Democratic banner. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1837-1849, August 15, 1846, Image 5

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mcntv wnspxpcéted In ‘t9ke-plncu until ni
mflpg nrnval‘ of tha wagons. horses dud
munmona. .. ‘_' I ‘
Important to (he Volunteersle‘liePi
-cnyune!of the Bth inst., says-" Governor
Johnson has taken the responsibility of in:
structing tlié l’nymnst‘ér ol'vthc United
States‘ Army at this point to allow the
volunteers from this State full’pny, with
outstoppage or drnwbncklnr clothing. In
this deciston of the Governor. the Pay
mnsler has signified his acquiescence.—
Tlie disbanded .volnntccrs will lhcrclui-e
receiVe full pay, without the discount for
clothing. This \vlll-cnnblo most of tlié
volunteers to draw a sum sulficicntto take
them home." -' ' .
The Elections.
Intliuna.--Jumea Whilcomb, dam. is o
loclad Governor lay a majority of 2,200.--
The polilicnl complexion of the Legisla
lute is doubtful. The Scn‘ulo is certainly
Democratic. '
’ Illinoisu—Jamea C. Frcnoh, dam. is o
lecled Governor by a majority of a! least
10,000. Legislature Demommiu in bath
‘hrnnchcs. ‘
Chngress—l. Lyman Trumbull, dam
I". \—-———- Mc’Loughlm. do
' IV. John NV'omworlh. do
VI. -——-I.incol‘n, 'u'lu'g.
,fllisaouri.~Leglulmuru certainly Dom
nc'mt'lc. . _ ’
Congrega:l_. Jua.‘ Hr. anlin, 111-m,
-—-- Given
_Il is difficult to 101 l whellm the new
Conatiluuon submmed m llm pvvplfi has
'been accepted or rvjeclml‘ _ '
North (I'lerlilNL—-‘lrf\llttm‘ (“big")‘o'
lacled Governor by :\ nwjmity of nboul 7.-'
000; A vote was hilum on the nulmjcct of
erecting a Penitentiary and decided m the
negative. by aboul 25,000 majority. me
present appearances il in probable llwre
will be a Whig: mnju‘rily 0! about (i in the
Senulo. and 14 or HS in the Home. Lusl
evasion lhero was a lie In lht‘. Senate, and
n Whig majorily ol 2'). m the llunsu.
Namgation ofthe (‘u/umbiu In’ivcr _—
’ ' ' set-Ins tu tnkc' liir granted. with
others, thfit the charter nI thr. Hudson’s
Bay Company. gruntt-d hy Chntles H. in
lGYlmx-tendul tn the nest hi the Rocky
Mountains—that is, to UH‘ tcnilnry culled
Oregon; (whereas it would really appear,
that the charter wus cunfiuctl to tho terri‘
tory tn the eaatof the Rt-cky Mountuim.
.antlthul the only privilt'ge mnculml In
'tho company to the \vcstuf the Rock“
‘Muuntains. nuw rests on the “ crown urau'l
to the Hudson Bay Company, ut the ex.
cluu'lve trade with the Indiana in certain
parts of North America tor a term ul
‘wcntyhnc yum. nnd upon a bUlrelldcr 111
a tonne: grunt.’ This crown grant was
made to the company previous to 1838;
and as it runs nnly fur twenty-um: years,
it expire! in 1859; and with i: all tht
benefit of the navigation of thc company
which is secured to \ht‘lll. um) thusc trud
ing'with them. by the late cum-cntton be
tween the Upited States 11ml Ureat Bm.
'uin.-4‘lVasltirngOlL Union. (lug. 12.
Dcxcrlion and.‘ mum—Two individu- ‘
als belonging to the regulur troops, Which i
recently ar:ivcd nl Ghvcrnor’s lalnnd. nl- ‘
tempted to desert thcrclrolu on Thursday
awning, by swimming in lhc Brnokiyn
shore. One of |hcru when near the Al
- Dock; lost his hold ufu plank by
which he was allempiing lo hustnin him
sell, and was drowned. His name was
Charles Thompson. He was in member at
u company of the 2d lntnnuy, command--
ed by Licut. l’uuen. irom Oawcgo, 'l'hc
cumrude of the dL'CL'uned, conscience
struck at lhe disaster, swam back to the
lslund and rvpurtcd (he circumatnn(_:e.-
He was much ethuau-dlun regaunmg‘ [or
to firmo,’ and barely escaped being swept
from the extreme point ol the lsiund min
the North River. the tide [icing on the
flow. It is proper to thcrvc that full crn
vdencc Is not given by the officers at the
Fort, to the narrator‘s account 0! the dis
usler. and measures have be'en Mike“ ut
the Polico’ofiice with“ a view in uscortuin
ihc‘truth-uf the statement—Dmi- Univ/I.
STAttTLmG Rumott.-—'l‘-.relt-e tears a
go last fall. a brig called the Nile, Captain
Btockings. sailed from this port for the
West Indies. Subsequently she was found
bottom up. ashore on Bermuda. It was
eupposed that her officers and crew had all
found a watery grave. Last week ayoung
man named Reed. returned homo te‘Wool
wieh, after anebaence in‘ Mexico and South
America of six years, and he says that he
sew-in California a man named Jones. who
sailed in the Nile-that Jones stated that
when in the neighborhood of Bermuda. the
‘brig was fallen in with by a rekish craft ,‘
that she Wee robbed of all her valuables ;
that Capt. Btookinge and ell‘hta erew, were
transferred to the pirate vessel; the Nile
wait the.“ scuttled. the crew were then In
lten to the south side of Cuba; transferred
to another veeeel. carried to Mexico, pla
cod in the mines, and there they heveboen
kept at labour ever since, beingellowed a
bove ground but one hour in twenty—four.
Jones, by dint of good fortune. succeeded
in escaping some five or eix years Bitten,
and findinghie'at'ey 'to Culifernin, whom
he in now living. The report has caused
‘mme excitement Hi this region, and we un«
deretend that measures ure on foot to test
its correctness. Mr. Reed‘n friends have
Ito-doubt of his‘ veracity—Bath Enqui
rer. 5’ ‘ ’ ' _ '
" "'_F {SE-:3.
- ' [ow barrel}! pf MENJ‘KI‘J “IBM. 84
1“ Sill“! {or Sale by; ‘ V
, WM. .l“. REYNOLDS-84 (30,"
c Augustin). ; ‘ '
H‘Aflafla lfiflafiiG‘fll‘EGbflo
Messrs. Editors.—As ithns been the
uaunl practice of tlie Democratic party in
this cuunty to continue- their members of
the Legislature for two years—and by the
change at the system of making numinak
tion: cnndidateaere required to announce
themselves. ‘And Mr. WomuzLL, our
late representative. having not yet announ
ced himnell he a ‘cnndldate, we would
lhcrclnre npsk the favor of you to publish
the u'amc oi BENJAMIN BONSALL, of Brady
township. as a candidate ior Assembly at
(he,,gpsumg election—subject to (he deci
sion of the Democratic party, on the 20th
August. 1836
12/ Lawrence towns/17p.
August sm. 'ld4(i.-pd .
Messrs. Moore S~ Thompson :—-Aa it
has been customary lot the democratic
party to send their member of (he Legisv
lnture lwo terms. (and we are in Invor 0|
adhering lo the usages of the party.) per
mil us through ynur pnpur to announce the
name 0! Cul. VVORRELL, as a candid
ate for rc-nominatiqn h): the Legislature,
ouijc! m the action 0! the Dcmuuntic
party at (hoic primmy meetings on the
202 i! ofAugust.
filahy Uri/lonian (ffla’miiy
NEESSRS. EDlTORS—d’lmsc an
Hogan hm “whip, us a candidate for the ol
ficu nl HH'ZRIFF. a! flu: ensuing clcclmn
gfll‘bifl'l (n We mtmn 0| the democratic
l’nxly MANY Vanna.
V 1"(‘11010Cl/l:")l.b:——luficr myseH tu your
Cunnivderulluu [ln 11 candida“: (or lhe milieu
of SHERIFF, an the coming [all elucuuh,
am] i! eluted. WIH CIHJCHVU‘I Lu duchargc
the duty at nun] ullicc wilh [uh-lily.
:‘xuguax Jth, XS-Hi.
[Cf‘Wc have been nutlmn'md h) uu~
noum‘u the name of JOHN LUNG, ul
Lame-nu: luwmhlp. as n cumhdulc 10l
lhe ulficc o! Shelifl of Cleullicld county.
aubjccl to lhe decnsion _o! the Democratic
putty at their prunury election.
is’JWVe ure nulhor’iscd to announce
Guano»; B. Smnu. 0| Girurd \uwuslnp.
in u candidate [or County Conunisaiuner,
n \he cusumg election.
Messrs. Editors:—As no one has us
ul been ufl‘cred to the public lor thy of
has of County Commisswncr. and as it Is
an office of cunaitlcrnlfle Importance to the
Clll' ot the county generally, and also
their interest to have one 0! those nlficers’
tesitlence us near the seat. of Justice as
posmble, so as always to be ready at the
can at strangers and others having bust
neas In the Comtnlaaioneu’ "met: at times
when they are not In newton—thereby
tending to tucilitute bunnens and save ex
pense to the county. In nnlet to carry
out. the uhnve vim-« 5, which we {col cer
tain will meet With the upprubuttun ut the
.vpeuplc generally, we \vouletkrecouuncnd
JAMES A. READ, of Ln-rt‘ficeWowmhip.
as n cantlttlate tor Cow Cutntniastnner,
subject, howv to ‘ ‘ decision of the
Uemncttuic [3 ' MANY Vornns.
‘ A llama.
1915133 LESHWIW WA}?!
5 to have your TEETH properly cared
I lor ere they commence lo pain you.
All sralm of turlur should be carelully
removed. and il (hero am: any CflVlllea ID
your (cell) [hey should be properly filled.
ulucln \Hll cficcluully prevcnl uny lurlhcr
. And to you “hm:- (chhuru gout.
Sure you uuunul Icol ul home
'l‘hereturc you had better call and gel 8
new pet put In. euher on Final 0! Gold
Plate. The above operuxmn, mgclhrr with
liz/racting Ted/L, and roots of 'l'cclh.
Will be pulmmcd in (Inc Inual scicuhth
manner by Dr. A. M. HILLS, who may hn:
luuud «H the nfl'lcu ul Dr. V\ AL P. “mm,
in (he. bnruugh ol Clealficld, on curry Sat
urday. und during court-m-cks. -
gig/“Prices Rmtuced.
Ludicn “ill be visited at lhcir rcsnluum ,
i! dcsured. nug. 12—3 m.
Creditors, Legumes, and all ollwrn
mleresled, that the lollowiugnamcd ac
counts lluve been exummcd. ullowcd, dud
passed by the Regieler ol Clcurlleld coun
ty. uml roman: filed 11l llu: Reginler’n ol
fioou! Clearfielql. and WIN be presented
to [he Urphunn’ Court of naid county. on
the 5m Monday ol Angus! next, lor con
firmation and ullownncel to win : "
The- administration account of John
Hoover and Jncob lluovcr. unlnnnlslraluru
of the (:3!qu ol Martin Hoover. late at
lmvruncu {dons-hip, dec’d. ,
' 'l‘lm "adminin'trauou acouum of John
Hoover and Jacob Hoover. ndmunslmlnrs
ml the estate ol lieurge lluuvcr. lulu ol
anxcncc township,deceased. v .
- ' WM. 0. WELCH, [ll-5%.
‘ lh‘glstcr‘b olliot. Cl'euh
l llcld. July 30,,1540. Z
Efifi'fl‘fi. Beaver; Russia, 8'1“:ng
. hum and Palm Leaf at '
- ‘3 B. n. &. PJS,
W‘ABMER'S—Uu-w ia‘ a lint: lot of
k Grass «V-(Jmin4Bl7/!1209.‘é} Scythe
Smut/w. Sick-Iw. Grain o'lmvcis and [lay
It'orks, (or sale aHhc eton: of ‘
' . ‘ B. B.'-&'P.
macaw .y mum ' sm
3) haw rated at 3., l% "-1
:53 . «a... ~
4 WWW stop ‘he press to announce the
nom‘ina'lion of FINDLAY PA'ITEREON. Esq”
pfyArmatrbng coumy, as the Democratic
candidate for Congress, in the dialric! com
posed of the counties of Indiana, Arm
strong. Buller and Ulcayfield. Good ! '
_ICPWe have received by this morn
ings mull, a lengthy communication from
Brady xownship, which {a too late for this
weeks paper, as we have our form on ”no
press. prdoflukan. corrected. &c.
New and Cheap
Gsl} @B S u
THE subscribers have jual received
and opened n new nnd very. general
assortment of GOODS, at their old nlnml,
which they will sell cheaper lhzm the same
quality (if floods huve ever been suld m the
county. ”Their Mock consists: of . .
(Ilr’lCl<lN.‘,\'H'.l\RE. BOOTS n)! SHOES. '-
MM‘NE'I'S. HATS 6., (211's. _ _
URL/us..y'c 4-3. .y'c, -
AH persons that have yet cxnminvd our
Muck. prunouucn them the cheapest and
bunt Her nflercd in (he cnumy.——nud whul
-‘ mun-y body says must 1w Um."
\Ve will m‘ll gum! augur lor 10 comes.
bust Rio con-cc 1211, cubh—wmmlins lrum
‘( m 132} cents. culicu‘s from (5.} upward.
MOMS“: :1! (511 per gallon—and cvory
thlng, else at the same low .Mc. ‘-
Anv [wrmn wighing to buy goods [or
cuuh will find it. to lhc'n ndvumage (u give
us u call.
(Ilenrfield July ‘25, 14-16.
List of Travers .Irnjgrs for Seplcmbcr‘
(r-rm. 1846. '
Joreph Lyooi. Farmer, Brady; ‘
Jeremiah Miles. 7 do do
Alphonzo Luconte, do Covington
Solomon Mourcr, do do
John Hancock. do Lawrence.
James Daugherty. do do
M Nichols, J. I’. do
John J Read, “’l Former do
Jesse Hovt. do Huston
Andrew Pond, do do
Wm Rudebnugh. Tailor, Borough.
David Sockets.
Henry Lnuter, Farmer. Burnside.
Joaeph Mitchell, do do
David Fulton, do do
Hugh Gullugher, do do
John Show. do Decatur.
Hugh Henderson, do do
Joseph Moore,- Farmer, Ferguson
Isaac England. do Morris.
Leonard Kylnr. do do
Isaac Hens, do Boggs.
John Stitch. do do
David Wise. 7 do Pike.
Robert Manul. Tanner, do
Lindlny Hoops, Carpenter, Beccariu.
Al’ Owens, Merchant, do
J l" \V Schnorrs, Farmer, Kurthnus
F W Showing, do Jordon.
Samuel Mlles, Minister, do
G W Spence, Laborer, Guard.
Peter Lurnm, Former. do
Richard London, do Penn.
John Stugart. do do
W m Ferguson, do do
Jacob Walters, do Bell.
LlS'l'of GRAND JUIBURS for Sop
(ember Icrm. 1840.
den McClure, Formal. Puke.
Daniel Snyder, do Bell.
David Mchckcn. do do
Jumeo Show. Unlpcnlur do
James 'l'oylur, Sndler. Brady
John Nelson, Fullcr, do
Somucl Troy. Former. do
John HI)“OpMCl‘. do do
John \lemms, do Jordon
Simon 'l'hompsoo, do do
Horace l’nlchin, Lomhormon. (hrnrd.
John Brown. Fanmcr, Moms.
Wm Kephnn. do do
John Low, do _ Dccutur
Sunon Dolph, Sawyer, do
J Daniel Albert. Former, "do
Junes 'l'hompson, do Chest.
'l'homns Bliss. do Hu'llon.
Jesse Wdliams. do Heccurla.
Wm Bridgens, do Kflflhlu‘.
‘ Froncié Graham, do Buodlord.
John Mcilord, do l'noggs,
'i' B Dawn. do Ferguson.
’ \V'n J Homphdl, Toilor, Borough-
TEL/i]. LIST for flugust term. 1846
\Villiqm Flanagan 115 Edward McEwen.
Jacob Young m John Wagnncr.
Luv: Lul'l, vs Alphonso Laconle
Rudolph Light ua Ul.’u Uarn'nh.
‘5 Hugurly'fl udm’rswa A Cnmpbcll.
William Devling m- A B Reel. mlm’r
ol Knuhaas.
William {)unlup vs Isaac 'l‘hompso'n.
J Cadburx & wife vs John W Miller.
Ignatius 'l‘lmmpsuu m J R 3; A Read.
Robert Melmlly v: Am-ph Ellis.
J V Harl, at :11. ml G R Barrett.
H VVaplc & wile vs Jeagu Mujur.
70 Mo's-c whom it may Concern!
’i‘akc Particular Notice:
‘ ' .[H‘I subscriber requests lhuscindcbt
_ ed to him to come {bfwaxd aud~set
tle thci; accounts, as he is 111 wuu‘t 0f mu
ncy‘vlu'incctlns engagements. ~ -~ .
' ‘ . ‘F. l’. HURXTIIAL'.
3313?,‘433118‘16. .- ' _
, (mommies. . '
Q LL persoua‘ are hereby cautioned o
gulmat buyi’ng‘, selling, or in any way
meddling wikh the following property now
in possebsiuu'of Thomas Thompson :
.‘ 75‘dozen rye, 2O dozen wheat,
two-thlrds of five acres of outs in
the ground, two-thirds pf two acres
of-buckwheat, one-quai‘ter of an a
cre of corn, one acre of grass,4
tons of hay, one rifle and 4 hogs,
as the said properly was sold {0 me ol
Constable sale on the 81h of Aug. 1846.
Aug. 15, lS46—pd
BY virtue of sundry wuimof Vendin
oni Expouas issued out of the Court
of Common Pleas ofClcarfield coumy. and
to me directed. will be exposed to pubiic
sale or the court house in Clearfield. at one
o‘c|ock. P. M. on Monday the 315: day of
August next. a lot of ground situate with—
In the borough of- Clcurbeld.”bouudcd on
me pustby lot No. H. on lhe north by
lot No. 15‘ on the west by 4th street. and
on the south by lot No. 13, and known us
out lot No. -—, containing 6 acres mm 75
perches. with a house and atabld thereon.
411480, lot No. :30, in 9sz burough bunn
ded came and by Smmd slruul. on the
north by lot Nu. 49, ‘on the wvsl hv nn ul
loy. and on the noun) by In! Nu. 431, with
a house and stable thereon. Seized and
taken in cxccutiun and to be sold as the
property 0! Robert Collins.
- flLSO,
A true! HI lund minute in Decatur towu
ship, Clcnrficld cuumv, bounded on the
north by bud oi (iralz, on me south-ens:
by land ()1 Andrew chhart. and Daniel
Philips on the south west. containing 100
acres. more or less. whh a house. barn,
and about 45 acres cleared thereon. Sei
zcd'uhd taken in executiun und to in: sold
as lhe property 0| Juhn Sun-all.
' fILSO, ,
A tract of land ailuate in Bummde
ownshlp, Clyarfield county, bounded by
lands ul David Fullnn. Genrge Atchisun.
and lhe Susquehanna river, being a moie
ty ul seventy acres purchuacd by Simon 8:.
Dawn! Fulton, ul Samuel McGL-ohcn, with
a dweHlng house. slnblu. nutl about 15 n
creb clcurdd (hereon. JILSU, a tract of
land in said township, udjuluing lands 0!
David Fulton on lhe nurth-wcst and along
hm hm: to a dividing ‘lme between
umcs Galluhcrdn, [hence along said line
m lhe mum-weal lo a maple on the bank
of the Susquehanna river. {hence down
3me river norm-weal us fur as Will make
the line lhe same lhe as said FuHon’u land
adjoining nt._{uuning a alraiglll hue‘rlrmn
the river a north-cast course till it strikes
Dan/Id Eultons. containing 50 acres more
or lessp: Seized, taken in execution mu
m be sold us the properly 0! Simon Fulton
A tract of land sutuatc ht Decatur town
ship, Cleariiultl county. bounded on the
south by land of Solomon Philips and on
the north-wast by lands of Andrew Kep
hnrt. containing —-- acres. with n huuse.
barn. orchard, and about 'lO acres cleared
thereon. Seized and taken In execution.
and to Donald us the prnperty of Michael
\Vulker by
Sh‘fl'e office. Clear
ficlti. July 18, 1846.
Randall & Weson,
lb ESPEC'I'FULLY lulurln [he pubiic
‘, that they nrs preparcd to construct
(MUST-MILLS, m be dnvcn b) U'ulc"
ROLLING-MILLS. Pawn! Bellows. of
Doug/Item é," H'rig/m’ p 111”, nr Ihr Cast
Iron Cylind" r. 'l‘hvy runprctlully snhcit
a sham a! public pun .....g,
Mr. Weston [3 agent Inr Dew-Iny's Pul
cnt Cad! Iron H'ater IV/wvl—munsiqu-d
Llu; bustf'uw m umn
yj'wllcm may be addressed to Clear
lilz-lé' ridge port olficc, ur [u l’lullpaburg.
They Will be prompt!) ulll‘lnh'lj lo; and
work dune a! [he .hm um lugliCc. _
Lily 2n,l~'lz,
Peace: h’rmamted!
E EUNARU 5; MOORE have JunLlu
. _A ccivcd at their oid Mum) .u Ihc bur
uugh u! Uluaufm‘ul.u general usnul (men! of
cuwnuug at every var'n-ty m lhe mm o!
I'VflRE. x 312” .
‘nnd cmhrncmg generallyallae bust article?-
in the market.
Thu public art invm-d m can umi ML;
mine, hath as to price and quality; Lm'd
all 0! which (My wiH' (human 0! un Imr
tcun tur Cash ur I’ruduua .Yul ‘35
7 Taken up.
VVAS taken up and secured by'lha
, subscriber about lhe 2d instant.
""1“"!!! in lhe Susquehanna, twelve slicks
0‘ Mme pines square timber. nsjfollows:
6 sticks 50 feet long,
. 6 sticksßO do. _
The (”Hunt is desired (0' come forwaxd,
:pruvc his;jxruporty, pay charges, &c., or
olhenwsc u will bu disposed 'ofa‘uhcbrdi’ng
to law, ‘' 3 - _
Bradford tp. Juuc‘ltfi, 1840.‘ '
”*""""" ' “’ -‘“" ”‘MWW"T‘ '
Sale of [Real . Estate.-
HA5}; ‘VE‘HE'aubscriber ofl'ors for
“flung-E, sale the lollowing Rent
gl'lfil'iva Estatehyiz: - ..
NO. 1.-—fl LOT. OF GROUND, in
the borough o! Cleurfield. being 43 feet in
front on Secondatr‘eet and extending back
150 feet to the Market house lot, with an
alley passing on the south of It, and With
a story-nnd-nyhnlf house and stable there
on erected. being part of Lot No. 79in the
plan of said town. '
NO. 2.—-ALSO. .6 Lot ofGROUND
adjoining the‘above on the north side. be
ing 43 teet in front on 2d street, and ex
tending back 150 feet to the Market house."
LING-HOUSE thereon erected. witha
well and pump at the door. and other vat
uuble improvements. being parts of Lots
No. 78 Se 79 in said town‘. '-
3. flL-SO, His interest in the north
ernihnll of Lot No. 78, being 26 feet 8‘ in
clies to front on Second street, and exten
tlmg back 150 feet.
NO. AI—ALSOH llxs interest in a
’I'RJI'CY ()F LflND. situate in Law.
rence township. adjoining lands of Robert
Owens, ‘John Mitchell and others. which
Is believed to contain about 100 acres.
are or lose, with i: cabin houac‘and cab
m barn thereod erected. an Apple'Orch
‘ard. and with fieu‘vcen 50 and 60 acres of
claurcd lnnd.
NO. s—.’lLSO.flisintercn(in a tract
of iand warraMed in the name of Joseph
Forrest. situate in Woodward township.
near the Clearfield creek, and by olficial
survey containing 400 acres and 10 p 5.
NO. dS—JI[.SU, His inn-rest in a tract
of land warranted in the name of Pelt'r
Henry, by uflicinl survey containing 100
acres and 119 p 5, situate close to said Clear
field crock, in the said township of VVood-
No. 7—JILSU. his Interest in a trnc!
at land. wumnled in the name of Samuel
Henry. by oilicinl survey containing 400
acres and 10 perchea, situate in Wood
ward ‘uwnahip. and near the Cleurfield
NO. B—JILSO,I-lis interest in a tract
at land, warranted in the name of Hugh
Ralston, containing by otticinl survey 400
acres, mtuatc within about two miles at
the Ulcurheltl creek, In the township of
Woodward and Dccutur-—which tract is
patented tn the subscribcr,
NO. 9-—JILSO, u tract of land in the
name of Samuel Hamblclon. patcnded by
the subscriber, and containing by official
survey 403 acres, situate in the township
of Decatur.
NO. IO—JILSU. His interest in a
tract nl hnd warranted‘in lhe name of
Jacob Cox. situate in the tnwnship of Del
calur, and containing by oflicinl survey
433 acres 153 perches. The interest 'of
sixid Wallace being (he one undivided
hall (hereof.
No. l I—JZLSO. His intereat'in 358
acres 0! laud, pnrt ol a tract warranted in
the name M Thomas Grant situate in
Ferguson township.
No. 12—.‘1LSO, Hts interest inn
tract ol laud warranted in the name of
Solomon 14,031, containing. by olficlal
survey, 367 acres—but [here being an in
tellereuce ol an adjoining survey the
quantity is believed to be not so much—
suuute in Beccnria township, nenrAthe
Cleurfield creek. The interest of the sub
scriber being an undivided hnlf thereof.
NO. IB—flLSO. His inlerest in I
tract at land. situate in Decatur township.
adjoining lands of A. (3059, and others.
containing about 100 acres, more or less,
50 or 00 news ol which ure cleared. with.
a dwelling house and gsmblc thereon erec
ted. The imercet of the subscriber being
the uudlvided third part thereof.
No. H,—ALSO. hisinicrcst in atract
of loud in (lic ualnu Ul Samuel Emlm,
cummumg. by olliciul survey, 433 acres,»
~liuute w llm Clearlield creek, chiefly in
} Woodward township. With about 20 or‘3o
hues ol the tract on the West side 0! the
gLT-‘l‘hc subscriber will make kuowiz
lhe terms and condiliuns of sale to any ap
phuml; mll make known tu’tlnctu the li
(lu to Cut.“ purc‘cl, show the (lrghs,'und
wull at“ hi: mlc clcur ul cucumbrhncéif'
Clcarficld. July :20. 1846. '
' ‘lllfi‘luat simmer has brought intellb
EL gcncc n! the arrival I)! :1 new and
-.:lcmil*l :issnrnncnt of ‘
lor E. a: W. F. IRWIN, which they ate
new opening, and which they are deter
mined to sell cheaper than the cheapest;
'l‘hcir Muck conswts in part of
Dry Goods. Grocerins, Glassware. 731 v
ware, Quwuware, Hardware. Book:
gr Show, flan». Calm and Ib'mimrls, Dye
Slag/5. Druga, &c. &c. .' '-
July 11. . r. . :
fiEIKSONS arc h‘elrcby cauliuucd- :-
1 game! buying, gelling or in any way:
mcddhug, with the :{olluwing propellyv
which was purchaécd by up utACunal'ghle
52110, and is unw‘iu' pusscssiun oMergw
Baruhurl u! Bell tp. On loan, viz: .. ..
1 bay horse, 1 ‘brown 110175031,
black and white Incifi'ér, 1 bay mare
and Cult, 1 set: of, horscgcargonc
red c0w,,1 windmill fand Blhéhw
of--shccp.' ' ' - .x '
, h mm M. RIDDLE.“
‘ - "JOHNBEGUNDEI’Q .' ~’_f
v. .. ' r ' JOHN NORABA‘UGIML'.i
Junu 2-;,1846.--—paid: _ '- . ’