E! Mime: of Arlidcn. LUXURIES. Glove-.Gonllemenu' kid. Pawnbadiea' and genllomcm' billeldoux or fancy. 20 pct ct Clmagen n! all descriptions. ‘2O per cl Cashmere gownl.uhnwla.&c., 20 per c: Luau. Collun. 20 par c: Luce-[Gold and silver. I'2 l-2 porcl lill '42.nllémjurdl I. pay 20 per r 1 Bandy. 20 per cl Winn. and all lmllnliull! lhorenl. 20 pm- u 'l‘obacm. manulncluml, 12pm cl Ill] '42, Illcrunrdn 20 per 1'! China \vnm. 20 p” .1 Fllh. Prrsorved. pickled. dun. ‘2O per u Puma. Bullulns. cunmclicn. and potlumep, Foarln. wt or not nahnml nll arm (In. mndo whully or m purl ul pearl-I. 12pm cl lill "12.1 th 20 pl'r ll Sill— GBI’IGIB.RIO(‘kIHgfl. Rllspnlh darn. hundkorchlefn. watch rhninn. glmcu. \‘cnllngs, {run nll '42. nllor lhnl your 20 pH rl Sardines. and other fish prcpnr- ~ ad m 011. “ 1'!) pm rl Fill) nuucv. lrcn lill ‘42. al'wnrdn '2O pm rl Fur'fiilun; Bran. rapper. umn or or steal, nol’éouch or hnrnfll. ‘3O P‘" "‘ Furniture lm hnrnusuor couLh. ‘3O P” "‘ Furnihm‘ for household. '3" l'” "' Jowolry. I? per clull '49. lhen 901 W” AW] ICLES OF GENERAL llSl'L lmn; Ban, holll. blooms. my. a” a“... 20 per H Wood; Manuflrluren nl'nllklntlaQU par ll Gloves; Yellow sheep. Wugnneu' nml workmana' glow". Sugar Sol: _ Clolhl of “foul; Munulnclurm of, or M “’llll‘h vuml ll! n comp~ onenl part. I'o mt rl Vmognr, I’o pvr x l Vlmla of on" nnu. :20 per a l Molarssl. 'lO par r 1 Mahogany; B’Mm'lll‘lmr'a ul I’o pt‘r ('l Mluical Instruments and mumn 20119“! Colton; Manufacture: ul '.‘o pur ('1 Clothing, Ready made. and all kinds 0! wmrlng apparel. '2O pm a COHOF. I'o pl'r rl 'l‘ao [lo cl: per 11l ll” '42 nllt‘l '42:.‘0 gnu cl] l‘ellera from the (‘:uup. \\'e are Imlebled lu lhe hvml u! mu‘ 1»! Ike hummus, lur “l 0 lolluwlng l‘xlrnflfi nl |el|ers 'lrnm officeru nl Grn. 'l‘nylnr‘. tommund. WhH‘h he Hunks mll be luumi lull ol inter’esl.” [‘ll'as/linglnn l,'nion. " Extract of" Inner/mm (m oj/icrr (fl/Ir Engxrmer Stqfl (’lbpngrnp/nirul) will: Gmeral Taylor‘s army, (lulu! " ()AlylAnnn. 24m Aug. W4O. " 0n the 4m". Augusl. I ICU'HHI vcr bnl ordetn from Gen. 'l'nylm, \th my n sistanlu, In accompany L'ul. Gurlnml's‘ Command. 'ul lhe purpmeul :ecnnnmll-r ing lhe mud betu'een Mulummn- nml (In mug". Geneva! Taylor. wnh lhv Imuuln der 0‘ hls SUI“. lell Mn‘nlnmlh on u {sh-a -m" In ascend Ihe river on the -Ilh 'ul Au gufl. I IHIVNI here wnh lhe cnmmnml 0' Col. Gntlaml on lhe 13m. My lwn‘ -aumanls. Lienlenanls Meade and l‘npv, More wnh me. Mr. Pope havmg jmnenl; the evening before our dcpallure hum; Ma'amorou. “ General Wmth hnvmg been oulmrd to advnnce and establi‘h a depot at Srml vp; he was engaged 19m August, in pan mg the rivet St. Juan. as the best route is found to be by the vicinity ut Mtet‘a. Lieull. Meade and Pope have been under ed to repovt to Inm. They began then march on the morning of the flaw instant: The command cnnsistu at about 1.000 men inclusive of Captain Duncan’a arul luv. "Seralvois at a tlislnnco of fit") mile.- lrom Camorgo. and about 70 ll out Montp- Icy. and is generally rcgnrtltul no the half my point. II II in n tluvclmn lrotn Cu margo. “'4 S. W. The lint potllon ol the road. in approaching Serulvu. l 1 llituugll n hilly district. and pour» mnny omull mountain otreoms ; the tnuunlfllno on: a... tmctl vilible from Serolvo. -“ Flyrom Camnrgo to Micr. the marl ll(‘i in the valley ofthe Rio Grande; it then lollowa up the valley ol the Alamo to So / ralvo, either passing by Agun Leguae or Putito Agudo. " The road by which Liuut. Cnl. Gar land’s command passed Irom Malnmurnh. was that by ‘ Gurluno’ ontl ‘ Roynnm.’ n: the river road was 100 “‘9l and muy for heavy trains. It is called the ' upper road.’ is 17 miles longer, and In vr-ry tlryl weather itnnraclicable lur (rtmpi. uWlngl to the deficiency ol water. In rainy‘ weather, or even when ”no snow melts at, the head streams. the Rio Grantlo run-s at a great elevation, and overflows the buckl country. It in a topographical feature oli lhll region, worthy of note. that the rm-nl gene-ally rise and lall through on unuwnll vertical .v-pace. And it is aunertctl that in‘ some instancesthc fluctuation rcachra as. much an 90 feet. ' ” In lhu late fluo(l,lhe water wan lwo feel (lt'cp in the plaza al Camargn; thus (nuw lrmn lhe SI. Juan. but II was an un usual liar, as man) 0| lhe houses wclr «Sc. alroyed by the Inumlalion. The me at this point was not, however, more Hum 30 or 36 fem. 9‘ In my reconnaissance of the 'rivrr toad.’ lung alter the flood was at itn max unum. and had begun to subside. l louml the wnler across the marl, In various pla— «I. up to my saddle skirts. Thls was the back water lrotn the Rio Grantlc. " firearm] in the field between Serol vonnrl Point Isabel amounts to. volunteers and regulars, perhaps. 16,000 men. The volunteers being portions or the quota [rum each State that has been called upon, the . remainder. perhape about 8.000 volun., items, are yet to nrrtve. _ t ;_ “At Pointlaabel there remain: but one» company. and theplace is commondetlv'by l Major Gardner 5 It In the depot u'l ordin- l once. and the general haspltal. In the v.. cintty of the Brazos and Barita are en camped two brigades of volunteers. At‘ ‘Matlmoroa and Fort Brown, three com. peniel of Regulars, and one regiment of 1 volunteers, . u . 3 ‘ " Captain Vinton was expedited from Cnmurgo (o Miers with a small command. about a lorlnight since. in consequence of an inuptionpf the ludiam. and'for 'the Tara‘f'm- 'proteclion oi the inhabitants-IRON"! ”."3" 30 p" cl mcumiong. A] Serg'lvu, General .‘Vnrlh was about LOGO-strong. MI befor‘e gutted. .33 percl .- The brigade o'7 Q“"’,"°‘.¢..bm,”h has 3033:: ("filed the river. ‘MN' '9 "“"m'": "'8 ‘l5 pure! means of l‘rnnspormuon [n FINN? hum '0 move towards Seralvo. l‘he rl'nt 0| lhv unit) are either en roulc towauli Hm place. ..r are pncnmncd how. .- 'l‘he [ranspolmllon of Hoops from lhe Bur/.0- i» gem-‘rnlly Operated by an-nm boall. all" matching them acno-s hom the Brat/.1" lo nrar lhe. moulh of lhe Rio ’Ommlc. The river in navigable .'or ston uu'l'n nl I-mull (law In :1 (“Mann- 0| :Ilmufl lwo mIIN above lhv moulh of HlO SI. Ju-{ an. m “hirh poinl ”my me arrested by m. pods. A siuulur obstruction occur! in lhe SI. Joan about nix mllt'fi :move lhis p|H€t, but. ow-vcommg Ihls ohslacla, II it. said (In; rlvrr 1s navnguble for slxly mil". 11. would almost be worlh \9hl!P.,_.~houhl lhe position ol Ihr army be pcrmnnvnt nl Mon-I Inc". In lake iulvanlngc o! high walnr in lhe liwr lo go! A boat ulmvc lhe rapidsl uhirln, [pH-sumo, ("Ing bu efloctt‘tl; il would be a vast Nouomy of lrompurln-. (.‘lny turf] '33 20 per ct TO per cl 100 per (‘l 40 pe’r cl 40 prr rl 30 per ('l 30 per cl I’o pvr cl 110 per (‘1 3'o per H SO pvt ('l -I() par (1 I!“ per (1 '4O, pm r I 30 [NW N 30 per H 30 per ( l 30 per (1 1") pct l‘l MEE I " I! in umlcrntoml Ihnl it is the wish M Gennnl 'l'nylur :0 mlvancn- upun Mann“ n'y. but lhnl hr- i‘ (lvlnyml by the “(TOM-a ry arrangvmnnls fur 'dvpolw u! Various 'knluls, and lhe llmming furunrll M the no '3O per (‘l to per I‘l l 0 put ('1 I’o per 0! I’o pH I'l 'lO pm (I 3“ pm ('l 30 per 1'! 30 per 1'! :10 per VI 4“ [wt PI ‘2O per 1" I?" per ('l ccsumy mumliom. or m n wunl, in [wr lm’llng hll lmv ul communicntiunu. The thflicullws cncuunlc-rnl in Opt‘fnllnns ul IhH nnlurt‘ prom to be wry Immidublr. lur wry hllle reliance in leCl'd upon the tcsnuru-n u! HM,- mruory In which Wann ongagul; and u ix clumcull la prucure wpplms [rum lhv inhulmanu uhn art- ul- Icrly lhrlhll‘as .uullnl.y.aml who require fur lhe Inlllc lhev (In supply, JIH‘ most ex !trnvngunl plum. \Vt‘ pms lllrnuyJl I) cmmhy Inhlv provided “I”! arms. and ‘cuvewd mm hort|~ nl Hun‘ln: rulllv. )‘t‘l llwv supply lhe camp “ith lmltler. hm'l, mllk, &I‘.nlhpli(""ul' u-ch-Hling “ha! ll ’(‘nn be purrlmwll lm' in lhe mm! pupuluus lrlll?‘ ul Ihc Uuilml smm. Such we ”I? “uric“ fur H,” ”bumlan! prmluLla of Mr country ;hu( nbjocls the w'mh nl' mochnn I ICAI lubnr. lmvu-wr (dune; {ilbll(‘~ H‘uli arn- unpnrtmi. In Incl Hwy alt-(ml 0! cm»; wnH-nu', ure 3% n plice lu-n', fur which we, can only act'nunl on lhv gmuml 0! I'm”: unlurnl Invrlnms, “Inch am. an inurtlln-I «‘6 nine in lhe-Ir rum 1.: any Hun: that h‘ lhe u'uull ul human Hum-Ir)" ; mlclvul lu uhich lhe'v IMVP nu appremmmn u! ”w! \alue ul mum-y by our slnmlnnl. pincv n I» cnmpnrnlnrly uwlms‘ (u llwm In sup-i 7.0 per rl Irv-o Irvu plying lht' luxuum ul lilo. “Inch :10, ll tact, nut tn be prncurrd in exchange lur it: More regarded as it man thcv Ht't: 111-M piiiiiitiVe In their ltfll)tH, and "are ri-ailly niit many degrees above the lndinnn til uur country. ’l'lii-y live In huts builtol rcrdi or mud, and thatched with a kind at coarse straw. They pout-us scarcely any of the appliances nt ciwlized lile; a rude cuntlt. a table and a bunch. even when they tln uccur. are ”If” only objects at lurgntuw, 'l'heir dresc quite as meagre at that of (iur Indians, and their pennm. espccuilly :hu‘e of the lcmules. (Itlllt’ as much expn‘t‘d; their langunge though based upon the Spar.- iali, is a lnllEt‘ablC patnin. Plficminnie and lazy. their occupation: are ammilutvd with the dnnimlic occupations ot the Indi an. but they are wanting in the rnterpriic the latter displays inhiaexcursinm. 'l‘heyl punscss one stiiking advantage. huwever. «war the Indian, in not being; addicird tn the use 0! intoxicating liquors; in rt-gard tn prrsuiinl nppaarnnca they an) likt'wmc hullelior, iind are perhaps 1| shade lighter in complexion. " Such it people can (ilJVltiU‘lf nn-cr meet 0:4 in battlv with .sucruu'; lltl'_\’ Will abandon the field, thuug’i their numb-:rs nhuuld triple our nwn. l " From new received 'hia mmning. th [one at Mnnlerry Clblisisls nl Hbuul (5.000 men, uf which about lwo lhnuwuml nrr rruulnuu, being lhe l't‘lllnlnfi u! lhg army nlvlealecl on lhe sth and Um 0! Man—— Tin-y have likcwur a lurce 11l mlvnnéf‘. ul Munlen-y 0| ulmul 700 Cavalry. (:1! Calla rila, «llslnnm‘ 25ml|c§1rnm .‘lnulere_\'.)— The infurunnnl report; them as not \wll pwpalrll lur '.lL‘llun, and flaws that I’ve horn-s me in miserable rumlifiun. “ They haw at Munlvrry Nu [xiv-CM nl arnlln-vy. Z’Al-pnundnru. and hunt 0! «null caliber; he slulus lhry are (unifymg, but Hm! llmr wank: are nm In a slalc 0! com pletion. "(icnrrnl Tnylur lecelvonl the news last evening «I lhe mnvemcnl, wilhmn ur- lift-,1" Lieut. Col. Harney lrotn San An (uniu lmvauls Munclova ; 'n us now almua n munlh smcc ha set out upon the expedi lion. [Mnnclovn ii on the Riu Granule. on lhe mud m Chihuahua—lhe route on which Gen. \Vunl‘s cnmmaml. In which Colonel Harv-9y it Mnignecl. H (lefillnedJ “Under exuding circumstances, it in believed that General Taylor will make the ulmosl exrrliun to reach Munlerey. as I'! is believed that nu resistance will be made of any moment lo the enlrnnce ul his army. The person who brings intel ligence asseru lhnl the people of Monte rey and the caunuy adjacent are unxmus lur the arrival of the Americana. 3 " "The station of my camp has been de termined by me. I find it in latitude 26° 20’ 01.8‘; about one-third o! a mile north u! lhe Plaza have not lhe means of dolerminifig longi ludes; it would be one 0! the best means u! venlying ouf recuunoissnncea, and en lablishing geographical points.” Extract .72/ a letter from a field Qfliccr of Gen. aylar's command, dated ‘ “ Cuunao. Aug.'24, 1846. " Accept my thanks for the map, and the summary of be)“ which came ,under cover with it. We will try to give you I regret exuemoly than I more accurate mlormutiunjo afew montha of the topography of this: part ovaegico.‘ than has been heretofore publilhed. . " Gen. Worth’s brigade lelt us a week ,sinre to establim ‘a depot nt Sarnlvu. ’which ic about but way to Monterey. and isome miles west at the San Juan river.—- The location of the town is represented M beautiful, with plenty of lruit round about it. The mountains in lull view. and ris ing at some points as high as 1.200 feet. The water clear and cool, running or raih.’ er tlduhing over beds of rocks. Smith': brigndo. the 51h hot] 7th infantry. march ed yesterday on \thth’» trail. Gnrlund's brigade,“including Bragg'u battery, will leave in three days {or the same point.— The ‘lth brigade “ill be Innde til the lit and 2d tnlnntiy. as soon in Riley arriven, [summse lhey Wlll lolluw um. and then the volunteers, who nn- extu-ntely impu lll‘lll to pri-ss uheml, Will take up the lion 0! march; but In “hat order I do not know. Tin-y hnve lirre quite a number till uenerul‘, talented nnd ttllibllitlUn and ullr anxious to take part in the battle whichl .ome of us believe uill be luught In ud voncP 11l Monterey. “ \\“e have hnd late news liom Montc tey (ii an Interesting Character. and it Is gent-rally believed. ' ' V " Gen. Mejia hnn about 2.000 regular il'OUpi. and over 3.000 irregulurs nuw in Monlt’rc‘y. In adihlmn In lhcse. lhvrv MP 750 cavalr). in nilvnnce, at n placo called Cniluriln. II is also rrpurlcd uncl believed lhal Parwiu marched from lhe cily 0! Mexico with B,ooo'trnnps; and belore ruachlng San Luis Petmi, nuccr mini-(l liml u iomeanie rovoiulinn Wu making hand in \n- war. This caunml him in cuunlcrmarch his l'urcea—n decisive balliv lniluucd, In which Pnrelit‘i “as made pris‘unvr; mnny of his own lrmwa hinting; pmvui treacherous. Ghmcz Fari m- I» lhv acting President. [cannot (hunk v'nul Hm change MEI hem-fit us 111 nny grout iit‘grct', lur lhe new Prenidenl [FA lins] is I” hunilo In us in lhe oin unit.— The Mummy; will try in time u.~ out 0| their territory, in not fighting us ut all, unifies poihup‘ (hey may “ilh In try their hands at Muulcrey. The (hing will anon he [cut-d. " \Vc hear «I delicimu grapes and ex h-Imvv \‘nls u! wine at I’arnu, nul far l'rum Munlerry. and lung to have a Insle 0! both. Our regulars are NIH heullhy. a buul 3.000 hlrung. and anxmus to ad vanc". " " “'0 are certainly In lhe vicinity of the unfrrnnl rrgmm, lur II id hut almost bv _yuml endurance. Remember me to old {I lumls FROM EUROI’E. FIF’I'EEN DAYS LATER—ARRIV ‘AL OF TH E CAM BRIA. From lhe Pennsylvanian. Sept. 20. 'l he steamship Cnmbrin arrived at BM tnn you-lorday mnrning. and the condensed account 0! lhe inlurmalion brought by H, was mum-timely telegraphed lo lhie city. The first item of importance is lhe deci ded rise in the price 0/ (he/lour—lhe very arliclc of pruduce we have mm! of to sup ply any sudden fnvwgn demand. Englnh dales are up In lhe 4l'n nl Sep'enuber In- cluaivc. The Cnmbria bringi H 3 passmigerfi. a mong tm-m Vhe Hun. \Vnuhingmn lrvmg, Inle .‘lmisler In Spain. I). Maynard. bra ror n! vlrspnlcllcs. and Cruikshank,lhe cch-hrnrml caricururlsf. The Bank of England hm: lmvcrml its rale’ni ducount to three per cenl . uhnw ing hv l'nu an abundance nl umnev. 'l‘lw grain croput England will b? a [air um»: but {rum all quarters we ham «)1 (he failuw t-f lire putam Clup. The Hullah lruu 'l'rutlr Inn impruvml In new ml the opening u! Im- Inavkeln nl {he Uninnl Shun under the new Ameri can 'l'arlfl. Freighh in American bollmm were nol active. allhnugh n puma! advance had bet-:1 nbluinml on same. The Amenican Provision Market was in a buuyunl tlalr. The Purliamentury session had been brought (0 n clnse. FRA NCE (In u-rvn'lvox Pre-idenla and Vice Pred— illcnh' uf' lhe French Chamber uf Depu lice. \vrre «It-cm] by large majorities. and lhc minnhy hm a working majority of 120. Juseph Henry. whn ntlemptt-d the Me 0! [mum l’hlllippe recently, has bcvn senv tenced tn lhe gallvy lur lilo. ”is aru tenrc excited no more interest than did his \rial. A convention has been concluded be tu ren Auslria and Prussia, In which these two great powers pledge lhemselves to guard the rights ul the Germanic Confed eration in relalion to lhe succession of (he dutchies. which now so much ugnlales Denmark. A treaty of peace between Prussia and Denmark hat also been publlphed. The fat Queen ut Spain is to have a husband at last. She is to have her first COD-ti", the Duke DeCodiz. sun 0! the Duke of Monte Pensis. It is not known Whether this wull satisfy all the various powers who have intermeddled in the ma ling of this young woman. ' WHEAT AND CORN. ' The London Wheat Mar_ket has been rather fluctuating since last reports. Pri cee dorm: the week ending August l4lh, advanced 4s. per quarter, and at mntket, a turther rise took place, but in conse quence "f the high pretensions of sellers. the transnctions ofnny extensive business were reduced. 4 ' Foreign free Wheat had rather a rea trictcd‘aale, but prices continued to ad vance, :- did Flour, which wan in good demand, particularly lreah brands Ameri can, in a good sweet state, the price being about 28,3. per barrel. duty paid; the wea ther having changed for the Better. per mitting agriculturalistl to secure outstan ding cropn, the grain trade has hoen influ enced thureby. and sullen have. Ina nit'cét ted a holit‘itude to continue operations at the enhanced rah-9. The demand lur cotton since the 281 b, has been very nnimnlrd. Sales large. ‘speculalura and expnvlers mklng large Inn ’11! M 1 advance nl lnl. The ‘ndmncc in pricv, since Friday. lull fid on all quali fies, and lulu sold accordingly. mama; mmmdewmm Fellow C:tizens:—l offer myscll In your consideration 3-: n cnmhdnle for lhe office of SHERIFF, at the Coming In” election. and ii'él'L-nml. will endeavor In di~c|mrge the duly o’f said ofiicv‘Wilh {uh-lily. ' ‘ JAM ES BLOOM, sen. Augud slh. 1846. TO TH E PEOPLE. 'l‘Hl'l menu)" of (,‘nngreau. whirl: lnansl Ivnnln~ nlenl. will be long nml grnlelully anl-mlmred by all Irno republlr‘nm lur Ilm Irmmplmnl nucrcunf nnnnyul Ilu-Ir I'lwnuhod pnnmplus nnd mounurcv. Wllllo WI! henrlily U‘JUII'O 111 lhe lrimnph nf 1110 print-Iples which II hm; lmsn nur r‘nnnlnnl cflbrl In ndvocnle and defend, and lmm nhivh nu prosperi- Iy. no ndvcraily. can luworve us; “a ('IIIIIIUI be 1111~ mindful nl Iho nllillllle In “lnch um um placed by n H‘l'flnl rule of lmlh house-s nl (Inngrcam—uo nl lllllo l 0 llle (*lnuemplnlcll “'lllldmwul ul lllt‘ll’ pul ronnge lrnm Ihu ncu'npnper pnwx. 'l‘u Ilnu Iler'is~ Inn Ive checrlully hnw. aonsnhln us tw- nye of lhe pnlrlolin monven whxch have led to 11. Bul we IrIIaI Ihul llviu dvmsmn of (longrcsu IlH'N’flll‘l rnlll~ er llmn (lllllllllnhl'N uur Clnim In lhe nuppnrl ul n higher rumor—Hm! «If Mr [lto/[ll' : nml Io Ilmm we (‘onfitlcnlly appeal In unl nu, by I/leir pfllruungl'. m nuulmnmg nl lhe Imnl nlgm’ernmrnl a yuurnnl IIHH is lnflenbly downed In Ilmlr Inlorv-Iu nml Ilm Irm- Inlvrt'lls nl Illu munlry. I ll in kmmn In every one, Ilml Ilm ('lnufnnurrr of Humming 11 newspaper .vn nnl Illu mngmlulll'ul ll! mlm npllnn IIuI. NU (lllll'll m ”I!“ whcrlmug pm mnngn \‘ollll‘ll may on hMlnwc-Il upon iI. In largo ('mmnon'lnl Cllwn. mzlvml. the llllll'l' m uulmllv llle runcunlllunlul lhe runner, ma II firm-omen Ille oln‘h um Inlercul of Inorrul.leo men In nlth’rllM: 11l I‘lnae pupa” uIIICh nre Ihc Innut oxlcnuwoly CIn'IIIIIIOII. \Vnnllinqlun, lumen-r, IN IllllProvnvly MlllHllrll l)"- pnved (ll—ll"! mlvorlmuu pnlrnnngu HICHIK'III In :I mcrt‘unllle C(IIIIIIIIIIIIIy. null lmr-lrnml “1111 [Il‘l'l)~ 11m and enormous (-xpmm-u ulmh nrn nut (alw \\herl‘ Incurred. null-mg lml ll \‘crv lung lls'lnl subscribing pnlrnm run nuwlmn n pupnr In «Int-I'll» Hen—lf. Indeed. own In PIIVII-IHI'. 'l‘lm Inuprll} lon ul Illc ‘ Umun' lmvu lnlhvrm wpnlrml Im puma. and rm expennr, Io mnlu- Ilmnr paper \'.anl.v In! ”-9 mun-pulls. llnll Wurllly nl' Ilw «uppnvl n 1 I‘ull grvnl puny under “hum.- llunm-r Hwy ure.- enlmmL ln punlmlnng Ilu: mnal lull :llnl mnpluclvlmlm nl Ilw mu llolnu'l uHTnngron. ll m lw'u'vml. nu-r lll‘ltl'P allcmplod nn Ilm conllnenz m n llll'ly 111-“ jumper. they hnve secured Illu nervmeu nl’ Ilm lvnl rI-pnrl ers Whlcll lhe rmmlry nflimlml. In” M the (-nnrm on: cost of $19,000 or $5,000 per your. 'l'lmlr oxlenwva loralgn uml Ilumuslu- I,'urrL‘SpIIINICIICU i ;annlher lnrgo Hem of expense, hul 1110 qulrur'ln’u uselulnen of “llll‘h In no hyghly f‘Ulnml-llllt‘tl mul apprecmlell In In )u-Illy nlmml nny nullny In 111~ Inln IL SIIll. it must be evnlenl Ilml 111-we heavy expennew cnnnnl he hornn. unlom Ihn llth‘prllun llsl In commensurate In Illc llndmlnklng. nml nllllo' we can bout” of ”.000 uuhncrilmrs. ’llll‘llllllllg llfll Iy. Irl-loekly. and weekly.) yel Illls IIsI mnsl null be con-lernbly enlnrzerl I'n enable Ihn prnpnemrn of Iho' Union' In nquuln all Ila usefulneu. and In Inuure leem ngnunu pocumnry lusn. lnvuklng. then. again. llw and and IlUpporl or nll Irua friend! uf Republlcnn gnvernmrnr. nml pledging ollrsc-lvon Io renewed eflnrln HI lhe muse of ”IO ulnnuuu principles we cherish. ue ulTcr Ilno fullumng pru povllu .- The ‘ DAILY UNION' will lvo published. as horn loforo. a! 810 per annum. payable m ndvnnco. Ila chnrarler huherm has been nlmosl oxuluan'olv pO~ liximl. Wu purpuw In future In; dewle u porlmll of Us (‘OIIHI’HII lo .lumcalic news 0! grncml intercul and lo mxscollunonun lllernlnm. whmh, willmul Impnlrlng m: pollllcal Influenr‘r, muy remh-r ll lhe more ncceplnhle In an ulémlml (‘lnnu of rcnllel’!‘ 'l'he ‘ SEMI-WEEKLY UNION” mil [)0 pub Ilshml ovary Montluv and 'l‘hursnlny. :lnrmg the re (‘PBS of Congress. a! $5 per nmmm. 'l‘hu roman): all [he mnller cnnlmnetl In lhe 'IMJ}, I'umn,‘ ox rnpl lucnl ndvcrmcmenls. Dumuz Mu.- tonelunfl ht Congress lhruo numburu. mslend at UN) wull be Av kul’ll “Illmul any axlrn charge In anlmrnfu-ru. l-LNLARUEMEN'I' OF THE WEEKLY UNION i The ' WEEKLY UNION' ls mulled I‘VBJY Satur dny ; nrul n- nrrnngemenlq me n) yrugrus In on lnrge ll lu nenr duu/nlc {/1 pron-n! “'l5. we shall soon be enabled Iu give nenrly t-rsrry nrlic!o nhn-h mnv appear In lhu daily and ncmiuwekly et’lllonl. at the curcmoly low ruu- nfS‘J. We propose oan [u nge, m llnl cdmun, n rumplulc aynuplu'ul num mnry nflhn pruvvwimgq m lwlh hunsos of Com gross—mun rendormg lhn ‘ \Veokly Union' n "ma! vnlunblo channel ul’lnfnrmnllon In all ohms” of our rmlnlryz But It) n-munernlu uu fur lhm unlcr. pflse. an vxlunun‘e uuchnplmn In! N übmhm-ly ludnsponruble. (.‘(JN( 3R ESSIUN A L RHG IS'I‘ER In addition to the foregoing. “a have resolved :ln publish. during the sosstnns of the national lcg~ telalure. n ' Congrusionul It’tgislcr.‘ to he issued l weekly. nnd to contain a FULL REPORT 0! the datly 'pruceedtnge and debates of both houses. l'tdeed. the arrangements uhtcli we have made wilh the very but come of reporters will enable us to give even more full and extended reports than we have produced during this scsuian, aupertor as We claitn them to be to any preceding ones. The Register wtll be made up from the daily reports In the ' Un ton.‘ carefully revised by an experienced editor. and will Cotlllllllle a complete and authentic re cord of the session. An appendix will be added. uniform with :he Register. and to be sent gratuit ously to eubscribere. comprising a list ofthe acts passed during the eeseion. with a synopsis of ”toll contents, and a relorence. when necessary, to pre vtotialegislation. This will form the most com plate history 0! the eaeliom of Congress, and will be furnished at the low price of sevznnanva CENTS tor the next aesaion.§ WPosni/tsmm are authorized to act as our a gents ; and by sending as five yearly subscribers, with the subscription money. for either the Daily, Semi-Weekly, or Weekly. will be entitled to one copy ofthe same edition as they furnish us lub~ acribors for. try-Tho Cosanasuomn Rmmmn will be fur nished them on the same (arms. CLUBS WILL BE FURNISHED WITH 5 copies ofthe Daily for ' 31.0 00 5 do Semi-weekly 20 00 10 do do > 35 00 5 do Weekly 800 10 do do 15 00 20 do Congressional Regine: 10 00‘ The name 0! no person will be entered upon our book: unlen tho payment of the subscription bn mudo in ndvnnco. ‘ Address, RITCHIE dz. HEISS. Wuhinglon city. D. C BLINK? for sale ai this afice. PROCLAMATION; THEREAS. py an act 0" the Gen “. eral Assembly (it Pennsylvania. enttiled, SjAnAcl to regulate the General Election within this Commohwenllh”._ig is enjoined on the Sherifls o! the different counties to givcipubtic notice of such elec tions. the place where to be held, and the nflirors to be eleclvd:—Thereluro. l. E;,. Lts IRWIN. High Sherifl at the county of Cleuvfie‘hl. (In hereby give PUBLICK NOTICE . ' to the electors at the county ofClrarfield, that II General Election will be held on 'hc Second Tuesday (y' Octobcrnexl.,(be.' ing the 13th day 0! the month.) at the sev. o-rul t'li‘Clitltl districts in said cnuntydt which time and place the qualified clec'. turn will elt‘ct— ‘2 0m: Pm'sop Inr Canal Cmnmissinneru! this Cumihnnwenllh. One Pefison to represent the cnunlies of lmlmna, Arm-strung. Butler and Clear. field, In HH‘ Huuse nf Represenlavivu of the Unilml Sum-s. ‘ Two Patrons In represent the counties uf Cenlre and Ch-nrfield in the ”mm- m Representalivefi of Pennnlvnnin, (inc Person for Sheri" n! Clrarfiehl cnun lv. . t onc I’erxon for Culnlnimiuner 0! Clear, liehl county. ‘ One Person lur Amlmu of (Ilruvficld coun- ‘ One Person ‘nr Coroner n! Clearlieltl (uunly. The e'lcclnrs of lhe‘lnid cuuniy will take notice lhal the Hecliun WI“ beheld allhe lullnwing platen: For the dmrivl cumpmoed of th lownshupof an. n-m-u nl lho cuun huuw. I’M lhe dulnrl ruinpmrvl ul‘ Iho lunmhup of Brmi~ furl at Iho hnuse “I “'ll-. H-mver. l'ur lhl- drum-l compo-ed uflho hrwnshnp of Dean lur nx the home 0! Juhn (Eon. Fur rho 'h‘lfll'l r‘ompmed ofthe, luwnnhvp of Harm. nn 1H lhc huunu nl Sulnunl M. Smllh. For the dulm-l ('mnpusmi nl Hm lmvmmp n! I‘ M M I’m humu- ul John Drulwlwr. Fur lhe dlaxm-l (nnnruw-l u! Hu- Imvmhlp of (‘ul‘r mph”: m. ”If! huuw- ul J nub Muuror. For lhe (halru‘l «mug-«ml ul th Imumhnp of [firmly ux the human (A I' \V lhrrcil ‘ l'ul llll‘ 'Jlulru-l 4””:prle of lhu [nnnnhlp uf (Shed ' ul lhu humu- 01 J mum (furry. I V‘ur lh!‘ dmnu-l mum-mm] nf lhv Inwmhnu (:1 Un > "Pu-u ul Ihu [ML]: H'lnuvn! 'mnao m 291 ml lawn-hip. lnr luv daylrlr-l :nlnp'l-u-«l ul Ih' ‘h-wnnmp ul . '\VIDu‘I\\VH" 11' 'En- rh-rlmndmlm: In [’t‘c:I!I1r'I)u";. Fur Ihu dlslnu rmnl-n-cl 01 the lunn-hxp o! (Lurd ‘ M the hon-u 111 (itmrgu 15. Smith. I'Fur th- (Lufu l rumplhml ul 1h:- luH‘llVlhp 0! Blur nv at tho hmmc uf Jnmru A'lpurl. For lhn Ilmru-l l'ulnpu~(‘\‘ “I Iho qunnh-p vi “-an . min at lhl‘ huuw nl Juhn Young Fur lhe dxr'ru‘l nnmpmml nl lht: mwnshnp ul Bull 'ul the home of Prudent-k 'l‘unmor, For lhv duslnrl ('umpnsm! of lhl) lmvnshlp u! Jm» dun ul Hm huuxu ulfllumw MI'NHH. Fur lhe duslnnl rmnpoeuul 01 1h»- loulnlup 111 ”“ng ul Hm helm-u! Hrmy Wnplt. Fur the Ihslmt ruznpusml oi Hm luwnrlnp u! I’vm. ul lhe whonl home on Spam-M's hIH. . lFur lhv (flslnrt (‘mupmell ul lhe lunnshlp 0! H run I lun nl lhe human 0! Jon-x 0 “lIIMHI »"~ur lhe dualru'l rmnpmod ”(lhe :uuushqv n! l‘crgll~ ’ mm In lhr' house 0! 'l‘ lhnn. {For the thalru'l (‘ulnlmsod u! lhn township of KM~ lhuux at (Le lrnme huuw hmnorly “('(‘upled m u ' bunnhng human in mm} lun'nvhlp. Fur Ihu div-INN rulnpmod nl lhu lunnnhnp "I In] at 1h;- lmusu n 1 Juhu l. humly. l’ur lhe dmncl rumpusexl u! the lmmugh ul (Ileur- I fish! (1! the mun-house. Notice is herd/y given. That all per sons (excepting Juuicee nl the Peace.) who shall huh! nny 0H3”: m appninlment nf prnfil or HUM, under lhe Government In! (he Uniled Svntcs or u! Ihis State, or of lan-v city nr incorpurulvul ,dislrir'. thlher fa cnmmlisiunml ufl'u or nr ulhvrwise, n ‘subuullnale umcl-r ur ngenr, who i 6 or shall Du “mph-fed umlm \he leghhmvo, execu llivc nrjutlicmry dt-p'nrlmen! uf [his Stale I‘or n! [he Uniled Slulea. ur any Cil)‘ or in mupnratul llhll’lc'; and aim that every mvmht-r nf (Jungn-s‘ and Slate Li‘gisln lure. and m’ the M‘lt‘Cl or cmnnmn count” 0! any Cll)‘. m cmmniusiunvr nf any incor purult'd (lislricv. is by luw incapable of holding or Mr-rcisinz, at the same lINH‘, the office or amumnHm-nr hf Judge, In. ppf‘clur m (Ink 0! any cleclion u! lhls Cummnmvcuhh; nnd Um! no Inspector, Judge. or other umcer ul‘ any such elec- Hun shall be eligible lo My office vnlcd for. " And lhe return Jud-_vmi of lhe Icspcctivc dlslticls ulmesnid. are rrqlwstml to meet at the court huuse In the bmuugh ofClear— livhl on the Frlnlay next after lhe second 'l‘ueulnd 0| Oclubsr, then and lhrre to do all those things required uf them by law. Given under my hand and seal at Clear flcld. t/u's MEI/L (lay of September. in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forly~six, and of the In dependence q/‘ the United Slates {lac stag/ninth. ELLIS IRWIN, Sh’fl To Assessors. VIVHE Assessors tor the different town: ships in the county 0! Clenrfieid, lor 1847, will take notice that they are requi— red to meet at the Commissioners office in the borough of Clenrfield. on Friday the 16th day 0! October. A. D. 1846, to re ceive such instructions in, relation to the ensuing triennial assessment as the Com missioners shall deem advisable. By order of lhé Commissioners. H. PJ'THOM PSON. Cl’lr. Comm’rs Offic’e. Clear-g ‘ield. sth Sflf’t- 1846. @{RWGIICDKQ ALL persons are hereby cautioned a gainst purchasmg n nolelnl Twenty Dollars. dnled about the middle of Apnl last, givenby the subscribers to Jane D. Majors. of Boggs (ownship. Cleurfield county, as we have never received value for the same and are determined not to pay itunleu compelled by due course ol '6“. \ JOSEPH PETERS. JONAS PETERS. Boggs tp. Aug. 22, 1846, v