Democratic banner. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1837-1849, September 12, 1846, Image 3

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your own, or if you have. they‘are not
worih supporting. In admirable initiation
or film immortal Jackson, Mr. Polk has
taught the crowned heads of Europe anoth
‘er lesson that the rights and honor of the
United Slates muet and shall be respected.
Lend not your votes then. in aesilling to
Power and. influence the men who would
dishonor ouch an administration. Your
Republican brethren expect better things at
your hands. Dieeppoiul them not, but give
Your votes and four influence in support
of your PRINCIPLES regurdlon of
Mr. Irvin’s Resignation of his
There seems to be a great misunderstan
ding of the circumstances under which Mr.
Irvin restgned his seat in the Ststo Senate.
We will state the facts. and leave the pub
itc to‘ put their own construction upon
them ;——and such statement is required in
vindication of lhe Democratic party of this
county. as Mr. Irvin and his friends are
)0“ now using every exertion to bring odi
um upon the Democrats for the part they
took in that matter.
In the session of 1838—39, a United
States Senator was to be elected. Mr.
Buchanan was plainly designated as the
candidate of the Democratic party. All
the counties composing ,M r. Irvin’s district
were democratic. and all (or at least Ly
coming. Centre and C'earfteld) had spo
ken in favor of him. or some other man
friendly to the ' Independent Treasury Sys
tem.’ In the fallloflB3B. immediately af
ter the election of Gov. Porter. Mr. Irvin
intimated to some of his original/fiends
that if he was instructed on the question of
U. S. Senator. he would obey. Of course.
' or rcsign’ was added to thin proposninn.
Accordingly general notice was given. and
a general county meeting was held at the
December court. 1838. at whtrh a resolu
tton was unanimously adopted instructing
him to sale for a candidate for U. S. Sena
tor ' friendly to the establishment ofthe
Independent Treasurv System,‘ but not
one word was said about his res ignatton.
The proceedings of this meeting was after»
war-ls sanctioned by a ° large and respect
able’ Democratic meeting held in Bradford
township on the 22d December. 1838.
Now, we submit it to those who took
part in those proceedings, whether there
was any desire to compel Mr. Irvin to re
sign. or whether it was not the general
wish that he 'would obey what he must
have known‘ was the will ofa large major -
ity of his constituents, and give his vote:
for Mr. Buchanan. But he chose to resign,
and thus put hts district to the expense of
a special election for the sake of having a
Senator’s services for about five weeks—
the balance of his term.
Mr. lrvln now says that it would have
been treating the mat of the district with
disregard to have obeyed the instructions
from this county. as it was one of the
smallest in his district. xße it 10. Did he
not treat them with the name disrespect by
regarding them and resigning l ”\Ve ask
where the dtfl'erence ial Besides this. u
must be remembered thgt he made the pro
position unasked. I
We shall offer but few comments upon
the above facts. They are now submitted
to the conuidemtion of the people of the
24th Congteeaional district. who can put
their own construction upon them. For
our part. we lii/confident that Mr. Irvin‘s
Intention wast .resume hie formal place
in the Democratic party. but that some of
the events that occurred at Hanisbnrg dur
ing, the never-to-be-t’orgotten organization
.of the Legislature in 1838, changed his
,mind. '
WTho lull arrival Twm Europa brings nolbmg
of panicqu impounnce. Marketa were goncnh
ly improving—particularly in grain and iton. A
serious rupture but océurud among the Repeal"-
inrllcllnd. The pan, called "Young Ireland."
who lhruun for“ an a nee-nary moo-mo Io ac
complilh tho Repeal oflbo Uninn, while O'Connol
and hil’hnfly are in favor of more conciliatmy
movamann. .
M'From Moxico the Inn newu brings a mum!
Vilhnl'Sn'n’ln' Ann} before leaving Havana Io resume
hi-‘lbfio'r'lin Mexico. had oméud inlo coirlnin ur
inh’gépehfil with aun‘m'Americau Agonli forlho
_hggqiiblioan Imam-umn of peace. The rumoria
no: weaned-. 2: .
....LGamfl‘aylor" advancing on Munlcrey—
Gong"! Wonk lendin. the _van. ‘ A
, {l‘ho gplnlon in (ion- Taqur'o camp. at lap: uc.
counu wnmhut Monlarpy was well dol‘ondod and
mm: mould not be pucconl‘ully attacked \vilh lou
'uhn an thounnd-uon.
',_\,T'gl ‘ “€l5? Rgvoirimou IN ‘Mmcop-Prasgdent
,Paifiég’iéqliyiyfiw‘ if) his”. while Sqqln Ann is coixi~
malidoflnfihig'f. 'l‘th we: prehicted iwb or Ihreb
yehriqufil—llhap: in 99 quu Santa Ana is concerned-
Tho movement-lung! in the city of Mexico. and
_us.'.‘-n*,-. ’ ‘ ',I,A u:.. ,‘
~spun! rapidly through lhg . adjolpmg dopaumq‘mqr
Whatetfoql ig‘will li'uv'o' upon 6m rel-tion. with "m
coiut‘iyy‘, (qgaim if: ,bc told.
M Ibo primary olcclion m Foigulop town-hip
on the 29th ull.. I moaling wan org-Mud b 7 "’5
democrat: there pro-om for lhe purpolo of uprah
sing their opinion an 10 the duty 0! dancers", and
which they have done up‘ very brawn. When web
I spirit animate. the republican yeomnnry of tho
land. who need {our lhe remix. The officarl ofthe
muting ‘woro. JOHN HOCKENBERRY. President.
DAVID Emma», and J. P. Hon. Vice Pruidnntu.
Ind Jamel McCracken. Secretary.
Reaolved. That the nomination of Maj.
cratic candidate [or Congress receives our
hearty approbation. and that in him we
find in Hue tepubllcan. an able statesman.
and a firm and unwavering democrlt, god
that we will yleld him our undivided sup
port, and finally. the! we look upon those
pretended democrats who are opposing
him. an enemien ol' republican principlel.
Tut: Monmoss. «Serious newa Ia nnllcipnled lrom
Nnuvoo. The Mnrmnnn ulill remaining are threaten.
od wuh lorrlbla vangeuncc by the people of the sur‘
rounding country. The foilowinls in the latest news:
From tho Warsaw Signal ofthe 25th
PoancntPT.-—We learned hm evening
from Carthage. that the posse comitalun
wa- mumbling In Carthage & La Halpe.
At the tormer place there Were about 400,
uml reinforcements are hourly arriving.
'l'he parse will probably march to Nauvou
ln-mnrrow morning under the command
of Major Brockman, 0! Brown county.
Nominee Eleclion.
The following in the official cesull oi
the primary election in Ihin counly. No
election was held in llio lowmhips ul Bec
taria. Burnside. Chest, Decatur, Fox.
Huuon. Murrioaud \Voodwanl.
'l'he clcclion was hehl on Sulurday the
29m Auguu. and“. lhe rMuru judges me!
in (he cuurl lmuie on Tuesday evening
the lat lIManI. S. JOHNSON. E-q. was
oppoln‘i’éd l’ruidrm. and \V.J. Il'mp
|n|l Secgelary. when lhe diuricu were
called over as (allows:
flascmbly S/zerifl.
; g- !) E E‘
:1 o -
S g g 2 5:6
'l. '2 ' P '
Brad'nnl, 17 21 37 2 25 3 27 2.
Bradv. 30 45 8 65
Covifigton, IO
Ferguunn, 18 9 7
Guam-n, 8 8
Jordan, 14 1 5 6 4
Karthnuq. 4 4
Lawrence. 57 9 33 17 14
Penn. 6 7 113
Pike, 54 9 5 58
Bell. 27 I‘2 1 l 3
Borough. 23 23 36 4 3
Total, 293 118 193174 36
Commissioner. .fludilor.
.:u m m o = m
z a a. J a 3
=- a - t - -‘. ¢
c :v ’3‘ .5 . o
. . D O
Bradford, 20
Q 5 2
58 17
Covinglnn. 10
Furguuon. 2 5 10 l
Goshen, 8
Jordon. l 5
Karlhau'. 4
Lawrence, 54 9 7
Prun. 13
Pike, 37 13
Bell. ‘27
Borough, SI 9 . l 7
Tolal, 249 9a 31 l() 25 54
Those marked lhus (') had not been
publicly announced at! candid-lea. There
were several scattering voles given, which
are not cnumeralell in lhe above.
\VE. the undersigned return Judges of
the above election hereby cerhly the fore
going to be a currect statement of the re
su|t of mid election—and that we plege
ourselves to me n|| honorable menus to
«more the election of the candidates thus
“'M. J. HEMPHILL. Bowugh.
\VM. L. SHAW. Goshen.
F. W. SHOENING. Jordon.
FR'S COUDRIE'I‘, Covinglon,
J. M. SHAW. Boggu.
AMOS REED. Lawrence.
JOHN P. HOY'l‘.Fergusnn,
WM. 'l‘. THORP, Bell,
£99- '
Democratic Meeting.
In accordance with the call of the Stan
ding Committee, a Democratic County
meeting was held in the court house on
Tucsdnyzevenjng the lat inst. 0n mo
tion. THOMAS HOLT. E9q., was‘cnll
cu to_the chair. and JAcou WAu-zna. S.
HAMMERSLAY. G'noncv. szn. jr.. and
Int/u; FULLERTON. Vice Presidents. and
Benj. Bonsai! and Patrick Dmly, Secre
taries. , -
After the object ol the meeting was our
led. the lollowing preamble and resolu
tion were unanimously adopted:
Whereaa. The democraticflepublicuns’
'of Clearfield caunly. in' generall‘county'
meeting assembled. deem the present a fit
occaslon to re-iterale lheir dearly cherishx
ed‘ unlimenu. that they 'b’encv‘e-in the
i-i'ght ohhe mljority‘to tale—that lhe bal
lot but Ihou'ld be extended to eve’ry {refi-
Innnfgnd‘llgl't government, in providing.
to: 'lhe'"genqalmlja’rc"lhonld gum no‘
special (mm to any class or udtionfiut
should "ahower its blessings alike upon
all.” - Therefore. “
Resolved, That government was insti
tuted for the common benefit and general
welfare. and that all legislation (or exclu
sive privileges. or to build up any partic
uler interest at the expense ol others. is
contrary to constitutional rights. and at
variance with every principle of justice
and equality.
Resolved, '1 hat we are now, as we were
in 1844, "in favor of a well regulated ta.
rifl on importations, and that in the as
sessment of such duties such discrimina
tions ought to be made as will protect the
poor man in the same proportion that it
does the rich”—-nnd that while we rezflfd
the act of 1842 as an imperfect law—ac
proclaimed by its authors at the time it
wdspassed—and unfair and unequal in
many at its operations. we are decidedly
of opinion that it was better adapted to the
manufacturing interests ol Pennsylvania
than the law of 1846. and that we believe
“aid law ought to be so amended as to al
ford more permanent protection to the
leading interests of this State.
A Resolved, That that the administration
of James K. Polk. under one oi the moat
trying and difficult periods In the history
of our countrv. meets With our most cor
dial approbation. ‘
Resolved, That the .able and efficient
administration of Francis R. Shank is to
“-‘. in common Wllh the entire democracy
of the State. a source ol the higheat grati
Resolved. That in the person of “'m.
13. Foster. jr.. the democratic candidate
for Canal Commissioner, we have a pub
lic officer of the highest qualifications.
and a democrat of true and tried firmneu
and integrity. and that however earnestly
the principle of rotation may be urged (or
other officer. the board of Canal Cummil
sinners should never be without the ald ol
Resolved, That it should he the duty at
every citizen to aid tne"government in
prosecuting the present just war against
Mexico, to a speedy and honorable peace.
Resolved, That we admire the conduct
nl Senator liigler. Throughout him five
yeara' services in the State Senate he has
been one of its most active and business
memberu—faithlully attending to the in
ierestq ul hi: eomtituentn. and no lens
lailhlully adhering to. and promoting true
democratic republican principles.
Resolved. That Col. Burnside and Col.
Worn-ll deserve the thank: of their con
atiluents {or the manner in which they at
teoded to their dutiea in the land session.
9 1
Relolvcd. That the nomination ol Mnj
county. as the democratic candidate for
Congress, in this district, meets our heur
ty approbation; that his integrity as a ner
vant of the people. already well tried—
hio unyielding adherence to the principles
and measures ol the democratic party.
and his great moral worth as a citizen.
entitles him to the confidence and support
at every Democrat in the diltrict.
On motion, the meeting adjourned.
JACOB WAL-rena. ‘}
Geo. Wuou. jr., }V, P” ts.
Benj. Bonsai], q t .
Patrick Daily. g \ ecre trier.
DIED—AI tho relidanro of Thomas McKee.
E-q. in Pnnx-uluwnoy. on Friday lho 28th ulllmo.
CATHARINE SUSANNAH. young"! duughlor
of U. B Baiuolmflhil place—aged five year- and
three mnnlhu.
On Wednesday lull. In Lawrence Inwnuhip. So-
I'HIA. daughter ol'Javob and Cnlhunuo l'yle, aged
about 15 momhu.
HE public are hereby cautioned a-
T gains! buying a promisory nole giv.
an by me to Simnn Fulton. ot Burnwle
tuwmhip, for 850. dated about the lalh
day of April. 1846. as l have not received
value (or the name. and am determined
nut to pay il°un|ess compelled by law.
Burnside lp, Sept. 1. 1&46.-—pd.
Meeting of Counly Comm’rs.
ERSONS hlmng bulineu to transnct
P with the board of Commiuioners of
Clenrfield county, wiH take notice that
said hnatd wi|l be in gas-ion on Friday
the 16m day of October next.
H. P. THOMPSON. Cl’lc.
Sept. 12.1846.
FOR ONE DOLLflR .3 mm:
Now publishing in lhe ally of Pllilndolphm. ScOYr'a
WIIKLY PAPER. I Int :5 size anily Newupnpor.
neulml ‘n politics and refingion. and devoted lo Liter
ulurc. Truth. News, the Arts. Sciences. Health.'l‘om~
pennco. Morality. Amusements. Mechanics. hducm
lmn,lho Fnrmer.Mnrkela,&c. Subscription price.
Only One Dollar (1 Year.
whensubscnhod for in clubs of five. and 16-" When
over thutnumb‘er.
W Remember—Scot“ Philadelphia " Weekly
Papor"m no! a reprint of any other. The mnlwr
will] which n is primed is not taken. already an! up.
lrom any daily pnpor. '
Single subscriptionu, per, nnnum in advance. 8! 25
Five subscn none. do do 5 00
Twelve. in do do 1000‘
One copy Weekly Paper. and (ma copy of
Godey's or Gmhnm'n Mngnzmo. 3 00
Ono copy oflho Woekly Forehand ono of r
the Union Mogomne. 3 00
Two copies at the " Weekly Papar.‘ and «
twool the Saturday Conner. 5 00
Two cotyles ofthe ‘ Weakly Pnpor' nnd
- twoo each 0! Godoy'o Reprints of For
~g elgn Magazines, (1!. olluix copies.) 5 00
Pomona acting no agents, and 'procuring lubacri.
bomuro allowed a copy. gram, {or thoir trouble.
‘ A Eiogrnphy atoms of lhe Signer. ol the Declara
tion at lndepondencois Fublishod in every Dunbar
——mlb. ghor: Blo’gnphlcav Skolcheo of olhor omlnont
persons. , .
All‘laltom must-be addressedrpou paid. (or Ibo
money forwarded Ihmugh the Poolmnatar.);lo . o .‘
. . ' KA. VSCO'I'I‘. Pgblioherv ‘
No. 115 Chmmll guest; Phnhdolphu.
194511113: lEMBL‘B‘LNIQRQQ
Fellow Cuizens:——l ofl'er myself to your
consideration as o condidne for the office
0! SHERIFF. ul the-coming fall election,
and if darted. will» endeavor to discharge
lhe duty of said office wilh fidelhy.
Auuun sth. 1846.
To Assessors.
THE Assessorl tor the different town
ships in the county ol Clearfield. to!
1847, will take notice that they Ire mainl
red to meet at .the‘ Commissioners 0 cc
iii the borough of Clcnrfielcl, on Friday the
16th day ol October. A. D. 1846, to re
ceive such instructions in relation to the
ensuing triennial ansessmcnt 111 the Com
mausioners shall deem advisable.
By order 0! lhe Commissionerc.
Comm’rs Office. Clnar
'ield. slh Sepx. 1846. E
“THEREAS. By an act of the Gen
’ eral Assembly ol Pennsylvania,
entitled, " An Act to regulate the General
Election within this Commonweullli”-il
is enjoined on the Sherills ol the different
counties to gch public notice of such elec
tions, the place where to be held, and the
officers to be clecled:—Therclore, 1, EL-
Lts lawns. High Sherifl of the county ol
Cleutfield. do hereby give
lo the electors ol the county ol Clearfield.
that a General Election will be held on
the Second Tuesday of Octobernexl. (be
ing the 13th day ol the month.) at the sev
eral election districts tn said county, at
which time and place the qualified elec
tors will elect—
One Person lor Cunsl Commissioner ol
this Commonweallh.
One Person to represent the coontin ol
lntltunn, Armstrong, Butler Mltl Cletu-
field, in lhe House of Represenlalivep
ul the United States.
Two Persons lo represent lhe counties 0!
Centre and Clearfield in (he Home 0!
Repwsenmfives of Pennsylvania.
One Person fur Sherifl u! Clearfield coun
One Person {or Commimioncr of Clear
field county.
Out Person lur Audilur ol Clearficld coun
One Person lor Coroner o! Clearfield
cuunly. . '_
The electors of the Bultl county will take
notice that the election will beheld at the
following plucep:
For lha dillncl composed of lhe town-hip ol’ Law
renco an the court home.
For lhe diulricl compoud of lhe lawn-hip of Brad-
furd m lhe house of Wm. Hoover.
For lhe dilmcl compared 0! [ho lownlhip of Deca-
lur II the hon-o of hue Gnu,
For the diuricl compoud ofthe lownlhlp of BOCCI~
ria at the houle ofSnmuol M. Bmilh.
For Iho dixlricl composed of lhe lowmhip oI Puke
Il Iho bouts of John Draucker.
For lhe dilmcl compo-ed oi the lowmhib of Gov
inllon It the home of Jacob Mnuror.
For the dislncl composed ol lhe township of Brady
ul me home of P. W. Barron.
For the dialricl composed of tho town-hip of Chen
M lhe house 0! June- Curry.
Fur lho diatricl cumponed ofthe lawn-hip offlo
lhon at. the pubhc .chool houu in mid lownlhlp.
For the district compo-ad: of (he lowmhip at
Woodward m the electionuhouao mDacqur low'p.
Fot ma dulticl compo-9.1 of lhe lawn-hip ofGirlrd
nt-Jho home of Gaorge B. Smith.
For lhodiolrlcl compo-ed u! lhe lowmhlp of Man
til at lhe houu of Jam" Allporl.
For lhe dxuncl compo-ed 01 lbs lownlhip of Burn~
side m the houu M John Young.
For the dulnrl composed of lhe lownlhip of Bell
u! lhe home of Fredonvk 'l'uunier.
For lhe dlalncl K‘OmpulPd of lhe lownahip ofJor-
dun at lhe homo of Jumuu McNenl.
For the mutual compo-ed ol the township of Bogg
ul lho houlc ul Henry Waple.
F 0: the dnamct compo-ed of lhe town-hip ofPenn
at the achoul house on Sponcer'n hill.
For tho dulrirl composed oflho town-hip ol Houn-
lon at lho home of Jesse \Vilnun.
For lhe dlnlrwl compo-ed of the township of Fergu-
sun at the house u! 'l‘. Dam.
Fur lhe diulncl cumponed of lhe lawn-hip of Knr~
lhnuu nl Ike l'ruum huuso lormcrly occupied 111 I
honrdlng homo In sand town-hip.
For lhe dmncl Computed of lhe lowmhip of Fox a!
lhe houw of John I. Bundy.
For lhe dlllllcl command of lhe borough 0! Clear
ficld 5| lho mun-house.
Notice is hereby given. That all per
sons (excepting Justices ol the Peace.)
who ahall hold any office or appointment
of profit or trust, uhder the Government
0! the United State-"or of this State,or ol
any city or incorporated district. whether
a commissioned officer or otherwise. a
subordinate officer or agent. who i 9 or ehall
be employed under the legislative. execu
tive or judiciary department of this State
or of the United States. or any city or in
corporated district; and also that every
member 0! Congress and State Legisla
ture. and of the select or common council
ol any city. or commixsioner of any incor
porated uiatrict. is by law incapable ol
holding or exercising, at the some time,
the office or appointment of Judge» '9'
lpectur _ot clerk of any election ol the
Commonwealth send that no Inspector.
Judge. or other officer'- of any Inch elec
tion ehall be eligible to any office voted
. Aml lhe relurn Judges of ihe respective
dlslricls aforesaid. are requested Io men
at the court house in lhe borough ofClear
field on the Friday a!!! after the second
Tuesdad 0! October. than and there to do
All those things required of them by law.
Given unde’r my [mud and sea! at Clear
field. this l 2”: day 41/ September. in the
ear of our Lord one thousand eight
gundred and forty-five. and of the In,
dependence qf the United States, the
ainy-ninlh. . L V ,- V
, , ELL'S IRWlN,‘Sh’fl'. I
Bil-INKS for. sale at thit‘v‘oflcle.
-NOT I C E .
NOTICE i. hereby given. that Icltm
of Administration hue beennflmm‘
ed to the subscribers on the eltute of John
Heaarty. into ol Beccariu-township. Clair
fie'd county. All persons indebted to the
same will come [inward and’ make 9'?“
ment immgdiutoly. and those having dO
- against the same will present then!»
duly authenticated lor settlement.
' Execute”.
Sept. 3. 1846. -
THE eeasion of Congress. which haajast~termin~
eteil. will be long and gratefully remembered by
all true republicene {or the triumphant success of
atom oi’their cherished principles and measures.
While we heartily rejoice at the, triumph oi the.
principles which it baa been‘our constant effort to.
advocate and defend. and from which no pro'a'peri.
ty. no adversity. can swerve us ; ave cannot be “(Is
mindiui oi the attitude in which we are placed by
a recent vote of both houses of Gangrene-we al
lude to the contemplated withdrawal otthe'ir pat
ronage iron: the newrpaper press. To'th‘ta decia
ion we cheeriuliy how. sensible as we are ofthe
patriotic monvee which have led to it. But we
truet that thia deciaion of Congress increases rath~
er than diminiahea our claim to the eupport of a
higher power—that of die people: and ‘0 themwe
confidently appeal to aid us. by their patronage; In
sustaining at the seat oigevernment ajournal that'
is inflexihiy devoted to their interests and the true
interests oi the country.
it is known to every one. that the chiefsotuce
of eu-taining a newspaper is not the magnitude oi
its aubscriplion list. an much as the advertising P 0“
ronage which may be bestowed upon it. Pr'i latte
commercial ciliea. indeed. the latter is usuallV "‘0
concomitantof the former. an it becomee tho obvi~
0m iiitorcat of mercantile men to advertise in those
papers which are the most eaten-ivoly ctrculated.
Weshingion.however. is diil'aFenily situated. r De~
prived ut‘ the advertising patronage incident to a
mercantile community. and burdened with pecu
liar and enormous expenses which are net else
where incurred, nothing but a very long list of
subscribing patrons can suatein a paper in usciul
nose—if. indeed, even in existence. The proprie
tora oi the ' Union’ have hitherto spared no pains,
and no expense. to make their paper worthy ofthe
meiropolia, and worthy of the support of that great
party under whose banner they are enlisted. In
publiahing the most full and ample debates of the
two houses of Congress. it is believed. ever before
attempted on this continentin a daily newspaper.
they have secured the servrcel ofthe hestreport.
are which the country afforded. but at the enorm
ous cost of 812.000 or 015.000 per year. Their
exteneive foreign and domestic correspondence is
another large item of expense. but the inetructive
usefuliieu of which is so highly commended and
apprenated as to Justiiy almost any eutlaylo at
tain it. Still. it must be evident that theee heavy
expensee cannot be borne, unless the subscription
list is commensurate to the undertaking. and altho'
we can boast 0f15.000 subscribers. (including till
it. tri-weekiy. and weekly.) yet thia list must still
be considerably enlarged to enable the proprietore
ofthe ' Union' to sustain all its neei'ulness. and to
insure them against pecuniary lose. Invoking.
then. again. the aid and eupport of all true friends
of Republican government. and pledging ourselves
to renewed efforts in the cause of the glorious
principles we cherish. we otTer the following pre
posols : ‘
The ' DAILY UNION' will he published. ashore
toiore. at $lO per annum. payable in advance- lls
character hitherto has been almost exclusively po
-1 litical. We purpoae in future to devote a portion
l 0“" columns to domestic news ot’general interest
‘ and lo miecellaneoua literature. which. without
impairing in political influence, may render it the
l more acceptable to an extended clue of readerl.
The ' SEMI-WEEKLY UNION' will be pub.
lished every Monday and Thursday.during the re
cess of Congress, at 85 per annum. This contains
all the matter contained in the ' Daily Untou.’ ex~
cept local advertisements. During the eeuiona oi’
Congresa three numbers. instead oftwo will be is~
sued without any extra charge to subscribers.
The ' WEEKLY UNION' in iuued ovuy Suar
day ; and an nrrangomenli are in pmgrou to on
largo il Io near double it: pruenl cize. we shall
man be enabled lo gnvo nearly every arliclolwhlch
may appear in lhe daily and aomi~weoklMilionn
at lhe olxremcly low rule “81!. W 0 propou [ln
[0 give. in lhia edition, a complete lynoplical sum.
mary aflho proceedmgl in holh house- of Com
gran—llla: rendering tho ‘ Weekly Union' a mm:
valuable channel ofinlnrmalion to 11l cluian of
our counlry. But lo remuneralo us for lhil omen
prln, an extensive lubvcriplion “ll in ablolutoly
In addition to tho foregoing. wo hon resolved
in publilh. during the lOIIIOI'II of the national lop
inluturo. n ‘ Congrcuional Regider.‘ to be iuuod
weekly. and to contain a FULL anon? or the daily
preceding and debate! of both housen. l'tdood.
the ormngomonu which we have modo with the
vory bent corps of reporters will enable no to give
oven more full and extended report: than we hovo
produced during this union. superior an we claim
thorn to be to any preceding ones. The R’ogiolor
Will be made up from the daily report. In’lhovfrvn
lon.' cnrolully revised by on oxperionqod editor,
and will commute a complete and authontio ro
cord of the lonian. An nppondix will be added.
uniform wilh :ho Regiilor. and '0 bu IBM gram“.
nully Io nub-cribs", comprising a list oflho Icll
pnuod during the lonian, wilh a Iwaplil of limit
"comontl, and a tolerance. when neccsnry. to pre
vionn legiulotion. Thll will form tho most com
plete hiltory at tho non-ion! of Congronl. and will
he furniahod at the low pnoo of mum-1.11",
cuts for tho noxt leuiun. .
WPosTmmn- uro uuthorloyd to act on our a.
game; and by landing us fifig'ny'oarly oubtcrlben,
with the uublcripli‘m m°n§!’§'vTPr‘.9ithor lhe Dolly.
Semi-Weekly. or "’ulfly.‘~!;lllllj'§bg entitled to one
copy ofthe nmo edition in thoyll'urnlnh no lub~
acriborl for. " ' . '
{ta-The CONORBHONAL Roam-rm will be fur~
nighed them an the lame term. , z ,
5 copies of the Daily for Qfo 00
5 —~-' do Semi-weakly . 20 00
10 do do 35 00
5 do Woekly . 800
[0 do do '. 15' 00
20 do Congressional Ro'giltér 10 00
Tho nnmo ol no penon‘will bo’ontorod {tpdn our
book- union the payment of tho mlncription be
undo in ndvouce‘
Wn-hingwn cily. D. (J.
To thaschlwm it may Concern! ~
Take Particular Nolice; '
HE whacriher requests those-indebt-
T ed Id him to come forward 9m] ’3‘.
(le ‘heirlaccounto; as he in in' want-of m 9.
neylo meet Im engagementg. ' . ,
‘ " - ‘ F 4 I’vflusmuag;
~‘ 'my-28,A1,e46;‘ V