POETRY. HOME IS WHERE 'THE HEART IS 'Tis home where mo hour! is. Whera'er ilx lon-d onus dwell. In cilms or In cottages. Thrnngcd huumn or mossy do“ The hon n's n rover over. And lhusnn wuvennd wild. 'l‘ho mniden wilh her lover walks. The mnlher mlh her mm. "Pix bright whcro'er Um hour! In. Its fuirv Rnel'n (:nn hrm': Fro-h lnnn’tuinn In lht‘ whit-mi“. Ann! [0 lhe dentin—«punt 'l‘lmronro greon ”Him In mwm. War which nme'lznn ghd-‘N. A m! a heaven on mph umny llmrt‘ Where Luve'x lhu slur lhul gunk-r "I‘in lreo whcrc'ur Ih’a heart In. Nor chmnu. nn"r dungeons dxm. Nor chevk the mind's aspiring". The spirit ponling hymn.’ lha hourl giver- Illelxls lwnuly. [ls 1; lury mu] m [um-or" Tu sunlight to tho npphng slrv‘mn And .fu_l_'[_dow In the {1 MN- Mfiuxwixm M IS'I'A K [3 , 'l‘he'tluncordia [1.2.] Intelliut‘llcerhas Iha followmg: H The "Junkers who hare jlut rPturn ed from the Rio Grnmh' Ir” .1 gum! joke as relalccl to some uf Ihcir frirmh lhe-re by me Muican suldirn wlm wru‘ in thy bru ilcl of lhe Blh and 9th. ”More lhe Mexi cans went inlnme fight lhry were told "In! the Americans ure-re great follmvu 10 run, and in [his brlwf lhe-y lnughl an and on, wonderlng why lhe Anwru‘mu nlid nnl‘ run! unlil. when they became rmn’u-Hml to ‘run lhEnnselvn, and Hm Amunmns were pursuing Ihem, they M! the mnh "(I “hmlhey had been mlul to I'm: (cut. “7;; ...lhal lhe Americana “ m-n- grown h'Huuui In run,"———but it was a/Icr ”I"lequ /H'-" fore Iheir enemy. 'l'hem‘s when: [hm hm] deceived themsvlves. ' 'l'hia jnke suggesta [U u: the |'(‘rnllpc. tion of the fact that but tine American huh 't/er been known to run away from the field in 'l't‘xas. during lntr light. 'lhat memorable instance uccnrrml at San Ja cinlu where. althuugh the l‘lt'XlJin army was «imposed by an army nl 'l‘uxiay... it watt ahreudly suspcctwd that the latter had a gtmd many permnn lrotn " the lu multary Valley of the Mtuintppi” [as Santa Anna described thrm] in their num ber. ”nuuton, who know that he had no men to Spare, gaVe order-t that (In the mn ment 0! the flash (mm the Mexican artil lery, every man in the 'l'exan ratiki shuuld tall flat on the ground. One man alunv, Who was (Inland had nut understand tht' order, remained erect. and he swingnll his cnnirades go down just at the limo (DI the fire. imagined that every man til them was dead. Feeling thus ‘ solitary and a -l-nnc'on the field, he took to his hm-l-g—l After he’ had ran a little Way. Ilium-wen} he looked back. and to his surprise andi joy, saw them all erectagain. He turned: back into hts ptuttinn in the ranks and: taught ltke a hymn. l Alter the battle. several of his cnmpan~l ions essayed tojoke With him abuut hial running away, but they luuml ll a tlnngt-r-’ ous business. He knew the circumstance lobe an awkward (Inc. and it pl‘tltlllt‘Ptl a' Itintl of tnonomaniac eflert un hi~ uuticu-l lar nerve. ' When any, mic altt-twnulal mentioned it. he heard it lIHII [Ht’nitrt‘tl In: resent it an the instant: hut in. umn an hi: bile rose he became inwtt‘crahly deal ;|-‘ gain. and those who hml stirred i: Min-1L In vain, to make him lwnr an apology.— Thencnnsoqurnce was that (In: utlslakr was soon forgotten.” IBRAHAM PACHA, IN LONDON. The Pennsylvanian lriln‘li‘llt'! the 101. lowing anccdotcs respecting this llluulrlr ous guest ofJuhn Ilull, lrom- nit nrticle in the New York "Deutsche Schiwllpmt.” extracted lrotn the Cologne "Zritung." Each anecdote is worthy nl Punch : "At Mivart's hotel, Mllt‘l’C the lfigypi tlln prince resided. one ol the waiteril, in his ignorance of Turkish manners. h.ul dared to lay his hands on the sacred slip per: 0! his highness, for the purpose ol dulling lhem. ()h-ierving this. the i-ani'd of the prince daituil like lightning on the astonished waiter. pulled of? the Uiletlilt'r'a shoes. and were about to administer the beltinado; but the cries of ‘murder' and 'lire’ saved him from the blows. as ii poi lice ll|.~[)l'(;€llr on duty in the hour inn loiwsrtl and informed the pin ties that ling lisli lieeiloin did not allow llll) summary i-xcrcii-e ol the Turkish code of law.— liike the thunder alter the lightning. tin-rc’ lollowul Ihraham, who “as “Hill“: with‘ rage. and administered a blow [ruin the ltourbasti—whip—wliich he always carries with him. upon the shoulders ol the nllirer ollhe law, and it wag not until reveral policemen were called in. that the helm could be forcibly quieted. The oflair will not be legally investigated. as in that case the residence 0! the illustrious guest in Englenll might be involuntarily extended longer than he intends. "Atlhe visitot thc Pucha to the Thames tunnel. on taking his llt'plll’lUl'C ho was po litely requested to seat himself in the chair near the entrance. in which it is usual to weigh the visiters; but lbrnham. suspicious by nature. made one 01 his suit about his own size. take his place ; who, to me as tonishment. and honored by the curses of his royal master. rose. {ruin it perfectly sale; the latter, believing that some trick was about to be inlayeil. and that at least one at his ears would‘he lost in the opera-1 lion. ‘ "But the person who gave the greatest oflence to Ibrahim Pacho was the govern or of the Bank of England. This amiable gentleman had. placed a roll of bank notes in thahands at his Egyptian hinhness, oh seryioflthst their value was one million pounde’sterling. His higlineu. langhlng heartily, was about depositing 'the bank‘ notes in his roomy umnentianahles. when Mr. “saith, the governor at the bank. has llly snatched them nWa)’; and with a shake 0! his head. nml uguin locket: them up in the tlrnwer umn which he had tnken them. The interpreter had much truuble to make the Pacha comprehend that the intention had been only In shnw and not to give them to him; lur lbrnhim firmly bflieved thnt\thiv uitllinn sterling ought to have hvru a 'backt-hn'sh,’ (pix-gent.) and Went "way mum-ring that ‘it was a ncmvy trick they hail lltkt‘llanlc libetty lu [.luy Upon‘ htm.‘ ” ' , Bnl'llm Mom: or .~\.\',\‘r.x‘\'rmy.-—'l'he 'x\«lvucnlv n! I’encv lur Augu-t, HlilHl by :I‘lehu ”urIIH. r-mlulne 2| It'ller publiaheql ’in Ilu- Shunlunl Mvrcmy, (England) [rum ’3 Whale In Hu' viclnrimu army, John |l.um, duh-1| l'u- 81h nl March, uivmg wine lucruunr thv (minim u! lml ”Number, on tho hanlu ul‘ Ilw Sulllj llavurg «pm lkn-n ul 'lu- lmlle u! the ‘JOIh. HH.‘ wruer mh|~z "UH lhe puccvvtling mnrnmg, “L“ cmnmrncml hanging untl .uhnqung all the prl-mwrw. Much tlzemHul umk uccupied uu nrnl‘ly lhe wlmle (Inf 3" “'8 had Ihuugltl ['Ml HIL‘ ISM: (it-nlmy was sum civnlly hurrifiwl “uh lhe run-mug ul the pum‘ “wlches in Mam-u. umlvr French ballmril} ; but il llu- nbnw i~ lrul‘, ll Would seem that linglnnul wekq In nunlu hn-r il luh'lriuln riVal. Huw humbly shuckrd' [he befiiibilflivy «II [he Englhh und‘Fn-nch people often are at lhc ('vuelly um] injus licn- nl American ulnvry! 1 N I“. W PROSPICC'I'US. 18-16 The Saturday Evening Post ; Farina/y (/10 (J'. SIM/CS Scum/(1y Pmt. GREAT INDUCE.“ ICN'I‘S 'l'hr pululi~lwrs nl lha Sulunlny l“¥l‘l)ll»§_’ I’m! olll‘r n no w prospvt'llh In {ln-Ir ”mud: and (he puhllu In ”H.“ (lny n! llr‘xupl-pn-r NIII-rprm- Ilu‘v nro (It-lor lllllll’lllolnlllllL'lHlllH'lrUlll rr‘plllllll n. N krt‘p "hand nl ull runlpNllorM l-nrqllurH-rnll&‘vlulurylhul'ml Inn lwon Ilu' llllhl Ilurnhly popular nl 1M! I‘m-Hy lu-lupupurs . and II I'npltull I'lllcrprlsw. and n hm! nl u rlH‘l’h. mm (‘lh'rl Ihmr nun. lhn pnhlmhnrx nrn rr'snL vwl lthl Iho I’m! ~hull sIIll Irml ' lllc liold." .-\ I‘I'III'FJ'T Alma/Inn. Oulug In Ilw lIIrgI: rllvl" nl the pupa! “‘0 an! enabled In Inuhlwh “vellly. :ns‘ mIICII mullvr us I! I-lIIIInIIIeII in nny "no uumln'rnl Illc nmnlhly Inngnilm's u) llml, [or loss Innnvv. lhe suln M'nlwr yourly ohlmnn‘lnnr lIIm-s us mmx‘: rvmlmg —- Bonulvs llus. nmm'mux Illuslrnllmm l'llL'l'nVMl h)‘ (unlpt'lom lll’Uslk. ulll. horcnllor. urzu'o nnr I-ululnns, rcmlcnng The Past. 11l nll rwn-I-v-Is u-qunl. nml um um- HY n-gpm-m qu'wrmr In lm- lwsl ”umn/.mo! , ()RIUINAL 'I'AH'ZS livery wank tune or mnro nngmul Inlet; (ll lhe lir-I Amoru-nn wrllvrmgrnvc Ilu- Inlnnms ol‘ 1111~ pan-r. \Vc‘ mt'hmr lhe vmnmnn prnrlwenl ropymgz nlanc-s IInIII lruu-lg” ”man/Jury, cn-I‘pl 111 nuw lllhlu’llll‘OS—plt‘lllrl‘h ol Amenvnn lllv. mnl Ihr- rnlnulllcnl Alm-rn’nn hmlury. mm by rnmpm ll‘lll Anwrn'ml \\‘l'l‘l(‘l’h‘, nre “lull lhe n-mlt-n: nl Ilns unlnlry requlrc. ()Ilr 111111. lmwm'vr. slmll 110 l hp run linrtl In ”NH puml nluno. 'l‘n Innlw 11-I- l’usl n um-111l us well II: n plenszml mmpnnmn, II “I” lln\L' :l Ilwr‘ Hugh NHVVS l)l';l':\R'l‘Ml'ZN'l‘. “lm'll I-11111l (‘lmluln Ihu 'flN’hl lIIIL-lllgrm'u. rumprlsmg II “'udlnnglnn Lol ll-r.l\'mu lrum Non anll. Honenll Nun‘s,- Formur. Arum. Muulhly Lellvr! lmln linglnml. (kc. 'l'ugolll~ vr wnh nll Impurlnnl puhlu: (lIN'IIHH‘HII In lull. nud nrrnsmnnl rI-porln nl nnponnnl (‘nngrvmnnnl (lclmlos. Alan roponn ul such ol'lho pullc Lvrlurn, lnr \\ hic h ['hllmlclphm L‘ lumuuw, us "my Inn-rm! uur (cutlery. l-Zlerlhlng, 111 «hurl. ~ullul '0! n l-‘mmly l’npvr Will be luuml 111 lhe Poul. AURICI’L’I‘I’R/‘l L As many In rmera «In no! lulu! nn Agneullurul l’npt-r. 1! shall horonflcr he a par! 01 "Hr plun to mm In]! um! [um imofhgcm-u un Agricul lurnl ”mm-m ,~—vnz. New dlwuvcrleu. new nmnurm. remarks 1m smls.&c. This department “11l be ury mulplelt‘, Full and nvr‘urnlo niporlh 0| lhe lnnrlu-ls wull lmdnundtln every numher. LADHCS' DI'II'AR'I‘MI'IN'IX 'l‘ho gronl nizr- nl our shoe! cnnhlcs. no! u Iv lo be u l’nmlly l'upur. but lmlemlo ammo mace omnily. (nu-h week. In Ihu ln'llllCH' Dq-pnnmenl. I” uch 11H mallow Inlvrenlmg lolhc sex Will he um (I, Indurhng lho Fnshmnx. now Rncmplr. (ha JI'VI'ZAVILI-I M‘II’AH I‘MI'IN'I‘. A .lopnrlmanl, umler lhm hcnu. mll be «h-vulvu! m mngnms. Chur "llo3.".‘UUlPH‘ lmzleu. unlhmeucul queslmm. nml ulhl‘r like mnllcr-a. lllll‘rl'fillllg In ndulls Us Hell .12- IU Im- ynung. LVI‘I'I'I'L'HS FROM lil'H'H’li. A xenounl'lcllr-ra ["4an J. Buynrd 'l'nylur. lhe prlnlur pool, nuw on u pe donlrmn (our Ihruugh Kumpv. ure helm; puhlnht-xl m lhe Punt. 'l'lww Icm‘rs IMHO nllrurlcd urrnl flill‘lh lonmm. nnd nrc uni-I In 1m Ihn bml Mm-c Hu- volt-huh 101 l lvllom 0| Brooks. lu [minimal mlelllgmu‘e \w rm-ngnmr nnly mm pnr ly. nml lhnl L" ()l H ('()l'.\"|'H\'»~()l R \\ HULK l‘UL'N'l'llY. We Lnuu nun-41mm” mlvrwlu n. nur [mlrlnllsm‘ nn pnrly‘ llm'a mum pulllu'fi. nu rctlurluln mu m our mhgmn. HARLH'ZS'I' /\\l) [HST \R It I! nnpurlunl In h.|\'o (ho hum! ”NH, our «Mummy “1“ ulum's he lnund lhe ‘l’l'h’lu‘fil 11l ”MK rl'uw‘rl u! nny ('ulvullilmry. In lllPrnlure ulsn. \u- xhnll gunman gn-ul lunhm‘s In! gm”: nuvvllu-n‘ lll'M‘HlOl'S AR'I'H'LHS A gum] laugh I‘l hell ler Ihnn n pound n! mothnne; (uni lhe l’llsl ulll cur unguml hulunrum akolchcn. n \u'ukl‘v nn:':m;:e nl qu. Hum-u wrupw nl humor. \Hllu'mlns. ((12 Our dish “'I“IthIy.‘UGXII|H,‘I’I’)'UIIO,ICI Hm unrhl wag us H mnv In 2| uurd. \HI shill! All“ rt-mum 'I'IH'I HRH SHH'I FIHI'INI). n pupvr Inlhnpmmuhlu In country remlors. m ('omrqurmn «)l n: ()rxulnul 'l‘nle'.» um! Skvlrhm: (lru'nnzll \'vrsc mu! l‘inanvu, lhslurv nml ‘HIMIHIQHIK. [Smaruphy unll Imqrnm; NHL-um nnd Shillhlll“; vaululmnnrv Almuls. Morn! 'l‘ulm nnd 'l'mm u! LIH‘, ()ngnr-l (‘mnlm‘nh nu Nulnhlor. 'l'lmm \\ Im Innu nu! :;:;hm-nlml lur llu» paper \\l|| liml ”ml the («nun ulO In: (.IH‘Hp us lhe mum-r 1r lllVl‘ lvllu 'WHMS l (‘npyg $2 ' g H (fuluvu. 81H (m if ('upn-s. .’v (H. I 7 ‘ (Iplcn, 1!” 00 The Innm-y ”qu uluuya In: .wnl HI mhnnrr. free 0! poslngu. N. I). I /\'l":'l‘:l{so;\’ (fi' (:0. No UH Chosnul Hiram. l'hllmlflplun. A CARI). ‘11}33123 usuau’m‘ 3'! «$3.1? [S In haw yuur 'l'vam'u properly cured [or ore lhe-v commence In [min you. All sru/Lw of lur/ur ahuuhi be carelully removed. uml ll HIL'H' ure any CllVilit‘s in yuur leelh Ihcv pluruhl be properly filled. which will efleclually prevent any lurlher decay. , And to you “how teeth nro gmu'. Sure you cunnot tool at home. 'l‘hcreture You had better cult“ and get a new set mil in'. elther on Pivot or Gold Pia/e. The above uperntidn. together with Exlrac/ing Teal/z, and malt: of 'l‘cclln. will be perlmnwd in the must scientific manner by Dr. A. M. ”11.1.3. wlm may be luuml at the nflice of Du WM. P. HILU. in the born Ugh ul'Clearfield. an every Sal urday. and during court-weeks. BG’Prices Reduced. Ludic's will be visited at their residence, " dw't‘d- aug. 12—3 m. S YRUP and ORLEANS Molasses, Sugar, Rio CW6. Young Hymn and Black Tea. Chocolate, &c. at the store of . Bo Ba & P: Sale of Real Estate. ' 2:23”: 7 HE subscriber ofl'ers for WE," , sale. the lollowing Real if.“ ‘T 3"? Estate. Vii: I-ie'iéslk‘”? 7 NO. l.—-./7 LOT OF GROUND, in he boruugh u! Clemficlul. being 43 lee! in from on Second :trec! und extending back 150 feet (0 the Market More lot. with an alley passing on lhe south uf 11, and wnh a stury-and-u ha” house and “able there. on ereclml. being purl 0! Lot No. 79 in the plan ul said town. NO. 2.—ALSO. .9 [at (f GROUND mlJuiuing lhe nlmvv on Ilw‘ rmrlh sule. be- Ing 43 lee! In lrnnt nn 2:! street, and ex tviullrtgbnck 150 {PM 10 lht‘ Min-km home. wilh n 'l'\Vl) STORY FRAME DVVICL. LING-HOUSE lhc-u-nn vu-(H-d. with a‘ wvll um] pump at llu- (lutll‘. uml ulhor vnl~ unblP improvement», ln-in: parls «If Luis No. 78 & 793!) «ml umn. 3. Jill-s'o. Ills Inlo'nwl in ”w nurlh evn hall ul Ln! NH. 78, bring 3’4 [WW 5‘ in ches In trnm on 59mm] .NHL'Q‘Y, and film ding back 150 hull. _ NO, 4.—A1.&0. Hiu inlvrvsl in (1 773.76"! 0F LJYAVD. f-iluulu in [Law rcncc lUWllship. "(Uulnlng lnm'. “I Ruben ()weng, 'Jnhn Alitcht'll and nlhmc_ Much IS bolu-Vetl In cmHuln nbuul 100 ncre‘. more or less. wilh a whirl home mul cub- In bum Ihcrc‘i’in crvcled. nn Anpln: 0m»! Md. and wilh butwm-n 50 and 60 acres u! cleared land. I I No. S—JIL-S‘o, Hi~' intr‘r('~‘l in .1 'rnc' n! Inm! warrnnlcd in the name of Joseph I'brrcsl. .“iluule in \Vomlwnnl luwnshlp. m-nr lhe Clrnrfivltl crock, nnul bv official aurvey cunlnlning 400 acres um] 10 ps. Nita—£ll.Bo, His Inn-rm! In 11 tracl of lunul waunntml In lha‘ nume of [’l‘H‘l' Ilmry, by official survey containing 400 acrl-a and lUps, situnlc (Imc m snid (flear licltl cu-vk, In lhv said township u! “'ond ward. > I .‘O. 7—.’l/,SU. his interest in a Irnél 0! land. warranted in the name of Namur llcnry. by nflicml fiuuvcy cunlaming 400 noes and 10 percluw, plume m \\’uml ward township. and near lhe Clcurfield cum-k. NO. H—flLNU, ”is infvre‘l in n tvact ul lam], \mrranml in We name of Hugh [I’M/stall. cuntaimn: by nfficinl \nrvvv 400 acre-I, autumn.- \vilhin nlmut tun Imfcg n! [he (Ilvnvliclnl crrek‘. in lhe luwmhip n! Woodward and “rump—which tract 1.- patenlwi In 1h? subwrlbm. I‘o. 9-—.’7/.S(). in Hart nf [and in who nnnw nl Smnur/ [III/Ull/(IOII. [m't'mlwl hr lhe subarrtbn-r. and Cunlmnlng by official lurvvy 40.3 acres. Mluulc in (he luwnship u! lh-culur. NO. Io———.’lLSU. HIS iulvrcsl in .1 Iruc! ul land warranted in lhe nnnwul Jacob Cur. siluale I" [he luwvuhip of Dc~ cutur, nml containing bv official sun-9y 433 acres 153 perch“. The inn-res! 0f will “alluce being the (me dllleil't‘d half lhervnf NO. 1 I—JILSU. Hi 9 interest in 358 acres 0! land, pnrl o! u tract warranted in lhe name of Thomas Grunt ~~iLuatc in Frrgumn Inwn‘hip. NO. l2—fll.S’). Ills interm‘t in n tractol laml wunanlml in lln- nnmenl Solomon LII/on, cuuluining. by uflicml surwy, 357 acres—lull lelt' being an in lclferrnce M an tuljninmg survey lhe quantity is believed In be nut 30 much—— “Illa“? in Beccarin lowmhip. kur the Cleurfivld creek. The inteth 0! {he sub icriber bring an undivided hnH llwrenf. NO. I3—flLSU. ”in interest‘ in a lracl 111 land. niluulr in Do-culur Inwmhip, mljnming lands 0! A. Gun, and ulhers. cunlninlng abuut It)” acrw. nmre ur low, 50 nr (.0 nucw n! which are clourul. ui'h u thwllmg hnusc am] {slnble thereun ('H‘C 11-v ln'l'rf‘et n! Ihc >ub~rribcr bring lhs- umlnnlml Ihml [)flll lhrrmnf. VO. 11,—ALSO, lxi-«inh-rml in ntracl uflmnl In the mun: ul Summl Em/m, conlaininu. by t-flicnfl .uun‘vy, 453 MIN. Muzzle ( n lhe Clvmficlll cmek. chit-”V in \Vumlwmd luwuslup, Wilh about 20 ()-r 30 ncrei U! the tract on the West side of ”,9 IMEI Elf/”The sulucrihcr will make knnwn the low” and (‘nndillunl (pl sale In nnv ap plicant; uill makP knmv'rl‘» IhPm lhe li llu- In ench parcel. Show ”)9 drafts, and Will SH! ins liHn clear 0! om‘umhruncvu. ROBERT WALLACE. ' (Ilemfield, Juiy 20. 1510. LOOK_HERE ! NEW STORE; 20 per cm t. cheaper than cz'crl’ V ”E subscribvra hnvv jun! rvrvivm} E from Philadelphia and New York. 21 grnornl assortment of new and Seasonablc Goods, Which they now emu for «‘nlc at vrry‘redu‘ Icw] prices, and which they will sell cheap, Very cheap {or cmh. at wholesale or to tail. l'heir stock comists in purl of Brilis/a. Franc/z and flmerimn Dry Goods, Coflec. Sugars. ’l'cas. 11101115383, Hardware and Cal/cry, Drugs. Dyer ' Stuffs and Medicines, Glass and Put ly, Gon/[emen's and Boy‘s Beaver. Brush, and Fur Huts. Florence. BMW and Slraw Honncls, a large assort ment ofßools and Shoes. «S‘c. (Yo . All of whu'h we ure determined 10 sell cheaper than lhe same quality nl goods cnn be purchased a! any other store in the counly. Cull and see for _vnurselves.—- Storo room on the Norm-Western tornt’l‘ 0| Front street, known as Shaw's ohl stand. W. F. REYNOLDS & Co Clenrfield.June 15. 1846. ATS. Beaver. Russia. Silk, Leg horn and Palm Leaf at , B. B. 81 IVS. New and Cheap . G o’o D S . HE snbscuibvrs have juet received T and opened n new and very general assortmou! of GOODS, at their old stand, which lhcy will sell cheaper than lheosame quality of goods have ever been snld In the cnunlv. 'l'hpir slm'k cumin: of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES. ”A RD’VARE, QUEENSWARE. ROOTS 4‘ SHOES, BONNE TS. I[ATS (f CA I’S, 1)RU(1'-Q,lj‘04 ($l. ($l. All persona lhul have yet examined our stock, pronounce them lhe cheapest and best ever nfl'crctl in (he cnunt}‘.——ahd what " every [)Ullj/ says must be true." -' \Vewvxll M'“ gun-d sugar lur 10 centa‘. hes! “in coffee I‘2l, Cush—muslins [rum 8 to 1:21 cents. (‘nllun’s from 64‘ upward. Molasses at 612.} per gallon—and every thing else a! lhc same Imv I'nlt‘. An'v‘ [M-rmn wishing In buy goods for cash Will find il [0 their mlvanlnge logive us u call. KRA'I‘ZFR & H'KRRICTTS' (,‘lonrlicld Julv 2.1"), 184“, HIG HLY 1M POR'I‘AN'I‘! THE TARIFF E_O“’ERED, JINI) Peace Promoted! E EDNA RD & MOORE have just re _A cviVLul a! llwir old dam! in the b'lir "ugh 0! Clean ficld.a gt-nernl assortment of lresh SUMMER GOODS, ClHHisllnfl of (-vclv vnriely in lhe lIIH’ 0f nRYUUUILY. (IROCEIHES'. [DY/H) ”WIRE. ($O., and ('lnbvacmg generallxlhc boy «niches in lhe market. The public urv invilml to call and exa minv. blvlh as In price and quallty; and 21'] ul “hich [hey will dispose of on [air term lur (:{lxh m Product. Jul 2.3, mwu‘mm I‘LL persons are hereby cautioned a- I gums! buying, selling. nr in any way un-thlllng with lhe lullnwvng prnpcrtv now in lmut’xuinll n! 'l'hnmn-A 'l'huvupum: 75 dozen rye, 20 dozen wheat, two—thirds of five acres of outs in the ground, two-thirds of two acres of buckwheat, one-quarter ot‘nn n crc of'corn, one acre of grass, 4 tons of hay, one .riflc and 4 hogs, M the said property \Hh mu! 10 m 0 nl (.‘unnmble sulc on lhe B.)] 0! Aug 19“}. WM. SCHMIU'I Aug. 1:3, Ib‘1()-—p(l. NEW ARRIVAL! \VAR IN CLEARI‘WELB! 7' ‘HE lanlsleamer has brought inlelhv R uence of lhe arriVul ulu new and splendid nuurluwnr of SEASONABLE GOODS, for E. 6; \V. F. huvm, which Ilwy me nuw opening. and which Hwy ure deter mined to sell cheaper lhnn lhe cheapml. 'l'neir stuck cunsislu in pan of Dry Goods. Groceric-s. Glassware, Tin wart. Quecnswnrc, Hardware. [fools é- Slices. Ila/s. Caps and Bounds, Dye Shifl‘x. Drugs, &c. &c. Julv l l. >l’fffffff—rffflffl’J’Jff< S S 2 LOOK AT THIS! 2 2 ‘AXCERS 0! dim-lent: :Wfi klmls' Can bccurnl by: S a \'('L{{‘lill)l¢‘ [mun-r. (by M. '5 :Nlcnom. son. of Clemfiuld Imam): \ wilh hul lilllv Imin. wiHmut culling 5 Eur valing Ih?mnul.——und if nu! curt'd : \ no pay will be asknl. S 2 July H—puid. 3m. : >fffffffl’f/inflf/fffff< 6 Us. Reward. l: ) AN-A-\\'AY lrom lhe a, subwriber on lhe QOIh mu. :1 bnv named Harman Row/m, taking will: him nnlh ing but u shirt, panmlnom, (cuuuinclh) nml clulh cap. He is about I“: _Vcnrs of age. The above lt‘Waqu bun nu thunkfi, will be given (or his nmnehvn siun. But Modems 0f his contracting nf. ter this dale. will be paid bv. JUHN MITCHELL. Lawrence tp. July ‘22. 1846. NH .fi V DR. WM. P. HILLS. i ‘AVING locnteil himself in the bor- F 1 ough ol Ulearficld with the inten tion to pmcttce medicine and surgery. flat iers himself, that lrotn long experience in the busnness, and by close uppliculitm, to merit in share‘ol public patronage. He may-”be found at all times, when not professionally absent, in his office or at his house on 2d street, nearly opposite the old jail. Feeling thankful to his old lrientls in the vicinity ol Philipsburg for past la vots, he respectfully solicits a continua tion. and Will promptly attend to all-calla] at all lioure. April 14. Amas there are RIBBONb & AR- L 'I‘IFICIALS.‘THREAU. LACE 81 EDGING al the store at B. B. 65 P. TINWARE. A general aswrl men! 0! 'l‘inware'will be constantly kept on hand, of the best quality. well made. r KRA'I‘ZER & BARRETTS, July ‘29. “ ISM-W gim'n upstairs” ‘ To see .0“: New Goods! IGI.ER. BOYN’I‘ON & POWELL B are now receiVing and "nening at their old stand a new and splendid uason men! of cheap and ‘ SEASONABLE Goons, consiating in part of DRYaml FflNCY GOODS, Hflli’lNVfl/PE & GROCER. lES. all ofwhich WI” be sold on‘ (he “HM reasonable lernw. Their 0|" cusmmeu nnil lhe public generally are Invited“) give them a call and examine their stock, - may 2|. Popular Relnedics. ’ THE most popular remedies of lhe present dny are those which cleanse and piirily the blood niiil whieh ure knimii in he iiiiiui'cnt In their qua“: “03'. Such remedies n 9 Anlimuiiy, Mcrcurv.2jm. iiiiil having recourse [u bleeding in disease. nie now, II is hnped. going out offiishinimiinl Vegetnhlo name: (“03 “I” he snon the pupulnr medii-iiie. 'l‘lieii Blun drelli'n Vegetable Ilniveranl Pills “’l” he lined nml npprm‘lnull 'l‘hey lire. known In no! (beneficial! nn ovpry mi! of the ,wily; being Inlieii up by 1h: (:liyle lhey paw: inlo 'lhe blood, wlm'h lhe-y [lunl' nnd it siliniild be reiiieiiiheied llmt ihev onlvmmnge' lhnne pnrlu lmm the blond “hit-h were (he ‘(lfl'n‘tl u! iiilluinmniinn or dis-rune ii! any kind. Nnihnw ,s (x. qutil In ridding lhe \‘ilinleil hunmm “iih ii revamp,” lH(‘lh4'lll(‘ nl ”unkind. which eighty-tour Von; h’iro pmvml never In (1," injury. but iilwnys “(ML ‘ Sold by the following Agents in Clenrfield ro. H. A; W l-' lrwiii,CJeurfield. Jnhn Irvin. Curwcnsvillc DnVld Irvin. Imlht-rshurg James MrGlrk, l’hillpsburg. (,‘nnlrc munly. ()I’FH'lC—Nn. Q4] Hromhmy New York. U. BRANDRE'I‘H. M D June 1, 18453—1 yr. HERE! HEREH {'V l’. HL'RX'I'HAL having rorviv. l . ml 11 general nntl gmnl assorlment ‘ogomlu such an DRY GOODS. (lII’OCEIHES, S7'.’7'/'/o.Vfll.’}. DRUGS, Hfl/x’flli'fl/l’l'}, ()ILS S' Pfl/N'l'. “'ill sell as law ns nny nlher éuablidl. ment in [he county, and lake in («change \VOUII. RAGE GRAIN of «llllcrl-nt kxmls, BEES WAX, &t‘. EITCuII and I(‘P.£HH| we will Nulmvnr lu snlhlv. May ‘3B. 1846. ' If! (9.1939230 )ERSONS knnuing lhemsrlvrq m. E debh-d In lhe csl'rHC Hf Alunham lies-gjr. lnlc (If Buggy; ll)“n§'|lp_l'\‘("x|' are u-(luivod In rnukv immodiale puynu-nl In the sub-(‘rxbo-r, uml [hum hnvmg u'o mnmli agninsl said eunu- wnH prkul the mun: du'y nulhenlimlwl fur willrnwnt. June 6. 1846 fJJffJ‘fJ‘fff/fffffffffff< 2 Law Partnership. : s x Q BURNSIDIL & \VEA\ ER. : N ILL practice in Clcarf‘t‘gld, K 8 am! :xll‘lummg cnunHm/ N 5 Office (me dour nnrlh of the "Bnu- \ :ncr" office. ' ‘ S ‘5 S JAMEF "L'RNSHH. .7 FR!“ “ FAVE“. \ .Lm 3;, 151“). \ ffff/f/lffffffff’ffffff< orphans’ Court Sale. N puraunnre 0! an (lrllt'r iuuecl mu! 0! I 'hc ()rpham' Cuurl n" Eik counlv. will be oxpuwd In public sale at lhe cum! Imusn-in the tmvn uf Rulgcwny. on UN (htrd fllonday of Sopfmn/zrr nch'l, at :3 o‘- clnck P. M.. a frat! (funimprovul Lam! silunte in Rlclgexvny Inwmhv'), Elk cuun ty. known ui Nu. .3770, warranted m Iho nnmeuf John Nicholson, am! cuulninmg 107‘: acre<. late (1w csmte of Rev. David Imwiq. (IPc’d. Tums :——()ue half in Imml, nml Ihv‘ balance In a your lruu: (lair, secuyml hv and and marl-“: 9. S’HIUFJ. MARSHALL. J \Y. JUHNSI‘UN. July 2:), 1~4(; _,,.| NO'I‘HTI'I LI. persons are hereby cautioned a A gnimt taking an assignment of a cor tam promisnry nnto gin-n by me In Chri» tnpher Krnv'u‘r, bounng dale mum-lime in ()clobcr. 1845. calling for $50.1” l lum nover received vulue _lur lhe same and mu therefore determined no! [0 pay it Unitas compelkd by law. ZEBAU LA “'HI‘IA D July 22. ”MK—pd. W URS'I' & ANDRl‘HVSimpruvell pal-- * ent Fanning-[INNS hn‘ sale :11 {lnc slore of IHGLER & CO. BACON! BACON !! F the very best quality. clear of bnno, {P lur sale {or cash. at lhe star: of F. p. HURX'I‘HAI. June l'!+. A‘VS. A low Saw-mill and Crush 8 cu! saws. of a good quality. {or mla cheap ut the new store of \V. F. REYNOLDS & Co. June 15 few piecesjfl superior BLflCKanil A BLUE CLOTHS— Satlinetls at all colours and styles at B. B. 81 PIS. FARMERS—there is a fine lot of Grass & Grain "Sag/(lies, d~ Scythe Sneallxs, Sicklcs. Grain Shovels and, Hay For/cs, for sale at the store 0f % fine article of RUGS, parlOr and hearth. Also—— Carpeting and tar.- 2et yarn at B. B. 6; P. ’S. B ONNBTS. A fihe lot ofnewest 61ch Florence. Shaw and Rullam! Bonnets.‘just received and opening at ‘ 3., B. & P 33 G [‘lo. H ESS, .7dm'r q(1,11 . 1 A B. B. & P.