Democratic banner. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1837-1849, July 25, 1846, Image 3

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will be M 4110 palm. 'l'hprp Um pcopln
will be 'present: and thorn ii in their privv
“ego, us well as duty; to guard the pnrily
of the anol box. .L'M 11mm sec to ix. -
‘ This is certainlv lhe fairoat mono: of m—
umlnining the will of n [lolilicul [www.—
Tlld strong townships lmvn no mlhmlngo
oval: llm \vmk ones; no: have tho weak
townships any mlvnnlnlzo over the strong
ones. as was lhe cash will) the system lam.
ly prhclicml in this county. For'mslnnm:
Brady lullumhip polls over 100 democratic
vows;chesftownship pollu fmm 5 In 8.
They were equallv represented ii) the
Cqunly Convention by 21lelegnlen. Thus
showing lhat lhe 8 democnilic v6tera of
Chest township had lhe name influence in
{he nominnlio'u of candidzmm as tho bun;
J’rod democrat}; of Brady. Tho unfairness
nfauch a system is clear nnd manure“, but
will be completely .nb‘vinted‘ hv-lhe Now
Syllem. h ia'lho samé. in effect, an iflhe
whole party were met in cnnvenlion, ns
enchdemocral has the influence of his own
vote, find no mow. whether he resides in n
democrat") or whig townahip.
In nrder to make this system perfect, it
Is only necessary for the party to turn out
as unnnimou‘sly'ns possible at the primary
elections. 'l'o reconcile n democrat to their
candidates of his party. it in only necessit
ry to satisfy) him that they am competent
and honest. and that they have been fairly
ascertained to be the choice at" n majority
of tho party—and candidates thus nomina
lt_.'_dl_mn_v defy all kinda of opposition—the
antive and manly ulrength of open [OO5. m
well ms the intrigues nrfll mnnn'vma (if pre
tended friends.
On motion, lhn Committee adjourned
M. NICHOLS. jr.. Pres:
H. B. BEISSEL. Sec'y.
{llh of July (Yelcln'nlion
A number 0! ladies and gentlemen ol
"Beccnlin. and the ndjuinin'g “mmlnm,
convened at lhe hquuc ul IC. li. 'l'iplnn.
near Mount Plcuunnl. [or the purpusc ol
cmnnmnmruling lhe nnniversnry nl' Amer—
Icnn Intlepmnlvm'o. At lhn-c o‘clock the
company sat (lawn to an elegant (lumen
10 which llwv (lid ample justice. Allvr
lhe clolh was removed. un mnliun lln-
Ueclnrnhnn nl Independence was [Bull‘-
aller which lhe following rvgular nn-l Vul
unleer Innslu were read:
m. ‘77:» Fourth of July. The day
we celehrule. Long may I! last in the
hearts of lhe penplv, and so long as libeny
exifils in the world. may the 41h of July he
hailed an its galln «lav.
Q‘lL‘Gcorgr’ U'ashmgrml. Ilia lame
aha" lh‘véer luvgnllen.
3d. 'lVMV‘Deparlcvl U‘ortllies nfflzeglo
rioux Ir‘m.)o'lulion.
4th. 77m President rgflhe l,’. S. Mav
he ever be Inimllul of Mn- duties devolving
upon/him, while he uccupwa his prvwni
high slntinn‘: "
Francis R. Shun/c, Governor of Penn
6th. Henry Clay.
lhouganul cunquerul
hrought‘belorc the people
7th.- .Gen. Taylor.z Mny his career
cohlinde as it i 4 now glorious.
81h. Nnj In’inggoltl. 0/ (he Jlrmy qf
Oculjmfinn. W'numlcd m we glnrumu
battle of the Bth. and died on Iln- mm.—
Ilis coumry mourns his loss. ‘
91h. Danicl- H'clmter. 'l‘lu- fnilhlu|
chumpiml of American IH'H'UIIL
Hm». 7he Uniled Sta/(rs. ’/'::.rm and
Oregon. “Roll on the ball,"
th. 'l'lur Ladies. God hk‘as llwm.
12. Capt. Smiley, 51 the Union Grays.
May they lit-over ready and wing at all
lime! In asaisl Gen. 'l'nylm', (H called on.)
llcml‘a up for 'l'mei.
18th. Our ..llost and Hostess. ‘Mav
their "barrfl ul mm! uml cruise of ml"
VOLU N ’l‘ I". I“. R 'm A 91‘s
By lunhslla S. ML-(Ttu. 'I'III.‘ {7lll'an
ofthe Universe. ()ul Uniun. Hm culudel
of the universe. m which fn-odmu has re
treated nah'e'r lfiaf lurlrosa. [Jet not hvr
walls—«cemented by the bluml uf our {me
frlhérs—b‘e turn n'suiulm' by lhe intestine
broils 0! her suns;
The flog—ill": flug--lhc glitterit'xg flag
, ‘lflml n'ur us «hinna ,
1.. lil wall. Nun! oi kindred lighl.‘ > .
By Samuel (indiréQv. ‘ ~ »
Mny the g—uol Kings '
Ba twmud inlo stringu.
'l'" tune the drums at Liberty.
By the same. E'fly-‘aia: signrruj the
' Declaraltmi‘of Independence. - Thexheny-_
in! 56 in all the Worlllfi-SO-heflvy that
_fimddtniwumw -
,l’ii By F. llollen. May the annexing?
" 0! quas he huilecl with joy, h'y'everv Am
erican citizen. ‘ , ' '
By the same. May the single he mar
ried. and the married be happy. .
By Wm. Nevling. The fair. theitiirl
tha Abenutcous fnir. 0n them OmJ fregdom
depends. * . ' . - ' ,
'By Thou. Comm. ' ' '
'l‘ho worldly men umy tit-hm chum. '
, it "And tichu 1111 l nmv iloe them;
Though anha’lusl lhny (‘Mch'them {mat
‘ .Thalr hauls can uu'or cujuv lhl‘tn
- Que me a quiet hour uro'oq, .
-. Mypnns üboth my clonreut lasb,‘ .
'l‘béfi' Worldly ‘cnrucu'nll )varldly man,
May all goal? to Tam“. '
By fig‘llnlfl‘lgculle‘y'f,- .. i, y :_,‘_‘! '
.‘ ’E‘tonl; rgckazund,-Il9fid'- and Mahala?“ l‘?‘
gme AME. ufaup thong; 33"? 3 / ’ '
. Frnynlcrnchnul gum. and womcne' tongues
(hum! Pun! (ln‘hvnr me.
'At 511 o’clmzk 'iti Hm owning the cum
pnny rv-liu-«l,.w¢-ll pit-mud wilh lhn ‘mMl
nor in which lhudnv had bran celfibrale‘L
'l‘rrumporfing a Steam/ma! Over Llmd.
~'l'hc lmnupnrlnlitm nl lhetstvnm-pnckt-t
Julia Pnluwr, ul nhuul 400 tom, around
1h» [HHS bvlum-n Lnkna Superinr nnd Hu
rm). hug how umnmencod. She has al-
H-ml‘v been rum-d cnwnlnen hundtvd hot.
and mum-(I mow llmn hull the (“Human
wnh rumplelc nurcons.’ The hvllnwing
extinct lrmu a Buffalo pnpl-r umlnma tho
[mrliunlarn nf lhi». "Humming vnlorpriw:
HAUIxr lhe Mum; Jnylly 9m. 1846 —«
'l'hus lur wu haw uu-l will! succma lar he
yuml our [Hm-‘1 ammu'mu hope. “'0 have
(WH‘FUHU‘ ull “hunch-u, such (Ii rnvlm'el.
rm‘ku. hi'llu uml Inuruw. \Vlll) rupulnv nml
nnlvly truly nsluniulnlng. anil nu:- m-nv on
the tummil level, 1700 lwt lrom (he wa
ter at nur «I!anng pmnl. m 10.: working
days, nml willmut accident «I any kind.
'l:th ltqqling [gag Ihmnughly (MINI nml
prlivml (hp aupe‘hgmlv ul (lu- 931""!4‘" nml
fualoninge nf llu- v‘gfsul. ml evol‘qlhlfik lua
longmg lu lmr—onfiinv, lmilr-r. luxmlc. uinlh‘.
rigglng. lurnihm-. pruvixinnu, nnullmgntlll:
ly number of lmmlu—uru on lmnrd. :m‘ll shv
nmkvs nu cnmpluint. Ahvml nl' us all is
mnnnlh hailing—:l queer name to cull it by
~1250l) {vol m ”w wulvr nlmvv: (In: pnrt‘
age. which wnh nrulmnry nuccesa will he
nvercumo in (huh-0n wnrking duh. Then
for n gum! launch and :1 fair qtnrl upon the
lallwr nf lakeq.
I think \w- shall he "-me to ring lhe
ulnrling ln-ll by tlw Isl of August. 'lfher
mumvtor nl near ()0 degrees in the shade
lo‘tlny; wv are nnxmus to get on lo the
lake In {:PI cool. Daylight lrmn hnll past
two A. M. lull hnll past Him; I’. M. and
moonlight fur Ihv lmluncv. Beaulllul eve-
nlngq o/ n It’nslmi [lull/mum, and smv'n
Liws.—Ship Gt’nttm, Ilullis,ul "(i-it"!!!
from Calcutta lur “(”5“)". wnn lost in
Strny’w May, at It) n'clm‘k on the night M
Apr" 52!), «In the some spat when: the "MW
of Nmthumlnerlnml was lust. A ".9"!-
twn chihlrrn. and a v-I-rvnul umiii, nnmea
unkuuwn. w'rrv drownml ns mull n 9 llireo
ot the (new. (:illr'. 11. his nlliceic, and
the rest «if the cinw. 1,7 in number. WUH'
waved. The cargu consisted of indigo.
shrllni‘. dye-stung, sultpt-t'ro, hiilm‘. gun")
bags, mum uoul skins, &c. The vessel
Wan rnxyph-u-Iy bmkcn up. The crew
weiu emplnyml snvin: cargo. The indigo
Cflfll‘fi‘H'ld ulvemly hrnkon up. The re
ports are umlér'il’mc «if Swelli-mhun, May
l. The London Standard. in ropurting
the above wreck, mlils. " when, we again
ask, \VIH the lung: hnpi'd for light on Cape
Agut‘hna :ippvnr. to wurn the mariner at
In: ilungpr, and ihereby prownt u repeti
tion 0' «lisnatws such as nrn again rccuivv
The Gpnhuo wan n fine shlp 01' 43.") tons,
Valued at SQS.(>oo—nnd_thyrv in insur
ance on H‘s-pl, lw-thmnoney and cargo,
a! sown nmm in this; ruy, tn [he mnuunl
ul $12104.” w Huston flrlwrlisfr.
' 77m ('(mllr' at Van Crux—lt is mud to
he dptortnined npmn to attack tlw Castle
M ern (lru'l. \Ve dun't nduurc stone
walls ngnimt mmden wal|~-—tlw odds: are
hm lt-url'ul, \V.- H” retrnemhrr the attack
on Algiom hy the cnmhuwd llm-ts ul ling
lnnd, Frnnrv. nnd Holland—same 1H)
gun ships, n dnurn or two of 711‘s. besides
lrigutos nud hmnh vvssvln innumerable.—
'l'hn world ln-hevos that Lord Exmnltth
cnnqnorvd, :H ho made It trvaty. nml cur~
rtednll his [minl‘L It is an error. The
cmuhinml "out was luwrt'n: and d an the
Hound day, when [he Mluudron made mil
tnwurdn [he hath-rim, ustvnsthly tn rmww
the fight, the Alumina-5 had mud " Come“
on!" instead 0! lmisting u \vhlte flag. it
would huvv lwt'n ull nvrr with llw nlllw.
This we know. [)t-rsuttlnlly. 'l'hluk of one
‘ship lmvmg RH!) killed and woumlt-d l “-
we can thruw tmmtu into the castle wit?)-
uut their shot reaching us, we shall have ll
all our nwn wn}. \Vhy not. got mmmrs
my large as Soult used in lllt‘tlwmg ahclla
lrum Purl Santa Maria into Cadiz, a dis
tunue from Cnl-itle Garden to Jenn-y Clty.
It can b» dune. and M shall tlwn reduce
the rustle. - Noah's.- Timmy.
Debate“ in ‘l4.
Mny he again he
INDIAN (34m:uMI~‘..—-lu “'nnh'mgtnn re
cvnlly. during the hot weather. ii I: said
than. one of [he Imlium now in that cily,
Wnu going up the avenue clothed in such
nppurcl u» civilizzn‘iou was heaping upon
him. Feeling lhmn 0|“ no manner of mm.
he took all Ins pantaln’ons. ”new them 0-
vo'r his arm, um] utrmlu up lhe nvcnuc in
bun inmeiul of black. llc unruclml qulhe
‘as much notice with them an his arm nu if
they had been on his law. It was cnm
fnrt triumphant over clvilizdiun, augges»
[we of one of lhe suht‘lmrn slyleu u‘ roa
tume [ol"th numnwr, \'i'/.'.-n slruw Inn and
a pair 9fspbclnclesw—lhm. Lhz’un.
f ...-4.1:“... My“ m, . ..
Mr. ABRAHAM LEONARD, in llm 70th vnur nl'
his ngn. ' .
tn lhiu nuuldevu dnnlh 1m cummunuy mva mu
lhmed no ordinnry lo'sl. Tho ngml and lhn “14.
n .. ‘_ u n
, tho thoughtless and um uorlous MOl
-. . l
hmm hnn b'oan' made ulnopg “It “ti o
'u ‘ l
wna'umong (he {3er ueulurant} .
. . -I-r a pound uf about
vounlrymhavmg I . ~
1 - . mollent Unity of
4. yonrq. Pops”: 'h' ".Vk“ “.
chnmcmr. and s}»? . , .-‘l3;’;~’§§§fi",yr "a,
rrnnhno's9.(?lf’tfi" ibunrlghl h:frt--‘..fmy mug; uhurold
m 0") my m the ”spur-I',syntaemzolpnr "_luontll
0”“ Vin" lgmyv him. is \Y'Ollgd be lupurtluuusfok‘
1113 Sg’E'llgi/io {Mall ‘ upqn hm )mmy ellimabhxvifi
0’44“)” are known 13y, lhguo who worq‘mos: in~
llnmlqwith lxfinl.';-!;1 lhd‘vnr’iéus relations 0‘ life;
I‘}, "FE“! 19. digchzf‘gfigoyh'h‘; dunes m n mun amlru
christian; hmlin doihfiifl: wot) m‘a'lqvo Iml‘toa
‘ ‘ 1E7." " ‘
pPN (If nil: in hmi'ficinl mlnliflnw, ha was lmnnrml
null eulnnmml; in tho dnmoulic circle, he was luv-
'ml anil revered. Though n rafxnhr nuondhnt nu
Um houfio'oqud. Mr. Lummrd did no: nmko n pul»
“0 hmfmninn ofqruligiun nll nbuul'fnur ynnrn ngn.
whnn hn hm-nmn ninmhlva of tho lwggfa'nily nl‘ m‘nmn
lining nit-pa . lh'im mnrnlilv to serum Iho {mm of
COIL "n mughl uml üblumod Ila-[m in Chriul nu
lhn nnly Slqvimn ; \- hwh hupn t-honmd um] com.
fnrlod his dwlmmg young mull nuulmqgfl hum
nll lho vvriumlullnn nrul "111-minim Hf Inn “[0 .»
His chrimnn nhnrm-(m hn mnmlninml irrt‘nrnnrh
nhly; lhe «unfunny wnu hm dohghl.nm| whon
Iln'lllll porunlnmL hn \vnn rinvnrlnblv In his! plm‘u
—'l‘lnu wmx dhu man up I” lhn "I" SqM-ulh
ul lii-u Illa. 'l‘lm puny Im Imam-mod wun nut of HIM
kuul “Inch urn-ks tho nulu-n nnd npplnmm nf Int-‘n‘
lull wnn mhn ..m‘ Mlumul, u [lilo It wna univm nml
l‘ulmllllll. I‘anuH-w m whnm hu hud lmlmvutl.
\‘vhl'ru lu- Inc! r!“ll‘ll 111-n hollow; uml \v:l~rmnlitll~ul
[hm hn uhu hm! lwgnu lhn “owl work 11l lum,
“MIM MIN) non In purlnclmn. Dmuh hm] nu
l"lllll"4, lur {ln-ugh ll (‘nlno smlllmlly, nml \th
q(‘nrmlv n moun-nln “urnlnyg, vol II ('nnnul Im mid In
hnvo rump unouwtrlmllv; _an wuq lullki'lf! fur ”-
“15in“! {or 11. "ml Minn ognnl ha “pm-lad In lm
0:1"le 7|}!an muMwulv 'l‘hnnyh lu- wnn nu! pur- ‘
"‘ . l
mlnud lo lbuvn hm lrlnnd- Inn dvmu lnnumnnv. )m
Hm “hula lr-norm hp: "I!“ sincn hn emhrm‘od llm‘
‘> , . "3
thrnlrln rohgum, L'lvvs ‘ng lhu lualnmmv Ihzll hu.‘
'mnrn wnv mudu wflh (:ml. "-‘xAml (In-nun hm anlh-‘
Iv l'lhnrnm-lu H din-mind. Vl:["\\"v ranu‘u m hohqvu
~ > W
Hun hm npml‘nuw vlwulls In Adam-«u nol "HM“?
With lmmlq, rlnrnnl 11l Hm hmn‘rn-n ‘x’:
N 0 T‘ 1 C F. .
'l'lm vntvu nt‘L‘luurfioM tummy vtrionlllv In tho
Tim” 111. IR“). nrl' n-qnnuuul In mv-ul ul lhu (‘nnrt
Imus“ m lhe Imrmlgh nl (.‘lunrfiuld. nu lhn nvuulnu
of Snlmduy [ho In! nl Anguill Ilml. lur llm punmw
uf nppmnu'm Iw‘: (Inlnbguln-u In ruprnlunl Clunrlie'tl
munly 111 lhn Whig (.‘unurusumnnl (iunluruv Mn-r-l.
inu nflhm thwlru‘l. In uafiunlh'u nl lhn lmrullgh ul
lndmnn on Ihn :Ist nl Augml
Julv 95
, ' umlncu (Jul. JOHN SI'I'I‘I‘ZS, of
lluggu luwnhhlp, me n (:amlulnle lur llm ol
firv n! SHERIFF. at lhe ensuing ole-cliun
Subjccl to Hm action 0! the «It'mocrnlic
Pmy. MAM Vo'rx-zns.
,/ A' n
B'eacae Promoted!
a EONARD’& MOORE hnvo just rO
- A n-iw-«l nt Iht-ir old slnml in lhe bor
uugh "I ()Ilffllfil‘lll,a general assortmmn of
fresh ‘
cnnulnting ol evvry variety in the line of
"WK/9'. S-cu
nml (-mbracmg gt'm‘rtu the host arliclvs
in llne market.
The [)IIUIIC ure inviicd to call and exu-
Iniuu, bum as lo price and quulny; and
all M which they will dispose of nu lair
term [or (inch m Prmluce. Jul 115,,
4; <1 its. Rowan ml.
3% p AN-A-VVAY from {he
Ea, subqrrilgcr on lhe ‘30”!
. um. u boy named Harman
a... 4539 _ln’unvlz's, taking wilh lmn lluthv
W mg [ml n Hurt, pnululmms,
((‘uusmctlJ and cloth cup. He is übom
13 _venru of nun. The above reward. but
no (hunks, will b:- given {or his upproben
uiou. But mnlu-blu of his contracting ur
ler lhm date, will I)». paid bv. ’ '
Lawn-ure tp. July 522. 1810.
LL persuns are hereby cuulimml n
-1" gains-l takmg an uwlgnmenl u! a cer
lum pru‘miuory nulu given by me In Chris
topher Krnmvr. beurmg «lam mum-lune in
Uclobcr. IS-li'). calling lor $50.11* I have
lwvor n-ceived vnluo fur lhe sumo. and um
thorolorc tlt'lt'lmllll‘ll' not to pay it unless
cgmpelh-(l luv law.
July 32.19.16—pd.
r VHF. hllhstlllh‘lfi Halve jun rmwvml
E and upenwl :1 new mul verv gum-ml
ungmlnu‘lfl 0' ("N’DSI at ”WIT “It! slund,
which Iln-y will sell cln-upn-r Ihnn Hn- mum
quullly nl gum!» huvc cvcr been suhl 11l (hr
cuunly. 'l'hun pluck ('(umulu uf
QlN’lzfi’Vs'H'Jlx'll. litm’l‘NJ SHUI'IN.
(-‘ONNI'TTN, IM 'l‘s .y‘ 4211352
I)th:.\'_.s-r. 4‘o. 47:.
I All persons that have yet! uxmninml nur
stock. pronuuncc them the cheaper-t f"
has! ever uflmwl in the coun!y,—-;w"w m“
“ every bad” ”3/3 ""13, be ’s's'lo centn.
VVelwlll 53‘” amid s‘)E;s‘:ll)llslins lrpm
INS! Rm “m“ I‘l‘i'g’l‘rum (if upwmd.
8 to 125 CW“ ‘lqes'er gallon—aim! every
Molaaacs all/gimme low rate. , v
AFlXffind it to theil"udvanlage lugivo
cyan. .
Clourliold July 2:1 ISM}.
_, fillEcwpurlnershipllerelolu'rcexisting
YE bl-uvemg-Jowph nml Jamei'McMur
ray. ol llu-nsjltle townuhip. in the mercan
til bus-inézés.~ is'llns- day dissolved by ,mu
llm consguJ. -'l‘he‘ banks will be left in
'the and—slil James McMurmy fur settle:
‘mel —:-wlm will also vh’rry on llw. husi’
new a lnrmellv. - V ‘
’ I ‘. JAMES McMURIMY». ,g.
lrvl’fn Mills, Burnside ~ 11;“ f:
‘ tpul‘me I’6lh, 184 G. E-pd. 3L" 43% ‘
Sale «Mi Real! Estate...
«g Vl'llfi subs-(tribe:- olTeru for
..‘_" 2‘”; IE; sale the lollowing Real
(fiégflg‘gliamte, “'14:! - ‘ ,
—WO. fl.--./I LOT OF GROUND, in
lm hnmugh ol (llt-nrfit'll'. “NW: 45‘) [9“! 6H
you! an Sc-imml xlrcut and «xtemlingbnck
l 5” font In line Mnrkct hnunu lot. with nn
nHvy phasing «m the. soulh M It. and WIN)
:1 alm'y-nml-n-hulf hnuw and Mable therc‘
on I‘l’Prtl‘ll, luring part at Lo! No. '79 in tho
nlnn nl nnid town.
NO. ‘3.—-AI,SO, .9 Lo! quROUND
dJniumg Hm nhnvo on tho north aulo. ha
ng 43 Ice! in lrunt ‘on Q‘l strontium] 0K
tending bark 15” feel 10 the Market hnusm,
LING HUUSI". thermm‘ mecled. with 8
WM! and pump at the door. and ulhvr Val
uable unpruvcnwnln. lining pnrts ol Lola
NO. 78 81 7!) in mm! hwy". '
ZR. MIL-VO, ”is intéreet in ”)9 north
ern half oi In»! No. TR. [wing ‘2B foo! 8 in
chin! 11l lrmn nn Srcnnd nlrwt, and exlcnd
(ling linrk ISO fwd.
NO. Ila—ALSO.‘ lIH mluu‘st in n
TIL/[(l7 ()I" [MI/VI). situate in Law
rence township. ndjnining lands ul’ Rnlmrt
Owens, 'Jn‘in Mitchell and ollwrn. which
is beliuwtl to conlnin nlmut 100 achs‘.
more or loss, with n cabin house um! nab-
In lmrn Hicrmm wrctvd. nn Aliph- nich
nld. uml wulh hetwwan 50 and (:0 name 0|
nlenred (and. . -
E‘AV‘E‘NO. S—3LSU. His inn-res; in a 'racl
Vifixl‘hml warranted in lhe name of Josrph
I'Drresl. uiluate in \Vomlwnrd lowmhlp.
near (In: ( ll‘alfieltl creek, and by official
:survey containing 400 ncren and 10 pa.
Wu. G'i—JllflU, ”H ih‘tvroit in Mrncl
oi luml wurmuteul in the name of Poltr
Henry, by oflicinl survey conluining 400
acres and 10p». situate close (0 said (Ilvar
field arm-k, In lhe suul township of \anl
No. 7 «fl/,SU. his interest in A true!
n! luml. wnrrnnu’ll In the nnrueof Samuel
Henry. by ofl'lcinl survey containing 41)”
Acn-n and IQ perches, silua'e I" “'on!!-
ward (mvmhip, and near the (Ilcnrfield
NO. H—JIL-YO, His interest in u twct
0! team], warranted in the name of Hugh
It’alfitmt, cnntnining by official but‘thY 400
ucrvi, situate within about two nnlrs at
the (Itvmfichl creek, in the townehip of
W’omlwnut nml l,)vcutur—-w|lich tract is
patentml to tho gubscriber.
NO. 9-—.47/,S(), n tract of Innd in the
name ut Samuel llu/nhltzlon. palemled by
the subscribe“ and cunlmning by oflicinl
survey 40:1 acres. situate in the township
nt Decatur.
Nu. lo—JiluS‘U. His intcreut in a
tract ut Inml warranted in the name 0!
Jacob (fox. situate in the tnwmship at De
catur. and containing by nfliciul survey
433 acre» 153 porches. The interest of
mid W altnce being the unc undivided
1m” “lL'l‘Pnf.
NO. l i—J] LSD. Hi 9 Interest in 358
acres 0! land, port 0! a tract warranted In
lln: name of Tlmnum Grant situate m
Ferguson township.
MO. ILL-. 0130, ”I! interest in a
[met at lam]. warranted in the name 0!
Solomon Lyon. containing. by oilicml
survry, 2187 never—hm there being an in
lrtlcrencu 0'! un ndjoimng survey lhe
quantity is bvhcvcd lo be not 140 much
nllUflll' in Heccnrm (mvnship. nmr the
(Ilvnrficld creek. The interest ul (he sub
sctibur being an undivided half (hcruul.
NO. I3—JILSO. Ilia interest in ,1!
(Incl ul luud. aims"! in Decatur township,
ntljnjning lands of A. lines, and others.
cnnlulnlng about lUD Acre-s. mum or lens,
50 or 60 news at winch are cleared, with
n qullmg house uml’ stable then-on erec
h-d. The mien-e! of lhe subscriber being
lln- umlividml Ihml purl lhereul.
VO. '1 1.-—-ALSU, his Inleresl in atrncl
0! land in the mum: of Summl Emir",
ronluiuing. by ullimul uuwey, 453 acres.
munle on the (Ilemfield creek, chiefly in
\Vumlwnrd lt)wnslllp,:wilh [About ‘3O or 30
acres U! the [met on lhe was! a'ulu 0| the
L‘H-ck. “ :52;
mj‘The subscliher will make known
lhe lcrun nml conditions u! squ to any up;
I‘licnnl; mll make knuwu In them Hm ll-
HP to CM.“ pawn-l. thW the drafts, and
will an! hullulc (It-ur (ll c-mzumbmllc'w.
("h-mfieln’, Jul} '2”. l 8“).
'E‘Hlfi Int aleamer has bmughl'm'l'u"
gcucu ul lhe urnml M‘ ““W and
Bplemlld usmrlmwv “f 1f ,
(or E. K: W~ [B, Imm, winch Ilwy m 0
""w"l"“’i"g- um‘ which Hwy mu deter.
mined In Hell ..nguper than the clwupcst.
'l'heir .mcvcnnsma in part nf
Dry (mods. (Irurrryic‘sb Glussumrp, Tin
.ulm’, Qucmmwrr, ”(ml/Ivar“. Bun/.-
.(S‘ Show. liaise, ('uim mu/ Hun/um. Nf/l'
Mtg/Iv. Drugs, 81c. Ah. ‘ ‘ l,‘
AA‘Juéyr 1717*- 7,7,______#,_~ .
EEERSUNS are hereby cautioned av
. guinst buying, mung." in-nny wuy
meddling will: lhe following property
which was purchased by 'ua n! Constable
sale. nml~i9 now in poss'esslon of Andrew
Barnlwrl nl llell tp. on loan. $537.:
1 [my hafise, 1 brown horse, 1
black and. White‘hciflfcr, 1 bay mare
’and Colt", '1 sctt of horsevgenrs, one,
red. com] windmill and-9 head
ofsh‘cep, . .- .1 ' ‘ -
5' 'juJOflN M. RIDDLE.
, JuneZ4.lMG.é—pnid, “ ‘' ‘
c A u 'r to N."
' Y virtue of sundry units of Venditi-
B nui Expimns issued out of the Court.
at Comumn Plano ot'Clourfiold county. and!
to me tliuectcd. will be exposed to public
eulo M the court huuxe in Clourfiuld, at on}
o'll|o(‘.k.i’. M.on Mondny the 315'. «Inf-" 0!
August next. a lot of ground situate with
in the lmrough ul Clunrficltl, bottli'ded on
the costhy lot No. 14. 'on the nonliby
lot No. 15. on the wot-1| by 4th street, am}
on tho aouthhy lot Nu. 1:3, and: known as
out lot No. ~—. containing 6 ucros' and 75'
porcht-A. with :1 house and stable thereon.
JILSO, lot No. 50. in unit! borough boun
-1 «led nu the cost by Second utreet, on the
north bv lot No. 49, on the west by unpl
ltt-y. onil on the south by iut No. 51. with
in house nml atahlo thereon. Seized and
taken in oxcrulion and (u be gold as [he
prnpcrty nl ,Rubert Culliuu.
‘ fllafi'l),
A {racl 0| land uiluulc in Deculchowu
ship, (:lenrfiold cnuntv. bounded on the
nurn: by land of Grmz. on the south-cant
luv Inml M Andrew Kephnrt, and Daniel
l’huhpu on [he unulh-wesl. containing 100
ucrv-t, more or less. with a house. barn.
and nhnul 4.3 uclcs cleared thereon. Sei
zed and lake” in execution nudtlo be sold
as Ihn pmpu-rty ul Jnhn Smenl.
A tract 0! land situatn in Bumude
township, tllcurlield rounty, lmuudedvby
lumta Hi David Fulton. Gvorge Atchiaon,
um] the Susquehanna river. being 3 Inch!—
Iy ut seventy acre» purchased by Simon 81
l)uvul.l‘.‘u|luu. of Samuel McGeehen, with
a atweihug home, stable. and about 15 a
cres cleaved thereon. flLSO,‘ a [fact of
lmul in mid township, adjoining Inndl 0!
David Fulton on the north-west and along
hia line to a dividing line i béTwéeu
Jumes Gnlinhcl',ju‘.. thence ulung said line
on the youth-west to a maple on the bank
u! the Susqueinmna river. 'thence down
51ml river north-west us fara‘l-mlhmlke
the lam: the same the assnitl 'Fultnn’l land
adjoining It. running 11 straight line from
me nver a north-east course till it strikes
David Fultona, cuulaining 50 acres more
or less. Seized, taken in execution ind
to be sold as the property of Simon Fulton.
A lruclof luml eixuate in Decatur town
shlp, Clenrfiulll county. bounded on the
south by laml of Solomon Philip: and on
the north-west by lands of Andrew Kep'
hart, containing —--~ acres. wilh a house.
barn. orchard. and chant 40 acres clured
llmreun. Suited and taken in execution.
and lo be unit] us the properly of Michel
!~\anker. flLSO -
A tract of Land situate in Huston .(gwn
qhip, Cit-airfield county. being the cult part
of true! Nu. 4805, bounded on the rut by
lands'of Smith. on the north by ‘No. 4894,
nn the south by lands 0! Warner. Jones
& Andrews, on the west by lnnds of Mort
us 81 Charles \Vchb, and bring the same
premises which John Maccumber jr‘. con
veyed to Leonard Morey and Chad”
Suhnarrs. lei-re tenants. containing 317
times. with a SuW-HH”, dwelhng house and
about one acre ul’ cleared land thereon.-——
Seized and lukeu In execution. and to be
sold as the property of John Mnccumber.
jr. by ELLIS IRWIN. Sh’E.
Sh’tl'a office. Clear- 2
field, July 18, 1846.5
(four! Proclanmllon, , ‘
W” EIUZASthu “on. Can W. \\’oud\vurd.Pros~
dunlJudgu u! the (tour! 00 Common Pleas ol
Hue 11h _mnlwml distract. rumpus“! 01 lhocounlim oi
(Illnluu. Mullin. Contra and Cleurfiuldhnnd the
Hun Julm-s 'l' Ll-mmxd nml Abruhnm K \‘Vrighl.
linq'rn, Aswarmw Jndfym in (‘lonrfiold county, have
imam-d lhoir prl'l'l‘pl. bunnng dnté lhe 41h davol May
1846. In Im- dlrvclchnr lmldmg u , , '
('uurl u"(."ummou Plum, ()rp/lana Courl, Cour!
» o/ szrfez‘ Savsimw, and Court of Dyer 4r mat-j
mv‘uzr um! (y'mcrul Jail Delivery.
nl (‘leurfiuld 'l‘u\ County at (.‘lonrfienu.on
Um 5m Mummy ul Aug non.) being the3llt day
0f”... "mull” . .
Nolu‘c is. f/zt‘refarc, hcrcby given.
in lln- ( ‘nmncm. Juslwma nl the Ponce, dz. Conslablel
111 and fur the Uuunly ul'Ulourlicld. '0 “Plum“? “1'"
uwu prupt-r pursuns. wnlh Rolls, Rywrdaanuminom
lixmxmmliuus and other Rememlrillwc". '0 do thou
llnmzu which thmr nflim-n Mun thir II"‘Iu’I”"Pp"lflih
10 he dour, null all mmumu und nllmrpqrsonp ["01
sm'umg 1n lwhull n! llml7.)u‘l:u"l|\“¢0“'l DK‘W‘“ my
prmmvr mo rnq‘mrml m In llwn mm llmrenueudinfi
and um .h-pnrl u nhmll ("11-VP. It "W" PE". Juror:
arr “"1""th m 1." [‘llll'lunl m Inmru'uvndum‘e nl
llw :nmuvluU-(hmu- "refill“? '0 “0"?" .
.n-u .....Iqmv mm)": Ihu [mm at ‘Clenrfiolthil
25”. day ..1 Juno, m llm your nF’énr L'nrd one
unnmuul «lab 111-Illlffll mid lurly HI. UM Iho‘
flu). ”...“. van—u] {\mnrilrun huh-pendulum.
{.l'S'l' ()F LE'I"!‘EI{S
- 'EMAINING in lhe P. 0. at Clear—
-5% mm, l’é.July 1. new. . ‘
Allgheubuugh Henry. Aiken J J 7
Commissioners cl‘y--2 ("Tartcr LEVIN B-
Curler Lewis B Cm’erlcr Amos" .'
Barron Aml'w Brewer J. W". 'I "
Barnes W E Flilflbfi’Jß‘ "
Fergusnn James Flnungun‘l‘amfl ':
(J'undy Elizabeth Galluupic Wm "a,
(ilflurcl Joseph—92 Hartman Benj. ‘
llorn Rachel Mr-I. HewiLFrnnkhn H
Hoyt Wm. Dr. I'leinslergér: N; I I '
Harrismv & VVurm-rv Hofl'mal‘i' H'RevLHV
.Im kw" Junl'h' Mu|lenlCarolin“e[
Mcleulen’Ruberl' 'Sfilhnéé’f’D'B—S“;
umn—Get), —— -—~ W ~ inNMmem~Gl|a|i~€—_'-j
VVu-Huce Luwer “fully “'11) d '
Wright A. K.- \Vziv'Cnleb “ "
\Ynllgr AB‘ ‘ J ,‘ , I
Rafferty l’njrick or 03in Pulrilck; {_l,’
37 w; 1,; 5100113.)»; ...-L
{KrJ‘nnrrrrrxmer/JJSJ‘W L '1
K g r‘f,
2’ ‘A‘NI‘I‘RS Mid” it?”
1"." ‘ ’5 o . ern ;';'
2 ”(J kimlsl cpn‘bel'cured by:l
‘8) L ' n vogctnblpl plpfitqstdby' M, 2“
SNIUHOLS. men. of Qluav‘fiqmwlnwno,
5 with but limé '(pain,‘:.t~,_i,lhg)iit- cutting
aurVealing'llmh oni.l.—J;-ng‘r'j‘-.ifopl c‘uudkv‘v
Sno pill w‘illbe'ask‘ed.’ '_ ‘ ~ ;__, ”‘52“
2". .Jqu'Q-épuid», a ,1 amaww
' a