Democratic banner. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1837-1849, July 25, 1846, Image 2

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    5 Humans-umn“ ll" im I’.-
Late from lllc Army.
\Ve mentioned,in 0m “‘WW‘H'M" ""9'
pntLh Irom Unltimnrc nn 'l'ursdnv In“.
the “my.” in New ()rlvnm. on the (ith in
stunt, ofthe steamer Alabnma ilntn Bra
7.03 Santiaun, and gave a hynnpsi» at the
import!!!" "..,qu hinught by her irnm the
American arinyL' The New ()ilvans pn
parse! the 7th instant. containing addi
tional partieulars,-=were nnt received until
yesterday. From the l’icawno we ex
uaet the annexed currespnmlence from
one olvitn _editors. Mr. G. Witkihs Ken
dallqtd nlnu .cmnpile the tullnwing brief
nummar’} ‘: a
The Mexican {vices anfsupnnsed to be
concentrated in the vicinity of Maiden-y
under the immediate command of Pun-dos.
The American Army appear _tu be an the
point of taking up their march to penetrate
as for us Mdnterey. Already have the
boats culnmenced trnnspnrting the troops
from Mntammgs tn Cnmmgo. '
‘ Ravaosa. Mexico. June 9.1.1846. *~
After a hurried eight rlaya’ reconnoia
some on horseback into the interior of
Mexico. during which time we have irav.
ollcd over two hundrtd miles. the. Team
Rangers hon-just reached lteynusa. Gen.
'l'nvloi's instructions recommending our
commander, Capt. McCullough, to come
in at this place after scouring: the country
as fat as possible in the direction of Li
hares. “'9 reached I‘ll Mesepate. a point
within two daya’ travel of that place. in
. four days. and Capt. McC. would have
proceeded further had there been a possi.
Inltty of procuring corn for the horses; but
finding that he was already over one hun
dredmiles in the heart as it were of the
enemy’s country. that the next water was
thirty-sis mileadistant 61. reported bracle
ish. and that then: was no possibility of
obtaining forage for the horses other than
a scanty sopply of grass. our commander
wisely determined upon leaving this route
to Monterey. and striking into the upper
road. in a northerly'direction. at a point
near the large ram/m of La Cona. While
at 'EI Ehonillo he learned that Canales
with sixty men only and near six hundred
fresh horses, was but: one days march it"!
head of him and travelling towards La
Coma or El Coronet, and with the hope of
> overtaking him a forced. ma'rch'was made;
buton striking the road near the former
place, Capt. McC. was told that the no
ted ranclieno chief had four hundred men
with‘liim cluse by, and had taken guodi
carts to ienil his extra horses to a place of!
{ aaféty.‘ To proceed lartherinto the into
‘ riot-with thirty-five men only. encumber
ed withcight pack‘mules, was deemed not
only inexpedie‘nt but imprudent; so our
horsea heads were turned towards this
place, where we have arrived all safe.
Onstayrting from Motamoras the party
numbered forty as woldlfimounted and well
appointed men as over started upon a
scout. 'f'o-throw-ziny Mexicans oppo a
wrong scent who might be watching Him.
oar commander took the direct road to
Rveyooaa, and encamped the first nightt
near the Rancho de Guadalupe. The
next morning, after leaving the rancho a
short distance in the rear. the course was
altered to the south. and before night. at
tern thorough soaking from a shower, we
were in the main road to Linarea, and in
the same path taken by Arista’s army in
in its flight. The horse of one of the men
becoming lame during the (lay.>Captain
McC.' reluctantly ordered ,him to make
the best Way he could into Matamoros.
‘On the third morning a young man was
badly wounded by a tall from his hot/60
while 'end'earoring to overtaken small {oar
ly or armed Mexicans. Hie iriiuriesr-were
so severe that it was found necessary to
“Nd him. too. back to Matamoros; and as
severat ranchos had already been passed,
it_waa‘dcemeil prudent to send three men
with him. This reduced the parts t‘o
thlrty-five. all told. 01 the party purs'ued.
OOB'elt‘ttpt’d by reaching a musquit thick
et; the‘others left their houses an hotly were
theypressed. threw away their‘ escape/as
or carbines, cartridge boxes, coats, andi
even their spurs. and succeeded in olud.‘
int: pursuit "Wingtu the thickness of the
chaparral. "they get over the scare as
easily as they got away. I am much mis.
lakena Of all the different parties en
countered on the road, this was the only
one that escaped. The leader of it drew
his cscopcla upon Capt. McC.. who was in
advance when gthey first. come up. but
thodght it more discreet to run than to
It wnultl be diflicult to picture tho as.
tonishment and alarm at the different run
chos onthe Rangers entered them. or the
consternation 'ol'thuse upon whom we come
suddenly upon the road. By forced night
mnrchea our 'commnnder frequently got
upon-the other title ol some at the settle
ments, and rode into them as thoughdl
rectflrom Monterey or Linnres. and going
towards Mntntnoroe. By doubling and
‘_lLLWUltlgnt—werowthrown» com-t
7 .. toe scent. and Were willing to
newer any questions with a readiness
thgt siphoned they thought life or death de
pended upon their nlacrity. At Elbonillo
mitt-{)Ply of corn sulficient lor two days
wad-procured for our horses. their oven
prices-being paid for may kernel;this.
with‘ the exception of a small quantity ob.
tained (mm the cnrtsvol a' travelling mer
chant on the upper road. was all that could
be procured. , j
\ Thu’ result of the information picked 'up
byline recqnnoiagqhwt m agile“; wnnls,
amouMs t?» H is: thht‘two‘days befo’re we
reached El Lhaep‘ate ilgerc wns u had} of
1000 Me‘xlcun‘ infantry uf Linnres. and
that u lorce ofl chair}; the precise num
be'r of which could n‘ot‘be ascertained,
wa's atatibned at dim-mint 'rnn'choa innithc
. . . a , , ‘
_Vlfwfly; that Arum had recently sent
down cotn'misiiiionéré/in the neigltlliirhmul
101 m Ehnnillo, who had purchased five
hundred fresh horses to remount sotnojol'
his cavalry at Monteri‘y; that umny‘ol his
trodpmespecinlty "It.“ runcherm ax hzid
hevn prcssvd, Wl'l't‘ dnily dust-rung him ;
that the llll‘li ol Funnies. too, or mmy ol
them, were leaving his lortunoa in disgust,
thom- «ticking by him only doing it (rum in
hope ol plunder. or from having no other
menus at gninmg'lood. 'l'hnt Ilmwns n
wnrc of Cnpt. MéC.’s being in“ his nt-ign-
Hmrhood tin-rc- is little doubt; but whether
he wns unable to catch up “ith tho hur
tit-d nnd complicnted movements oi the
'l'oxam. or fmrlnl of giving thcm hattle.
in moto than this deponont cun any. I
say hurried and complicated movements
ol the 'l‘t-xnns; uhy. from the time 0! our i
leaving Matamortw to our rt-nching this
place, the turn neither took o'tr mints.
boots, nor spurs; not an extra or second
bilil’! was rurricd hy uni: ot them; nod
although the weather was rniny much oi
the time. and [Wu twavy lltll’lilCtS viuitt‘d
us Miile cncumpcd, tht‘re wus not it min
ute at any time when any "Inn's plhltd ml
rifle would have missed tiro. or he would
not have been up and rcndy for on attuck.l
I hnve seen a goodly number of voluntoeus
in my time, but Capt. “I‘M McCullugh’fl
rm-n um Cillllth :lpt'cllttéllh'.
The 1;! U. S. Infantry, undercnmmantl
0! Dent. (fol. Wilson, ate stuttonmi lime,
and both nflicvra and men flt‘t‘ generally in
gum] health. The entrances to the Plum
Principal, where the suhlmrs ure quarter
ed, are fillotl wnh louse mum in auch a
way as to rt'tiiat an attack lrnm cavalry.
'tind no lt'nr'l M ”In Mexicans endrtivnring
to retake the place, at least wtth success,
are entertained.
A'steulnlmat us now In night. and the
womb-ling inhuhilnnts nre flocking" down
to the} i‘ivors' bunk m throngs, to see lu-r
C(Jlltt'.,ill. ' Mirn.’ nuru! lu steamboat !' is
on evcty tuugue m 9 they hi: onward. In
Stephen Austin’s time, before the 'l‘exnn
revolutinn. he made one high us
this in a small cralt prnpellctl by stcnm.
and prayed for [)crllliShitbli to use hiq we
9v! In the naxigntmn at the river; but as
the nrrirrm or muleleers thought it would
interfnu- with their calliugfihe authmitirfi
\vnuld nnt grant lzislrrquest. Not nII the
mulcteern in Mexw'cn, backed by all the
uuthnritivs. can INCVt'nl atmnnlumts [rum
nunning on the Ru) Grnmlc 3mm [his
hencelnrlh nud fun-var.
A lcllnw has just brought n verbal mos
stage [0 CO5. “'ilmp, lrnm n lomnle, Mu
requests that 'lwr name may never be men
finned, In the (-17“! Lhul‘ (70'. Juan St'guiv
in to attack lhe place lu-n‘ight with a nu
merous force. and that he will be assism
by a large number 0! the inhabitants
Snguin is a 'l'exun. 0f San Antonin do
“Mar. and although alwnvs we“ (rented
by lhnt government. turtle-«l lrullur. The
wnmun says that he will certainly attack
the place. and perhaps has sumu reason ;
yefluw believe he will make the ullvt‘mpl,
and none low the result. (i. W. K.
One Day 'LalLr/roml/u’ Jlrmy—n/lrnva
out of the Bu timorc Iblunleers—(l'un
firmalion q/‘l/zc ultaclc on ’l'anmiro
fllmicmzs fortifying Alon/trey, «W.
We have one day’s later inlelligcnce
lrotn lhe army, but we liml lmlc news at
sullicient Interest to record. We curly
the following lrum the Galveston News 0!
the 4th inst: -
There is a camp rumor that Parades is
at the head ot'50,()00 men in Monterrey.
(this is three times worse than putting hlni
at the head 0! 15.000,- of course everyhu.
dy will believe it!) lhnt his camp covers a
mile square, and Is inaccessible id mortal
(nun, being protected with 200 pieces of
heavy urtiilery; that they are there waiting
all :1!le with a determination to defend
themselves to the last.
An aflruy took place on the 29m ult..
between two 'l'cxan mnunwd men. in
which one by the name of W’nlker was
shot and immediulely killedfii’Wilh this
excvplion. good ouler generally prevails
in the camp.
It is stated that the brig Sumcrs'utlelnp
(ed recently lo cut out lwo Mulcuu
schoonera from the harbor of 'l'nmpicu, bu!
Iniled. .
Tho-New ()vlenns Bulletin lms recvived
a letter from nu nflicer on board the U. S.
schooner Flirt, nfl' BUY/.09 8!. Jam. June
191 b, which,“ says should have reached
on long since; nulwilllstnmling the delay
m ‘l5 urerJl. it contains Intelligence uf in
terest. ’
The Flirt nrrived ell" Vera Cruz on the
Bth, lrom Brazos St. Jago, with Purser
Watson, bearer of rlespatches for Commo
dore Conner. on board. At Vera Cruz
they louud the steamer Princeton and the
frigate Rnritnn, enforcing the blockade.—
The officers and crews of both vessels
were well, nml were dnily in egpectation
that the commodore would nr‘rive from
dttiun would be ordered up tho Alvarado.
to capture the Mexican vessels of war
moored there. Our correspondent speu‘ks
of the sailing qua‘ltties of the Princeton.
and says her crew, andthat of the Rari
tnn. nrereager foractive service. tle saw
a Mexican paper, dated June 14th, which
stated that .Prtr'edes whe marching at the
head of 9.000 men to meet General Thy;
lor, and that Aristn was under arrest,
charged with ‘d'tsgracefol conduct.’—-‘:
Great excitement prevailed at Vera Cruz."
Troops were being'brought lo constantly
lrotn the country to man ‘lh‘etcnetlc, and
they ware fust’l'nlling a prey to the yellow
ever. ' ,
V 0n the 16th the Flirtlelt Vera Cruz
wilh despn‘tches, and arrived of! 'l‘ampico
on the lHtlnfwhc-ro she found the sloop of
war St. Mary’s, and learned that an un-
succek‘sful attempt h'ml been [mute by some
houta from that veasel tn cut out a number
at Muican gun-bums. tying .ut the mouth
M the Pamuco, oppnsite 'l'xun‘fticu. , .
Ropurts lrmu Mnntt-rry attttc that lhnt
tow n uml the upprunchen to it un- living in
n cumplt-te suntan! «lottmm‘. and Hm! n
(‘nIIHtIIt-rnhle body of tho’MMicnn mmy ie’
staliouml thort'. '
It is understood that Gen. 'l'aylor will
advance at the earlies‘. moment that he
can t‘Hltthall a tlt’pol at Cninnrgo. which
he (lfldgnn to make the base ol opeintions
towards Monturey. A part of the Mean
g‘jin tactics in to prevent the supplwaol the
country, as far as” ptmfltlllr, from reaching
the American army. For this purpose it
in elated that Cunales and husband ol par
tisans have been engaged in driving'oll the
cattle. from all the surrounding country.
0! course. therefore, it will not answer
lornny forward mow-ment tn be made, ex
cept wilh abundant provision transports.
To the proposed depot at Cnmargo it is
designed to uw Meamhontn lor transportm
lion. Thence. however an immense num—
lwr of wagons will he rt'qulrt‘ll.
Much iliuuntiglncliun, it i“ unid. Oxifllt‘t
"mung lhe lix munth volunlcers. an ”1
rn‘ccipl M (In: older, than they hilnllill on
list tor lwrlw- monlhs or bi- disbanded.
'l‘he Moxirun army at Munlvn-y is us
pnrtod to [m in a (In-pluralilv condition. uni.
[crlng li'mn dist-mu- and hunger, nml tle
scrliunx nrcdmly bvcmmng mun- prev
>Tfll‘llluf‘l‘flll't Banner.
we I. It A u 1': In I. n. M. Jun 25‘ mm
._ ion’EmAi. «*<';.\ll{l'|~.<;l»Ln:m§.‘ '
\VILLIAM B. I“()S'l‘ER,jr.
Q/ Bradford mun/y.
'l'hu Helnhr‘rnnn Hmvrn ()lfilnurfiuld ('ounly urn
rr‘qm-wlml In lmld n (lvnurn .\_'4-unly MI-olvug. 11l
lllu umn” Imuw. on SATURDAY Hm 251bdny 01
July non. M (i u't‘lut k In Ihu nVPllillg. l-Ir Ilm pu'r
me-‘ul uppmnhng tun Dnrlvgnlnn In roprenenl our
wunlv m llw L'nngrcsumnul (‘unvcnllnn
“V order 0' Han
S'I‘AADING C()I\H\1l'l"l'l-‘.E
A “nmp Mvvlmg lnr lhu g'lvurliohl (‘irr'uir mll ht‘
ht-Inl nu Ih-I luml M Mr IV“ In AIHMH, m-ur (‘lvnr
fin-Id (Trunk Bruin-w In rummrnx-v nn H!“ I’th of
Angusl. 'llw Int-Mum ”Just lmynml MrfAdnm'u
house. in n snmll muanml In lhn Inf! of [ln-'l‘urm
911 m 1: hns llu‘ udvnmuuo a! bum: mu'enllhlo Imm
nlnmsl vw'rv qlmrlvr by gum] rumba. nnd lh'lll! qmm
uunvvnmnl lo m-u-rnl Sprung: n! wan-r. Mnmnuns
0! Im- ('hnn-ln. rumxns or mlxgiun. mu! lhe runmu,
uro [:(‘norully mmml wuuund.
@Afler many disappointments. we
have at length a pretty large supply of pa
per, and expect to issue lhe Bannnr regu
larly hereafter.
The (‘ounly Meeting.
W 0 med our boat ollhvls In [:01 out our pnpcr
unrlmr In onlor to give muro nxlonnlvo nulicn nf
no mculing Ihia nn-nmg Bur i: wns om ofuur
nwor.. \Vo ('nunu! vxpocl nl Unis Benton, any
[hing Mme largo moalmg. us our lnrmoru are all
very lmsily cnuugnd in looming (hail cropn. \Vo
lruu, huu'vvnr. Ilmx ull who (all. “I” attend. and
unilo wnlh Iheir brolhrpg in giving slmnglh and
wgur lo lhn nnlion ofthe Denim-ram- puny, in [bi
clonely Imlnn’ced (‘ongroumnul dulricl.
I! will be observed that lho DI-mncrntic Slandmg
Cummmeo have made [he mnmsnry nrrangomenlu
{or hulding lho prunuty olculium. 'l'ho syslem‘
lululy mlopml by |ho pnrly in this county for the
aaleclion of Iheu candidates. dwervm to be rare
fully cherished hy ovary donnorrm. 'l‘heru cnnnm
be nnylhing nnluir in il. All III.“ In nnccnnnry lo
Innlm Iho candida!“ Ihun nmninnlcd nrvepluhld lo
evnry lit-mnr‘ml. Is for Iho puny m ununimouuly u-
pnnilnlo to vote nl ihe primary olcclmna. If evury
mum-ml, or nearly every (mo nuondu thou- elm-
(Ink. Us opumliun will he pcrfeol, nnd nu mun
wilh Ihn lonul prcmnsmn ln domnc-rn('y.‘win lhlnk
of running us n volummr nllcr unblniflmg his
claims to Ihm In! ol‘ pnhlm npprubnlion
{W'ln n letter from Mr Buflinglnn. received you
enlny, lhul gnnllmndn «lulu: il nu hlnnlnnlon lhu
he 'l‘uanhiH' will pmm [ho Sunulo by mm or IWI
ol'n nmjorily. A: we: nlulod below, lhin billut
{unis n prolucliun of oxily 30 per rr-nl- a:l rulurmn
on iron. lha grout Impla of Pullmylvnnlu—whilrh
Iu cq'uivnlom m from Iwnlvo to lilleon dollar: per
lun. This id [OO low. It should have [won at
onutsixlcon Ol' sovenloon dollars per lam—um!
this cuuld have been uhlnined. if proper mennuros
hurl been taken. Our lnu! Legislature pen-ed rest»
lulinm rue-t positively forbidding our delegation in
Congrens to muddle mtli tho 'l‘nrifl 0(1849. They
were not allowed to vote {or it's nlterulinn in any
shape. They were completely‘ tied down. They
ceuhl make no compromise for the benefit 0! Penn.
nylvnnin ataples-nnnl there being a large majority
in favor of the new Tariff jvitliouflt _thqlglge mugt
Filmit (EKLfL-ufiiy‘wo can. "ml the Penn
uylvenin delegntmn been alluvved to, exorcwo their
judgment~hud they not been tied down to an un
cempromiuing opposition to any and every nllern-
lion 0! 11m preach! 'l'uniT, they might. and nn
doubt ouiild have a'ucurod a greater prolociiqualg
Pennsylvania inlorouts. ‘ The new law,” ndoploéj,
will most likoly‘be permanent, which will a! lean
ho ofaémo conscqugnco to tho producing inmost:
of tho counlry. ' Thin on}: changing syaiom of rov
cnuo him; in most fhlnl lo lhe prosparily of lhe nu
iion, and almost any kind of. duties, whether high
or low, for revenue 'or prmuclion, would bo prof
uruhlo. But let tho conaoqnnncou to Pennsylvania
{be what they niny. we look upon the' unfair poai~
lion in which our delegation were placed an lho
lruo ‘conso ofiL- The roaoluliom of lhe Pennsyl
vania Legislature. (panned unnnimdunly “i 0 believe)
has prevented o {nir' promotion to her loading in
3mm. . ' . ‘, 1v 3
M WH l .‘l' Y.
baring near 8 000 freeman. This does no! include
n very largo number of informal oll'uru Adding
nll lhe tender- of service: lngolher. formal and in
furmnl. and lhe grand lulnl is about 12,000 ln
his leucr In llm I’m-idem. Ilm Governor pay: lhe
following well delervod compliment lo his lolluw
rilizent:—-" In concluding lhi- report I cannot te
frnin from nxprening llno gruuficnliun ldenvc from
lhe pnlriminm and urdur u! the cinzer. uoldivrs o
my native Siam. who, romolc from the N‘Dllo uf nc
nun, hnvo relpondell to their cuunlry'n cull wilh so
much prumpliludu."
A 'l‘nAl'run.—-'l‘ho l‘ennaylvnninn nflho 521-! in~
slam. noun»: a rumor. which umn-urn In be well
foumlndthul N. I’. Willin. lho American pool. I- Ihu
regular Washington correspondent oflho London
Morning Chronicle 'l'hil wriler, any. lho l’unm
nylvaninn, In nnupuring in his übmm nflho Vice
President and uovnrul lending Damm-rulic Sonn
lurn. Now lhmm things may he lulernled With all
propriety In our nwn pnporn-hul wllnn n rilizun
nflhn Unilm! Slum» undnrmk-‘I In Irmhlce lhe l'hnn
ncler of our high {lnn-lmnnrmu in Urmuh JUIII’HIIIH,
for several duyi, filled as usual wnh knowledge
llml should be in tho pmseasion ofcvery democrat.
Among its rnnlonln lho {allowing are :1 row ofthe
most impurlnnl immu: '
Practical Annexation of England. An ably
written urliclo comparing the growth 0! England
wilh lhnt of lho United Slalom.
Modern: Arms and Arman.
lloxmrd': Special 'lerm Reports.
Origin qldozmmfirwmmp; * ' a '
Reason: w); y the alpect of Society in England and
the United Stately muatbe radncqlly and permanently
dijfcrent,-—_.-whlch than“ be road by every. republi
Brazilp This in the conclulion of an excellent
nkclch oflhul inlomating, but lilllo- known. purl of
CAPT. PAUL—Thin lamented omccr' dim] on lho’
4lh inst. ogljboarti n Igggmbonfifmm New Orl'enpn‘
n St; Luuiu: It will bovrocollcclod that ho gm hi
ndur jaw shot In way by n Cannon mill 'in one of
hu butllba on ,lho Rio Giando. Hm sufferings}
v mrßy moonlfiinrormqlion from.Wushingmn we
909:: to ,ro-entablinh’ ‘lyo pan :99“: beiwocn 1M;
and Karlhuus. ' , :. . . ‘
The anifl‘ Question:
'l‘horo in nu ovidonljny nmnifnslod by‘ Iho laud’
lug Whigs m the proapfn-lvol tho pneingopfllm now
’l'urifl‘lnll to who lho place of lho‘TariqußdL’.
Why In ”Us, Are they not the frinndu ol'u high
'l‘urltT’ um! iflho pfcuenl ’l'urilT in lnghor llmu Iho
new one, why do lhny rejoin: M the prosper! ol llfl
luau! Render. it In nnl lwcumw they " lovn Rnnm
much— bm (‘manr more." They would willing
uncrlfivo all the grenl Inwroata nflho country It by
no doing. lhcy mull prnvo lht,l Dnmor‘rnlit' pnrly
gullly M ulfidolny lo tho welfare of lhe gmol "10ml
of lhe peuplo
’l‘lu-nu man how nu aympnlhy {or lhmo uhu nrv
engaged in Iho industrial puluullu of lhe runnlry
'l‘lmy donvo nu comfort lrom lhe prmllu‘la of do
meme industry. Go into Ihmr houses. and you
have in vlmnbur nvnr lhe puliulml mnrhlu from
sunny Italy—call lho ucrvanl mil: :1 knucker from
the shops ol Monvlmsler ; und wilhin their IpnCIUIIB
holly you um unrruundml ml]: the pruducm of for
eigners. from Hm rollnr lo lhe gurrol. Dome-lic
industry hnq nu placo in their dumicils. II in not
mam} enough. Every Ihing üboul Ihem mun! wnnr
nfnrev'gu alpacl And u I. natural as lifo—lhmr
fouling: nml education nroforeign~~lhroign In our
Rupublinnn inalituliuma—foreign In our rnpuhlirnn
(‘qllullly.,filld lhmr doopml regrol uocnmlo be llm
lhoy cnnnul hum bwmhcnnd quinl upnn farmgv
And lhmxo am the men who Como out from our
mum- about ulm-liun tune- and prulo II) 111 nbou
domestic Industry. They lull us [but we mun—lmp
pun our «lummxm' manufacturers or Illa cuunlry
xvii-I‘M minml—lhnL. wn‘ must prmorl thorn by a
nu of twenty-ovum or thirty millmm ufdollnrl
nnnunlly. nr 'OO lhom perish This in no Manor.
nliull. 'l'lwro ilovidom‘o of jl avvrv when—[in
mom pxmit'ulnrly in‘llm larger lawns. 'l‘hnl nur
umnulm-mrmu Intnmslu not-cl prolt-rlion. all admit;
hul that lhnv Mo to ho proloclml in tho deltimnnl
u! ngrimlmm. cnmrnorco and tho mechanic nrlu, in
not so nnivu-nnlly cunvndml. H (how was nul so
much oping 11l {urnign nmnnarn nml ruslnmu among
uu, lhnm wunld ho low naed nf Inwn In pmlccl our
nnnufnclurvm. nml llm hon! pwluction “a can
give: lhmn II 10 buy {hair prmlucn in pmformmo lo
ho lormgn arlmlo
The Foreign News.
.Thr' nq-wu hrnughl by lhn Mnnmur (.‘umluin in
mmulemd ofmme impnrmnco. er Robert Po-ol
mung uuulml [lnc Oregon questinn “’llh lhe Uni~
ulSlnlun. Ilun raugnml bu 2 l'runiorulup. lognlhcr
will! u” h!“ I‘ollvngunn. and n nvw (-nluinpl formrll
nulnr Lord Jnhn leol un Primn Miuiuu-r. 'l‘hr
Corn Law bill has pushed inlo I] law. no Ihal our
high anllTndvm-ulon Inlh'l 15min! mmmshlru rlso
hnn In tho Urillnh In: prorrdonls to tho pron-rum
'l‘hv anlllomcnl of tho ()regnn quealinn it seem"
nvrnnhng In SI: Roberl I‘ocl'l inu-rprbmllon nflho
lrnnly, cocuroa lu lhom lho rlghl oi navignling tho
(Tulumbin river perpetually. inllcnd 0! I'm lwonly
ynnrs. u: it was under-loud in tho Unilud Slalom——
'l‘hn lmh Cuercmn Bill hllfl boon defenlad—which
In fluid In ho [ho main mum of Pucl'u resignation.
Governor Shuflk has nulifiml lhe I’m-Man! of lhe
rendinesu oflho l‘ohmylvnniu quulu of volunleoro
In; tho Mexican mm. The number called for Wu»
mx regiments. numbering about 3,600 man. The
Governor. Ihmugh Adjmnnl General Bowman. pub~
liolmu n lint of over one hundred companies. num-
u ulmuld ho hrnnded an n pullmnn and a [mum
y nvery pnlriul. But wavhupe. Mr llm hunuur 0|
c counlry, it may not he lrun
[‘hin excellent work for July has been belore us
0 World. ‘ . . ,
There are many other equally valuable article:
'l'lne olafilimi of n new Pare. contrary to all an
pacinliun, \vnn‘ofim-md without any difficulty—tho
conclave linving delilmrnlqd only forly-eighl hour!
The-choice fell upon Cnrdlnnl Mun: Fauna-n.
und' lnkoi the name of Pmn IX. Ila u only filly
yams ufn'gu, nml Is saiul Io ho learned, enlightened
and lilmml. and much good to tho condilion of lhe
Romnn Slates is exhumed nlhin hands.
The Dmnocrnlic Smnding Committee
0! Clemfiehl c'ounly met on Sulurdny eve-
Hing. Hm lBth-July. and appointed ‘lho
[allowing Cmnmim-oa M Vigil'nuce tor lhe
sevevul eloctum dlslgicts throughout lhe
Baccaria lo'wnslnp.-—Jacob Leonard.
H I! \Vrighl. .
lie/I. -—\Vm 'I 'l horp. Jan Elder. Jae
Boggs.—-Genrge Turner. J M'Shaw.
John 'l'lwmpson. ‘ ,
Brudford.—-VVm Hoovér.Jncob Pearce.
W K ergiy.
Brady‘ ——Benj Bonanll, Jacob Kunlze.
Andrew Pence. .‘
Burnside.—-'l'hos Cumppell, Jan Mc-
Murray, Jnhn‘Ynung.
ClwsL—S 1,. Tuzer. Jliea Tucker, Jae
Currev. ‘
(‘néinglon—lfrancie Coudriel. Mich
nol SchneH, Solomon Maurcr. V
I)em!nr.-—John Gearhnrl, Jan McClur—
rcn. “'1" Hughes, sen. H V'
- ['M'glwon.——Clnislinn Straw, Wm M’-
()rncken, jr., John llockenberry.
I'om—Juhn I Bumly.Jna anrhend
Gn'urtl.-—G B Smith. Ab’m Junfl'.
Cashew—A S Lennard, Jacob Flegn"
Lennard Bumznrner.
liu.vlon.--Philip llgvener, Israel Nich
0191. Dr \V ”dyi. "2) -
Jordon.—-—Ruherl Patterson. Fred’k \"
Shnrnmu. George Erhardt.
Krlrlhaus.-Danie| Moore. Geo Buch
er. Jno: Gunsallnn.
Lurwrcnca—Hugh Orr, Amos Reed,
sew. John Ilnll.
Morri:.-—Chrislian Emigh. \Vm Hun
ter. S C Thompson.
Penn—Thus Funlon. Richard Danver,
Samuul Juhnaon.
Pike.—G G Passmore, Thomas Bloom,
Salnuvl \Vay. ‘
U’nodward.——Chris!inn Shofl’. Reed A
loxnmlcr.,_Tlms Ilomleljgozl.
Borough.»- David Lil'l.. C Pollarfl, “’
J Ilemphlll.
On motion. it was; Resolved. That Sat
urday me 29m dnv M August. next. be-
tween lhe hours 019.8; 8 o’clock. p. M., hr.
and is hereby appointed as the day for
hulding (he Primary Elections in tho new
and Medium tlistricrn in (his countv.
Resolved. That (he Commiilwcs'ol VIK-
ilnnee be requested to give. timely written
and verbal tmtice tn the democratic vot
ers of their respective :owuships. of the
time and place oftiultling said elected. and
to ntlopt sut‘h other measures as thev may
deem best calculated to secure the fullest
and fairest expresnio'i til the Wish of the
party. '
On motion. the above proceedings. to
gether with lhe following address. were
orderml to be published:
'l‘o tlne‘Democrntic Party of
Cloarficld county:
Fol/0w C:lizens:—-ln submitting the
foregoing proceedings to tho public, the
Committee embrace the opportunity of ac
company them with a few oblervatlons
explanatory of the New System of nomin
ating candidates for office. The wish of
the Democratic party of this county, as ex-
pressed in two successive county meetings,
was decidedly in favor of the adoptton of
the system now practiced in Crawford
county. That system we believe is prse~
ticed as follows :
' 1. Candidates. who expect to be elec
ted by democrats, ofler themselves public
ly as candidates for the respective Offices.
2. 0n the appointed day [Saturday the
29d) August,] the democratic voters assem
ble at the house used for holding the Gen
eral and't'ownship elections. and vote with
written or printed tickets for the candi—
dates of their choice as they do at other e
lections. None but members of the dem
ocratic party are allowed to vote. ‘
’. 3. The Election Board is composed'ofia
Judge and a Clerk. who shall certify to the
return of their election. end one or the oth
ercf them'coovey said return to theCoun-
Iy Convention. ' 4 ‘
4. The..yCounly Convention is composed
'of a Relum Judge from each diolficL-who.
upon asselunbling together ahall Olgnnize
in the same manner as ihe Convention 0!
Reiumeudgea' "of‘lhu " Generat"’aleclion’:
They shall then oounl the votes and make
outs true return of the result at ouch elec
tion in each .iow'nshiii‘f The candidates
having the highest number of votes are to
be considered us the nominees ofthe par
‘Y- . . ‘ - ~
5. The Relum Judges am to meet in
he court bemoan the following Tuesday
6.. In case of a lie vole between any two
or more cundidales, then‘ the Return Judg:
as are to decide between “new. . "
The foregoing-plan, it Is believadf'i"
fullyénd effectually aliswar the deéuréd
'purpoag‘b-a full _qp’d fair exp éggion 0! W 3
choice bfca m’ajomymf the mg. The
only chance for tho oxercia- cf corruption