
day 0! April. 184.15. as l have not received
value (or the mime. and um delermined
nut to_ pay it unless comm-Ned by law.
BUI'DSIde ‘p. Sept. 1. 1846.—-pd.
P low rates at 8., B. kP. ’S.
FOUR. Teachers wanted tollench lhe
Common‘Schools in Morris town
ship. A reasonable salary Will be E'WCD.
und lhe cash paid at the end of every
month. if required. None but good mor
"l DENIM. and olherwlse well qualified,
neec-l apply. Application may be made
l 0 enher M H)? undersigned Di'reclors.
WM. SHIMEL, Pra’t.
1 §.IC.('F:I3MPSON.%ec’:y.
moses ?. 2 ANS . ‘
' “(ton BEAMS, ' (;fi%g¥}‘,\§oBs‘gii
Marius tp. Sept. 15. 1846—pd.
To the Hairs and Legal Representatives
of the Hon. Moses Boggs. late of Clear
ficld county. deceased.
TAKE N 0 l'lCI“. that application has
twen made to the Register 0! Clear
ficld county {or letters or administration
on the cstnto of thn snitl deceased. and
unless vnu cmne lqrwnnl according to
IHW, and take nut letters ol’udminislrnliou
at! mid estate (m or before the 24th day of
()cLober. next. the same will granted (0
uolnv other cmnpelvnt permm, agreeably to
act“ at Assembly in such cusc made and
Pen nky/Nmian
WM. C. \VELCH, Reg‘r
Reuislm‘u Ulric; Char-2
field, Srpl.l7. 1846.5
If.» i! ordained and anacted by the Bur—
‘ gcss and Town-Council oft/m Borough
(3/ (fleurflcld. and 11' is hereby enacted
and ordained by the militarily of the
same. l'hul all Blacksmnhs and others
wlum- lmsinosx- may require them to make
firm xuur their shops. are required to make
llH'm at u lum- when the wv-alhel is calm,
and nul windy, and Min lo have their fires
“1 cum 50 {act from any dwelling or oth
-9r hump, under lln- penalty of no! loss
llmll mu- nor more lllzm ll'n dollars. [or
mull ”fl-HIM. In In: ri’cuvered according: l 0
i - l'en»a'n
2.]. lie i/ furl/1N ordained. xS-c.. That
any [WIIUIH hurmn’g shaVln-p 01' other
IchH an the plroetu, are hereby hubitl
'lvn M (In 1h!- s'nlm- cxcep‘. al a “me when
Mu: weaxhr‘r is calm and nut windy, and
mm llw fine no! to he wilhin 100 feet of
an} huuw. under Im,- [mushy u! no! leu
llmu nm- nnr more than ten dullufs. [0 be
recuvcrml according to law.
2M. 1313 it ordained, ST” That ihe or
tllnunmw already in lurcc. [dating IU
[flanking the pavemenl‘. ~hal| he cxlendcd
(lun'n Saw-ml street to (he corner 0! Ln
cuirnnd Second, and on the Snulh side of
Cherry urn-t lrmn Front (0 Second, of
whu'h the In! hnlderx and Klmse interested
“-151 luku muhrv.
Pun-ll SPIN. 9. 1546.
J. \V. SMITH. Burgess
R. WALL/“1;. Clerk
PVrig/zt’s Indian 1 egetqble Pills
Can be had genuine M We following
highly rvspccmble Morvkeepvrs In
.. Clear/121d County.
lhe/lard Shaw. Cllarfield;
Daniel Harrell, Curwinsvillr:
[)uvid Irvin, Lulhcrsburg.
. Ell: Counly.
Cobb S- Gallagher. thgeway;
(it-urge H‘cis. St. Marys.
Cenlre Counly.
Brotherhofl'é- Irwin. Belle/ante;
J 5' f Potter, Potlcrs' Elli/Is,-
5 .‘ldmn Fix/IU. ('cnlrevillc;
| U P Duncan, .‘Yarnnsburg:
I Samud Lipton, Nilesburg;
‘ [lt/try .’7(lnmv, U'al/ccrville; I
, [Vin Murray. Pine Grove flfills;
, Cmrgv JIM/f. Ihm.’sburg;
: I] I, Nusmr, Jinn/161m;
§ Irvin k3~ H'ltillalcer. Coverky Hall
I Duncan (8' Hays, Spring Mills;
I" Burk/tun“. Ifabcrsburg;
.lucub Human. Ccnlrcville.
Meeting of County Comm’rs.
‘ )ERSUNS havm: business w transact
E mm the buzud u! Cummissiunera of
l,‘,mulfivltl county, Will take nolicc that
mid lmunl will be In mm." un Friday
I'm [(3 h (lay ul ()ctuber lIL’XI.
Sap". 12.1846.
FOR ONE DOLL/111 .‘1 HEX/1‘1?
Now puhllslnng m [hut-11y nl I’lnlmlrlplnm.SCuT'r'n~
ankm PAPER. :1 large sm: Furnily Newspaper,
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uluru. ’l‘rulh. he“ a. lhe Ann. SCIMICCh. Health. 'l‘enh
pt'flllll'l“. Murnllly. AIHUSL'HIUIIIs. Mechanics. Educa
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Su-glv sulyscrlplmns. per unnum In advance. 81 25
Five uulmcrnplmm. do do 5 00
'l‘uclw. \lu do do )0 00
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Om: cupy ol Hui! \Vnckly rapt-Land one 01
the [3lmm Mugn'unu
l‘wo (-npicu nl lhn ' \‘VN-kly I’nptr.‘ and
Moe! [he Sulurduv Couner.
[‘wo copies m lim ' Weakly Paper and
lwnof each u! Godoy's Ropnnls of Fur
mgn Muguzineu, (u. all-«ix copies.) 5 00
Pomona qcling as ugonls. nml procurmg subson
hem. are allowed a'copy. gram. tor their lrouhle-
A Biogr.lphyofono oflhe Signers u! the Declara
lion 0| Independence in puhlinhed in every numb!"
-Wllh short ongrnplucal Skulches ofolher ommam
All le'lters must be addressed. post paid. (or lhe
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DRUGS_ ’A fine assnrlnujnl ul Drugs
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. ‘ [..- r' .-
1 ”.1 {3}. 8:1?
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Augdst 20. '_ ‘
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