Democratic banner. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1837-1849, August 29, 1846, Image 3

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By the arrival of the ship Adelaide.
Capt. Adams. at New York on Thursday,
from Havana, we.have dates from that ci
ty to the 9th inst. and from the city of
Mexico to the 28th July. .
The English Mail steamer had arrtved
at Havana from Vera Cruz. She brought
intelligence of a revolution in Mexico in.
favor of Santa Anna;
Soon after the arrival of the steamer.\
Generals Santa Anna. Almonte. and Re
jon. left Havanna in the British steamer
Arab, chartered for that purpose. to take
them to Vera Cruz. and they are now
probably at'the latter place.
It appears that the city of Mexico and
the city of Vera Cruz had both declared
for Santa Anna.
The Indicnlor of Vera Cruz. of Slst
.luly. states: that that city had pronoun
ced in favor ol the plan of Guadalajara,
with some additions; that Generals Lan
derrt antl Perez led the movement : the
troops of the lortress of San Juan de Utlua
also adhered to the plan. The likeness ol
Gen. Santa Anna was carried through the
streets, causing great enthusiasm and re
The El Republicano has several col
umns of individual voluntary subscrip
tion-. to aid in carrying on the war with
the United States.
Gen. Pareds was to leave the city of
Mexico on the 29m July, to take corn
mand of the troops on the frontier.
Dcaputclt to General Tome]. Minister of
"'ar, from Paredcs.
MARIANO l’AnanEs. General of Divis
ion and President of the Mexican Repub
lic. to the inhabitants thereof:
llc it known.. that the national extraor
dinary Congress has decreed. and the Ex
ecutive sanctioned, the following articles:
Art. I. The government is authorised
tn vary or changcitlra organi'mtinn ol the
army, according as they tnay think tnost
Art. H. To be able to name. without
any alter approbation. superior officers as
a reward for distinguished actions in the
present campaign.
Art. 111. As regards the esttmatea for
the maintenance of the trons“. at the 'same
price. preference to be given to national
Art. IV. That there be formed and
granted Letters of Marque. to act against
the commerce 0/ Ilre Uniled Slales.
ANAaTAsto HUSTAMR‘JTE. l',r6’t. ‘
Illanuel Larruinaar. J. Francisco 'S'crra
no. Secretaries.
It is ordered that this decree be pub
liaht-d. circulated. and obeyed.
Palace of the Mexican government. Ju
ly 2.5, 1846.
'l'he antecedent decree was unanimous
ly agreed to in the General Congress on
the 20th July.
The government throws itself in the
arms of the people to save the republic.
anrl to preserve the independence of the
nation 81 republican principles from being;
aacrilied by their Northern invaders. The ‘
government firmly believes the eflort “ill
be successful.
The government are sending. with all
despatch, extensive war supplies of all
descriptions. to Monterey. to be at the
disposal of the Commander-in Chief.
A letter had been received from the
Governor of Nuevo Leon. stating that
6.000 Americans had appeared in that tle
partment. under their second in command.
and that he had informed the government
he had ordered all the forces of that tle
partment to be sent against them.
The “Monitor of the city of Mexico.”
of July 28th, says: "At the latest hour
an express has arrivedl as me are inform
ed, bringing Intelligence to the govern
ment, that 8000 men. the troops of the U.
States. have left the city of Camargo for
Monterey. "l‘he country demands great
exertions from all Mexicans, to delend the
mostth of all causea.against the iniquit
ous invasion, which threatens robbery and
A lamentable picture is drawn. by a
Vera Cruz writer, of the auflerings of the,
people of that city, of all classes. who
have been driven by the fear of an attack
‘by our vessels, ittto the country. where
there is scarcely a sheltor to be found.—
nno food, or means of obtaining work. and
at the season when the rains. heat. and
yellow fever, threaten desttuction to thou
sands. The details given in the arttcle.
which is along one. are painful to con~
rtemplate;——and the reality would shook
,even the hardcstheart.
The proprieiy has been suggested V 3
‘ rtho Mexican portion 0! (he WhigS. 0" ""1-
ping Gen. Vpgn for the next Presidency.
(\lvilh Giddings, 0! Ohio, [or Vice Presi
ent. ‘
. From the SL I&in Reveille.
For! Bernard. Igornia. June}
26, 4 o’clock. . M.. 1846.
Mr. Kinney and three other persona 1
have just arrived here from California ; ‘
they bring bad news. ~Dr. Wm. B. Gra
nm. nephew of Dr. B. B. Brown. or your
city. died of fever and ague at Capt. Sut
tor’e on the Bth of February last, after be
ing sick aome time. He wae‘an acquain
tance of mine and a moat entimablo young
man. Mr.‘ Heatinue I understand admin
istered upon his effects. which make hou’t
by Capt. Sutter. Mr. Kinney hue intime.
ted that the proceeds of the name. if there
werevnny, will never reach'hie relatives.—
Ile‘eherg‘ae unfairness in the settlement of
the matter. ' ' . .
To which the" Pennsylvanian' edda :
*fThe young physician mentioned above
we know well, ile'wu taught his trade
In the office of the writer ohhis paragraeh
and nflerwalds, aludied a profession'm bl.
LONE, in the p'xacuée of which he died, at
the age of 29 ; ,peraevorinz. honest a‘ndpc
"Vo. his love of {adventure lost him his hie;
lhns culling off the high hopes of hm
friends that he would win for himself a for
tune and a name. . '
”The Harrisburg ’ Union' in speaking 0! the
conduct of lhe Whig» in relation 10 :ho new Tariff
bill. given them the following warning:
" The Vlv'hig party are evidently hedg
ing- and holding in order to prepare for the
reaction in the minds of the people conse
quent upon the conviction that the loud
outcry of the Whig press was intended to
create fear and dismay fot the sole purpose
of influencing the approaching elections.—
This etilled ' panic,’ which. had the efl'ort
to produce it been succeeaful. would have
spread a death shroud Over the business
community. has been ascertained to be no,
real hbhgoblin, hut merclyethinrz ofehreda
and patches. put together by the cunning
old women 0! the Whig party. and hung
upon a pole in the centre of the political
field. to scare the democrats away from the
honors and protection of a republican ad
TO THE” PUBLIC—The unprecedented success
“‘lnr h has resulted from the adoption of Brnndroth's
Pulls. during :1 pvrind ofupwnrds ofnincly years; the
numo runs hnd cxlmordinnry cures which they have
rorlurmed upon hundreds 01 individuals, u'hnm they
hnvo reurucd lrorn almost inevrlnh'e death. nllcr lhvy
lmd her-n pronounced Incurnblo by lhc must cminonl
oflhe firr‘ully—juslily Dr. Benjnmin Brnndrolh. lhe
prnprlalor of lhis Vegeuhlo Ugrwrnnl Modrcirw. m
warmly nnd conscienuouuly rcronnnonding it lolho
num‘o ofthe public.
'l'lwsc l’llln do Indeed "meals! nnlure" lo nl‘. lec PM)
do lor lho punfimlion ol lhc human body; yol lhorv
nm nunrln'rh “hose cases are rm had. and whom bu
dit-u are m IlllH‘l‘ dcbrlnnled, lhnl nll llmt can rcnson
uhly ho I’llfl'clell, ll lcmpurnry relic-I; nm‘crllnelcru
H'an Mm lun'c cmnmoncnd ”:Ile ”new! Prll-s umlvr
“‘0 most lryxng crrcurnslnncvs of lpodlly npplir-ulm|\_
when nlnuml (-vory nlhcr rcmvdy lmd llern ullngolhs
(‘r unnvniling. have been rorlorod lo lwnllh nml hulk
[winner by their use. Dr. llrnndrrlh hurt in rclurn
thanks In a gnrwrnun nnd cnlrghtcnod puhlir. fur lhe
pulmnugo lhoy huvo beulowod on him; and ho hopes
by prt-pur‘ng lhn modicum nn ho hm; L-vcr duno. to
moril n rnnlinunliun of fnvnrn,
MARRI’EU—On 'l'hursdnv last. by lilt‘
Rev. E. \Yelty. Dr ASHLEY M. HILLS to
Miss JANE. daughter of Richard Shaw.
Esq. all of this place and vicinity. .
LL persons are hen-by cautinnml n
[Lt gninct purchasma a nnte'yuf Twcn/lr/
Dollars. dated about lhe lIIMIHC nf Apul
Inst, given by lhe subscribers tn vam- D.
Majors. (If "Hugs township. Clunrfiehl
counly, as we huvc never re‘ceivcd Value
for (he name aml are determined no! [0
[my itunleu cmnpvllml bv due cnurie 0!
Bnggs tp. Aug. 22. 18-16,
Ncw and Cheap
HF. subecuibvrs have jun! rc-n‘ivetl
T and npenwl a new um] Very general
nsmrllm-M of GODDS, at [heir old Maud.
uhich [ln-y will sell cheaper than Hm “um?
qualily of znmh have ever been sold In the
rnuntv, Their nlnck cousin: of
DR I".(I'UODS. (:ROF/CR’ICS. 1,41 [UNI-"A RE.
Q mums WA R I-:_ ROOTS 4‘- sm) 12s,
”UNA/1573, HA 7'51? CAPS.
lII\'UG-\'.-s'c. .{-r 49:.
All pvrsons that have yet cxnminml our
stock. prunuuucc them lhe": chcapcxt and
be“ ever «Herc-d inJhe county—mm] what
“ cvcry body says must be true."
We wall sell gum! sugar {or 10 cé'nls
hos! Rio cx-fl'uc 12$, cash—muslins from
81012.}|ito’s from 6} upwnrd.
Molasses m 62.]; per gallon—and every
lhing else (A the same low rate.
Anv lwr-‘nn wishing to buy good: for
cash will find it In their advmnage lo giw
us I: call. .
Clear chl July 25,1846.
List 13/ 'fi'wvers Jurors for Scplcmbcr
term. 1846.
Juicph Lydm, .' Farmer, Brady,
Jeremiah Miles. do do
Alphonzo anonte, do Cuvington
Solomon Muurer, do do
John Hancock, do Lawrencr.
Jamel Daugherty, du do
M Nichols. J. P. do
John J Read, ,Farmcr do
Jesse Hoyt, do Huston
Andrew Pond, do do
Wm Radebaugh. 'l‘nilor, Borough.
David Sockets,
Henry Lumer, Farmer. Burnside.
Joseph Mitchell. . do . do
David Fulton, do do
Hugh Gallagher, do do
John Show. do Decatur. (
Hugh Henderson, do do
Joseph Moore, Farmer, Ferguson.
Isaac England. do Morris.
Leonu‘rd‘Kylar, ‘do do
Isaac Hens, do Boggs.
John Stiles, do do,
David Wise. do Pike.
Robert McNqu, Tanner, do
Lindlay Hoops, Carpenter, Beccnriu.
A P Owens, Merchant, do
:J F W Schnnrrs, Farmer, Karthaus.
‘ F W Shoening. ‘ do Jordon.
Samuel Miles. Minister, do
G W Spence, Laborer, Ginrd.
l’eler Lumm. Farmer, _ 'do .
Richard London. ‘do ' I’eun.
Jobn,Slugarl. » 'do ~ do V ,
”Wm Ferguson, do do
Jucob.Wallcra,-. do.» ; ' 1.1 Be“, '
lE‘éllbLß ELBB®®R®§IQ
Messrs. Erli!ors.—Ae it has been the
usual practice of the Democratic party in
this county to continue their members of
the Legislature for two years—and by the
change of the system of making nomina
tions candidates are required to announce
themselves. And Mr. WonnnLL, our
lute representntive. having not yet announ
cetl himself as a candidate, we would
therelore ask the favor of you to publish
the name ol BENJAMIN BONSALL, oi Brady
township. as u cundidute for Assembly at
the ensuing election—subject to the deci
sion of the Democratic party, on the 29th
August, 1836.
of Lawrence towns/lip.
August 511). IS4G.=—pd .
flicssrs. .Maorc (3‘- Thompson :——As it
hnq been cuqtomary lor the democratic
[*fllly‘to send their member of the Legis
lature two terms. (and we are in Invur of
adhering to the usages of the party.) per
Intt us through vour paper tnunnounce the
name 0! Col. WORRELL. M a candid
nte (or re nominatton for the Legislature.
subject to the action of the Democratic
party at their prithary meetings on the
291 h ofAugust.
. [llang/ Democrals of Brady.
“ESSRS. EI)I'I‘ORS-—Plennu nn
-1 v nounce (30!. JOHN S'l'l'l‘ES, of
309.3,! 'uwniahip, as a candidate for the 0!-
fice ul SHERIFF. at the cnsd‘ing electinn
subject tn lhe action 0! the democratic
Party. MANY Vo'ncus.
Fellow Cl!i:mx:-—-l offer mysull to your
consideration as a candida“: [or the office
of SHERIFF, ut lhe coming full election,
nml if elrclml. will emit-ave} lo discharge
the duty 015qu office with fidvlily.
August 51h. 1846. ,
flj‘Wo have been mnhnri'u-ul m nn
nmmre lhe name of JOHN LONG, ul
Liawn-nce lnwnshlp. as a candidate [M
the office 0| Sheri" of Clearlicld counly.
~uhjccl In lhe decision of the Dunncrullc
pm!) at their primary elccliun.
rj‘WVe are nulhurised tn announct‘
Guonnv: B. SMITH. nl Girnnl luwnship.
in a cumluldle lur County Commissioner.
M the ensuing olecliun.
Illcsm. Eililors:-—As no one has in
yet lit-en utTcreil tn the public tor the 0!
lice nl County Commisswncr. and as it I‘
nn office at consitli-rnblc impnrlnnce tn thi
cnimns ol the county gonorally, and also
their interest In have one 0! those uflicers’
residence as near the seat of Justice in
possible, so as alwnys to be really at the
call 0! strangers and others having: busi
ncss In the Cotnmissinners’ office at times
when they are not in session—thereby
tending to facilitate busmens and save ex
pense to the county. In Milan to carry
out the above views. which we feel cer
tain Will meet With the upprohatinn o! the
pimple generally, we would recnmmcnil
JAMES‘I/L READ, of Lawrence township.
us 11 candidate lur County Commissinnt’r,
nubject. hnwevcr. to the drcinmn 0f the
Democratic party. MANY VOTERS.
{3 to have your TEETH properly cared
for ere they commence (0 pain you.
AII sat/cs of lurlur should burnrcluliy
rcmuvml. and i! Ihere are any cav'llim in
your lcflh (hey should be prnporly lillvd.
which will eflectuully prevent any lurlhcr
Am] 10 you “hosn lrolh are gone
Sum you L'nnnut 1001 HI home.
Thcréfurc you had better call and get A
MW 50‘ put in. either on Pivot or Gold
Fla/c. The above operation, together with
Extruc/ing Teri/L, and roots of ’l'cclh,
th Ul' pcrlmmcd in the must scu-ntllic
manner by Dr. A. M. _“ILLS. who may be
found at the uflicc of Dr. \\ M. l’. ”11.15.
in the buruugh ofClearfield, on every Sal
urday. nml during cuurt-Weeks.
ELT‘l’riccs Reduced.
Ladies will be visited at their residence,
'1! destretl. » uug. 12—3 m.
N Creditors. Legatees. and-all others
Interested, that the following named ac
counts have been examined. allowed. and
passed by the Register ol Clearlield cnun»
ly. “\TI remain filed in the Register’s of
fice a‘ .Clearfield. and will be presented
to the Urphans’ Court of said county. on
the sth Monday of August next, for con
firmation and allowancel to wit:
The administration accounr' ()Fl'Jrohn
Hoover and Jacob Hoover. administrators
of the estate of Martin Hoover. late of
Lawrence township. dec’d.
The administration account; of John
Hoover and Jacob Hoover, administrators
nl the estate at George Hoover. late of
Lawrence township. deceased.
WM. C_ WELCH, Reg’r.
Registcr’s office, Clear
field.July 30,1846. E
ATS. Beaver. Russia. Silk, Leg
horn and Palm Leaf at
flRflSOLS (9' UflIBRELLflS at
P low rntés nt 13., B. & PPS.
few barrels of MACKEREIA &
1‘45 SHEA!) for sale by' . ,
: WM. F. REYNOLDS _&.G_o.y
»: Augultzw. ' ~ - ->‘" '
Yyirtue of sundry writs of Venditi-
B oni Exponas issued out ‘of the Court;
0! Common Pleas oflClearfield County. and
to me directed. will be exposed to public
sale at the court house in Cleurfield, at one
o’clock. P. M.on Monday the Met day at
August next, u lot of ground situate with‘
in the borough of Clearfield. bounded on
the east by lot No. 14, on the north by
lot N 0.15. on the west by 4th street, and
on the south by lot No. 13, and known as
out lot No. —-, containing 6 acres and 75
perches, witha house and stable thereon.
JILSO, lot No. 50, in said borOugh boun
ded on the east by Second street. on the
‘ north by lot No. 49. on the west by an al
‘ley. and on the south by lot No. 51. with
a house and stable thereon. Seized and
taken in execution and to be sold as the
property 0! Robert Collins.
A tract at land situate in Decatur town
ship, Clearficld county, bounded on the
north by land of Gratz. on the south-east
by land nl Andrew chhart, and Daniel
Philips on the southwest; containing 100
acres, more or less. with a house, barn,
and nbnut 45 acres cleared thereon. Sci
zed and taken in execution and to be sold
as the prnpcrly ol John Smeal.
A trncl of land situate in, Burnside
luwnship. Clearlicld cunnly, [mundod bi
lands olDavid Fulton. George Alchisnn,
and the Susquehanna river. being a moie
l_v ul seventy acres purchased by Simon 8;
David Fullon. ol Samuel McGenhcn, with
n dwelling home. ~tnble. and about 15 a
cres cleared (hereon. JILSO, a (factof
land in Fuid township. mlju‘ning lands ol
Duvld Fullon on lhv nnrlli-wral and along
lilfi line to a dividing line between
James Gullnlicr,jr., lhence along said line
(H) the Fnulll-Vl'efil to a maple on (he l‘nnk
(if ”H: Susquehanna river. lhence down
«ml river north-west as (M M WI” make
lhe line the sanlelhe as said Fultnn’s land
ndjnining 11. running a slraighl llne lrom
me river a north can! course lill it strikes
lhvul Fullonv. containing 50 acres more
or legs. Sci'md, taken in execulion and
In be sold us the [H‘ODQ'I'IV ul Simon Fulton.
A tract at land situate in Decatur town
~hip. Clearlieitl county. bnumled 0n the
wuth by land of Solomon Philips and on
the nnrth-wrst by lands of Andrew KPp
hart, containing —— acres, with a house.
burn. orchard. and about 110:1ch cleared
thereon. Svimd and takvn in examining
and In be acid as the property of Michael
\Vulker by,
' ELLIS IRWIN. Sh’fl'.
Sh‘fl'a ()mCI'. Clvar
fil-lu‘. July 18, 1846.;
Ramlall & “’cston,
E{ESPEC'I'FULLY inform the public
that they nrs prepared to conatrucl
GRIST-MILLS. to be driven by "”016"
ROLLINGAHLLS. ‘l’Atcnt Bellows. of
Doug/11cm 3- I'l'riglnls‘ plan, or the Cast
Iron Cylinder. They respecliully solicit
a share u! public palronage.
Mr. Weston is agent lur Dcr/ccy’s Put
on! Cast Iron {Valor IF/xccl—cunsidexed
the best now in use.
{G‘Letlers may be mldreswd l 0 Clmr
fiielll Bridge post office, or to Phillpsburg.
They will be promptly attended (0; and
work done at (he shortest notice.
July 20. 1846
, LL persons are hereby cautioned u
[ gumsl. buyingscilipg. or In any way
meddling With the [ullowmg properly now
in nnwcsniun 0! Thomas Thompson :
75,dozcn ryc, 20 dozen wheat,
two-thirds of five acres of oatsin
the ground, two-thirds of two acres
of buckwheat, one-quarter ofan a
crc of corn, one acre of grass, 4
tons of hay, one rifle and 4 hogs,
as (ho said propl'rly was} sold to me at
Cunslublc sale on the 8m 0! Aug. 1846.
Aug. 15,1846—pd
Peace Promoted!
LEONARD & MOORE have just rc
ceiVEd in! their old sham! in the bur
uugh 0i Cleadieldm general assortment of
fresh -
consisting of every variety in lhe line 0!
‘ I'V/IRE. (S'Co.
nml cmbracmg generally:th best articles
in the market.
The public are invited to call ‘and em»
mine, both as to price and quality; all}!
all 0! which they will dispose M on in"
(crm lor~€ash 0: Produce. Jul 25-
'l‘lx‘lflL LIST for flugust term, 1846.
William Flanagan ~OB>~EdWIId McEwen.
Jacob Young vs John Wugbner.
Levi Lulz vs “Alphonso Laconle
Rudolph Light vs Ch’n Hamish.
S Hegnrly’s udm’ra.vs ’A Campbell. '
V‘Villinm Devling ' vs ‘A B Reed. adm’r
' i ‘of Karlhnus.
William Dunlap v 3 Isaa’c Thompson.
J Codbury & wife in John -W Miller.
Ignatius Thompson v 3 J R & A Read;
’Robcr! Molially vs. Ascph Ellis.
JV "art, (it al. vs G R Burnett. E
B. B. &‘P.’S.
I!" Wapk; &MM 123‘ Jesse Major. '
“Edi-X3 ”£11393? 0
- ““""" :2.»
Sale of Real Estate.
“mag VEHE subscriber offers for
aft!“ 6» sale lhe following Real
g;:..'fi...1J.,;;2; Estate; ,viz :‘
9':zh‘§\<s ‘
he borough ol Clearfield, being 43 feet in
front on Second street and extending back
150 feet to the Market house lot, with'an
nlley pasamg on the south of It, and With
a story-and-n~half house and stnble there
on erec'ed. being part of L'bt'N'o. 79 in the
plan of said town. \
NO. 2.—ALSO. f 1 Lot of GROUND
adjoining the above on lhe north aide. be
ing 48 Ice: in front on 2d street, and ex
tendingbnck 150 feet to the Market house.
LING-HOUSE thereon erectedr with a
well and pump at the door. and other val.
unblc improvemenls. being porlo of Lola
N 0.78 8: 79 in snid low’n.
3. flLSO, His interest in the north
ern hall ol Lot No. 78. being 28 feel 8 in
clica in iron! on Second street. and exten
ding back 150 (eel.
No. 4.—ALSO. His interest in a
TIL/707 0F LJIND. situate in Law
rence township. adjoining lands of Robert
OWEHQ, John Mitchell and others. which
is believed to contain about 100 acres.
more or less, wilh a cabin house and cab
in barn thereon erected. an Apple Orch
ard. and with between 50 and 60 acres of
cleared land.
NO. S—flLSO, His interest in a tract
of land warranted in the name of Joseph
Forrest. situate’in Woodward township.
near the Clearfield creek. and by official
survey containing 400 acres and 10 ps.
NO. fi—flLSO. His interest in a tract
nt'lund warranted in the name of Peter
Henry, by official survey containing 400
acres and 10 p 5, situate close to said Clear
field creek, In the said township of “food
No. 7—flLSO. hisintereat in a tract
of land. warranted in the numcof Samuel
Henry. by ofl‘tcial survey containing 400
acres and 10 perches. situate in Wood
ward township. and near the ,Cleurlield
creek. .
NO. S—flLSO, His interest in a ttnct
of land, warranted in the name of Hugh
Ra/ston, containing by official survey 409
acres, situate within about two miles of
the Cleorfielil .creck. in the township of
Woodward and Decatur-~which tract is
patented tn the subscriber,
NO. 9--flLSO. n tract of land in the
name of Samuel Humbleton. patemled by
the subscriber. and contalning by ofliciat
survey 403 acres, situate in the township
of Decatur.
NO. IO—JiLSO. His interest in a
trnct nt land warranted in the name of
Jacob Cox. situate in the tnwnship of De
catur, and containing by official survey
433 acres 153 perches. The interest of
said “aliace being the one undivided
No. l I—JILSO. His interest in 858
acres ot land, part ot a tract warranted in
the name of Thomas Grant situate in
Ferguson township. '
NO. 12—fl1.S0. "I! interest in a
tract of land warranted in the name of
Solomon Lyon. containing. by official
survey, 367 acres—but there being an in
terlerence at an adjoining survey the
quantity is believed to be not ‘3O much—-
situate in Beccaria township. near the
Clearfieid creek. The interest of the sub
scriber being an undivided halt thereof.
No. I3—flLSO. His interest in a
tract of land. situate in Decatur townahip,
adjoining lands of A. 6095, and others.
containing“y about 100 acres. more or less,
50 or (10 acres ol which are cleared, with
a dwelling house and {stable thereon erec
ted. ’l‘he intereet of the subscriber being
the undivided third part thereof. '
NO. 14,-—ALSO, hisinterest in atract
of land in the name oi Samuel Emlrn.
containing. by official survey, 433 acres,
situate on the Cleariieid creek, chiefly in
\\'oud ward township, with about 20 or 30
acres of the tract on the west side ol the
Elf/“The subncrlber will make known
the terms and conditions 0! sale to any up
plicnnt; will make known In them lhe li
lle l 0 ouch parcel. show the dralla,‘and
wnll sell his title clear ol encumbrancel.‘
Clearficld, July 20. 1846.
LISTof GMNI) muons for Sep-
~ V Icmbcr lcrm, 1846. 4 > ‘
Wilson McClure, Farm“. Pike-
Daniel Snyder, do Bell.
David McCrnckcn. do :do. -
James Shulp. Canenter do
James Taylor, Sndler, Brad].
John NIB-‘5O". Fuller, (‘0
Sumuol Troy. Farmer, “0
John Hollopelern ‘lO 119
John VVlllinms, do Jordon:
Simon Thompson. do ' ‘ ' 'db‘ ‘
llurnce Pnlchin, LulnberlnangGir‘al‘df
John Brown, Farmer, -'Mbrl'io; ’
\Vm Kephart, do ‘ do»; ‘2l
John LOW. do 'Dechlufii‘
Snmon Dolph, . Sawyer, (20- ;.',}L!‘
Daniel Albert. Farmer, do: ~.. .
James Thompson, do Cllost.‘
'l‘homas Bliss, ~ do, . Huston. .
Jesse Williams, do Beccariar
Wm Bridgens, 'do Knrlhaus.
Franciv Graham; ._ do, ,v-,,-_umuromofi
John-"M’c‘Cßr-d, do , Ragga,
'l‘ B Davis, do Ferguson,
Wm J Hemphill. Tailor, Borough:
10' those who”: it may Concern!
Take Particular ’Nolicc: ‘
HE subscriber requests lhopeindcbt.
T ed to himjo' come forxyargl'antl-sel-fl
tle» their ucc'ounls. as he is in want 9! mp
ney to meet Ins engagements} u: '2‘ _ ’1
‘ , .F. (P. wax/may“ .
May 28, 1846. Z ‘ v' .
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